Herbal Remedies for Leucoderma, Ayurvedic Treatment – Causes & Symptoms
- July 27, 2016
- Posted by Vaidya Jagjit Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Leucoderma is defined as the gradual loss of skin pigment known as melanin pigment from the layers of the skin. There is the appearance of white patches over the face, scalp and genital area. It generally starts from a small spot that later spreads into patches. Over time, due to the loss of melanin pigment from the skin, the patches become more whiter and starts merging with one another thereby creating a broad patch. Sometimes it spreads to all over the body. It is more commonly found in women than men.
Table of Contents
- Excessive stress or worry
- Chronic gastric problems
- Improper liver functions like jaundice
- Excessive consumption of incompatible food stuffs.
- Presence of worms or parasites in the digestive system
- Burns
- Any injury
- Acute mental worry
- Faulty perspiratory mechanism
- Hereditary factor
- De-pigmentation of the skin
- Premature greying of the hair and eyelashes
According to Ayurveda, leucoderma is compared with shvet kushtha. Shvet kushtha is caused due to the aggravation of the pitta dosha in the body. Vitiated pitta dosha causes poor digestion and this leads to the accumulation of the ama or toxins in the deep tissues of the body, leading to the condition of leucoderma.
Five divisions of the pitta dosha, bhrajak pitta is responsible for imparting colour to the skin. In case of shvet kushtha, bhrajak pitta is in the imbalanced state and so the skin starts losing its colour and white patches are formed. Rasa dhatu, rakta dhatu, mansa dhatu and lasika are also imbalanced in this disease.
Ayurvedic line of treatment for leucoderma is based on the following principles:
- Restoring the digestive power to its normal state
- Removing the toxins out of the body
- Cleansing the blood
- Administrating herbs that will help in restoring the skin colour back to normal
Single herbs that are beneficial in this disease are:
- Bakuchi
- Manjishtha
- Nimba
- Triphala
- Trikatu
- Hing
- Lashun
Ayurvedic formulations beneficial in this condition are:
- Nimbadi Churna
- Manjishthadi Churna
- Bavchi Vati
- Syrup Safrex
- Shudh Yoga Tablets
- Gandhak Rasayan vati
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Haridra Khand
- Nimbadi Guggulu
- Panch Tikta Ghrit Guggulu
- Vetpalai Thailam
- Manjishthadi oil
- Eladi oil
- Chandanadi Oil
- Lashun Rasayan
- Hingvadi Vati
- Chitrakadi Vati
- Safrex Syrup
- Increase consuming vegetables that are bitter in taste like bitter gourd
- Avoid difficult to digest foods
- Avoid intake of sour and salty tastes. Avoid taking sour food items with milk.
- Avoid taking in jaggery, curd, fish & other non vegetarian food items and sesame seeds.
- Avoid consuming incompatible food items like eating milk and fish together
- Have adequate and sound sleep.
- Avoid taking in untimely food. Timely breakfast, lunch and dinner are good for immunity.
- Avoid exposure to excessive cold and hot weather conditions.
- Drink one glass of neem juice every day. This is highly beneficial for people suffering from leucoderma.
- Take care of personal hygiene.
- Practice yoga and do meditation.
- Wash the fruits and vegetables properly to reduce the pesticides and insecticides.
- Prepare a paste of bakuchi and coconut oil apply over the white patches and expose yourself to morning sunlight for 15 min.
- Take about 500 grams of turmeric and about 8 litres of water. Boil to reduce it to half. Now filter the solution and add about 500 ml of mustard oil. Apply this mixture on the white patches two times a day.
- Soak 50 grams of tamarind seeds in water for 3-4 days, then let them dry out well and grind them to prepare a paste. Mix the powder with water to a paste and apply it to the affected areas till the patches disappear.
- Mix turmeric powder well with mustard oil and apply this over the white patches.
- Take a handful of pomegranate leaves and prepare a fine powder of it. Take about eight grams of this powder with water atleast two times a day.
Click Here to consult Vaidya Jagjit Singh
Vaidya Jagjit Singh is a 3rdΒ generation Ayurved physician from his family and is the remarkable person responsible for setting up of the Chandigarh Ayurved and Panchkarma Centre in sector 32 and 22, Chandigarh and Zirakpur and he is also the first founder member of Guru Ravidas Ayurved University. He has done his B.A.M.S. from Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh. He is an admirable ayurvedic physician with specialization in Chronic ailments.