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Nightfall in men means emission of sperms at night during sleeping. Doctors also call this nocturnal emissions which means sperm emissions at night. During nightfall condition men ejaculate in sleeping hours usually early hours of the morning or late night. It primarily occurs in teenage boys going through the peak of their hormonal changes within the body, but also experienced by older men as well, and happens as a result of fluctuations in sexual charge. This problem aggravate due to the weakness of muscles and nerves of penis due to past history of fluctuation in hormones, excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, and full bladder. Men are able to control the semen ejaculation but when it is in excess quantity then eliminated in the form of nightfall.
- Nightfall can cause pain in knees
- Nightfall can lead to poor concentration
- Nightfall causes Wooziness
- Nightfall leads to constant weakness
- Nightfall causes Insomnia
- Nightfall can cause loss of memory.
- Nightfall affects mood swings
- Nightfall causes loss of hair
- Lack of self-confidence
- Nightfall causes erectile dysfunction
- Nightfall is one reason for premature ejaculation
- Nightfall causes pain in testicles
- Nightfall can cause cramps in the pelvic region
- Nightfall leads to stress
- Nightfall leads to poor vision
- Nightfall causes backache
- Mix honey in fenugreek juice – is an effective remedies for nightfall solution.
Take 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder mix with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and take every day during bedtime. - Bottle Gourd – it has a cooling effect that cools the system which is responsible for nightfall. It can be consumed in two ways, either by drinking before bedtime or by mixing the juice with sesame oil and massaging it in scalp provide cool effects.
- Gooseberry or Amla –increasing the body immunity. Drinking a glass of amla juice help to get rid of nightfall.
- Onions and garlic cure many health-related conditions. Take two – three cloves of raw garlic and onions in the form of salads cure nightfall.
- Milk combined with pre-soaked almonds, banana, and ginger – helps to eliminate nightfall problem. Banana has a cool potency which helps to regulate the problem. Eating curd is also beneficial as it has healing properties which cool the system and increase immunity.
- Exercise and Yoga – it allow a person to have full control of their mind, body and soul. By doing regular yoga and exercises sex-related problems or nightfall can be prevented.
- Bathing with essential oils – before going to bed is helpful it relaxes the body and mind and allows a good sleep.
- Sleep hygiene – Essentially people need to maintain sleep hygiene. We strongly recommend the following list in daily regimen.
- Comfortable cloth – Wear comfortable and loose clothing at night
- Scroll good things – scroll productive media instead of sexually stimulating content
- Micturition – Always urinate before sleeping
- Avoid mastication – avoid too much masturbation
- Maintain sleep posture – Do not sleep on stomach
- Light food – Take easily digestible food at night and give 2 hours gap before go to sleep.
- Apple – An apple a day keeps the doctor away – Apple contain powerful antioxidant known as quercetin which has numerous medicinal effects. Apple keep prostrate and blood circulation problems away from the body.
- Red wine – red wine increased blood circulation and also known to contain quercetin. It should be noted that drinking more than 1 glass of red wine or any other type of alcoholic beverage daily will not give the same results according to researchers.
- Oyster – boosted the testosterone levels besides increased sexual stamina and desire. Seafood enhances blood flow to the genitals with its rich zinc content.
- Dark chocolate – Dark chocolates is excellent source of serotonin and phenylethylamine. It act as stimulants to rejuvenate sexual health and prevent nightfall. Dark chocolate also good for a better sexual health.
- Do fast walk or jog for the least of 30 -40 minutes each day
- Do treat constipation it may be a reason of nightfall
- Do meditation or listen to soothing music to get peace of mind
- Don’t get involved into any erotic chats or nor expose yourself to any arousing materials.
- Don’t think about nightfall, take off constant fear about it as this may increase the probability of nightfall
- Don’t become too lazy to go washroom for urination before sleeping at night.
- Hormonal changes – Young men in their teenage experience seminal leakage during the night as their bodies undergo some hormonal changes.
- Accumulation – excess accumulation of seminal fluid in the reproductive system cause nightfall.
- Sexual imagining – Sexual imagination for whatever reasons, maybe masturbation could trigger nightfall. Some men have the wrong notion that they could masturbate in the mind without having the need to ejaculate. Triggered sexual hormones will definitely release the acquired pressure at some point and cause nightfall.
- Weak nervous system – This is an unusual cause where the ejaculatory system gets out of control due to the weakness of nerves, slightest of stimulation, ejaculation occurs.