Chromium is a constitutional trace mineral that can augment insulin sensitivity and improve protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. It is a metallic element that people require in very small quantities. There is constrained information about the exact amount of chromium required, and what it does, as studies have so far given conflicting results. The latest results suggest that chromium picolinate nutritional supplements may have benefits for some people, but experts recommend a nourishing diet, rather than supplements, as the best source of chromium.
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Adequate Intake
The Adequate Intake (AI) of chromium for children of ages 9 years and above ranges from 21 to 25 mcg per day for females and 25 to 35 mcg per day for males.
For infants and children, the recommended dosage is:
Up to 6 months of age: 0.2 mcg per day
From 7 to 12 months of age: 5.5 mcg per day
From 1 to 3 years of age: 11 mcg per day
From 4 to 8 years of age: 15 mcg per day
There is no exact measure of chromium nutritional status, but chromium deficiency in humans is very rare.
Foods high in chromium
Some of the good sources of chromium are broccoli, liver, and brewer’s yeast. Potatoes, sweet potato, whole edible grains, all seafood, and meats also contain chromium.
The following are the best sources:
Broccoli: 1 cup consists 22 mcg
Grape juice: 1 cup consists of 8 mcg
Turkey breast: 3 ounces consists 2 mcg
English muffin: one whole wheat muffin consists of 4 mcg
Potatoes, mashed: 1 cup consists of 3 mcg
Green beans: 1 cup consists of 2 mcg
Red wine: 5 ounces consists between 1 and 13 mcg
Exactly how chromium is beneficial for the body remains unclear, and reports of deficiency in humans are very rare. Potentially, a deficiency could concern some health problems.
These may include:
Impaired glucose tolerance in cells, leading to reduced control of blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus.
Less effective in controlling cholesterol, resulting in a higher chance of narrowing of arteries and heart diseases.
However, there are not much researches and evidence to confirm either the advantages of chromium or what harms a deficiency might lead to.
Drug interaction
Supplements are like prescribed medications. They can interact with other substances, and too much can be damaging.
Chromium picolinate interferes with the absorption of thyroid medicines like thyronorm.
Thyroid medicines must be taken at least 3 to 4 hours before or after any chromium supplement.
Supplemental chromium can interact with medications like antacids, beta-blockers, insulin corticosteroids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors, nicotinic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and prostaglandin inhibitors.
People who are taking any of these drugs and those with diabetes should consult their doctor before taking chromium supplements, as these could alter the action of their regular medications.
Chromium supplements should not be consumed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, and they should not be given to children as well.
Cautions about supplements
The total diet is the most crucial factor in controlling disease and achieving good health.
Studies repeatedly show that segregating nutrients in supplement form will not provide similar health benefits as consuming the nutrient from whole fresh food.
It is not an individual nutrient that makes certain foods a crucial part of our diet, but how nutrients function together.
Chromium deficiency is exceptional, and studies have not yet confirmed the advantages of taking supplements, so it is good to obtain chromium through food.
There have been no reported cases of chromium poisoning or toxicity due to food intake, so the maximum intake level has not been fixed.
However, large doses of chromium in supplement form can lead to stomach ailments, low blood sugar, and kidney or liver damage.
It is always safer to get an adequate amount of nutrients from food sources and to discuss any use of supplements with a physician.
A lipoma is a benign mass or lump of fatty tissue that usually present beneath the underlying muscle and skin.
While finding any lump or swelling on your body can be fearful, lipomas are most likely harmless. However, lipomas are still needed to be checked by your doctor, just to be on the safer side.
You are not alone who is having lipoma. They are the most familiar inoffensive benign tumor found in adults, according to the American Academy.
It is possible to have more than one lipoma in the body, and they are slightly more likely to occur in men than in women.
Signs and symptoms
A lipoma is likely to feel soft or rubbery to the touch; you may even be able to shift it around a bit with your finger as they are mobile.
Lipomas are usually not painful, and they don’t produce any symptoms, except one, a person with a lipoma may experience pain if the lipoma is present on nerves and pressurizing it or contains blood vessels.
Lipomas are not cancerous,Unless a lipoma is growing in size or troubling you in some way, there is no need to take further action once you get it checked out. Your doctor will make sure to check and examine the lipoma.
Lipomas can form at any site on the body, but you’re most likely to find them on your trunk, shoulders, neck, and arms.
They tend to spread slowly and generally don’t develop in size more than 2 inches overall, although some lipomas may present greater than that.
Causes and risk factors
Medical professionals don’t know what the causative factors of lipoma are, but some think it’s a response to physical trauma.
Some believe that the lipoma already exists and is brought to recognition because of the injury.
Here are some possible risk factors:
Lack of Exercise
Being physically active may protect you from certain diseases. Some medical experts believe that lipomas develop more often in inactive or lethargic people.
Lipomas often run in families, so heredity may play a role.
Though lipomas can form in anyone, they are most likely to develop in middle-aged individuals between the age of 40 and 55.
Certain Medical Conditions
A person may develop one or multiple lipomas if they have Gardner syndrome (a certain condition inherited disorder that causes benign and malignant tumors to grow), familial multiple lipomatosis (an autosomal dominant condition), adiposis dolorosa (Dercum’s disease), or Madelung’s disease (seen mostly in heavy drinkers in men).
The prognosis for lipomas is usually very good. Unless the lipomas trouble or continue to grow in size or change, you would not need any management other than making sure your doctor takes care during your regular physical exam.
People who represent lipomas are not more likely to develop liposarcoma. Atypical lipomas may transform into a liposarcoma, but it is very rare.
