Importance of Purvakarma in Ayurveda
- June 23, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
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Purvakarma Definition
Viitated Doshas are constantly situated in the body parts where the sickness is delivered. All Doshas are to be gathered into the kostha from where they are killed through Panchakarma, for gathering all Doshas (toxins) in the nutritious waterway Snehana (oleation treatment) and svedana (perspiring treatment) are finished. Both the treatments snehana and svedana assume a significant part as Purvakarma as well as fills in as a line by preliminary measures. Previously, the genuine methodology of decontamination/detoxification starts, there is an extraordinary need to set up the body for the necessary strategies to urge it to relinquish the poisons. Thus, there are 3 procedures of Purvakarma.
- Deepana & Pachna
- Snehna
- Svedna
Deepna & Pachna
Deepna: The Drugs which builds Agni however doesn’t having Amapachana (digestion of undigested material waste) property called as Deepana.
Pachna: Which drugs invigorate Agni to do Aharapaka (metabolic change) is called as Pachana. Eg. Langhana (the methodology which achieves daintiness in the body) and Musta
Deepna & Pachna: The medications which are having the two properties called as Deepana and Pachana drugs. eg. Chitraka so we reason that Deepana-Pachana (hors d’oeuvre digestives) tranquilizes fundamentally Agni Mahabhoot (Elements) overwhelming.
Advantages of Deepna & Pachna
Deepana Dravya (drugs) which invigorate the appetite14 (~usually served before a feast) by remedy of Mandaagni (low stomach related fire). All medications of Deepana having Katu Rasa, (Pungent taste)Katu Vipaka (post-digestivetaste) & Usna Virya (dynamic rule) for instance Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanicum) Maricha (Piper nigrum, Pippali (Piperlongum), Pippalimoola (root of Piper longum), and Jeeraka, (Cuminum cyminum) so all medications are useful to improve Agni and Ignite Vata Dosha.
Pachana Dravya for instance Hingu, (Ferula foetida) Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia),, Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea) Musta (Cyperus rotundus)&Ajmoda(Trachyspermum roxburghianum) having Katu-Tikta Rasa, Ushana Virya (dynamic guideline), Katu Vipaka (bio change) are invigorate peristalsis of digestive system, expanded neighborhood blood supply, increment emission of stomach related proteins and increment retention of supplements. So it Deepana(appetizer) medications can be taken before the suppers and Pachana(digestive) medications can be endorsed after feast. So Deepana-Pachana (canapé digestives) drugs having comparative properties act distinctively depending on the time endorsed for their admission.
Snehana (Oil therapy)
This treatment makes the body delicate and breaks down the poisons. There are two sorts of snehana for example Inner Snehana and External Snehana. In interior snehana cured Siddha Ghrita or cured Siddha Taila is utilized orally as per the portion recommended by the specialist, this oil or ghee is known as sneha. It’s anything but an ointment and assists with diminishing the dryness of the body. In outer snehana there are incorporated a wide range of body rub with the assistance of Sneha exhorted by the educator. This treatment is helpful for all skin issues. Snehana is likewise executed to the patients of vamana and virechana.
Advantages of Abhyanga (External Snehana)
Abhyanga or External Oleation implies use of unctuous material (with tila oil/different sedated oils/ghrita and so on) on the outside surface of the body for example skin which mellow and gives gloss to the skin and eliminates dryness from the body. The upsides of Abhyanga according to Ayurvedic writings are-
- It (rub) balances the maturing interaction ( Jaraahara)
- It loosens up the tractable muscles subsequently helping in unwinding. (Shramahara)
- As Abhyanga is finished with Sneha Dravyas which pacifiy vata dosha (Vatahara).
- Abhyanga improves nature of vision. (Drishti Prasadakara)
- Abhyanga sustains different body segments (dhatu), delivering pushti. (Pushtikara)
- It expands life expectancy of person. (Ayushyakara)
- It helps in prompting sound rest. (Swapnakara)
- It makes skin flawless and expands its sound status. (Twak Dandhyakara)
- It instigates strength in body, making it versatile for enduring a wide range of unfriendly conditions. (Klesha Sahatva)
- People who routinely practice Abhyanga are very little influenced by any kind of injury. (Abhighata Sahatva)
- It eliminates the earth, improves appearance of body and builds its solidarity. (Mrujavarna Balaprada)
Swedana (Sweating)
Swedana is the method that eases Stambha, Gaurava, Sheeta which actuates Swedana (Sweating). It plays a double part in Purvakarma just as Pradhanakarma.
Swedana has unwinding and detoxifying consequences for the human body. Sweda is ordered into various assortments as per the diverse Acharyas.
As per Charaka, two primary types are Sagnisweda (warm) and Niragnisweda (Non thermal).
Niragnisweda is additionally arranged into ten types viz. Vyayama (work out), Ushnasadana (warm rooms), Guru Pravarana (substantial covers), Kshudha (hunger), Bahupana (over the top drinking), Bhaya (dread), Krodha (outrage), Upanaha (mortars), Ahava (war) and Atapa (sunbath).
Sagnisweda is ordered into 13 types viz. Sankara (blended), Prastara (hotbed), Nadi (steam pot), Parisheka (baptism), Avagaha (shower), Jentaka (sudatorium), Asmaghana (stone bed), Karshu (channel), Kuti (lodge), Bhu (ground bed), Kumbhi (pitcher bed), Kupa (pit sudation) and Holaka (under the bed). Where as
Acharya Sushruta ordered Swedana into primary 4 types:
Tapa sweda (Direct warmth), Ushmasweda (Steam), Upanah Asweda (poultice), Dravasweda (warm liquid)
Advantages of Swedna:
- Equilibriums Vata and Kapha humors in the body
- Disengages poisons; ousts them through the minuscule pores of the skin alongside sweat
- Expands course; decreases aggravation
- Renews and restores the skin
- Improves absorption
- Eliminates daze
- Follows up on fat tissues
- Assuages pressure
- Facilitates sore muscles
- Diminishes deadness, solidness, unbending nature, substantialness; improves portability
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.