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Stasis dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease that occurs on the legs .
It is usually occur when Venous insufficiency happens when the valves in leg veins that help push blood back to the heart weaken and leak fluid.
Venous insufficiency can be occur with the increasing age, but it can also signal a serious medical condition, such as kidney or heart disease.
- stasis eczema
- varicose eczema
- congestion eczema
- gravitational dermatitis or eczema
Stasis dermatitis may affect the lower legs or feet on one or both sides.
Other symptoms of stasis dermatitis include:
- The skin around or above your ankles looks reddish,yellowish or brown in color.
- itching
- scaling
- dryness
- after long periods of sitting or standing feeling achy
- increased risk of developing contact dermatitis.
- Stasis dermatitis tends to develop in people with conditions that cause poor blood circulation in the legs, such as chronic venous insufficiency.
- Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the valves in the leg veins do not work correctly. Its a result of the improper function of valves, blood can flow backward direction and pool in the lower legs.
- This pooling blood causes increased pressure and swelling in the veins, which can lead to the symptoms of stasis dermatitis.
- Other conditions that can affect blood flow in the legs and feet and lead to stasis dermatitis include:
- DVT, which is a blood clot in the lower leg
- varicose veins, or enlarged and swollen veins injury to the lower leg.
- any surgery that affects the veins in the lower leg congestive heart failure
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Cellulitis
- Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
- Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis (Nummular Eczema)
- Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
- Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis
- Tinea Pedis
Several known factors can increase a person’s risk of developing stasis dermatitis, including:
- being female
- being over 50 years old
- being overweight or obese
- having any condition that affects blood circulation
- having high blood pressure
- having kidney disease
- giving birth
- standing or sitting for extended periods
- getting insufficient exercise.
A doctor will diagnose stasis dermatitis by asking patient medical history.
- problems with the heart or circulation
- blood clots
- surgeries
- injuries to the lower legs
- By Doppler ultrasound, which is a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to check the blood flow through blood vessels.
- Additional tests that check for heart function, blood pressure, and allergies may also be necessary
Without treatment, stasis dermatitis can be more dangers and lead to complications that include:
- chronic leg ulcers
- leg wounds that fail to heal
- In cellulitis deep layer of skin get infected.
- infection of the bone, known as osteomyelitis
Stasis dermatitis is not always preventable. Following lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of stasis dermatitis:-
- reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
- getting enough exercise
- Always elevate the leg above the heart in sitting position.
- limiting sodium consumption
- Skin care: Patients should softly wash their legs daily with mild nonsoap cleansers to remove any scale, bacteria .
- It is important that they avoid the use of any products that irritate their skin.
- Emollients: Petroleum-based products such as white petroleum jelly should be applied multiple times a day. It give relief in infected skin.
- Wet dressings: These can help remove crusts & exudate, and reduce pruritus. They can be applied using tap water, saline, or a diluted anti-infective solution (zinc and copper sulfate solution, acetic acid, potassium permanganate, or aluminum acetate). This solution should be applied to gauze, placed directly on the affected areas, and then covered with dry cotton. This can be done 2-3 times a day.
- Compression Stockings: To improve circulation and relieve swelling.
- Elevation: Recommend that your patient elevate their feet above their heart for 15 minutes every two hours.
Stasis dermatitis is a long-term condition and treatment is focused on managing symptoms.
- Use leafy vegetables and fruits
- Use probiotics it may help in boost your immunity.
- strawberries, blueberries help in strengthen connective tissue to calm your skin.
- Avoid dairy products.
- Use food that are low in salt to help decrease swelling in your legs.
- Vit. C and rutin help to keep blood vessels flexible and healthy.
- Avoid eggs, citrus fruit, tomato,wheat
- According to ayurveda in this disease vata,Pitta,Rakta and mamsa involved.
- Treatment based on principle that chronic diseases require some form of Shodhana (systemic purification)
- In this condition, Vrana and vata rakta line of treatment should be followed.
- In virechana karma to remove vitiated Pitta and Rakta Dosha and Vata Anulomana (Passage of flatus) and detoxify the body.
- Siravyadh is the treatment in which cleaning of the impured blood.
- Virechana along with, Shamana aushadhi and Rakta mokshan help to detoxify the body and blood and also cure the ulcer.
- In the course of treatment deepana and pachana dravyas should administered for the correction of agni (Digestive fire).
- For snehpana Maha Tiktaka Gritha used. It is indicated in Pitta vikara, vrana and Twak vikara.
- The accumulation of vitiated Rakta (blood) and vata in Siras (veins) leads to dilation and tortuous veins.
- Siravyadham brings down the local Shotha (swelling) and congestion.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
- It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.