Management of Lipoma in CAC
CAC Kanchnar Guggul
It is an Ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It is available in tablet form and is to be taken orally. They are processed by decreasing the decoction of herbal substances to a thick consistency and after pouring some powders for creating a pill heap. CAC Kanchnar guggul is an herbal medicine that diminishes any kind of abnormal growth or lump in the body, restoration of ulcers, thyroid dysfunctioning, wound, hernia, and cancer.
Curcumin capsule
This Capsule contains an extract of the herb Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active element found in Turmeric having powerful Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial and Antifungal properties. These Capsules lowers the risk of Heart Attack, Prevent Cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells, helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.
CAC Trikatu Churna
It helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports the respiratory system, manages weight, helps to reduce toxins or ama from the body, helps reduce abnormal growth like lipoma, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and expectorant properties. It is made up of 3 herbs, Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), and Marich (Piper nigrum) that stabilize the metabolism in the body.
Panchasakar Churan
CAC Panchsakar churn is 100% natural and pure. It is prepared from different herbs like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shunthi (Zingiber Officinale), Swaran Patri, Shatapushpa, and Saindhav Lavan that show anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and laxative properties.
Detox premium powder
The ingredients present in it are gandhak rasayan,praval pishti, Giloy sat, kamdudha ras, Jahar Mohra, sutshekhar ras, etc. These ingredients balance all three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and help in reducing the size of lipomas, blood purification. It is very beneficial in reducing swelling and improves the movement of joints.
Poha is usually made for breakfast in Maharashtra. Bread poha is also a form of poha prepared with bread and some spices. Bread poha would be ready immediately, which you can serve in front of the guests coming home as well as can be eaten with morning breakfast or evening tea. You can also pack it in children’s Tiffin.
Ingredients for making Easy Bread Poha:
Use bread instead of Chidve, add curry leaves, whole red chilies, peanuts, peas and lemon juice. goes. You can prepare this delicious Poha in just 25 minutes. Ingredients of Easy Bread Poha
2 tablespoons oil
1/8 tsp asafoetida
5-6 curry leaves
2 whole red chilies
1 cup peas (boiled)
1/2 cup peanuts, roasted
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
4 bread slices, sliced
2 green chilies
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup coriander leaves
Coconut, grated
How to make Easy Bread Poha
1.Add some oil in a pan and heat it. Easy bread poha
2. When the oil is hot, add asafoetida to it.
Now add mustard seeds, curry leaves and whole red chillies. Easy Bread Poha
4. After frying them a little, add peas and cook them. Easy Bread Poha
5. Now add roasted peanuts and cook till they turn golden brown.
6.After adding turmeric and salt to it, add bread pieces. Easy bread poha
7. Sprinkle light water and add green chillies, lemon juice and green coriander.
8. Garnish with grated coconut and serve. Easy bread poha
If you eat too much junk food or roasted foods on the daily side, then obviously your obesity will definitely increase. At this time you need to completely detoxify your body. Some water based detox drinks can help you in this. These detox drinks not only flush out toxins from the body but also reduce your weight. These tasty drinks can increase the metabolism of your body, which will help you lose weight and your tummy will also not come out.
OMG! Bitter gourd was a healthy one; now its leaves can also be touched, so to lose weight, you should drink about 1.5 liters of water daily, which is about 6 glasses of water. This will allow you to spend at least 17,400 calories a year. If you mix plain water with any fat burning food, then you can lose weight comfortably. This detox drink will not only reduce fat but will also keep bloating away. So friends, without delay,
Let us know how these 10 types of detox water are made.
1 Kukumbar and Grape Fruit Drink If these two are seen separately then they are very beneficial in reducing weight. But if you mix both of these and put them in a jar filled with water, then add lemon to the top, it will be even more beneficial. After making it, keep it in the refrigerator for 1 hour and then drink.
2 Apple, mix apple and cinnamon stick in cinnamon water plane water. You can drink this water while sipping throughout the day.
3 Kukumbar and Lemon Water Lemon contains a lot of Vitamin C which increases immunity. In addition, cucumber eliminates swelling of the face and keeps the body hydrated. Pour a little piece of cucumber into a bottle filled with water and squeeze the lemon over it. Then add Mint to the test.
4 Ginger and Lemon Water Ginger relieves us from pain. To make this drink, add 1 slice of lemon and some grated ginger to the water. You can also squeeze a little lemon on top. Drink it throughout the day.
5 Apple cider vinegar water We all know that apple cider vinegar is very beneficial in weight loss. To make this drink, squeeze 1 apple slice, 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and a little lemonade.
6 Tea Tea is drunk all over the world. But do you know that some types of tea are considered very beneficial for health. Ginger tea, dendilion tea, peppermint tea and green tea are good for weight loss. You can drink 3-5 cups of tea throughout the day and lose weight.
7 Salt water If you are going to start your detox water diet then try to drink salt water before that. This drink cleans your entire system. Just add a little salt to the water and relax. This will clean the body.
8 Cranberry juice Cranberry cleanses the body and increases metabolism. If metabolism is good then only you will be able to lose weight. It works to convert fat into energy, which does not increase weight. This drink removes alcohol and nicotine from the body.
9 Lemonade lemon can be added to other detox drinks. Lemonade is a refreshing drink that promotes immunity. By taking it regularly, you will also get a clean and glowing screen.
10 Cabbage growth You can detox the body not only with detox water but also with this cabbage growth. Just mix some green vegetables with cabbage such as spinach, carrots and onions etc. You can mix any other green vegetables in your mind.
Detox Turmeric Tea Recipe: This is a perfect combination of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Turmeric tea has countless health benefits. Turmeric helps to cleanse your liver and improve your immunity and liver function.
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp honey
2 cups of water
How to make detox turmeric tea
Take water in a bowl and heat it.
Boil it on low heat and add other ingredients to it.
