Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- 1 + ½ cup Maida
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- ⅛ Teaspoon ginger
- ⅛ Teaspoon clove
- 1 teaspoon orange zest
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- ½ cup vegetable oil
- ¾ cup brown sugar
- 1 cup yogurt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ⅓ Cup orange juice
- ⅓ Cup water
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 cup tutti fruity
- ¼ cup raisins
- ¼ cup dried apricots
- ⅛ Cup dried cranberries
- ⅛ Cup prunes
- ¼ cup almonds
- ¼ cup walnuts
- ¼ cup cashews
- Take orange juice, lemon juice and water in a saucepan,.
- Add tutti fruity, raisins, dried apricots, dried cranberries and prunes to the juice mix and cook till the mixture thickens and the dry fruits absorb all the juices. Set aside for a time.
- Pre-heat the oven to 160 degree C and put cake pan with parchment paper.
- In a bowl beater together flour, baking powder, baking soda, the spices and orange zest and set aside.
- Beater together brown sugar and oil in a separate bowl until pale and well combined.
- Add the yogurt and sugar mixture to the oil and mix well.
- Then add the vanilla extract to it.
- Gently fold in the dry ingredients and mix everything combined with no large flour pockets in the batter. Do not over mix at this stage.
- Keep aside a small portion of the soaked dry fruits and fold in the rest along with the chopped walnuts, almonds and cashews in the batter and transfer the batter to the cake pan for prepaid.
- Bake at 160C for 50-55 minutes or only until a spike inserted in the center comes out clean.
- Top the cake sprinkle leftover soaked fruits and serve.
- An 80g serving provides:
- 29Kcal / 124KJ
- 0.5g Protein
- 0.1g Fat
- 7.0g Carbohydrate
- 1.7g Fiber
- 192mg Potassium
Treat constipation
- Plums are rich in fiber and help to treat constipation.
- The phenolic compounds present in plums offer laxative effects.
- Prunes the dried plums also improve stool frequency and consistency and boost gastrointestinal function.
- Regular intake of prunes can improve stool consistency.
- Presence of specific carotenoids and polyphenols compound in plums stimulate gastrointestinal digestion.
Aid Diabetes Treatment
- Chlorogenic acids, sorbitol, quinic acid, vitamin K1, copper, potassium, and boron these are the various bioactive compounds present in plum. These nutrients cut the risk of diabetes.
- Plums increase serum levels of adiponectin hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.
- The fiber in plums can also help slows down carbs absorption rate.
- Plums can also increase insulin sensitivity.
- The phenolic compounds present in plums can be attributed to these effects.
May Help Prevent Cancer
- Some studies found that the fiber and polyphenols present in dried plums could help colorectal cancer risk factors.
- In other lab studies found that plum extracts kill the most aggressive forms of breast cancer cells due to the presence of two compounds in plums the chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids.
- The normal healthy cells remained unaffected.
Protect the Heart
- Prunes or plum can control hypertension.
- People who consumed prune juice had lower blood pressure levels as compare to others.
- Another study found that regular intake of prunes could have lower cholesterol levels.
- Dried plums eating can also slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
Promote Bone Health
- Prune intake reduced the risk of osteoporosis.
- Plum preventing and reversing the bone loss.
- Dried plums also increase bone mass density.
- Plums might be good for the bones is their vitamin K content.
- This nutrient helps improve calcium balance in the body and boosting bone health.
- Dried plums have a higher vitamin K content and also assist as an ideal food for preventing bone loss in postmenopausal women.
- Plums fight with oxidative stress due to the presence of certain phytonutrients.
- Oxidative stress make the bones porous and easily prone to breakage also contributing to osteoporosis.
Promote Cognitive Health
- Studies found that the polyphenols present in plums can improve cognitive function and reduce brain cholesterol levels.
- This can reduced the risk of neurodegenerative disease.
- The chlorogenic acid present in plums and prunes can also help reduce anxiety.
May Boost Immunity
- Plums might have immune-enhancing properties.
- Plum fruits improve immunity and also promotes the development of healthy tissues.
Plum Cakes for Blood Circulation
- Plums increase body capability to absorb iron which are needed for the production of red blood cells.
Plum Cakes Lower Cholesterol Levels
- Plum has soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels and inhibit the formation of cholesterol inside the liver.
Plum Cakes are good for the Skin
- Plum firm the skin and improve skin texture.
- Daily plums intake make skin healthier and better.
Plum Cakes are Low in Calories
- Plums contain just 30 kcal therefore suitable for dieting.
Plum Cakes for Hair Growth
- Plums reverse the adrenal gland fatigue for stopping hair fall.
- The iron inside plums promote hair growth and improve blood circulation for a thicker and stronger hair.
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Chirata is a popular ayurvedic herb
- it is growing in the sub-temperate regions of the Himalayas ranging
- It is known for its bitter characteristic.
- 3-4 feet in height.
- Flower – greenish-yellow flowers with a purplish tinge.
- It has powerful antipyretic, vermicidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, laxative, hypoglycemic, and digestive properties.
- Chirata is extensively used against various infections like liver functions, enhancing appetite, boosting digestion, improving metabolism, treating skin diseases, facilitating weight loss and more disease.
BOTANICAL NAME – Swertia chirata
FAMILY – Gentianaceae
- Hindi name- Chriayata,
- English name- Chitretta
- Bengali name- Chirata, Chireta
- Tamil name- Nilavembu
- Punjab name- Charatin, Charaita
- Marathi name- Kiraita
- Gujarati name- Kariyatum
- Kannada name- Nilabevu, Kiratatikta
- Malayalam name- Nilavipaa, Nilaveppa
- Telugu name – Nilavemu
- Arabian name – Kasabujajareeraa
- Farsi name – Nainihaabandi
- Rasa (taste) – Tikta (bitter)
- Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness)
- Vipaka- Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
- Virya- Sheeta – cold potency
- Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha and Pitta.
