Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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About port-wine stains
- A port-wine stain is a birthmark on the skin that is pink or purple in color. It’s also known as nevus flammeus.
- In most cases, port-wine stains harmless. But sometime, port wine stain may be sign of an underlying health condition.
What are the symptoms in port-wine stains?
Not any other symptoms are found in port wine stain, except from their appearance. They usually start out as red or pink. Over time, they can be darken to a purple or brown color.
Other features of port-wine stains include:
- Size. Size may vary from a few mm to several cm.
- Location. Port-wine stains commonly appear on one side of the face, head, and neck, but sometimes they may also affect other body parts like abdomen, legs, or arms.
- Texture. In starting, Port-wine stains usually appear flat and smooth. But with time, they may become thicker or slightly bumpy.
- Bleeding. Bleeding is seen in patients when the skin is scratched or injured.
What causes port-wine stains?
- Port-wine stains are usually caused due to an issue with capillaries, which are very small blood vessels.
- Normally, capillaries are narrow. But in port-wine stains, capillaries are overly dilated, due to which blood collect in them. Due to this collection of blood port-wine stains formed. Port-wine stains may become larger or change shape as capillaries grow larger.
- Sometime Port-wine stains may occur as symptom of a condition called Sturge-Weber syndrome, occurrence mostly seen on the scalp, forehead, or around eyes.
- When this port-wine stains noticed on the arms or legs, they can be a symptom of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. In this case, they mostly affect only one limb.
- This is a genetic condition which leads to changes in the blood vessels of the affected leg or arm. Because of these changes bone or muscle of that limb grow longer or wider than usual.
How port wine stain can be diagnosed?
- Port wine stains are clearly noticeable and look different from other birth marks so easy to diagnose .There is no requirement of any specific test to diagnose the condition.
How are port-wine stains treated?
- There is not any specific treatment for port-wine stains. Usually don’t require treatment. But for cosmetic reasons, people like to have them faded.
- Treatment may depend on several factors like skin tone, size and location of stains. Laser treatment is effectively used, in which pulsed dye laser is used.
Other laser and light treatments include:
- Bromide copper vapor
- Diode
- Alexandrite
- Intense pulsed light
- In Laser and light treatments heat is used that damage the abnormal blood vessels. This helps in shrinking of blood vessels that fade, or possibly remove port-wine stains.
- Laser treatments not completely remove a port-wine stain but are effective to lighten or fade the color so that they become less noticeable. In some cases, laser treatments can also be reason for permanent scarring or discoloration.
- After taking laser treatment, your skin will become extra sensitive, so extra care should be taken, sunglasses or sunscreen should be applied and protect the affected skin following the procedure.
Can port-wine stains cause any complications?
- Most of port-wine stains remain harmless. But sometimes if they are located near eyes then can lead to the development of an eye condition called glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition in which there is high pressure in the eye, which can lead to vision loss if not treated.
- If anyone has a port-wine stain near the eyes, then one must check if:
- One eye appears more prominent or have larger pupil than the other
- One eyelid is open wider than the other eye
All symptoms of glaucoma may be present, which should be treated with prescription eye drops or surgery.
Also, skin thickening and cobblestone appearance of eye can be noticed as a result of malfunctioning capillaries. However, early management of port-wine stains can help in preventing this from occurring.
Chandigarh Ayurved centre provides effective and pure Ayurvedic treatment for Port wine stains. CAC provides combination of medicines that work on blood vessels that is main root cause of this kind of skin condition. Use of these medications can cure the port wine stains completely.
Description of medications
1.Detox Premium Powder :
The powder is very beneficial to cure any kind of body pain as it removes excess toxins from the body and balances the aggravated pitta and vata dosha. The ingredients help in reducing swelling, redness, shrinkage of tear lining in the anus, burning sensation, etc.
2.Blood Purifier Syrup :
It is ayurvedic syrup that consists of various natural ingredients as the syrup purifies the blood by removing excess toxins it is very beneficial in maintaining proper circulation and improves the skin naturally.
3.Twak Tailam :
Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
4. Skin care tablet :
It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin
5. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
This tablet promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu tablet is a natural source of anti – oxidant.
6.Trikatu Tablet :
Trikatu Tablet helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Stasis dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease that occurs on the legs .
It is usually occur when Venous insufficiency happens when the valves in leg veins that help push blood back to the heart weaken and leak fluid.
Venous insufficiency can be occur with the increasing age, but it can also signal a serious medical condition, such as kidney or heart disease.
- stasis eczema
- varicose eczema
- congestion eczema
- gravitational dermatitis or eczema
Stasis dermatitis may affect the lower legs or feet on one or both sides.
Other symptoms of stasis dermatitis include:
- The skin around or above your ankles looks reddish,yellowish or brown in color.
- itching
- scaling
- dryness
- after long periods of sitting or standing feeling achy
- increased risk of developing contact dermatitis.
- Stasis dermatitis tends to develop in people with conditions that cause poor blood circulation in the legs, such as chronic venous insufficiency.
- Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the valves in the leg veins do not work correctly. Its a result of the improper function of valves, blood can flow backward direction and pool in the lower legs.
- This pooling blood causes increased pressure and swelling in the veins, which can lead to the symptoms of stasis dermatitis.