In Ayurveda, migraine is termed as “Ardhavabhedhaka” and is mainly caused due to an imbalance in the tridoshas, namely vata, pitta and kapha doshas. These doshas have negative influence on the functioning of the nervous system, hampering memory, concentration and focus, in addition it diminishes eye health, causes irregular sleep cycle or insomnia and reduced productivity be it at work or at home.
The most defining symptom of migraine is “Ardheshirsha Vedana” means pain in half the region of the head.
Other consist of stabbing pain in the region of Manya (cervical region) Bhru (eyebrows), Karna (ears), Akshi (eyes) and Lalata (frontal head). Also, people suffering from migraine, also experience high intensity of pain with Bhrama (vertigo/dizziness), Shankhamoola Darana (tearing pain in temporal regions) and Chakshu Virajyata (redness of eyes).
Suppressing migraine pain with NSAIDS and analgesics gives short-term relief and the pain can occur again. Dependency on medicines(pain killers) decreases the body’s natural pain relief mechanism and long–term dependence can damage kidneys, liver or other vital organs.
Migraine attacks are debilitating and cause a lot of suffering. Patients usually opt for painkillers, but these treatments don’t cure the problem. People who get migraine attacks are often able to identify the causes and triggers. Over a period of time some of them can develop coping abilities and a few can prevent a full -blown attack at the first warning symptom.
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People who follow a irregular lifestyle, resulting in any type of physicaldistress can contributes towards migraine symptoms.
Some common causes are low blood sugar, wrong posture, sleep deprivation,exhaustion, over exposure to intense lights, sounds, or smells, severe weather changes, frequent travelling and a jet lag can also trigger the attacks.
Emotional stress plays an important role when it comes to migraines. People who are perfectionists and want things to be their way are susceptible to migraines. Other than this, Stress, overexcitement, depression, inability to handle emotions, overwhelming feeling and anxiety are some other factors promoting the migraine episodes.
A faulty or imbalanced diet is a major cause of migraine headaches.
Incompatible diet, skipping meals, alcohol and caffeine consumption, monosodium glutamate, soy products and artificial sweeteners are responsible create imbalance of doshas in the body. Foods that contain additive tyramine, cheese, citrus foods, too much caffeine or tea, also, dehydration can be one of the some triggers.
Migraine headaches are often associated with female hormone estrogen. So, Menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy that cause the hormonal levels to fluctuate from its normal range, can cause migraines.
Environmental factors like change in climate or weather, fluctuating temperature, humidity, exposureto cold winds and change in altitude can induce migraine. Similarly, overexposure to bright or flickering light, extensive screen time, extreme heat or cold and strong smells can start the episode.
Medicines like Anti-depressants, nasal steroids and decongestants, birth control pills, sleeping pills are considered to cause migraine. Some medicines, both prescribed and over-the -counter can triggermigraine headaches. Overuse of pain killers, can cause these headaches. Pain killers are short-term solution. If the patient consumes it too frequently it can lead to rebound headaches.
Migraine headaches are of different types. The most common are Classical Migraines and Common Migraines.
Classical Migraines (Migraine with Aura)
Classical migraines begin with a warning sign called Aura. The Aura often involves changes in flashing lights, colours or shadows and temporary loss of vision.
Common Migraines (Migraine without Aura)
Common Migraines doesn’t start with Aura and hence also called as Migraines Without Aura. It starts slowly and interfere with daily activities. The pain of common migraine is only on one side of the head. This is the commonest type of migraine, hence the name.
Chronic Migraine
In chronic migraines patients have at least 15headaches day within a month, with at least 8 headaches day associated with migraine features, for a period of more than 3 month
Menstrual Migraine
Menstrual Migraine attacks occur in a pattern, and are connected with the menstrual cycle.
Hemiplegic Migraine
Hemiplegic Migraine causes weakness/numbness on one side of the body for a temporary period.
Abdominal Migraine
In this type migraine episodes are connected to abnormal gut functioning or Indigestion. It generally effects children under 14 years of age.
Migraine with brainstem aura
This is a rare type of migraine which can cause severe neurological symptoms, such as affected speech.
Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches are rare headaches, occuring in patterns, known as cluster periods. Cluster headaches can be very painful. They generally cause pain on one side of your head.
Cervicogenic headaches
Cervicogenic headaches are caused by illness or physical condition,mainly associated with neck pain or cervical pain. Mostly, this type of headache can occur by a sudden movement of neck. It occurs on one side of your head or face.
Retinal Migraine
A retinal migraine occurs due to temporary vision loss in one eye, which can last from minutes to months, but usually it is reversible.
Vestibular migraine
Vestibular migraine is also known as migraine-associated vertigo. This migraine affects balance and causes dizziness.
Acute migraine
Acute migraine is known as episodic migraine. People who suffer from episodic migraines can have headaches up to 14 days a month.
Migraines can begin in childhood, or in early adulthood. It can undergo four stages but not for everyone: Prodrome,Aura, Attack and Postdrome.
Migraine symptoms which begin one or two days before the headache is known as Prodrome stage.
Food cravings
Neck stiffness
This is the second stage. During Aura, the patient may have problems with vision, sensation, movement and speech.
Speaking difficulty
Tingling sensation in face, arms or legs.
Observing light flashes or bright spots.
Temporary loss of vision.
Hearing noises or music
Uncontrollable jerking
This is the most severe pain phase, accompanied with the symptoms like
Sensitivity increase in light and sound.
Feeling faint
Pain on one side of head, either on left, right, front or back side of the temples.