Whole Plant is used for medicinal purpose but mostly root of Kiratatikta.
- Pittasranut – useful in bleeding disorders
- Shophahara – useful in infflammatory conditions
- Kasahara – relieves cough, cold
- Trushna – excessive thirst
- Jvarahara – useful in fever
- Maladhwamsi – useful in easing bowel movement
- Krumighni – useful in intestinal worm infestation
- Balakapriya – useful in pediatric complaints
- Sannipatari – useful in chronic and recurrent fever
- Nidrapaha – reduces sleep
- Mehopaha – useful in urinary tract disorders, diabetes
- Shwasahara – useful in asthma and wheezing
- Dahahara – useful to relieve burning sensation
- Kushtahara – useful in skin diseases
- Vranahara – induces quick wound healing.
- Its water decoction used in washing wounds to relieve infection.
Chirata for Malaria
- Chirata is Ayurvedic herb used to manage the symptoms of Malaria.
- Malaria fever is known as Vishamajwara (intermittent fever) in ayurveda.
Clinical features of Vishamajwara
- Fever with irregular onset and remission,
- Excessive thirst,
- Heaviness in the body,
- Generalized body pain,
- Headache
- Rigors
- Chirata helps to reduce the symptoms of Vishamajvara because of its Jvaraghna (antipyretic) and antimalarial properties.
Chirata for Constipation
- Aggravated Vata and Pitta dosha caused constipation.
- Frequent consumption of junk food, excess intake of coffee or tea, late at night sleeping, stress and depression all these factors aggravate Vata and Pitta dosha leading to constipation.
- Chirata affluences bowel movement and helps in the removal of waste products from the body due to its Rechana (laxative) property.
Chirata for Worm infections
- In Ayurveda worms are called Krimi.
- They grow in intestine and cause harm.
- Chirata powder helps to manage worm infestation due to its Krimighna (anti-worm) property.
- It destroy the conditions that are ideal for the growth of these parasites and aids in their removal from the digestive tract.
Chirata for Appetite stimulant
- Chirata help to manage appetite.
- It works as an appetizer and helps improve digestion.
Chirata for Stomach upset
- Chirata might help to manage the symptoms of an Upset stomach like acidity or flatulence due to the presence of certain constituents.
- It improve digestion and strengthens the stomach.
Natural ways and home remedies for Sunburn
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Sunburn occurs when there is too much exposure of skin with the UV rays of sun. In mild cases of sunburn symptoms may include redness of skin and pain. After about 5-7 days, skin peeling may also occur.
In Severe cases of sunburn are called sun poisoning and may include symptoms like
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Skin burning and blistering
- Infection
- Fluid loss (dehydration)
Preventive measures
- Cover your skin properly while going outside
- Wear protective eyewear
- Stay out of the sun
- Apply sunscreen while going in sunlight, on cloudy days also.
Home remedies for sunburn
Home remedies for sunburn include use of cool compresses and baths, some essential oils and herbs, certain foods or supplements. These include
- Use of cold compress on sunburned skin for immediate sunburn pain relief
- Take a bath or cool shower to cool your sunburned skin.
Some natural bath therapies to decrease sunburn pain and other symptoms include:
- Taking an oatmeal bath is helpful for itchy, sunburned skin.
- Add one cup of apple cider vinegar while taking bath will help to maintain the pH (acid or alkalinity) of sunburned skin, and promote the process of healing.
- Add some lavender or any essential oil while taking bath to help relieve some of the stinging and pain.
- Add 2 cups of baking soda to the bath to reduce irritation and redness from sunburn.
- Avoid soap or perfumes as these can leads to dryness of skin on already sunburned skin.
- Application of petroleum jelly or Aquaphor ointment can be done on sunburned lips to keep them moisturized.
- Use of lotions that contain aloe Vera should be done to moisturize sunburnt skin. As aloe Vera acts as a good moisturizer for peeling skin.
- Teabags soaked in cold water can be applied to sunburned eyelids to soothe the burn and reduce inflammation.
Foods and vitamins used to relieve sunburn pain
- Apply cool, not very cold, milk with a clean cloth to the affected area of skin.
- Application of yogurt can also be helpful for the sunburned skin to provide soothing.
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and helps to decrease inflammation caused by sunburn. You can use Vitamin E oil for the local application on the skin or take a regular dose of the supplement.
- Cornstarch after mixed with water to make paste can be applied to skin to help soothe the sunburn.
- Cucumbers also contain good antioxidant and analgesic (pain relieving) properties. You can apply the paste of cucumber to the affected sunburned parts of the body including the face. Cucumber can also provide soothing effect for peeling skin following sunburn.
- Potatoes also help to heal skin. Boil and mash peeled potatoes, let them cool and apply this paste as a dressing to sunburned areas. Studies shows that the starch in the potatoes helps draw out heating effect,that may reduce pain and speed healing.
Over the counter (OTC) medicine for sunburn pain relief
- Use of OTC medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for eg. Ibuprofen or naproxen helps to relieve sunburn pain and inflammation.
- Topical use of over-the-counter (OTC) 1% hydrocortisone cream may be helpful to relieve sunburn symptoms such as pain, itch, and swelling.
What is shingles?
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Shingles is also known as herpes zoster. This type of viral infection is leads to a red skin rash that results in pain and burning. Shingles mostly appears as a stripe of blisters on one side of the body, mainly on the neck or face.
- Shingles is a viral infection in which a painful rash occur. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (that is the same virus that leads to chickenpox). Even after the full treatment of chickenpox when infection gets treated, this virus may live in nervous system for years before reactivating as shingles.
- In most of the cases of shingles usually clear up in 2-3 weeks. Shingles rarely seen in the same person if affected once.
