Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection brought about by microbes called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The microorganisms typically assault the lungs, yet they can likewise harm different pieces of the body. TB spreads through the air when an individual with TB of the lungs or throat hacks, sniffles, or talks.
Rajayakshma is a Tridoshaja Vyadhi with the predominance of Vata and Kapha Dosha and it is an ideal model for Madhyama Roga Marga. Here all the Sapta Dhatus are engaged with the sign of Rajayaksma, where all Dhatu are in Kshayavasta.
Rajayakshma is gathering of infections gets showed with the vitiation of tridosha and sapta dhatu. Due to enjoying Sahasa, Vega Sandarana, Kshaya, and Vishamashana, there is the sign of Ekadasha Rupa. Rajayakshma is considered as ruler of all illnesses. Thus, it being named as Raja (ruler) and Yakshma (rot), which methods for fraying state of gigantic greatness. Indications of Rajayakshma are parshwashoola, jwara, kasa and raktashthiwana.
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Samprapti (Pathogenesis) Of Tuberculosis
Samanya Samprapti of Rajayakshma in an exact manner.
?when Agni is in its appropriate structure,
? it prompts legitimate arrangement of Dhatus.
? These Dhatus stay in their individual Srotas and with the assistance of Agni lead to the arrangement of ensuing Dhatus.
?However, when there is impediment in the Srotamsi,
? it prompts consumption of Dhatus extraordinarily Rakta.
?This outcome in decrease of Dhatvagni and every one of these together lead to Rajayakshma.
Causes of Tuberculosis
Voyaging/living in where TB is common
Individuals with substance misuse issue
Individuals with feeble resistance framework and those experiencing grave sickness like HIV
Medical care laborers who are presented to patients with dynamic TB
Individuals who have been utilizing steroids for quite a while
Pregnant ladies and individuals going through radiotherapy are at a higher danger than others.
Common Symptoms of Tuberculosis
Hack that goes on for over about fourteen days with a green, yellow or bleeding sputum
Weight reduction
Loss of craving
Night sweats
Chest torment
Extra indications can likewise show if the illness has spread past the chest and lungs. For instance, if lymph hubs are tainted, there will expand of organs along the edges of the neck or underarms.
First of all treat the reason
After careful cleaning of the body a back rub ought to be finished with bala tail
Appetite expanding medications ought to be given after shodan of sarotas
For nourishment of dhatus milk,ghee,butter,meat,eggs ought to be associated with diet
Patient ought to be kept in discrete room
Patient ought to be kept in quiet and agreeable space for great sound rest
Boby Temperature ought to be checked commonly in a day
Symptomatic treatment ought to be done alongside usefull ayurvedic details for rajayakshma.
A person with TB should avoid the following:
Liquor in any structure, as it builds the danger of medication harmfulness
Carbonated beverages
Abundance of tea and espresso, or their admission with food
Sore throat means pain, itchiness, or irritation in the throat.
It may get worse when you try to swallow, and you may have difficulty in swollen food and liquids.
Sore throat still painful and may prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
Fortunately, people can use home remedies to soothe the pain and irritation.
Honey mixed in tea or taken on its own is a common home remedy for a sore throat.
Studies show that honey was even more effective at taming nighttime coughs than common cough suppressants.
Study shows that honey is effective in wound healer, and may help in fast healing for sore throats.
Gargling with salt water can soothe sore throat pain and break down secretions also help to kill bacteria in the throat.
Make a saltwater solution with a half-teaspoon of salt in a full glass of lukewarm water.
Gargle with this solution helps to reduce swelling and keep the throat clean.
This should be done every day or two to three times a day.
Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea naturally soothes the throat. It has long been used for soothing a sore throat.
It is often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties.
The study showed that inhaling chamomile steam relieves symptoms of a cold, including a sore throat.
Drinking chamomile tea can offer the same benefit.
It can also stimulate the immune system to help the body fight off the infection that caused a sore throat.
Peppermint is known for its ability to freshen breath and remove bad breath.
Peppermint oil sprays may relieve sore throats.
Peppermint contains menthol which helps in thinning the mucus in the throat and calms sore throats and coughs.
Peppermint has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, which may encourage healing.
Never use an essential oil like peppermint oil without mixing them with a carrier oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil.
Baking soda gargle
Gargling with baking soda mixed with salt water can relieve sore throat pain. Gargling with this solution can kill bacteria and prevent yeast and fungi growth.
Fenugreek has many health benefits. It is available in many forms.
People can eat fenugreek seed or use topical oil, drink fenugreek oil.
Tea with fenugreek seed is a natural remedy for sore throats.
Some studies show that fenugreek has healing powers.
It acts as pain relief and kills bacteria that cause irritation or inflammation.
Fenugreek also has antifungal properties.
Marshmallow root
Marshmallow root contains a mucus-like substance that coats and soothes a sore throat.
Add some dried root to a cup of boiling water to make tea.
Sipping the tea two to three times a day eases throat pain.
Licorice root
Licorice root used to treat sore throats.
Study shows it is effective when mixed with water to create a solution for gargling.
However pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this remedy.
Slippery elm
Slippery elm has a mucus-like substance.
With water, it forms a slick gel that coats and soothes the throat.
It is a traditional remedy for sore throat.
According to the, it also decreases the absorption of other medications.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has much natural antibacterial use. Many studies show its antimicrobial effects in fighting infections. It is acidic in nature it can be used to break down mucus in the throat and stop bacteria from spreading.
In sore throat take 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water and gargle with it.
There are many different ways of using ACV to treat sore throats, depending on the severity of the illness and also the body’s sensitivity to vinegar.
Garlic contains natural antibacterial properties.
It contains allicin, an organosulfur compound capable to fight off infections.
Intake of garlic supplement on regular days can help to prevent the common cold virus.
Adding fresh garlic to the diet gives antimicrobial properties.
Cayenne pepper or hot sauce
It is used as a pain reliever.
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin a natural compound that is known for blocking pain receptors.
Cayenne mixed with lukewarm water and honey subsides sore throat pain.
The initial burning sensation is a common symptom of cayenne pepper.
Avoid Cayenne intake should if people have open sores in the mouth.
Baking soda has teeth whitening properties and this is considered as a major ingredient in mainstream popular toothpastes. All you need to do is to gently scrub it over your tooth’s surface and you will see the difference. Baking soda prevents the teeth from producing more bacteria.
Also, need to understand this can not whiten your teeth overnight, instead it would take a couple of weeks when used constantll.
Consume Fruits and Vegetables
A fruitful diet is always good for your teeth as well as your body. Chewing fruits and vegetables can do the job. The two fruits that help in teeth whitening are pineapple and strawberries. You can use baking soda and strawberries as a natural remedy to whiten your teeth.
Limit Sugar Foods
You need to limit your consumption of red wine, berries and sugary soda drinks that causes teeth dullness. Though, this does not practically mean that you need to avoid them completely, instead, you can consume it in moderate quantities.
Keep in mind that you need to avoid smoking as nicotine. These are one of the main reasons to stain your teeth.
Add Calcium on your Diet
Sometimes discoloration in your teeth is caused by eroding of the enamel that exposes the dentin that lies beneath the enamel. Hence, this leads to teeth turning yellowish or brownish. So, you need to consume calcium-rich foods such as cheese and milk that will keep your tooth’s enamel from eroding.
Regularly Floss and Brush Your Teeth
If you brush your teeth twice a day, it will help you stay away from many dental diseases and brush away all the bad bacteria.
You also need to constantly floss up your teeth. Flossing cleans your teeth in its edges and makes sure there isn’t any food residue stuck in teeth. Not following these steps leads to building of plaque on the teeth. It is a hard coating over your enamel and when it comes to cleaning it away, it can get removed along with your enamel and causes tooth sensitivity.
