Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- January 4, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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- Ruling of diet is essential in Ayurveda.
- Food is responsible for different characteristics of an individual including physical state, temperamental, and mental states in Ayurveda.
- To stay healthy maintaining a healthy stable diet routinely.
- After digestion the body absorbs nutrients, but in Ayurveda the food first converts into rasa (plasma), and then conversion into blood, muscle, fat, bone marrow, reproductive elements, and body fluids.
- Body disease result as an imbalance of mind, body, and spirit.
- Ayurveda has different kind of treatments for different diseases.
- These treatment are well established and consistent over the period.
- These therapeutic treatment include:
- Shodhana,
- Nidan Parivarjan,
- Shamana,
- Rasayana,
- Pathya vyavastha,
- Satvajaya
1. Shodhana therapy –
- It is a purification treatment where toxin are eliminated from foods.
- Different techniques used in Shodhana therapy include peeling, cleaning, polishing, sifting, straining, sorting, cleansing, washing, and distillation are Removes impurities and improves food nutritional value.
2. Nidan Parivarjan –
- Nidan Parivarjan mainly considers avoiding of causative factors for a disease.
- These causative factors mainly classified into four categories such as:
- Saratmaka Nidana (dietary),
- Viharatmaka Nidana (regimens),
- Manas Nidana (psychological),
Anya Nidana (others):
- Overeating over nourishing (Santarpana),
- heavy food,
- sweet food (Madhura),
- cold diet (Sheetha),
- meat (Mamsa),
- unctuous food
- These are some dietary factors responsible for obesity.
3. Shamana therapy –
- It is a soothing treatment that involves restoring of imbalanced doshas to a normal state without affecting or impairing of other doshas.
4. Rasayana therapy –
- It is an immunomodulatory and rejuvenation medicine-based treatment.
- This therapy improve body immunity to different diseases.
- All rasayanas are nutrition promoters that act through three primary mechanisms such as:
- Rasa enhancers – Rasa enhancers have direct nutrient effects,
- Agni enhancers – Agni enhancers promotes digestion power,
- Srotas – Srotas promotes nutrient circulation.
- Amount per Serving Calories 299 Calories from Fat 149% Daily Value
- Total Fat 17ggrams 26%
- Saturated Fat 9.7ggrams 49%
- Trans Fat 0.6ggrams
- Polyunsaturated Fat 1ggrams
- Monounsaturated Fat 4.6ggrams
- Cholesterol 123mgmilligrams 41%
- Sodium 199mgmilligrams 8%
- Potassium 192mgmilligrams 5%
- Total Carbohydrates 34ggrams 11%
- Dietary Fiber 1.3ggrams 5%
- Sugars 20ggrams
- Protein 4.8ggrams
- Vitamin A 14%
- Vitamin C 7.8%
- Calcium 4.1%
- Iron 4.2%
- Contains Trans Fat
Boost digestion
- Plums are a good source of dietary fiber,
- Plum rich in sorbitol and satin component that help in regulating the digestive system, have laxative effect that increase the secretion of fluids in the bowels and promote flushing of waste.
- Dried plum or prune is best remedies for the people with constipation.
Improve eye health
- Plum fruits contain vitamin C and beta-carotene
- Vitamin C and beta-carotene beneficial for maintaining eye health and preventing age-related macular degeneration and cataract.
- Plums rich in carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin component that provide protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
- Daily consumption of dried plums promote fluidity of blood in the arteries.
- This effect helps in protecting heart from various problems like cardiac arrest, stroke and other heart related ailments.
Boosts immunity
- Rich in vitamin C.
- Strengthening the immunity system.
- Building body resistance against infections and inflammations.
Improves blood circulation
- Vitamin K and potassium present in plum cake that absorb iron in the body.
- Plum contain adequate amount of iron and copper contributions in the formation of red blood cells.
- Plum helping in blood purification and maintain healthy blood circulation.
Maintains electrolyte balance
- Plum rich in potassium and act as electrolyte.
- Electrolyte is required for the efficient functioning of cells and tissues in the body.
- Consuming plum regularly help to cure muscle contractions in the body.
Rich in antioxidants
- Plums contain high amounts of antioxidants that help prevent damages caused by free radicals in the body.
- The phenols present in plum protect neurons and cell membranes against any injuries caused by oxidative stress.
- The vitamin C and antioxidants present in plum keep the skin radiant, youthful and glowing.
- Vitamin C content lowered the risk of developing fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.
- January 4, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Radioiodine therapy is a nuclear medicine treatment. This therapy used to treat an overactive thyroid gland, this condition is called hyperthyroidism. They also may use it to treat thyroid cancer.
- When a small dose of radioactive iodine I-131 it is an isotope of iodine that emits radiation is swallowed, it is absorbed into the bloodstream. The isotope is focused by the thyroid gland, where it begins destroying the gland’s cells.
- Excess thyroid hormone results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Insufficient hormone production leads to hypothyroidism.
- Several different disorders can arise when thyroid produces too much hormone (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism.
In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland is overactive. It produces too much of its hormone. Hyperthyroidism affects about 1 percent of women. It’s less common in men.
- Nodules on the thyroid — a condition called toxic nodular goiter or multinodular goiter — can also cause the gland to produce excess hormones.
Too much thyroid hormone production leads to symptoms such as:
- Restlessness
- Nervousness
- Racing heart
- Irritability
- Increased sweating
- Shaking
- Anxiety
- Trouble sleeping
- Thin skin
- Brittle hair and nails
- Muscle weakness
- Weight loss
- Bulging eyes (in Graves’ disease)
Hypothyroidism is the opposite of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland is underactive, and it can not secrete enough hormones.