Symptoms of shingles
The first symptoms of shingles that are seen in people are pain and burning. The pain is usually on the one side of the body. Then after rash appears. Color of the rash depends upon skin tone. The rash can be red, dark pink, dark brown or purplish. Rashes from shingle
- have fluid-filled blisters that may break easily
- having red patches
- can itch
- be on your face and ears
Shingles of the eye
- The rash of shingles can affect every part of the body but mainly it follows dermatomes. When shingles affects the eye then this is referred as ophthalmic herpes zoster or herpes zoster ophthalmicus.
- In ophthalmic herpes zoster, blistering rash may appear on your eyelids, forehead, and sometimes on the tip or side of your nose.
Patient may experience symptoms such as:
- Swelling and redness in the eyes
- Burning sensation or throbbing pain in the eye
- Redness and tearing
- Blurred vision
- Pain can persist in your eyes even after rash disappears due to nerve damage. The pain eventually gets better for most people.
Shingles of the eye can be responsible for the serious problems that include vision loss and permanent scarring in the cornea due to swelling if not treated well
Shingles on your back
- Shingles rashes oftenly affect the one side of your body; a stripe of blisters is noticed on one side of back or lower back.
Shingles on your buttocks
- Shingles rash also occur on your buttocks. Rashes may occur on one buttock but not the other. Patient may experience symptoms like tingling sensation, itching or pain.
Shingles causes
- Shingles is infection that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. If you’ve history of chickenpox in past, you can develop shingles when this virus reactivates in your body.
How contagious is shingles?
- Shingles is not contagious, but the virus varicella-zoster that causes it can be spread to one person to another who hasn’t had chickenpox, and they could develop the disease. You can’t get shingles from the person who suffered from shingles, but you can get chickenpox from that person.
- The varicella-zoster virus is not airborne. This cannot spread through coughing or sneezing or by sharing drinking glass or any utensils of affected persons.
- The virus spread when someone comes into contact with an oozing blister. If the blisters are covered or scab formation occurs then this condition is not contagious.
Shingles diagnosis
- Shingles can be diagnosed by doing physical examination of rashes and blisters. Medical history also plays a role in making diagnosis.
- In some cases, your doctor takes sample of your skin or the fluid from your blisters and tests.
Shingles treatment
There’s no cure for shingles, but treatment can help to prevent complications and better recovery. Doctor may prescribe medications to treat the symptoms and infection.
The medications that are usually prescribed may vary from person person , Commonly used medicines include
Type | Purpose | Drug frequency | Method |
antiviral medications, including acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir | to reduce pain and speed recovery | 2 to 5 times daily, as prescribed by your doctor | Oral |
anti-inflammation drugs, including ibuprofen | to ease pain and swelling | every 6 to 8 hours | Oral |
Narcotic medication or analgesics | To reduce pain | Once or twice daily | Oral |
anticonvulsants or tricyclic antidepressants | To treat prolonged pain | Once or twice daily | Oral |
numbing creams, gels, or patches, such as lidocaine | to reduce pain | applied as needed | Topical |
Capsaicin | To reduce the risk of nerve pain | Applied as needed | Topical |
Shingles mostly clears up within a 2-3 weeks and rarely recurs. If symptoms have not decreased within 10 days, you should consult your doctor for a follow-up.
Risk factors for shingles include:
- Emotional stress
- A weakened immune system
- Aging
- Undergoing cancer treatments or major surgery
Shingles home remedies
Home treatment can help ease your shingles symptoms. These remedies include
- Application of cold, wet compresses on the rash to reduce pain and itching
- Taking cool baths or showers to clean your skin
- Applying calamine lotion to reduce itching
- Taking foods with:
- vitamin A
- vitamin B12
- vitamin C
- vitamin E
- Taking supplements that strengthen your immune system
Shingles complications
When symptoms of shingles are not managed well then these leads to many kind of complications. These complications include:
- Bacterial skin infections, that can occur from open blisters and can be severe.
- Eye damage, can occur if you have a rash or blister too close to your eye (the cornea is particularly vulnerable)
- Pneumonia
- In severe case brain or spinal cord inflammation can occur like encephalitis or meningitis, that are serious and life threatening
Preventing shingles
- Vaccines can help to keep you away from developing severe shingles symptoms or complications from shingles. So it is must for every child that he should receive two doses of the chickenpox vaccine, also known as a varicella immunization.
- Adults who are 50 years or older than 50y, they should get a shingles vaccine, that is varicella-zoster immunization. This vaccine is helpful to prevent severe symptoms and complications that occur with shingles.
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person via respiratory droplets. It can happen when someone with the virus coughs, sneezes, sings or talks when close to others.
- Coronavirus disease it is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.In which occur fever, cough and sore throat.
- Many people infected with the virus will occur mild to moderate respiratory disease and recover without requiring special treatment.
- However, some will become seriously sick and need medical attention. Old people and those with suffer from any kind of medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease.
Completing these essential errands without contacting corona virus.These are following ways:-
- Plan ahead to minimize trips, making a complete list and buying enough groceries for a week, if possible.
- Maintain social distancing try to stay at least six feet away from others, whether standing in line or walking through the parking .
- Always carry hand sanitizer with you, and use it after touching any more use surface, such as the keypad or a ATM machine.
- Bring disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces of cart handles and credit cards after use .
- For curbside pickup, try to stay in vehicle to reduce interactions. While packages won’t likely play a large factor in virus transmission, a precautious approach would be to use hand sanitizer after handling containers.
- You should follow social distancing guidelines, maintain six feet distance away from others when going into a hotel to pick up takeout.
- Use similar cleaning precautions as you follow at a grocery store, such as sanitizing hands after touching high-use surfaces.
When taking a pet to the vet’s office, simply practice social distancing and sanitizing techniques as you follow in other visiting place.
- Follow social distancing atleast 6feet.
- During walking be careful don’t touch to other person or talk without cover the face. Wash the hands after reach home.
- Use a hand sanitizer as soon as you come out of the any store and wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds after come in to home.
