If you have a credit card/ debit card, then you can buy our herbal products directly from our website https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/. The order will be processed directly and shipped to your address.
You can also pay directly through PayPal id to purchase our herbal products. Our PayPal ID of Vaidya Karanvir Singh https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/chandigarhayurved/. After payment, kindly share the payment screenshot and address on our What’s App number 9779342231. Our team will process your order quickly to deliver you medicines without wastage of time
First method: You can purchase your required medicines directly from our website https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/. Just follow some simple steps as mentioned below:
Step 1: Open the website https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/.
Step 2: Search the herbal products you want to purchase.
Step 3: In search results, open the product page by clicking it.
Step 4: On the product page, click on Add to Cart button and make sure to select the number of bottles required.
Step 5: In your cart, you will get the list of products and prices.
Step 6: Click on Proceed To Checkout button and fill in your details including your name, address, pin code, phone number, email address.
Step 7: Select your payment method and done the payment.
After that, our team will process your order and you will receive medicines within 4-5 days or as per your location.
Second method: In this method, you have to call or WhatsApp us on 9779342231 about your required herbal products. Our customer care executive will send you the overall costing of the medicines including shipping charges.
- Once you’ve done the payment, share a screenshot and address details with our customer care executive. After payment confirmation, our team will process your order and you will receive medicines within 4-5 days or as per your location.
- You can deposit cash/ transfer funds online through neft or drop your cheque/ draft in the following A/c of Chandigarh Ayurved centre
- Chandigarh Ayurved Centre
- A/c No. 181305500240
- Branch Address:
- ICICI Bank Ltd.
- SCO 70-71, Sec 32 C, Chandigarh
- Branch Code – 1813
- IFSC Code – ICIC 0001813
- Pay tm Number :- 9780000837
You can Simply buy products and do payment via Paytm Wallet
- Bharat Pe:- 9780000837
- PayU Money link: https://pmny.in/orK6KwxbpzMf