A condition caused by excessive stimulation of brain and blood vessels. A migraine headache is usually throbbing or stabbing pain, ranging from moderate to severe. It may affect one or both sides of the head. This is often worsened by physical activity, sound or smell and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to sound, light or smell.
Migraine headaches are three times more common in females than in males. Family history is present in 70-80% of patients. Most of the women experience migraines related to their hormonal changes during menstruation, oral contraceptive pills, pregnancy, post-partum and menopause. If the condition becomes more frequent and intense with oral contraceptives, it is necessary to inform your doctor.
Migraines may lead to both physical pain as well as emotional suffering. When migraines are chronic or unpredictable, a sufferer may become frustrated or depressed.
What are the various types of migraines?
Migraine without Aura: This is the most common type of the migraine that affects people. In this migraine causes an intense throbbing headache on one side of the head. Usually, the headache lasts for hours or extends to three days
Migraine with aura: Migraine with aura or classic migraine is more severe than the common migraines.
A cephalic migraine (also called silent migraine) is a migraine with headache but it is mostly present with aura and other symptoms of migraine.
Hemiplegic migraine has some common symptoms such as weakness on the one side of the body with pricking pain or there may be loss of sensation of the affected part.
Chronic migraine: Chronic migraine mainly refers to the migraine headache that lasts for more than 15 days per month.
Retinal migraine: In retinal migraine, there is a loss of vision in one eye which lasts from minutes to months but it is usually reversible.
Some other types of headache that causes intense pain but not all these headaches are migraines. Some headaches are sinus headaches that also cause pain as well as inflammation.
What are the causes of migraine?
A migraine headache is caused due to the abnormal activity of the brain. Due to today’s fast-paced life, increasing stress, eating habits, incontinence, heredity and high blood pressure etc. This can be triggered in any way which affects the blood flow in the brain and the surrounding tissues
Trigger factors that influence the migraine attacks
- Caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea, cold drinks, chocolates, etc.
- Changes in the hormonal level during the menstrual cycle or use of birth control pills.
- Drinking too much alcohol
- Bright lights or loud noises
- Missed meals
- Perfumes
- Bad smoking habits
- Lack of sleep
- Meditative drugs
- Anxiety or stress
- Dairy foods mainly cheese
- Fruits like banana, avocado
- Nuts like peanuts and seeds
- Pickled, fermented or marinated foods
Symptoms of migraine
Not all the migraines are the same but some typical symptoms are:
- The pain can be moderate to severe which can be confined to one side of the head.
- The pain may be throbbing or pulsing.
- Increasing pain during straining
- Lack of concentration
- Depression
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Change in vision or blurred vision
- Inability to perform regular activity
- Nausea or vomiting
- Mood changes
- Low energy
- constipation
- Increased sensitivity to sound and smell
- Some other symptoms are abdominal pain, sweating, diarrhea
The possibility of migraine problem increases due to some risk factors, such as –
- Gender – Women have three times more migraine problems than men.
- Age – Most of the people get migraine headache between the age of 10 to 40 years. But many women find that their migraines get better or go away after age 50.
- Family history – Four out of five people with migraines have other family members who get them. If one parent has a history of this type of headache, their child has a 50 percent chance of having it. If both parents have it, the risk jumps to 75 percent.
- Medical reasons – Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders and epilepsy can increase your chances
Ayurvedic view of migraine
According to Ayurveda, migraine is termed as “Ardhavbhedak” which occurs due to the imbalance of three doshas ie., Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Out of these three doshas, Vata and pitta dosha is mainly responsible for the disorder. Vata dosha affects the nervous system and pitta dosha affects the blood vessels.
- Symptoms due to the vitiation of Vata dosha are dry skin, pain in the affected part and constipation.
- Symptoms due to the pitta dosha are burning sensation in the eyes, irritability, and sensitivity to light.
Panchakarma Therapies are:
- Nasya: This procedure is properly explained in Ayurveda texts as wonder treatment for migraine. It will remove the toxins from upper part of the body.
