Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Winter special – Gajar ka halwa – Recipe and Benefits
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Most of the Indians love sweets, their craving increases during the winter months as the body needs more energy to stay warm. Taking sugar gives a quick energy to our system. Gajar Ka Halwa is one of the popular dishes especially in North India. It is a carrot-based sweetened pudding dessert.
About Gajar ka halwa
It is made by using fresh carrots, milk, sugar, ghee, milk, nuts. It is made by simmering grated carrots in full fat milk and then at the end sweetened with sugar. At last it is flavoured by cardamom and garnished with dry fruits like almonds or nuts.
- 1kg carrots
- 1½ lt. milk
- 7-8 cardamom
- 5-7 tbsp ghee
- 5-7 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp raisins
- 1 tbsp shredded almonds
How to make gajar ka halwa ?
- Peel and grate the carrots
- Simmer in the milk with the cardamom until liquid evaporates
- Heat some ghee in a pan and add the mixture of carrots in this.
- Cook these carrots over a gentle flame for 10-15 minutes
- Stir in sugar and continue cooking until the halwa cooks properly and gives deep reddish color
- Stir in dried fruit and serve.
Prepare this for special occasions as well as the perfect dessert for post dinner with family.
Goodness of Carrots
Carrots grow in the season of winter,that makes Gajar Ka Halwa an ideal sweet dish for this season. Carrots have great nutritious value and have number of health benefits. Carrots contains beta carotene that is useful in the production of Vitamin A . It is an antioxidant that boosts our immune system and fight against infections and inflammation.
Immunity-boosting Ingredients
Milk, cardamom and almond are used in the preparation of Gajar Ka Halwa. Cow or buffalo milk contains Vitamin D, probiotics and immunoglobulin, that strengthens our immune system and protects our body many kind of infections. Almond also increase immunity due to its Vitamin E content.
The cardamom which is added contains Vitamin C and has been effectively used to treat cough and cold. Carrots are also good source of vitamin C. A healthy immune system will help to prevent number of diseases. Taking additional vitamin C may boost the immune system’s function.
Maintain Good health
Most of the people tend to put on weight during winter by taking more food or calories to meet the body’s energy needs. Since carrots high fibrous content, that aids digestion. Consumption of carrots maintains cholesterol levels.
Improves Skin health
The dry and cold environment of winter drains our skin moisture and leads to dryness of skin. Most people depend upon on oils and to keep moisturisers to retain skin moisture. Carrots contain Vitamin A as beta carotene. As Vitamin A aids in the regular replacement of skin cells that maintains skin health.
Anti – Cancer Properties
Carrots contain anti-oxidants that help to reduce the risks of tumors and cancers because of their antioxidant properties.
What is Syringoma?
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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- Syringomas are harmless sweat gland tumors. A syringoma is a benign, or non-cancerous, growth that is caused by overactive sweat glands.
- Syringomas usually grow on the neck, upper cheeks, and the lower region of the eyes, but sometimes also noticed on the abdomen, armpit, scalp, bellybutton, and genitals.
- In most of the cases, syringomas are usually harmless and do not cause any symptoms. In some individuals having syringoma symptoms like extreme pain and itchiness are noticed, especially when sweating.
Some facts on syringomas:
- Syringomas more commonly found in between the ages of 20 and 30.
- Syringomas can be due to several different medical conditions, including diabetes.
- In some rare cases genetic history is also seen among individuals.
Clinical presentation of syringomas
- Syringoma is usually looks like small bumps on the skin. Syringomas are one kind of small papules or firm bumps,that are about 1 to 3 millimeters wide. The papules usually grow in small groups and of different colors like yellow, brown, pale pink, skin-toned.
- Syringoma are usually symmetrical, meaning the same pattern appears on both sides of the body in the same place.
- Syringomas can be mistaken with other skin conditions. Symptoms of syringomas may be similar conditions like
- Milia
- Lichen planus
- Xanthoma
- Sebaceous hyperplasia
- Acne vulgaris
- Flat warts
- Basal cell skin cancer
- Syringomas take time to develop, but in some people like in younger individuals, eruptive syringomas may develop. Eruptive syringomas cause severe itching as well as redness and pain.
Some medical conditions that are associated with syringoma development include:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Down syndrome
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Marfan syndrome
Treatment options
- Syringomas can lead to emotional distress, especially when extensive or disfiguring. Some syringomas grow very close to delicate tissues, like those of the eyes or genitals.
- People want to get this treated for cosmetic reasons. There are several surgery options to treat syringomas though no one guarantee permanent treatment but can help to reduce the symptoms. And all surgeries carry inherent risks, like infection and scarring.
- Medications are the first line of treatment for benign skin growths, having low risk of complications like scarring, tissue damage, and infection.
Medications that are used to treat syringomas are:
- Topical or oral retinoids
- Topical atropine
- Ointments that are used locally, contain low concentrations of chemicals that gently remove the top layers of the skin will help to reduce the appearance of syringomas.
- Chemicals that are commonly used as an effective exfoliator include:
- Glycolic acid
- Pyruvic acid
- Mandelic acid
- Lactic acid
- Salicylic acid
- Use of some home remedies like white sugar mixed with olive or coconut oil will also be helpful .
- Avoid products with microbeads.
- Avoid any kind of products that cause skin irritation and then responsible for skin drying and damaging.
