About Fungal Infection: Infection caused by the microorganism called Fungus (yeast or mould). Not all fungi are causing infection some fungi such as mushrooms are edible on the other hand other type of fungi like aspergillus can be life threatening. Fungal infection can infect anyone. Fungal infection can be contagious and its spread depends on hygiene also. It is more common in skin or nails but can also infect mouth, Urinary tract, groins lungs and other parts of the body.
Fungi are the living things spread their spores (vegetative parts) into the environment or air. And many other fungi are living on human body but only grow under favorable condition. Fungal infection may look like red, inflamed bump, fungus makes nail discolored, thick or crack. Some commonly known fungal infections are athelete’s foot, ring worm, yeast infection, onychomycosis (in nails), candidiasis, Tinea vesicolor etc.
Ayurveda view point on Fungal Infection:
As per Ayurveda, Fungal infection comes under the category of Kustha Roga. The aietiology behind the infection is the consumption of incompatible foods and habits can lead to the vitiation of all three doshas ( body elements ) that are vata, pitta and Kapha can lead to skin disorders. Fungal infection is particularly described as Dadru kustha and Sidhma kustha in which there is vitiation of vata and kapha dosha predominantly. The person with a weak immunity and a poor hygiene have chances to get more infected by the microorganism. The symptoms mainly included such as:
- Kandu (itching)
- Raga (redness)
- Ruja (pain )
- Pidika (papule),
- Mandala (elevated lesions)
Who are at risk of getting infection:
- Having weak immunity
- Prolonged usage of antibiotics
- Unhygienic conditions
- Having diabetes
- Medications like immunosuppressant
- Skin care products
- Excess body weight
- Excess sweating
- Undergoing chemotherapy or cancer treatment
- Pregnant woman are more prone
- Experiencing incontinence (diaper rashes in babies)
What are the symptoms caused by fungal infection:
- Redness or itchiness over skin
- Burning sensation
- Discoloration skin
- Rashes that gets worse with exercise
- Cracking or flaking of skin
- Discolored, thick or cracked nails
- Bald patches over scalp
- Blisters that oozes
- Swelling and inflamed skin
- Groin, thigh or buttocks can be red, flaky, darker or itchy
- Chest pain or asthma like symptoms (if lungs are infected)
Preventive measures:
- Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, soaps, clothes etc
- Keeping the affected part clean and dry
- Maintaining basic hygiene
- Wearing breathable fabrics such as cotton
- Avoid hot and humid environment
- Do not rub or scratch the skin if itching persists
- Take bath after excessive sweating
- Moisturized the skin with aloe vera gel or coconut oil
- Warm bath with Epsom salt
How fungal infection is managed with modern medicine?
- Anti-fungal medication: Anti-fungal medication works by killing the fungus and preventing the further growth of the fungus. Common anti-fungal medications are clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, fluconazole. Ketoconazole etc. These can be used as topical or oral medication.
Side effects: The prolonged use can lead to various side effects such as:
- Rashes
- Diarrhea
- Allergic reactions
- Redness
- Itching or burning
- Nausea and vomitting
- Abdominal pain
- Feeling sick
- Liver damage
Managing Fungal Infection with Ayurveda:
Depending upon the dosha involvement, prakriti of the patient, seasons, symptoms involved there are various herbs and panchkarma therapies for the kustha roga such as dadru and Sidhma kustha. Ayurveda has some classical Ayurveda formulation for the managing fungal infection such as chandraprabha vati, arogyavardhini vati, khadiraristha, gandhak rasayan, kaishoor guggul etc.The panchkarma therapies may include:
- Vamana (medicated emesis)
- Virechana (medicated purgation)
- Rakta mokhna (bloodletting ) with leech etc
- Lepa (Topical applications of herbal pastes) like shigru, vidanga, shatdhaut ghrit, durva etc
Some potent herbs used for fungal infection are:
- Yastimadhu: Yastimadhu or mulethi balances the kapha dosha, have healing properties and have phytoconstituents that treats fungal infection. It purifies the blood and treat the condition of ama (toxins in the body).
- Haridra: It has potent anti-inflammatory, analgesics, anti-microbial properties that is really effective for correcting fungal infection.
- Neem: Neem contains important properties like anti septic, antiviral, disinfectant, insecticidal properties. It purifies the blood and there by reduces the fungal growth.
- Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha has the best immunomodulator that manages the candidiasis, one of the most common fungal infection that affects individual due to weak immunity.
- Tulsi: Tulsi is an anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties that cleanses the circulatory system that prevents any kind of infection.
Managing Fungal Infection with Chandigarh Ayurved Centre:
1. Detox Premium Powder :
Detox premium powder is a very effective ayurvedic medicine to cure blemishes as it purifies the whole body by removing excess toxins from the body. The powder is composed of shukta pishti, giloy satv, gandhak rasayan, moti pishti, akik pishti, shankh bhasma, etc. The ingredient reduces all the signs and symptoms associated with the blemishes.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
2. Twak Churana:
This herbal powder is prepared from two herbs Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) & Chopchini (Smilax malabarica) that in combination reduces uneven pigmentation. Manjishtha mainly helps in deep detoxification and blood purification. It can also be used for hand lotion to treat dry, cracked hands, or feet. This herbal powder is good for dry skin, rashes, acne. It has been used in psoriasis. Skin Glow powder removes toxins and impurities of blood. This powder helps to rejuvenate and promote the longevity. It helps to open the blocked sweat pores. This powder is used in infectious conditions like, eczema, pimples, and chronic skin disorders.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 teaspoonful twice a day with normal water.
3. Twak Tailam:
Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam is composed of yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
Method of Application – Apply over the affected area of the skin.
4. Skin care tablet:
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
5.Itch Care Tablet:
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or plasma nourishes the skin.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
6. Handmade Neem Soap:
NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars etc. Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients. It is such a wonderful herb that is easily available and shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, Antifungal, Antiseptic properties. Neem cleanses the pores and protects the skin from various infections, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leprosy, Skin ulcers.
Dosage: 1 cap twice daily after meal with plain water