Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- June 24, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Pancreatitis is a medical condition in which there is inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreas is a large, leaf-like gland present behind the stomach in the upper part of abdomen. It produces digestive enzymes which are very important for digestion of food. It also produces hormones responsible for blood sugar maintainence.
Pancreatitis is of two types – acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis occurs and lasts for a few days. Chronic pancreatitis takes many years to occur. Symptoms such as belly pain, fever, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Here we mention some of the useful diets for pancreatitis which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg dalia + 1small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit ( kiwi) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of buttermilk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 plain parantha + 1 cup low fat curd |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo carrot sabzi + 1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 soaked almonds + walnuts |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of masoor dal+ salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Mix veg poha + 1 small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (pomegranate) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup ridge gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of lassi |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup spinach curry + ½ cup brown rice + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowl upma + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup roasted grams |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti +1 cup turnip sabji +1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 bowl of homemade soup |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis +1 cup beans sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup herbal tea |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup bitter gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 water soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup wheat porridge + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup veg pulao + 1 cup green gram curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup of low fat milk + 2 wheat rusk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup cabbage sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (grapes) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup soyabean curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of coconut water |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + ½ cup rice + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
- June 24, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Infertility defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after a reasonable time of sexual intercourse with no contraceptive measures taken. The terms sterility and infertility sometimes used interchangeably. The fertile is defined as those who do become pregnant after some reasonable time of regular sexual intercourse.
Ayurvedic concept of Vandhyatva: Ayurveda is a science, having its own method of diagnosis & treatment based on it. According to Ayurvedic classics, infertility is failure to achieve a child rather than pregnancy as garbha strava (repeated Miscarriage) & mrutvatsa (having repeated still) is also included in types of infertility. Important factors of constituents of garbha (foetus) are-
- Rutu (fertile period)
- Kshetra (reproductive organs)
- Ambu (nutritive fluids),
- Beeja/beej (ovum)
- Also healthy psychological status and normal functioning of Vata (one of the governing factor of body according to ayurveda), shadbhava (Six factors –mother, father. Atma, satva, satmya, rasa). Any abnormality in these factors causes infertility.
- Ashwagandha and Kapikacchu Churan – Both herbs increase sperm count and improve its quality.
- Phala Gritam – this gritam treat female infertility. Consumed in the form of liquefied butter mixed with milk, this medicine is touted to treat functional problems but does not treat structural deficiencies.
- Gokshura, Guduchi, and Triphala Churna – These herbs are used to clear the blockages in the body which prevents the production of the shukra dhatu.
There are many types of infertility treatment or management, although their success rate is controversial. During this situation, uttarbasti may be the ray of sunlight. It is an easy method with less side effects; may solve the rasin problem of vandhyatva.
the term utter basti is composed of two words Uttar and Basti. The basti which is given through uttarmarga or utkrishta avayava or therapeutic procedure having shreshtha properties, is termed as utter basti.
Instrument by which insertion of drug by urinary or vaginal passage is to be done is called as utter basti yantra. It can be used as sodhan basti. It is given through upper passage (utter marga) other than anus, which is why, it is called as utterbasti. Utter basti contains two parts
- Basti putak or drug holding bag
- Basti Netra or nozzle for inserting drug.
- After shodhana of women, utter basti should be given during ritukala (follicular phase or just after menses) as orifices of uterus remain open in this period.
- Charaka told Ritukala is suitable time for the administration of uttar basti.
- Uttara basti should be given after 2-3 asthapan basti during ritukala, as during this era the yoni or garbhashaya is avarana rahita and so sneha enters & absorb easily.
1. PURAVA KARAMA – Uttara basti should be given after the administration of niruha basti, according to vagbhata, about two to three Niruh basti should be given earlier than the administration of uttara basti.
- Abhyanga and svedana karma should be done preferably over the back, groin and abdomen then yavagu added with ghee should be given for drinking.
2. PRADHANA KARMA – The patient is made to lie down on her back, fold her legs at knee (lithotomy position).
- Then the uttara basti yantra containing the prescribed dravya (either kvatha or sneha) is taken and the basti netra lubricated with sneha is carefully introduced into the apathya marga.