- It takes months to years of continual use for these products to work. Use of chemicals or sharp exfoliaters can cause dryness, tissue damage, and even scarring.
Surgical options include:
Laser surgery
Laser therapy is preferred treatment option for syringomas. In laser treatment, visible and invisible red light waves are concentrated at the syringoma, its tissues are destroyed.
In electrosurgery, electrical currents are concentrated and abnormal growths are destroyed to treat syringoma. It takes only single session of electrosurgery to destroy syringoma.
In cryotherapy, chemicals like liquid nitrogen are used to freeze off the syringoma.
In dermabrasion, a diamond-encrusted wheel or fine metal wire is used to remove and even out the top layers of the skin.
Chemical peels
Local application of certain chemicals like trichloroacetic acid,to the syringoma, cause drying up of syringoma and finally fall off.
Surgical excision
Syringomas are surgically excised by cutting, scraping.
Preventive measures
Preventive measures should be used to reduce sweat gland activity.
Some factors that may reduce the risk of syringomas are:
- Protection of the skin should be done from environmental and chemical stressors like from harmful UV rays of the sun. Apply sunscreen.
- Avoid all kind of skin irritants and allergens.
- Manage your all medical conditions.
- Take a proper healthy, balanced diet that is high in skin nutrients such as vitamin A and E.
In Modern science, use of medicinal as well as surgical treatment may not give permanent treatment But in Ayurveda you can get the permanent cure from these kind of conditions . Instead of all these, you should start with Ayurveda natural herbs that will deal with the root cause of disease. Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides Combination of medications for the natural and safe treatment of syringoma without surgeries.
Medicines used are
- Detox premium powder
- Kanchnar guggulu
- Trikatu syrup
- Skin care tablet
- Twak tail
Description of medicines
Detox Premium Powder
Detox premium powder is very beneficial in reduces the size of cyst and removes out from the body. The powder consists of jahar mohra, akik pishti, sutshekhar ras, yavakshar, sudhyog tablet, giloy satav, etc.
Kachnaar Guggulu
These herbal tablets are prepared from ingredients like Kachnaar bark, Shunthi, Pippali, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, etc that are good for any kind of growth. As the use of these tablets reduces the size of tumors and finally remove it out from the body.
Trikatu syrup
Trikatu syrup is pure ayurvedic formulation comprises of mainly three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum). The main function of trikatu syrup is it removes excess of Kapha doshas hence detoxifies the body. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It boosts metabolism and works in the removal of impurities of the body.
Skin care tablet:
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal etc. that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin.
Twak Tailam
Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam is composed of yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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These are the 5 diseases that occur in winter, know its symptoms and treatment, winter comes, people feel the joy of the end of summer and rain, as well as enjoy the things of cold weather . Happiness brings a glow on the face, but with the cold comes many seasonal diseases, which are also called viral infections in common parlance. If you also want to avoid cold diseases, then today we are telling about the diseases caused by cold and its symptoms, treatment.
It is very important to take special care of everyone, whether children or adults, because the weather is cold. Infectious diseases spread rapidly. The biggest impact of which is on young children, pregnant women and the elderly. In such a situation, it is very important to have complete information about cold diseases and its treatment, so we are telling you ways to avoid diseases caused by cold and its effects. Let’s know the ways to avoid cold diseases.
1. Cold diseases.
Sometimes colds and colds are also caused due to infection. This happens to small children and all adults. Cold, Nasal congestion, Frequent sneezing, Sore throat or pain, Severe headache.
Treatment – 1. For quick relief from cold and flu, take medicine on the advice of a doctor. 2. Roast black roasted gram in ghee and add black salt to it, it provides benefit. 3. In winter, keep black pepper in dry grapes, heat it lightly and consume it, you will get relief in a few days. 4. Always drink hot water. 5. The most effective way to cure cold is to take steam, it is also beneficial in eliminating the phlegm accumulated in the chest.
2. Influenza or flu (high fever)
Fever Influenza or flu is the most common illness caused by infection in winter. Do not ignore it for more than a day or two and consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms: High fever, pain in the muscles of the extremities, headache, frequent dryness of the throat, sore throat, chills, etc.
Treatment 1. In case of influenza or flu, consult a doctor immediately. 2. Ayurvedic and home remedies are also very effective to get rid of flu. 3. Eat nutritious food and liquid diet. 4. Boil Giloy, Tulsi and papaya leaves with water till it reduces to half and consume it when it cools down.
3. Throat Pain
As soon as the cold comes, a sore throat ie itching is felt, along with it pain in the throat also bothers people very much. Sometimes the pain increases so much that people feel difficulty even in eating food. Throat pain is also caused by consuming cold things.
Symptoms: Sore throat, Sore throat, Difficulty in eating food, Problem of swelling in the throat etc.
Treatment 1. To get rid of sore throat in winter, gargle with warm salt water 2-3 times a day. 2. Avoid eating cold things. 3. Eat hot things ie soup, decoction etc. 4. Lick ginger juice mixed with honey or take cloves. 5. Take ginger, clove, black pepper and basil tea or make a decoction and drink it.
4. Pneumonia
One of the most common diseases in young children during the winter season is pneumonia. Pneumonia causes inflammation of the lungs. This disease is caused due to infection. If pneumonia is detected, a doctor should be treated immediately, otherwise it can prove to be fatal.
