- July 5, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Hypertension is a common condition in which blood pressure increases to high levels that leads to many kind of unhealthy conditions . Normally in a healthy individual blood pressure ranges between 90/60mmhg to 120/80mmhg . When reading of blood pressure goes upto 140/90mmhg then condition of hypertension develops. When the value reaches above 180/120mmhg then condition of medical emergency occurs.
Hypertension develops over the course of several years. It is silent killer means one may not notice any symptom. But even without symptoms, high blood pressure can cause damage blood vessels and organs, especially the brain, heart, eyes, and kidneys.
There are mainly two types of hypertension
In this type there is no major cause for developing hypertension which can be identified. It is also known as Essential hypertension . Some factors like Genes , Physical changes , Environment may play some role in developing this kind of hypertension .
This type of hypertension occur due to some underlying cause. Some health conditions which lead to secondary hypertension include
- Kidney Disorders
- Obesity
- Hyperlipidemia
- Alcohol intake
- Prolonged use of certain medications
- Congenital heart defects
- Stress
Symptoms of hypertension
Generally patient don’t have any symptoms as it is remain unnoticeable . Severe hypertension can cause
- Headache
- Feeling of discomfort
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
Treatment for hypertension
In modern science anti-hypertensive drugs are used to treat the hypertension. These include
- Calcium channel blockers
- ACE inhibitors
- Beta blockers
- Diuretics
However these medications can help to maintain the blood pressure at normal level but don’t treat the root cause of hypertension.
In ayurveda, hypertension is not mentioned as specific disease, but condition of hypertension can be co- related with vyanvaayu vaishmya , raktagat vat.
- Avoid Etiological factors( Nidan parivarjana)
According to ayurveda, avoidance of the causative factors that are responsible for pathogenesis of disease , is the first line of treatment for any disease.
Excessive intake of salty and fatty food should be avoided. Avoid sedentary life style. Medications that cause hypertension should be taken carefully.
- Medical Management
In Ayurveda, treatment is mainly of two type shodhan chikitsa and shaman chikitsa. Shodhan chikitsa is kind of detoxification process in which proper detoxification of body is done by using ayurvedic procedures . In shaman chikitsa treatment is done with medicines. For treatment of hypertension, shodhan chikitsa along with shaman chikitsa is best to follow.
Shodhan chikitsa for hypertension include
– Virechan ( purgation ) – This procedure is mainly done to treat pitta and rakta imbalance in body.
– lekhan basti – This is done for treatment of vitiated vata dosha. And also helpful in conditions where obesity and hyperlipidemia are major cause for hypertension.
– Shirodhara –
Shirodhara is very beneficial in cases of hypertension as it stimulates centers in CNS thus provide relieve in cases stress , insomnia that leads to HTN.
Shaman chikitsa for hypertension
Shaman chikitsa include three factors-
- Aushadh (medications )
- Ahara ( diet )
- Vihara ( life style)
1.Aushadha – In ayurvedic texts, medicines that are helpful in this condition are mentioned. Some of them are
– Prabhakar vati
– Sarpagandha ghan vati
– Hridya arnav rasa
– Praval pishti
– Shvet parpati
Beside of these medications here is some list of herbs which are widely used in cases of hypertension
The bark extracts of arjuna taken as powders and decoction form , work wonders in cases of hypertension. It possesses remarkable anti-hypertensive compounds, which effectively widen and ease the stiff blood vessels, to normalize blood pressure and provide relieve in symptoms of hypertension.
Amalaki or avla, the Indian gooseberry is excellent herb that is widely used in hypertension. Avla contains constituents which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that removes toxins from the blood vessels and relax the strain on the tubular structures leading to the heart. Also vitamin C present in avla helps to reduce the lower the cholesterol level also.
Punarnava is a natural diuretic, which eases blood flow via renal passages and ensures a healthy blood supply to the kidneys. This beneficial herb rejuvenates heart wellness by lowering blood cholesterol levels, controlling blood pressure fluctuations and decreasing the risk of acquiring cardiac ailments like CVD, arrhythmia.
Sarpagandha is a powerful herb that contaions number of phytonutrients, specifically alkaloids like reseperine with antihypertensive and sedative qualities. The roots of this plant is used in making herbal medicines to treat high blood pressure.
Tulsi is a very important ayurvedic herb that lowers high blood pressure and efficiently rectifies signs of hypertension like headaches and fatigue. Tulsi leaves contains eugenol, which is a natural calcium channel blocker, thus being an effective antihypertensive agent.
Ashwagandha is a natural herb that have been proven to lower blood pressure.
– Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables like apple , banaba, carot , cabbage, broccoli , grape fruit , green leafy vegetables etc.
– Avoid excess salt intake and fatty foods
– Use of garlic and onion in regular diet
– Increase intake of potassium , calcium , magnesium in diet.
Life style modifications plays very important role in the management of hypertension
– YOGA – Yoga practice is very beneficial in cases of hypertension. It is the combination of pranayam and some specific asana
Pranayam – Practising Anuloma- viloma , ujjayi pranaym, bhramari pranayam , nadi shodhan shows wonderful results.
Asana – Some asana like shavasna , gomukhasan, sarvang asana , pavana mukta asana give good results in cases of hypertension.
Yoga helps in maintaining balance in body and mind. Helps in treating the disease from the root cause. It should be practicing under proper guidance.
– Daily Physical exercise for 30-45 mint.
– Avoid sleeping during day time , anxiety , anger
Apart from these specific regimen has been given in ayurvedic texts for dincharya and Ritucharya. One should follow these regimen to avoid these kind of condition or to prevent these conditions.
– Take Amla juice every morning on an empty stomach it can control hypertension and other ailments too.
– Take one clove of garlic in the morning will reduce cholesterol levels and have multiple health benefits. Add garlic in daily meal also.
– Take two teaspoons of honey every morning, it can work wonders for your health as it relax the blood vessels and control blood pressure levels.
– Take tulsi leave, boil in water and take it as herbal tea, will show beneficial results.
– lavender oil or candles scattered around you, will relax your mind relieve stress.
– Sandalwood( CHANDAN ) is said to calm the mind, nervous system, and mood . Hypertension caused by an overactive mind, mental stress and fatigue can be treated by massaging the forehead with some sandalwood paste as it relieve stress and insomnia.
– Keep flowers of lotus , jasmine around you this will produce cooling effect in surrounding and help to balance pitta dosha.
CAC provides you the Hypertension care kit to deal with the root cause of the disease. This kit contaions-
Brain Relaxant Churan – 1tsf twice daily
Stress Care Tablets – 1 tablet twice daily
Blood Pressure Balance – 2 tablets twice daily
Medicines in this kit give cumulative effect to treat hypertension .
For more details visit our website
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.