Pulsing head pain
During this phase, patients have mood changes and feelings such as euphoric, extremely happy, feeling very tired and apathetic. The phase length can vary person to person. Sometimes, this phase may also be skippe
Avoid exposure to mid-day sun and cold winds
Follow a regular sleepschedule with 8 hours of sleep
Make a routine of 40-60 minutes of morning/evening walk everyday
Follow relaxation techniques(can practice pranayamas, yoga) to deal with chronic stress
Do not supress natural urges (sneezing, tears, moving the bowels or urinating)
Avoid drinking and smoking
Freshly cooked organic food
Consume a Pitta pacifying diet, such as sweet ripe fruits, all green vegetables, coriander, mint, coconuts, pomegranates, light dairy products, pulses, nuts and seeds
Avoid astringent, heavy, bitter, acidic, sour, salty and pungent foods
Drink warm water throughout the day to stay hydrated
Have a light breakfast and dinner
Drink milk separately, don’t take it with other food
Oil pulling or Kavala graha is very beneficial in treating migraine. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in mouth on an empty stomach for 15-20 minutes and spit it out, gargle with warm water afterwards. This removes bacteria and toxins from the mouth. Lateryou can brush too.
Drink warm milk with a pinch of saffron, cardamom and turmeric in it, every day.
Soak 4-5 almonds and raisins in water overnight. Eat them and drink the water every morning.
Grind equal quantities of roasted, cumin coriander, and fennelseeds. Add 1 tablespoon of the powder to a cup of boiling water. Let it come to room temperature and drink it on an empty stomach
GINGER TEA – Boil a piece of ginger in water and drink it.
Apply sandalwood or nutmeg paste on the forehead, it calms down and relaxes the mind during an attack
PEPPERMINT TEA – peppermint herb helps in relieving a headache. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the nerves. You can drink freshly brewed peppermint tea or even massage your temples with peppermint oil, leave it on for at least half an hour. Doing this few times a day helps with the migraine pain.
INHALE ESSENTIAL OILS – Soothing scents can help reduce pain and ease tension by directly attacking the triggers. Stress can be a trigger for migraine headache. Lavender oil works as a mild sedative that helps calm down the mind.
Rosemary oil works well in hormonal imbalances, which is one of the major causes of migraine in women. Add 5 to 10 drops of the essential oil into hot water and inhale the steam with deep breaths.
Migraine in Ayurveda is stated as Ardhavabedhaka that has one-sided pain which is intense and piercing in nature.
Ayurved considers Migraine dominated with Vata-Pitta Dosha. Affected person may have intense pain feel Redness and Burningsensation in the eyes. Usually,migraine is associated with previous history of acidity, digestive issues.
Ayurveda has a comprehensive approach towards managing headaches like Migraine by practising a combination of corrective Ahar (diet),Vihar (exercise) and Aushadhi (medicines) that help in maintaining the balance of all doshas for prevention & cure of the disease.
Food in keeping all three doshas in balance should be eaten.
Meditation and exercisescan bring peace of mind, strength, purity and well-being to mind and body. Yogasanas which are good for the abdomen, head, chest and neck are found to be a good combination for this disease.
Asanas : Vama pada pavana muktasana, Janu shirsasana, Uttanapadasana
Panchakarma therapies with oral medications works wondersin Migraine and other disorders. Depending on the persons prakruti and dosha involvement, a set of therapies are advised
In this procedure a thin stream of medicated oil/medicated decoction is poured on the forehead of the person for relief from the pain.
A herbal paste consisting of herbs which are good for the Pitta Dosha and vata dosha balancing are applied on the head.
The pouring of the medicated oils on a leather cap that is tied to the head is also an effective technique for treating migraine.
Oil pulling is another technique that is effective in treating migraine in the longer run. It can be practiced with simply sesame oil or other medicated oil good for migraine.
SESAME OIL FOR NASYAM – migraines are mostly be associated with an aggravated vata dosha, due to mental stress or insomnia. The dry nature of vata makes you dehydrated, leading to stiffness of muscles and constipation that trigger a headache. In order to relieve this condition, put 3-4 drops of sesame oil in your nostrils, once a day till the migraine attack lasts and inhale deeply. Sesame oil gives relief from the gases that causes the headache and relaxes your body
Keeping all the doshas and symptoms in mind CHANDIGARH AYURVEDA CENTRE has manufactured “MIGRAINE GO KIT” which helps in reducing the attacks of migraine and severity of the disease and cures it from its the root.
Hemorrhoids are inflamed or swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus. Sometimes, the walls of these blood vessels stretch so thin that the veins puffed up and get irritated, especially when you pass motions. Hemorrhoids are also termed piles.
Hemorrhoids are one of the most leasing causes of rectal bleeding. They usually go away on their own. Ayurvedic treatments can also cure.
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1st Degree
Stay in the rectum
2nd Degree
Prolapse through the anus on defecation but automatically reduce
3rd Degree
Prolapse through the anus on defecation but need digital reduction
4th Degree
Remain persistently prolapsed/outside anus
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Painless bleeding during defecation
Itching or irritation in the anal region
Discomfort, soreness, and pain in the anal area
Lumps and swelling in the anal region
Dripping feces
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are so far inside your rectum that you can’t often see them.
They don’t usually hurt because you have few sensory nerves there.
Blood on your poop, on toilet paper after wiping, or in the toilet bowl
Tissue that swells outside your anal opening. This may be painful, often when you poop.
You might be able to see swollen hemorrhoids as moist bumps that are pinker than the surrounding area.
These generally go back inside on their own.
External hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids are beneath the skin around your anus, where there are many more sensory nerves. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include:
Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
A blood clot can transform into an external hemorrhoid purple or blue. This is called a thrombosis hemorrhoid. You may have symptoms like:
Severe pain during defecation
Itching in the anal region
Pregnancy: They are more found in pregnant women because, as the uterus enlarges in size, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to swell up.
Aging: Hemorrhoids are more commonly found in adults aged 45 to 65 years. This does not mean that young individuals and children do not get them.
Diarrhea: Hemorrhoids can also occur after cases of chronic diarrhea.
Chronic constipation: Straining to move stool exerts additional pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.
