- October 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin condition that causes hair follicles to become inflamed and infected.
- It often starts with one painful, pea-sized bump that may look like a pimple.
- Usually, many more bumps form.
- The bumps may rupture and begin to drain pus.
- Tunnels called sinus tracts may form under the skin between bumps.
- Hidradenitis suppurativa occurs mostly in areas where skin rubs together, especially if there are nearby sweat and oil glands like:
- Under the arms or armpits
- Groin or low on the front of the body, where thighs and abdomen meet
- Between the buttocks
- On the anus
- Under the breasts
- Around the nipples
- Stomach folds
- Neck
- Behind the ears
- The cause of hidradenitis suppurativa is unknown, but it is not related to poor hygiene or use of personal care products.
Table of Contents
Is it a matter of concern?
- It is usually a chronic or long-lasting condition, and may get worse over the years.
- It can affect your quality of life because it’s painful, causes scarring and other changes in the appearance of the skin and sometimes drains pus that has a bad smell.
- It can’t be cured but treatment may help relieve symptoms.
- Living with hidradenitis suppurativa can be quite challenging.
- The symptoms tend to get worse over time, with more ruptured bumps, pain, and leakage of pus, scarring and formation of tunnels under the skin.
- Painful bumps tend to form in places where skin rubs together, making movement difficult.
- The pain, appearance and odor of bumps and tunnels in the skin can make it embarrassing to get close to other people.
- You will likely need regular, ongoing medical care that may involve specialists such as dermatologists (skin doctors) and surgeons.
Prevalence rate-
- Hidradenitis suppurativa is believed to affect between 1 percent and 4 percent of the population.
- It typically starts in a person’s early 20s
- It is more common in:
- Women
- African Americans
- People who are overweight
- Smokers
- People with a family history of hidradenitis suppurativa
Easily spreadable or not?
No, hidradenitis suppurativa cannot spread by sharing articles or by coming in contact with the infected person i.e. non-contagious. But if you had a family history of Hidraadenitis suppurativa then you may likely to suffer from this condition.
What are the Symptoms of Hidradentitis suppurativa?
The major symptoms are as follows:
- Painful, pea-sized lumps under the skin
- Pimple-like bumps
- Pus-filled pockets in the skin
- Bad-smelling drainage from ruptured bumps
- Tunnels, known as sinus tracts, under the skin between bumps
- Scarring where bumps have ruptured and healed over
- Depression and anxiety due to the severity of symptoms
Causes of hidradenitis suppurativa
We don’t know what causes hidradenitis suppurativa.
Hidradenitis suppurativa begins with hair follicles becoming blocked by the buildup of a protein called keratin. It isn’t known why this blockage happens.
People with hidradenitis suppurativa often have certain other medical conditions as well, although the connection between these conditions and hidradenitis suppurativa is not clear:
- Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of medical conditions that includes
- Diabetes or insulin resistance
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Excess body fat (obesity)
- Abnormal cholesterol levels
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Chronic (long-term) inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease
- Atherosclerosis (buildup of fat and minerals, called plaque, in arteries)
- Joint disease such as arthritis
How long does it persists?
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, or long-lasting, condition. Individual bumps may grow, rupture and heal quickly, or last for several weeks. Once the first bump appears you are likely to have more of them. You may have periods of time in which you have no symptoms, but you will probably have repeated outbreaks over time.
Acne — pimples caused by hair follicles getting plugged up with oil and dead skin cells
Folliculitis — bacterial or fungal infection of hair follicles
Ingrown hair — hair that turns and grows back into the skin, causing inflammation
Boils — infection of hair follicles that form painful bumps that are temporary
How will I know if it gets better or worse?
You’ll know your hidradenitis suppurativa is getting better if the bumps clear up and don’t come back, or come back less frequently.
You’ll know your hidradenitis suppurativa is getting worse if you develop:
- More bumps
- Too much pain to move normally
- Oozing of bad-smelling pus
- Tunnels under the skin between bumps
- More frequent outbreaks
Treatments of Hydradenitis suppurativa
The doctor may prescribe –
- Antibiotics
- Acne washes and medications
- Bleach baths — follow your doctor’s instructions carefully
- Biologics — these medications to suppress your immune system may be injected at home or infused in a medical setting
- Corticosteroids — taken by mouth or injected into your skin
- Hormone therapy — birth control pills (oral contraceptives) or other medications that control hormones
- Methotrexate — a chemotherapy drug that suppresses the immune system
- Laser therapy — can clear hidradenitis suppurativa bumps and destroy hair follicles
- Surgical removal — bumps can be cut out, but may return
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides the following medications for the treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa-
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre
- Detox Premium Powder
- Panchatikta ghrita gugulu
- Skin care tablet
- Twaka tailam
- AloeVera Gulab gel
- Handmade Neem Soap
Note- The treatment and dose may differ from person to person according to Examination and progress of the disease.
In addition to following your doctor’s treatment advice, making some lifestyle changes may help with your hidradenitis suppurativa. You might try:
- Losing weight if you are overweight — this may be the single most effective measure you can take to manage your hidradenitis suppurativa.
- Giving up all tobacco products — tobacco is known to make hidradenitis suppurativa worse.
- Changing your diet — in addition to maintaining an overall healthy diet, avoiding certain foods such as dairy (milk products), red meat and foods with a high glycemic index may be helpful. A dietician can help you come up with a plan.
- Washing daily with an antiseptic wash — wash gently, avoiding rubbing the skin with loofahs or washcloths
- Avoiding tight clothing and personal care products that can irritate skin.
- Not shaving or picking at affected areas.
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.