- Other conditions that can affect blood flow in the legs and feet and lead to stasis dermatitis include:
- DVT, which is a blood clot in the lower leg
- varicose veins, or enlarged and swollen veins injury to the lower leg.
- any surgery that affects the veins in the lower leg congestive heart failure
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Cellulitis
- Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
- Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis (Nummular Eczema)
- Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
- Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis
- Tinea Pedis
Several known factors can increase a person’s risk of developing stasis dermatitis, including:
- being female
- being over 50 years old
- being overweight or obese
- having any condition that affects blood circulation
- having high blood pressure
- having kidney disease
- giving birth
- standing or sitting for extended periods
- getting insufficient exercise.
A doctor will diagnose stasis dermatitis by asking patient medical history.
- problems with the heart or circulation
- blood clots
- surgeries
- injuries to the lower legs
- By Doppler ultrasound, which is a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to check the blood flow through blood vessels.
- Additional tests that check for heart function, blood pressure, and allergies may also be necessary
Without treatment, stasis dermatitis can be more dangers and lead to complications that include:
- chronic leg ulcers
- leg wounds that fail to heal
- In cellulitis deep layer of skin get infected.
- infection of the bone, known as osteomyelitis
Stasis dermatitis is not always preventable. Following lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of stasis dermatitis:-
- reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
- getting enough exercise
- Always elevate the leg above the heart in sitting position.
- limiting sodium consumption
- Skin care: Patients should softly wash their legs daily with mild nonsoap cleansers to remove any scale, bacteria .
- It is important that they avoid the use of any products that irritate their skin.
- Emollients: Petroleum-based products such as white petroleum jelly should be applied multiple times a day. It give relief in infected skin.
- Wet dressings: These can help remove crusts & exudate, and reduce pruritus. They can be applied using tap water, saline, or a diluted anti-infective solution (zinc and copper sulfate solution, acetic acid, potassium permanganate, or aluminum acetate). This solution should be applied to gauze, placed directly on the affected areas, and then covered with dry cotton. This can be done 2-3 times a day.
- Compression Stockings: To improve circulation and relieve swelling.
- Elevation: Recommend that your patient elevate their feet above their heart for 15 minutes every two hours.
Stasis dermatitis is a long-term condition and treatment is focused on managing symptoms.
- Use leafy vegetables and fruits
- Use probiotics it may help in boost your immunity.
- strawberries, blueberries help in strengthen connective tissue to calm your skin.
- Avoid dairy products.
- Use food that are low in salt to help decrease swelling in your legs.
- Vit. C and rutin help to keep blood vessels flexible and healthy.
- Avoid eggs, citrus fruit, tomato,wheat
- According to ayurveda in this disease vata,Pitta,Rakta and mamsa involved.
- Treatment based on principle that chronic diseases require some form of Shodhana (systemic purification)
- In this condition, Vrana and vata rakta line of treatment should be followed.
- In virechana karma to remove vitiated Pitta and Rakta Dosha and Vata Anulomana (Passage of flatus) and detoxify the body.
- Siravyadh is the treatment in which cleaning of the impured blood.
- Virechana along with, Shamana aushadhi and Rakta mokshan help to detoxify the body and blood and also cure the ulcer.
- In the course of treatment deepana and pachana dravyas should administered for the correction of agni (Digestive fire).
- For snehpana Maha Tiktaka Gritha used. It is indicated in Pitta vikara, vrana and Twak vikara.
- The accumulation of vitiated Rakta (blood) and vata in Siras (veins) leads to dilation and tortuous veins.
- Siravyadham brings down the local Shotha (swelling) and congestion.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
- It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.
- Raktamokshan or bloodletting elliminate the impured blood. It may help in reduce the infflamation.
It is concluded that Ayurvedic treatment complete detoxify the whole body and rejuvenate the body.
What are the uses & Health benefits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea)?
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Spinach is also known as super food as it is full with number of nutrients in a low-calorie food. Leafy green vegetables like spinach are very good for your skin, hair, and bone health. They also provide many protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals.
Adding spinach in your diet may benefit eye health, prevent cancer reduce oxidative stress, and maintain blood pressure levels.
Nutrition facts
The nutrition facts for 100 gm of raw spinach are-
- Calories: 23
- Water: 91%
- Protein: 2.8 grams
- Carbs: 3.7 grams
- Sugar: 0.3 grams
- Fiber: 2.3 grams
- Fat: 0.4 grams
- Most of the carbs in spinach contains fiber, which is very good for your health.
- Spinach contains sugar in very small quantity, mainly in the form of glucose and fructose.
Vitamins and minerals
Spinach is great source of many vitamins and minerals, include
- Vitamin A – Spinach contains carotenoids in high quantity, which turn into vitamin A by our body.
- Vitamin C – This acts as antioxidant agent that is good for your skin health and immune function.
- Vitamin K1 – This vitamin is necessary for clotting of blood.
- Vitamin B9/Folic acid – This vitamin is vital for pregnant women and prevents the spinal disorders in child and required for normal cellular function and tissue growth.
- Calcium – This mineral is essential for bone health and strengthening your nervous system, cardio-vascular health and muscular system.