Sitting for too long: Staying in a seated position for a prolonged time can cause hemorrhoids, especially on the toilet.
Heavy lifting: Regularly lifting heavy objects can result in hemorrhoids.
Anal intercourse: This can form new hemorrhoids or worsen existing ones.
Obesity: Obesity can cause also hemorrhoids.
Genetics: Hemorrhoids can be inherited.
Strangulated hemorrhoid: If the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is reduced or cut off, it may become strangulated. This can cause severe pain.
Anemia: Chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids can result in anemia. This occurs when there are not enough RBCs in a person’s body.
Blood clots: Sometimes, a blood clot may form in the anus, which can be painful. The area will become inflamed
Treatment for hemorrhoids
Medical management (Bheshaja chikitsa)
Medical mode of treatment can cure first-degree hemorrhoids. In other degrees of piles, it may be practiced along with other procedures. This treatment is done after evaluating dosha predominance.
Operative management (Sastra chikitsa)
Application of Kshara-sutra Therapy.
In this process, hemorrhoids are tied at their pedicle by Kshara-sutra or specially processed thread with herbs. By the convention of pressure necrosis, it prohibits blood supply to the respective pile stack immediately. Eventually, hemorrhoids shrink, diminish and ultimately fall off within 10 days, leaving some scar tissue that assists the surrounding veins in that area, preventing them to bulge or swell further.
Application of Ayurvedic Kshara (Caustics made up of Ayurvedic herbs)
It is a non-surgical procedure of Ayurveda suggested for the complete management of hemorrhoids. A medicine (alkaline in nature) obtained from a combination of different herbs is applied to the pile stack with the usage of a special slit proctoscope. It is a form of chemical cauterization. Application of kshara sutra is considered superior over all other procedures used for the treatment piles.
Cauterisation or Agnikarma
Agnikarma is the type of thermal cautery that is a suitable method in the excision of sentinel piles, skin tags, and anal warts falling in the Vatha Kaphaja type of pile.
Do’s and Don’ts for Hemorrhoids or Piles
Drink lot of fluids
Do take sufficient fibers in the diet
Exercise regularly and walking is one of the best things
Train yourself for healthy food intake of lunch and dinner
Lose weight if you are obese
Chew your food adequately which enable digestion
Take buttermilk, onion, leafy vegetables and green gram, etc. regularly
Do not eat any food which is heavy to digest
You should also cut off spicy, processed, and oily foods
Increase your intake of okra, bathua, spinach, carrots, radish, and leafy vegetables in your everyday menu
Increase physical activity
Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day.
Eat foods, which are excellent sources of fiber, such as whole-grain or bran, cereals and bread, fresh and leafy vegetables and fruits, and, if necessary, add bran to your meals (about three to four tablespoonful per day)
Keep the anal area clean and dry
Have warm baths
The hot soup of dry radish is very good in non-bleeding piles
Have enough sleep
Take sitz bath.
Don’t sit for prolonged time on a hard surface because it can prohibit blood flow around the anal area
Don’t sit on the toilet pot for long periods. This position exerts extra pressure on the anal area
Don’t drink coffee or alcohol in excess
Hurry and worry is not advisable for a piles patient
Avoid weight lifting. Even if you lift anything heavy exhale and don’t retain your breath
Don’t use laxatives on daily basis, as it may become a habit, weaken the intestine and cause the bowels to lose their ability to function normally.
Don’t take any medication directly; this can be harmful to your intestine as well as diseases.
Tejapatta is commonly used in Indian cuisine for its aroma. People feel that this smells good in vegetables but this leaf also has many health benefits. Tejapat oil has a variety of medicinal properties that are very beneficial for health. Many types of ointments are made from this oil and it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is also rich in antioxidants. Tejpatta is a type of spice that has high amounts of copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and iron. But very few of us know about its properties.
In this article, we are going to tell you about 7 health benefits of Tejpatta, which are as follows:
1) Help in digestion: Tejpatta is helpful in digestion. And many types of digestive disorders are cured by its use. If you have constipation, acid and cramps, then Tejapatta can prove to be a panacea for you.
2) Beneficial in Diabetes: In case of type 2 diabetes, Tejpata can prove to be good for you. It controls blood sugar and keeps the heart healthy. Therefore, if you are a victim of diabetes, then Tejpatta is used in food.
3) Inspire sleep: On getting more sleep, soak Tejpatta in water for at least 6 hours and after getting up, drink that water. This will give you a lot of relief and a sleep-over hangover.
4) Remove kidney problem: Tejpata is helpful in resolving the problem of kidney. For this, boil water by adding bay leaf and drink that water. Make your ceiling the most beautiful part of your home.
5) Anti-cancer element: Tejpata has properties to fight cancer. It contains elements called caffeic acid, quercetin, and euginale that prevent metabolisms from causing fatal diseases such as cancer.
6) Pain relief: Applying the oil of Tejpatta to the painful area provides relief from pain. If you want, massage it at the painful place, it will help you a lot.
7) Cardiovascular benefits: Acne is beneficial in many heart related problems. Consumption of it reduces the risk of heart attack and keeps the heart healthy.
These Are Excellent Benefits Of Consuming Mint
Benefits for Asthma patients: In the mint, such qualities are found which can be beneficial in asthma. Consuming mint leaves with figs can relieve chest phlegm. For this, you can chew some mint leaves with figs. Drinking mint juice can also relieve respiratory problems.
Relief from stomach diseases: Our diet is more prone to stomach problems like acidity, constipation, in this case, peppermint can be beneficial for you. Peppermint can also be very beneficial in relieving stomach irritation or flatulence. For this, mixed mint juice in a cup of lukewarm water and a spoonful of honey in it should be drunk.
Jaundice is effective even if you have jaundice, you can consume mint. With this, you can get mint relief even if the liver is swollen. Mint has many properties that can relieve jaundice.
