This churan is a pure herbal ayurvedic formulation. The herbs in the formulation shows calming effects on brain and provides relaxation. It ingredient list have herbs like Sonth, amla, pippli, haldi, marich, bala , lauh bhasam, suddha gandhak etc. that have stress relieving properties and provide relief from anxiety. The herbs also show Neuroprotective , Antioxidant, Carminative and Anti-inflammatory properties.
- Amla (Emblica officinalis) : It is a rich source of Vitamin- C that regulates the production of norpinephrine , a neurotransmitter that helps to enhance brain functions. It is also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that boost the memory by fighting against free radical and minimizing the damage caused by free radical.
- Sonth (Zingiber officinale) : It is rich in anti-oxidents . The active compound 6-gingerol Inhibits cholinesterase activity . It also have anti-inflammatory properties. It regulates the production of dopamine, epinephrine and Seratonin content in hippocampus and cerebral cortex.
- Pippali (Piper longum): It has alkoloid named piperdine which have potent anti-depressant like properties. It also improve the blood circulation to the brain. It protects against damage to myelin sheath.
- Marich (Piper nigrum): It contain mood-inducing chemicals that helps to sooth and calm the brain. It is also high in antioxidant thus helps to fight damage caused by free radicals. It also impprove the blood sugar levels in body.
- Haldi (Curcuma longa): : It is a common household spice all over the world. It act as an immunity booster and is quite useful for brain. Curcumine the active ingredient in turmeric has ability to cross blood-brain barrier and help clear the plaque. Also improve neuron functions and encourage neuron growth.
- Bala (Sida cordifolia): : It has CNS depressant properties that helps to relieve the mind stress thus helps in anxiety and sleep disorders. It is used as nervine tonic in ayurveda.
- Suddha Gandhak : It is a potent antioxidant that offers a numder of health benefits. It also improve the blood circulation inbody and also helps to detoxifies the entire body.
- Lauha Bhasma :It is rich source of natural iron that improves the haemoglodin levels thus increasing oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.
- Anti depressant
- Maintain blood sugar level
- Increase Haemoglobin levels
- Insomnia
- Cures indigestion
- Nerve tonic
- Helpful in Ulcerative colitis
- Anti microbial
- Strengthen immune system
Compared to Brain Relaxant churna the allopathic counterpart is combination of Diazepam :
It comes under Benzodiazepine family that acts as anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant. It has a rapid onset with long duration of action and is commonly used in treatment of severe anxiety, panic disorders and seizures.
It binds to receptors in various parts of spinal cord and brain which increase the inhibitory effect of GABA . GABA is a chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS that reduce neuronal excitability.
It is available in market under brand names:
- Almpose
- Alzepam
- Anxol
- Calmod
- Calmpose
- Diaclam
- Daize
- Diazecalm
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Drowsiness
- Tiredness
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Spinning sensation
- Irritability
- Ataxia
- Slurred speech
- Skin rashes
- Nausea
- Dry mouth
- Itching
- Muscle weakness
- Restlessness
- Liver disorders
- Severe renal deficiencies
- Pregnancy
- Myasthenia gravis
- Severe hepatic deficiencies
- Breast feeding
- Severe sleep apnea
- Glaucoma
- Hypersensitivity to Diazepam