- Iron – Spinach is an excellent source of iron. Iron helps in formation of hemoglobin, that brings oxygen to your body’s tissues.
Spinach also contains many other vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B6, B9and E.
- Spinach contains insoluble fiber in high quantity, which may boost your immunity and health in many ways.
- It aids digestion and help to pass the food through your digestive system. This may help to releive constipation.
Plant compounds
Spinach contains many plant compounds. Main compounds are
- Lutein & Zeaxanthin – These compounds are beneficial for your eye health.
- Kaempferol – This is antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and chronic diseases.
- Nitrates- Spinach contains high amounts of nitrates, which are good for heart health.
- Quercetin. This antioxidant may fight against infection and inflammation. Spinach is one of the great sources of quercetin.
Benefits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
As we saw that spinach has great nutritional value that’s why there are many uses of spinacia oleracea.
Control diabetes
- Spinach contains alpha-lipoic acid which acts as anti-oxidant agent that is used to lower blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative, stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes.
- Studies also show that it decreases peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy in diabetics.
Cancer prevention
- Spinach and other green vegetables contain chlorophyll which is effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects
- This is effective to preventing the growth of cancer.
Asthma prevention
- Many studies showed that the risks for developing asthma are reduced among individuals in which intake of certain nutrients is high. Beta-carotene is one among them and spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene.
Maintain blood pressure
- Due to high potassium content in spinach, it is recommended in people with high blood pressure.
- Potassium is helpful to reduce the effects of sodium in the body. A low potassium intake in diet may become a risk factor for developing high blood pressure as a high sodium intake.
Good for Bone health
- Low intakes of vitamin K can become a higher risk of bone fracture.
- Taking vitamin K in required quantity is important for good health, as it improves calcium absorption and may decrease the amount of calcium that leaves the body in urine.
Promotes digestion
Fiber and water content is high in spinach, both of which aids digestion and prevent constipation.
Healthy skin and hair
- Spinach contains large amount of vitamin A, which also maintain the production of oil in the skin pores and hair follicles that will help to moisturize the skin and hairs.
- Vitamin A is known as growth promoting vitamin as it is essential for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.
- Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are good source of vitamin C that helps in building and maintenance of collagen which provide structure to skin and hairs.
- It is one of the main sources of iron. Iron deficiency can leads to hair loss. So adding spinach in your food in adequate quantity can prevent the hair loss.
Spinach in diet
- Spinach is a versatile vegetable and can be taken raw or cooked. It is available fresh, frozen, or canned. Here are some ways or methods use more spinach into a daily routine:
- You can add spinach to pastas, soups, and casseroles.
- Take spinach by adding to a wrap, sandwich, or flatbread.
- You can make a dip using spinach, such as spinach and artichoke dip.
- If someone is taking blood-thinners, like warfarin, it is important that they should be careful while taking food they eat containing vitamin K that plays a role in blood clotting.
- Taking too much potassium can be harmful for people who are suffering from kidneys diseases. Because If kidneys are unable to remove out the excess potassium from the blood, then it could be fatal.
- Spinach also contains both calcium and oxalates in high amount, so people who are at risk of developing kidney stones should be taken carefully or in limit.
- December 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- The omicron variant is the variant of SARA-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
- The omicron variant is the variant of SARA-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
- On 26 Nov 2021 the WHO designated it as a variant of concern and named it OMICRON.
- This variant will spread more easily than the original SARS-COV-2 Virus .
- There are some preliminary evidences suggesting the omicron variant is more infectious than the previous variant.
Most common symptoms :-
- Fever
- Cough
- Tiredness
- Loss of taste and smell
- Sore Throat
- Headache
- Pains
- Diarrhoea
- Skin rash
- Difficulty in breathing
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of speech
- Chest pain
- The omicron variant may reduce the effectiveness of certain COVID-19 vaccines, according to new research.
- Current vaccines remain effective against severe disease and death.
- Scientists expect that Omicron will be very good at causing infections in vaccinated people, but will be much less likely to advance to severe disease. Boosters will likely be even more effective at preventing severe diseaseaccess to treatments, masks, and hygiene maintenance; and poverty reduction measures.
- It can be diagnosed by PCR. Reasearch is ongoing to assess wheather there is any impact on other types of test.
- Studies are determine wheather there is any impact on other types of tests, including rapid antigen detection test.
Very effective steps individuals can take to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus is:
- Mantain physical distance of at least 1 metre from others
- Open windows to improve ventilation
- Wear a mask
- Avoid poorly ventilated or crowded spaces
- Keep hands clean
- Get vaccinated
- A large amount of mutations to the spike protein are present in other variants of concern and are related to increased infectivity and antibody evasion.
- Computational modeling techniques suggests that the variant may also escape cell-mediated immunity.
- Seven new cases of omicron variant detected in Maharashtra .Out of positive patients, three are in Mumbai and four in pimpari.
- Four of them have been fully vaccinated while one patient has recioeved single dose of vaccine.
- Omicron causing more severe disease compared to infections with other variants.
- This too is yet to be known. Experts observed that there are increasing rates of hospitalization in South Africa.
- WHO suggested that tis variant is more dangours than covid-19.