- Basti putpak is compressed consistently, so that the dravya can enter easily in the yoni.
- It is observed that kvatha returns immediately after insert whereas sneha is engaged after some time.
- Such uttara basti can be repeted 2-3 times
- In a day and also has to be given consecutively for 3 days and patient is advised to take rest for 3 days before giving another course of uttara basti.
- Rest for some time is advisable.
- Diet intake should be concerned, Acharya recommend that after the pratyagamana of uttar basti, at evening the patient should be given milk or yusha.
- Before administration of uttarbasti previous infection should be cleared thoroughly.
- After this, 2 to 3 Asthapana basti should be given to the patient.
- The woman should be lie in supine position with flexed thighs and elevated knee.
- After that pushpanetra should be inserted in vaginal passage slowly with steady hand, following the direction of passage then drug should return after some time if not return then again niruha basti or varti of purifying drugs should be used uttarbasti procedure should be carried out by an expert, under all aseptic precautions and sterilized medicine is used so there are no any chance of introducing any kind of infection.
The given basti when enters the pakvasaya by its virya, draws the morboid dosha lodged in the entire body from foot to the head, just like the sun situated in the sky sucks up the moisture from the earth.
Research has given many treatments for infertility but it may cause side effects and costly. Whereas Ayurveda has mentioned many treatments like Basti and various drug combination with minimum side effects and are cost effective so can be used as first line of treatment. Basti is the main treatment of vata dushti. Utter basti is the main line of treatment of vandhyatva as it is strengthens the garbhasya by applying proper drug through utterbasti. Utterbasti have lot of therapeutic potential. Proper selection of drug and time administration is very essential for getting the desire result.
- June 24, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrial tissue which lines the uterus is present outside the uterus. The tissue usually grows in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, tissue lining the pelvis. It is a painful condition. During menstrual cycle, the endometrium in other areas grow thick, then break and bleed. But only the endometrium shed through the uterus exits the body, other sloughed off endometrium remains in the body.
Due to endometriosis, the cysts that are formed in the ovaries are called endometriomas. The surrounding tissue gets inflamed thus leading to formation of adhesions and pelvic infections. Blockage of fallopian tubes can also occur.
During menstruation, there occurs increased bleeding and pain. It also causes fertility problems.
The factors which are responsible for the occurrence of endometriosis are:
- Increased estrogen levels in blood
- Transformation of peritoneal cells into endometrial cells
- After surgery such as hysterectomy or C-section
- Transportation of endometrial cells to other parts of the body via blood vessels or lymphatic vessels
- Weak immune system
- Increased alcohol and caffeine consumption
There are some factors which makes a person at more risk o developing endometriosis:
- Having menarche at an early age
- Short menstrual cycles
- Bleeding for more than seven days
- Low body weight
- Having family history of endometriosis
- Female reproductive tract disorders
- Any autoimmune disease
- Ovarian cancer
- Breast cancer
The common signs and symptoms of endometriosis are:
- Abdominal cramps during periods
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Heavy bleeding
- Lower back pain
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Feeling tired
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bloating
- Urinary problems
- Infertility
The complications which are associated with endometriosis are:
- Infertility
- Cancer
- Anxiety
- Depression
The doctor will ask the patient about the symptoms. He will look into the location of pain and its type. He will do a pelvic examination of the patient. He may suggest some of the tests such as:
- Ultrasound
- Laproscopy
- CT scan
- Biopsy
Here are some of the medicines of Chandigarh ayurveda center which are used for the treatment o endometriosis:
1. Kachnaar Guggulu Tablets
Kanchnaar Guggulu is the best Ayurvedic herb which mainly helps in balancing the Apana Vata. The tablets are prepared from Kachnaar (Bauhinia variegata), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), etc that shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant properties and enhances the female reproductive health. It is very beneficial in correcting the hormonal imbalance, strengthens the body, & improves circulation.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
2. Femine care tablet
It is a pure and natural remedy that contains various herbs extract that works on the female reproductive system and make it healthy. These tablets show antioxidant properties, anti inflammatory and immuno modulater properties. It contains Ghritkumari , Muramakki, Sonth. It works in various diseases like pcod, bulky uterus, endometriosis, general female health, irregular menses, and uterine fibroids. It affects on Tridosha- balances Vata and Kapha.
Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets two times a day or as directed by physician.
3. Women Power Plus Tablet
CAC woman power tablet is a complete health supplement for women which is best for female health and vital energy. It helps to build up the immunity. This is a pure herbo mineral product of the best quality herbs. The herbs used are Ashoka, Shatavari, anatmool, etc. These are herbs used since ancient times to maintain female health metabolism.
Recommended dosage: Take 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.
4. Women Champion Syrup
Woman Champion is purely herbal and ayurvedic formulation. It is a very effective tonic for women and help to maintain their health. It balances all the doshas of body and also maintain hormone levels . It contains herbs like Lodhra, Manjishta, Ashok chaal, Punarnava,Shatavar,Bala,Daruharidra,Nagarmotha that help women typically with mood changes, stress, headache and pain. CAC Women champion helps in leading a life of minimum discomfort during those difficult days every month.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablespoon a day or as directed by physician.
5. Panchsakar Churna
Panchasakar Churna is a mixture of four herbs in powder form along with salt. It is a classical formula that is prepared from Shunti (Zingiber officinale), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Pippali (Piper longum), Trivrit (Operculina turpethum), and Sauvarchala lavana.This herbal churna relieves constipation that is a common problem in endometriosis patients. It helps in relieving the abdominal pain, flatulence, and loss of appetite.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful at bedtime with lukewarm water.
- June 24, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Akshitarpana is an ancient eye care treatment and rejuvenation program in Ayurveda. it’s ideally done as an element of detox (panchakarma) in ayurvedic therapy.
- it’s excellent therapy for managing many sorts of disease, yet as an excellent preventative and wellness treatment that cleanses and rejuvenates the eyes and promotes good vision.
- Akshi Tarpana is an unique procedure in Ayurveda where herbal infused ghrta (ghee) is placed over the eyes for a selected period of your time. The herb-infused ghee nourishes and strengthens the eyes
- Akshitarpana may be a very special therapy to nourish the fragile sensory media organ of our body. A special herbal Ghee, oil or concoction is pooled on eyes by making a revolve around eyes for specific duration to accomplish Akshitarpana.
- It is a special gift to nourish eyes as they exert over anything in modern lifestyle thanks to sedentary lifestyle, mental exertion, more exposure to bright lights, mobiles, computers and pollutants. This therapy isn’t restricted up to eyes but nourish the complete face and mind.
- Best results are achieved when this therapy is performed for 7-14 days
- It is recommended in Dry eyes, eyestrain, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, corneal ulcer, blurred vision, cataract, relieve pain and burning in eyes, dark circles as glowing effect, Insomnia, strengthen eye tissues, correct refractive errors, second cranial nerve atrophy. A series of therapies may be a basic requirement to induce the required results.
The therapy involves first placing a hoop of dough, made up of black gram (chickpea) flour, round the eyes. The ring is applied so it doesn’t leak. Then, with the patient’s eyes closed, the therapist pours warm medicated ghee into the attention cavity until it covers the eyelashes. it’s allowed to sit down for a brief time, so its therapeutic action can happen. The ghee is modified periodically, and also the patient is instructed to try to to special eye exercises. After the therapy is complete, the ghee and dough are removed.
- Relieves eye strain
- Also the deleterious effects of prolonged exposure to electronic screens
- It strengthens eye tissue
- Helps to fight dark circles under the eyes, and makes the eyes brighter and clearer.
- Cleanses the eyes
- Reduce burning in eye
- Prevents eye degeneration
- Relieves eye strain
- Strengthens the ocular muscles
- Supports healthy eye movement
- Softens and moisturizes the skin
- Dry eyes syndrome
- Vata disease within the eyes
- Watering eyes
- Conjuctivitis
- Curved eyes
- Pain within the eyes
- Night blindness
- Burning within the eyes
- June 24, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
On a normal day, it is perfectly acceptable to experience hair fall of about 50-60 hairs per day by during the monsoons this number can increase to up to 250 or more. Hair loss increases during monsoons because of the increased humidity in the atmosphere, dry scalp, dandruff, and contact with acidic rainwater.
