Influenza is a viral infection and contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza virus that attacks on respiratory system – Nose, throat and lungs
In Ayurveda – influenza compared with sannipataj jwara (three doshas vata, pitta, kapha) and the loss of ojas ( immunity)
Influenza appear one to four days after exposure to the virus and they lasts five to seven days
Three types of influenza:
A, B and C
A – infects both humans and animals
B – only found in humans and less severe than influenza type A
C- Generally cause mild illness and very rare
A and B mostly associated with seasonal influenza and Type A is created the most serious problems
Sudden onset of high Fever
bodyache or fatigue
shivers and chills
runny or stuffy nose
sore throat
influenza is contagious (it can be easily transfer from person to person)
Influenza virus spreads through the air in droplets when someone sneezes, talking or coughing
Also spreads the germs from any objects like phones, keyboard, or any other object, easily spreads in crowded areas
weakened immune system
Diseases like – Asthma, diabetes, kidney, liver disease, metabolic disorders
pregnancy – mostly in 2nd or 3rd trimester
Young childrens ( younger than 2 years old)
pregnant women and postpartum women upto 2weeks after delivery
older adults (65years and older)
people with some chronic diseases
people who lives in nursing homes
Blood disorders
Neurologic conditions
Bacterial pneumonia
Ear infection
Sinus infection
Worsening of chronic medical condition like
congestive heart failure
Physical examination – detect sign and symptoms of influenza
Rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs)
Rapid molecular assays
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
Drink lots of fluids – water, juice, soups to prevent dehydration
Eat a light diet
Get plenty of rest and sleep
Antiviral medications – oseltamivir ( is a oral medicine) , zanamivir ( it is inhaled through inhaler), operamivir ( these drugs shorten the time of flu) these drugs work on the virus surface band preventing the release of viral particles from infected host cells
Antiviral treatment must be started within 48hours of onset of symptoms last for 3-5 days and must be started with in first 2days of illness
Eat nutrient rich diet
Rinse with salt water
Inhale steam
Use a cool mist humidifier to soothe irritated throat
Tulsi – (QUEEN OF HERBS) – Tulsi boosts the production of antibodies, tulsi has anti inflammatory, anti microbial, anti allergic, anti tussive properties, rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and zinc and it helps to soothe the airways, helping in cough and mobilizes mucus
Tulsi leaves – Chew 4-5 leaves along with honey in the morning , Tulsi kadha, Tulsi tea
Honey – It has antimicrobial properties, helps to ease the sore throat and It helps to loosening the mucous
Mulethi – chewing mulethi sticks is a best remedy , improves oral health, boosts immunity, combats respiratory infections, heals canker sores
Pippali( long pepper) – pippali has expectorant properties , pippali loosens the mucous and cough it out
Sonth( dry ginger) – sonth with honey acts as a soothing remedy for respiratory infections
Giloy – Giloy, also known as (Amrita or Guduchi giloy) is full of antioxidants Giloy is rich in javarghana which has properties to fight and reduce fever
Turmeric paste with honey – it has antioxidants properties
Ginger tea – it has powerful expectorant properties, helps to get rid of kapha dosha
Ashwagandha – ashwagandha builds energy and it has powerful antihistamine and decongestant properties
Drink herbal tea flu fighting herbal tea- green tea, black tea, dried ginger tea,
Fresh cloves
Fresh garlic- it has anti microbial properties
Apply plant and herbal essential oil- also work as natural antibiotic and anti- viral
Living with ulcerative colitis (UC) can bring out extreme stress in your life. Dealing with ulcerative colitis, in which day-to-day fatigue, Digestion issues, Bloating, Loose motions, bleeding in stool etc. all health issues are commonly noticed in daily life, is not easy. This autoimmune disease affect your energy and leaves you in a stressful condition.
Yoga is a mind-body technique that include physical postures, breath control to promote health and to reduce stress and pain. Many Research studies show that it improve quality of life for people who are suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like ulcerative colitis.
In Many studies it has been found that yoga can increase quality of life in patients of ulcerative colitis more effectively than simple self-care advice. Practicing daily yoga also reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Table of Contents
Colitis treatment with Yoga
It has been seen that the ulcerative colitis has a connection with the mental stability of patients. This condition leads to stress in patients life. Yoga exercises for ulcerative colitis have significance role to reduce the stress levels in the individuals.