Symptoms: In pneumonia, the victim’s lungs swell, due to which there is difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, high fever, body tremors are common symptoms. Treatment 1. If pneumonia is detected, first take medicine on the advice of a doctor or get admitted in the hospital. 2. Mix turmeric with water and apply it on the chest, it will gradually reduce the infection and give relief. 3. Boil 5-6 cloves in a glass of water and give it to the victim after it becomes half, it will get relief. 4. Taking honey mixed with the juice of mint leaves twice a day provides relief in pneumonia.
5. Asthma
Asthma is a disease caused by allergies to dust, soil and smoke. In winter, people have to face extreme difficulty in breathing due to increase in fog and cold. To avoid an asthma attack, people are advised to always keep an inhaler with them. Symptoms – Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest tightness, frequent coughing, restlessness and nervousness.
Treatment 1. Always cover your face to avoid dust, dirt, smoke and pollution. 2. Stay away from freshly painted areas, insecticides, sprays, aromatic perfumes, fumes from mosquito coils. 3. Avoid consuming cold things like foods with preservatives and cold drinks.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Yes, winter has finally arrived – but with it have come the viruses that make us sick. Fear not, we are telling you 5 such powerful medicines that will keep you safe from cold and cough.
Adopt Ayurvedic herbs for cold, cough
It’s finally that time of year when your best friend is your quilt. But winter doesn’t just mean chilly and sluggish days in the air. In winter, flu viruses also increase and the risk of cold and cough also increases.
Whether you consider the changing weather or coldness as the reason for spreading the virus, but it is certain that at this time the virus gets infected rapidly. Therefore, it would be the wisest thing to do to keep yourself safe at this time.
If you keep yourself warm by staying at home, then the risk of viral diseases decreases. But along with this it is also important to strengthen your immune system, for which these 5 medicines will help you.
Liquorice not only provides relief from sore throat and pain, but it has many other benefits. According to a 2015 study published in the review journal Asta Pharmacia Sinica B (APSB), liquorice contains two chemical compounds that act as antiviral agents. This is the reason that liquorice can also prevent the virus from spreading.
Unnab has been used in Unani medicine for centuries. It is made by drying the plum. It is also known as Indian Jujuba. It is known to soothe the windpipe and relieve cough. Vitamin C is rich in this medicine, which makes your immune system strong.
Unnabs are actually dried plums.
A 2017 study in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules found that Unnab also increases the production of immune cells.
Even if you are not aware of the medicinal properties of Amaltas, but you must have seen its trees. Trees laden with yellow flowers, whose flowers are often found lying on the roads, are the same Amaltas. Its flowers and seeds have medicinal properties.
According to the National Health Portal of India, Amaltas is effective in reducing fever. In addition, it can relieve stiffness and throat problems by reducing swelling and inflammation.
Now no one has any doubt that Tulsi is the most effective remedy for winters. Yes, this is 100% true. According to a 2014 paper published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicine, basil has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to which Tulsi is a panacea for all winter infections.
You must already know a lot about Tulsi. Image: Shutterstock You already know a lot about Tulsi. Image: Shutterstock
You might not have heard of Cordia Mixa or Sapistan. But when you come to know its qualities, then you will also make it a part of your life.
This medicine is also an important part of Unani medicine. Sapistan is used to treat cold, cold, cough and respiratory diseases. The paper, published in the 2016 June edition of the IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, found that the drug has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Also it works like a pain killer. This is the reason why this medicine is perfect to avoid the flu in winters.
If making tea of these medicines separately is not your thing, then do not panic.
In winters, the risk of various diseases increases. In such a situation, by including some things in your diet, you can keep your body temperature warm. It also gives relief from many diseases. Some simple tips found in our homes can help us in this. By using spices like cinnamon, cardamom, red chili, we can not only get rid of diseases like cold, cold and cough but can also increase the body temperature. These home medicines keep the blood flow in your body properly, so that you stay warm even in the cold.
Cinnamon helps in drying the excess moisture of the body and keeping the body warm. Apart from this, it also has anti-septic properties and due to this the digestive system is also fine.
Cardamom also helps in keeping the body warm. It can also be used as a mouth freshener. It helps in keeping the respiratory system healthy. In winter, the problem of headache often comes due to cold. Cardamom is helpful in relieving this pain.
Cayenne pepper
Red chili is helpful in eliminating the problem of cough and mucus. It contains an element called capsaicin which keeps the metabolic rate of the body better. Apart from this, it also helps in increasing the internal temperature of the body.
Black pepper
Black pepper is rich in anti-oxidant and anti-septic properties. In winter, if it is consumed with hot things like soup or tea, then it keeps diseases like cold, and cough away.
Consumption of ginger keeps the blood flow in the body right. This increases the heat of the body. You can also get rid of problems like cold and cough by using ginger water. For this, boil ginger with water and then mix this water in bathing water and take a bath.
Surgical scar
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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- Whenever the skin gets damaged, there is possibility of scar formation at skin. Any kind of injury, burn, trauma can leads to scarring of skin. Scars develop in all shapes and sizes.
- When this scar forms as a result of surgery then this is known as surgical scar. As in surgery incision requires cutting through all of the layers of the skin. As a result of this, surgery leads to scar formation.
Signs of a scar
A Scar is usually pink or red in starting. Over time, the scar becomes slightly darker or lighter than the color of the skin. In dark skin people, scars often appear as dark spots.