Too little thyroid hormone production leads to symptoms such as:-
- Fatigue
- Dry skin
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Memory problems
- Constipation
- Dipression
- Weight gain
- Weakness
- Slow heart rate
- Coma
The major treatment for hypothyroidism is to take thyroid hormone pills. It is very important to take the right dose, because taking too much thyroid hormone can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
- Radioactive Iodine I-131 (also called Radioiodine I-131) therapy is a nuclear medicine treatment. It is used to treat an overactive thyroid, this condition called hyperthyroidism.
- Hyperthyroidism can be caused by Graves’ disease, in which complete thyroid gland is overactive, or by nodules within the gland which are locally overactive in producing excess thyroid hormone.
- Nuclear medicine uses little amounts of radioactive substance called radiotracers. Physcian use nuclear medicine to diagnose, evaluate, and treat several diseases.
- These include cancer, neurological ,gastrointestinal, endocrine disorders or heart disease and other conditions. Nuclear medicine exams pinpoint molecular activity.
- The thyroid is a gland situated in the neck that produces two hormones. These hormones regulate body’s metabolism, the chemical process of converting food into energy.
- Radioactive iodine (I-131), an isotope of iodine that spread radiation,it is used for medical purposes. It is concentrated from the blood by the thyroid gland, where it begins destroying the gland’s cells.
A thyroid scan can be used to identify abnormalities found in a physical exam or laboratory test. It can be used to diagnose:
- Lumps, nodules (cysts), or other growths
- Inflammation or swelling
- An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism
- An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism
- Goiter, it is condition in which an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid
- Thyroid cancer
- After thyroid scan, you must ask physician for instructions on how to taking thyroid medication.
- The radioactive iodine in body is passed when urin pass. Drink more water and urinate after the scan.
- Back to normal diet and activities immediately after any thyroid scan.
- Allergic reactions of the thyroid scan are extremely rare. The effects are mild may experience mild pain and redness at the injection site for a short time .
- Even though the radiation exposure is minimal and short term, thyroid scans are not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
For any thyroid scan, you may be asked to avoid certain foods that contain iodine for about a week before your procedure. Typically, you shouldn’t eat:
- Dairy products
- Shellfish
- Sushi
- Kelp
- Seaweed
- Iodized salt
- Seasonings that contain iodized salt
Thyroid scan results:-
- A normal thyroid scan indicate no abnormalities in the shape, size and location of the thyroid gland. If you see red colour spots on the image indicate abnormal growths in the thyroid. Normal results from a metastatic scan indicate an absence of thyroid tissue .
- An abnormal thyroid scan may show a thyroid gland enlarged or buldging out of position, indicating a possible tumor. Abnormal measurements also show that thyroid gland collected too much or too little of the radionuclide substance.
Abnormal results of a thyroid scan may also indicate:-
- Colloid nodular goiter, which is a type of thyroid enlargement
- Painless thyroiditis, which can involve changing between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
- Toxic nodular goiter
- January 4, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Yoga is an additional treatment for those living with diabetes type-2. It is beneficial in improving all the health issue and promote physical and mental health.
- It helps in maintain suger level if you practice yoga for long enough. It will also decrease the risk of complications related to diabetes. Yoga gives the best results in health issue.
- Do best yoga for diabetes to keep your blood sugar levels in control.
- Many people with diabetes are now turning to practice yoga to keep their blood sugar levels in control. Yoga is an ancient practice that helps in improving digestion reduces stress, lowers blood pressure.
The best yoga asanas for diabetes cure are:-
1.) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):-
This pose helps in strengthening and regulates the pancreas.It targets strengthening the abdomen muscles, improve digestion, prevents stomach cramps. Process:-
- Lie down on stomach and keep feet slightly apart. Place arms on the sides of body.
- Bend your knees and hold your ankle.
- Lift chest from the ground while taking a deep breath. Simultaneously, pull legs up and back. Feel the stretch on your arms and thighs.
- Look straight ahead with a smile on face. Hold the pose for at least 15 seconds.
Balasana (Child pose):-
It relax the back and spine and it is very helpful for good sleep. It helps in relieving stress, fatigue, and back and neck pain. It helps in increasing the production of insulin-producing beta cells.
- Lie in the kneeling position and ensure that knees are wide apart in the same width as hips.
- Move a bit backward and try to touch heels with hips.
- Stretch arms forward and feel the pressure on back.
- Stay in this pose for about 5 minutes. Now, relax and lift back .
Bhujangasana (Upward facing dog pose):-
In this pose Spinal extensors, triceps brachii, and quadriceps muscles work together .As a result, it increases the strength of muscles. It help toreduces blood sugar levels
- Lie on stomach and keep legs straight.
- Keep forearms perpendicular to the floor. Take arms on the floor adjacent to the last ribcage.
- Press arms to lift body.
- Do not hold body on your feet. Instead, create pressure on your feet and firm hip muscles.
- Look straight or slightly upward. Breathe normally and hold this position for at least 15 seconds .
Corpse pose (Shavasana):-
It is the ultimate resting pose. The corpse pose not only relax body but also calms down mind.
- Lie down straight on back and close eyes
- Relax mind and body.
- Do not think anything. Release the stress and relax completely.
- Breathe as normal without holding breaths.
- Hold this position for 15-20 minutes.
) Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani):-
Legs up the wall yoga pose activate internal organs like the pancreas. Therefore, this pose makes a significant effect in controlling diabetes. This pose helps in controlling blood pressure and lowering blood sugar levels.
- Lie down along the side of the wall. Use a wrapped towel under head for support.
- lie legs up the wall while making an angle of 90 degrees with the wall.
- Relax head, neck, chin, and throat.
- Stretch arms
- Remain in this pose for 5-10 minutes or more. After that slide legs slowly towards the ground.