Use Hydrogen Peroxide
This is considered a natural bleaching agent that kills bad bacteria in your mouth and is also used for healing purposes for wounds because it has high intensity of killing bacteria. Currently, most toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide. It can be used as a mouthwash too.
Oil pulling has its roots in Indian soil and it improves oral hygiene, removes harmful toxins from your body. Oil pulling involves the simple method of applying oil over your teeth or pulling it in mouth and this will remove yellowish plaquearound your teeth. Initially, sunflower oil was used for oil pulling but coconut oil has the fastest results for teeth whitening. Coconut oil pulling can be done in your mouth for 5-10 minutes and this removes bad bacteria.
If applied daily this can reduce plaques buildup and helps in teeth whitening.
Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and add a little water to it in a small bowl.
Once this has turned to a paste, take a toothbrush and dip it into the mixture and brush for 2-3 minutes.
Turmeric has medicinal properties and removes surface stains and helps making the teeth whiter.
Wet a toothbrush and dip it in a mixture of charcoal powder and brush for a minimum of 2 minutes. Make sure not to splatter it on your clothes, it will leave stains. Charcoal powder whitens the teeth and stops plaque from building up.
Sprinkle a teaspoon of lemon juice over a little bit of baking soda, make it into a thin paste. Dip your toothbrush into this paste and brush your teeth. Lemons are rich in citric and which acts as a natural stain remover. Baking soda stays on the teeth for longer and this helps in removing mild stains from teeth.
Apply some apple cider vinegar around insides of your mouth and rinse your mouth with water for 2 minutes. After that dip your toothbrush in some apple cider vinegar and brush your teeth, this will help you remove stains. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that helps break down of plaque and hard stains. Most importantly, this helps remove bad bacteria.
Add half teaspoon of salt and baking soda in a little bit of water. Then use a toothbrush and dip it in the paste that is formed. Apply it on your teeth and brush for 2 minutes.
Add small amount of powdered milk on your toothbrush and this will help in keeping your teeth white and glossy. This is because milk powder and milk products have calcium which is good for the teeth. Brush your teeth gently for 2 minutes and gently wash your mouth with water. You can follow it twice a day.
Mix a little amount of lemon juice in water and rinse your mouth with it for 2 minutes. This helps the teeth grow stronger and act as a disinfectant for your oral cavity. Lemon juice mixed with water is the easiest way to make a homemade mouthwash. This will nourish your teeth and keep them shiny white always.
Peel the orange skin and rub it back and forth onto your teeth and orange is acidic so, it will brighten the teeth and will also kill the bacterial growth. Brush your teeth 5minutes after rubbing the peel.
Keep chewing nuts and hard food gently as this can help remove plaque. Nuts are filled with healthy fats and protein that will protect your teeth from having any dental problems.
Sticky foods such as dried fruits will stick to your teeth for a longer time and will help get rid of bad bacteria. You need to brush your teeth after you are done chewing the nuts.
PCOD/PCOS is known as Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOD caused due to Hormonal Imbalance in females. PCOD causes menstrual problems in females and also makes it difficult to conceive the pregnancy. This Hormonal imbalance can cause multiple small cysts on the outer edges of ovaries, due to hormonal imbalance the ovaries get enlarged and swelled. There is excessive production of Hormones that is Androgen and Oestrogen, and this causes various body problems. PCOD symptoms include menstrual irregularity, obesity, acne, and facial hair growth.
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Excessive production of Insulin Hormone from the Pancreas.
Hyperandrogenism:- Excessive production of male hormones.
Early age menarche
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Mental Stress
There Are Some Common Sign And Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovarian Disease, These are followings:-
Amenorrhea:-Irregular Periods or skipped periods, occurring every two to three months.
Secondary Amenorrhea:-In this Sometimes no periods during puberty.
Menorrhagia:-Heavy Bleeding
Hirsutism:-Unusual growth of hairs on body and face.
Acne Vulgaris:-Due to the excessive production of Androgen, Acne can occur that refuses to heal with unusual treatments.
Obesity:-Uncontrolled weight gain, especially around the waist area.
Acanthosis Nigricans:-Darkness or pigmentation of skin around the neck region.
Voice Gets Deeper
Moods Disorder.
Male-pattern baldness.
PCOD caused due to the disorder of Androgen hormones, and that affecting several systems of the body.
Hyperinsulinemia:- The main pathology behind PCOD is Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia. Insulin regulates the sugar levels in the body. Due to insulin resistance, there is the inability of cells to respond to the action of Insulin in transporting Sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the muscles and other tissues of the body. The pancreas produces more insulin to combat the high glucose.
Thinning Hairs.
Skin Tags.
Eating Disorder.
Decreased Breast Size.
Enlargement of The Clitoris.
Uncontrolled PCOD can cause so many problems in the body, These are as following:-
Infertility:- Difficulty In Conceiving
Metabolic Syndrome:-
∙High Blood Glucose Level.
∙High Blood Pressure.
∙Low Level of HDL “good” cholesterol
∙High level of LDL “bad” cholesterol
Increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
There is increased risk for perinatal complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia in Patients with PCOS who become pregnant.
PCOD increased the risk of endometrial cancers.
PCOD can also, cause increase cholesterol levels in the blood.
High blood pressure
Breast cancer.
In The patients of PCOD there is a limited capacity of the ovaries to produce healthy eggs.
PCOD also affects the quality of eggs.
Increased risk of Heart diseases
Sleep Apnea:- Difficulty in breathing during sleep, which interrupt sleep
Endometrial Cancer:- During the ovulation period,the uterine lining sheds. If the patient does not ovulate every month, this lining can build up. A thickened uterine lining can increase the risk for endometrial cancer in the patient.
Depression And Anxiety:- The imbalanced hormones levels and symptoms like unwanted facial hair growth can negatively affect on patient’s emotions. Many patients with PCOS eventually suffered from Anxiety and Depression.
High Androgen Levels
Cysts In Ovaries
Irregular Menstrual levels
Facial And Body Hair Growth
Increased Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level causes Heart Diseases
Increased Insulin levels cause Diabetes
Ultrasound:- Used to detect the abnormal follicles and other ovaries and uterus problems.
According to Ayurveda, PCOD/PCOD caused due to the imbalance in Rasa Dhatu and Rakta Dhatu in the body. When the level of toxins and impurities increase in Rasa Dhatu and Rakta Dhatu, The body stored that toxins and impurities in the form of cysts around the ovaries. “CHANDIGARH AYURVEDIC CENTER”has formulated the pure Ayurvedic Medicines are known as “PCOD RELIEF KIT”,which treat PCOD/PCOD from its root cause.
This Kit contains Five Ayurvedic products, which are mentioned below:-
Kachnaar Guggul Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine that gave relief to PCOS patients. These all herbs in combination reduce the size of the cyst and remove it out. It also reduces inflammation in the body.
This herbal tablet is prepared from ayurvedic herbs like:-
Kanchnaar ( Bauhinia variegata)
Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula)
Bibhitaki ( Terminalia bellirica)
Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica)
Shunthi ( Zingiber officinale )
Kali Mirch ( Piper nigrum )
Pippali ( Piper longum)
Varuna ( Crataeva nurvala )
Recommended Dosage: Two Tablets Twice A Day with normal water.
Stri Poshak Syrup:-
Stri Poshak Syrup is an Ayurvedic herbal syrup that is beneficial in PCOS patients. This herbal syrup in combination has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, properties. That maintains the reproductive system of a woman.