The use of peppermint saved from heat in summer is considered to be the best in summer. In summer, mint is also helpful in protecting from heat. Drinking mint juice daily in summer makes you feel cool as well as keeps you hydrated.
Be careful while consuming mint. Mint is very healthy, but excessive consumption can be a danger bell for you. Mint leaves should be consumed in limited quantities. Excess intake can be harmful to the kidneys and intestines.
Curry leaves
Curry leaves are used in almost every Indian kitchen to sprinkle food. It increases both the taste and smell of food. The nutrients present in curry leaves are beneficial for health in many respects. In Ayurveda, curry leaves have been described as a panacea for stomach diseases. Apart from this, it keeps the weight under control by keeping the sugar under control. It is also considered good for skin and hair. Eating curry leaves with lukewarm water every day on an empty stomach has many benefits. Let’s know how curry leaves benefit you. Keep the digestive system right – curry leaves have carminative properties. Which keeps away problems like constipation. It also provides a lot of relief in stomach problems.
Curry leaf acts as an anti-bacterial, due to which all stomach problems are removed.
Relief in skin infection Curry leaves have anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Which protect the skin from many types of infections. Brighten the eyesight, Vitamin A is found in it, which is very important for our eyes. Due to lack of it, night blindness occurs due to which the eyesight also reduces. Consumption of curry leaves on an empty stomach makes the eyes light up.
Get rid of diarrhea. Due to the cargo hold present in the curry leaves, it has antibacterial and inflammation-reducing properties. The hard leaf serves to correct diarrhea by removing bile related to the stomach and grinding the curry leaves for its consumption. The juice has to be taken two to three times a day with buttermilk, so that you will soon get relief in your diarrhea,
The nutrients in curry leaves do not allow the hair to turn white quickly and also reduce hair fall. It is also effective in problems like dandruff.
Eating curry leaves on an empty stomach, which helps in losing weight, reduces weight. For that, boil 10 to 20 curry leaves in water. Now let this decoction cool down. After this, mix lemon and honey in it and drink it. Now drink it on an empty stomach every day, this drink will burn the fat in your stomach.
Prevent cancer disease – Curry leaves contain plenty of antioxidants, which protects us from diseases like cancer. And curry leaves protect against leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal etc. due to special elements like phenols. The presence of many types of vitamins in it also prevents the loss of oxidative and free radicals.
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Skin moles are growths on your skin that vary in color from your natural skin shade to brown-black.
Moles can appear anywhere on your body or mucous membranes, one or multiple.
The life cycle of a mole is generally about 50 years. As the year’s pass, moles generally change gradually, becoming raised and lighter in color.
Most skin moles appear in early childhood age and during the first 20 years of life. It is ordinary for an individual to have between 10 to 40 moles by adulthood.
Often, hairs develop on the mole. Some moles will not alter at all over the years and some will gradually diminish over time.
Types of skin moles
This is a normal general mole, a small growth on your skin that’s pink, brown, black, or tan and has a discrete edge.
These moles are way larger in shape than a pencil eraser and uneven in shape. Dysplastic nevi tend to have an ill-matched color with dark brown centers and lighter, bumpy edges. These moles tend to be inherited, and people who have them may have more than 100 moles on their bodies. If you have dysplastic nevi then you have a greater chance of developing uncontrollable melanoma. Any changes in a mole should be checked for skin cancer by a doctor.
These are moles appeared on your skin when you were born. Congenital mole prevalence is nearly about 1 in 100 people. These moles may be more likely to transform into melanoma than moles that establish after birth. If your skin mole is more than 8 mm in diameter, it a larger risk of becoming cancerous.
Causes of skin mole
When cells in your skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin.
Most moles are made of cells called melanocytes
Melanin pigment gives your skin its natural color.
Risk factors
Excessive sunlight.
Indoor tanning
Fair history
Family history
Familial melanoma
Race or ethnicity
Previous skin cancer
Inherited conditions like Retinoblastoma, Werner syndrome
What makes Skin moles darker?
Sun exposure
The ABCDEs are the main signs of moles that could be cancerous. If a mole exhibits any of the signs listed below, have it examined immediately by your doctor:
Asymmetry: If one side of your skin mole does not match the other half.
Border: If the boundary of your mole is shabby, blurred, ragged, or irregular.
Color: If the color of your mole is not similar completely, or it has various shades of colors such as tan, brown, white, red, black, and blue
Diameter: If the diameter of your mole is greater than the eraser (given with the pencil).
Elevation: If your mole has raised after being flat, or it grows over a short period.
The most common location for melanoma in
Men – Back region
Women – lower leg
Melanoma is the most familiar cancer in women ages 25 to 29.
Moles are naturally occurring skin growths that can’t be restricted. However, you can be proactive about avoiding skin cancer (or examining it early) by:
Regulating how much sun exposure you get.
Apply sunscreen regularly.
Inspecting your moles at least once a month.
Early detection and treatment of melanoma
Being proactive about restricting skin cancer is important for your health, if,
Presenting the family history of many moles, atypical moles, or a history of skin cancer.
You have fair skin
You have many moles on your body.
Blackheads form when a plug forms in the opening of hair follicles in your skin. Every follicle has one hair and a sebaceous gland that produces oil. This is called sebum, which helps keep your skin soft and hydrated.
Dead skin cells and oils gather in the opening to the skin follicle, producing a pile called a comedo. If the skin over the mass stays closed, the mass or bump is called a whitehead.
When the skin over the bump opens up, exposure to the air causes it to look black, and a blackhead forms.
Aggravating factors
Excessive body oil production.
The growth of the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria.
Irritation of the hair follicles when dead skin cells are not shedding daily.
Undergoing hormonal alterations that cause an increase in oil production during the teen years.