- FENUGREEK OIL MASSAGE: a mild hot oil massage is a wonderful remedy for dry scalp and damp and frizzy hair. And if you add some fenugreek seeds while heating the vegetable oil, it’ll work wonders on your locks. Keep this mixture overnight and wash it off with a chemical-free shampoo the following morning. don’t oil over twice per week since the scalp is already oily during this weather.
- WASH AWAY THE RAIN: If you get drenched, confirm to shampoo your hair to clean off the rainwater that’s loaded with pollutants. whether or not you’re indoors, wash your hair two to a few times per week to stay your sticky and sweaty scalp healthy Since during the time of year our hair needs delicate care, use an anti-bacterial shampoo and conditioner since your scalp might be liable to fungal infections.
- DRY THE CORRECT WAY: Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair because it absorbs the water quickly and causes minimum friction between your hair and therefore the towel that reduces hair fall.
- AVOID TYING: don’t tie your hair while they’re still wet. Doing so will make the hair follicles weak and brittle and can cause more breakage.
- MOISTURISE YOUR HAIR: so as to tame your frizz, use serums that are touted as multitaskers. Those will shield your hair from heat and also add shine and volume. reckoning on your hair type and concern, you’ll search for hair moisturisers that efficiently keep your locks hydrated.
- HAIR COMBING RULES FOR MONSOON: In monsoon, you would like to possess specific hair styling rules. Don’t comb wet hair at any cost. Combing wet hair ends up in more tangles and causes severe hair fall. Also, you ought to not share combs in monsoon. this may cause scalp infections and other major threats in monsoon.
- STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD: In monsoon, you must be from food. food will heat up your body and it’ll show on your skin and on your hair too. If your digestion system isn’t proper, then your hair will ultimately suffer and hair fall will increase tremendously.
- TYING YOUR HAIR: We all know that wet hair isn’t meant to be tied you must just leave your wet hair open and with time it’ll air dry, and then, you’ll be able to tie it as per your choice. But, in monsoon, it’s advisable to not tie your hair too tight. you’ll be able to secure it with a light-weight elastic or a clutch then leave it rather like that. If you tie your hair too tight and when it gets wet in rain, it’ll eventually cause severe hair fall.
- GET GOOD SLEEP: This is the most effective and a cheap way of treating your skin and hair. Doesn’t matter if you even take proper diet and wash with an organic shampoo, an honest 8-10 hours of sleep is incredibly important for the health of your hair and skin. this may immediately strengthen your hair follicles, and thus, you may be amazed to determine the attractive and lustrous hair, and gradually, you may see that you just are losing very fewer hair strands.
- USE ALOE VERA GEL: Aloe vera gel is one among such cooling product which may do wonders to your hair. So, what you’ll be able to do is that frequently use aloe gel like Khadi Aloe vera Gel, so your scalp is all cool and it gets cleansed regularly. Alternatively, you’ll be able to also mix the aloe gel in your regular toiletries to derive maximum benefits out of it. you’ll also mix it with the shampoo in order that your hair is in fine condition with the assistance of burn plant gel.
- HAVE A CORRECT DIET: Diet plays a major role keep your hair healthy. What you eat decides the standard of your hair. Add protein-rich food like eggs, walnuts, dairy products, and whole grains together with green vegetables to your regular diet as they supply shine to your hair. And berries, nuts, spinach, and sweet potatoes are a number of the simplest food for hair growth.
- HAIR LIVE HERBAL SHAMPOO: It is used in various kind of hair related issues like Baldness, Graying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health. It is used in Hairball, graying of hair, dandruff, dry scalp, thinning of hairs, baldness, alopecia and loss of lusterless
Method of usage– Apply it on wet hair, massage into a rich lather for 2-3 minutes and rinse properly with water.
