Shirodhara, as its name indicates, the word Shirodhara comes from the two Sanskrit words “Shiro” (head) and “dhara” (flow). Means shirodhara is an Ayurvedic panchakarma procedure that involves continuously pouring of Luke warm liquid — usually oil, milk buttermilk, or water — onto forehead of a person.
Shirodhara is the procedure that has been in use since ancient times to bring the mind, body and soul to a balanced level. considered as one of the most realxing and rejuvenating treatments, this therapy is designed in such a way that it not only eliminates the harmful AMA toxins from the body but also relieves stress, gets rid of mental exhaustion and treat a host of disorders by balacing state of mind
Table of Contents
As in shirodhara liquid is poured over forehead so basically nutrition and stimulation is given to forehead i.e. shira which is one of the major part of our body .
In Ayurveda our body is compared with a tree and shira is considered as root of this body. As in tree if root is strong then the tree grows properly same as it is in our body is our root i.e. Shira is healthy then other parts of our body will work in proper manner and helps to sustain a healthy life.
Shira is considered as uttamang i.e. supreme important and major part of the body. Also, it is considered as Principal vital organ of the body where the prana i.e. life along with sense faculties resides. All the sense organs and channels of our body carrying the sensory and vital impulses from shira, hence, it is included in Trimarma.
- One among the Trimarma.
- Indriya, Indriyavaha Strotas and Pranvah Strotas are situated in Shira.
- Out of 19 sadyapranhar marmas in the body, 15 sadyapranhar marmas are situated in shira
- Mann and Atma are situated in Shira.
- One of the Dashpranayatan.
The infusion of oils or other liquids when poured onto the fore head and scalp produces a calming sensation on the muscles of the head, which passes through the superficial peripheral nerves of the forehead to the brain. By soothing the hypothalamus, it regulates the activity of the pituitary gland and treats conditions like insomnia by inducing sleep. Shirodhara also stimulates the various vital points like sthapani marma which is a sira marma located in between the both of the eyes which improves blood circulation.
According to Yogic tradition this third eye considered as the ‘Agnya Chakra’. Focussing on this Agnya chakra during meditation with closed eyes leads to psychosomatic harmony and relaxes mind .As during shirodhara the oil drips on the agnya chakra, it stimulates the agnya chakra and brings a meditation-like effect, which is a consequence of stillness of mind leading to the adaptive response to the basal stress. The entire procedure of shirodhara strengthened the mind and body to experience a state of deep rest.
Different Types of Shirodhara
Shirodhara therapy generally uses different types of herbal liquids these can be medicated oils or infusions to bring about a soothing sensation to the mind and body. Depending upon the type of liquid used in dhara, shirodhara is categorized into the following types:
Taila Dhara (Thaila Dhara):
A single type of oil or a mixture of several medicated oils are used in Taila dhara.
Dugadha Dhara (Ksheerdhara):
In this type, the main ingredient used in dugadha dhara is milk.
Takra Dhara (Thakradhara):
In this buttermilk as the main ingredient for dhara.
Kwatha Dhara (Decoction):
Depending upon the condition of patient or dosha imbalance, the main ingredient in kwatha dhara consists of medicated decoctions made by using various herbs.
Jala Dhara (Aqueous formulation):
This is generally used in case of Pitta imbalance in the body. This type mostly uses coconut water as the main ingredient for dhara.
– Beneficial in all kind of mental disorders like – Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, epilepsy etc.
– Effective in Psychosomatic disorders for eg.- in Ulcerative colitis, psorasis etc.
– Also used in patients of Hypertension.
– In headache and migrain also in patients with vision problems.
– Induces sound sleep
Mostly medicated oil is used for shirodhara. But it totally depends upon patient’s condition and physician experience of choosing oil accordingly. Different oils that are widely used for shirodhara are –
– Brhami oil
– Ksheerbala oil
– Tila oil
– Chandanadi oil
– Jyotishmatih oil
– Bala ashwgandhadi oil.
Shirodhara is the panchkarma procedure that be used in any age groups like from children to old age group.
This Shirodhara therapy provides the greatest experience of relaxation of mind also induces calming effects on the mind. The various medicated oil and decoctions used in this treatment not only nourishes and pacifies the doshas but also extensively used for treating number of health anomalies including stress, depression, insomnia, hypertension, migraine, etc. This classical ayurvedic therapy, that not only relax our mind by increasing spiritual awareness but also helps create a newfound connection to the inner soul.