- Some reaserches suggest that symptoms of Omicron are different from those from other variants.
- All variants of COVID-19 can cause severe disease or death, in particular for the most vulnerable people, and thus prevention is key.
# Keep a safe distance from others (at least 1 metre), even if they don’t appear to be sick.
#Always wear a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
#Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
#Clean your hands often.
# vaccinated when it’s your turn. Follow local guidance about vaccination.
#Always Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
#Stay home if you feel unwell.
- Omicron was first reported in Botswana and then South Africa but has since spread to more than a dozen countries.
- Some countries have enacted travel bans from southern Africa, which some scientists have called a “kneejerk reaction.”
- The same rules apply for containing Omicron as any other variant: vaccine equity; universal
- Ayurvedic science it deals with diagnosis(Nidan), Pathophysiology(samprapti) management, medicines,diet and prognosis.
- From the ayurvedic point of view it is a janpadodhwamsa vikara it means epidemic disease.
- Drink herbal tea made with tulsi, cinnamon,black pepper, dry ginger and raisin.Add some jaggary and take once or twice a day.
- Take ayush kadha twice a day it help to boost immunity.
- Steam inhalation
- In panchkarma swedan therapy is very benficial for cough, cold. It give relief in these symptoms.
- Take CAC immunity booster kadha.
- Avoid cold eatables
How To Deal with IBS Symptoms Naturally?
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disease of large intestine. This is a very common disease. The person suffering from this starts having problems like abdominal pain, cramps, bloating in the stomach, gas, constipation and diarrhea (Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome). If you ignore these problems for a long time, then you can get serious problems. If not treated on time, a person’s intestine can also be damaged.
However, very few such cases have come to the fore. At the onset of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you can control the symptoms of this disease by making changes in your diet. There is a lot of impact on the daily routine of the people suffering from this problem. The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome depends on which part of you is affected, as well as depending on whether the symptoms are more or less. In the beginning, according to the doctor’s advice, you can also try to cure this problem with home remedies. Before knowing the home remedies, let us know its symptoms.
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome vary from person to person. Only blood in the stool is not a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. Its symptoms can be like constipation, diarrhea, constant weight loss, loss of appetite, fever. Contact your doctor immediately if you see such symptoms. Even though it is not a fatal disease, but if it is not treated on time, it can lead to many other serious problems. Therefore, if you see the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, take necessary advice from your doctor. In case of mild symptoms, you can resort to home remedies. Let’s know about those home remedies;
Buttermilk and asafoetida provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome
Buttermilk provides coolness to the stomach. At the same time, asafoetida is effective in relieving gas, constipation and other problems in the stomach. If you have been troubled by irritable bowel syndrome for a long time, then mix 1 pinch of asafetida and cumin powder in buttermilk and drink it. With this, the problem of gas caused by irritable bowel syndrome can be relieved. Actually, buttermilk is a treasure trove of probiotics, which is very effective in maintaining digestion. That’s why most dieticians recommend including buttermilk and curd in their diet. If you want to get rid of this problem of yours, then definitely include buttermilk in the diet.
Read Also: Why CAC IBS kit is good for IBS patients
Black pepper and black salt
If you are troubled by frequent irritable bowel syndrome, then consume black pepper and black salt. Both these things can prove to be effective in removing stomach problems. You can consume it by mixing it in whey or curd. This can give you a lot of turmeric relief. Apart from this, mixing black salt in water and mixing myrobalan powder in it can also be drunk. Consuming this mixture in the morning and evening can give a lot of relief from your irritable bowel syndrome. Also you can consume black pepper with honey. This can give you a lot of relief.
Lemon mixture is effective
Lemon can prove to be very effective in relieving irritable bowel syndrome. To use it, take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Add 4 grams of pippali to it. Also you can mix 1 pinch of rock salt in it. Now consume this mixture in the morning and evening. You can get a lot of benefit from this. Consuming this mixture can increase your appetite. Along with this, many stomach related problems like gas, indigestion, constipation, acidity can be relieved. Lemon juice is also considered very effective in removing stomach problems. Apart from this mixture, you can also include lemon juice in your diet.
Peppermint oil
You can use peppermint oil to overcome the problem of irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint oil makes our muscles easy. It can also prove to be helpful in digesting food. The problem of irritable bowel syndrome can be relieved by using peppermint regularly. Along with this, you can also get rid of the pain caused by this problem. Not only this, problems like heartburn, gas and indigestion can be relieved by the use of peppermint oil. You can use it in many ways. For example, mix it in water and drink it. Put 1 to 2 drops in food. You can use peppermint oil in other ways.
Read Also: Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Ayurveda
Asafetida mixture is beneficial
You can also get relief from stomach related problems by using asafoetida. For this, grind equal quantity of asafetida, carom seeds and dry ginger. Take this powder with warm water in the morning and evening after meals. Apart from this, you can also add asafoetida to your vegetables. Asafoetida is considered effective in relieving irritable bowel syndrome. Mixing this powder with vegetables and eating it can give you relief from venereal disease.