Healing of ulcerative colitis with yoga is also depends upon the endorphins that release in the bloodstream of the practitioner. Endorphins are natural pain killers which help to deal with the pain in the patient of colitis.
Yoga poses are helpful strengthen the nervous system that reduce the inflammation of the mucosa of the colon. One of the links between stress and ulcerative colitis is that stress affects the immune system of the body hence the natural defense mechanism of the body disturbed.
Yoga asanas for ulcerative colitis have been found to reduce the TNF- alpha protein in the mucosa of the colon. Due to the reduction of this component there is anti-inflammatory changes occurs in colon.
Yoga poses in ulcerative colitis
Vajrasna is a simple sitting yoga pose. Vajrasna helps to aid digestion, prevent constipation, strengthen muscles, keep body and mind stable.
How to do it
Sit on your knees, back on your legs to take the weight off on your knees.
Keep both hands on your front of thighs and keep your back straight, inhale and exhale slowly.
Pranayama (breathing exercises)
Pranayama is a simple way to control various kinds of health issues. It helps to strengthen the nervous system, relieve stress and stabilize the body and mind.
In Pranayama Breathing exercise is done by closing your eyes and concentrating on your breathing process.
The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
It helps to improve metabolism, strengthen digestive system and also calms the brain. It reduces back pain, removes discomfort in your back.
How to do it
Lie down on your back and fold your legs in a way that they are hip width apart.
Uplift your hips by pressing your feet onto the ground and inhale .
Lift your chest region with the help of putting pressure on arms and shoulders.
Inhale and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds.
Exhale and relax in normal position.
Repeat this procedure for 4-5 times
The Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
This pose strengthens the digestive system. It helps to improve the functioning of the internal organs of the digestive system.
How to do it
Lie down on your back with your feet together.
Keep your arms beside your body.
Inhale and bring your knees toward your chest
Bend your thighs towards the abdomen.
Hold this position.
Repeat this 5-7 times and relax.
By adding these simple yoga poses in your daily schedule will help to improve your quality of life, strengthen your immune system and nervous system.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections respiratory tract and lungs. It is commonly seen in the children.
In adults and older, healthy children, symptoms of RSV are mild and are of same as common cold. RSV leads to severe infection in infants, especially premature infants, older adults, people having heart and lung disease, or anyone with a weak immune system.
Symptoms in RSV infection
In virus infection symptoms mostly occurs in 4-6 days after exposure to the virus. Common symptoms of RSV that are seen in individuals may include:
Sore throat
Congested or runny nose
Dry cough
Low-grade fever
In severe cases
When RSV infect the lower respiratory tract then leads to pneumonia or bronchiolitis .Signs and symptoms in severe condition may include:
Severe cough
Wheezing sound while breathing
Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing
Bluish discoloration of fingers, lips due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis)
Infants are most severely affected by RSV. Symptoms in infants include:
Poor feeding
Short, shallow and rapid breathing
Difficulty in breathing
Unusual tiredness (lethargy)
Most of the cases recover in one to two weeks. In Severe cases hospital care must be taken.
RSV and COVID-19
RSV and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the respiratory tract of the individual, so some symptoms of RSV and COVID-19 can be same.
Having RSV may affect your immunity and increase the risk of getting COVID-19 — for kids and adults. And these may occur together, which can worsen the severity of COVID-19 illness.
Causes of infection
Respiratory syncytial virus can enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. It spreads easily through the contaminated air on infected respiratory droplets of infected person. The virus can also passes to others through direct contact, like shaking hands.
Touch your mouth, nose or eyes after touching a contaminated object can affect you with virus.
Symptoms are more severe in first week of infection. But in infants and those with weakened immunity, the virus can persist for four weeks.
Risk factors
People at increased risk of severe RSV infections include:
Infants, mainly premature infants
Children or adults who are suffering from any kind of immune-compromised condition such as cancer or treatment such as chemotherapy
Children who have congenital heart disease, any neuromuscular disorder or chronic lung disease
Adults with any kind of heart disease or lung disease
Older adults, having age 65 and older.
Complications of respiratory syncytial virus include:
Middle ear infection.
