This churna is herbal and purely Ayurvedic preparation. It Basically helps to control the level of sugar in the blood. It also helps to balance the three doshas specifically Kapha dosha. It contain ingredients like haldi, dalchini, kalizeeri that hasanti-diabetic properties thus helps to reduce symptoms of diabetes. This churna has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, immuno-modulator and antioxidant properties.
- Dalchini (Cinnamomum verum ):It is used in management of type-2 Diabetes. It helps in regulation of insulin production. It also helps to decrease insulin resistance by body cells thus reducing blood sugar level. It also helps to boost the digestive system as healthy digestive system tends to process , digest sugar and expel out excessive sugar to maintain blood sugar levels.
- Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum) : It is known as queen of herbs because of its many benefits. It helps to promote function of beta-cells of pancreas which in turn boost the uptake of glucose by muscle cells. It also helps to regulate cortisol levels to keep hormone level balanced thus relieving fatigue and stress.
- Haldi( Curcuma longa ):It has potent anti-diabetic properties which play classical role to sooth blood sugar levels in body. It also stimulates the beta-cells in pancreas thus improving the production of insulin. It helps to reduce breakdown of starch into glucose thus reducing level of sugar in blood. It also possess astringent and anti-flatulent properties thus improving digestion.
- Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera): It has potent hypoglycaemic properties that helps to alleviate the blood sugar levels of body. It helps to enhance the production of insulin by beta-cells. It inhibits the breakdown of starch in body into glucose to balance blood sugar levels.
- Kaliziri (Centratherum anthelminticum ): It has bitter and astringent properties thus helps to manage blood sugar by improving body metabolism. It readily stimulates the secretion of insulin by beta-cells and also monitors the metabolism of carbohydrates due to its potent anti-glycemic properties.
- Diabetes
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Immunity booster
- Obesity
- Rejuvination
- Anti septic
- Diabetic carbuncles
- Maintain healthy kidneys
Compared to Diabo Care Churna the allopathic counterpart is Rosiglitazone :
It is a anti-diabetic drug that comes under the class of drugs called Thiazolidinedione . It enhance the response of body cells toward the insulin. It take approximately about an hour peak plasma concentration.
It act as agonist at PPAR( peroxisome proliferator activated receptor ) in certain tissues like muscle tissues, adipose tissues and liver. It regulates the transcription of gene for insulin- response which regulates transport, production and utilization of glucose thus improving sensitivity toward insulin in tissues.
It is available in market with brand name:
- Avandia
- Roglin
- Rosigon
- Rosicon
- Senzia
- Blurred vision
- Dry mouth
- Increased thirst
- Nausea
- Pale skin
- Abdominal pain
- Chest pain
- Decreased urination
- Dry skin
- Sweating
- Pain in shoulder , jaw, arms or neck
- Irregular heart beat
- Unusual bruising
- Vomiting
- Troubled breathing
- Swelling in feet or hand
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fever
- Ear congestion
- Muscle ache
- Shivering
- Troubled sleeping
- Joint pain
- Sore throat
- Heart conditions
- Hypersensitivity
- Active liver disease
- Diabetic keto-acidosis