A scar’s appearance depends on many factors, Like:
- Any kind of Injury or event like surgery, a burn or severe acne.
- Size, severity and location of the wound.
- Treatment you received for the wound, such as stitches or bandages.
- Your age, genes, ethnicity and overall health.
How Does Scarring Happen?
- Scarring is the part of the healing process after an injury. Its appearance and its treatment depends many factors like cause of scar, the depth and size of wound or cut, location of injury also the age, sex of individual also matters.
- Skill of surgeon also influences the degree of scarring. When Surgery is performed by a less skilled surgeon then it may cause greater degree of scarring.
Risk Factors for Scarring
Age factor
With increasing age, skin becomes thinner and less elastic this is because collagen that reduces with increasing age. Therefore, skin does not heal as well or as quickly with age.
Other factors that make scarring more likely to occur with age include:
- Sun exposure
- Smoking
- Pollutants
Some races are more prone to develop scar. How light or dark scar appear depends on your skin color. For example:
Light skin: Scars appears close to surrounding skin color and often fade away with time.
Dark skin: In darker skin people scars are usually darker than the surrounding tissue.
Size and Depth of Your Incision
The deeper and longer the incision or cut, longer will be healing process, hence chances of scarring are high.
Healing process of skin
Sometimes slow-healing process of skin which can be due to any medical condition like diabetes can be the reason of scar formation.
Preventive measures
There are some factors which can be controlled and may help you prevent scars. Like follow the instructions that are given by surgeon after surgery. Others factors are
Avoid Smoking
Smoking not only increase the risk of scars, but it also affect the healing process. That’s why surgeons usually advise to quit smoking for at least two weeks before surgery.
Stay Hydrated
Not taking enough fluids leads to dehydration that can cause electrolyte imbalances and heart problems. It also affects the healing process.
So, stay hydrated to feel good and for suitable environment for healing.
Improve Nutrition
Proteins are the building blocks of healing skin. Therefore, it is important to take protein in adequate amount for your body to allow your skin to heal. So always take a balanced diet.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Excess weight can be a great risk of scarring. Excessive fat under your skin can work against your surgeon’s best efforts to close your incision seamlessly.
Manage Chronic Illness
Diabetes and many other illnesses can slow healing. So should be managed with proper medical care.
Incision care includes:
Take proper Rest
Patient should take proper rest after surgery for proper recovery.
Perform proper wound care
Do not use of any kind of ointments and other remedies for application on scars unless your doctor prescribes them and follows other general incision care methods for fast healing without scars.
Identify infection quickly
If you notice any kind of infection, then immediately proper treatment should be follow. An infection can seriously affect the healing process and contribute to scarring.
Avoid pressure on your incision
Avoid doing extra work like lifting, bending, or doing anything that stretches or puts stress on your incision, including driving.
Avoid exposure to sunlight
Surgical Scar Treatments
Silicone Wound Treatment
Silicone wound dressings are similar to a thick plastic wrap that are used in the kitchen. There are many ways to apply silicone dressings like:
- Silicone sheets: These are applied directly to the wound and stay there.
- Silicone gel: This is for local use as these are applied over the scar and is left dry in place.
In many studies it has been proven that silicone is helpful to reduce scarring, and commonly prescribed by doctors after surgery.
Incision Placement
In some surgeries, surgeon can modify incision placement to reduce scar visibility.
Use Medications
When scarring area is large, your surgeon may prescribe cleansers, ointments as wound care routine for minimal chances of scarring .
Scar tissue massage is also useful and prescribed by doctors. Physical therapists typically perform this type of massage. But it should be performed carefully after wound heals properly.
The Final word
Scarring after surgery varies from person to person and other factors also For eg., one person may have a procedure and have no scarring after procedure while another may have a noticeable scar for same procedure.
Scarring after surgical incision is inevitable in some cases. But, with the help of preventive measures and avoiding risk factors one can reduce the visibility of scarring. In addition to this, post-surgical care must be taken that will contribute to a scar that heals optimally.
Amaltas – Golden rain tree
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Amaltas Known as “Golden Rain Tree” owing to its beautiful hanging yellow flowers, Amaltas has numerous health benefits. In Ayurveda, amaltas is known as “Sarvarogaprashamani” which means that cures all types of diseases and protect the body against various kind of microbial infections. It contains properties like purgative, carminative, anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory and relief from many disorders.
Synonyms of Amaltas
Indian Laburnum, Sondal, Bahva, Garmalo, Aragvadha, Chaturangula, Rajvraksha, deerghavriksha
Taxonomical classification
Latin name: Cassia fistula
Family: Fabacea
Division: Mangoliophyta
Kingdom: Plantea
Sub-kingdom: Trachiobinota
Genus: Cassia
Species: Fistula
Class: Magnoiliopsida
Subclass: Rosidae
Names in different languages:
English: Indian Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Cassia, Golden Shower
Gujrati: Garmala
Hindi: Sonhali, Amultus Kannad Kakkemara
Tamil: Shrakkonnai, Konai, Irjviruttam
Telugu: Kondrakayi, Raelachettu, Aragvadhamu, Koelapenna
Sanskrit: Nripadruma
Arabic: Khiyar Shambar
Urdu: Amaltaas, Chamkani
Rasa Panchaka of Amaltas
Rasa (taste)- Madhura (sweet)
Guna (qualities)- Guru (heavy), snigdha
Veerya (Potency)- Sheet
Vipaka- Madhura (undergoes sweet taste after digestion)
Effect on three doshas
Pacifies Pitta and kapha dosha and aggravates vata dosha
Chemical Components of Amaltas
Amaltas comprises an array of bioactive constituents including Glycosides, Anthraquinones, Sennosides A And B, Fistulic Acid, Sennosides, Emodin, Sugars, Saccharose, Mucilage, Pectin, Anthraquinones, Rhein, Rheinglucoside, Chrysophanic Acid, Phlobaphenes, Fistuacacidin, Lupeol, and Sterols like Beta-Sitosterol And Hexacosanol etc.