While taking birth control pills, taking specific drugs, such as corticosteroids and androgens.
Management according to Ayurveda
Kashisadi Taila: This is a purely herbal formulation in Ayurveda that can be applied over the moles under the prescription of an Ayurveda specialist.
Mahamanjistharistha: It is a classical herbal formulation to decrease hyperpigmentation of the skin.
Chandigarh Ayurved centre provides special Mukha lepam therapy for the treatment of moles and blackheads.
Oil is used a lot in cooking. Without oil, you cannot taste food. You must have often heard that ‘oil should be used in small amounts’, ‘too much oil is harmful for health’. That is why you use non stick utensils to cook less oil for cooking. But perhaps you do not know that using proper amount of oil is also beneficial for you. Using the required amount of oil is good for the heart. But you also have to keep in mind that which oil is beneficial for you to use. Therefore, we will tell you which oil you can increase the taste of the food by using it. So let us tell you about the 10 best oils.
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10 Best Cooking Oils:
1. Grape seed oil
Use of oil made from grape seeds is quite beneficial. Because in this, due to polyunsaturated fat, you are protected from many diseases. The use of grapefruit oil in food reduces eye irritation, as well as can help protect you from diseases of the eyes and skin.
2. Benefits of sesame oil
Sesame oil is delicious to eat. Sesame oil provides the ability to fight many diseases, oil of oil is tasty. Sesame oil provides the ability to fight many diseases. Sesame oil is very beneficial for diabetes patients. With sesame oil, you can avoid many diseases like anemia, cancer, stress and sugar etc.
3. Avocado Oil
Avocado oil is found in plenty of vitamins. This oil is mostly used for medicine and food. Avocado oil is extracted from the avocado fruit. Avocado fruit is cultivated abroad. Due to the presence of vitamins and antioxidants in this oil, it works to remove skin diseases. Use of this oil can provide relief from obesity, arthritis and inflammation.
4. Rice Bran Oil
Oil made from rice bran is considered very beneficial for health. Oil made from rice bran is considered very beneficial for health. Vitamin E, acid and antioxidants are found in this oil, which keeps cholesterol balanced. This oil is used in cooking. Most oil made from rice bran is used in Japan and China.
5. Olive Oil
Many diseases can be avoided by using olive oil. Many diseases can be avoided by using olive oil. It is beneficial for people with high BP, as it is beneficial in reducing the sugar label. Olive oil is very beneficial for health. Olive oil is also used for massaging young children. Olive oil works to control depression, cancer, diabetes.
6. Sunflower Oil
Vitamin E is found in plenty in sunflower oil. It burns fat, keeps the heart healthy. Vitamin E is found in plenty in sunflower oil. It burns fat, keeps the heart healthy. Reduces cholesterol level and also works to increase taste in food.
7. Coconut Oil
Best Cooking Oils: Coconut oil is also used for cooking as well as for health. Coconut oil is used for cooking as well as for health. Cereal oil is also used for cooking as well as for health. Coconut oil is also considered to be good for the digestive system.
8. Groundnut Oil
Eating peanuts is considered good for health; eating peanuts is considered good for health, just as peanut oil is also beneficial for health. The body gets energy due to the rich amount of vitamins and minerals in peanuts. Peanut oil can be beneficial for heart, skin and cancer.
9. Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is also known as bitter oil. Most Indian people use mustard oil for cooking. Mustard oil is considered a very nutritious oil. Mustard oil is hot. Therefore, this oil is used more in winter. Mustard oil can also help in protecting the body from allergies.
10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Best Cooking Oils: Extra virgin olive oil is better than olive oil (olive oil). Extra virgin olive oil is better than olive oil (olive oil). It is the purest and healthiest. This oil is made from freshly cut olive oil. Which is good for health. The use of this oil keeps the digestion process right.
11. Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil is also considered to be another good cooking oil as it is loaded with the properties of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for our health and are also very important in treating and preventing Crohn’s Disease and colitis.
12. Best cooking oil for health groundnut oil
Peanut oil has high amounts of mono-unsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA), which helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. It is also a good source of vitamin E, which protects the skin from acne or scars and is known to act as a good antioxidant.
13. Palm oil
Palm oil is mostly used for frying food, palm oil is considered a rich source of antioxidants, carotene and vitamin E. It is also a good treatment for cancer patients and those suffering from Alzheimer’s, arthritis, atherosclerosis and anti-aging.
The best edible oil is almond oil
Almond oil for cooking is used for two first aid issues, heart disease and blood pressure. Almond oil increases the level of good cholesterol and also protects against colon tumor.
Sleeping early at night reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, learn the benefits of sleeping early. Sleeping adequately and early can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and lead to longer life.
Table of Contents
Sleeping early at night has many benefits on health.
If you go to sleep early at night, this habit is very good for your health. However, people who sleep late at night must know about the disadvantages of sleeping late and the benefits of sleeping early. According to a study, people who do not get enough sleep or do not sleep early, are troubled by many problems. You stay more positive by getting enough rest and sleeping early. Don’t worry too much about any issues, or problems. Take a look at the health benefits of sleeping early.
Improves the ability to think and understand
Our understanding and sleep are directly related. It is believed that a person who does not get enough sleep and does not sleep quickly, will not be able to mentally health himself and his ability to understand and think will be adversely affected. Good sleep can, in fact, increase your ability to think and keep your mind stable. Also Read – Indian leads the way in getting good sleep at night, better sleep is beneficial
Office work can be better
If you sleep fast and enough, it will also affect your productivity. Not only can you increase your concentration, but it will also increase your memory capacity. You will not feel tired. In this way work performance will be improved.
Weight will remain balanced
If you want to balance your weight then start getting fast and adequate sleep. Many types of research have found that a person who sleeps late is more likely to gain weight, so sleep early and wake up early.
