Winters not only bring with them seasonal problems like cold and cold, but also bring serious diseases to the hands and feet. Yes, with the decrease in temperature, there is a change in every system of the body, whose effect is visible on different organs. Today we are talking about foot disease in winter, which usually troubles many people. The biggest reason for the problems related to feet in winter is slowing down of blood circulation. Apart from this, carelessness related to people’s lifestyle and foot care also causes these diseases. So, let’s first know 5 common foot diseases in winter and then know how to take care of feet in winter?
Problems related to feet in winter -foot disease in winter
- Shrinkage of the skin of the feet due to cold – Trench Foot
Trench foot is a serious condition related to the feet, which occurs due to the feet being wet for a long time. In this, due to cold and wetness in the feet, especially the ankles, blisters occur and redness comes. In fact, with prolonged exposure to cold and wetness, your feet may lose their blood circulation and nerve function. Then there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the feet. In this, a person has gangrene in the feet, tissue and nerve damage and ulcers etc.
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Symptoms of Trench Foot
Talking about the symptoms of trench foot, due to prolonged coldness of the feet, the skin tissues become lifeless and due to this coldness and numbness in the feet. Also, in this condition when you come in contact with heat or compress the feet with hot things, then there is severe pain in the feet. There is constant itching and intermittent tingling. These symptoms of trench foot may affect only one part of the foot. But in the most severe cases, they can spread to the entire foot, including your toes.
inside Plantar Fasciitis
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2. Plantar Fasciitis -Plantar Fasciitis
In winter, foot pain in many people increases. This can be due to Plantar Fasciitis. Cold temperatures cause the tissues in your joints to stretch, leading to joint pain. Also, the inner layer of the calcanium gets swollen during the winter season. Due to this, as soon as we put our feet on the ground, we feel a sharp pain in our heels. Talking about its symptoms, in this
There is severe pain as soon as the person’s feet are placed on the ground.
Especially this pain occurs as soon as you get out of bed in the morning.
There is swelling in the heel.
Infection, such as redness and pain, occurs in the affected area.
- Frost in the feet or cold – Chilbains
Chilbains are small sores caused by inflammation of blood vessels after exposure to cold air. These are often painful and affect the skin on your hands and feet. In fact, cold weather can cause the small blood vessels near the surface of your skin to constrict. Once you warm up, these sores tend to spread very quickly. Then it causes swelling in the tissue. The inflammation then irritates the nerves in the affected area, causing pain. Talking about its symptoms, then
Chilblains are patches of skin that appear swollen and red or sometimes blue in color.
Due to inflammation, the wounds start to glow.
– intense burning
4. Cold Feet
Cold feet are one of the body’s normal reactions to cold temperatures. When the body becomes cold, the blood vessels in the extremities such as the hands and feet constrict. This reduces blood flow to these areas, which reduces body heat. Over time this can lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues due to a decrease in blood circulation, so that the cold area of the body turns blue. look at its symptoms,
– poor blood circulation in the legs
Red and swollen fingers
-Pain and itching
– Numbness of the feet.
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5. Foot Infections
Due to not taking proper care of feet in winters, fungal and bacterial infections can happen in your feet. Along with this, many people also get problems like eczema due to cold. In this, the skin of the feet becomes scaly and starts coming off. This problem is caused by bacteria. Also many people get ringworm, which also spreads. This is a ring-shaped fungal infection of the feet. In this, the skin of the feet becomes red and hard. Apart from all this, people also get fungal infection due to working in water for a long time. Talking about the symptoms of infection in the feet, then
In this case the nails turn red
There is itching along with swelling on the nail.
Due to having scaly skin, they become the cause of itching day and night.