Herbal Remedies for Cancer, Ayurvedic Treatment – Causes & Symptoms
- May 28, 2016
- Posted by Vaidya Jagjit Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in the body. These cells are termed as cancer or malignant or tumor cells. These cells infiltrate the normal body cells and tissues, show uncontrolled division and growth and as a result a mass of cells develop. Cancerous cells then break away from the original mass of cells, travel through the blood and lymph systems and get accumulated in other organs of the body where they again repeat the uncontrolled growth cycle. This process of leaving an area and growing in another area of the body is termed as metastasis.
There are many types of cancer:
- Bladder cancer
- Lung cancer
- Breast cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Uterine cancer
- Oral cancer
- Oropharyngeal cancer
While normal cell growth follows an orderly path of growth, division and death, cancerous cells o not face death but continue to grow and divide.
Some of the causes for cancer are:
- Damages or mutations in the DNA
- Genetic predisposition
- Excessive exposure to carcinogens such as tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation, ultraviolet radiations and car exhaust fumes
- Cigarette smoking
- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol use and obesity
- Lack of physical activity
- Exposure to radiation from X-rays, cellular phones and cell phone towers
- Fever
- Tiredness in the body
- Pain in different regions of the body
- Unusual bleeding or discharge
- Coughing
- Indigestion problems
- Unexplained weight loss
- Skin changes
- White patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue
- Sores
- Lump in the breast or other parts of the body
- Recent change in a wart or mole or any new skin change
According to ayurveda, cancer is described as Granthi or Arbuda. In malignant tumors the nervous, venous and arterial systems or Vata, Pitta and Kapha get out of control and lose mutual co-ordination that causes tissue damage, thus resulting in critical condition.
According to Ayurveda, there are following types of arbuda:
- Vataja Arbuda – this type of arbuda is caused due to vata dosha imbalance. The tumor mass is soft, black in colour and exudates thin blood when punctured. The pain felt is tearing, cutting and pricking in nature.
- Pittaja Arbuda – this is caused to pitta dosha imbalance. The tumor mass is yellowish or red and exudates warm blood when punctured. The patient feels burning sensation and there is sucking pain.
- Kaphaja Arbuda – this is caused due to vitiated kapha dosha. The tumor mass is painless, hard, develop over a period of time. The patient feels severe itching.
- Meda pradhan Arbuda – this type of arbuda is caused when meda dhatu is affected. The patient feels itching over the affected area and the tumor is generally painless.
- Shirajanya Arbuda – this type of arbuda is caused due to vata dosha imbalance or when a person is involved in over exertion.
- Rudhirjanya Arbuda – this is caused due to pitta dosha imbalance.
The Ayurveda treatment for cancer include:
- Removal of food and not following the lifestyle that cause the imbalance of tridosha
- Eliminating toxins through various Panchkarma therapies
- Restoring the digestive power or jatharagni
- Rejuvenating through Rasayana therapy
- Using ayurvedic medicines as an adjuvant
Single herbs that are useful in cancer are:
- Basil
- Caraway
- Cardamom
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Coriander
- Manjishtha
- Shatavari
- Guggulu
Following ayurvedic formulations are used in treating cancer:
- Mukta Pishti
- Heerak Bhasma
- Swarna Vasant Malti Rasa
- Vasant Kusumakar Rasa
- Amalaki Rasayana
- Eat a diet that is helpful in boosting immunity
- Eat easily digestible foods to avoid toxin accumulation in the body
- Reduce the intake of sugar in your diet
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Avoid high-fat foods
- Avoid refined flour products
- Eat dark green leafy vegetables
- Do regular rejuvenation and purification practices such as fasting.
- Exercise on a daily basis including aerobic exercise, stretching, strengthening and meditation
- Consume fresh fruits and fruit juices
- Take in low carbohydrate diet
- Soybeans and olive oil are good in treating cancer
- Wheatgrass slows down the growth of cancerous cells
- Broccoli is beneficial in treating cancer
- Drinking green tea is highly beneficial in cancerGrapes aid in treating lung, prostate, colon and breast cancer
Click Here to consult Vaidya Jagjit Singh
Vaidya Jagjit Singh is a 3rd generation Ayurved physician from his family and is the remarkable person responsible for setting up of the Chandigarh Ayurved and Panchkarma Centre in sector 32 and 22, Chandigarh and Zirakpur and he is also the first founder member of Guru Ravidas Ayurved University. He has done his B.A.M.S. from Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh. He is an admirable ayurvedic physician with specialization in Chronic ailments.