Amaltas Dosage
Dosage may vary from person to person. Acc. to different formulations dosage of amaltas is
Fruit Pulp: 5-10 gm
Flower Churna/powder: 5-10 gm
Decoction: 50-100 ml
Amaltas Avaleha: 1-2 teaspoons a day, once a day
Amaltas Vati: 1-2 capsules, twice a day
Therapeutic Benefits of Amaltas
Promotes Digestion
Amaltas possess excellent digestive qualities. Due to anti-flatulent property of the root of amaltas , formation of gas in the alimentary canal reduces , that help in reducing bloating, flatulence, and abdominal distension.
Boosters Immunity
Many antioxidants and ascorbic acid presents in Amaltas. Amaltas improves the immune system, fighting microbes and shielding the body against various infections. Amaltas acts as strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal agent so very effective in preventing infections like fever, common cold, sore throat, and other respiratory anomalies.
Aids In Cardiac Functioning
Amaltas helps to relax the cardiac system. Amaltas possess the chemical componuds that are beneficial for patients suffering from arrhythmias and palpitations. It helps in strengthening of the heart muscles, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents lipid build-up, so help in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart blocks, heart attacks, blood clots, etc.
Prevents Infections
Due to presence of many biochemical compounds in this herb it has been used since ancient times to protect the body against various kinds of infections. It is very effective in reducing general debility, weakness, fatigue and strengthens immunity of the body.
Treats Wounds And Ulcers
Due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of amaltas leaves it is useful in treating ulcers like ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, canker sores or mouth ulcers, etc.
Protect From Intestinal Disorders
Anti-inflammatory and purgative properties of amaltas are effective to suppress the toxic bacteria H-pylori and also prevents its growth in the gut. Due to laxative nature, it helps in preventing constipation; piles .It also prevents the fluid from drying up in the colon and averts abdominal pain, abdominal distension, colic, etc.
Remedies Pain And Inflammation
Amaltas contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties due to which it provides relief from pain and inflammation due to arthritis. It is also extremely effective in digestion of ama that leads to many disorders thus effectively used in Rheumatoid arthritis that is Amavata in ayurveda.
In Diabetes
Amaltas has strong hypoglycaemic property which is important in decreasing blood sugar levels of the body. Amaltas activate the β-pancreatic cells, which helps in the production of insulin .
Skin Augmentation
Amaltas acts as antioxidant agent, so amaltas is also used in achieving spotless radiant skin. It helps in protecting the skin from damage caused by the harmful rays of UVA and UVB rays, and hence reduces the various signs of aging like wrinkles, spots, fine lines, dark circles, etc. Also helpful in many allergic conditions like acne, pimples and prevents various other skin infections like
Relieves Urinary Problems
Amaltas is effectively useful in various urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful micturition and burning sensation while micturition. Being a mild diuretic, it also treats dysuria. Due to its Anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties , amaltas significantly helpful in preventing urinary infections.
Mange Respiratory Troubles
Amaltas has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, and anti-asthmatic properties, due to which it is effective in all sorts of respiratory troubles. It is effective in treating the common cold, sore throat, cough and flu symptoms. Helps in decreasing kapha , it actively thins and loosen mucus deposits within the chest and nasal cavities and hence treat breathing difficulties and helps the body to get rid of mucus. It is also beneficial for treating other respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis etc.
Inhibits Liver Disorders
It has hepatoprotective and hepato-stimulative properties; So Amaltas is effectively used in treating various kinds of liver anomalies like jaundice, in which the liver gets mostly affected. The herb not only improves the liver functioning by secreting bile but also beneficial in maintaining normal level of the liver enzymes . It helps in detoxification of the liver and improves liver functioning by cleansing.
Cures Bleeding Disorders
Amaltas is extremely beneficial in treating bleeding disorders being a good antibiotic and antiseptic formulation. The fibrinolytic properties of the amaltas helps in clot formation at the site of injury or wound and hence treats bleeding disorders and infections.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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About port-wine stains
- A port-wine stain is a birthmark on the skin that is pink or purple in color. It’s also known as nevus flammeus.
- In most cases, port-wine stains harmless. But sometime, port wine stain may be sign of an underlying health condition.
What are the symptoms in port-wine stains?
Not any other symptoms are found in port wine stain, except from their appearance. They usually start out as red or pink. Over time, they can be darken to a purple or brown color.
Other features of port-wine stains include:
- Size. Size may vary from a few mm to several cm.
- Location. Port-wine stains commonly appear on one side of the face, head, and neck, but sometimes they may also affect other body parts like abdomen, legs, or arms.