Repeated infections.
There is no vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus yet. But some lifestyle habits can help to prevent the spread of this infection. These may include
Avoid any kind of exposure to infection.
Cover your face properly while coughing or sneezing.
Avoid your baby’s contact with people who are suffering from fevers or colds.
Wash your hands frequently. Teach your children the importance of hand-washing.
Maintain proper hygiene. Keep your kitchen and bathroom countertops, doorknobs, and handles clean. Discard used tissues right away.
Don’t share drinking glasses with others.
Don’t smoke.
Wash toys regularly.
Protective medication
The medication palivizumab (Synagis), is given in the form of a shot (injection), can help to protect infants, children, younger people who are at high risk of serious complications from RSV.
Doctor may diagnose this respiratory syncytial virus by doing physical examination and by history taking. During the examination, the doctor will check lungs with a stethoscope for wheezing or other abnormal sounds.
Laboratory and imaging tests are not needed. These can be helpful to diagnose RSV complications or rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms. Tests may include:
Blood investigation to check WBC count or to look for viruses, bacteria and other germs
Chest X-rays for lung inflammation
Swab of secretions from inside the mouth or nose to detect the virus
Pulse oximetry or a painless skin monitor, to detect levels of oxygen in the blood
Treatment of RSV infection
General treatment for respiratory syncytial virus infection generally involves self-care measures to make your child more comfortable (supportive care). But in severe cases hospital care may be required.
Supportive care
Use of nasal saline drops help to clear a stuffy nose.
Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) to reduce fever.
Use of antibiotics is done to treat the bacterial infection.
Hospital care
In severe cases hospital care is must. Treatments at the hospital may include use of
Intravenous (IV) fluids
Humidified oxygen
A breathing machine (mechanical ventilation), in severe cases
Ayurvedic Treatment of respiratory syncytial virus
Ayurvedic herbs possess anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-asthmatic properties that are effectively used to treat the respiratory tract diseases.
Herbal-based medicines balance the aggravated doshas and expel out the excessive kapha clear the airways and reduce breathing difficulties. These herbs also help in boosting the immune system and also prevents secondary infections.
Why choose Ayurveda?
Work on the root cause of disease: Ayurveda focus on treating the root-cause of any disease. It detoxifies the body that helps to strengthen immunity that increases body’s ability to fight with the disease.
It is more than a medicinal option: Diet and lifestyle factors also play an important role in disease management that compliment along with medicines.
Reduce any kind of future risk related to health: Since Ayurveda mainly focuses on diseases. People who have completed the treatment showed reduced signs of health complications.
Chandigarh Ayurved centre provides some herbal products that are very effective to prevent any kind of respiratory tract infection and boost your immunity. These products include
Giloy capsule
Curcumin capsule
Garlic capsule
Amrit Tulsi ras
Ayush kwath
Immuno-booster tablet
These all medicine is effectively used to prevent any kind of infection, fight against infection and boost your immunity. One can use these products to avoid respiratory syncytial virus infection.
