Yoga asanas helps to stimulate pancreas by rejuvenating the pancreatic cells. It also helps to increase the capacity of pancreas through alternative abdominal contractions.
Breathing and meditation practices oxygenate the pancreas thus allow tissues to improve blood supply in entire body.
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Pancreas is a part of digestive system that is located behind stomach and sitting closely to first part of small intestine. It secrets digestive juices through pancreatic duct to small intestine. It also release insulin and glucagon into the blood stream.
Inflammation of pancreas is called as Pancreatitis. It is caused when digestive enzymes start digesting pancreas itself. Inflamed pancreas may release toxins and inflammatory cells that can harm kidneys, lungs and heart. Mild cases are curable with treatment but severe cases can be life-threatening.
- Acute Pancreatitis : It has sudden onset that lasts for short time. Person feels pain in upper abdomen which sometimes spreads to your back. The discomfort can range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening. It is completely curable with right treatment.
- Chronic Pancreatitis : It develops over time and is long lasting inflammation. It does permanent damage and scaring of pancreatic tissues and cause other complications.
Some common risk factors for development of Pancreatitis are :
- Gender : Males are more prone to development of pancreatitis than females
- Ethnicity : People having African-American ethnicity are more at risk of developing
- Family History : Having family history of pancreatitis may put person at more risk of developing pancreatitis.
- Obesity
- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol abuse
Causes for Pancreatitis are :
- Infections
- Metabolic disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Gall stones
- Trauma or Surgery
- Certain medications
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Hypercalcemia
- Pancreatic cancer
- High triglyceride levels
Symptoms of Acute Pancreatitis are :
- Moderate to severe upper abdominal pain which may spread to back
- Sudden onset of pain or built over few days
- With eating Pain worsen
- Tenderness of abdomen
- Swelling of abdomen
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Higher hear rate
- Fever
Symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis are :
- Constant disabling pain that radiates toward back
- Foamy Diarrhea with foul-smell
- Unexplained weight loss
- Upset stomach
- Vomiting
- Diabetes
- Kidney failure
- Malnutrition
- Pancreatic necrosis
- Pseudocysts
- Breathing problems
It can be correlated with Agnyasaya shotha in ayurveda. In ayurveda Pancreas is known as Agnyasaya and shotha means inflammation .
Due to nidan sevan the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha in body gets vitiated. After getting vitiated they cause obstruction in Agnyasaya and cause inflammation there.
- Amla : It is potent anti-oxidant that helps to minimize the damage caused by free radicals.
- Haritki : It stimulates beta-cells in Pancreas and is also beneficial to cure pancreatitis .
- Ginger : It has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory Properties. It has antioxidant properties that reverse the damage caused by free radical.
- Mulethi : it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to reduce swelling and pain associated with pancreatitis.
- Haldi : Curcumin present in it have potent antioxidant properties that helps to prevent pancreatitis.
- VIRASAN (HERO POSE ) : It helps to regulate the flow of blood in body especially in abdominal region. It helps to stimulate the digestive juice in abdomen. It also improves one’s posture.
- Kneel on the ground with knees bend and toes should point backward as a person sit between both feet.
- Keep spine straight and place both hands on your knees.
- Put the weight on the hips not on knees
- Hold the posture for few minutes and slowly return to resting
- Ankle pain or injury
- Headache
- Heart problems
- Migraine
- Anxiety or stress
- Recent surgery of Legs or back
- Arthritis
- VAKARASANA ( SPINAL TWIST POSE ) : It helps to massage and activate the pancreas thus stimulating it to improve the production of insulin and digestive juices.
- Sit down with legs stretched out while hands rest on ground by side.
- Slightly bend left leg keeping sole of foot resting on ground keeping right leg straight.
- Slowly start twisting torso toward left and bring right hand over left leg to hold left ankle .
- Position left hand behind body for support.
- Keep neck in twisted position to keep it aligned with torso
- Hold the posture for #0 seconds.
- Slowly release the posture by releasing the hands and twist toward right returning to initial position
- Repeat the above steps on right side .
- Severe back ache
- Peptic ulcers
- Hernia
- Spinal cord injury
- Hyperthyroidism
- Heart or brain conditions
- Abdominal surgery
- HALA ASANA (PLOW POSE ) : it is beneficial for pancreas and digestive system . It also helps to stimulate thyroid gland and improve flexibility of the body.
- Lie down on your back with hands by your side and palms facing downward.
- Inhale and slowly lifting your feet off the ground using abdominal muscles raising leg to make 90 degree angle .
- Continue to take normal breaths while supporting your hips and back with your hands and lift them off the ground.
- Gently sweep your legs over the head till yours touches the ground behind your head
- Keep your back in perpendicular angle with the ground.
- Hold the pose for a minute and slowly return to initial position .
- Slipped disc
- Injured cervical muscles
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle
- Sciatic Pain
- High blood pressure.
4.DHANURASANA ( BOW POSE ) : It enhance the circulation of blood in the body. It also stimulate the adrenal gland for maintain optimum function of hormones in body.
- Lie down on your stomach and keep feet apart with arms at side of the body.
- Steadily fold your knees and take both hands backward to grab your ankles.
- Inhale deeply and lift your chest off the floor along with pulling your leg toward the back.
- Keep your gaze ahead and hold the posture for 15-20 seconds
- Exhale deeply and gradually return to resting position.
- Low or high blood pressure
- Back injury
- Hernia
- Abdominal Ulcers
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea