Table of Contents
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland present in the neck and diseases of these glands are most commonly attributed to reduced or excessive intake of iodine and tyrosine. Some common reasons for thyroid disorders are Tumours of thyroid glands, excess stress, reduced or excessive intake of side effects of medicines, and toxicity of the goitre etc. Thyroid gland produces hormones known as thyroxine/T4, triiodothyronine/T3, & calcitonin. Thyroid disorders can be caused by an overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormones.
Everyone required a body that is healthy and disease free. The ayurvedic treatment provides natural remedy for Thyroid with customized herbal medicines, diet and lifestyle plans which addresses the root-cause of the problem.
In Ayurveda, the thyroid is located near Vishuddi Chakra (in the throat area) and is made up of Pitta and Kapha Doshas. The thyroid is the centre of fire energy (Agni) and its functions are to stimulate psychic and somatic growth, secrete hormones, balance metabolism, and control bodily functions. The thyroid responds rapidly to stimuli and to stress, and is a very sensitive gland.
The two main types of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland’s hormone production slows down. As a result, the metabolism of the body also slows down. A person who has hypothyroidism tends to gain weight.
Symptoms –
- General fatigue and tiredness
- Low blood pressure
- Reactive Hypoglycemia
- Unexplained weight gain
- Dryness of skin
- A puffy face
- Constipation
- General muscle weakness
- Increased cholesterol levels
- Stiffness and general muscle soreness
- Swelling of the joints and associated soreness
Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormones. If a person has hyperthyroidism it means the person will lose weight.
Hyperthyroidism can be easily confused with other health problems. Its range of symptoms includes:
- Sudden weight loss
- Heart palpitations
- Increased appetite
- Irregular menstruation
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Muscles weakness
- Increased sweating
- High blood pressure
- Swelling at base of your neck
- Sleeping problems
- Anxiety, irritability, and nervousness
- Enlarment of thyroid gland
- Mood swings and sleeping difficulty
- Irregular periods
- Hand trembling or slight shaking
- Hair and skin thinning
As per ayurveda “Agni” is a sacred fire. It is basically related to metabolic system, which includes the digestion and absorption of the foods you eat. When you have thyroid, you have an altered state of agni instead of a healthy one.
Ayurvedic medicine can be used alongside standard treatments to restore a healthy state of Agni and rebalancing the doshas in the body.
- The aim of Ayurveda treatment for thyroid disease, in general, is to correct the Dosha imbalance.
- This correction will help to restore the proper functions of the thyroid gland.
- Ayurvedic thyroid treatment involves clearing these channels in order to balance body energies and restore the circulation of thyroxin.
- A body massage and detoxification of the body known as Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment which is very beneficial.
- In addition, Nasya (nasal treatment), Dhara over Vishudda Chakra, and Shirodhara are all very effective thyroid treatments.
- The Ayurvedic panchkarma therapies will boost the immune system and open the body channels that control healthy metabolism.
- The composition of internal medication, external treatments and Diet chart will be fixed by the physician individually and case to case.
- All the above steps taken properly will lead to a permanent cure for thyroid in Ayurveda.
- The practice of Pranayama and Yoga create calm and relaxation, while the herbal treatments relieve and control stress, which appears to be a major contributor to thyroid dysfunction.
- Breathing exercises such as Ujjaya, KapalaBhata, and AnulomaViloma are valuable tools to utilize.
- They’re easy to learn and should be practiced every morning for 15 to 20 minutes.
- In addition, the yoga postures known as Sarvanga asana, Suryanamaskara, Paschimottan asana, JanuSirsasana and Halasana, and bending postures, are excellent in promoting the proper function of the thyroid gland.
- Herbal preparations are administered to increase the digestive fire at a cellular level and to restore proper metabolism.
- There are the various ayurvedic medicines that are commonly used such as Kanchanara Gulgulu Punarnavadi Gulgulu, Shatavari, Arogyavardhini Vati and Chitrakadi Vati etc.
- Herbs like Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Jatamansi are also used.
- As prescribed by the physician followed by a treatment and detoxification plan.
- People with autoimmune hyperthyroidism are advised to make dietary changes and increase the intake of foods high in iodine.
- It is advisable to use iodized salt and many food items that have high contents of Iodine like Fish, Shell Fish, Asparagus, Potatoes, White Onion are recommended.
- Foods that slow down the functioning of Thyroid gland like Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Soya should be avoided.
- Hypothyroidism patients should consume more milk.
- take more fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Specific vegetables include having cucumber in large quantities.
- This assists in treating the disease quickly.
- Also, pulses like Bengal gram and Moong Dal help in maintaining thyroid levels and treats hypothyroidism quicker.
- When Barley and rice taken in adequate amount also help in normalizing the hormone levels.
- it will benefit in the long run to neutralize the hormone.
- Avoid high fibers food because of Too much of fiber intake interferes with the hormone absorption.
- But, don’t avoid fiber completely, because it is essential as well.
- It may also prevent the body from secreting or getting the hormones it needs.
- Also, avoid taking any medicine immediately after eating high-fiber foods.