- At home follow food safety guidelines clean cooking area and freeze external icons.
- When it is really required then you to visit the bank, consider using the drive-through ATM, if available. When you use the ATM keyboard, clean it with a disinfecting wipe properly before using.
- After you are done, use an alcohol-based sanitizer (60%) and wash your hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds upon reaching home
- Use disinfecting wipes or gloves before touching them.
- After you are done with fueling, use an alcohol-based sanitizer (60%) and wash your hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds upon reaching home.
- Communicate with your doctor online, by email, or phone
- If available these facility use telemedicine, or talk to nurse or doctor by email or phone.Minimize the interactions.
- If reqired then go to the clinic. If not required then avoid the visting.
- It is required to stay six feet away from other people while in lines and inside.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a mask and cover your face completely.
- Use disinfecting wipes or something similar to disinfect when you touch the touchpads, knobs, handles, etc.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
- Try to go online payment method (via keypad or card). Use a hand sanitizer after paying cash, using a keypad, or a card or money.
- Testing can give you information about your risk of spreading COVID-19.
- Testing for COVID-19 is so important because it is help to stop the spreading.
- A positive test result means that you have an infection and should isolate and inform close contacts to avoid spreading disease to others.
- A positive test of SARS-COV-2 alerts an individual take a good steps and prevent the infection.
- A positive self-test result means that you have an infection and should avoid gatherings and follow isolation and reduce the danger of infection.
- A negative self-test result means that you may not have an infection no need to follow any kind of isolation.
Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 by following these precautions:
- Get vaccinated as soon as possible
- Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from others
- Open windows when possible
- Wear a mask
- Do Sanitize hands
- Cover face during coughing and sneezing
- Stay home when sick
COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person in several different ways:
- It can spread through small liquid particles. These particles are respiratory droplets released when an infected person coughing sneezing, breathing and talking.
- It spreads when people come in very close contact.
- It can also spread in poorly ventilated and/or crowded indoor settings where aerosols remain suspended in the air or travel farther than 1 metre.
- It can also spread if a person touches surfaces that have been contaminated by the virus.
- December 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- There are Several types of rashes that affect various parts of a baby’s body.
- These rashes are typically very treatable. Most rashes are harmless and disappear with in few days.
- Sometimes, infant rashes can indicate a more serious disease.
- Pimples, Baby acne usually involves clusters of tiny red pimples .
- Irritated cheeks. Baby acne usually develops on the cheeks, nose, forehead and sometimes behind the ears and on the scalp.
- Baby acne can appear up to three to four months.
Baby’s skin is sensitive and prone to many sources of irritation or infection. Causes of rashes in babies include:
- Heat
- Allergies
- Friction
- Dampness
- Chemicals
- Fragrances
- Fabrics
Depending on the cause of the rash, rashes may appear on:
- Face
- Neck
- Trunk
- Arms
- Legs
- Hands
- Feet
- Diaper area
- Skin folds
Most common types of infant skin rashes include:-
- Diaper rash:-It is caused by wetness or the acidity of a baby’s urine and stool.
- Drool rash:- which happens when drool irritates the skin around the mouth or on the chest.
- Eczema:- It occur on the face, behind the knees, and on the arms.
- Heat rash:- usually found in areas covered by clothes, such as neck, chest, arms, armpit and legs and is caused by overheating
- hives
- impetigo
- infectious rashes, such as measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, and roseola
- miliamolluscum contagiosum
- Thrush
- Start off by using a gentle baby detergent (low on chemicals) for all baby’s clothes. These harsh products may lead rashes on baby’s skin.
- While bathing baby, use a mild, hypoallergenic cleanser instead of regular soap. Also, use warm water and avoid hot water.
- Change baby’s diapers frequently. Overexposure to moisture, urine and stool may lead rashes!
- Limit the consumption of acidic and citrus fruits. During breastfeeding, reduce the intake of tomatoes, oranges, and other citrus foods.
- To prevent intense heat baby rashes on face and other body parts.
- ALOE-VERA:-Extracting the gel out of the leaves and applying it directly on the affected areas. It is one of the most effective remedy.
- Oatmeal Blend:-Oatmeal is very high on antioxidants, hence, makes for an amazing home remedy for baby rashes on face or body. It give good result in this condition.
- Neem:-Neem’s antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and also veru useful in baby’s rashes, especially eczema. Make a paste of the neem leaves and apply on the affected areas.
- Banana peels:-An extraordinary skin rash remedy, the miraculous healing properties of banana peels . It is very helpful in skin rash.
- Cucumber:-Particularly effective on baby rashes on the face, cucumbers are also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. It will help reduce the itchiness and irritation.
- Ayurvedic management for rashes include internal and external medicinal to mother as well as baby.
- As vitiated breast milk can irritated baby’s stomach and result in rash.
- Ayurveda gives some simple diet and lifestyle recommendation to help prevent the condition.
- Introduce new foods one by one so that an allergy can be detected early
- A healthy balanced diet for the breastfeeding mother is recommended.
- Mother should avoid spicy foods and other foods that can give her baby a diaper rash because of sensitivity or allergies.
- Keeping diaper area clean and dry.
- Certain products, such as zinc oxide and petroleum jelly, work well to protect the skin from moisture.
- Increasing airflow by opening the diaper region.
- Avoiding airtight plastic pants and diaper covers
- Until the rash clears up, giving the baby a bath daily.
- Warm water is to be used with mild, fragrance-free soap
- Cocoa butter, coconut oil or olive oil massage can help to reduce the pain.
- December 21, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The winter season has knocked and with this the risk of problems in the body has also increased. Due to cold in such weather, problems like cold, cold, cough, phlegm etc. remain in the body.
So why don’t we adopt such methods so that the body remains completely healthy?
In Ayurveda, Aahara or diet plays a major role in staying healthy. You can add many such healthy things to your diet that give instant energy to your body as well as boost immunity.