- Texture. In starting, Port-wine stains usually appear flat and smooth. But with time, they may become thicker or slightly bumpy.
- Bleeding. Bleeding is seen in patients when the skin is scratched or injured.
What causes port-wine stains?
- Port-wine stains are usually caused due to an issue with capillaries, which are very small blood vessels.
- Normally, capillaries are narrow. But in port-wine stains, capillaries are overly dilated, due to which blood collect in them. Due to this collection of blood port-wine stains formed. Port-wine stains may become larger or change shape as capillaries grow larger.
- Sometime Port-wine stains may occur as symptom of a condition called Sturge-Weber syndrome, occurrence mostly seen on the scalp, forehead, or around eyes.
- When this port-wine stains noticed on the arms or legs, they can be a symptom of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. In this case, they mostly affect only one limb.
- This is a genetic condition which leads to changes in the blood vessels of the affected leg or arm. Because of these changes bone or muscle of that limb grow longer or wider than usual.
How port wine stain can be diagnosed?
- Port wine stains are clearly noticeable and look different from other birth marks so easy to diagnose .There is no requirement of any specific test to diagnose the condition.
How are port-wine stains treated?
- There is not any specific treatment for port-wine stains. Usually don’t require treatment. But for cosmetic reasons, people like to have them faded.
- Treatment may depend on several factors like skin tone, size and location of stains. Laser treatment is effectively used, in which pulsed dye laser is used.
Other laser and light treatments include:
- Bromide copper vapor
- Diode
- Alexandrite
- Intense pulsed light
- In Laser and light treatments heat is used that damage the abnormal blood vessels. This helps in shrinking of blood vessels that fade, or possibly remove port-wine stains.
- Laser treatments not completely remove a port-wine stain but are effective to lighten or fade the color so that they become less noticeable. In some cases, laser treatments can also be reason for permanent scarring or discoloration.
- After taking laser treatment, your skin will become extra sensitive, so extra care should be taken, sunglasses or sunscreen should be applied and protect the affected skin following the procedure.
Can port-wine stains cause any complications?
- Most of port-wine stains remain harmless. But sometimes if they are located near eyes then can lead to the development of an eye condition called glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition in which there is high pressure in the eye, which can lead to vision loss if not treated.
- If anyone has a port-wine stain near the eyes, then one must check if:
- One eye appears more prominent or have larger pupil than the other
- One eyelid is open wider than the other eye
All symptoms of glaucoma may be present, which should be treated with prescription eye drops or surgery.
Also, skin thickening and cobblestone appearance of eye can be noticed as a result of malfunctioning capillaries. However, early management of port-wine stains can help in preventing this from occurring.
Chandigarh Ayurved centre provides effective and pure Ayurvedic treatment for Port wine stains. CAC provides combination of medicines that work on blood vessels that is main root cause of this kind of skin condition. Use of these medications can cure the port wine stains completely.
Description of medications
1.Detox Premium Powder :
The powder is very beneficial to cure any kind of body pain as it removes excess toxins from the body and balances the aggravated pitta and vata dosha. The ingredients help in reducing swelling, redness, shrinkage of tear lining in the anus, burning sensation, etc.
2.Blood Purifier Syrup :
It is ayurvedic syrup that consists of various natural ingredients as the syrup purifies the blood by removing excess toxins it is very beneficial in maintaining proper circulation and improves the skin naturally.
3.Twak Tailam :
Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
4. Skin care tablet :
It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin
5. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
This tablet promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu tablet is a natural source of anti – oxidant.
6.Trikatu Tablet :
Trikatu Tablet helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Stasis dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease that occurs on the legs .
It is usually occur when Venous insufficiency happens when the valves in leg veins that help push blood back to the heart weaken and leak fluid.
Venous insufficiency can be occur with the increasing age, but it can also signal a serious medical condition, such as kidney or heart disease.
- stasis eczema
- varicose eczema
- congestion eczema
- gravitational dermatitis or eczema
Stasis dermatitis may affect the lower legs or feet on one or both sides.
Other symptoms of stasis dermatitis include:
- The skin around or above your ankles looks reddish,yellowish or brown in color.
- itching
- scaling
- dryness
- after long periods of sitting or standing feeling achy
- increased risk of developing contact dermatitis.
- Stasis dermatitis tends to develop in people with conditions that cause poor blood circulation in the legs, such as chronic venous insufficiency.
- Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the valves in the leg veins do not work correctly. Its a result of the improper function of valves, blood can flow backward direction and pool in the lower legs.
- This pooling blood causes increased pressure and swelling in the veins, which can lead to the symptoms of stasis dermatitis.
- Other conditions that can affect blood flow in the legs and feet and lead to stasis dermatitis include:
- DVT, which is a blood clot in the lower leg
- varicose veins, or enlarged and swollen veins injury to the lower leg.
- any surgery that affects the veins in the lower leg congestive heart failure
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Cellulitis
- Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
- Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis (Nummular Eczema)
- Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
- Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis
- Tinea Pedis
Several known factors can increase a person’s risk of developing stasis dermatitis, including:
- being female
- being over 50 years old
- being overweight or obese
- having any condition that affects blood circulation
- having high blood pressure
- having kidney disease
- giving birth
- standing or sitting for extended periods
- getting insufficient exercise.
A doctor will diagnose stasis dermatitis by asking patient medical history.
