Oligospermia is a condition found in men, which is described by a low sperm include in their semen. To impregnate a lady, a sound measure of sperm in a man’s semen is normally fundamental. As expressed by WHO in the year 2009, if the sperm tally is under 15 million sperm for every milliliter (mL), at that point the condition is called oligospermia. Oligospermia can be ordered into three classes:
Mild oligospermia, when the sperm check is between, 10 to 15 million sperm/mL.
Moderate oligospermia is analyzed when sperm check lies between 5 to 10 million sperm/mL.
Severe oligospermia when the sperm tally is somewhere in the range of 0 and 5 million sperm/mL.
In ayurveda, Oligospermia is called as Shukralpta.
As per Ayurveda, infertility exists when a healthy couple can’t accomplish a pregnancy following at least two years or neglect to consider for quite a long while after the principal conveyance. To have posterity is a fantasy of each wedded couple.
Shukra Dhatu Kshaya and Oligospermia are not actually one and the equivalent. However, Oligospermia is a piece of Shukra Dhatu Kshaya showing quantitative vitiation of Shukra Dhatu. Sukra Dhatu Kshaya can be successfully contrasted and Oligozoospermia at the point when we associate it with low sperm check.
Table of Contents
Samprapti (Pathogenesis) of Oligospermia
Vitiated Vata and Pitta are the main culprit
Vitiated Dosha causes Jatharagni Vaishamya
Finishing off with Aamotpatti which causes
Rasavaha Srotorodha
Reformist evaluative transformation of Dhatu is hampered driving to helpless sustenance of Shukra Dhatu.
Causes of Oligospermia
Hormonal imbalances: The chemicals needed for sperm creation are delivered by the nerve center and pituitary organs. The sperm creation gets hindered if any adjustment happens in these chemicals.
Ejaculatory issues: When semen as opposed to streaming out of the penis, inverts back to the bladder, at that point it is known as retrograde discharge. This condition can lessen the sperm includes and cause barrenness in men.
Undescended balls: Men brought into the world with this condition are probably not going to be ripe. In the case of during fetal turn of events, the gonads don’t slip from the mid-region into the sac that structures the scrotum, at that point the richness of that individual gets hampered.
Antisperm antibodies: Certain resistant framework cells known as against sperm antibodies will in general slaughter the sperm cells by erroneously distinguishing them as unsafe trespassers causing low sperm check.
Chromosomal anomalies: Certain hereditary issues like Klinefelter’s condition, Kallmann’s disorder and Kartagener’ condition can cause unusual advancement in the male regenerative organs.
Obsruction: Obstruction is one of the significant reasons for oligospermia. The cylinders that convey sperm, whenever obstructed by some strange improvements like cystic fibrosis or any injury due to earlier medical procedures and contaminations, can prompt a low progression of semen.
Injury or Trauma: Some medical procedures like vasectomy, hernia fix a medical procedure, scrotal medical procedures, prostate medical procedures, and so forth can decrease the sperm include in your discharge.
Certain meds: Certain prescriptions like antifungal, anti-microbial, ulcer medications, chemotherapy drugs, testosterone substitution treatment and so on can hinder sperm creation in one’s body.
Environmental factors: Exposure to synthetics, radiation, and weighty metals can diminish sperm creation.
Manifestations of Oligospermia
Common symtoms in Oligospermia
For certain men, there are no conspicuous signs and symptoms of oligospermia seen. Just when they discover trouble in imagining a kid, this ailment gets analyzed. In any case, if a man has oligospermia because of other basic issues like chromosomal irregularities, hormonal awkwardness or any obstacle, at that point certain signs and indications may happen. How about we investigate the side effects of oligospermia as given beneath:
- Expanding, pain, or bump in testis.
- Sexual working issues like the failure to keep an erection during sex or erectile brokenness.
- Low facial and body hair development and different indications of chromosomal irregularities and hormonal uneven characters.
- Thick release
- Extended and swollen veins in the scrotum.
- In the event that this issue occurs because of transmission of an infection, one can encounter some consuming sensation while peeing.
Risk Factors
There is various danger factors related with low sperm check. Underneath recorded are the dangers of oligospermia:
- Being overweight
- Despondency or stress in work and everyday life
- Being influenced by specific contaminations in past
- Openness to poisons and synthetic substances
- Gonads being presented to outrageous warmth
- Injury or injury to the gonads
- Utilization of specific prescriptions
- Undescended gonads
Treatment of Oligospermia (Shukrakshya)
The line of treatment for Shukrakshya as referenced in Ayurvedic writings are Snehana (oleation), Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Niruha (cured douche with decoction) Anuvasana (sedated purification with oil) and Shamana Aushadhi (palliative treatment) contingent upon the condition. As per these standards, it is upheld to utilize Shamana treatment in the wake of performing Virechana Karma (purgation).
Some of the suggested dravyas are cow’s milk, cow’s ghee, nectar, ashwagandha, bala, shatavari, triphala, shilajitu, musali pak, chyawanaprasha, vrishya vati, kushmanda avaleha, rasayana vati that are known to be useful in keeping up sexual health.
- Devour nutritious food like milk, explained spread, eggs, poultry, new natural products, nuts, grains and vegetables
- Increment take-up of food varieties and organic products high in lycopene like tomatoes, cherries, melons and so on might be useful
- Food sources plentiful in Vitamin-C, for example, citrus organic products (lemons, oranges and so on) might be utilized
- Madhur rasa (sweet) and master ahara (substantial) is suggested (Like Ghee, oils, fats, and so on)
- Keep away from food varieties that reason acid reflux, abundance salt, liquor and astringent food varieties
Lifestyles CHANGES (VIHAR)
- Follow an efficient every day lifestyle (Dincharya) that incorporates suitable resting and waking examples, great quality and time for rest, sexual exercises, and activities
- Stay away from exercises that lead to pressure
- Try not to perform unreasonable activities
- Keep away from concealment of desires (vegavidharan)