So today we will tell you what things you can include in your diet to boost the energy levels and also increases immunity.
Foods to lower the risk of Cancer
Add on some foods in your diet that have anti-cancer properties. If you include these regularly in your diet, then you can reduce the chances of getting cancer to a great extent. Learn about the foods that reduce the risk of cancer.
By changing your diet you can also avoid diseases like cancer. Include some such foods in your diet, which have anti-cancer properties. If you include these regularly in your diet, then you can reduce the chances of getting cancer to a great extent.
Let’s learn about those foods that reduces the risk of cancer-
One should add on Fruits and Vegetable to your diet like Berries, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Leafy greens, Oranges, Grapes, Papaya, and Pears etc.
Dairy products- Skimmed milk, low fat cheese
Whole grains- Oatmeal, Whole grain bread, tortillas, or buns, Whole grain pasta, and multigrain Aata.
Some of the food items described below will help to lower the risk of cancer-
It is said that eating two-three cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning prevents many diseases. It slows down the growth of cancer cells.
Cancer cells start repairing soon. Garlic has antioxidant properties that fight bacteria including H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori). H. pylori bacteria cause ulcers and colon cancer.
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is capable of inhibiting the growth of endometrial cancer cells.
It is noted that every year thousands of people die from endometrial cancer.
Lycopene and other elements present in tomatoes help prevent endometrial, lung, prostate and stomach cancer.
Apart from broccoli, eat cauliflower, cabbage every day. They have cancer fighting properties.
Broccoli contains substantial amounts of sulforaphane, a potent compound.
It enhances the protective enzymes present in the body. By consuming it, cancer-causing chemicals come out of the body. Sulforaphane has the power to eliminate breast, liver, lung, prostate, and skin, stomach and bladder cancers.
Anti-cancer elements are also present in ginger. It contains anti-oxidants, which help fight cancer cells. If you drink a spoonful of juice or chew a piece, use more in vegetables, then you can avoid many types of cancer. Apart from this, you can also reduce your cholesterol level by eating it.
Due to its consumption, blood clot does not form in the body. It is also anti-fungal, which protects you from many other physical infections.
Research has revealed that women who regularly consume walnuts, the problem of breast cancer is reduced to a great extent.
It slows down the growth of cancer cells, as well as protects against prostate cancer.
Anti-Aging Foods
Food items that help in slowing down the Aging process-
If you want to avoid premature aging, then consume these 5 things-
To keep our body healthy, it is necessary to consume nutritious foods. Actually, as we age, the care of our body also increases.
We should balance our diet according to age. Especially women should take more care of their diet after age.
Women’s bones become weaker than men.
Switch to Nutrient Rich diet
To keep our body healthy, it is necessary to consume foods rich in nutrients. The lack of nutrients and vitamins causes many problems in the body.
Especially in old age. Actually, as we age, the care of our body also increases. We should balance our diet according to age.
If our diet is good then we can remain young for a long time, but if our diet is not healthy then premature aging can come.
So let us tell you today about some such things that can help to keep you young for a long time.
To keep the body healthy, include these five things in the diet:
Omega-3 fatty:
Omega-3- fatty acids are considered very important for the body. Because your body cannot make it naturally.
Omega-3s are considered good for the eyes and for the health of the brain.
To meet the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, you can include fish, walnuts, canola oil or flax seeds in the diet.
Magnesium is one of the essential elements for the body, which apart from protecting our bones from weakening, can also help in counteracting the effects of aging.
For this, you can include nuts, seeds and leafy vegetables in your diet.
Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 is considered very important for the body in increasing age.
Actually vitamin B12 works to help make blood and nerve cells.
To meet the deficiency of vitamin B12, you can use meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.
Due to the deficiency of calcium, bones start becoming weak. Due to which osteoporosis can occur.
Women need more calcium after an age. Therefore, they should consume more milk, curd, cheese etc. in their diet.
Vitamin B6:
Vitamin B6 becomes very important for the body as we age. Vitamin B6 is not only considered good for the body but also for memory.
You can include chickpeas in your diet to meet the deficiency of Vitamin B6.
Energy Boosting Foods
Add on the following food in your diet and energize yourself-
Papaya is an energy boosting food
Papaya is a delicious fruit and its physical benefits are also delicious for our health.
People who regularly eat raw papaya in the morning, their digestive system is very healthy (papaya helps in improving digestion) and there is never any shortage of energy in the body.
Because vitamin B6 and folic acid present in papaya work to drive away fatigue from our health.
People who want to lose weight and bring cholesterol level under control can also get rid of these problems by consuming papaya regularly.
Honey is very healthy for our body
Everyone likes to eat sweets in the winter season.
So why not in these centuries, instead of sugar, honey rich in Ayurvedic properties should be used?
Because many such beneficial nutrients are found in it, which improves our health, gives strength to the body and also gets rid of health related problems.
Indian spices increases the level of energy in our body
Hot spices found in India are known all over the world. During winters, you can make good use of the spices found in your kitchen.
Like dry Ginger, Laung, Cardamom, Cinnamon Pepper, etc. Along with the presence of antioxidants in all these simple-looking spices, there are many such beneficial benefits that increase the flow of energy in the body and make us feel healthy.
You can make the body healthy by using garam masala with many foods like tea, milk, pudding etc.
Almonds and dates bring rich energy to the body
Dry fruits i.e. dry fruits try to do good work for the body in every way.
Especially when it comes to dry fruits like almonds, walnuts and dates, they contain a good amount of energy-giving nutritious elements like calcium, iron, omega 3, fatty acids, etc. It not only removes fatigue from your body instantly but also provides instant energy. People who eat dry fruits daily get less sick and due to their hotness, the chances of getting cold, fever in winter also decrease.
Curd and Desi Ghee are beneficial for the body
Curd can be eaten in right quantity even in winters. Because along with bringing probiotics found in it, they also remove fatigue.
