These tablets are purely herbal formulation that acts as an Anti-coagulant. It helps to reduce or stop heavy bleeding in body. In case of bleeding the body starts to form clots to stop the bleeding. Stop bleeding tablets helps to stop[ breaking of clot thus reducing the unwanted excessive bleeding. The ingredients used in the tablets have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties. These tablets also pacifies the vitiated Pitta dosha and helps in detoxification of Rakta dhatu.
- Nagkesar ( Mesua ferrea ): It is helpful in pacifying aggravated pitta dosha which is the common cause for many bleeding disorders. It reduce pain , swelling and shrinks the pile mass thus stops bleeding. It has haemostatic properties thus hinders normal blood flow and promotes blood clotting.
- Laksha(Laccifer lacca) : Laksha is a reddish brown resin which is secreted by female lac insect. Due to its astringent property it helps in stopping bleeding and fasten the wound healing process thus is useful in treatment of ulcers, wounds and other bleeding disorders.
- Moch ras( Bombax ceiba ) : It is raise obtained from Shalmali tree. It has cooling, astringent, tonic and demulcent in nature. It is helpful in the treatment of Hemoptysis, Menorrhagia and other bleeding disorders due to above said properties.
- Swarn garic (Red ochre) : It is has pitta-nashak and vran-ropak properties that helpful in bleeding disorders and menorrhagia. Its tropical application provide relief in boils, burns and ulcers.
- Kehrwa Pishti : It is ayurvedic formulation prepared from amber which helps to balance pitta and rakta in the body. It enhance the formation of clots to prevent blood loss thus helps in treatment of Metrorrhadia, bleeding hemorrhoids, menorrhagia and ulcerative colitis.
- In idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Helps to stop bleeding from nose and mouth
- Peptic ulcers
- Bleeding disorder
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Wounds & cuts
- Ulcerative colitis
- Bleeding piles
Compared to Stop Bleeding Tablet the allopathic counterpart is Tranexamic acid
It is an anti-fibrinolytic agent that is used in Bleeding disorders to minimize or prevent excessive bleeding. It is also used in Hemophilia patients after surgery to block. It show full effect after 24hours of intake and is usually used for short time to treat bleeding.
It inhibits the activation of Plasminogen as it binds at several distinct sites. Binding with Plasminogen it prevent the fibrinolysis of fibrin thus stabilizing the clot and intercepts the hamorrhage.
It is avaliable in market under brand name :
- Bio-stat
- Capitrax
- Clotawin-T
- Clip
- Clot-XL
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Sinus disorders
- Musculoskeletal pains
- Headache
- Nausea
- Hypotension
- Migraine
- Anemia
- Back pain
- Abdominal pain
- Joint pain
- Allergic dermatitis
- Diarrhea
- Muscle cramp
- Hypotension
- Anemia
- Lightheadedness
- Painful urination
- Feeling unhappy
- Seizure
- Rapid breath
- Swelling and warmth in leg or arm
- History of thromboembolism or thrombosis.
- On combination hormonal contraceptives.
- Hypersensitivity to tranexamic acid.
- Heart valve disease
- Stroke