- October 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Hair fall is a major problem faced by an individual, especially in the rainy season.
The sight of hair strands on pillows, bathroom, and floor of the house frightens us every day. Especially the young people fear of going bald.
It’s really very important to stop hair fall, hair thinning, and get rid of bald patches at an early stage.
You can opt for home remedies for hair fall that will help you in the improvement of the quality of your hair and also keep you away from harmful chemical solutions.
Home remedies can help you to put a pause & full stop to your frustrating hair fall.
Table of Contents
Causes of Hair Fall:
Causes of Hair Fall
Hairfall may be caused due to the following factors-
1.Increasing Environmental Pollution
2.Genetics or Family History
3.Stress and Anxiety
4.Hard work or Lack of proper sleep
5.Nutritional Deficiencies
6.Hormonal Changes in some conditions like- Pregnancy, Puberty, Menopause, Thyroid, History of intake of Birth control pills
7.Diseases & Medications such as – Autoimmune disorders such as cancer, thyroid, arthritis, and heart problems etc. may contribute to consistent hair loss. Intake of medicines like antidepressants and mood stabilizers can also lead to hair fall.
8.Hairstyles- Tight hairstyles like High ponytails & cornrow hairstyles
1.Egg Hair Mask
Egg is definitely having unpleasant odor, but it is rich in protein, sulphur, zinc, and phosphorus.
It is an effective remedy against persistent hair fall. It helps to strengthen hair strands, promotes hair growth, and prevents split ends.
Method of use-
1.Mix 1 egg with a teaspoon of honey & olive oil
2.Apply this paste from roots to the tips with the help of a brush.
3.Leave it for 25 minutes then rinse it with a mild shampoo & in cold water
Use it once a week for better results.
2.Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is well known for skin and hair. It is an unbeatable remedy for hair fall. The fatty acids present in this oil helps to strengthen your hair roots & promotes hair growth.
How to Use-
1.Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and warm it up & apply it to your scalp.
2.Gently massage the scalp & leave it overnight or at least for 30minutes during the daytime.
3.Rinse it with the help of a mild or ayurvedic shampoo.
Use it two times a week.
3.Amla & Lime Juice Hair Pack to Stop Hair Loss
Amlaki or Amla is a powerful ayurvedic solution to strengthen your hair & prevent premature greying. Infused with Vitamin C, amla promotes unbeatable hair growth.
How to Use-
1.Mix 1 teaspoon of amla powder & few drops of lime juice to make a thick paste.
2.Apply the paste on your scalp for 40 minutes.
3.Rinse the paste with a mild cleanser.
Use it 1 or 2times every week.
4.Methi Hair Mask
Methika or methi seed powder is an effective home remedy to repair damaged hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth. It is enriched with high protein content and naturally nourishes the hair follicles; Resolves the dandruff problem and create a voluminous bounce.
How to Use –
1.Soak 2 teaspoons of the Methi seeds overnight.
2.Make a paste with the help of a grinder & gently apply it to your scalp.
3.Keep it for one hour and gently rinse with water.
Use this pack once a week.
1. Hair Live Oil
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Hair Live Oil is 100% natural & safe prepared from various extracts of herbs & oil. It is used in various kind of hair related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.
Method of usage – Gently massage your hair once or as per requirement
2.Hair Live Shampoo
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Hair Live Shampoo is 100% natural & safe prepared from various extracts of herbs & oil. It is used in various kind of hair-related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.
Method of usage– Apply it on wet hair, massage into a rich lather for 2-3 minutes and rinse properly with water.
3.Hair Live Tablet
Hair live tablet is a herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It works on tridoshas and maintain their imbalance. It contain various herbs like Bhringraj, Aamlaki, Mulethi , Dhatri lauh, Shudh gandhak and Brahmi that help in hair growth , prevent hairfall and greying of hairs, make hair strong, and make it shinier and healthy. CAC Hair live tablets rejuvenate memory, hair, teeth, bones, vision and hearing. This tablet is anti-oxidant, anti-viral, analgesic, anti-bacterial and hepato-protective in nature.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.
4.Amla Juice
Amla Premium Juice will strengthen the heart muscles, provide relief from constipation, stimulate bowel movements, prevent the signs of aging, control diabetes problem, reduce cholesterol levels, flush toxins out of the body and improve your hair texture and solve the problem of hair fall. Two spoonful of Amla Premium Juice everyday will help in making your hair smooth and shinier.
Recommended Dosage: Two spoonful of Amla Premium Juice everyday.
1.Gently massage your scalp on regular basis.
2.Regular trimming of hair should be done.
3.Eat healthy and balanced diet
4.Avoid oily and spicy food items.
5.Rinse your hair with Triphala water at least twice a week.
6.You can also use Aloe Vera gel application for smooth hair.
7.Wipe your wet hair using a cotton towel.
8.Do Yoga and Pranayama practices to reduce your stress levels and prevent hair fall.
9.Drink plenty of Fluids at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day and stay hydrated.
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.