CAC DIGESTION SUPPORT PLUS TabletsIs a herbo-mineral tablet of size 1000MG and is a pure ayurvedic formulation. CAC Digestion Support Plus tablet helps in balancing the agni and digestive disorders are due to imbalance of pitta dosha
As per ayurveda Ama dosha leads to digestive disorders
Maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aids digestion of all types of food
The ingredients present in Digestive support plus tablet controls acidity, hyperacidity, gas, flatulence and constipation
These all above or digestive problems are the main root cause of all diseases
If digestive system is proper or healthy it leads to assimilation proper nutrients in the body
Each 1000mg tablets contains:
Kuda chhal (Holarrhena antidysenterica) 100mg
Bel phal (Aegle marmelos) 100mg
Dhaniya (Coriandrum sativum) 100mg
Anardana (Punica granatum) 100mg
Pudina satva (Mentha piperita) 100mg
Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum) 100mg
Safed chandan (Santalum album) 100mg
Amaltas (Cassia fistula) 100mg
Sot sekhar ras (A.F.I) 100mg
Shankh bhasam (A.S.S) 100mg
kuda chhal– managing diarrhea and dysentery
bel phal– it is gut friendly and helps in constipation, diarrhea
Dhaniya– aids digestion
Anar dana – rich in vitamin C and has anti inflammatory properties
Pudina satva– it is rich in antioxidants and calm stomach aches, helps to reduce acidity and flatulence
Choti elaichi– it has anti oxidants and diuretic properties
Safed chandan– it is anti inflammatory in nature and also soothes the inflammation of urinary system
Amaltas – relieves hyperacidity and remove stored ama from digestive channels
sot shekhar ras– it acts on pita dosha and reduced symptoms like abdominal pain, heartburn
shankh bhasam– it is used in gastroesophageal reflux disease, helps in hyperacidity, loss of appetite, irritable bowel syndrome, and andominal pain
Take one 1- 2 tablets twice or thrice daily with luke warm water or as directed by the physician
Helps in digestion
Ulcerative colitis
Pacifies Pitta and Vata doshas
Helps in proper absorption
Relieves constipation
Relieves hyperacidity
Chandigarh ayurveda centreProducts are 100% safe and natural
Made in India
This product is formulated under the MD Ayurveda expert
GASTRITIS is a condition in which stomach lining is inflamed . In Ayurveda it is co- related as AMLAPITA It is caused due to aggravation of pitta dosha and disease of annavha srotas and it is due to improper dietary habits. Some facts about Gastritis include
Acute gastritis – it include sudden inflammation
Chronic gastritis – include long term inflammation
Gastritis can also lead to ulcers and risk of stoamch cancer
Gastritis can be classified according to cause (bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus)
Or the location of the stomach lining affected (upper part, middle part, lower part)
Alcohol use, some medications, corrosive substance (like poison), extreme stress, infection, injury ,patient who have liver, kidney, respiratory, failure are at increased risk of acute gastritis
IN AYURVEDA- its nidana is due imbalance of pitta dosha
Helicobacter pylori – this bacteria lives in the mucous lining of stomach
Bile reflux – backflow of bile into stomach from the bile duct
Infection – caused by bacteria and virus
Older age
Autoimmune gastritis – own body attacking cells in body
Due to infection by helicobacter pylori
Habitual overeating
Stress and anxiety
Spicy foods
Excessive use of Alcohol
Over use of NSAIDs
food poisoning
Burning sensation in the chest
Irregular bowel habit, black tarry stools
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Abdomen tenderness
Fatty foods
Fried foods
Pickled foods
Acidic foods, like tomatoes,
Spicy foods
Carbonated drinks
Follow anti- inflammatory diet
Like leafy greens, blueberries, tea, garlic, animal based omega-3 fat
Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining, so consuming a diet that helps to minimize the inflammation
Intake of food that have anti- inflammatory properties these helps to reduce the inflammation of gastric mucosa
Reduce stress
Avoid any kind of stressful condition because this also cause gastritis.
In Ayurveda
Use of amalaki, yashthimadhu, bhringraj, gairik, shunthi and saunf effective in gastritits
Foods that minimize or contribute in inflammation
Green tea with manuka honey – green tea or black tea reduce the prevalence of H.pylori in the digestive tract
Eat simple meals– this ease the gastritis
Yogurt – It contains probiotics that keeps digestive system healthy
Consume unsweetened yogurt 2-3 times on a daily basis
LICORICE – helps in digestion
TILA (til) – reduce stomach issues
CINNAMON – loaded with antioxidants and has powerful medicinal, anti- inflammatory properties
HOLY BASIL(tulsi) – holy basils has antimicrobial and anti- inflammatory properties, helps to protect against infection
CAROM SEEDS (ajwain) – these are natural antacids it can use to reduce the acidity of the stomach mucosa
MASTIC GUM – used in gastric and intestinal ulcers
NATURAL JUICES – sweet potato, banana, pear, cranberry, pineapple ginger juice, apple and avocado smoothie, papaya banana smoothie
Garlic – garlic has antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori
Eat raw crushed garlic extract helps in gastritis and reduce gas formation
Coconut water – coconut has antiseptic properties
coconut water boost the immune system and also reduce the stomach acid
Coconut oil – coconut oil into half cup of warm water it helps stomach function has anti- microbial properties that fights with bad bacteria
Aloe vera – it has anti- inflammatory properties and it soothes the stomach lining
Ginger – it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties also helps eliminate gas
-Add 1 tsp of chopped ginger to 1 cup of boiling water also add some honey
-Ginger is one of the best herb to cure gastritits
Fish – salmon, sardines, tuna are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids It has anti inflammatory properties
Turmeric – turmeric has anti- inflammatory and antioxidant properties and helps in or called as alternative therapy for gastrointestinal diseases
A prostate infection (prostatitis) occurs when prostate and the surrounding area become inflamed. The prostate gland size like a walnut.