You can eat curd with daily food and make your immune system strong.
According to English medicines, desi ghee works to increase our weight, but according to Ayurveda, good fat is found in desi ghee, which is full of nutritious properties.
You can consume desi ghee in winter to improve your immune system and keep the body healthy.
Increase the body’s energy by eating carrots and radish
Carrot and radish are both vegetables eaten in the winter season. There are plenty of nutritious elements like vitamins and minerals found inside carrots, which provide you with instant energy during winters.
Consuming radish, which is rich in great properties like fiber, makes your digestion system strong and you can increase immunity as well as drive away diseases by consuming it.
Health benefits of Fennel and Ajwain
Ajwain tea is liked by many people. Ajwain has such properties that it relaxes the nerves of your brain, relieves from joint pain and brings a lot of energy to the body.
You must have eaten fennel after eating food. Do you know that many nutritious elements like sodium, calcium, iron, potassium are present in fennel?
Regular consumption of fennel will help to drive away fatigue from the body and you will start feeling refreshed.
So by using all these energizing food ingredients, you can feel freshness and energy in your body not only in winters but throughout the year.
Note- This information is given completely in general. You can consult a doctor before using them.
What Foods Avoids During Menstruation?
- December 21, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
OVERVIEW:-Many things to eat and avoid during Menstruation. Many women’s have uncomfortable symptoms during periods. Some evidence suggests that certain type of food alleviate the symptoms. The menstrual cycle is characterized by rise or fall of hormones.
MENSTRUATION:- It is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from inner lining of the uterus through vagina. It is triggered by falling progastrin levels.
- Cramping
- Period pain or dysmenorrhea
- Lower back pain
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Bloating
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Headaches
- Breast tenderness
- Acne
CAUSE OF MENSTRUAL CRAMPS:- Menstrual cramps because of:-
- Endometriosis:- It is a condition in which tissue lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus.
- Fibroids in uterus.
- Adenomyosis, when uterine lining grows into nearby muscle.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease it is a infection caused by bacteria in uterus and other reproductive organs.
- Cervical stenosis is also a reason for cramps.
Read More: What To Eat And Avoid During Menstruation?
FOOD EAT DURING MENSTRUATION: –Many food consume during menstruation it helps to reduce symptoms during periods.:-
- Plain yogurt
- Nuts
- Green tea
- Fennel seeds
- Cinnamon
- Leafy green vegetables
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Tofu
CAFFINE:- Caffinated beverages might make cramps worse. It potentially, cause more erratic mood swings. Caffine blocks a harmone that can make blood vessel smaller can cause inflammation ,bloating and abdomen pain. It can also disturb the sleeping patterns and cause dizziness.
SUGAR:- Sugar can cause periods to be more erratic and painful. Sugary foods can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels and, in turn, energy levels. Sugar is inflammatory in nature and it increase blood flow in uterus. It leads to major water retention which leads to abdomen pain. It can cause feel moody, depressed or anxious. Due to inflammatory property it has ability to make cramps more worsen.
MEAT OR FRIED FOODS:- Fried food and fried meat is very harmful during Menstruation. Fried food are rich in in salt sodium. Consumption of excess salt causes water retention that leads bloating during periods. Many doctors also suggests that don’t eat fried things during Menstruation.
DAIRY PRODUCT:- Dairy product influence on body hormones. Dairy products may make hormonal acne severe. Dairy product is not good choice during periods. Consuming dairy product during periods can cause cramps more worsen. It can also lead bloating, gas, diarrhea. Consuming dairy products such as milk, cheese and cream during periods can cause discomfort.
PROCESSED FOOD:- Always stay away processed food. Food additives in processed food may make cramps more intense.
Processed and packaged foods are especially high in salt .Salt is problematic ingredient It can cause bloating, and discomfort during periods.
SPICEY FOOD:- Spicy food is not good for health. It may cause many health issue. Salty food as excess salt will cause water retention may cause bloating, gas and more intense cramps.
HOME REMEDIES FOR CRAMPING DURING MENSTRUATION:-Several type of home remedies followed during Menstruation:-
1..)Use heat patch:- Using a heated patch or wrap on your abdomen can help relax the muscles of your uterus. It’s these muscles that cause period cramps. Heat can also boost circulation in your abdomen, which can reduce pain.
2.)Massage tummy with essential oils such as:-
- Lavender
- sage
- rose
- marjoram
- cinnamon
- clove
3.)Stay hydrated because in dehydrated condition abdominal cramps become increase.
4.)Take a several type of herbal teas.
5.)Taking a hot shower it help to reduce the cramps.
6.)Drink a cup of ginger water after meals .It help to reduce the cramps.
7.)Do foot massage it help to feel good and relax.
8.)Take aloe vera juice in a cup and drink it.
9.)Chamomile tea is very beneficial during periods cramps.
10.)Make a ginger and honey kadha.Drink it.
EXERCISE TO DO IN MENSTRUATION:-Exercise during Menstruation it may relieve cramping or other symptoms such as:-
Read More: How to Cure Irregular Menstruation through Ayurveda?
Learn How To Control Diabetes With The Right Diet Plan
- December 21, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
If someone gets diabetes, then it remains for life and the patients of this disease are increasing every day. Diabetes is caused by poor diet, stress, obesity and lack of exercise. Controlling diabetes requires a regular routine and nutritious diet.
Diabetes is such a disease in which a lot of abstinence has to be done, if not avoided, the sugar level starts increasing. A person suffering from diabetes may have problems like eye, kidney related diseases and numbness of the body. We will tell you what type of daily diet should be to control diabetes.
Daily diet plan keeps the sugar level under control and diabetics can enjoy a healthy life.
Diabetes Diet Tips
Importance of Healthy Diet
The risk of diabetes is increasing in India. Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney diseases. In some people, depression also occurs due to diabetes. But it is not that the disease of diabetes cannot be controlled. If you follow the right diet tips, then you can easily control diabetes.
