- April 27, 2024
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Scientific Name – Ananas comosus
Family – Bromeliaceae
- Pineapples are sweet , sour and heating.
- They pacify vata and are fine in moderation for kapha.
- In Ayurveda pineapples are appreciated for its anti-oxidant , anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous qualities.
Medicinal Properties of Pineapple According to Ayurveda
- Taste (Rasa) = Madura , alma
- Guna (qualities) = Guru (heavy) , snigdha (slimy in nature)
- Vipaka – Madhura (undergoes sweet taste after digestion)
- Veerya (Potency) =Sheeta (cold)
- Karma (Actions) = Vatapitta shamaka (reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha)
- Part used – Fruit
- Fruit juice 25 to 50 ml
- Consumed Pineapple fresh or in the form of Juice , jam , squash and syrup.
- Pineapple is a tropical and nutritious fruit.
- Pineapple is a source of vitamins and minerals including:
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B-6
- Potassium
- Antioxidants
- Beta-carotene
- Folate
- It helps in relieves constipation , renal caculi , UTI , PMS , menstrual cramps , abdominal ache , intestinal worms , jaundice , fever , anorexia , indigestion.
- Pineapple contain a special enzyme called bromelain which helps reduce mucus buildup in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities
- It helps reduce blood pressure and maintain heart health due to presence of ample potasium in it.
- It helps improve immunity due to the presence of antioxidants and vitamins , minerals and enzymes that improves immunity , reduces inflammation
- Its have high vitamin C helps create and maintain collagen which is responsible for good skin and hair.
- It’s good for digestion , diabetes , cholesterol , heart disease.
- The high sugar content of pineapple juice may increase the chances of diabetes.
- Drinking large quantities of pineapple juice may cause soreness in the mouth and food pipe.
- The unripe fruit might be poisonous it may cause throat irritation due to the presence of acid in the fruit.
- High level of citric acid cause stomach upset when consumed on an empty stomach.
- The acid in pineapple cause corrosion of tooth enamel and the gums.
- For indigestion , nausea and diarrhea : drink 1 cup of sweet pineapple juice with a pinch of ginger , black pepper and 1/2 tsp of organic sugar .
- For abdominal distension drink 1 cup of pineapple juice with a pinch of ajwain.
- To stimulate digestive enzymes and appetite about 1.5hrs after a meal , sip on a glass of pineapple juice with a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of rocksalt.
- Pineapple juice is a natural laxative and treat constipation.
- To relieve burning urination take 1 glass of pineapple juice with 1/2 tsp natural sugar.

Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.
Article by Dr. Karanvir Singh (M.D in AYURVEDA, PANCHAKARMA FAGE) and reviewed by Vaidya Jagjit Singh (B.A.M.S)