It is located between the bladder and the base of the penis. The tube that moves urine from the bladder to thepenis runs through the center of
Several types of infections can affect the prostate. Some men with prostatitis faces no symptoms at all, while others including frequent
SYMPTOMS:-Symptoms of a prostate infection vary depending on the type:-
Burning or pain during urination
Nausea and vomiting
Body aches
Inability to empty your bladder
Fever and chills
Pain in your abdomen or lower back
Burning while urinating
Frequent or urgent urination
Pain around the groin, lower abdomen, or lower back
Bladder pain
Testicle or penis pain
Having a weak urine stream
Painful ejaculation
There are four types of prostatitis:-
Acute bacterial prostatitis:- This type of prostatis is the least common and lasts a short time. It can also be life-threatening if untreated. It is the easiest type of prostatitis to diagnose.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis:- Symptoms are less severe and develop over several years. It’s more likely to affect adult and middle-aged men and cause recurring urinary tract infections .
Chronic prostatitis, or chronic pelvic pain syndrome:- This condition devloppain and discomfort around the pelvicandgroin region.It can affect men of all ages.
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis:- The prostate is inflammed but there are no symptoms. It’s generally find out when a doctor is diagnosing another illness.
CAUSE:-Some bacteria that lead UTIs can cause prostatitis. Some bacteria that cause UTIs and prostatitis include:-
Proteus species
Klebsiella species
Escherichia coli
Some bacteria that cause STDs, like gonorrhea and ,chlamydia can also lead acute bacterial prostatitis. Other conditions that can lead to acute bacterial prostatitis include:-
Urethritis, or inflammation of urethra
Epididymitis, or inflammation of epididymis
Phimosis, which is the inability to pull back the foreskin of penis
Injury to perineum, which is the area between scrotum and rectum
Bladder outlet obstruction, which can occur due to an enlarged prostate or stones in bladder
Urinary catheters or cystoscopy
DIAGNOSIS:-Several ways to dectect the infection like:-
Digital rectal examination(DRE)
Blood culture
Urine culture
Urodynamic Test
Prostate Biopsy
RISK FACTORS:-Many people are more likely to get prostate infections. Risk factors can include:-
Using a catheter
An abnormality in the urinary tract
A current bladder infection or UTI
A history of prostatitis episodes
Injuries to the pelvis after undergoing procedures involving the urethra or prostate
Home remedies may help to reduce some symptoms, but they typically cannot washed off bacteria from the prostate.
Home remedies can include:-
Drinking more water to help elliminate bacteria
Avoiding bladder irritants, like alcohol, spicy food and caffine.
Taking warm sitz bath
Using a warm pad to cure pain
Avoiding activities that irritate the prostate, involving Cycling, horseback riding, and anything involving very long periods of sitting
Practicing some exercises to train the bladder
In the science of Ayurveda, the prostate gland is situated in a bodily region that is governed by Apanavata, which also governs the colon, lower abdomen, the organs used for waste elimination and the reproductive system.
Due to the fact that the prostate comes under the governance of the ApanaVata, we find that anything responsible for increasing the ApanaVata also subjects the prostate to pressure.
This condition happens when the vata vitiated in the region of bladder causes distension of bladder and rectum.
In Ayurveda treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia include, maintaing the ApanaVata, a series of external Ayurvedic therapies involving Abhyanga, Chakra Basti.