This Syrup contains herbal medicines like:-
Ashok Chall ( Saraca indica )
Lodhra Chall ( Symplocos racemosa )
Khadir Chall ( Acacia catechu)
Guduchi ( Tinospora cordifolia)
Recommended Dosage: Two Teaspoonful Twice a day.
Stree Vyadhihari Rasa:-
Stress Vyadhihari Rase tablet balances hormones in the body. This also nourishes the female reproductive system and it is beneficial in PCOS patients.
Stree Vyadhihari Rasa is an Ayurvedic herbal medicine that contains ingredients like:-
Sootikabharan rasa (that contain various bhasma)
Latakaranja ( Caesalpinia bonduc )
Shunthi ( Zingiber officinale)
Maricha ( Piper nigrum)
Pippali ( Piper longum)
Lashuna ( Allium sativum )
Recommended Dosage: One tablet twice a daily with normal water.
Stri Poshak Capsules
Stri Poshak capsules reduces the size of the cyst and remove the cyst out from the body. These capsules also reduce inflammation, pain, fatigue, irregular menses, excessive bleeding, etc conditions. Stri Poshak capsules contain ayurvedic ingredients like:-
Ashok Chall (Saraca asoca)
Lodhra Chall (Symplocos racemosa)
Amalaki ( Emblica officinalis)
Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea)
PCOD Sachet
PCOD Sachet is an Ayurvedic herbal medicine. This sachet are formulation by Chandigarh Ayurveda and Panchkarma center. These sachets contain ingredients like:-
Parwal pishti
Imli shaar
Giloy satv
Jahar mohra pishti
Shwet parpati, etc.
Recommended Dosage: One Sachet twice a day with normal water.
In Panchakarma Treatment helps in detoxifying, cleansing, restoring the hormone levels and helps in metabolism in the body. There are four Panchakarma therapies which gave a good result and successful management in PCOS. These Panchakarma therapies are mentioned below in detail:
Abhyanga (Massage):- In this therapy, the medicated oil massage is given to the patient.
Basti (Enemas):- In Ayurveda, The Basti contains various Ayurvedic medicinal herbal ghee, herbal oils, and kashaya. Basti chikitsa is one of the most effective therapies in PCOS patients, It also used to boosting fertility and helps in healthy conception. Basti involves the medicated enemas performed over a specific number of days.
Vamana (Vomiting):- In Panchakarma Vamana is a procedure that used to cleansing and detoxifying the body. This therapy involves systematic and planned removal of toxins by inducing emesis. Vamana is very helpful in balancing the hormones, it boosts the fertility of the patient and also helps in weight loss. Vamana is used for long-term successful management of PCOD or PCOS.
Virechan (Detoxifying therapy):- In Panchakarma Virechan is the procedure that is used to detoxifying the body, and remove toxins by inducing purgation. Virechan helps to increase bowel movements. Virechan is also very effective in PCOS, Irregular periods, and hormonal imbalance.
There are some healthy tips and diet that provides a good result in PCOS patients:-
Drink low-fat milk by adding a spoon of turmeric to it.
Eat more fruits like apples, papaya, grape, pineapple, oranges, and pears.
Reduce the intake of refining Glucose. Honey is goods for reducing Kapha.
Beans are recommended.
Nuts should be avoided.
In PCOD Spices should take only in moderate quantities.
Vegetable such as sweet potatoes and potatoes should be avoided.
Follow a good lifestyle that will balance the doshas in your body.
Negative thoughts or feelings like tension and stress should be avoided.
Decrease the use of contraceptive pills.
Follow an active and good lifestyle
Do daily exercise, yoga, and pranayama.
Daily perform yoga poses like bhujangasana, naukasana, dhanurasana, balasana, padmasana.
Stop Smoking, drinking alcohol, and using narcotics drugs.
Stop eating high calorie diet such as carbohydrate, sugar drinks, fat-rich diet, bakery foods, and fast foods.
Dysmenorrhoea refers to menstrual cramps. It typically is a throbbing or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, back and legs. These pains are usually occur just before and during the menstrual periods in most women who suffer from dysmenorrhoea. The intensity and severity of the cramps may vary from annoying or a discomfortto more severe so that it can interfere with your day to day activities for a few days during periods every month. While most of the times it is without any underlying pathology, but there may br underlying pathologies like endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Treating the underlying cause would help in reducing the pain.
In Ayurvedic classics, menstrual pain which is so severe that you cannot perform daily activities is termed as KASHTARTAVA
According to Ayurvedic text there are many other diseases in which Kashtartava appears as a symptom.According to Ayurveda, aggravation of vata and pitta dosha are the main causes of menstrual cramps.
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This usually begins within six months of having the first period.
There is usually no underlying disease or condition leading to this secondarey dysmenorrhoea.
It lasts for less than 72 hours
Begins at the start of the periods and is usually caused due to uterine cramping by the action of prostaglandins during this phase of the menstrual cycle.
This type is usually caused in women who have had painless periods before or never had any dysmenorrhea symptoms before.
Diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis, infections or sexually transmitted diseases might be one of the reasons to cause cramps.
There may be additional features like discharge from the vagina or pain during sexual intercourse.
How to get relief from period cramps?
When menstrual cramps occur, most of the time, it can be managed at home. However, if your pain is severe and interferes with your lifestyle, don’t shy away from consulting your physician.
Sometimes a heating pad is all you need to get relief from menstrual cramps. This is because heat relaxes uterine muscles and other muscles around it. To combat the back pain during menstruation, the heat pad can also be placed on the lower back.
During periods, hot tea can provide menstrual pain relief. They give much-needed comfort to your distressed uterine and back muscles.
Along with that, herbal teas like chamomile tea, lavender tea, green tea, lemongrass tea, ginger tea, peppermint tea and cardamom tea can freshen up the mood and give relief from cramps.
It can also relieve you from fatigue.
Also, stay hydrated and try and drink 6-8 glasses of water each day to improve your overall health.
Ginger is a wonder herb which plays a vital role in lowering the levels of the pain-causing prostaglandins, for menstrual cramp relief.
It also helps to fight the fatigue of premenstrual syndrome(PMS).
You can also use this one age-old recipe, grate ginger and boil it in a glass of water, strain it, add a little honey and lemon juice to add the amazing flavour to it. Drink it twice a day.
Try some yoga poses to get relief from cramps. Whether it’s the stretching of your muscles or the relaxing effect of the poses, yoga can surely help in your cramps.
Few yoga poses you can try are : Balasana(Child pose), Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose), Dhanurasana(Bow pose), Matsyasana(Fish pose)
You can also try simply walking and meditation, pranayamas like Alternate breathing, Brahmri(humming bee breath)
Your simple efforts like diet changes can provide menstrual pain relief in mild cases. So, it’s better to reduce your coffee consumption. This is because coffee is a well-known vasoconstrictor that makes blood vessels constrict. So, it tighten the vessels that supply the uterus and cause further cramps.
During your periods, fatty foods with high salt levels can effect how bloated you feel and the severity of pain you experience. So, you need to eat fruits that are a rich potassium and help ease your bowel movements, like bananas. Also, eat lentils, spinach, and legumes in your daily diet.
This is because Cinnamon has anti-spasmodic, anti-clotting, and anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful for menstrual cramp relief.
It is also an excellent source of fibre, calcium, iron, and manganese.
So, during periods, try and consume cinnamon-infused recipes.
Add one-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a cup of hot water, boil it for five minutes, add little honey and then slowly sip it.
Start drinking two to three cups of cinnamon tea every day, Start specifically 3-4 days prior to your menses.
Add few drops of any essential oil to any carrier oil and give yourself a gentle massage.
The ideal proportion is one drop of essential oil to one teaspoon of the carrier oil.