Here we are telling some diabetes diet tips for diabetics which help to control blood sugar easily.
Fiber Rich Diet
Diabetics should include whole grains in their diet. The amount of fiber in whole grains is sufficient. Due to fiber, there is no hunger again and again.
For whole grains, you can also include wheat, gram, peas and barley.
Control Carb Diet
Keep an eye on carb diet- It is very important for diabetics to keep an eye on carbohydrates. If you keep a control on the carb diet, then you can easily control the blood sugar.
Carbs are essential for the body, but excessive amounts can bother you. For this, you should include whole grains, fruits and low-fat dairy foods in the diet.
Read More: Know About Foods That can Help Prevent Diabetes
Eat A Little
Eat little by little- There are many problems regarding diet in diabetic patients. But they should always keep in mind that they do not have to eat too much at a time. For this, they can inculcate the habit of eating several times a day.
You can eat 6 times a day instead of 3 times.
Select the Right Food
Choose the right food- Diabetes patients should always keep this in mind.
If the person with diabetes eats wrong food then blood sugar increases. Include eggs, cheese with salad, and vegetables in the food.
Eat less trans-fat in food. High fat dairy foods should also be avoided.
Choice of Cooking Oil for Diabetic
Selection of cooking oil- Selection of cooking oil is very important for diabetics.
For cooking, such oil should be selected which is less fat. For this you can choose rice bran oil, sesame oil.
Do not get caught in the hype of the market, it is always better to choose native oils.
Leafy greens
Green leafy vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. They also contain very less amount of digestible carbohydrates, due to which your blood sugar level increases negligibly.
Many types of vitamins and minerals are found in spinach, fenugreek, bathua and other leafy vegetables. Vitamin C is also found in it, which is beneficial in diabetes.
Due to the abundance of nutrients and antioxidants in leafy green vegetables, it is also beneficial for our heart and eyes.
Cinnamon is a delicious spice as well as a powerful antioxidant. Cinnamon has the ability to reduce the level of diabetes. This insulin helps in improving CVT. Cinnamon may also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Consumption of eggs is very beneficial to control diabetes. Regular consumption of eggs reduces the risk of heart attack and improves insulin sensitivity.
Good cholesterol level increases by intake of eggs. People who are suffering from diabetes can include eggs in their diet and control it.
Read More: Best Ayurvedic Doctor for Diabetes in India
Turmeric is a spice as well as a substance whose consumption is also beneficial in various types of diseases. It has so much power that it can control diabetes.
People who want to control diabetes can include turmeric in their diet. Due to the curcumin in it, it protects the heart and helps in reducing sugar levels and inflammation.
Yogurt is an important dairy product for diabetics.
It works to control blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart attack.
We should include it in our daily diet. Consuming curd in the morning and afternoon is beneficial.
Do not consume it at night.
Garlic is not only a delicious herb, but it is also beneficial for health. It is better effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol.
Clove of garlic contains only 4 calories and 1 gram of carbohydrate. Diabetic patients should include garlic in their diet.
Fatty fish
Fish is also one of the healthiest foods found on earth. Such essential elements are found in fatty fish, which are beneficial in diabetes. People who regularly eat fatty fish usually have a lower risk of heart attack and diabetes. Due to the presence of omega 3 fats, it is a better diet for diabetics.
Vegetarian diabetes diet chart
When a vegetarian diet chart is prepared for a diabetic patient, such foods are included in it, in which the amount of sugar is less. The diet chart that we are telling here can be adopted as an example. If you are a diabetic patient then definitely consult your doctor.
What to eat in the morning
What should a diabetic patient eat in the morning? Such questions are in everyone’s mind. If diabetic patients are vegetarian then they should start the morning with water. According to Ayurveda, a diabetic patient should eat a spoonful of fenugreek seeds or powder and drink water in the morning. This keeps the blood sugar level under control.
Read More: Besan Ka Chilla for Diabetes
First breakfast
Breakfast is considered to be the most important diet for health. Type 2 diabetes patient has to choose the right and healthy breakfast in the morning. In the vegetarian diabetes diet chart, coffee, buttermilk, curd, black tea can be started in the morning. In the morning breakfast, vegetarian diabetic patients can choose any one of the following diets.
- Cucumber and tomato as a salad with a bowl of muesli with milk
- 1 cup oatmeal and a cucumber
- Wheat porridge with milk and 1 cucumber or tomato
- Vegetable Moong Chila made with 2-3 vegetables
- A bowl of vegetable porridge upma
- 2 rotis with 1 bowl green vegetables
Second breakfast in the morning
- A diabetic patient must eat something in the morning even after some time of breakfast. Because if you eat more food during breakfast, then there is a possibility of increasing blood sugar.
- Here we are telling such things by which blood sugar remains under control.
- It is beneficial for a diabetic patient to drink 1 cup of green tea after breakfast.
- If you are following a vegetarian diet chart, then you should include roasted gram or any one fruit in breakfast.
- Among fruits, you should eat apple, orange, guava and jamun.
What should a diabetic patient eat in the afternoon?
While eating during the day, a diabetic patient should keep in mind that there should be a gap of at least 4 hours between breakfast and lunch. Light food should be taken during the day.
- 2 roti, a bowl of vegetables, a bowl of lentils
- 2 spoons of sprouted grains.
- You can also change the sprouted grains daily.
- Instead of this, buttermilk, curd can also be eaten.
Evening breakfast is also necessary in diabetes
- The third meal of the day is necessary for diabetics in the evening. Because this is the time when a diabetic patient may need energy.
- If you are not very hungry then choose light foods.
- If you want to eat any fruit, you can choose between apple, orange, guava and jamun.
- Apart from fruits, you can also eat roasted gram. Keep the quantity only about 4 to 5 teaspoons.
- If you feel like eating very light, then you can also consume buttermilk or curd.