Internal detoxification called as vamana
Internal detoxification to remove the infection in the urinary tract
Cleaning and removing any kind of blockage in the urinary tract
Normalizing the function of the apanavayu
Toning up the functioning of the kidneys
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
Foods to avoid:-
Those that cause indigestion
Excess salt
Astringent foods
Excess ghee and oils
New grains (navanna)
Sour buttermilk
Meat, especially sea food
Dincharya that includes proper sleeping and waking patterns, good quality and time for sleep, sexual activities, and exercises
Avoid activities that lead to stress
Avoid performing excessive exercises
Avoid suppression of urges (vegavidharan
Apple cider vinegar is very good for prostate. The unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar has astringent properties, helping shrink the swollen prostate glands. It helps prevent complications of an enlarged prostate such as UTIs.
SOY:-It maintains prostate health and protects against benign prostatic hyperplasia. A diet containing soy can help for men against prostate diseases.
TOMATOES:- Tomatoes are one of the best natural remedies for enlarged prostate. They are rich in lycopene thatcan help shrink the prostate.
BROCCLI:- It has a lot of phytochemicals and they are known for reducing the rate of prostate growth. Include broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables in diet to naturally shrink the prostate.
Being a woman is no less than a blessing, although it also has many challenges. Women are adept at taking care of others along with their responsibilities, but many times they forget to give importance to themselves and do not take care of themselves. In this way their health gets affected.
In today’s time, most of the modern women face stress and most of them follow the sedentary lifestyle i.e. they reduce physical activities in their daily routine. Along with this, lack of proper diet and adequate nutrients in the diet is also a problem. Due to this many health problems can occur.
We all experience work-related stress, but a working woman struggles between her professional commitments and personal responsibilities. Even the slightest imbalance between these responsibilities can be stressful for a woman who may be prone to lifestyle disorders.
What are the differences between PCOS and Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a disease caused due to hormonal imbalances in women, which brings serious problems like pain, infertility with irregular menstruation. At the same time, due to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), acne and hair on the face have become common problems in women. Due to this, there is a risk of facing a situation of shame in the society as well as being vulnerable to emotional stress and depression.
PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)
It is a common hormonal disorder in women in which there is production of excessive male hormone in the ovaries.
It is a condition in which the lining of the uterus i.e. Endometrium, grows outside the uterus or on other areas like the ovaries, the outer surface of the uterus and surrounding area or even on the bladder or rectum.
It may lead to irregular or absent menstrual periods, weight gain, hair growth in unusual places like your face, neck, or abdomen, thinning hair on your scalp, acne on your face, chest, or back, and infertility issues.
It may lead to painful periods with pelvic and lower back pain, pain during or after intercourse, pain while using the bathroom, excessive bleeding, digestive problems, and infertility.
1. Medical History
2. Pelvic Examination
3. Ultrasound
4. Blood Test (Hormonal Levels check)
1. Medical History
2. Pelvic Examination
3. Imaging Tests- USG, MRI
4. Blood Tests (Hormonal Levels Check)
5. Laproscopy (Abnormal tissue growth check)
These problems are usually undiagnosed as the women sometimes have no symptoms and sometimes symptoms may be considered as variations of normal menstrual cycle.
Heavy bleeding
Bleeding between periods
Irregular periods
Missed periods
Painful periods
pelvic pain
pelvic pain before periods and pain during or after sex
Body hair
Excess body hair
Normal body hair present
Painful urination or bowel movements
Hair loss on head
Difficulty getting pregnant
Digestive issues
Low energy
Oily skin
Weight gain
Bleeding without ovulation
Dark, thickened skin (Hirsutism)
Can you have both?
Yes, the female can have both the problems together. In some studies it is found that PCOS are more likely to be diagnosed with Endometriosis.
Also both the problems are being linked to each other and both may lead to Fertility issues or may interfere with pregnancy.
To stay healthy, every woman should consume these herbs.
Some herbs that help women to take not only psychological nutrition but also physical nutrition –
Shatavari is one of the most beneficial herbs available in nature and is often called a woman’s best friend.
Generally women use it to strengthen the reproductive system.
This mildly bitter herb is particularly known in Ayurveda to correct the imbalance of Pitta dosha.
Its use is considered good for nursing mothers as it increases the flow and volume of milk.
It is effective in relieving mood swings and irritation caused by premenstrual syndrome.
Ashwagandha has many medicinal properties.
In addition to its aphrodisiac quality (aphrodisiac properties), it also helps to improve physical and mental health.
Rejuvenates the body and can prolong your lifespan.