1. SURYA NAMSKAR:- It is a sequence of powerful yoga poses that makes a positive impact on mind and body.
- Practicing Surya Namaskar early in the morning when you are an empty stomach. It contains two parts and, each of the parts has twelve poses.
- It is a holistic way to devlop better health. It promotes better cardiovascular health, activate the nervous system, helps in weight management, and improves physical and mental health.
2. KAPALBHATI FOR DIABETES:- Pranayama series of breathing exercises. Kapalbhati Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps in improving the activity of the pancreas.
- It promotes the secretion of insulin in body to maintain blood glucose levels. Sit in a comfertable position to do kapalbhati pranayama for diabetes.
- Place hands on knee cap. Take a deep breath through nostrils and fill belly with air. Exhale by pushing the abdominal wall towards the spine
It is a god way to improve health and building strength. It also helps in improving physical and mental well-being through:-
Keeping stress levels low:- Stress is one of the contributing factors that cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels. Stress results in hypertension, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and controll inuslin resistance. Therefore it helps in controlling diabetes.
Protecting cardiac health: –Yoga helps to reduce the risk factor of heart problems such as cholesterol level, body mass index, and blood pressure.On regular practicing yoga, there is a decrease in change in blood vessels responcible for heart rate.
Preventing the risk of diabetic neuropathy: –Neuropathy is the damage of one or more nerves. It is one of the most common complications of diabetes. Yoga helps in improving nerve conduction. It stimulate metabolism, hormone levels, and glucose levels and nourish the nerve health.
Boosting strength and balance:- Many poses improve the strength, balance, and flexibility of body. Body strength and balance reduce liver fat. It also improves blood sugar levels in people with obesity and diabetes type-2.
Management for HIV in Ayurveda
- January 3, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Management for HIV in Ayurveda : HIV is a very serious and deadly disease. The immune system of the affected person starts getting destroyed in this disease. That is, if you get any disease during this time, then it does not get cured quickly. You will take medicine to cure it, but the effect of that medicine will decrease. HIV/AIDS can be completely treated with Ayurvedic medicine. Such a thing is said only after many researches on this subject and thorough analysis of Ayurvedic medicines.
Now slowly awareness is being raised in the general public about this and it is also being accepted by the people. This is very relief news for HIV patients. Let us tell you that due use of Ayurveda herbs like Shatavari and Safed Musli can help in this situation. To avoid HIV, the utmost emphasis was placed on the observance of restraint and virtue. Emphasis was placed on testing, analysis and preservation of Ayurvedic medicines on the affected patients. Let us learn about Ayurvedic treatments for HIV through this article.
Management for HIV by Ayurveda
HIV AIDS patients should increase their capacity to deal with the physical symptoms of the disease. And the plans to overcome it should also be further upgraded.
Scientists, through various researches, have claimed to eliminate the virus of AIDS from Geranium, which is also called Kashaymoolavanaspati in Ayurveda.
Researchers believed that there are some elements in the root of geranium that makes human cells stronger to prevent the entry of HIV-1 virus. Not only this, it also works to strengthen your immune system.
This is example of one herb but there are various herbs in Ayurveda which help to strengthen the immunity of the immune-compromised patient.
Ayurvedic Herbs for HIV
- Aloe Vera-
The antioxidants present in Aloe Vera herb increases the immunity of HIV positive patient.
- Garlic-
Garlic is known to be an Immuno-modulatory and anti-inflammatory agent. The allicin it contains is said to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Therefore people who have HIV should include garlic in their diet.
- Amla-
The vitamin C and antioxidants in amla help in keeping the immune system strong. It helps to pacify the Tridoshas.
- Shatavari-
Shatavari herb helps in improving the immune system and improving its functioning by controlling the immune cells.
- Giloy or Guduchi-
There is no better immune-modulator in Ayurveda than Giloy which helps in maintaining the right amount of white blood corpuscles along with improving the immune system of HIV patient.
- Kalmegh-
Taking Kalmegh regularly protects the liver, which reduces the toxic effects of HIV medicine.
- Ashwagandha-
Ashwagandha is enriched withAnti- inflammatory, immune-modulator and Adaptogenicpropertie. It is useful to build-up immunity in immune-compromised person. Also, it relieves mental stress and anxiety.
- Yashtimadhu-
It possesses Immuno-modulatory and immune-Stimulant properties which is helpful in fighting against HIV.
- Tulsi-
The Holy basil helps to relieve stress of the immune-compromised person. It is a potent herb with Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic properties.
- Punarnava-
It possesses immune-modulatory properties andAntiviral Properties which improves the condition of the immune-compromised person. It fights against the HIV Virus and stops the further division of Virus.
- Haritaki-
It possesses Anti-viral, Anti-inflamatory, Imunno-modulatory effects that is helpful in increasing immunity of the immune compromised Patient.It acts as a health tonic that makes you feel energetic and also having Laxative effects.
- Food to be consumed –
- Whole grains
- Pulses
- Lean meatfruits and vegetables
- Low fat diet
- Avoid them
- Manage sweets intake
- Cold drink
- Sugar free diet
- Do not drink alcohol
- Exercise-
- You should practice running, swimming, aerobic dance, cycling etc. regularly for 10 to 15 minutes a week.
- You should do daily stretching exercises in the body, this will help your body to be flexible and fight infection.
- Balance exercises are also very effective. For this, you can change the position of your arms by standing on one leg in the room with your eyes closed.
- Yogasanasand Pranayama may help to build up the immune System.
- Music & Meditation
Meditation has a direct effect on many diseases. You can do meditation daily for 20 to 30 minutes. It also helps in stress management. You can also listen to your favorite music. Listening to music can also prove to be very beneficial.
