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Essentials For Women Health

Essentials For Women Health

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This price is for 1 month medicine. Even you can buy 15 days as per your convenience

1. Asthi Shakti Tablet 60 tablets
2. Makar Rasayan Tablet 60 Tablets
3. Triphla Syrup 2 bottles
4. Women Power Plus 60 tablet
5. Femine Care Tablet 60 Tablets

Free Ayurvedic Consultation

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100 % Pure Ayurvedic

No Side-Effects


Physical and mental health issues in women are often referred to as Women’s health. Women’s health is frequently described in terms of the safety and health of younger females reproductive system as well as in terms of diseases affecting those systems.  In today’s era many females face lots of health issues such as Hormones irregularity, infertility etc because of :

  • Bad eating habits
  • Sedentary life style
  • Stress


  • Mental health
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer
  • Sexual and reproductive health problems
  • Depression


In addition to treating illness, Ayurveda strives to maintain physical and mental well-being. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of the three doshas-Vata, Pitta and Kapha causes the majority of diseases. These three doshas get vitiated, which in turn contaminate other Dhatus (bodily components) and cause ailments to manifest.

Ayurveda helps to re-establish and maintain Vata, pitta and kapha balance in the body. The Chandigarh Ayurved Centre’s ” Essential For Women Health Kit” is purely herbal and Ayurvedic preparation. These medications not only balance the three doshas but also treat associated symptoms. These drugs also improve immunity while rejuvenating bodily tissues and reversing the negative effects of stress on the body’s cells. The kit includes :

  • Asthi Shakti Tablet
  • Makar Rasayan Tablet
  • Triphla Syrup
  • Women Power Plus
  • Femine Care Tablet

1. Asthi Shakti Tablet:

Asthi shakti of CAC is a blend of amazing herbs with therapeutic benefits. Bones are most rigid organs of body which constituent part of endoskeleton. The main function of bones is to protect various organs of body. The structure of bone is complex both internally and externally. Bones give right shape and support to your body, also help in locomotion. To have strong bones one should prevent bone loss in older age. To get strong bones one need calcium, vitamin D and exercise too.

Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.

2. Triphla Syrup:

Triphala Syrup ancient herbal remedy contains equal parts of three herbs like T. Chebula, T.bellirica rox, and E. officinalis. These ingredients are very beneficial for digestive system, maintain bowel wellness, helps in abdominal bloating, and flatulence. Triphala Syrup is tridosha hara. It is used to detoxify the body and support the immune system. It is known for its antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral abilities. It is prescribed for treating fatigue and gastric distress, pneumonia, constipation, vaginal infections, and piles.

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablespoon daily.

3. Femine care tablet:

It is a pure and natural remedy that contains various herbs extract that works on the female reproductive system and make it healthy. These tablets show antioxidant properties, anti inflammatory and immuno modulater properties. It contains Ghritkumari , Muramakki, Sonth. It works in various diseases like pcod, bulky uterus, endometriosis, general female health, irregular menses, and uterine fibroids. It affects on Tridosha- balances Vata and Kapha.

DOSE – 1-2 tablets two times a day or as directed by physician.

4. Women Power Plus Tablet:

CAC woman power tablet is a complete health supplement for women which is best for female health and vital energy. It helps to build up the immunity. This is a pure herbo mineral product of the best quality herbs. The herbs used are Ashoka, Shatavari, anatmool, etc. These are herbs used since ancient times to maintain female health metabolism.

DOSE – Take 2 tablet twice a day or as directed by physician.


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