- HAIR LIVE TABLET: Hair Live Tablet is formulated with ingredients like Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Dhatry Loha (Purified iron), & Shud Gandhak (Purified sulphur). This herbal kit is formulated to take care of all the hair problems. It is an amazing combination of various natural herbs which can be beneficial for both male and female hair problems. It provides nourishment to the hair from the root level, repairs broken, splinted and damaged hair. This kit gives a natural strength and smooth texture.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- HAIR LIVE OIL: It is used in various kind of hair related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.Til oil (Sesamum indicum) Almond oil (Prunus dulcis) Jotishmati oil (Celastrus paniculatus) Amla (Embelia officinale) Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), etc
METHOD OF USAGE – Gently massage your hair once or as per requirement
- AMLA JUICE: Amla Premium Juice will strengthen the heart muscles, provide relief from constipation, stimulate bowel movements, prevent the signs of aging, control diabetes problem, reduce cholesterol levels, flush toxins out of the body and improve your hair texture and solve the problem of hair fall. Two spoonful of Amla Premium Juice everyday will help in making your hair smooth and shinier.
Dosage: Take 20 ml twice daily.
- June 13, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Our spinal cord consists of a no. of bones called vertebrae. These vertebrae are stacked over each other and there is a cartilage in between the two vertebrae. This cartilage is called disc. The disc has outer hard portion an inner soft gelatinous part. It helps in absorbing shock due to the daily activities like walking, jumping, twisting, etc.
When the inner soft portion of the disc protrudes out of the hard portion, then it is called slipped disc or prolapsed disc. The protruded disc when compresses any of the spinal nerves, it causes pain, discomfort, numbness, etc. The intensity and type of pain varies from person to person. In severe cases, surgery may be required.
Here we mention a weekly diet plan for which the management of symptoms of slipped disc by balancing the 3 doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apricot) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 Chapattis + 1 cup pumpkin sabzi+ salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of soyamilk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 onion parantha + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 glass of fresh fruit juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup palak paneer sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | Walnuts + 4-5 soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg semolina + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (pineapple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup rajma curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo beans sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowl wheat porridge + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + 1 cup turnip sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup green tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup black grams curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 plain parantha + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup of veg soup |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + 1 cup bottle gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | Walnuts + 4-5 soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan cheela with green chutney |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of fresh fruit juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1/2 cup veg pulao + 1 cup aloo curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup green tea with 2 wheat rusk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup chickpea curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (papaya) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup mix veg sabji + 1 cup cucumber raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + ½ cup rice + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
- June 13, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Sinusitis is the inflammation of the tissue which lines the sinuses. Sinuses are the hollow cavities present within the bones. They occur in the forehead, between eyes and behind the cheek bones. They are interconnected by narrow channels. The lining of the sinuses produce thick mucus which is drained out through nose. It helps in cleaning of the nasal passage and making it free from foreign organisms.
However, when sinuses get blocked, it leads to infection of the nasal passage. It is also sometimes called rhinosinusitis. There occurs swelling of the nasal tissue. Common cold, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum etc. are some of the common causes of it.
Here we mention a weekly diet plan for sinusitis which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the 3doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup vegetable dalia |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit ( watemelon) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 Chapatti + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup hot milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup oats + 1 small cup of skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 glass of tender coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 1\2 cup rice + 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo carrot sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup of homemade soup |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of round gourd veg. + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Mix veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup soyamilk |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + ½ cup rice + 1 cup black gram curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 soaked almonds + 5-6 raisins |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup palap paneer sabzi+ salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 missi roti + 1 cup cow’s milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + 1 cup mix veg sabji+ salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 2 slices of brown bread + 1 cup of green tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 3 chapattis + ½ cup brown rice +1 cup green grams curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup spinach curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup veg poha |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg dalia |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | ½ cup boiled black grams |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup veg pulao + 1 cup chickpea curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup of ginger tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg vermicelli |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + 1 cup bitter gourd sabji + ½ cup rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup tea with 2-3 biscuits (Nutrichoice or digestive) |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
- June 13, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Psoriasis is a skin condition which is characterized by rashes and scaly patches. It is an autoimmune disorder which leads to rapid buildup of cells making the skin thick. Normally, the skin cells grow deep and then come on the surface. The older ones on the surface shed off and replaced by the new ones. But in psoriasis, shedding off of the older cells do not occur and they get accumulated making the skin thick.
There is presence of whitish-red scales. They crack and sometimes bleed also. Redness and inflammation is also present. Psoriasis occurs most commonly on elbows, knees, trunk and scalp.
