- April 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a natural process that starts from early adulthood and graudlly becoming older.
This term especially refers to the “Humans”, Fungi and other animals
Biologically immortal– The cell or organism which is not experiencing the process of aging, or may ceases to age at some point is known to be biologically immortal.
Examples- Bacteria, perennial herbs, some simple animals, the jellyfish Turritopsis dohrni etc.
Life is too short, let’s live it although time may seem too long.
It is noted that out of the 10,000 lives only one person lives beyond their 10th decade.
The First Decade (0 to 9 yrs of age) i.e. Age of dependency- In this decade the mothers used to feed you and maintains the hygiene like cleaning, bathing. It is the learning decade in which you learn to walk and talk. Also, Education. Process starts.
Second Decade (10 to 19yrs of Age) – Discovery of sexuality- In this decade Raging hormones awake leading to awareness of the opposite sex. Logical thinking begin to develop.
Third Decade (20 to 29yrs of age) – Early adulthood. In this Decade you feel independent. The person finds a comfortable niche within society with our first real job and finding your partner and family responsibilities.
Fourth Decade (30 to 39yrs of age) – The prime of life. By this decade you figured out how the work in world is done. You become more responsible and knows your wants. The individual raises their children and used to plan for future.
Fifth Decade (40 to 49yrs of age) – Middle age. During this decade the person don’t feel old and may have a mid-life crisis that forces to evaluate the life and try to make it more better, but it is not easy to change because you have to live within the constraints of your work, family structure, and respective social environment.
Sixth Decade (50 to 59yrs of age) – Age of biological decline. In this decade the person becomes aware of wrinkles, graying of hair, pain related to Arthritis, Menopausal stage and decreased libido. The person listen more carefully to advertisements about age related disorders and needs glasses for reading.
Seventh Decade (60 to 69yrs of age) – Retirement age. The person becomes eligible for Medicare in this decade. If you are lucky and have well planned you can start travelling and stop working or doing engaging yourself in Social service. If you have not saved enough to afford retiring then you have to continue working. If the person’s health is not so good then medicines for diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
is added to their daily life.
Eight Decade (70 to 79yrs of age) – Age of decreased mobility- In this decade, the little pains of 20 years ago is increased so that now they impede what were normal activities. More frequent visit to doctors. The person may need a stick to walk, Hernia surgery, or cataract surgery. At this stage the age spots are harder to cover. The Friend circle starts to shrink due to the death factor. There are chances of Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.
Ninth Decade (80 to 89yrs of age) – Age of assisted living- In this decade, even if the person can still take care of themselves, She/he may need somebody to help for various purposes like cleaning of house, shopping or preparation for their food.
Health problems become more severe. Person can become incontinent and have to wear the adult diapers. Only some people lives- beyond this decade.
Tenth Decade (90 to 99yrs of age) – Pre-centenarian. Congratulations! if you have made this far, it means that you have good genes, fewer or less severe health problems than the average person, and good family support. If you are still active, you may live to be a centenarian. The life expectancy at age 90 is 3.8 years, and by age 99 the life expectancy drops to 2.1 years. Every day may be a struggle for life. There can be digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, mobility problems, or immune system problems on any given day.
How does it affect your Physiology?
Several Physiological changes occur in the body in the growing process in all organ systems.
Heart- The cardiac output decreases, blood pressure increases and arteriosclerosis develops.
Lungs- An impaired gas exchange is observed, a decrease in vital capacity and slower expiratory flow rates.
Kidney- The creatinine clearance decreases with age although the serum creatinine level remains relatively constant due to a proportionate age-related decrease in creatinine production.
Gastro- intestinal tract- Functional changes, largely related to altered motility patterns, occur in the gastrointestinal system with senescence, and atrophic gastritis and altered hepatic drug metabolism are common in the elderly.
Blood glucose- Progressive elevation occurs with age on a multifactorial basis and osteoporosis is frequently seen due to a linear decline in bone mass after the fourth decade.
Skin- The skin atrophies is noticed in the epidermis with age and due to changes in collagen and elastin the skin loses its tone and elasticity. Lean body mass declines with ag’e and this is primarily due to loss and atrophy of muscle cells. Degenerative changes occur in many joints and this, combined with the loss of muscle mass, inhibits elderly patients locomotion. These changes with age have important practical implications for the clinical management of elderly patients: metabolism is altered, changes in response to commonly used drugs make different drug dosages necessary and there is need for rational preventive programs of diet and exercise in an effort to delay or reverse some of these changes.
By looking at the present Scenario, the premature aging has become a Prime Problem despite of the other diseases.
It is affecting individual till an extent in this beauty focused world.
Signs and symptoms-
- Sun spots other names- Age spots or Liver spots- Hyperpigmented spots that may develop on your face, backside of hands or in forearms.
- Gaunt hands- it caused due to thinning opf top layer of skin and contains very less amount of structuring proteins i.e. collagen that give your skin its shape.
- Itching and Dryness of skin- increase in frequency of Xerosis cutis or itchy and dry skin. You may notice it around the age of 40years.
- Hair loss- 40% of women over the age of 60 experience hair loss and 50% of men over the age of 50 experience hair loss.
- Greying of hair and baldness
- Fine lines
- Wrinkles
- Dull complexion
Anti-aging – Slowing or reversing the Process of aging.
Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre have designed some products and medicines in order to prevent the appearance of getting older.
We are providing the ‘Anti – Aging Kit’ which is made up of Pure Natural herbs and medicines will help you to reduce the premature signs and symptoms of aging by acting at the cellular level and regenerating the body cells.
This kit includes the following-
- Detox Premium Powder
- Mango Face Cream
- Amla capsules
- Walnut Face Scrub
- Active plus Tablet
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.