Dry ginger and sugar candy are also beneficial
A mixture of dry ginger and sugar candy is also effective in relieving irritable bowel syndrome. To prepare this mixture, mix a little sugar candy in half a teaspoon powder of dry ginger and consume it. This will increase your appetite. Along with this, digestion will also be fine. By consuming it regularly, you can solve your problem can remove. Ayurveda experts also recommend eating dry ginger and sugar candy to remove stomach related problems. Not only this, sugar candy is also consumed by many people as a mouth freshener. With this, you can get relief from your problems to a great extent. & nbsp;
Keep in mind that if there is a continuous change in the position of your stomach. If you are suffering from problems like diarrhea or sudden weight loss, contact your doctor immediately. If there is severe pain in the stomach and difficulty in passing stool at night, then do not forget to take necessary advice from the doctor. Follow the necessary advice given by the doctor. Also, before adopting any kind of home remedy, please consult a doctor. So that the doctor can give you proper information.
Ayurveda Herbs for Glowing Skin
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Tired of doing everything possible to get glowing skin? Do you apply layers of foundation and concealer every day to hide blemishes and pigmentation on your face?
Unfortunately, all the cosmetics available in the market today are loaded with heavy chemicals that cause skin problems or very expensive.
Ayurveda is the only answer to all the skin related problems!
Vataja skin Type-
- It means that the skin in which there is excess of Vata, the skin remains dry in it, in the cold season it becomes very dry-dry and with age, it fades quickly.
- Such skin is thin, dry and has very little moisture, due to the sebaceous glands found in the skin, dry skin is oily and less active than normal skin. Therefore, it loses its fat before time, so it needs special care.
- Especially to nourish this type of skin, massage should be done with natural oils, this will retain moisture in the skin and remove dryness.
- Apart from this, a lot of sleep should be taken.
Read Also: Herbs For Naturally Glowing Skin
Pittaja Skin Type-
- Pittaja skin i.e. in which there is excess of pitta, red rash occurs in such skin, it is common to have acne, sunburns frequently.
- It is very sensitive and soft and possesses lightness and warmth.
- The problem of rashes and acne is seen more on this type of skin.
- Pitta dominant skin being pale and sensitive is more effective in sunlight. Such skin should be massaged with a paste of cold liquids and oil.
Kaphaja skin Type-
- Kaphaj skin is more oily, thick and cold.
- Such skin is more prone to accumulation of dirt and more prone to acne.
- Caring for kapha affected skin requires the removal of toxins from the skin.
To avoid the problem of skin, it is necessary to make changes in lifestyle and diet plan.
So, if you want to flaunt your youthful skin, your search ends with these magical herbs.
Try out Ayurvedic herbs for glowing-young skin –
Yes, nothing works better than natural products. Because they don’t contain any chemicals and are super effective! When it comes to Ayurvedic herbs, you can expect a lot.
These Ayurveda herbs will give a different glow and shine to your face.
- This special Ayurvedic herb is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which makes it a great anti-aging herb.
- It is full of antioxidants i.e. gives you a healthier skin and thus reducing the signs of ageing like wrinkles, age spots, fine lines etc.
- It also helps in making your skin firm and gives you a healthy glow.
- Eating amlaki increases the elasticity of the skin.
- Amlaki is also adaptogenic in nature and it protects your skin from side effects from added stress and pressure.
Read Also: Winter skin care Tips
- It is a potent medicinal herb which is well known for its amazing benefits.
- Wrinkles and fine lines can be diminished by the use of this herb.
- It improves the texture of your skin by nourishing the skin cells.
- It is also used as an ingredient in variety of skin care Ayurveda products.
- It is used both for internal and external use.
- The scars on the face spoil the beauty of the face.
- It helps to get rid of unwanted scar and pigmentation of the skin.
- In such a situation, the use of Manjistha can prove to be very beneficial because it has the property of enhancing the beauty by removing these stains from your face.
- It gives brightening effect to the skin and make it healthy and glowing.
- It is an amazing stress buster herb but many of us don’t know that it good for your skin as well.
- It is enriched with antioxidants, which help protect your skin from any free radicals.
- With regular consumption of Ashwagandha, you can get youthful and glowing skin.
- Haridra is very beneficial for the skin, as it contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
- It has the ability to eliminate problems like acne, acne scars and sunburn that come on the skin.
- It acts as a lightening agent and can also eliminate dark circles on the skin.
- Add on turmeric to your diet or apply it locally as a face pack with give you a youthful touch.
- In the Corona pandemic, Giloy tend to be the number one herb to increase your immunity levels.
- It also help to regenerate your skin tissue and fight inflammation because of its Anti-inflammatory properties.
Just add on these Ayurveda herbs to your diet and really live a youthful and healthy life.
Read Also: Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Diseases
Genetic illness, health conditions, or infections makes your skin to react in unusual ways. This may include – psoriasis, scabies, itching, dry patches, eczema, dermatitis, boils, irregular patches on the skin, urticaria, etc. Instead of using creams, lotions or other cosmetics you should use Skin Glow Kit a natural and herbal formula. The Kit includes many natural herbal medicines which can purify and detoxify your body in a natural way.
It consist of the following medicines-
- Detox Premium Powder
- Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu
- Skin Glow Kadha
- Twak Churana
- Panchsakar Churna
- Orange Face Cream
- Aloe Vera Gel
What To Eat And Avoid During Menstruation?
