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S. No. Products Quantity
1 Detox Premium Powder 60 Sachets
2 Nerve Up Tablets 60 Tablets
3 Pain O Kill Tablets 60 Tablets
4 Pain O Kill Oil 2 bottles
5 Active Plus Tablet 60 Tablets
6 Vata Balance Tablets 60 tablets


Fibromyalgia is a disease in which there occurs pain in joints and muscles throughout the body. A person feels tired throughout the day and starts developing memory problems also. The symptoms of fibromyalgia come and go in episodes known as flare ups. There has not been found any exact cause of fibromyalgia but it mostly occurs after any physical trauma, stress or any other medical condition.

In fibromyalgia, painful sensations of the body get amplified by the brain and spinal cord. Not so painful signals are experienced by a person in increased intensity. The permanent cure to the disease has not been found but certain medications can help in managing symptoms of the disease. However, healthy diet, regular physical exercise and yoga are found to be very beneficial in reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are:

  • Pain in muscle
  • Tenderness
  • Feeling tired
  • Pain in face and jaw
  • Migraine
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Difficulty in bladder control


In Ayurveda, fibromyalgia occurs because of the aggravation of the vata dosha. The digestive fire of body decreases leading to accumulation of toxins or ama in body. It comes under the category of vatavyadhi. There occurs pain, stiffness, loss of movement, etc. With healthy diet and regular physical exercise, the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be managed. The different ayurvedic herbs help in pacification of vata dosha and removes toxins from the body.


1. Detox premium powder:

This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.

Parwal Shukti – Parwal Shukti is very beneficial in the condition of headache, depression, temporomandibular joint disorder, tensions, irritable bowel syndrome etc. It also reduces the stiffness and boosts the immune system.

Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this pishti.

Giloy Satva: Giloy satva helps in detoxification of body that removes all the toxins. It is best anti-inflammatory and blood purifier. This satva act as a strong antacid that deals with hyperacidity and all the gastric problems.

Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.

Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.

Akik Pishti: It act as a Cardiac tonic reduces the stress and improve the health. Also helps in reducing the inflammation by acting on body mechanism. Akik is also beneficial for preventing the acidity and neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.

Yavakshara: It gives best result in chronic pain, nausea, muscle spasm, and nerve pain. Yavakshara also influences the areas of the brain associated with memory and co-ordination. Regular use of this sachet will help to improve the mental health.

Jahar Mohar : Jahar mohar is frequently used for managing the high blood pressure. It has different properties like, Antidiarrheal, Antiemetic, Antacid, and Digestive stimulant.

Recommended Dosage–Take 1 sachet twice a day with normal water.

2. Active Plus Tablet:

active plus Tablet is a pure herbo-mineral formulation prepared from best quality of herbs. This tablet is best for person mental and physical health, also helps to boost up the immunity. The herbal ingredients present in these tablets are used to maintain person’s health and refreshes the mind and body. These tablets improves digestion, eliminates constipation, stress, nourishes brain,  acts as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, etc.

Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.

3. Pain-O-Kill Oil:

This herbal oil contain ingredients like – Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Kustha (Saussurea lappa), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Vatsnabh (Aconitum ferox), Devdaru (Cedrus deodara) etc. This oil is an Ayurvedic medicine which gives best result in all types of pain. It is beneficial for the muscle relaxant, sports injury, low back pain, weakness, etc. This oil has a good result in reducing the inflammation.

Method of Usage – It is applied on the affected portion of the body and massage with light pressure. Do this procedure twice a day.

4. Pain-O-kill Tablets

As the name suggests these tablets will kill the pain naturally. The herbs present in the formation of these tablets are Ashwagandha, Hadjod, Punarnava, Nirgundi, Methi, Garlic, etc. These herbs in combination show antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. The regular use of these tablets reduce body pain and acts on its root cause.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.

5. Nerve up tablet:

Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata dosha and reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti etc. This tablet helps in the symptoms related to Allergy, ankylosis spondylitis, provide relief from muscle pain.

Recommended Dosage –  Take 1 tablet twice daily.

6. Vata Tablet

Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution, it is an excellent formula for the Vata season, which in most parts of the world is autumn and early winter.

Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.


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