Might be you never heard the termΒ leucoderma. ButΒ aboutΒ 0.5 to 2% of the world’s population is recentlyΒ suffering fromΒ this disease.
Believe or not, every disease has somewhere connected to what we eat. This problem also has.
But before discussing about what we should eat and what not inΒ leucoderma, let’s explore what is the problem is actually about?
It is a leucoderma skin disorder in which the affected person’s skin found to have white patches. It does not cause any pain or itching and not even spread person to person i.e.
It is not contagious. This disease occurs because body at that particular site is unable to produce melanin (a molecule that gives color to the skin). Some person also knew this problem with the name ofΒ vitiligo.
However, sometimes this skin condition might be wrong judged by the people as there are also other skin problems that alsoΒ showΒ the signs like this for instance, white scar,Β hypopigmentation, orΒ nevusΒ depigmentosus.
So, how can you identified that you are suffering fromΒ leucoderma?
The white patches inΒ leucodermaΒ –
Increase gradually in size
Looks milky white under UV light
HasΒ an outlineΒ darker than the skin
Shape is irregular
So, what are the symptoms ofΒ leucoderma?
Milky white patches
Change or loss in the color of inner layer of eye
Graying of hair on eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp
The pattern of this diseaseΒ can beΒ seen in three ways: generalized, segmental and focal. In generalized pattern, the color loss extent across many parts of the body, basically in a symmetrical way.
In segmental pattern the color loss arise only one side of the body and in local the skin colorΒ is limitedΒ to only some parts of the body.
But what is the reason behindΒ leucoderma?
The exact cause of this disease is still under investigation but as per some researches, this problem occurs due to:
Faulty immune system
When the bodyΒ self-defenseΒ mechanism mistaken color producing cells as foreign particles, the synthesis of melanin get hinder. This is one of the major causes behind this skin condition.
If parents suffer from the symptoms of leucoderma, then the risk of this disease gets higher for the children.
Nerve damage
This happen in case of segmental pattern, where the area of skin that comes in contact with dorsal root of spinal cord get affected.
Oxidant-antioxidant system
This system can also be the reason of disturbed melanocytes production and cause white patches on the skin.
TheseΒ fourΒ reasonsΒ can beΒ the cause behindΒ irruptedΒ melanin synthesis and finally theΒ leucoderma in skin.
ThereΒ are medicatedΒ ways, through which this diseaseΒ can beΒ managed, but as per ayurveda, the food can play a significant role in maintainingΒ leucodermaΒ because correcting food habits, you can beat the most prevalent cause of leucoderma whichΒ is disturbedΒ immune system of the body.
So, first let’s explore what type of food should totally avoid inΒ leucoderma?
- Citrus fruits
Fruits like oranges, lemon, lime, and kiwi should avoid, because these are rich in vitamin c, which is a potentΒ de-pigmentingΒ agent.
- Soda bi carbonate present in aerated drinks should also not consume.
- Other food items like garlic, onion, tomato, tamarind, blueberries, papaya,Β amla, pomegranate,Β brinjal, pickle, green chili, grapes, red meat, fish,Β oily-friedΒ food and curd should also avoid strictly.
These are those food items which are totally avoidableΒ in caseΒ ofΒ leucoderma. As these food items can make condition more aggravated. The immune system cause more issues and it can be the biggest problemΒ in treatingΒ leucoderma.
But, there are some food items from which a personΒ suffering fromΒ leucodermaΒ can have but in limited form.
What type of food should have but only in a limited amount or as per dietician recommendations?
Milk products, chicken, fermented food, coffee and chocolate.
Now the next question that is running in everyone’s mind is then what should we eat inΒ leucoderma?
Vegetarian source of copper, vitaminΒ D3Β and vitaminΒ B12, turmeric, beetroot, carrot, radish, omega 3 fatty acids, figs, dates, apples, banana, leafy vegetables like lettuce and kale, and chickpeas.
These foods are best to have duringΒ leucoderma. These help to correct the immunity system of the body and improves the synthesis of melanin.
But acquiring good eating habit is not enough to naturally control the leucoderma, rather the whole lifestyle also should be adopt as per to correct the problem.
So, what lifestyle changesΒ should beΒ needed to adopt inΒ leucoderma?
Avoid a direct contact with sun, especially during its peak hours.
Say no to swimming.
Don’t use rubber or plastic wear.
Never use bindi or stickers.
Don’t wear tight clothes or undergarments.
These are the things which you need to take care of if your are alsoΒ suffering fromΒ leucoderma.
You only need to understand one thing and that is our lifestyle, especially our diet is the basic element which canΒ make a conditionΒ worse or better. So, never go for foods thatΒ contributeΒ in aggravating theΒ leucoderma.
Hope you have understood whatΒ leucodermaΒ is,Β how important to manage this problem and what should eat and what not during this condition.
In last, let’s find out the answer of most prevalent questions related toΒ leucodermaΒ –
At what age, the chances ofΒ leucodermaΒ onset are highest?
Answer: from the ages of 10 to 30, the risk of havingΒ leucodermaΒ is high.
IsΒ leucodermaΒ also having any association with any disorder?
Answer:Β Β yes, itΒ has a significantΒ association with the problems, diabetes, mellitus, thyroid, pernicious anemia, andΒ addison’sΒ disease.
DoesΒ vitiligoΒ patients are more prone to skin cancer?
Answer: Not really. But such patients’ skin is sensitive and can affected more easily as compared to the normal skin.
Should people withΒ leucodermaΒ use sunscreen?
Answer: Without any second thought, this is one of the best way to protect your skin. A broad spectrum medicated sunscreen protects the skin from harmful uv rays and pollutants. Just make sure to buy a sunscreen only after consulting your doctor.