- Maintain Good Hygiene
- Wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating or after coming from outside.
- Keep cleaning your nails regularly.
- Use a cream to avoid drying out the skin.
- Keep the cut/chip or wound on the skin covered.
- Follow the directions given by the doctor.
- Take special care of cleanliness.
- Eat nutritious and proper diet.
- Practice stress relieving techniques.
- Do not smoke, consume alcohol or drugs.
How to Take care of Your Feet in Winters
- January 3, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Winters not only bring with them seasonal problems like cold and cold, but also bring serious diseases to the hands and feet. Yes, with the decrease in temperature, there is a change in every system of the body, whose effect is visible on different organs. Today we are talking about foot disease in winter, which usually troubles many people. The biggest reason for the problems related to feet in winter is slowing down of blood circulation. Apart from this, carelessness related to people’s lifestyle and foot care also causes these diseases. So, let’s first know 5 common foot diseases in winter and then know how to take care of feet in winter?
Problems related to feet in winter -foot disease in winter
- Shrinkage of the skin of the feet due to cold – Trench Foot
Trench foot is a serious condition related to the feet, which occurs due to the feet being wet for a long time. In this, due to cold and wetness in the feet, especially the ankles, blisters occur and redness comes. In fact, with prolonged exposure to cold and wetness, your feet may lose their blood circulation and nerve function. Then there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the feet. In this, a person has gangrene in the feet, tissue and nerve damage and ulcers etc.
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Symptoms of Trench Foot
Talking about the symptoms of trench foot, due to prolonged coldness of the feet, the skin tissues become lifeless and due to this coldness and numbness in the feet. Also, in this condition when you come in contact with heat or compress the feet with hot things, then there is severe pain in the feet. There is constant itching and intermittent tingling. These symptoms of trench foot may affect only one part of the foot. But in the most severe cases, they can spread to the entire foot, including your toes.
inside Plantar Fasciitis
Also read: Apart from the bones of the joints, these 5 organs of the body can also be damaged by rheumatoid arthritis, know the reason
2. Plantar Fasciitis -Plantar Fasciitis
In winter, foot pain in many people increases. This can be due to Plantar Fasciitis. Cold temperatures cause the tissues in your joints to stretch, leading to joint pain. Also, the inner layer of the calcanium gets swollen during the winter season. Due to this, as soon as we put our feet on the ground, we feel a sharp pain in our heels. Talking about its symptoms, in this
There is severe pain as soon as the person’s feet are placed on the ground.
Especially this pain occurs as soon as you get out of bed in the morning.
There is swelling in the heel.
Infection, such as redness and pain, occurs in the affected area.
- Frost in the feet or cold – Chilbains
Chilbains are small sores caused by inflammation of blood vessels after exposure to cold air. These are often painful and affect the skin on your hands and feet. In fact, cold weather can cause the small blood vessels near the surface of your skin to constrict. Once you warm up, these sores tend to spread very quickly. Then it causes swelling in the tissue. The inflammation then irritates the nerves in the affected area, causing pain. Talking about its symptoms, then
Chilblains are patches of skin that appear swollen and red or sometimes blue in color.
Due to inflammation, the wounds start to glow.
– intense burning
4. Cold Feet
Cold feet are one of the body’s normal reactions to cold temperatures. When the body becomes cold, the blood vessels in the extremities such as the hands and feet constrict. This reduces blood flow to these areas, which reduces body heat. Over time this can lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues due to a decrease in blood circulation, so that the cold area of the body turns blue. look at its symptoms,
– poor blood circulation in the legs
Red and swollen fingers
-Pain and itching
– Numbness of the feet.
Also read: Are you also troubled by lack of memory and concentration? Know from experts whether these are symptoms of ‘brain fog’
5. Foot Infections
Due to not taking proper care of feet in winters, fungal and bacterial infections can happen in your feet. Along with this, many people also get problems like eczema due to cold. In this, the skin of the feet becomes scaly and starts coming off. This problem is caused by bacteria. Also many people get ringworm, which also spreads. This is a ring-shaped fungal infection of the feet. In this, the skin of the feet becomes red and hard. Apart from all this, people also get fungal infection due to working in water for a long time. Talking about the symptoms of infection in the feet, then
In this case the nails turn red
There is itching along with swelling on the nail.
Due to having scaly skin, they become the cause of itching day and night.
Semi Super Food for Kidney Health
- January 3, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Diet is incredibly significant for kidney health. What we eat can cause, prevent, or help ease up pain and symptoms. Nutritionist recommend a diet that is specific for kidney patients, but there are a few foods that are loaded with nutrition, inferior in potassium, delicious, and are amazing for everyone. Therefore, add on these foods in your daily diet.
CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea)
- Cabbages are abundant in phytochemicals, vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber.
- This cruciferous vegetable is filling and nutritious and also a rich source of vitamin B6 and iron.
- It’s a low cost and low potassium food for the kidney health.
- Uncooked cabbage makes amazing addition to the dialysis diet.
- Good in salads, soups, or even alone with just salt and pepper.
CAULIFLOWER (Brassica oleracea)
- This cruciferous vegetable is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and fiber.
- It aids the body elimination of toxins, because of this the perfect option for kidney patients
- Uncooked, boiled, or in soups, this super food tastes great.
BLUEBERRY (Vaccinium corymbosum)
- These sweet berries are low in potassium and rich in antioxidants, act as an anti-inflammatory food that just occurs to taste delicious.
- These are abundant source of vitamin C; manganese, calcium and fiber.
- They may also aid protect the brain from some of the effects of aging.
- Blueberries help slow bone breakdown in rats due to Antioxidants.
- Obtain blueberries fresh, frozen or dried, and enjoy them in cereal or topped with whipped topping, in a healthy fruit smoothie.