There are wide variety of treatments available which help in management of symptoms. With proper lifestyle and diet also, life with psoriasis becomes better.
Here we mention some of the useful diets for psoriasis which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the 3 doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup watermelon juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup pumpkin sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup low fat milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Uttapam + 1 cup green tea |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (kiwi) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup kidney bean curry + 1 cup rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | Walnuts + water soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 plain parantha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (pomegranate) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo beans sabji + ½ cup rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup sprouts |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + ½ cup bottle gourd sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass fresh fruit juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + 1 cup mix vegetable sabzi + 1/2 cup rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup low fat milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis +1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | uttapam |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass sweet lassi |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + 1 cup ridge gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup green tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup safed chana dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 Veg sandwich + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup coconut milk |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup veg pulao + 1 cup cabbage sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup green tea with 2-3 wheat rusk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg dalia + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup cauliflower sabji + 1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 water soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + ½ cup rice + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
- June 2, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Paralysis is a condition in which one or more muscles stop working properly and this affects many functions of the body.
- Paralysis is usually not caused by a problem with the muscles but by problems with the nerves or spinal cord used by the brain to control the muscles. Therefore, usually a person suffering from paralysis has some kind of damage to the nerves.
Paralysis can be area-specific, in which particular parts of the body such as the hands and face become paralyzed. It can also be common in which a large part of the body is affected.
Different medical terms are used for different types of paralysis, such as:
- Monoplegia – In this, only one part of the body is paralyzed.
- Hemiplegia – in this the arms and legs on one side of the body are paralyzed
- Paraplegia – paralysis of both legs and sometimes the pelvis and some lower parts of the body
- Tetraplegia – In this both the arms and legs are paralyzed (also called quadriplegia).
Paralysis usually occurs for three common reasons:
- Stroke
- head injury
- Spinal cord injury – the spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that are attached to the spine and help control the muscles of the body
- Multiple sclerosis
- Sometimes paralysis can also be caused by many other problems such as cerebral palsy and Guillain Berry syndrome.
The type and level of paralysis usually determines its impact on a person’s life and daily activities. For example, if a person has paraplegia in the lower part of the body, he can use a wheelchair to do his daily work and lead an active life. However, paralysis of both arms and legs (tetraplegia/quadriplegia) always needs someone’s help and cannot live without a caregiver. Many other problems can also occur due to paralysis such as urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine) and bowel incontinence (leaking stool from the rectum). It affects sexual function in both men and women. There is usually no cure for paralysis at present, except for a few conditions.
Therefore, in case of permanent paralysis, the aim of treatment is to:
- helping the person live as independently as possible
- Telling about any associated complications resulting from paralysis, such as pressure ulcers (sores that develop because of too much pressure on the affected area of tissue)
- Telling about problems related to the bladder and bowels
- Treating cramps and complications caused by paralysis
- Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and orthoses, can help a person with paralysis.
- Manual wheelchairs are made for people who have a perfectly healthy upper body. Whereas electric wheelchairs are designed for people who have weak upper body muscles or are paralyzed on all four limbs.
Paralysis is classified in several ways. As such it may be localized affecting a particular part of the body. Also it can be generalized which affects a large part of the body.
Localized paralysis includes:
- Facial paralysis – usually paralysis on one side of the face
- hand paralysis
- Vocal cord paralysis—The vocal cords are bands of tissue and muscle that are used for speaking; Paralysis usually affects only one vocal cord which means the person is able to speak but their voice may become hoarse or loud
Generalized paralysis includes:
- Monoplegia – in which only one limb is paralyzed
- Hemiplegia – In this, the arms and legs on one side of the body are paralyzed
- Paraplegia – In this both the legs are paralyzed or sometimes the pelvis or some lower parts of the body are affected
- Tetraplegia (also called quadriplegia) – both arms and legs are paralyze
- Temporary and permanent paralysis
Paralysis can be either temporary or permanent.
Bell palsy is a common cause of temporary paralysis that can lead to temporary facial paralysis. Sometimes, the paralysis that occurs after a stroke can also be temporary. Paralysis caused by a severe injury, such as a broken neck, is usually permanent.
