What is Angioedema?
Angioedema refers to the swelling or edema of the area of skin and tissues under the skin or mucous membrane. The swelling usually appears in the face, throat, abdomen, genitals and limbs. Usually the swelling occurs in the area of the skin where the tissues are loose. The whole mechanism behind the angioedema is an allergic reaction to some agents like insect bite, medications or food allergies. The body inturn releases histamines or bradykinins. Swelling in angioedema is similar to urticaria or hives. It is mostly allergic but it can be hereditary. Swelling appears in a few minutes to hours.
Ayurveda and Angioedema:
“शीतमारुतसंस्पर्शात्प्रदूष्टौकफमारुतौ । पित्तेनसहसंभूयबहिरन्तविसर्पतः ।। (मा. नि. )
Ayurveda explained a very similar condition to angioedema that is “Sitapitha”. The condition refers to as the contact with the sheet vayu (cold wind) vata and kapha doshas inside the body get elevated. In contact with pitta all the doshas travel throughout the body giving rise to various symptoms of angioedema like :
- Swelling
- Severe pain
- Itching
- Rashes
- Breathing discomfort
Swelling is accompanied with:
- Painful and itchy
- Decrease in sensation due to nerve compression
- Severity leads to wheeze or stridor in airways due to decreased oxygen levels
- Risk of respiratory arrest
- Can be fatal if severe and unmanaged
Key points:
- Food those are vasodilators like cinnamomum, alcoholic beverages increase the episodes of angioedema
- Some drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin most likely to increase the symptoms
Pathya (do’s) in Angioedema:
- Easily digestible food (laghu pathya ahara)
- Freshly cooked warm food (ushan bhojan)
- Sufficient amount of water to drink
- Good sleep (sam nidra)
- Include more fiber in diet (fruits and vegetables)
- Lesser salt intake
Apathya (Don’ts) in Angioedema :
- Avoid exposure to allergens (nidan parivarjan)
- Spicy food (tikta rasa)
- Day sleep (divaswapna)
- Oily food (snigdha ahara)
- Kapha and pitta vardhak ahara vihara
- Chemical based lotions and cream
Classical Management of angioedema with Ayurveda:
Ayurveda is the ancient science existing from more than 3000 years ago. Ayurveda provides solutions to every problem from mild to severe. Here as in angioedema , the management protocol includes balancing the doshas especially kapha and pitta dosha and re establishing the flow of vata.
External therapies:
- Lepana therapy (applying medicated pastes)
- Takra dhara (buttermilk pouring)
- Kashaya dhara (pouring medicated decoction)
Internal Therapies:
It involves certain purification processes such as :
- Dipana and pachana (elevation of digestive fire that is pachak agni to promote good digestion)
- Vamana (induced vomiting to balance excess kapha dosha inside the body)
- Virechana (induced purgation to balance excess of pitta dosha inside the body)
- Rakta mokshan (bloodletting through process like leech therapy etc)
Yoga and Pranayam for angioedema:
Yoga and Pranayam helps in clearing the toxins that are flowing in the microchannel (srotas), maintaining equilibrium between the doshas further maintaining body functions that helps to get rid from the stress or disease.
- Uttanpadasana
- Surya nashkar (sun salutations)
- Pawanmuktasana
- Shashank asana
Herbs to manage Angioedema :
1.Punarnava: punarnava is a magical herb that has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties since it contains alkaloid,stearic acid etc. Along with this it is food analgesic, immunomodulator, diuretic. It pacifies aggravated kapha and pitta and rakta dosha. For allergic reaction decoction of punarnava can be used.
2.Shilajatu: Shilajatu is known to be a champion in herbs. It has good anti-inflammatory properties. It balances kapha dosha and is yogvahi (carries qualities of other substances). It is potent in managing conditions like cough, breathlessness, jaundice, inflammation etc. It maintains overall health.
3.Varuna : Varuna (the god of water) possesses the properties of balancing body fluids and helps in removal of toxins. It is a diuretic herb and maintains homeostasis.
4.Gokshur : Gokhru is the most potent herb that has good anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is really good to manage symptoms like edema, pain, cough, asthma, kidney disorders etc
5.Haridra: Haridra as we all know is excellent in overcoming inflammatory and allergic skin conditions. It balances pitta dosha and purifies blood. It has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is a magical herb for all skin disorders.
6.Coriander seeds: It is the best home remedy to treat any kind of skin inflammation and is easily available. Along with anti inflammatory properties it has good analgesic properties. It helps in curing edema.
7.Nimba : Neem is the first choice of everyone when it comes to purifying blood. Neema has anti inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant properties. It balances pitta dosha and acts as rakta sodhak.
8.Guduchi: Guduchi has numerous properties like anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, immunomodulator, rasayana (rejuvenator), analgesic, anti arthritic. It helps in managing angioedema and builds up immunity.
9.Tulsi: Tulsi has very good anti allergic and anti microbial properties. It builds up immunity and protects one from any kind of allergies.It balances kapha dosha inside the body and clears the microchannels (srotas).
10.Shirish: It extensively neutralizes the toxins in the blood. It detoxifies the skin and blood. It helps in reducing respiratory symptoms like cough, difficulty in breathing due to allergic reaction.