- We can also drink blueberry juice.
GARLIC (Allium sativum)
- This provides a delicious flavor as well as nutritious with anti-inflammatory properties.
- Garlic helps prevent plaque from forming on the teeth, able to reduce cholesterol and inflammation.
- Garlic powder is an excellent alternative for garlic salt in the dialysis diet.
RED PEPPERS (Capsicum annuum)
- Red peppers are low in potassium but have good flavor.
- Adding red peppers in your recipes can add flavor and nutrition.
RED GRAPES (Vitis Vinifera)
- Flavonoids, which give grapes their red pigmentation.
- These flavonoids help to lower the risk of blood clots.
- Red grapes help to reduce inflammation and promote renal and kidney health.
OLIVE OIL (Olea europaea)
- This may significantly lower the risk of developing kidney disease.
- Naturally high in oleic acid and polyphenols, both anti-inflammatory
- Extra virgin olive oil has long been considered a kidney friendly food.
- The olive oil has a protection against the effect of oxidative stress induced by oxidant agent.
STRAWBERRY (Fragaria ananassa)
- The red pigmentation in strawberries comes from a substance called anthocyanin.
- They are Low in potassium and good source of vitamin C, manganese, and fiber.
- Due to the presence of anthocyanins and ellagitannins strawberries are good for improving kidney functioning.
- Its antioxidant properties help in protecting the body from oxidative damage.
Abundant in Omega-3 fatty acids, fish are great source of protein that boosts your kidney and heart health.
What’s your favorite food with these ingredients in it? Tell us your favorite kidney friendly food.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hepatitis
- January 3, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
About Hepatitis : Ayurvedic Treatment for Hepatitis
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hepatitis : Hepatitis, is an inflammatory condition of the liver, usually occur as a result of a viral infection. There are five main hepatitis viruses, known as to as types A, B, C, D and E, but it can also be caused due to toxins (particularly alcohol, certain drugs, some industrial organic solvents and plants), other infections and autoimmune diseases.
Hepatitis A and E are generally caused by ingestion of contaminated edible or water. Hepatitis B, C and D often caused by parenteral contact with infected body fluids.
Acute infection may occur with limited or no symptoms, or may include symptoms like the skin and eyes become yellow (jaundice), dark urine, nausea, vomiting, malaise or excessive fatigue, anorexia and stomach ache.
Cause of hepatitis
It can be caused by:
- Immune cells in the body attacking the liver and resulting autoimmune hepatitis
- Infections from viruses (like hepatitis A, B, or C), bacteria, or parasites
- Liver damage from alcohol, poisonous mushrooms, or other poisons
- Medications, such as an overdose of acetaminophen, which can be deadly
- Liver disease can also be caused by inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis or hemochromatosis, a condition that involves taking too much iron (the excess iron deposits in the liver).
- Wilson’s disease.
Ayurvedic management for hepatitis
Single herbs
Here are some of the single ayurvedic herbs that helps to cope up Hepatitis:
KUTKI (Picrorhiza kurrooa)
- Kutki is famous as a liver tonic, due to its impressive results in liver diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis etc.
- It reduces fat content in the liver and also has anti-inflammatory property because of its compound called apocynin.
- This herb amplify digestive fire and cures other pita related diseases.
BHUMI AAMLA (Phyllanthus niruri)
- Bhumi amla shows liver protecting properties. Anti-inflammatory action prevent inflammation of liver.
- Improves appetite due to its deepana (ignite digestive fire) property. Balances kapha and pitta dosha.
KAALMEGH (Andrographis paniculata)
- Kaalmegh is having deepana property and expels out toxins from body acts as liver detoxifier.
- Balances liver enzyme functions, relieves inflammation and also balances pitta dosha.
GUDUCHI (Tinospora cordifolia)
- This herb is known to be emphatic drug for humans due to its anti-viral, anti –inflammatory and anti-oxidants property.
- It is very effective in treating hepatitis and also removes toxins from the body.
- Triphala is a blend of three drugs aamla, hariktaki and bhibhitak is one of the very effective drug in treating fatty liver as it maintains liver enzyme function.
- Lowers high bad cholesterol levels in blood due to great anti –inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
- This herb acts as mild laxative as liver diseases are pitt dosha related disorders.
PITT PAPRA (Fumaria indica)
- This ayurvedic herb also beneficial in pitta disorders therefore used in liver disorders.
- It is effective in bleeding disorders due to its cold potency.
- External application of this herbal paste can relieve the itching and burning sensation.
GINGER (Zingiber officinale)
- This ancient ayurvedic herb helps in reducing fat in fatty liver and improves the action of liver enzymes.
- It has deepana (ignite digestive fire) and pachana (digestive stimulant) property therefore promotes healthy digestion.
- It lowers high cholesterol levels in blood.
- Helps in detoxification and prevent inflammation.
Panchakarma is a bio-cleansing method that removes toxins from the body. In case of hepatitis panchakarma’s virechana procedure is highly effective because it helps in balancing aggravated pitta dosha, ignites Agni (digestive fire) and detoxifies body.
Ayurvedic treatment for hepatitis by CAC
This powder made up of pure herb and minerals such as shukta pishti, moti pishti, guduchi satav, parwal pishti, jahar mohra pishti, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, shwetparpati, sutshekhar ras, sudhyog tablet, yavakshaar and tal sindoor. Detox powder helps to lower extra fats from the liver & deal with the symptoms associated with hepatitis.
The herbal ingredients used for the preparation of this tablet are Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhumi amla ( phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinopora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc. That provides better results in hepatitis. As these ingredients in combination remove extra fats from the liver, encourages appetite, decreases abdominal swelling and pain.
