- Plenty of fruit and vegetables.
- Plenty of starchy carbohydrates. It include bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, chapattis.
- Some milk and dairy products.
- Some protein foods: meat, fish, eggs and alternatives such as beans and pulses.
- Limited amounts of foods high in and sugars. Limit saturated fat that is found in animal products such as butter, ghee, cheese, meat, cakes, biscuits and pastries. It is replaced by these with unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils such as sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.
- Drink plenty of fluid – at least two litres daily, such as water or herbal teas.
IBS HOME REMEDIES:- Many home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome:-
1.)Take a high amount of fiber .Fiber can be a mixed blessing. It helps to reduce a constipation.
2.) Ginger plays an important role in traditional healing in cultures around the world. It is a one of the most commonly used natural home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. It eradicate gas and bloating. Ginger also decrease swelling in the intestines and helps relax the muscles of intestine.
3.)Drink plenty of water:- Try to drink plenty of fluids every day. Water is best. Some beverages that activate your intestines and can lead diarrhea worse, and carbonated drinks can make gas.
4.) Exercise regularly: – Exercise helps relieve depression and stress, stimulates normal contractions of your intestines, and can help you feel better about yourself.
5.) Eat at regularly times: – Always try to eat about the same time each and every day to help regulate bowel function. Don’t quit the meal. When you eat at regular time then your digestive system also works properly.
Read Also: How To Deal with IBS Symptoms Naturally?
AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR IBS:- Ayurvedic treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome involves maintaining aggravated body doshas, restoring the function of the digestive system, and removing collected toxins. An important line of treatment consists of lifestyle advise and herbs to relax the mind and nervous system.
Ayurveda said it is best to treat the root cause rather than the symptoms of disease. A complete ayurvedic detoxification procedure (panchakarma) is necessary for removing toxins from the body and nourishing colon health. Panchakarma treatment for IBS indicated medicated enema (vasti), which is a colon cleansing therapy. In this therapy enemas provide herbal cleansing and nourishment directly into the intestine and colon, . In ayurvedic enema, a cleansing and detoxification of the colon.
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Panchakarma for IBS will also include:
- Abhyanga (ayurvedic therapeutic massage)
- Shirodhara (warm oil treatment on forehead)
- Chakra basti (warm oil treatment around the navel and associated marma points)
Medicines for IBS should have following qualities:
- Deepana – It improve your digestive fire and reduce bloating.
- Pachana – to promote digestion
- Sangrahi – intestinal restorative property which improve the absorption capacity of the intestines.
Some other ayurvedic medications used in IBS is:-
1.)CAC Pittasekhar rasa
2.)CAC Panchskar churna
3.)CAC Detox standard powder
4.)CAC Kutaj ghanvati
5.)CAC Puran Pachak
6.)CAC Digestion Care Tablet
7.)CAC Sheet Dhara
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME TREATMENT:- Some recommend medicine to relieve your IBS symptoms.
To treat IBS with diarrhea ,medication used is:-
- loperamide
- rifaximin (Xifaxan) an antibiotic
- eluxadoline (Viberzi)
- alosetron (Lotronex)
Read Also: What Is IBS-C And How to Treat It?
To treat IBS with constipation, medication used in this:-
- fiber supplements
- laxatives
- lubiprostone (Amitiza)
- linaclotide (Linzess)
- plecanatide (Trulance)
Some medicines may help treat pain in your abdomen, like:-
- antispasmodics
- antidepressants
- coated peppermint oil capsules
You should follow doctor’s instructions when you use medicine for IBS. Also change your lifestyle or diet.
PROBIOTICS:- Doctors also recommend probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms most often bacteria, that are similar to microorganisms .Probiotics can help prevent or treat diarrhea caused by infections or antibiotics.
1.)Abdominal pain or cramps
3.)Bowel movements become abnormal
4.)Diarrhea, constipation or alternating between the two.
5.)Excess gas.
6.)Mucus in your poop (may look whitish)
9.)Loss of apatite
10.)Weight loss
CAUSES OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME:- The precise cause of IBS isn’t known. Factors that appear to play a role include:
- Muscle contractions in the intestine:- Contractions that are stronger and longer than normal contraction can lead gas, bloating and diarrhea. Reduced intestinal movement can slow food passage and cause to dry and hard stools.
- Nervous system:- Abnormalities in the nerves in your digestive system may cause discomfort when your abdomen stretches from gas or stool. Interlinked signal between the brain and the intestines can cause abnormal digestive process, resulting in pain, constipation or diarrhea.
- Severe infection:-IBS could be associated with bacteria in the intestines .This condition trigger point for IBS patients.
- Early life stress:-Some People suffer from a stress or depression events, especially in childhood, in this condition aggravate the symptoms of IBS.
- Changes in gut microbes:- If changes in bacteria, fungi and viruses of intestine, which can some health issues. It occurs due to lifestyle factors and poor hygiene.