Live healthy
To make your immune system or immune system strong, you should sleep early and daily enough. By getting enough sleep, your immune system is able to fight against viruses and bacteria in a good way. Adequate sleep decreases cortisol hormone levels in the blood and improves immune system function. This means that it helps you to avoid infections and other diseases.
Avoidance of chronic disease
Sleeping adequately and early can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and lead to longer life. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 6 and a half hours have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Apart from this, by getting better sleep, you are able to drive properly, which also reduces the risk of an accident.
The sunlight
Sunlight is a must for everyone. It gives us vitamin D, which is necessary for our body. Also, when you see the sun rising, you will automatically realize how beautiful everything is here, this beautiful thinking has the ability to keep you healthy throughout the day.
Feeling energetic
The energy you feel in the morning is never felt again during the day. This is the benefit of waking up in Brahma Muhurta . Your physical cycle moves with the sun. The environment around in the morning is calm, it is considered an auspicious time, which is necessary to make you energetic.
Feeling happy
An energetic person feels happy, you must have known this. A big benefit of getting up early in the morning is that you can be happy all day. They go on to complete their work on time and this instills confidence in you and makes you feel happy.
Positive start
You wake up early in the morning and feel the calm surrounding. This environment creates positive vibrations, which fills the positivity in your life. When you wake up early in the morning after getting enough sleep, you also feel relaxed and you are thinking positively about the day ahead.
By waking up early in the morning you have enough time for every task. You are not in a hurry to run for office, you are in a hurry to settle the kitchen work. In such a situation, you also get time for your fitness. If you want, take a walk in the park or go to the gym. Waking up early in the morning will not give you a chance to complain that you do not get time for your fitness.
Good sleep
Most of you complain that even after going to bed at night, you do not get sleep. You stay awake till late. Obviously there is a delay in opening the sleep in the morning. In such a situation, the biggest benefit of getting up early in the morning is that one goes to sleep as soon as they go to bed at night. This also keeps the cycle of sleep correct.
Tension free life
We wake up early in the morning and feel fresh. If everyone in the family wakes up early in the morning then everyone gets to spend more time with each other. The chirping of birds in the morning, sitting in the balcony, drinking tea, going for a walk, all these are important for a stress-free life. You will not experience fatigue throughout the day, obviously stress will not burst near.
Improved productivity
After getting plenty of sleep at night, your brain gets complete rest. If you are up early in the morning, then you have enough time. Your brain works fast and you don’t have to put much brain to think. Since your brain works fast, you will be able to do your work easily. In this way your productivity will also increase and the chances of promotion too.
Diet improvement
You have more time by waking up early in the morning. In such a situation, you will also be able to pay attention to your diet. You get plenty of time to think about what to eat at Breakfast, what to make for lunch, what to make for evening snacks, and to make healthy food. Apart from this, instead of having breakfast in a hurry, you sit down and have breakfast, which is very important for the beginning of your day.
Distance from illnesses
Who does not want to distance themselves from diseases? The way you feel fresh after getting up early in the morning, work hard for physical activity, all this is enough to keep you away from diseases. Fresh and pure air in the morning is essential for both your body and mind. This increases the oxygen level in your body and your body cures diseases.
Tips For Waking Up Early
Despite knowing the benefits of waking up early in the morning, there are some people who feel like getting up in the morning is like climbing a mountain. Hearing the sound of the alarm in the morning, the mind gets disturbed and even without wanting it, the hand proceeds to set off the alarm.
Most of us cursing in the morning after setting off the alarm for a few minutes and craving for sleep
Most of us do not give up a few minutes and sleep longing after cursing the alarm. If you also have trouble getting up early in the morning, here are some useful tips for you.
While sleeping at night, you set an alarm, but keep that alarm on the table under or next to the pillow. As soon as the alarm rings in the morning, you raise your hand and close it and go back to sleep. It would be better if you keep the alarm a short distance so that you have to get up from your bed to turn off the alarm. Once you get up from bed, then sleep is opened.
Once the alarm sounds, keep yourself away from this frenzy whether I want to wake up or not. Instead of stressing your mind, leave the bed immediately. Once you spend time thinking, you will not be able to get up.
If you have to get up early in the morning, plan it a week in advance. Wake up ten to fifteen minutes before the day, slowly your routine will be set to wake up early in the morning.
Remove the curtains in the window of your room at night. In the morning, the sunlight coming from the window in the room will wake you up, greeting you. It will infuse positive energy in your mind as well as in the room.
Get into the habit of sleeping at the same time every day. Stay on the same day even on holiday. In this way, you will continue to get up early in the morning.
The most important mantra for getting up early in the morning is that you should be sleepy. Make sure that you sleep at least seven hours daily. In this way, you will not feel lazy in getting up early in the morning and you will find yourself full of freshness.
Disadvantages of forced wake up in the morning
Have you ever tried to know whether people who get up late are less successful? Those who remain asleep till late morning, do not touch the floor of success in their life? Is the English saying correct that only those people who get up early in the morning are healthy, wealthy and intelligent? The truth is that half of the people in the world like to wake up early in the morning and half of the people like to stay up late in the night. The person who wakes up late at night will sleep till late in the morning. Now it is not that all the people who get up late are unsuccessful or less successful.
Every person has his / her own body clock. He sleeps and wakes according to his body clock. It is possible that he sleeps during the day and awakes at night. If someone is asked to go against his body clock and wake up in the morning or late at night, then it will have a bad effect on his body. He will be full of laziness, his mind will run low and he will not be able to do justice even with his work. Making money is a distant thing. There can be chances of his health deteriorating. Only when a person does his body clock work, his performance is better. By the way, this habit varies with age and situation. Children have to get up early in the morning to go to school. When these children have long leave from school, they stay asleep for a long time.