Massage for about 20 minutes for effective results.
Also, during the massage, one should focus on specific points in the abdomen, back, and side.
BHUTAKESHI (Corydalis govaniana)
This plant is a member of the bleeding-heart family, Bhutakesi grows in the Himalayas, particularly around Kashmir. It is one of the commonly prescribed herbs for relief in menstrual cramps.
Add 1 to 2 grams of the powder in a cup of boiling water, strain it, add honey or lemon in it, and drink twice a day.
KACHUR (Curcuma zedoaria)
Also known as an ‘emmenagogue’, Kachur is very beneficial in easing the menstrual cramps.
Take 1 to 3 grams of this herb with lukewarm water, or you can also get it in capsule form.
Another way to benefit from Kachur is to prepare a root infusion. Boil root in water until it reduces to one fourth and then drink it.
AJWAIN (Carom Seeds)
Ajwain is a simplesimple kitchen herb and is very effective in dealing with a range of muscular and abdominal cramps, either caused by menses or because of digestive distress.
Take Ajwain Tea for relief in the menstrual cramps.
Add 2 generous pinches of Ajwain in 2 cups of water and boil it until it reduces to half. Strain add honey and drink two to three times a day.
METHI SEEDS (Fenugreek)
Another common kitchen herb with a proven fact to reduce period pain is Methi. Soak a teaspoon of Methi in a glass of normal water overnight. Next morning, drink the whole water and chew the seeds if you can, or you may choose to strain the seeds out, whatever you find suitable.
GUD (Jaggery)
Guda is one of the great Vata pacifier. Substituting sugar with jaggery in your life could be a great step towards staying healthy. But at least try and do it 3 to 5 days before you anticipate your menstrual cycle to begin.
Combine Methi-Ajwain and Gud to make small laddus with these three ingredients. You can consume 2-3 of these laddus on an empty stomach with a sip of warm water.
Aloe is called woman’s best friend for a reason. One of its variety of health benefits is pain relief in Dysmenorrhea.
Drink a glass of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach every day in morning and you will see your health improving drastically.
If you can’t take it daily, then you can consider drinking it 3 to 5 days before cramps set in. And you can continue drinking it throughout your menses days.
TILL TAILAM (Sesame Oil)
Massage your lower abdomen with sesame oil gently with downward strokes.
For best results, warn the oil slightly, and then after the massage apply a little warmth with a hot water bag over a light blanket.
JUVENILE REUMATOID ARTHRITIS (JRA) is a type of arthritis which is also known as Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, is a common condition in children below 17 years of age. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis leads to bone stiffness, swelling and stubborn joint pain. The symptoms vary patient to patient, some patients have the signs and symptoms for a few months while others may have them throughout their lives.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious complications, such as growth problems and eye inflammation. JRA is more common in girls as compared to boys.
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The patient suffering from juvenile arthritis can get uveitis.
If it is left untreated, it can result in cataracts, glaucoma and even blindness.
In JRA eye inflammation frequently occurs without symptoms, so it’s important for children with juvenile RA to be examined regularly by an ophthalmologist.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can affect the child’s growth and bone development.
Some medications used to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, mainly corticosteroids, can inhibit growth too.
Persistent joint pain, morning stiffness, swelling, usually in smaller joints of hands and feet.
Redness or inflammation in one or more joints of the body.
Warm, Swollen and tender joints are affected in a symmetrical pattern or joints of both side of body is affected.
Fever with fleeting rashes
Swollen lymph nodes, especially the neck lymph nodes.
Preference for one arm or leg over the other, due to inflammation or pain.
Limping walk, often due to knee stiffness after waking up
Excessive clumsiness
Generalized fatigue and feeling of unwell.
Sleep disturbances.
Fever and headache.
Restricted movement in the affected joints.
In advanced stages there are deformities in the joints.
RA nodules or firm lumps under the skin of pressure points such as knuckles, fingers, hands and elbows.
Though, the exact causes of juvenile arthritis are still unknown. However, JRA is considered to be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks its own cells and tissues. And reasons which trigger it can be
Genetic mutations that cause the immune system to act abnormally and attack its own cells.
Could be an environmental trigger, such as a virus or a bacterial infection.
In Ayurveda, there are three energies or Humors – vata, kapha and pitta are responsible for the health of an individual. AGGRAVATED VATA AND KAPHA DOSHAS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR JOINT PROBLEMS. But in Amavata, alonwith vata aggravation, accumulation of ama (toxin) in the body causes the joints pain and inflammation.
There are various factors like lifestyle and improper eating habits which causes vata aggravation and ama formation.
GENETIC PREDISPOSITION – The chances of getting JRA if one of your family members has a history of juvenile arthritis are more..
At all ages, females are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than males.
Psychologically, stress can worsen the symptoms. As it increases vata dosha.
Sex hormones may play a role in causing or modulating arthritis.
ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) – Helps to diagnose JRA and determines the degree of inflammation.
C-REACTIVE PROTIEN – This blood test is also used to measure the levels of general inflammation in the body but on a different scale than the ESR.
ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODY – Anti-nuclear antibodies are proteins commonly produced by the immune system of patients with certain autoimmune diseases, including arthritis.
RHEUMATOID FACTOR – It checks the presence of antibody in the blood of children with rheumatoid arthritis.
CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE (CCP) – Just like the rheumatoid factor, the CCP is another antibody that may be found in the blood of children with JRA.
EVALUATION OF FAMILY HISTORY– Check how many of patient’s family members are suffering with JRA. Also keep track of the family history of other autoimmune diseases as they also increase the risk of developing JRA.
POLYARTICULAR – Children suffering from this experience inflammation in more than 5 joints. These children might also have liver swelling, spleen, or lymph nodes.
JUVENILE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS– In this arthritis there is occurrence of another disease called psoriasis that affects the skin.
ENTHESITIS– In this type there is feeling of tenderness where bone and connective tissues meet and there is joint inflammation too. The hips, knees, and feet are affected commonly.
SYSTEMIC JRA– It is the least common type. It has the symptoms of Rash and spiking fever.
OLIGOARTICULAR JRA– This is the most common form of JRA. In this the patient experiences inflammation in five or fewer joints, usually in the wrists or knees.
According to Ayurveda, aggravated or imbalanced vata, kapha dosha and accumulation of Ama, are responsible for joint pains.
General approach or any treatment procedure or formulation will be pacifying Vata and Amapachana.
For increasing the Agni, excretion of Aama and removal of vitiated and accumulated Doshas, Shodhana and Shamana treatments are given.
This category of treatment comes under Panchkarma therapy. It consists of
SNEHANA– Generally snehana or oleation is done with medicated ghee processed with milk and bitter medicines.
LEPA– Paste made of suitable medicines are applied over areas where pain, discoloration, edema or burning is felt. When paste gets dried itself, it will be removed.
ABHYANGAM– Mild massage with suitable oils may be done in appropriate conditions.
PARISHEK– Pouring of herbal decoctions, medicated milk is very useful especially when patient is suffering from burning sensation or throbbing pain.
VASTI– Medicated or retention enemas. Medicated enema with medicated oils/ghee and Ksheeravasthi (containing medicated milk) are useful.
VAMANA– Medicated emesis.
VIRECHANAM– Medicated purgation
NASYAM– Giving medicines in the form of nasal drops. It can be oil or any herb extract which pacifies vata.
RAKTAMOKSHANA – Bloodletting
Out of these treatments the medicated enema is considered to be the most effective and specific option for this category of diseases.
Medicated or retention enemas include herbal decoction enemas and oil enemas.
Herbal retention enemas remove Aama and accumulated Doshas. Various herbs that are used are
Eranda (Ricinis communis)
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).