This herbal syrup aids in balancing aggravated Pitta dosha. It promotes regeneration of liver cells, boost functions of liver, and also encourages blood flow from the liver. Liver care syrup helps in the treatment of hepatitis, fatty liver, hepatomegaly, liver cirrhosis, and obstructive Jaundice. This syrup made up of natural ayurvedic herbs sech as Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Bhumi amla( phyllanthus niruri), Giloy (Tinopora Cordifolia), Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare) and Mukta Shukta pisti etc.
Gokshura is an ayurvedic herb that aids in revitalizing and rejuvenating the body. This herb helps to balance all three Doshas. These capsules made up from extract of the Gokshura herb. It shows Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, anti-gout, Anti-arthritic, Anti-gout, Anti-hypertensive, Immune-modulator properties. This capsule is beneficial for promoting Kidney functions, treats Urinary tract infections, urinary distension, urinary calculi, Polycystic kidney disease, Renal calculi, dysuria, difficulty in micturition, cystitis, maintain uric acid levels in the kidneys and thus prevents Gout.
Kutki herb has a cooling action, used to manage bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeds, menstrual problems, etc. Kutki capsules contains pure herbal extract of Kutki herb whose main function is to balance Vata and pitta doshas. It helps in the removal of harmful toxins from the body.
- Oily and heavy foods should be avoided
- Limits junk food items
- Fresh fruits such as apple, bananas, cherries, oranges etc. should be added in regular diet
- Include fresh vegetables such as carrot, broccoli, cucumber and tomatoes in your diet.
- Limit extreme sugar content such as pastries, cakes, ice creams, soft drinks, etc.
- Drink lots of water and coconut water.
- Cut down excessive caffeine
- Limits alcohol and smoking
- Limits spices and salty food items in your diet.
- Add healthy spices such as dhaniya, fennel, cinnamon, cumin and hingu.
- Consume herbal tea twice a day.
- Take Amla to enhance your immunity.
- well-cooked and warm food should be consumed
Following this kind of diet regimen will definitely help in body detoxification and also will maintain Agni state and immune system.
- December 31, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Before start following a skincare routine it is important to determine your skin type. If people confused about their skin type here is a simple way to determine it:
- Normal Skin –
This type skin feels balanced.
It is neither too oily nor too dry.
It is also not excessively sensitive and does not react to anything applied to it. - Oily Skin –
If people have shiny and greasy T-zone then they have oily skin.
Oily skin have larger sebaceous glands that produce excess oil.
It is also acne-prone. - Dry Skin –
If skin feels tight and itchy especially after washing face then people have dry skin.
This type of skin feels patchy and itchy.
It is also prone to premature aging. - Combination Skin –
If T-zone area of face or cheeks is oily and rest of the face are dry then people have combination skin. - Sensitive Skin –
If skin reacts to any product and gets irritated easily especially after sun exposure then people have sensitive skin.
Normal skin is balanced skin and does not have issues like other skin types. The aim of skincare routine should be not to upset the balance.
- Cleansing –
- Cleanse your skin with a gentle sulfate-free cleanser.
- Sulfate-free cleansers do not dry out the skin
- Do great job of getting rid of any excess oil that may have settled into skin pores.
- Toning –
- Avoid toners that contain alcohol.
- These products are not only extremely harsh on skin, but they also dehydrate it and lead to dryness.
- Use toners with natural ingredients such as rosewater and any other hydrating ingredient such as hyaluronic acid.
- Moisturizing –
- Use moisturizer with SPF 30+ will help to hydrate skin and protecting skin from the sun.
- Use moisture whose SPF value of 30 or more.
- Choose products that are non-comedogenic.
- Sunscreen –
- Moisturizer contains SPF but do not forget to apply sunscreen.
- Use sunscreen that has at least SPF 30 and PA + rating.
- This ensures skin is protected from both UVA and UVB rays.
- Cleansing –
- Use the same cleanser that use in the morning.
- Cleansing help to remove all the dirt, makeup, and dust from face
- Using cleansing oil and then use the other cleanser to wash face.
- Toning –
- Tone your face with toner
- toner help to keep skin hydrate
- Use same toner used in morning.
- Serum –
- Use an antioxidant-rich serum to provide additional nourishment to skin.
- Check for ingredients like algae extracts, resveratrol, and vitamin C that keep skin healthy and shiny.
- Eye Cream –
- Apply eye cream that is specific for issues such as dark circles or puffy eyes.
- Moisturizing –
- Go for a moisturizer with a creamy formula to provide deep nourishment to skin.
- People may exfoliate skin with glycolic acid serum.
- Glycolic acid is gentle on skin and deeply penetrate skin.
- It dissolves and sloughs off dead skin cells and leaving skin brighter and feeling smoother.
- People may apply yogurt to skin.
- They can take yogurt for oral consumption and for topical beneficial for the skin and helps to keep skin healthy.
- Oily skin produce excess sebum.
- The daily skincare routine should minimize oil and maintaining hydration levels.
- Cleansing –
- Oil-free cleansing gels or foams.
- Prefer sulfate-free products as these will control oiliness while cutting the risk of skin drying.
- Scrubbing –
- Use mild scrub to cleanse the skin pores.
- Oily skin is prone to whiteheads, blackheads, and clogged skin pores, and scrubbing ensures that skin is cleaned properly.
- Avoid using a harsh scrubber.
- People may use gentle exfoliates thrice a week.
- Toning –
- Alcohol-Free toner with ingredients like sodium PCA, witch hazel, or geranium is the way to go dealing with oily skin.
- These astringent ingredients clean skin and refine skin pores without damaging or dehydrating your skin.
- Moisturizing –
- Moisturizing is crucial for oily skin types.
- Dehydrated skin can kick sebaceous glands into overdrive, leaving skin in a worse condition than before.