What should a diabetic patient eat for dinner?
- Diabetics need very light foods in the dinner diet.
- Vegetables and salads should be given importance in the night.
- You can understand from these examples for what things you can eat at night.
- It is better if a diabetic patient eats only fruits and salads at night. Cucumber, tomato’s are best in salad.
- Eat 2 rotis, a bowl of vegetables, a bowl of lentils and a bowl of salad on the basis of the ideal dinner diet.
What to eat before sleeping
A diabetic patient should eat some dry fruits before sleeping.
Dry fruits can also be consumed with milk before sleeping. Consumption of almonds and walnuts is considered the best among dry fruits.
Glycemic index and fiber food focus
Yes, a diabetic patient should know about its glycemic index before including any food in his diet chart. There should also be information about the amount of carbohydrate, sugar starch in the food.
Special attention should be paid to the amount of fiber food in the daily diet.
Keep these things in mind
- A diabetic patient should include dairy products, fish, soybeans, etc. in their diet.
- The patient should eat food at the right time.
- The patient should keep some sweet thing with him so that it can be consumed when needed.
- The patient should keep on eating something after a while without eating too much food at one go.
- December 21, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Rhinitis, also known as coryza,it is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip
- Rhinitis is a condition that typically involves nasal obstruction or congestion, runny nose or post-nasal drip, itchy nose, and/or sneezing.
Symptoms of rhinitis may include:
- Nasal blockage or congestion
- Sneezing
- Runny nose or postnasal drainage
- Itchy nose
Rhinitis may occur before a case of sinusitis or with sinusitis, a condition where infection or inflammation affects the sinuses. If you have facial pressure, decreased sense of smell, or a greenish-yellow nasal drainage, you may also have sinusitis. A qualified ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist, or otolaryngologist, can provide a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment for your nasal/sinus condition
An allergen is something that triggers an allergy. When a person with allergic rhinitis breathes in an allergen such as pollen, mold, animal dander, or dust, the body releases chemicals that cause allergy symptoms . Hay fever involves an allergic reaction to pollen.
Plants that cause hay fever are trees, grasses, and ragweed. Their pollen is carried by the wind. (Flower pollen is carried by insects and does not cause hay fever.) Types of plants that cause hay fever vary from person to person and from area to area.
The amount of pollen in the air can affect whether hay fever symptoms develop or not.
Hot, dry, windy days are more likely to have a lot of pollen in the air.
On cool, damp, rainy days, most pollen is washed to the ground.
Hay fever and allergies often run in families. If both of your parents have hay fever or other allergies, you are likely to have hay fever and allergies, too. The chance is higher if your mother has allergies.
Rhinitis is categorized into three types :-
- infectious rhinitis includes acute and chronic bacterial infections;
- nonallergic rhinitis includes vasomotor, idiopathic, hormonal, atrophic, occupational, and gustatory rhinitis,
- allergic rhinitis, triggered by pollen, mold, animal dander, dust, Balsam of Peru, and other inhaled allergens.
Your doctor will diagnose nonallergic rhinitis based on your symptoms and by ruling out other causes, especially allergies. Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms.
He or she might recommend certain tests, although there are no definite tests for nonallergic rhinitis. Your doctor is likely to decide that you have nonallergic rhinitis if you have nasal congestion, a runny nose or postnasal drip and tests for other conditions don’t reveal an underlying cause such as allergies or a sinus problem.
In some cases, your doctor might have you try a medication and see whether your symptoms improve. In many cases, rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction. The only way to be sure rhinitis isn’t caused by allergies is through allergy testing, which may involve skin or blood tests.
Skin test:-
To find out whether your symptoms might be caused by a certain allergen, your skin is pricked and exposed to small amounts of common airborne allergens, such as dust mites, mold, pollen, and cat and dog dander. If you’re allergic to a particular allergen, you’ll likely develop a raised bump (hive) at the test location on your skin. If you’re not allergic to any of the substances, your skin will look normal.
Blood test:-
A blood test can measure your immune system’s response to common allergens by measuring the amount of certain antibodies in your bloodstream, known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. A blood sample is sent to a medical lab, where it can be tested for evidence of sensitivity to specific allergens.
Nasal endoscopy:-
This test involves looking at the inside of your nasal passages with a thin, fiber-optic viewing instrument called an endoscope. Your doctor will pass the fiber-optic endoscope through your nostrils to examine your nasal passages and sinuses.
CT scan:-
This procedure is a computerized X-ray technique that produces images of your sinuses that are more detailed than those produced by conventional X-ray exams.
Allergic Rhinitis are among the commonest diseases affecting mankind. Recurrence occurs only when the responsible dosha have not been eradicated completely. These doshas exist in in the body in their dormant stage and may give rise to same disease again when they are exposed to the aggravating factors. The Ayurvedic management of Allergic Rhinitis recommends avoidance of allergens causing reaction (Nidan Parivarjan), detoxification (Shodhan), pacification (Shaman) & rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapies.
- Prefer light food, lukewarm water, Kapha nashaka foods like little spicy food, saindhav salt, legumes, soups etc.
- Avoid heavy food, fermented food, congestive food, food that is too hot or too cold, soar food, non-vegetarian food, banana, yellow grams, etc.
- Avoid sweets, ice-creams, cakes and desserts
- Avoid yogurt and curds
- Avoid Alcohol and cold beverages
- Keeping two pieces of either cloves or black peppers immediately in the mouth may help in case of attack
- Rubbing nilgiri oil, mint oil, or pain balm on chest helps prevent the triggering of attack
- Stay away from causes that are responsible for causing irritation
- Use mask while going through public places
- Always prefer warm water baths
- Avoid exposure to hot sunrays
- Regular inhalation of steam soothes the symptoms of congestion
- Go for morning walk in warm weather
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid residing in dark or dump places. Get fresh air
- Avoid daytime sleeping or immediately after dinner
- Get sufficient rest