- Shirodhara: Shirodhara is very helpful in providing cooling effect to the body and initiates the soothing effect on the brain cells. It also treats other problems like vertigo, insomnia, stress and anxiety.
- Shiro Abhayanga: Shiro Abhayanga provides calmative effect to the brain and relaxes the whole body. In this procedure a gentle massage is given to the patient on this upper body parts.
- Shirovasti: Oil is sustained over the head for a certain time
- Shirolepa:
Home remedies for Migraine
Clove: It is very beneficial for migraine. Because consuming it provides immediate relief from migraine pain. For this, clove powder should be consumed with milk.
Ginger: Ginger has a full medicated propewrties, if you consume ginger juice mixed with honey, it provides great relief from migraine pain.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon has found very effective elements which prove helpful in reducing pain. For this, cinnamon powder should be mixed in milk and consumed.
Milk & jaggery: Consumption of milk and jiggery is also considered very beneficial Because drinking jiggery mixed milk provides great relief from migraine pain
Yoga for migraine
- Hasta padasana
- Supta baddha konasana
- Setu bandhasana
- Balasana
- Marjariasana
Migraine Go Kit
S. No. | Products | Quantity |
1 | Nerve Up Tablet | 60 Tablets |
2 | Panchasakar Churna | 1 Bottle |
3 | Sheet Dhara Syrup | 3 Bottles |
4 | Digestion Support Tablet | 60 Tablets |
5 | Mann Mitra Tablet | 60 Tablets |
6 | Anu Tail | 1 bottle |
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre manufactures a kit that is purely natural and is free from any side effects. We made ‘’Migraine – Go Kit’’, that is proven to be very effective to cure the migraine in a quick way and without occurring any side effects. The kit contains a total of 5 products – Trikatu tablet, Giloy capsule, Brodley syrup, Panchasakar churna, Sheetdhara syrup.
All Products Description in Detail
- Nerve up tablet
CAC Nerve up tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural vatahar properties and helps in curing vata diseases.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
- Panchasakar Churna
This churna is specially made to remove the toxins from the body on a regular basis. This herbal remedy is made up of ingredients such as Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Swarna patri (Cassia angustifolia), Shatapushpa (Foeniculum vulgare), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), and Saindhavan lavana (Rock salt). It balances all the doshas and reduces the symptoms of associated diseases.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablespoon with Lukewarm water at bedtime.
- Sheet Dhara Syrup
Sheet Dhara is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It works on all the three doshas of body but mainly act on pitta dosha. It contains Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that help reduce Acidity and burning sensation in chest region with its cooling effects. It relaxes your mind also maintains Bloodpressure. CAC Sheet dhara help in controlling mood swings by which many women are affected nowadays. It also controls burping ,nausea and bloating.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of sheet dhara twice daily empty stomach.
- Digestion Support tablet
This tablet is unique blend of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadim that maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aid digestion of all types of food. The herbs present in this control acidity, gas, flatulence and constipation. These all complex problems are root cause of all diseases. If digestive system is proper it leads to proper assimilation of the nutrients in the body.
As per Ayurveda digestive disorders are due to imbalance of Pitta doshas. The Ama formation leads to digestive disorders.
Dosage – 1 tablet twice daily with plain water
- Mann Mitra tablet
Mann Mitra tablet is herbal and purely ayurvedic medicine. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for psychiatric conditions and help to balance all the three doshas of body i.e vata, pitta, kapha. CAC Mann Mitra tablet improves intelligence and speech problems. It is helpful for making the nervous system strong and nerves as well. It contains various herbs like Bala, Vacha, Shankhpushpi, Nagkeshar etc that help you fight insomnia, anxiety, and stress.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
- Anu Tail
Anu tail is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It is used for ayurvedic treatment procedure known as Nasya treatment in most of the disease involving Ear, Nose and Throat involving pain. It has Tridosha balancing properties but mainly help to balance your Kapha dosha that cause Headache, running Nose or Sinusitis. It strengthens Ear, Eyes, Nose, Tongue and Throat.
Recommended Dosage – 2 drops twice a day in both nostrils