- Look for oil-free moisturizers.
- Water-based lotions are good option for oily skin.
- These products feel light on skin, keep skin hydrated, and leave it with a matte finish.
- If people have extremely oily skin then they can choose to invest in a good hydrating gel.
- Sunscreen –
- Sunscreen may not seem appealing if you have oily skin this is because people probably have not been using the right products.
- Sunscreens with zinc oxide can make a world of difference to skincare routine.
- These products leave skin with a matte finish while also preventing breakouts.
- Cleansing –
- Apply same cleanser that people use in the morning.
- Toning –
- Tone your face with the same toner use for your morning routine.
- Serum (AHA/BHA) –
- Oily skin people has usually large pores
- AHA/BHA serums help to minimize the skin pores.
- If people have acne-prone skin, look for ingredients like tea tree oil and salicylic acid.
- Serum (Retinol) –
- Use serum with retinol.
- This serum is beneficial for oily skin
- Helps to minimize the appearance of pores with continued use.
- Night Cream –
- People may use a water-based, oil-free, and non-cosmetogenic night cream,
- A water-based moisturizer is ideal for oily skin.
- Use face oils and clay masks as additional treatments for oil control and keeping skin healthy.
- Clay masks help absorb excess oil and keep skin clear while face oils provide additional moisturization.
- Use clay masks once or twice a week.
- Pick any clay-like Multani mitti or Bentonite clay.
- Make a paste using water or rosewater and apply it to skin.
- People may also use lemon juice diluted with water on skin once in a while.
- It contains vitamin C that helps reduce UV-induced skin damage such as photo aging and dark spots/pigmentation issues.
the skincare routine for dry skin focus on hydration.
- Cleansing –
- Use mild cleanser that does not form foam or lathe.
- It is gentle on skin and gets rid of dirt without stripping it of moisture.
- Toning –
- Look for extremely mild ingredients in toner.
- Toners with ingredients like cucumber and aloe Vera help to clean face while keeping it hydrated.
- Serum –
- An antioxidant rich serum will reinforce skin defense.
- It also helps curb collagen breakdown.
- Use vitamins A, C, and E rich serum.
- Moisturizing –
- A moisturizer gives skin the hydration it needs.
- Pick a moisturizer that has a thick consistency and contains hydrating ingredients such as dimethicone, ceramides, and glycerin.
- Use oil-free and non-comedogenic moisture.
- Sunscreen –
- Choose sunscreen that has a serum-like formula.
- The rule of sun protection remains the same use SPF 30 and PA+ rating.
- Cleansing –
- Use the same cleanser that use in the morning.
- Toning –
- Tone face with the same toner that use for your morning routine.
- Serum –
- A retinol serum will penetrate skin and slough off dead skin cells
- All while revealing a healthier layer of skin.
- It will also help to prevent the formation of fine lines.
- Eye Cream –
- Since dry skin is prone to aging and fine lines using an eye cream can keep skin looking youthful and healthy for a long time.
- Use eye cream that contains peptides help in boost collagen activity
- Improving skin cell turnover.
- Moisturizing –
- Apply night cream with a high hydrating value.
- Moisturizers that contain sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, cranberry oil, phospholipids, borage oil, or rosehip seed oil are good options as
They act as the natural lipids in skin.
- December 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- In the winter months, most of the peoples infected with cold and flu, seasonal health disorders, itchy skin conditions and infections due to lowered immunity.
- So, during winter season, we need an active immune system and high metabolism rate to fight diseases. And, the one thing we can do for our body is to eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
- Drink juice which are rich in fibre, and help to fight heart diseases and other chronic illness.
- So, intake fresh juices, becomes more important as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants which are easily eliminated by bodies.
1.) Beetroot-Carrot-Apple Juice:-
The fresh winter-special beetroot and carrots are combined with sweet apples to make this powerful immunity booster.
2.) Warm Apple And Kinnu Winter Punch:-
This juice made with orange, apple and pineapple fruit is just perfect. To make tasty cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon and cloves are also added and for sweetness of honey. It develops healthy immune system
3.) Samba:-
Ginger, cinnamon ,orange juice, apple juice, honey and lemon add all these ingridents. It help to rejuvenate the body.
4.) Beetroot and pomegranate juice:-
This juice is very beneficial foe anemeic patients. Beetroot and pomegranate are combined with aloe vera, and with black pepper powder to make warm effect in winters
5.) Orange And Basil Juice:-
Tangy and juicy orange is the highlight of winter produce. Add fresh basil leaves to it and for sweetness add some honey – a vitamin C-rich drink for good health .It boost metabolism.
6.) Orange And Carrot Juice:-
Fresh orange and winter-special red carrots, when mixed together produce a good flavour. It reduce the risk of heart disease.
7.) Cucumber, Kale And Spinach Juice:-
It is an appetising drink along with some refreshing cucumber and healthy ginger. It also beneficial in lower blood pressure and blood suger.
8.) Strawberry and kiwi juice:-
Strawberries and kiwis are vit-C rich fruits.It improve the bone strength.It help to permotes healthy blood circulation.
It reduce the risk of respiratory infections like pneumonia or the flu.
Several types of benefits of juices. These includes:-
- Digestion, purifies the blood, rids the body of toxins, reduces inflammation in the joints, and fights free-radicals (vitamin C means goodbye colds and flu!). Ginger root soothes the intestinal tract (great for nausea!), boosts immunity, and protects against cancer.
- Juices improves circulation, detoxifies the blood, and reduces inflammation in the body.
- The earthy taste in this juice comes from the roots red beet, carrot, and celery. It activates digestion, flushes the kidneys, and lowers blood pressure!
