- Varsha Ritu or Monsoon brings many diseases out of which cold and flu are very common.
- According to Ayurveda Monsoon or Varsha ritu comes under Visarga kaala (The ayana which enhances aapya ansha (or watery ingredients, moisture, fluidity) and strength of the living beings.)
- Months included in Varsha Ritu- Shravana and Bhadrapada i.e. Mid-July to Mid- September.
- During this season all the Doshas goes out of Balance, digestive fire or Agni becomes weak and causes diseases related to digestion. Ayurveda strongly recommend purification practices or Panchakarma during Varsha Ritu. So, diet and lifestyle should not be ignored.
- When cold air starts to breeze and it gets dark and cloudy, you know that it will rain. Also, dehydration, a rise in body temperature, stress, etc. are very common Rains lead to the drop in temperature which makes a person feel lethargic.
- Some Drinks which will help you to Refresh your Mood and help you stay healthy and fit.
Table of Contents
Fruits are enriched with nutrition. They are fully packed with minerals and vitamins which is very beneficial for a human body.
Instead of unhealthy tea and pakora one should try drinking homemade fruit juice. It will help a person to generate more energy which helps them to stay active throughout the day.
It is also a good option to maintain one’s health and fitness during the Varsha Ritu. Vegetables are rich in minerals and help a person to develop strong tissues.
They also help to boost up the metabolism and make you feel refreshed.
- It has a high content of protein and calcium which helps to boost bone strength. It is low in calories as it is made by taking out fat in the form of butter from milk.
- The person who is facing regular digestive problems during monsoon season should consume it to tackle their problems.
Here are some lists of juices which you can prepare easily at home and enjoy during the Monsoon or Varsha ritu-
It is one of the healthiest drinks which helps one to stay hydrated and is also very low in calories. It helps to relieve your thirst. It contains a high amount of Vitamin C which makes it a natural hydrant and a savior from common diseases that people face due to adverse conditions of monsoon.
How to make-
This recipe is for one glass of Lemonade
- Make Simple sugar syrup by stirring up water and sugar in a pan or glass or by boiling sugar in water till it dissolves completely then cool it.
- Take 3-4 lemons and squeeze them and then combine the sugar syrup and lemon.
- Now it is ready to drink enjoy this nutritious drink.
- In Varsha ritu it is advised to take Honey. Honey lemonade is a good choice for this monsoon.
How to make-
- It is prepared easily by mixing up these components i.e. Lemon juice, Honey in water.
- It is refreshing magical potion that will make you feel refreshed.
- It helps to detox your body.
- It rejuvenates your skin.
- Honey possesses healing properties when used on wounds and skin conditions.
- It also helps to burns fat.
How to Make-
- Take 2 or 3 medium sized bael fruit open the hard shell then take out the soft pulp with the help of a spoon scoop.
- Add the soft pulp in bowl and then add 1cup of water, soak it for 20 to 25 minutes.
- After that mash the pulp very well then strain it after that add Jaggery or sugar as per requirement.
- You can also add roasted cumin powder, cardamom powder (optional) and 2pinches of black salt.
- Mix it very well and your bael juice is ready to drink.
- It is good for your heart, brain and digestive system.
- It has been used traditionally to cure constipation, diarrhea, getting rid of ulcers.
- It is a healthy choice for the people with diabetes mellitus.
- Various compounds like tannins, flavonoids etc. present in it helps to reduce the inflammation.
- It is very helpful in purification of blood.
- It provides cooling effect to the body.
How to make-
- Peel off the orange and squeeze it manually or with the help of a juicer you can make juice of it.
- Add a pinch of black salt for taste.
- Enjoy this simple and tasty juice.
- Orange juice is rich in several Important Nutrients like vitamin C, folate and potassium.
- Enriched with Antioxidants.
- It may help to prevent Kidney Stones.
- It may improve your Heart Health.
- It may decrease the Inflammation.
This juice maintains the natural glow of the skin with its ample minerals and nutrients.
The Hormones present in Aloe vera is gibberellins and auxin which can heal your skin in monsoon.
How to make-
Cut a large aloe vera leaf, remove the skin in half take out the pulp
Rinse the gel to remove some of the bitterness.
Grind the pulp in a glass of water, add sugar and lemon for taste.
Drink this Aloe vera juice to achieve its goodness this monsoon.
- Amla juice is a very good choice for a health conscious person.
- It is enriched with a good quantity of Vitamin C; it aids collagen production and delays the process of skin ageing.
- It also fights ageing-related skin problems like dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.
How to make-
Take Amla fruit cut them in small pieces then simply put amla pieces in the juicer and extract amla juice.
Strain the juice through a muslin cloth or sieve.
The juice is ready to drink and one of the healthiest choice for the monsoon.
How to make-
- Firstly, take 1 cup peeled and chopped lauki in a blender
- You can also add handful mint, ½ tsp cumin powder, ½ tsp pepper, 1-inch ginger, 2pinch black salt and 1 tsp lemon juice and 1cup of water.
- Blend it smooth then pour lauki juice in a glass with few ice cubes (optional).
- It is rich source of iron, vitamins and potassium, having this juice everyday will help you reduce weight.
- In Varsha ritu, people may face digestive issues this juice cures your tummy problems.
- It helps to treat Urinary tract infections.
- Consumption of this juice every morning helps in lowering the cholesterol levels, thus supports your heart health.
- It is an excellent post-workout drink.
- It contains good amount of choline (a neurotransmitter) helps in relieving stress, depression and mental illness.
When to consume these juices?
Consume the desirable juice early in the morning or half an hour before meals.
Recommended Intake- 1-2glasses per day