How To Keep Your Skin Moisturized in Winters?
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Winters have started and with the onset of winters the dryness of the skin has also started coming. Although there are many beauty products in the market to remove the dryness of the skin, but their effect is not permanent and due to their adulteration, they also damage the skin. In such a situation, if you apply homemade moisturizer, then the dryness of your skin will go away as well as your skin will also become glowing.
You can make moisturizer in many ways at home, but today we will tell you the special recipe of Grandma Maa. This is a very old and effective way to make moisturizer. Not only this, it is very cheap to make and once made, you can use it for many days. By the way, this moisturizer is neither aromatic nor fancy in appearance, it is made entirely from indigenous items.
You can apply it on every part of the body where you feel dryness or the skin there is cracking. So let’s know the method of making this native moisturizer.
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Moisturizer For Glowing Skin In Winter Season
As we have already told you that it takes all the indigenous things to make this type of moisturizer. So know its contents.
- 1 cup aloe vera gel
- 7-8 tbsp beeswax
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp almond oil
Homemade Moisturizer For Glowing Skin In Winter
- To make this moisturizer, you must first melt the wax. For this, you have to put a pan on the gas and then put wax in it and melt it.
- After melting the wax, you have to extract the gel from the aloe vera leaves. You put this gel in the melted wax and after that you have to add almond oil and coconut oil to it.
- When you put both these things in it, then let this mixture cook for some time on low flame and during this you keep stirring the cooking ingredients continuously.
- When this material starts to look like cream, you should fill it in a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge for some time.
- Keeping it in the fridge will set the moisturizer and you will be able to keep it outside at normal temperature. After that you can use this moisturizer whenever you want. You can store it for as many days as you want.
Easy Homemade Moisturizer For Glowing Skin In Winter
You will get many benefits by applying this native moisturizer.
If you have dry skin then this moisturizer is nothing less than a boon for you. It will make your dry skin smooth and glowing.
You can use this moisturizer even if you have oily skin. Yes, you apply it in small quantity.
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With the changing seasons, it is also natural for the skin problem to increase. Skin problems increase due to sweat and moisture in summer and dryness in winter. With the arrival of cold weather, the face becomes dry and cracks start in it. However, you can get rid of these problems by including some beauty products.
Face wash for Dry Skin
Face wash should be chosen according to the season, because in summer a face wash that removes oily skin is used and in winter a face wash that treats sensitive skin should be used. Apart from this, use such face wash in cold in which the amount of soap is minimum.
Moisturizer for Dry Skin
It is very important to moisturize the skin to retain the moisture of the skin. However, keep in mind that the moisturizer needs to be non-irritant. Some moisturizers cause pimples, so be careful while choosing. (Read more- What not to eat in skin infection)
Night Cream for Dry Skin
Health experts say that the skin heals while sleeping, so the use of night cream is beneficial. Many skin problems can be cured at night. Night cream containing Vitamin C is considered the best for the skin.
Sunscreen for Winter
Although most people use sunscreen in summer to avoid the scorching sun, but it should also be used in cold. To keep the skin safe, sunscreen should be used even in winter. There is also a separate sunscreen for winter in the market. (Read more: Is sunscreen necessary in winter?)
Lip Balm
Lips are the most delicate, so the problem of chapped lips increases in winter. In this case, use lip moisturizer or lip balm. You can also suffer due to chapped lips, so petroleum jelly should be used on the lips.
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.