Ayurvedic Treatment of Bell’s Palsy (Facial Paralysis), Herbal Remedies
- September 18, 2016
- Posted by Vaidya Jagjit Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Bell’s palsy also known as facial palsy or facial paralysis is defined as the condition arising due to the dysfunction or inflammation of the facial nerve which leads to the inability to control the facial muscles. It can occur at any age and causes weakness of the facial muscles. Although exact cause of the disease is not known but it is believed that it is mainly caused due to swelling and inflammation of the facial nerve. Half of the face gets affected bell’s palsy where functions of the affected side of the face are lost.
- Speaking loudly or in a higher pitch for a long period of time
- Due to mastication of hard substances
- Trauma
- Environmental factors
- Metabolic or emotional disorders
- Due to certain diseases like diabetes mellitus, meningitis, stroke that causes inflammation of the facial nerve
- Due to viral infections
- Excessive laughing or constant yawning
- Improper sitting or lying posture
- Injury in the veins, arteries and nerves of the face
- Day sleep
- Vigorous scraping of the tongue
- Constant rubbing and irritation of the eyes, ears, nose etc.
- Intake of alcohol and fermented beverages
- Suppression of natural urges like sneezing, lacrimation etc.
- Turning of the face to the affected side
- Loss of facial functions of affected side like smiling, eye movements etc.
- Shivering of the head
- Drooling
- Reduced sensation of the taste
- Difficulty in speech
- Discomfort in the eyes, nose and mouth
- Pain and numbness in cheeks, neck, teeth and corresponding area and joints of the body
- Deviation of the neck to the either side
- Tremors
- Face becomes expressionless and motionless
- Eating and drinking becomes difficult
- Loss of sensation in the face
- Disturbance in the sleep pattern
- Pricking sensation
- Stiffness of the neck muscles and jawMild weakness
According to Ayurveda, facial palsy is compared with Ardita. It is a disease caused due to vata dosha, the air element of the human body. Due to above mentioned reasons, vata dosha gets vitiated and lodge in the corresponding nerves, arteries and veins situated in the face. This hampers the functioning of the nerves of the nearby areas. As a result, the face is turned to one of the sides and the condition is known as ardita.
Single herbs useful in this disease are:-
- Lashun
- Nirgundi
- Lavanga
- Eranda
- Sarshapa
- Rasna
- Hing
- Bala
- Guggulu
- Amalaki
- Mandookparni
- Brahmi
Ayurvedic formulations recommended in the disease are:-
- Ashwagandha Churna
- Ashwagandha Avaleha
- Brahmi Vati
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Lashun rasayan
- Maha yograj Guggulu
- Maharasnadi Kwatha
- Ekangveer Rasa
- Vata Gajankush Rasa
- Maha Vata Vidhwansan Rasa
- Nirgundi oil
- Swarna Bhasma
- Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa
Panchakarma procedures that can be done in case of bell’s palsy are:-
- Mukha Abhyanga or oil massage
- Swedana or mild sweating
- Nasya
- Shiroabhyanga
- Shirodhara
- External Lepa
- Avoid taking all kinds of chilled and refrigerated food items.
- Avoid taking in curd and other sour food stuffs.
- Avoid taking in fermented foods.
- Prefer eating wheat in place of rice cow’s milk in place of buffalo’s milk.
- Avoid smoking and taking in alcohol.
- Have simple and easily digestible diet.
- Do yoga and pranayam for strengthening the nerves.
- Prepare a fine paste of clove, mustard, Nirgundi leaves and Eranda leaves. Apply this paste for about 20 minutes. This is helpful in stimulating nerves, improving blood circulation and in relieving pain and inflammation.
- Add 5 to 10 drops of clove oil in a quarter cup of water. Take this three times a day to reduce the facial paralysis.
- Prepare a paste of 10 grams of garlic and mix 10 grams of fresh butter in it. Take this daily empty stomach in the early morning.
- Put four drops of sesame oil in both the nostrils daily morning empty stomach to give strength to the nerves.
Click Here to consult Vaidya Jagjit Singh
Vaidya Jagjit Singh is a 3rd generation Ayurved physician from his family and is the remarkable person responsible for setting up of the Chandigarh Ayurved and Panchkarma Centre in sector 32 and 22, Chandigarh and Zirakpur and he is also the first founder member of Guru Ravidas Ayurved University. He has done his B.A.M.S. from Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh. He is an admirable ayurvedic physician with specialization in Chronic ailments.