- The crunchy chia seeds make this tangy drink fun. This antioxidant-rich juice is great for anti-aging and maintaining blood-glucose and cholesterol levels
Following vegetables used for making juice in winters:-
Freshly squeezed juices provide large quantity of water to body. It give all the nutrient to body protect body to other medical illness.
Many juices beneficial for glowing skin. These includes:-
- Beetroot juice
- Carrot juice
- Spinach juice
- Amla juice
- Orange juice
- Aloe-vera juive
- Cucumber juice
- Pomegranate juice
TOP 10 winter Super foods to keep your Immunity strong
- December 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- A strong immune system is important for all of us especially in this pandemic era where chances of infection are high. In winter seasons it become more important to boost immunity as there are more chances of allergy, flu-infections like cough, cold etc. Person with strong immunity can fight various kinds of infections which we face in day to day life.
- Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet surely helps to support and strengthen the immune system as well as help with overall energy levels. Many Vitamins like A, C, D and E, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids are helpful to strengthen immune system.
Some important facts
- Vitamin A plays important role in boosting immune function, regulating the cellular functioning and immune response.
- Vitamin C is helpful for the antibodies formation in the immune system. Studies show that Vitamin C deficiencies may impair immunity, while extra doses can reduce the duration of sickness.
- Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient that is important for the growth and proper functioning of immune system. Mostly people are deficient in Vitamin D, especially in the winter months, it become more important to take Vitamin D food sources in your diet or consider supplementation. Low Vitamin D level can increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
- Vitamin E acts as natural antioxidant agent that helps to fight free radicals and inflammation in the body. Vitamin E also helpful in the formation of red blood cells and is important in the overall immune system and response.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids helps to reduce inflammation in the body they are helpful to improve immune function.
- Zinc helps to support the immune system by reducing chronic inflammation that can be damaging. Zinc also helpful to fight against several infections and healing of wounds by aiding white blood cells production.
Immunity boosting Winter Foods
Taking foods that are high in these nutrients can help to increase your immunity naturally and enhance overall health. So you can include these winter foods into your diet to strengthen immunity, you must go for it. These foods include
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain both Vitamins A and C in high quantity. Including one medium sized sweet potato helps to meet your daily requirement of Vitamin A and also provides other nutrients like manganese, potassium, B Vitamins, various antioxidants, and over 50% of your daily Vitamin C needs.
Beets are very good source of carbohydrates and provide Vitamin C also and immune supporting nutrients like B vitamins, folate and iron. Beets also contain nitrates in good amount, which improve oxygen consumption and energy production in cells. These can be used by adding to your salad, or throwing some beets in your pre-run smoothie.
Taking raw broccoli have high amount of bioavailable Vitamin C while cooked broccoli is source for Vitamin A. Broccoli contains vitamins A, C and E in high quantity. You can have broccoli in your fry meals, salads or as vegetable.
There are many varieties of winter squash that are available like Butternut, acorn and spaghetti squash are rich sources of antioxidants like alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, Vitamins like A, C, B6, fiber, manganese, potassium and many more.
Eggs are very good source of protein and many other micronutrients. When it is taken with the yolk, eggs offer Vitamins A, D and zinc. Eggs can be taken any time in a day. Eggs are also a great dietary source of leucine that helps in growth of muscles and their repair.
Leafy Greens
Dark green vegetables like spinach, kale and arugula are good for your health. Leafy green vegetables have high amount of Vitamins A, C and several antioxidants also which help to reduce inflammataion naturally .
Fatty Fish
Fishes are excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and that help to reduce inflammation and activate certain immune cells. Fatty fish are natural sources of zinc, selenium and Vitamin D.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are high in vitamin C content. Orange juice can also be a great, quick acting to hydrate your body. Juices of fruits or adding them into your salads can help to make healthy diet
Raw Honey
Honey is source of many antioxidants and antibacterial compounds. These compounds help to stimulate immune cells and fight with allergies. You can consume honey by taking it in your morning bowl of oatmeal or yogurt, or you can also use it to make a delicious salad dressing.
Pumpkin Seeds
These are good source of Vitamin E and magnesium content, pumpkin seeds also contain omega 3 fatty acids and zinc. Pumpkin seeds can be taken as snack, or used as topping for salads, oatmeal or yogurt parfaits.
Beside this many other healthy lifestyle habits and activities will also be very beneficial in improve overall health. Staying hydrated, taking good quality of sleep, doing exercise are other important parts of the immunity boosting. These will help to keep your brain relax, repair muscles, and boost immunity naturally.
Immuno boosting Herbal products
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre made “Immune-Booster Kit” which has proven the result to enhance immunity naturally. Our kit is made up of purely herbal ingredients that are free from any kind of side effects. This is effectively used to treat low immunity.
Description of medicines
Detox Juice
Detox juice is a nutritious juice that is extracted from berries and is a powerful cleanser of the blood. The juice contains many natural nutrients that increase the immunity of a person and prevent it from occurring any kind of disease. Regular intake of detox juice will improve the stamina, & strength of the individual.
Amrit tulsi ras
Amrit tulsi ras is Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) or tulsi is a powerful herb that has been used in Ayurveda. It was believed that the holy basil leaves had potent powers to flush out toxins from the body.
Immuno Boster Tablet
It is a pure herbal combination that helps to build up immunity. It consists of effective levels of antioxidants. vitamin C and E circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. It has natural immunity-boosting properties to prevent and ease cough, cold, headache, and infections. it provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, itching throat, body ache, and weakness.
Giloy Capsules
Giloy Capsules are herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It can be used in the form of capsules, juice and powder. But CAC capsules are highly effiecient as they contain required amount of Giloy in them and are 100% natural and safe. It is one of the best Rasayan of ayurveda that help Rejuvinate your body in all aspects.