- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Introduction of Patha
Patha Plant is a plant that you have often seen in the bushes on the side of roads or fields, but never pay attention to it due to lack of knowledge. Patha is a medicine that is used to cure diseases
Where Patha is Patha Plant Found or Grown?
There is a lot of mention of cyclea peltata in Ayurvedic texts. It is also called the herd of midwives because it is very beneficial in many types of female diseases. People in rural areas know about Patha and use it in some diseases, but hardly anyone knows it in urban areas.
What is Patha?
Patha is a plant from the Ascending Latha caste. It climbs with the help of trees or spreads on the ground. It keeps creeping on the vine and its vine is full of leaves. Its vines are linear, thin and hairy. Its leaves are like Giloy leaves and fragrant. Its leaves are light and round, flowers are small and white and fruits are small like makoy. Fruit color is red.
The Cyclea peltata is bitter and pungent in taste. It is digested quickly but is hot for the stomach. It contains a lot of fiber. It calms Kapha and Vata.
There are two types of Patha –
Small and big.
The properties are similar to both. Apart from this, there are two other species of Patha which are used in Ayurveda, which are: –
- Stephania glabra (Roxb.)
- Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson
Patha Called in Different Languages in many languages
In Sanskrit, it is said that there is no herb that cannot be used as a medicine. Similarly, Patha is also a very good medicine. The botanical meaning of the text is the Latin name Cisampelos pareira Linn. And Syn-Cissampelos argentea Kunth. is. Its botanical name in South India is Cyclia peltata , Cyclea Peltata. It is the plant of Menispermaceae clan. Its names in English and various Indian languages are as follows: –
Patha in –
- Hindi – Patha, Patha, Padha, Pathi, Padhi, Purine Padhi, Akanadi
- English – Velvet leaf (Ice vine), Ice wine (Pareira), False pareira brava
- Sanskrit – Pilufala, Ambasthaki, Patha, Viddhakarni, Sthasti, Shreyasi, Papicheli, Prachina, Ashmusuta, Rasa, Papahelika, Tiktapushpa, Shishira, Vriki, Circumcision, Vatika, Susthira, Pratapini, Malati, Trisira, Veera
- Garhwali – Pahari
- Oriya – Kanbindh, Patha
- Kannada – Padvali, Pahadvel
- Gujarati – Venivel, Karodhiyu
- Telugu – Pata, Visaboddi
- Tamil – Appatta, Vata tiruppi
- Bengali – Akanadi, Nimuka
- Nepali – Patha
- Punjabi – Patha
- Marathi – Paharvel, Paharvel
- Malayalam – Katuvalli, Padha
What is Patha (Cyclia peltata) used for?
Cyclia peltata can be digested easily, although it is warm for the stomach. Therefore, it should be avoided to consume it in excess. It contains a lot of fiber. It can prove to be more beneficial in the treatment of Kapha and Vata. Apart from this, Patha can be used in the following health conditions.
- To eliminate the effect of the venom of an insect sting
- To heal wounds
- To connect broken bones
- To increase blood in the body
- To increase the amount of milk in the new mother’s breasts during breastfeeding
- To cure fever
- For the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting
- For the treatment of problems related to urination
- To reduce the risk of diabetes
- To correct liver disturbances
- For the treatment of jaundice
- To relieve stomach gas
- To overcome the problem of reduced appetite
- To relieve joint pain
- For the treatment of cough
- To remove kidney inflammation due to stones
- To overcome the problem of repeated miscarriages
Because of its various medicinal properties, it can be used to treat the health conditions mentioned above, as a result of which you can use the leaves, roots, branches, fruits, and roots of Cyclia peltata. However, for the treatment of any kind of health condition or its use in any form, you may need to get proper advice from your doctor.
How does Patha (Cyclia peltata) work?
According to recent research studies, Cyclia peltata has antiviral properties that can prove to be very helpful in eradicating the dengue virus from the body. Additionally, anti-inflammatory properties are also found in Patha, which can overcome the problem of inflammation in the body. In addition, its antiseptic properties can help heal wounds quickly.
The following medicinal properties can be found in Patha, including:
Berberine is found predominantly in its alkaloids compound which can act as a hypotension, antifungal and anti-microbial.
Medicinal Properties of Chota Patha
- Hayatin
- Hayatinin
- Menismine
- Methalonic acid
- Cissamine
- Cycleanine
- Bebeerine
- Hayatidin
- Quercitol
- Medicinal Properties of Bada Patha
- Propylamine
- Cyclea Mine
- Chondocurine
- Magnoflorine Uses
How safe is it to use Patha (Cyclia peltata)?
Using leaves, fruits, roots or its powder can be considered beneficial in a medicinal form. However, you should always consume it only on your doctor’s instructions. Its effect is hot, so you should avoid its overdose. Take only the dose as directed by your doctor.
Side effects
According to most studies, it may be completely safe to take Pada as a medicine. By the way, there are no cases of serious side effects from this, even if found, there are very few. However, excessive intake can cause stomach or chest irritation.
If you notice any symptoms of side effects from its intake, immediately stop taking it and contact your doctor.
What is the correct dose to take Patha (Cyclia peltata)?
You can use Patha in various forms. Its amount can be determined by your doctor based on your health condition, age and gender. Please contact your doctor for more information about this.
The maximum dosage of daily intake can be:
- Powder of Patha – 1 to 3 grams
- Patha’s decoction – 10 to 20 ml
In what forms is it available?
You can use the following forms of Cyclea Peltata:
- Patha oil
- Powder
- Patha leaves, which can also be used as vegetable, chutney and decoction, as well as powder of its leaves can also be used.
- Root of patha
- Patha pills
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.