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Nowadays women are moving ahead in every field. Because of which this lifestyle has also become a runaway affair. Due to irregular lifestyle and diet, problems related to obesity, PCOD, diabetes, periods and pregnancy are also increasing in women. That is why it is important for women to improve their lifestyle as well as improve their diet.
What is the right diet for women?
The right diet means that we can get all the nutrients like vitamins, zinc, protein, calcium. But now in such a situation, women get into thinking that if we eat daily food, then apart from this, how we improve our diet.
So, women should include essential nutrients in the diet chart to stay healthy, for which it is necessary to follow a correct and balanced diet chart.
What should be eaten during periods?
Our diet has a direct effect on health, balanced diet proves to be very beneficial in case of any disease or problem. By making balanced diet and lifestyle changes during periods, we can reduce the problems during this period to a great extent. So let’s know which things are beneficial during periods.
Fresh Fruits
- Fresh and green fruits are rich in important nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants.
- Consuming fruits is extremely beneficial during periods, whole fruits are better than fruit juices because consuming whole fruits can avoid the consumption of extra sugar and fiber added after making juice.
- Yes, fresh lemon water and coconut water can be consumed during this time as they are very beneficial in keeping the body hydrated.
- Ginger is beneficial during menstruation or periods, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which are considered helpful in reducing muscle pain.
- You can also consume ginger tea during periods.
- Consumption of ginger is also beneficial in the problem of vomiting or nausea during periods.
- Although, it should not be consumed in excess.
Green Vegetables
- Consumption of green leafy vegetables during periods is considered very beneficial.
- Green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and iron, so their consumption reduces the problem of anemia in the body.
- Consumption of green leafy vegetables is beneficial even during anemia.
- Antioxidant properties are also found in vegetables, which work to keep the body free from stress.
- Consuming probiotics rich in calcium is extremely beneficial during periods.
- Consumption of probiotic is important in relieving muscle and bone pain.
- It is also considered very beneficial in the problem of cramps during periods.
- Happy hormones are also produced by the consumption of probiotics during menstruation or periods, which work to relieve the problem of stress and mood swings.
Dark Chocolate
- Dark chocolate is rich in nutrients like iron and magnesium.
- Consumption of dark chocolate is very beneficial during periods.
- The consumption of chocolate is extremely beneficial for reducing the mood swings and PMS symptoms during periods.
As the Vata Dosha governs the menstrual flow so, it is recommended to follow a Vata-pacifying diet during periods.
It includes warm, mushy foods, cooked in ghee and spices. Pureed soups, cooked fruits, hot rice pudding and nourishing beverages are good choice. Be sure to use healthy fats in cooking such as ghee, or flaxseed or hempseed oil.
Read Also: How to Cure Irregular Menstruation through Ayurveda?
What should be avoided during periods?
Women should take special care of their health during menstruation. The carelessness taken during this time has a direct effect on the health of women. It is especially beneficial to take care of food during periods. During this, distance should be taken from the consumption of some food items, let us know about such foods.
- It is beneficial to consume sugar in moderation during periods.
- Due to the consumption of sugar, there is a sudden increase in energy in the body, due to which many problems may have to be faced during periods.
- Excess consumption of sugar can increase the problem of mood swings.
- If you are dealing with problems like mood swings, sadness or anxiety and stress during periods, then by controlling your sugar intake, you can control it.
Spicy Foods
- It is beneficial to stay away from spicy food during periods.
- Consuming spicy food can increase the problem of diarrhoea, stomach pain and even nausea.
- To avoid these problems during periods, it is good to stay away from spicy food.
- Excessive consumption of coffee during periods is harmful.
- Consumption of coffee can also change the cycle of periods.
- Excessive amount of tea, coffee or soft drinks can cause pain during periods, so in such a problem, one should stay away from their consumption.
- Consumption of salt in excess amount works to increase the discomfort during periods.
- Consuming too much salt can lead to water retention, which can lead to bloating.
- To reduce bloating, minimize the use of salt in your foods and avoid highly processed foods.
One should follow and avoid the above told things during your periods in order to stay physically and mentally well.