Oil retention enemas help to replenish the depleted body constituents. Various oils used are
Panchkola Ghrita
Rasnadi Ghrita
Ashwagandha Ghrita
castor oil
Dhanvantara Tailam
Narayana Tailam.
Based upon the clinical condition of the patient these can be advised less frequently or even every other day.
“Shamana treatments” are recommended when the patient is not able to tolerate the Shodhanatreatments. These are also given as maintenance treatments after the purifying treatments, to pacify the remaining doshas. These treatments help eliminate accumulated Doshas and Aama out of the body and to regain strength. Various Ayurvedic herbal preparations used in the management of Aamavata are mentioned below:
Maha Rasnadikwatha,
Bhallatakasava – Pitta prakruti people should not be given this, as it can cause adverse reactions in them.
Warm water infused with Panchkola (Pippali, Pippalimula, Chavya, Chitraka, Shunthi) in small quantity at a time helps in digestion and digestion of Aama.
Barley, horse gram, kodo millet and the red variety of rice should be consumed. These food items are light and easy to digest. Barley kernels and products made from barley lower the inflammatory markers.
Green leafy vegetables and fruits contain a variety of polyphenols, catechins, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin E, and low molecular weight compounds. These constituents have antioxidant, fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Vegetables, specially with bitter taste like bitter melon (Memordica charantia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Patola or luffa, Gokharu (Tribulus terrestris) should be consumed.
Spices like ginger, turmeric and garlic help to add flavor to these dishes and also have antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties besides their Agni enhancing property.
Asava and Arishta.
Meat of Laav Pakshi – Jungle bush quail (Perdicula asiatica) prepared with traditional buttermilk is suggested in RA.
The majority of allergens come from dairy and animal products, which cause an increased production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.
Cold and impure water
Lentils like Urad and heavy foods(heavy to digest).
Vegetable like arabi or eddo (Colocacia antiquorum) Indian spinach (Basella rubra).
Fish and sea foods.
Keeping all the symptoms and disease condition in mind Chandigarh Ayurved And Panchkarma Centre has manufactured ‘Juvenile Arthritis Care Kit” which cures the disease from its root cause and chances of reoccurrence are almost nill.
It contains : Pain o kill syrup, Pain o kill oil, Nerve up Tablets and Sheet dhara
Sea buckthorn is a plant. The parts like leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits are used to make medicine. Sea buckthorn is used for overall heart health, skin conditions, inflammation (swelling), and other health conditions, but there is no good scientific proof to approve any of these uses. In foods, sea buckthorn berries are used to make sauces, jellies, juices, and purees. In manufacturing and production, sea buckthorn is used in cosmetics and anti-aging products.
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General Information
Latin Name – Hippophae rhamnoides L.
Family – Elaeagnaceae
Common Names – Sea buckthorn, Sandthorn, Siberian pineapple, Sea Berry or Swallowthorn
Habitat – Sea Buckthorn is native from northwestern Europe, through middle Asia to the Altai Mountains to the western and northern part of China and the northern Himalayas.
Historic Uses
Used in historic times in Greece as fodder for horses to support weight gain and a shiny coat. The Latin name “Hippophae” literally means “shiny horse”.
Sea buckthorn has been used for hundreds of years in both Europe and Asia as a meal, and its medicinal properties.
Anecdotal reports demonstrate ea buckthorn was used in ancient times to:
Reduce fever, reduce inflammation (swelling), counteract toxicity and abscesses (boil), and clean the lungs.
Manage colds and coughs.
Treat tumors, cysts, and growths, especially of the stomach and the esophagus due to anticancerous properties.
Current Uses
Functional Food
Juice from sea buckthorn fruit berries is a popular drink in many parts of Asia and Europe continent. The juice is very rich in protein, vitamins C and E, and some organic acids.
The leaves, either fresh or dried, can be shaped to yield a nutritional tea drink.
The fresh leaves, young branches, and pulp of the fruit can be used as animal fodder.
Local application of sea buckthorn oil has been reported for skin therapy including sunburn, heat, chemical and radiation burns, eczema condition, and poorly healing wounds. Russian cosmonauts used sea buckthorn ointment for securing from cosmic radiation.
The oil obtained from the sea buckthorn fruit is high in vitamin E, carotenoids, essential fatty acids, and phytosterols, all of which have excellent medicinal properties for the treatment of internal and topical serious illness.
Agronomic and Environmental
Sea buckthorn is a striking hardy bush that rapidly develops a great root system capable of fixing nitrogen metabolism. Thus, it is appropriate for growth on marginal soils, eventually enhancing them to where they can support the growth of other plants. It is quite liberal of salt-spray adjacent to highways. Sea buckthorn has been used for:
Control of soil erosion and land reclamation projects
Wildlife habitat increment and farm stand protection
Ornamental shrub
Plant Characteristics
The Sea buckthorns are deciduous bushes that typically range from 0.5 to 6 meters in height with an equal spread but may reach up to 18 meters in middle Asia.
The staminate trees are more successive than the spreading pistillate trees. It typically tends to sucker-forming thickets if not accurately maintained.
They can survive temperatures as low as – 40°Celcius and are both drought and salt enduring. Sea buckthorns need full-day sunlight for excellent growth and cannot tolerate a shady environment near larger trees.
The branches are dense, stiff, and very extremely thorny with both terminal and axillary branch spines.
The shape of leaves are linear or lanceolate, which are three to eight cm long and less than seven mm wide, are dark grey-green on the upper surface and a different pale, grey-silvery on the lower surface of the leaf. Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant, with different male and female plants.
Health Benefits
In herbal medicine, sea buckthorn has been widely used to stimulate the overall digestive system, improve heart and liver health, and treat maladies skin disorders. Today, sea buckthorn is popular as a natural remedy for the following health problems:
High cholesterol
Rosacea (a skin condition)
In the last ten years, sea buckthorn oil has gained popularity as an active ingredient in several skin-care products. When applied locally, sea buckthorn oil is thought to moisturize the skin, ease irritation, treat acne conditions and restore skin hydration.
Sea buckthorn supplements in oil form may help treat atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema), according to research.
In a trial on 49 people with atopic dermatitis (eczema), researchers observed significant relief among those who took supplements containing sea buckthorn pulp oil continuously for four months.
Wound Healing
Evidence from animal-based research suggests that sea buckthorn may support wound healing when applied locally.
In a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers discovered that locally applied sea buckthorn seed oil helped boost up the healing of burn wounds in rats.
In a study of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found that sea buckthorn may help in maintaining blood sugar level and protect against type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In an experiment involving ten healthy, normal-weight volunteers, the study discovered that adding sea buckthorn berries to regular meal plans helped prevent a post-meal spike in blood sugar level.
Protects Your Skin
Compounds present in sea buckthorn oil may boost skin complexion when applied directly.
For example, the oil of buckthorn may help stimulate skin regeneration, helping wounds heal more quickly.
It may help decreasing inflammation following UV exposure, protecting skin against sunburn.
In a 7 week study in eleven young men, a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and water applied directly to the skin enhanced skin elasticity better than a placebo.
There’s also some proof that sea buckthorn oil may help reducing skin dryness and help your skin heal from burns, frostbite, and bedsores.
The vital essence of all body dhatus/tissues is called “Ojas.” According to principles of Ayurveda, Ojas is responsible for the overall health, immunity and intelligence and thought-process of humans. According to the concept of Immunity – Vyadhikshamatva or Bala or Ojas, the body’s resistance towards diseases is not only important for disease prevention but also for speedy recovery from illness.
