Dates are basically tropical fruits that are grown on date palm tree. It’s scientifically known as Phoenix Dactylifera. Dates are low in fat & protein, high in sugars and have no starch. The dry fruits version of dates is richer in calories then the fresh fruit. It’s very nutritious. It contains some important fibers vitamins and minerals.
Date Nutrition value
- Water
- Carbohydrate
- Fiber
- Protein
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Phosphorus
- Vitamin C
Rasa –Madhura (sweet)
Guna – Guru,Snigdha
Vipaka – Madhura
Virya -Shitala (cold)
Karma – Vatta Pitta Shamaka,Balya
- In PITTA nature &who have problems like acidity,hair fall, graying of hair and irritability should eat dates in morning and night.
- People with kapha nature should eat one hour before or after lunch.
- If you have vata nature, weakness fatigue and want to lose weight than eat in evening.
- If u are healthy,do not have any health problem, then eat it morning breakfast & evening snack.
- Eating dates may help to improve brain function.
- Regulate blood pressure.
- Helps regulate healthy cholesterol.
- It is sweet, Nutritious, Labor reducing Bile reducing, Semen enhancing and has cooling and soothing in nature and provide strength.
- Dates are excellent medicine for arthritis. Improve bone health
- A rich source of iron to help boost your haemoglobin levels & instant energy booster.
- Enhance sexual power for both male and female
- RELIEF STRESS –By eating dates a person remains stress free, include some dates as a snack in your diet.
- BENEFICIAL IN DIGESTION– If you have digestive problems then consuming dates daily keeps your digestive system better, eat some dates only after soaking them in water for some time.
- HELPFUL IN WEIGHT LOSS- The amount of fiber present in dates helps in controlling weight. Eat 4-6 dates daily for breakfast help in reducing weight.
- USEFUL IN CONSTIPATION-Dates have the properties to balance gastrointestinal infections lack of fiber can cause constipation. But dates contain plenty of fiber which reduces constipation.
- BONE HEALTH- Dates are a good source of magnesium, copper, selenium. All these nutrients not only strengthen the bones but also help in removing the problems related to them