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 4 Idly + 1/2 cup sambhar + 1 tsp. coconut chutney + 1 glass milk(toned)/ 1 cup tea |
MID-MEAL (11:00 -11:30AM) | 1 medium size apple |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 1 cup rice + 2 chapathi + fish (100gm) curry + cabbage and green peas sabji |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 1 cup boiled green gram sprouts with lemon + 1 cup green tea |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapathi + 1/2 cup cauliflower sabji + 1/2 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 1/2 cup Oats in 1 glass milk(toned) |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 1 medium size guava |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 4 chapathi + 1/2 cup chana dal + 1/2 cup mooli methi sabji + 1 glass butter milk |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 1 cup boiled gram with lemon + 1 cup green tea |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapatti + 1/2 cup bhindi sabji + 1 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 3 dosa + 1/2 cup sambhar + 1tsp methi chutney + 1 glass milk(toned)/ 1 cup tea |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 1 medium size pear |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 1 cup rice + 2 chapatti + aloo brinjal sabji + 1/2 cup tomato dal + 1 glass buttermilk |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 3 Cracker biscuits + 1 cup tea/milk(toned) |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapatti (multigrain – wheat ; jowar ; bajra) + lauki methi sabji + 1/2 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 1 cup roasted oats upma with vegetables + 1 glass milk/1 cup tea(toned) |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 1 banana |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 4 chapatti + 1/2 cup French beans curry + 1/2 cup colocasia (arbi) sabji + 1 glass buttermilk |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 1 bowl popcorn + 1 cup tea/milk(toned) |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapathi+1/2 cup palak sabji+1/2 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 1 cup broken wheat upma with vegetables + 1 glass milk/1 cup tea(toned) |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 100gm musk melon |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 4 chapatti + 1 portion(100gm) grilled/stewed fish + 1/2 cup rajmah curry |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 1/2 cup Sweet potato salad+ 1 cup green tea |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapatti + 1/2 cup ridge gourd(thori) sabji+1/2 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | 2 paratha (aloo / gobhi / methi) with 2 tsp. green chutney +1 glass milk(toned)/ 1 cup tea |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 100gm pomegranate |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 4 chapatti + 1/2 cup cluster beans curry + 1/2 cup capsicum sabji + 1 glass buttermilk |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | 1 small fistful (40 gm.) of peanuts,almonds,walnuts+1 cup green tea |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapathi+1/2 cup raw banana sabji+1/2 cup vegetable salad |
BREAKFAST (8:00-8:30AM) | Vegetable sandwich with 4 whole wheat bread slices + cucumber, tomato, onion, spinach / lettuce +1 glass milk(toned) / 1 cup tea |
MID-MEAL (11:00-11:30AM) | 1 wedge(100gm) watermelon |
LUNCH (2:00-2:30PM) | 1 cup rice + 2 chapatti + 1/2 cup skin out chicken (100gm) curry + 1/2 cup ivy gourd(parmal) sabji + 1 glass buttermilk |
EVENING (4:00-4:30PM) | Avocado(50gm) whole wheat bread(3 slices) sandwich + 1 cup green tea |
DINNER (8:00-8:30PM) | 3 chapatti (multigrain – wheat; jowar; bajra) +1/2 cup tinda sabji+ 1/2 cup vegetable salad |
Do’s and Dont’s
- Include HDL rich foods such as almonds, walnut, oats, flax seeds.
- Include fatty fish such as tuna, sardine, salmon, and mackerel.
- Consume egg white and skin out chicken.
- Whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits as they are rich in fiber.
- Include low fat milk products.
- Include 1 cup of green tea and physical activity in daily routine.
- Include foods high in soluble fiber such as banana, oats, apple, guava, beans, avocados, berries, barley, quinoa, flax and chia seeds, figs, coconut, okra (ladies finger).
- Avoid red meat, organ meats, and shell fish as they are rich in cholesterol.
- Avoid consumption of foods made by reheated oil.
- Heavy oily foods, foods high in cream and cheese
- Avoid saturated fat such as palm oil, butter, margarine, ghee.
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Cottage Cheese sandwich (2 slice bread) + 1 cup skimmed milk. |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup boiled green gram sprouts |
Lunch (2:00 -2:30PM) | Veg pulav rice 1 cup + 1 cup Soya Chunk curry |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 cup Almond milk |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | 2 chapatti + Ladies finger sabji 1 cup |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | chappati-3+ Paneer sabji 1 cup |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup grilled vegetables with Cottage cheese. |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 2 Roti+ Mushroom curry 1 cup + 1 cup moong dal |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 apple + 1/2 cup cottage cheese |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | 2 chapatti + Arhar dal 1 cup |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Soy flour Uthappam 2 + coconut chutney + 1 glass skim milk. |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup boiled black Chana |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 1 cup rice + Kidney beans curry 1 cup + cucumber salad+ cottage cheese vegetable 1 cup. |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | Brown rice flakes Poha with nuts 1 cup |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | 2 paneer stuffed capsicum +2 chapatti |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Paneer Paratha 2 + 1 cup skim milk |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup grilled paneer |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 2 chapati + Black eyed beans curry 1 cup + cucumber salad |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 cup soy milk |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | Broken wheat upma 1 cup+ 1/2 cup green beans subji |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Mushroom Paratha 2 + 1 cup skim milk |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup boiled green gram sprouts |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 1/2 cup rice + 1-2 chapatti + Chick peas spinach curry 1/2 cup + Snake guard sabji 1/2 cup |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 cup boiled channa |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | 2 chapatti+ 1 cup mix veg curry |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Moong dal Cheela with Paneer filling – 2 + 1 cup skim milk |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup boiled black Chana |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 1 cup rice+ Soya chunk curry1/2 cup+ Ladies finger sabji 1/2 cup |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 glass almond milk |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | 2 chapatti + Ridge guard sabji 1 cup |
Breakfast (8:00 – 8:30AM) | Wheat dosa-2 + Tofu curry 1 cup |
Mid-Meal (11:00 – 11:30AM) | 1 cup grilled vegetables with Cottage cheese. |
Lunch (2:00 – 2:30PM) | 1/2 cup rice+ 1-2 chapatti + Kidney beans curry 1/2 cup + Palak paneer sabji 1/2 cup |
Evening (4:00 – 4:30PM) | 1 cup boiled black eye beans |
Dinner (8:00 – 8:30PM) | Broken wheat Upma 1 cup+ 1/2 cup green beans sabji |
Do’s and Don’ts
- Eat high carbohydrate meals every day to keep glycogen stores full
- Allow 3-4 hours digestion time for a large meal, 2-3 for smaller meal, 1-2 for blended or liquid meals and less than one hour for smaller snacks.