- Partial – In this some muscles do not work and sensation is felt, eg, the person can move one leg while the other does not, or he feels a sensation like cold or hot
- Complete – In this, none of the muscles of the person work and there is a sensation in the affected parts. Spastic or flaccid paralysis
- Spastic – In this, the muscles of the affected limbs feel stiff or spasm and the person does not have control over the movement of the muscles (read about spastic paraplegia).
- Flaccid – In this, the muscles of the affected organs become unformed and weak. In flaccid paralysis, the muscles contract.
- People with spastic paralysis may experience muscle weakness along with spasms (involuntary muscle contractions). Whereas a person suffering from flaccid paralysis usually experiences muscle weakness without cramps.
- In the case of problems such as motor neuron disease or cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis followed by flaccid paralysis may be experienced.
Paralysis is caused by four common causes of stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis.
Stroke is a serious health problem. This usually occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted.
Like other organs, the brain needs a constant supply of blood containing oxygen and nutrients to function properly. When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, brain cells begin to die, causing brain damage and paralysis.
Head injury
Brain damage occurs due to a severe head injury. Scratches or injuries to the lining of the brain can damage blood vessels and nerves. A severe head injury damages a part of the brain that controls specific muscles. Due to this the person becomes paralyzed. When the left side of the brain is damaged, the right side of the body becomes paralyzed and when the right side of the brain is damaged, the left side of the body becomes paralyzed.
Spinal cord injury
The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system. It is a thick bundle of nerves that are connected to the brain, vertebrae to the neck and spine. Its main function is to send signals to and from the brain and body. For example, the spinal cord passes nerve signals, such as feeling hot or cold. If the neck or spine is injured, the spinal cord can also be damaged. This means that the brain will no longer be able to send signals to the muscles. Due to which the person can become paralyzed. The place where the spinal cord injury occurs can be most affected. The greater the injury to the spine, the greater the paralysis.
The most common causes of spinal cord injury are:
- motor vehicle accident
- accident while working
accident during sport or other type of activity - Fall
- spinal cord paralysis due to disease rather than injury
- The majority of spinal cord injuries occur in men and young people (which account for 80% of all cases.) An estimated half of all spinal cord injuries occur in people who are 16-30 years of age.
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition in which nerve fibers in the spinal cord are damaged by the immune system. The immune system mistakenly attacks a substance called myelin, which surrounds nerve fibers and helps with the transmission of nerve signals. In MS, the myelin around nerve fibers is damaged, which disrupts messages to and from the brain. This may result in paralysis.
less common causes of paralysis are listed below.
Cancers that develop in the brain, such as brain tumors, can cause paralysis, usually on one side of the body. Cancer (metastasis) can spread from other parts of the body to the brain or spinal cord, causing paralysis.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy are neurological problems (affecting the brain and nervous system) that affect a child’s movement and coordination.
Cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage that usually occurs before or after birth. Some possible causes of cerebral palsy include:
- infection during pregnancy
- premature birth or trouble giving birth
- baby brain hemorrhage
- abnormal brain development in baby
- The most severe type of cerebral palsy is called spastic quadriplegia, in which muscle spasms (spasticity) in all parts of a person’s limbs are so severe that they are unable to use them.
- June 2, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Having poor eyesight is one of the most common concerns of people. Eye strain, poor or blurred vision; this weakens the eyes and makes it difficult for you to read and write. Many times, people do not pay attention to the signs of poor vision. It’s not okay to ignore it. Because, it worsens the eyesight even more. In such a situation, to know the ability of your eyesight, eye examination should be done. If you have poor eyesight, you should either wear glasses or wear contact lenses. Even if your eyes are not defective, you should still make sure to have an eye exam.
- There are some clear signs that indicate that the eyesight is in poor condition. You should not ignore it and wear whatever suits you best, glasses or lenses. There are many reasons for poor eyesight. Sometimes, it is due to hereditary factor, deficiency of certain vitamins, too much strain on the eyes, studying or reading in the dark, etc.
- Difficulty reading close objects. Blurred vision while reading a book. This is commonly known as hyperopia.
- Inability to read or see things that are far away. This condition is called myopia.
- Inability to read or see close-ups and distant objects.
- Blurred vision at night.
- Eye pain.
