Table of Contents
- Lifestyle diseases occur by the way people live their life. These are non-communicable diseases. These diseases are commonly caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol consumption, eating tobacco these lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and Lung cancer.
- Diseases that occur due to an increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized can include: Alzheimer’s disease, depression, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, colitis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, PCOD, stroke, obesity, and vascular dementia.
- Some diseases, such as diabetes, dental caries, and asthma, appear more in young populations living in a western way.
- Diet and lifestyle are major factors that influence diseases.
- Substance use disorders which include tobacco, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and lack of exercise or too much exercise may also increase the risk of developing some diseases, especially in later life.
- Sedentary lifestyles increase greater rates of obesity.
- Colorectal cancer,
- Breast cancer,
- Prostate cancer,
- Endometrial cancer
- Lung cancer started increasing after this dietary change.
- Adults can develop lifestyle diseases through behavioral factors that impact them. These can be unsafe life, unemployment, poor social environment, working conditions, stress, and home life can change a person’s lifestyle and increase their risk of developing one of these diseases.
- Obesity – It is the most common problem associated with multiple diseases. BMI will able to tell about obesity levels. If the BMI is higher than 25 then a person falls in the obese category, Obesity is influenced by unhealthy eating habits, stressful lifestyle, and mainly due to lack of physical activity. Through obesity, a person suffers from issues such as breathing, blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.
- Arteriosclerosis – It is the condition in which the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the arteries become thick and stiff, restricting the blood flow to the organ and tissues.
- It is the primary reason associated with blood circulation, heart attacks, and chest pains. Although, there is a link between obesity as well as diabetes and high blood pressure.
- 30-40% of deaths due to cardiovascular problems are directly associated with the age group of 34 to 64.
- Heart Diseases – Heart disease is defined as an abnormality or irregularity in the heart that could affect the heart and blood vessel walls causing functional problems in the heart. There are more than fifty million Indians that suffer from hearing issues. Smoking, high cholesterol, and diabetes are associated with heart diseases.
- High Blood Pressure – Stress, obesity, genetic factors, and unhealthy eating, lack of exercise all lead to high blood pressure problems. About a hundred million people in India suffer from high blood pressure. When the blood pressure reading is 140-90 or higher from this range, then the person suffers from high blood pressure.
- Type II Diabetes – Obesity is the result of type II diabetes. This type of diabetes is due to when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or there are resists of insulin. Associated factors include poor eating habits and uneven lifestyle choices. Currently, there are more than forty million people facing this problem in India, and the number of cases increases significantly.
- Cancer – Cancer is defined as irregular cell growth in the body and is caused due to many reasons like smoking, lifestyle. Cancer is a direct result of a weak immune system of the body and a stressful lifestyle. A weak immune system will path to deadly viruses to perform their attack in the body system, and allow it to enter into the immune system.
- Stroke – Stroke is caused due to the blood vessel that carries blood to the brain get obstructed. This condition leads to an oxygen deficiency in the particular area of the brain where the blood is supposed to reach and results in a stroke. This problem is due to poor health habits and high blood pressure. There are many problems associated with lifestyle disorders, but the most significant challenge remains the people and their ignorant choices of leading a life, which caused increasing issues among millions of Indians people on an annual basis.
- Dinacharya (daily regimen),
- Ritucharya (seasonal regimen),
- Panchakarma (five detoxification and bio-purification therapies),
- Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapies.
- The Sadvritta (ideal routines)
- Aachara Rasayana (code of conduct)
- All these treatments have a great effect on lifestyle disorders.
- Rasayana herbs provides enough scope not only for the prevention of disease but also for the promotion of health and cure the disease too.
- The aim of prevention to reduce the risk of a disease or disorder affecting the people.
- Lifestyle diseases are preventable for children if parents choose the correct path for their children as early as possible.
- Lifestyle diseases can be prevented through the decreased intake of smoking tobacco.
- Overweight and obesity can be prevented through healthy eating, exercise, and a well-balanced lifestyle. Prevention can occur if a person undertaking 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily.
- Lifestyle disease can be prevented through giving up smoking and other substances, reduce intake of alcohol, processed meats, red meats, fatty foods, and engaging in daily exercise.