Force with which blood pushes against artery walls is called as Blood pressure. Blood pressure goes up and down due to regular activities like moving around and sleeping. Blood pressure is made up of 2 measurement :
- Systolic pressure : Measurement of blood pumping through arteries when ventricles squeeze the blood
- Diastolic pressure: Measurement of pressure your arteries are under between heart beats .
Low blood pressure is also known as Hypotension. The blood pressure is under 90/60 millimeters of mercury in this condition. It can be a condition on its own or it is a symptom of a wide range of conditions.
It may not cause symptoms in many people but in some cases hypotension is fatal and require medical attention.
Low blood pressure types includes :
- Postprandial hypotension : Blood pressure drops 1-2 hours after eating. It mostly effects older adults usually individuals with high blood pressure or autonomic nervous system disease like Parkinson’s disease.
- Orthostatic hypotension: Sudden drop of blood pressure when standing up from sitting position or after lying down . It is usually caused due to dehydration, pregnancy, long term bed rest , certain medical conditions and some medications. This common in older adults .
- Neurally medicated hypotension : Blood pressure drops due to standing for long period. It mostly affects young adults and children. It is due to miscommunication between brain and heart.
- Multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension : Also known as Shy-drager syndrome .It is a rare disorder affecting nervous system which controls involuntary functions such as blood pressure, breathing, heart rate and digestion.
Some of the common causes of low blood pressure are :
- Dehydration : Due to dehydration the amount of blood in body decrease which can cause blood pressure to drop. Vomiting, severe diarrhea, fever, strenuous exercise and overuse of diuretics can lead to dehydration.
- Pregnancy : Due to changes in pregnancy blood vessels expand which may cause blood pressure to drop. Condition of low blood pressure is common in first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Blood pressure mostly return to its normal levels after delivery.
- Blood loss : Injury or internal bleeding leads to lose of lots of blood also reduces blood volume causing severe drop in blood pressure.
- Heart and heart valve conditions : Heart failure, heart valve disease, heart attack and bradycardia can lead to low blood pressure.
- Severe infection : If infection enters the bloodstream, it can cause life-threatening drop in blood pressure called as septic shock.
- Hormone related diseases : Conditions which affects parathyroid or adrenal gland like Addison’s disease may cause blood pressure to drop . Hypoglycemia and sometime diabetes can also lower blood pressure.
- Severe allergic reaction : Sudden and dramatic drop of blood pressure is a symptom of severe allergic reaction.
- Lack of certain nutrients in diet : Low level of folate, vitamin B-12 and iron in body leads to low production of RCBs (anemia) which can lead to low blood pressure.
- Certain medications : Certain medicines like alpha blockers, diuretics, beta blockers , antidepressants etc can leads to lowering of blood pressure in individual.
Common symptoms of low blood pressure includes :
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Fainting or passing out
- Vomiting
- Shallow, fast breathing
- Blurred or distorted vision
- Lethargic or sluggish feeling
- Fatigue
- Agitation or other unusual behavioral changes
- Trouble concentration
- Confusion
- Thirst
- Caffeine helps : Beverages containing caffeine like coffee or tea may boost individuals blood pressure temporarily. caffeine inhibitis adenosine receptors which promotes catecholamine production that has vaso-constricting effects leading to raise systolic blood pressure in individual.
Individual suffering from low blood pressure can have a cup of coffee in morning for instant boost low blood pressure.
- Tulsi leaves : It has number of minerals including magnesium and potassium which helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. It also contain Vitamin-C which also maintain relatively normal blood pressure. chew 5-6 leaves every morning for enhancing low blood pressure
- Munakka: It helps to increase Vitality and blood circulation which further helps to ensure a healthy blood pressure. Soak munakka overnight and have it in morning empty stomach , also drink water used to soak munakkas.
- Beetroot juice : Beetroot helps to stabilize blood pressure in individuals. For hypotensive patients intake of two glass of beetroot juice for a week can give good results.
- Liquorice tea : Liquorice helps to normalize blood pressure due to low cortisol levels. It also helps toheal chronic fatigue symptoms. Drinking liquorice tea daily for few weeks can provide good results in hypotensive patients.
- Almond milk : Almond milk does not have saturated fats and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids thus prevents falling of blood pressure. Including almond milk in low blood pressure diet provides good results in long terms .
- Arjun
- Manjishtha
- Rason
- Amla
- Ashwagandha
- Ginger
- Brahmi
- Cinnamon
- Ajwain
- Snehapana
- Nasya
- Nitya Virechana
- Shirodhara