- problems with the heart or circulation
- blood clots
- surgeries
- injuries to the lower legs
- By Doppler ultrasound, which is a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to check the blood flow through blood vessels.
- Additional tests that check for heart function, blood pressure, and allergies may also be necessary
Without treatment, stasis dermatitis can be more dangers and lead to complications that include:
- chronic leg ulcers
- leg wounds that fail to heal
- In cellulitis deep layer of skin get infected.
- infection of the bone, known as osteomyelitis
Stasis dermatitis is not always preventable. Following lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of stasis dermatitis:-
- reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
- getting enough exercise
- Always elevate the leg above the heart in sitting position.
- limiting sodium consumption
- Skin care: Patients should softly wash their legs daily with mild nonsoap cleansers to remove any scale, bacteria .
- It is important that they avoid the use of any products that irritate their skin.
- Emollients: Petroleum-based products such as white petroleum jelly should be applied multiple times a day. It give relief in infected skin.
- Wet dressings: These can help remove crusts & exudate, and reduce pruritus. They can be applied using tap water, saline, or a diluted anti-infective solution (zinc and copper sulfate solution, acetic acid, potassium permanganate, or aluminum acetate). This solution should be applied to gauze, placed directly on the affected areas, and then covered with dry cotton. This can be done 2-3 times a day.
- Compression Stockings: To improve circulation and relieve swelling.
- Elevation: Recommend that your patient elevate their feet above their heart for 15 minutes every two hours.
Stasis dermatitis is a long-term condition and treatment is focused on managing symptoms.
- Use leafy vegetables and fruits
- Use probiotics it may help in boost your immunity.
- strawberries, blueberries help in strengthen connective tissue to calm your skin.
- Avoid dairy products.
- Use food that are low in salt to help decrease swelling in your legs.
- Vit. C and rutin help to keep blood vessels flexible and healthy.
- Avoid eggs, citrus fruit, tomato,wheat
- According to ayurveda in this disease vata,Pitta,Rakta and mamsa involved.
- Treatment based on principle that chronic diseases require some form of Shodhana (systemic purification)
- In this condition, Vrana and vata rakta line of treatment should be followed.
- In virechana karma to remove vitiated Pitta and Rakta Dosha and Vata Anulomana (Passage of flatus) and detoxify the body.
- Siravyadh is the treatment in which cleaning of the impured blood.
- Virechana along with, Shamana aushadhi and Rakta mokshan help to detoxify the body and blood and also cure the ulcer.
- In the course of treatment deepana and pachana dravyas should administered for the correction of agni (Digestive fire).
- For snehpana Maha Tiktaka Gritha used. It is indicated in Pitta vikara, vrana and Twak vikara.
- The accumulation of vitiated Rakta (blood) and vata in Siras (veins) leads to dilation and tortuous veins.
- Siravyadham brings down the local Shotha (swelling) and congestion.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
- It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.
What are the uses & Health benefits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea)?
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Spinach is also known as super food as it is full with number of nutrients in a low-calorie food. Leafy green vegetables like spinach are very good for your skin, hair, and bone health. They also provide many protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals.
Adding spinach in your diet may benefit eye health, prevent cancer reduce oxidative stress, and maintain blood pressure levels.
Nutrition facts
The nutrition facts for 100 gm of raw spinach are-
- Calories: 23
- Water: 91%
- Protein: 2.8 grams
- Carbs: 3.7 grams
- Sugar: 0.3 grams
- Fiber: 2.3 grams
- Fat: 0.4 grams
- Most of the carbs in spinach contains fiber, which is very good for your health.
- Spinach contains sugar in very small quantity, mainly in the form of glucose and fructose.
Vitamins and minerals
Spinach is great source of many vitamins and minerals, include
- Vitamin A – Spinach contains carotenoids in high quantity, which turn into vitamin A by our body.
- Vitamin C – This acts as antioxidant agent that is good for your skin health and immune function.
- Vitamin K1 – This vitamin is necessary for clotting of blood.
- Vitamin B9/Folic acid – This vitamin is vital for pregnant women and prevents the spinal disorders in child and required for normal cellular function and tissue growth.
- Calcium – This mineral is essential for bone health and strengthening your nervous system, cardio-vascular health and muscular system.
- Iron – Spinach is an excellent source of iron. Iron helps in formation of hemoglobin, that brings oxygen to your body’s tissues.
Spinach also contains many other vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B6, B9and E.
- Spinach contains insoluble fiber in high quantity, which may boost your immunity and health in many ways.
- It aids digestion and help to pass the food through your digestive system. This may help to releive constipation.
Plant compounds
Spinach contains many plant compounds. Main compounds are
- Lutein & Zeaxanthin – These compounds are beneficial for your eye health.
- Kaempferol – This is antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and chronic diseases.
- Nitrates- Spinach contains high amounts of nitrates, which are good for heart health.
- Quercetin. This antioxidant may fight against infection and inflammation. Spinach is one of the great sources of quercetin.
Benefits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
As we saw that spinach has great nutritional value that’s why there are many uses of spinacia oleracea.
Control diabetes
- Spinach contains alpha-lipoic acid which acts as anti-oxidant agent that is used to lower blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative, stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes.
- Studies also show that it decreases peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy in diabetics.