- Dehydrate ourselves with proper liquid intake.
- Maintain proper balance between intake and output.
- Balance protein and carb intake wisely.
- Alcohol & smoking should be avoided totally.
- Avoiding contact with others would prevent the spread of pathogens that cause other people to contract the disease as well.
- December 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Everyone loves to eat cakes, muffins, and cookies. These items are high in sugar and can lead to obesity. Bakery items can also lead to increase cholestrol levels in the body, due to their that can lead to many liver disorders.
In Red meat high amount of protein, but it is difficult to digesting. Metabolism of proteins is not easy for the liver and can lead to various liver-related issues . Egg whites are good for your liver, but in excess amount can lead to digestion problems and the yellow yolk is a source of bad cholesterol.
IF you are alcohol drinker and you want to care for your liver, then you should to quit immediately. Therefore cutting out alcohol completely is ideal. Excess alcohol used for long time can leads to Liver cirrhosis which is irreversible scarring of the liver. People who suffer from cirrhosis can lead complications like vomiting blood, jaundice, excess fluid accumulation in the body and also Liver cancerIf.
One must always refrain from consuming food items like pasta pizza biscuits and bread that are made from white flour. They lack minerals, fibre, and essential vitamins. Consumption of exces amount of bread causes of fatty liver diseases.
It is good to consume a small amount of aerated drink occasionally, but its regular consumption can damage liver and could lead to various liver complications. Excess soda consumption can lead weight gain and obesity in many people. And obesity can damage your liver by increasing fatty accumulation in the liver.
Following nonalcoholic foods cause liver fatty disease:-
- Processed foods
- Red meals
- Processed meats
- Sugary beverages
- Snacks
- Cackes and biscuits
- Eggs
- Butter
1.)OATMEAL:- Whole grain ,fiber rich food like oatmeal are associated with a reduced risk of fatty liver disease.Oats is very effective in fatty liver disease.
2.)GARLIC:- Garlic play a major role in indian foods, and it may provide benefits for people with fatty liver disease. A garlic powder supplements help to reduce body weight and reduce cholesterol level.
3.)OMEGA3 FATTY ACID :- Omega-3 fatty acids may improve liver fat and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in people with NAFLD.
Some Foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are following:
- salmon
- sardines
- walnuts
- flaxseed
4.)TURMERIC:- High dose of curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric might reduce markers of liver damage in people with fatty liver disease.
5.)NUTS:- A diet rich in nuts is associated with reduced inflammation, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress, and a lower prevalence of NAFLD. People suffered from Fatty liver disease who eat walnuts have improved liver function test.
There are currently no medications to treat NAFLD.
- Firstly reduce the weight.Due to high weight this problem become more severe.
- A easiest way to lose weight gradually is with a maintained diet and regular exercise.
- People who suffer from alcoholic fatty liver disease may be able to cause liver damage and inflammation.It prevent by stipping consuming alcohol.
- surgery recommended at severe stage.
- In Liver failure condition may require a liver transplant.
- Lifestyle style changes play a very important role in fatty liver disease.
- Lifestyle changes may include:
- abstaining from alcohol
- eating a balanced diet
- choosing smaller portion sizes
- doing regular exercise
Fatty liver is a disease, in which accumulation of excess fat occurs in liver. Fatty liver can cause inflammation of liver scarring, cirrhosis and last stage liver disease.
Fatty liver usually has no symptoms until it progress or patient may feel heaviness in above side of abdomen, tiredness, anorexia etc. It can be diagnosed by biopsy method.
According ayurvedic point of view it can be correlated with Yakrutodar roga. The diseases occur in the abdominal cavity causing the distension of the abdomen is Udararoga. In this condition Agni is a very essential factor.
In Ayurvedic samhitas yakratodar is liver cirhosis and pleehodar is spleenomegaly.
All medicines which are perscribed in pleehodar can be used in yakrutodar also. Rohitkarishta, and aarogyavardhini vati are very effective in management of fatty liver. Many medications used in fatty liver:-
1.)CAC Kutaki Capsule
2.)CAC Premium Detox Powder
3.)CAC Liver Care Tablet
4.)CAC Liver care syrup
5.)CAC Panchskar churna
Following home remedies for fatty liver:-
- Lose excess weight
- Eat healthy
- Drink coffe
- Avoid added sugars
- Reduce cholesterol
- Take amla juice early morning empty stomach
- Use of apple cidar vinegar juice add in cup of warm water and drink it.
- Take a lemon juice and drink it 2 or 3 times a day for several week
- Take a green tea it improves the liver function test.
- Take a cinnamon tea in the morning.
Following food to avoid in fatty liver disease:-
1.)Highly processed flour
2.)Added sugar
5.)Fried foods
6.)Red Meat
7.) Junk food