Through ancient times, Ayurvedacharyas have promoted the use of Rasayana (Rejuvenation therapy) to enhance the Ojas. Rasayanas are rejuvenating agents that produce resistance against diseases, both physically and mentally, therefore improving overall health.
Ayurvedic herbs are known for their several health benefits. They are anti-oxidants, immunomodulators, anti-microbials, anti-inflammatory,aid in digestion and list can go on and on. Below are some commonly described immunity boosters in Ayurveda :
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Tulsi is another wonder herb that is promoted so much by Ayurveda. This aromatic leaf can be your primary line of defense against COVID-19.Tulsi or holy basil is a powerful germicide. Because of its phytochemical and antioxidant properties. It can effectively locate the viruses and bacteria the moment they enter your body and destroys them.
You can simply chew a few leaves first thing in the morning. You can also add a few drops of water boiled with tulsi leaves into your food or you can make herbal tea with its leaves and drink it.
Moringa(drumstick tree) is a herb that can ward off many health complications. It is called MIRACLE TREE for a reason. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it should be your go-to herb for immunity strengthening.
So you must be thinking makes moringa such a powerful immunity booster? So, here’s your answer, It contains7 times more Vitamin C than even oranges. Vitamin C is the chief nutrient that our body need to build strong disease resistance or immunity.
This isn’t all, moringa also contains many other vital nutrients that strengthen your cells, tissues, muscles and speeds up healing in our body. So, start consuming moringa for its high levels of potassium, iron, calcium and amino acids
Since ancient times, neem has been respected and widely used as an immunity booster. It is known to be very effective in keeping the body safe from attacks by harmful pathogens, thanks to its anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Neem detoxifies the blood and keeps it clean, by flushing away toxins and thus, strengthening the immunity.
Triphala contains the antioxidantproperties of three fruits- haritaki, bibhitaki and amlaki. It is enriched with Vitamin C and Vitamin A, both of which strengthen your immunity. So, start your day with Triphala.
You can just drink triphala juice or have a teaspoon of its powder with lukewarm water.
Ginger has been known to an age-old remedy for flu and the common cold. It can be very effective against COVID-19 symptoms. It contains gingerol – an antioxidant that has the abilities to boost our immune system and kill viruses. Ginger is specifically good in preventing respiratory tract infections. Add ginger to your meals or you can also have it raw or just make herbal tea with it.
Just like ginger, garlic also protects you from coronavirus by enhancing your immunity. It contains allicin – a plant compound that acts as a germicide. So, remember to include garlic in your daily diet. You can consume it raw or partially cooked.
It has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and bronchodialator properties. Cold, Cough, breathing difficulties are normal respiratory problems that can be cured by consuming black pepper. Just add a pinch of black pepper to some green tea and you’ll see the difference yourself. Also, you can add a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of turmeric in milk and cook it for sometimes and consume it. It acts a wonderful immunity enhancer and prevents respiratory infections.
You can also consume pepper powder with honey.
Do you remember the times when your grandmother used to say you need to consume turmeric for your health? Guess what, she was right. Turmeric contains curcumina phytochemical that removes toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system to fight off viruses and bacteria. Add an extra dash of turmeric to your meals or consume it by cooking with milk.
Black cumin extracts has the abilities to keep you safe from a range of viruses and bacteria that attack our immune system. Both black cumin seeds and oil have antioxidant properties and help flush out free radicals that weaken the immunity.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which means it is capable of decreasing stress levels. Stress lowers your immune response and makes the body vulnerable to infections, be it viral or bacterial. Consume ashwagandha during this pandemic to reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus infection.
All parts of the plant can be consumed, like leaves, roots, bark, fruit, and seeds, for their medicinal properties. But the root is most commonly used part. This herb has traditionally been prescribed to strengthen immunity post any illness. Ashwagandha plant has strong anti-inflammatory action that helps in auto immune diseases like RA and skin conditions. It improves brain cell function, anxiety and depression. It also refreshes the body, relieving fatigue. It should ideally be consumed with warm sweetened milk.
Liquorice or yashtimadhu, also known commonly as mulethi is an excellent home remedy for a number of disorders including cough and cold. According to Ayurveda, mulethi is sweet in taste, is effective in treating vata disorders. Glycyrrhizin – a saponin found in mulethi has anti-microbial action. Use the powdered root with honey and ghee to improve immunity and fight COVID. It is a natural revitaliser and anti-ageing agent.
It is perhaps one of the richest sources of vitamin C and is perfect for the overall immunity enhancing, as it can revitalize and rejuvenate the body systems. Amla is cooling in nature and can help remove excess body heat, thus ofte prescribed in pitta dosha conditions. It can prove to be very effective in symptoms in COVID which comes due to involvement of multiple systems, Like Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, involvement of gastro-intestinal tract.
Amla is also known to stimulate regeneration of red blood cells and help improve haemoglobin content in body. It has anti inflammatory properties too.
It’s best to consume amla in raw form. Amla powder can also be consumed by mixing with honey. Chyawanprash is a well-known Ayurvedic formulation which has Amla in it as main ingredient, that can be consumed to reduce mental and physical fatigue and boost immunity to fight COVID.
Cinnamon is a potent immunity-boosting herbs in Ayurveda. It’s filled with antioxidants and inflammatory properties to fight off Winter colds and is an amazing immunity booster. It also prevents blood platelet from clumping, destroys inflammatory agents and controls blood sugar.
Tinospora cordifolia commonly known as ‘Guduchi’ or ‘Amrita’, is a plant which had been used from centuries for its medicinal values. It has so many properties like, it’s hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, ANTIOXIDANT, antiosteoporotic, hepatoprotective, antiobesity, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic.
1,4- α-D-glucan, the main chemical constituent of giloy stimulate natural killer cells, B cells, and T cells with simultaneous production of various immune-stimulatory cytokines. Studies have proven its abilities to increase the white blood cell (WBC) counts, bone marrow cellularity, serum Ig concentrations which further validates the immunomodulatory potential of GILOY.
The things you need to improve your immunity are all within your reach. Consume these herbs and stay home to beat coronavirus!
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes high blood glucose. The Insulin Hormone transfer sugar from the blood into body cells to use for energy or be stored. Due to the diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin in the pancreatic gland. Uncontrolled Blood glucose levels can damage the nerves, eyes, kidneys, and other organs of the body.
There are a few different types of diabetes are mentioned below:-
TYPE 1 DIABETES:-This is an Autoimmune Disorder. The immune system attacks and destroys the pancreatic cells, the gland where insulin is made. The 10% Patients are suffering from this type of Diabetes.
TYPE 2 DIABETES:-This type of Diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to Insulin and glucose builds up in the blood.
This occurs when the blood sugar levels is higher than the normal levels.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES:-This is high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. This Diabetes is caused due to Insulin-blocking hormones produced by the placenta.
DIABETES INSIPIDUS:-This is very rare condition in which the Kidney remove too much fluid from the body.
The Symptoms of Diabetes caused by rising blood Glucose levels. These symptoms are mentioned below:-
Polyphagia- Extreme Hunger
Polydipsia:- Increased Thirst
Poly Urea:- Frequent Urination
Excessive weight loss
Weak Eyesight and blurry vision
Mood Swings
Polyphagia- Increased hunger
Polydipsia- Increased thirst
Polyuria- Increased urination
Blurry vision
Fatigue and tiredness
Sores are slow to heal in this condition
Recurrent infections may occurs. This is due to elevated glucose levels.
The condition detected during a routine blood glucose test or oral glucose tolerance. The test is usually performed between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy.
In some cases, a woman with gestational diabetes may have the symptoms of Polydipsia or frequent urination.