Cancer prevention
- Spinach and other green vegetables contain chlorophyll which is effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects
- This is effective to preventing the growth of cancer.
Asthma prevention
- Many studies showed that the risks for developing asthma are reduced among individuals in which intake of certain nutrients is high. Beta-carotene is one among them and spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene.
Maintain blood pressure
- Due to high potassium content in spinach, it is recommended in people with high blood pressure.
- Potassium is helpful to reduce the effects of sodium in the body. A low potassium intake in diet may become a risk factor for developing high blood pressure as a high sodium intake.
Good for Bone health
- Low intakes of vitamin K can become a higher risk of bone fracture.
- Taking vitamin K in required quantity is important for good health, as it improves calcium absorption and may decrease the amount of calcium that leaves the body in urine.
Promotes digestion
Fiber and water content is high in spinach, both of which aids digestion and prevent constipation.
Healthy skin and hair
- Spinach contains large amount of vitamin A, which also maintain the production of oil in the skin pores and hair follicles that will help to moisturize the skin and hairs.
- Vitamin A is known as growth promoting vitamin as it is essential for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.
- Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are good source of vitamin C that helps in building and maintenance of collagen which provide structure to skin and hairs.
- It is one of the main sources of iron. Iron deficiency can leads to hair loss. So adding spinach in your food in adequate quantity can prevent the hair loss.
Spinach in diet
- Spinach is a versatile vegetable and can be taken raw or cooked. It is available fresh, frozen, or canned. Here are some ways or methods use more spinach into a daily routine:
- You can add spinach to pastas, soups, and casseroles.
- Take spinach by adding to a wrap, sandwich, or flatbread.
- You can make a dip using spinach, such as spinach and artichoke dip.
- If someone is taking blood-thinners, like warfarin, it is important that they should be careful while taking food they eat containing vitamin K that plays a role in blood clotting.
- Taking too much potassium can be harmful for people who are suffering from kidneys diseases. Because If kidneys are unable to remove out the excess potassium from the blood, then it could be fatal.
- Spinach also contains both calcium and oxalates in high amount, so people who are at risk of developing kidney stones should be taken carefully or in limit.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- The omicron variant is the variant of SARA-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
- The omicron variant is the variant of SARA-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
- On 26 Nov 2021 the WHO designated it as a variant of concern and named it OMICRON.
- This variant will spread more easily than the original SARS-COV-2 Virus .
- There are some preliminary evidences suggesting the omicron variant is more infectious than the previous variant.
Most common symptoms :-
- Fever
- Cough
- Tiredness
- Loss of taste and smell
- Sore Throat
- Headache
- Pains
- Diarrhoea
- Skin rash
- Difficulty in breathing
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of speech
- Chest pain
- The omicron variant may reduce the effectiveness of certain COVID-19 vaccines, according to new research.
- Current vaccines remain effective against severe disease and death.
- Scientists expect that Omicron will be very good at causing infections in vaccinated people, but will be much less likely to advance to severe disease. Boosters will likely be even more effective at preventing severe diseaseaccess to treatments, masks, and hygiene maintenance; and poverty reduction measures.
- It can be diagnosed by PCR. Reasearch is ongoing to assess wheather there is any impact on other types of test.
- Studies are determine wheather there is any impact on other types of tests, including rapid antigen detection test.
Very effective steps individuals can take to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus is:
- Mantain physical distance of at least 1 metre from others
- Open windows to improve ventilation
- Wear a mask
- Avoid poorly ventilated or crowded spaces
- Keep hands clean
- Get vaccinated
- A large amount of mutations to the spike protein are present in other variants of concern and are related to increased infectivity and antibody evasion.
- Computational modeling techniques suggests that the variant may also escape cell-mediated immunity.
- Seven new cases of omicron variant detected in Maharashtra .Out of positive patients, three are in Mumbai and four in pimpari.
- Four of them have been fully vaccinated while one patient has recioeved single dose of vaccine.
- Omicron causing more severe disease compared to infections with other variants.
- This too is yet to be known. Experts observed that there are increasing rates of hospitalization in South Africa.
- WHO suggested that tis variant is more dangours than covid-19.
- Some reaserches suggest that symptoms of Omicron are different from those from other variants.
- All variants of COVID-19 can cause severe disease or death, in particular for the most vulnerable people, and thus prevention is key.
# Keep a safe distance from others (at least 1 metre), even if they don’t appear to be sick.
#Always wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
#Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
#Clean your hands often.
# vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination.
#Always Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
#Stay home if you feel unwell.
- Omicron was first reported in Botswana and then South Africa but has since spread to more than a dozen countries.
- Some countries have enacted travel bans from southern Africa, which some scientists have called a “kneejerk reaction.”
- The same rules apply for containing Omicron as any other variant: vaccine equity; universal
- Ayurvedic science it deals with diagnosis(Nidan), Pathophysiology(samprapti) management, medicines,diet and prognosis.
- From the ayurvedic point of view it is a janpadodhwamsa vikara it means epidemic disease.
- Drink herbal tea made with tulsi, cinnamon,black pepper, dry ginger and raisin.Add some jaggary and take once or twice a day.
- Take ayush kadha twice a day it help to boost immunity.
- Steam inhalation
- In panchkarma swedan therapy is very benficial for cough, cold. It give relief in these symptoms.
- Take CAC immunity booster kadha.
- Avoid cold eatables