- Persistent headache. (Do’s and don’ts for eye care, know these 10 things)
- Rainbow-like appearance when there is too much light.
- Double vision.
- Swollen eyes or red eyes.
- Frequent watering of eyes.
- Difficulty in seeing from darkness to light.
- Genetic cause – If any person in your family has weak eyes, then it is possible that you may become weak even further. In such a situation, get your eyes checked regularly. Also take special care of your eyes.
- Lack of nutrients in the body – Vitamin A is considered one of the very important nutrients to keep the eyes healthy. Eyes can become weak due to lack of nutrients in the body. In this case, include plenty of nutrients in your diet.
- Computer and mobile use – People who use computers and mobiles for a long time, their eyes may also become weak. So try to give rest to your eyes in between while using computer or mobile. This gives relief to the eyes. Reducing screen time helps protect eyes.
- Water shortage – Lack of water in the body can also cause weak eyes. Due to less water in the body, symptoms like dry eyes, watery eyes, burning in the eyes can be seen.
- Smoke consumption – Those who consume alcohol and smoke can also have weak eyes. So if you want to keep your eyes healthy, then keep away from alcohol and smoking.
we told you about some of the most common symptoms of weak or poor vision. Therefore, it is important to get checked up from time to time. You should immediately go to the doctor for a checkup. Wear your glasses daily and do some eye exercises to correct your eyesight. Apart from this, you should take healthy diet and nutritious food to have strong eye sight. Apart from this, do exercise and yoga regularly. Walk barefoot on the dewy grass early in the morning.
In order not to harm the eyes, we should take care of some things such as-
- Eyes should be washed twice a day with cold water.
- Special care should be taken of the light while reading. Reading or writing in very dim light puts pressure on the eyes.
- Eyes should be protected from dust, pollution and strong sunlight, good quality glasses should be used while going in strong sunlight because the ultraviolet rays of the sun cause problems by harming the eyes.
- Due to continuous reading or working on the computer for a long time, there is a negative effect on the eyes. Therefore, after some time, the eyes should be closed and rest should be given.
- Apart from this, to increase eyesight, for better health of the eyes, a nutritious diet should be taken, which contains essential vitamins and minerals. The diet should be like this-
- Eat a diet rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene, such as carrots, all citrus fruits, etc. Eat wheat products and nuts for vitamin A.
- Eat green leafy vegetables and pulses.
- Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is very important for the eyes. Therefore, consume flaxseeds.
- Add sweet potato in your diet it is a good source of beta carotene and vitamin E.
- Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts etc. nuts contain a good amount of vitamin E, which protects the eyes from the diseases caused by aging.
- Nerve Up Tablet – Nerve up tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural vatahar properties and helps in curing vata diseases.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- Detox tablets – It optimizes the balance of Bacteria in the Digestive tract. Detox tablets are 100% natural & safe containing 1gm herbs extract. The herbs used for formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, & immuno-modulator properties. The herbs & minerals used for preparation of this churna shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. It consist of Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- Vata Tablet – Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution, it is an excellent formula for the Vata season, which in most parts of the world is autumn and early winter.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- Roshani Eye Drop – Roshani Eye Drop is pure Ayurvedic formulation used in problems like frequent travel, work on a computer, and lack of sleep. This eye drops contains herbal ingredients like Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shwet Chandan, Rakta chandan, Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Haridra( Curcuma longa), Gulab (Rosa damascena), Adrak (Zingiber officinale), Bahera (Terminalia bellirica), Pudina (Mentha spicata), Saindhavan lavan, Phitakari, etc. This eye drop soothes up the eyes, prevents infections and clears off particles in the eyes, improves vision.
Dosage – Put one drop in each eye in the morning and at bed time.
- Triphla Syrup – Triphala Syrup ancient herbal remedy contains equal parts of three herbs like T. Chebula, T.bellirica rox, and E. officinalis. These ingredients are very beneficial for digestive system, maintain bowel wellness, helps in abdominal bloating, and flatulence. Triphala Syrup is tridosha hara. It is used to detoxify the body and support the immune system. It is known for its antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral abilities. It is prescribed for treating fatigue and gastric distress, pneumonia, constipation, vaginal infections, piles and eye problems.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablespoon twice a day.