Ashwagandha can provide relief from urinary problems.
Ashwagandha has properties to relieve sleep deprivation and boost the health of the nervous system and helps women to increase their fertility and conceive.
Traditionally, Shankhpushpi was used by students, academicians and philosophers for its high medicinal value as it is extremely beneficial for the mind and nervous system.
It is also effective in treating problems of the digestive system, such as indigestion, acidity, constipation.
It helps to reduce symptoms such as dizziness, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety and tension.
Some of its compounds make it a great herb for blood related problems.
Poor platelet count, low or high blood pressure, and low hemoglobin levels can be managed with this herb.
It is known as Haritaki in Sanskrit and Black Mirobalan in English.
This herb has detoxifying, laxative, rejuvenating, and expectorant (phlegm) properties.
By removing the accumulated waste in the body, this herb helps in detoxifying the body and making it toxin free.
It is also considered to be the best herb for the digestive system and lungs.
Harad contains natural compounds that slow down the aging process.
By looking at the present Scenario and Women Health issues CAC prepared a Kit that is essential for Women health and Reproductive System-
Detox premium powder is a herbo-mineral preparation containing ingredients such as jaharmohrapishti, parwalpishti, shuktapishti, shankhbhasma, kehrvapishti, motibhasam, giloysatv, kamdudharas, etc. This herbal powder help in overall detoxification of the body, balances pitta dosha in the body, reduces inflammation, pain, sudden pain, and improves overall health of women etc.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Sheet Dhara Syrup:
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwainsatav, mushakkapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces abdominal pain, & cramps that are associated with the amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea. It helps to boost up the immunity
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
PanchsakarChurna is an herbal preparation containing five ingredients such as shunthi, haritaki, pippali, trivrit, &sauvarchalalavana. The use of this herbal churna deals with sudden abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, etc. It helps in overall detoxification of the body.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful with lukewarm water at bedtime
Women power plus tablet:
woman power plus tablet is a complete natural health supplement for women which is best for female health and vital energy. It helps to build up the immunity. This is a pure herbo mineral product of the best quality herbs. It works well in the reproductive system and other health-related disorders. This tablet contains ingredients like Rajah pravarthinivati, Femine care tablet, Shatavar extract, Ashokachall extract Ashwagandha extract, Giloy extract, Anantmool extract, Chandan Safed powder, Kukkutandwakabhasam, Jeera extract, Safed musli extract, Shiviling extract, Dhatphool extract, Palashphool extract, Brahmi extract, Jatamansi extract, etc. These herbs have the potential to improve female health.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Stress care tablet:
Stress care tablet is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also help to increase the mental and physical performance. Maintain stress level, Provide strength to the nervous system, Works in anxiety, loneliness, insomnia, sleep, Negative emotions, Enhance concentration in studies and other work, Memory loss.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
Femine care tablet:
Femine care tablet is a pure and natural remedy that contains various herbs extract that works on the female reproductive system and make it healthy. These tablets show antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulater properties. These tablets contain ingredients like Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera), Muramakki (Commiphoramyrah), Sonth (ZingiberOfficinale), Hara Kasis. These tablets are beneficial for PCOD, Bulky uterus, Endometriosis, irregular menses, uterine fibroids and improvs general health of females.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
Women Champion syrup:
Women Champion Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains natural and pure herbs which mainly balance the Pitta and Kaphadosha. The syrup is beneficial in curing woman’s physical weakness, anemia, amenorrhea, etc. It includes ingredients like – Ashok chall (Saracaasoca), Lodharchall (Symlocosracemosa), Khadirchall (Acacia catechu), Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia), Mulethi (Glycyrrhizaglabra), etc. This herbal syrup cures the wrinkles on the face, dark circles below eyes, feeling of exhaustion in the body, helps in reducing hot flashes, disturbed sleep, abdominal discomfort, mood elevation, excess sweating, tiredness.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day with normal water.
It is very difficult to keep things like this “not to be done…” “Not to do that.”
After all, giving up bad habits is not as easy as making some new habits a part of your life! To stay healthy, what should we do that is right for us? Knowing this is enough. Come; let us know how life can be lived by creating a balance between the present lifestyle and Ayurveda.
What Ayurveda says to stay healthy?