Decreased sex drive
ED (Erectile Dysfunction)
Poor Muscle strength
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
Dry Skin
Itchy Skin
The general symptoms of diabetes are following:-
Polyphagia:- In this condition there is increase in hunger of the patient
Polydipsia:- In this condition there is Increased thirst
Loss of Weight
Frequent urination:- This may be due to recurrent UTI caused by increased blood glucose levels in the blood.
Blurry vision
Weak Eyesight
Excessive Fatigue
Sores that do not heal
There are different causes of Diabetes are mentioned below according to its type:-
Weak immune system attacks and destroys beta cells of pancreas that producing insulin in the pancreas.
Genetic cause:- Genes may play a role in some patients.
Virus may also responsible for weak immune system and causes Diabetes.
Genetic Cause:- This condition runs in the families
Lifestyle Factors
Obesity or Overweight
Extra fat in Belly
Hormonal changes during pregnancy
In this condition the placenta produces hormones that make the cells less sensitive to the effects of insulin, in a pregnant woman. This condition can cause high blood glucose during pregnancy.
Women who are overweight when they get pregnant
Women who gain too much during their pregnancy.
Environmental Factors
Genetic Factors
There are Certain factors that increase the risk for diabetes.
The patient is more likely to get Type 1 Diabetes when He is a child or a teenager
If the patient’s Parents or sibling have diabetes, means patient carry certain genes that are linked to the Diabetes disorder.
Obesity or Overweight
Age Factor:- If patient’s age is 45 or older than that.
Genetic Factor:- When patient have a Parent or sibling with the condition of Diabetes.
Laziness:- When patient is not physically active
If patient have past history of gestational diabetes
If patient has prediabetes history
High blood pressure
High Cholesterol Levels
High Triglycerides
The risk for gestational diabetes increases, the causes are mentioned below:-
Obesity are overweight, it’s a major factor which is responsible for gestational diabetes.
When patient get over age 25
Past history of gestational diabetes during pregnancy
When patient given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds.
When patient have family history of type 2 diabetes
If patient have PCOD/PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Disease/Syndrome)
Preexisting medical conditions
Environmental Factors
There is some complications caused due to Diabetes are mentioned below:-
High blood Glucose levels in blood can damages the organs and tissues throughout the body.
The higher blood sugar levels, is the greater risk for many complications in the body.
High Blood Glucose levels can cause heart Diseases
Heart attack
Vision Loss
Hearing Loss
Sores that does not heal
Foot Damage due to infections
Bacterial and Fungal infections of skin
Uncontrolled Gestational diabetes can cause many problems that affect both the mother and baby. The complications are mentioned below:-
Premature Birth of the baby
Baby’s weight is higher than normal weight
Increased risk for type 2 diabetes later in life of a baby
Low blood glucose levels
Preeclampsia:- High blood pressure complication occurs to the mother
Mother may require Cesarean Section, due to the overweight of the baby.
The mother’s risk of gestational diabetes are increased in future pregnancies.
Diabetes can lead to major medical complications.
CHANDIGARH AYURVEDIC CENTERprovides Purely Herbal and effective ayurvedic formulation for the treatment of Diabetes. CAC provides The DIABETES CARE KIT. This Herbal Kit basically controls the blood glucose levels in the blood. Diabetes Care Kit also helps to balance the Three Doshas of the body. This Kit mainly controls the Kapha Dosha (Increased Kapha Dosha is responsible for Diabetes). The Diabetes Care Kit contains various Herbal Medicines which helps to reduce Diabetes symptoms. It has Natural antioxidant, Anti microbial and Immuno modulator properties. This Herbal kit cure Diabetes without any side effects.
The Diabetes Care Kit products mentioned below in dfetails:-
Vasant Kusumakar Ras is an ayurvedic herbal medicine contains following ingridients:-
Praval Pishti
Ras Sindoor
Mukta Pishti
Abhrak Bhasma
Swarna Bhasma
Raupya Bhasma
Loha Bhasma
Naga Bhasma
Vanga Bhasma
Vasaka (Adhatoda Vasica)
Haldi (Curcuma Longa)
Ikshu (Saccharum Officinarum)
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosa)
Anti-hyperglycaemic Properties
It contains aphrodisiac and cardioprotective agent
This contains natural ingredients such asIt, This is beneficial for diabetes mellitus
It is effective for normalizing and stabilizing the blood glucose level
It also provides effective result in urinary disorders
This Used in nervous disorders
It gave relief in geriatric diseases.
Recommended Dosage: One tablet twice a day with normal water.
These tablet are pure Herbal preparation which has pure extract of Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha has anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-stress properties. Ashwagandha also helps to regulates glucose metabolism and cholesterol.
Ashwagandha is used for arthritis
Bipolar disorder
Menstrual problems
Chronic liver disease.
Recommended Dosage: One tablet twice a day with normal water.
These tablets are pure Herbal formulation.
Diabo care tablets contains herbal ingredients such as:-
Shuddha Shilajeet
This is used to treat the Diabetes, by reducing the level of glycosuria.
It also contains Polypeptide-p that has shown to control diabetes naturally.
This tablet also maintain blood glucose levels
Recommended Dosage: Take One tablet twice daily.
Diabo care kadha contains following ingredients:-
Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Methi dana (Trigonella foenum- graecum)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Haldi (Curcuma longa)
USES OF Diabo care kadha:-
This increases the uptake of glucose by the cells
Regenerate lipid mechanism
Preventing micro-vascular damage
Prevents Diabetic retinopathy.
It is also very helpful in the burning of palms and soles, wounds that take time to heal
It cures skin infections
It helps in unexplained extreme fatigue
Recommended Dosage: 20 ml Kadha twice a day with normal water.
In Ayurveda, Panchakarma procedures Detoxify and purify and the body in a natural way. Abhyanga, Swedan, Basti and Virechana Panchakarma Treatments are beneficial in the Diabetes Mellitus.
CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTREprovides you the best Doctors which can cure Diabetes from its root and maintain the work of the pancreas.
Abhyanga and Swedan Panchkarma Therapy:-
It helps to low the level of stress.
It lover blood sugar levels.
Abhyanga is useful in relieving the Anxiety
It helps in relaxing the muscles
It helps to improve the circulation which further causes increased glucose absorption and the level of insulin required for impaired glucose levels also decreased.
Swedan Panchkarma Therapy:-
This therapy opens the pores and cleanses the system through the skin
It also helps to remove the toxins excreted through sweat.
Basti Panchkarma Therapy:-
Basti karma concentrates on the elimination of toxins of the body through the rectum.
The treatment involves the introduction of Medicinal substances, such as medicated oil and decoctions in a liquid medium into the anal region of the patient by using a rubber catheter under the supervision of an expert ayurvedic practician.
Virechana for Diabetes:-
It is a medicated purgation therapy that removes toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder.
In this therapy the Doshas are removed in the form of feces through the rectum.
It completely cleanses the gastro intestinal tract.
Healthy Tips and Diet for Diabetes Mellitus Patients:-
Do daily exercise at least for 30-60 minutes.
Increase the use of wheat, barely, mudga, and roasted chana in the diet.
Limit the use of potato, oily foods, rice, milk, and milk products.
Avoid liquor consumption and tobacco.
Avoid Sweets
Avoid Nuts
Take Cinnamon, It helps in dropping the blood sugar level and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Take Garlic, It has the properties of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar level.
Drinking water before eating. It helps to increase the sensitivity of insulin and reducing the blood glucose levels in pre-diabetes patients.
Regular monitoring of blood glucose level and medical checkup.
Eye examination annually.
Foot examination twice in a day.
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test twice in a year.
The Dosha imbalance in the body happens due to unhealthy life standards, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and low immunity and excessive use of chemical-based supplements or chemical based treatments for weight gain and to treat other health problems. But you can stay healthy or gain weight by following health tips.