The three energies of the body are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It is very important to have a balance. When the balance of all the three elements in the body is disturbed, a person becomes ill. Eat food according to these energies; it creates a balance of nutrients. Therefore, a well-digested, nutritious diet should be taken from time to time.
If you adopt Ayurveda, you will become healthy.Ayurveda further strengthens the health of a healthy person. A patient is treated according to his nature of constitution (i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha).
Diet, sleep and celibacy are the main pillars to remain healthy. It is important to know about the food and lifestyle according to the season.
Treating according to the nature of the patient in Ayurveda
If you take food according to nature of your constitution, it will become healthy-
If you are of Vata nature, then take food containing sweet, salty and acid juices.
If Pitta is of nature, then eat sweet, pungent and astringent juices.
People ofKapha nature can take food containing bitter, pungent, astringent juices.
People of other nature should take diet only on the advice of Ayurveda specialist. There are 6 rasas sweet, salty, acid, bitter, pungent and astringent in food.
Doctor says these are the best tips to live healthy life according to Ayurveda
Stay Healthy:
You must be getting to read such news from all over the world, in which tips to stay healthy are told. It seems quite difficult to curb such things which have become a part of our daily life? So instead of focusing on the long list of things that we don’t have to do, why don’t we focus on what we have to add?
Manage your day from morning itself
The best way to be stress free throughout the day is to start your day early. Leave the bed before sunrise and take some walks at home. This will help you to get rid of lethargy.
Along with this, make a Time-table from the morning itself that what important work you have to do today.
So, that the stress of work does not overwhelm you. Also, keep working keeping in mind your priority. With this, you will feel very good in yourself in the evening.
Benefits of being fresh in the morning
Cleaning the stomach in the morning gives special health benefits, such as lightness and vigor in the body, the mind remains happy and you feel energetic throughout the day. You are able to get better results from your actions because in this situation your focus is increased.
Benefits of Tail Mardan
Try every day to massage oil on your body with mustard oil before taking a bath. Massage for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Keep a gap of 10 minutes between massage and bath.
It would be great if you could spare some more time for massage. Otherwise, we have suggested at least time for our young and super busy generation.
Yogasanas and Exercises
After oil massage, you should take out some time for yoga. If not possible, take a bath at least 10 minutes after the massage. If you have time, practice yoga for at least 30 minutes and then take a bath with an interval of 30 minutes.
Do regular Pranayama for 10 minutes and yoga for 30 minutes in the morning. Like Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, Bhastrika.
Do Surya Namaskar two sets twice, this is a normal exercise.Do this asana under the advice of a doctor and under the supervision of a trainer.
Your heart and hopes
All are associated with different fields, so everyone wants to do the best in their respective fields. For this it is necessary that your mind and meditation work together.
To put the mind and meditation together, definitely join hands in front of God. Or worship God according to whatever religion you follow.
Pure and nutritious snacks
What you call breakfast or breakfast is a snack. Of course, a low diet. Never ever eat so much in the morning that instead of getting energy, you start feeling lethargic.
Also, your snack should be such, which is light in effect but gives you energy. You can eat porridge, gram flour, semolina made of semolina in breakfast.
Work hard
If you want good results in your work or say that you want to increase your productivity, then it is important that you keep your mind focused. Avoid unnecessary thoughts. Mobile works as a distraction for you. If possible put it on silent mode.
In the afternoon, a limited amount of rice must be consumed in the meal. This will help you to control the body temperature in the changing seasons. Your immunity will increase.
Take special care that you do not have to eat rice during the night, as well as among the above mentioned pulses, you can only eat moong dal at night and not any other pulses.
Dinner should be light and digestible- Ayurveda says that you should take the dinner light and digestible. That is, a food that does not take much time to digest.
Also, one should not go to sleep immediately after having food at night.
For some time, you should take a walk in the house with light steps. Try to have dinner at least two hours before bedtime.
By adopting these things, you can control your growing belly.
Along with the body, the mind also needs to be calm.
While going to sleep, most of the people’s attention is only on their physical rest. Whereas we should pay full attention to the comfort of our mind as well as our body. Therefore, after lying on the bed, first of all focus on your breath.
When you start concentrating on the breath, try to keep the breath deep and long.