Supplements alone don’t work. They’re a boost to your existing diet. If you eat junk and processed foods a lot, you won’t see good results. But if you’re open to making those changes, here are some tips are complementary to Ayurvedic medicine for weight gain:
Include plant-based diet in your day to day meals, like soybeans, green vegetables, fresh fruits, fruit juice and vegetablesmoothies.
Avoid intake of Non-vegetarian food. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. Include rice, beans, black gram, ghee, and wheat in your daily diet plan.
Add some natural spices like ginger, cumin, blackpepper, caromseeds, turm eric, Choti Elaichi, Badi Elaichi, Laung(cloves), Saunf(Anise) in your meals to improve your appetite.
Get a good night’s sleep. Make sure you have at least 7-8 hours of undisturbed and sound sleep. Our metabolism goes out of order if we are suffering from constant insomnia but with a little bit of cow’s milk and turmeric powder cooked in it, you’ll doze off in no time. Before going to bed during sleeping time, avoid interruptions like using mobile phones, watching Tv etc. You can try massaging your feet before bed.
Eat and enjoy your food in a noise-free place or distraction free place so that you can focus completely on your food.
Eat your meal at average speed because too fast and too slow eating affects your metabolism and lowers the body’s rate of nutrient absorption.
Avoid drinking water 30 minutes before meals and after having a meal.
To strengthen your muscles and bones, massage your body with sesame oil. It improves whole body’s blood circulation.
Try and keep your body toxin free. So, stay always hydrated throughout the day.
Exercise regularly, it regulates our metabolism and enhances digestive fire you’ll eat more and gain weight.
Drinking some lukewarm water with lemon juice after every meal. This will keep you hydrated as well as it will boost your digestion, and eventually increase your weight.
Stress, anxiety, and depression can cause weight loss. Try to practice yoga and pranayama and learn how to relax and avoid processed foods or junk food. Instead, you can use instead different types of Ayurvedic weight gain tonics and powders since those are healthier options.
If you’re eating meat and dairy, go for grass-fed lean meats and organic dairy products. Cook your meat portions in ghee and add some black pepper, salt, and spices. It will make the dish tastier and also will enhance your digestion.
Add soy to your diet. Soy is a rich source of protein and is known to increase body weight.
Don’t skip drinking fruit juices. Avoid the packed ones or canned. Even better if you have whole fruit.
Spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cloves and herbs like oregano and parsley are known to increase appetite and promote weight gain.
Eat mindfully. Yes, this is the most important tip. Whatever you eat, chew well so that it is properly digested. Don’t just swallow after a few bites because that won’t do you any good and won’t be used up by the body.
Yoga and Meditation play a very important role in gaining weight naturally. Yoga and meditation manage your stresslevel and calms the mind down, hence balances the all three doshas of the body.
Pranayam is an essential to remove the harmful toxins from the body which are responsible for imbalance of all three doshas.
In Ayurveda, for every disease treatment, there are panchkarma therapies for detoxification is a must.
To get the best results from oral medications, detoxification is done prior to it. These therapies include : Vamanam(Emesis), Virechanam(Purgation), Anuvasanam and Niruha basti(Enema).
Numerous kinds of spices and herbs are useful to GAIN WEIGHT NATURALLY.
Ashwagandha Is a natural nourishing herb that nourishes body cells and is a good sleep inducing herb. It also corrects hormonal imbalance and expells toxins out from the body.
It has pungent smell, the avaleham formulation made from Ashwagandha has innumerable health benefits.
It is rich in adaptogenic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties.
The formulations of Withania somnifera plant acts as a sport supplement and offers strength, muscle mass, endurance and stamina.
Apart from Ashwagandha, it’s avaleha is also enriched with the benefits of cardamom, milk, long pepper, clove, bhallataka, saffron, mace, patala, walnut, water chestnut, nutmeg, bamboo mannaloha bhasma, vanga bhasma, abhrak bhasma, and naga bhasma.
It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and treat diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia, insomnia, heart problems, boost immunity and is extremely beneficial for loss of libido in men.
Avaleha: 5-10 grams with milk. 2 times a day after meals or as suggested by the physician.
Ashwagandha powder : 300 -500 mg per day by mixing with warm water or milk.
Low immunity is one of the many responsible factors behind weight loss. Mulethi helps in this condition
Mulethi boosts your immune system. It protects the lining of alimentary canals, improves digestion and promotes proper absorption of nutrients.
Mulethi or Licorice is a quintessential ingredient in case of weight gain. The root of this plant has been used for curing a no. of ailments since a very very long time, be it strengthening the immunity, enhancing overall stamina and strength, the churna of the yashtimadhu roots does it all and works on overall health.
The rich amount of of herbal ingredients in this ayurvedic formulation compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals from the daily diet and therefore, guarantees increase in weight and muscle mass on regular consumption.
POWDER DOSE – 1-3 grams for adults, twice daily with lukewarm water or milk, before meals or as advised by the ayurvedic physician.
Shatavari is a pure and harmonious herb. Its in nature is to calm your mind and reduce tension and stress. It nourishes the body cells and provides strength.
The herb makes sure our entire body is hydrated, improves digestion, and boosts the immune system.
It is named as the “Queen of Herbs”. Shatavari is super beneficial in regulating hormones and increasing body weight in women.
This potent ‘female-friendly herb’ hold high significance in bolstering immunity, boostingdigestion, treating anorexianervosa, enhancing libido, promoting lactation and preventing stress and anxiety.
By normalizing the Pitta, Shatavari makes sure to keep optimal body fluids, and therefore helps in weight gain.
Powder Dose: 1 fourth to halfteaspoon with honey or milk, twice a day or as directed by the physician
Triphala improve digestion and flushes out the toxins from the body.
Cumin gives relief from bloating, gas, and acidity problems. Aids in digestion and proper assimilation of food. Hence, weight gain.
Turmeric is one of the antioxidant rich herbs in Ayurveda. It helps in balancing the body tridoshas doshas and protects you from various health complications which can lead to weight loss.
Cardamom is an antioxidant-rich herb in Ayurveda that helps to balance Vata and pitta dosha domination. Helps in weight gain.
It’s a flowering plant and its consumption makes the body healthy and strong. It improves your metabolism and promotes the healthy weight gain. This is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for weight gain.
It boosts the immune system and strengthens the bones and muscles. Hence helps building muscle mass.
Chyawanprash needs no introduction because it is one of the most used dietary supplements in almost all Indian households.
It is rich with powerful herbs, spices, minerals and plenty of vitamin C. This supplement extensively helps in the prevention of a variety of health ailments. It has tremendous immunomodulatory effects and rejuvenative and revitalizing properties.
The herbal ingredients in this sweet-sour avaleha formulation includes Ashwagandha, Tulasi, elaichi, Safed Chandana, Amlaki, Neem, Pippali, Arjun, Brahmi, Kesar, Ghrita and Shahad.
This supplement is not only beneficial for bolstering immunity but also help in weight gain, improves digestion, increase bone strength and density, and strengthen muscles.
It is also known to improve skin health, and enhance fertility and promotes libido in women.
As the name Badam paka signifies, this formulation is enriched with the nutrition of nuts. It has almond, pistachio, clove, ghee, cardamom, jaiphal, saffron, cinnamon, and swarna bhasma,
This sweet avaleha preparation plays a vital role in providing the body with nourishment, strength and stamina. It facilitate weight gain, and energizes the body, but it also prevents stress, mental fatigue, microbial infections, and constipation.
Adult Dose : 10 gm with warm milk twice a day or as suggested by the ayurvedic physician.