Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Most of the people are troubled by the problem of kidney stones or kidney stones. According to Ayurveda, the problem of kidney stones is due to drinking less water and being in more contact with dusty soil. This problem can also occur if you consume more open food kept in the market. Dusty soil is easily found in the open food items kept in the market and when you consume it, it goes straight to your stomach and becomes a problem of stones.
- Kidney stone or kidney stone means when a very small size stone has formed in the kidney or kidney. Due to which unbearable pain starts again and again in the kidney. Many times it also happens that due to this stone the urinary tract is completely closed which is very fatal.
- Kidney stones are little deposits formed in the ureter and bladder. These deposits obstruct the flow of bodily toxins, which would otherwise pass naturally through urine.
- According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of vata leads to the drying of kapha this leads to kidney stones.
It’s just an excruciating pain in the area of the kidney, spreading towards the spine and all over
- Nausea
- Heaviness in breathing
- Restlessness
- Feeling bloated
- Frequent sensation of urination
- Difficulty in urination/pain urination
- Fever and chills
- Pain while urinating.
- Pain in the abdomen and lower back.
- Bloody urine.
- Odor in urine
- Frequent urge to urinate.
- Apart from all these, problems like fever can also occur.
when our diet and lifestyle get affected in a bad way, then our body remains prone to many diseases. One of these diseases is kidney stone. Many times it also happens that people even get kidney stone surgery done but still it is not cured. Sometimes even doctors who do surgery are found saying that, ‘there is a possibility of stone formation again after surgery’, however, there is no need to worry. Based on its causes and symptoms, there are medicines in Ayurveda that are capable of removing kidney stones in a natural way. Some of the causes of kidney stones are as follows
- Consumption of less water is said to be the main reason for the formation of stones.
- Increased amount of chemical in urine.
- Consuming excessive amount of junk food and fast food.
- Lack of minerals and minerals in the body.
- Poor lifestyle and lack of exercise can be the causes of stones
- GOKSHURU CAPSULES: Gokshuru capsules are pure ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in kidney disorders as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the abdomen. It also acts as diuretic which causes increased urine secretion from the body and removal of all the toxins. These capsules contain pure extract of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). It provides effective result in acute & chronic kidney disease, chronic renal failure, cystitis, and urethritis, nephropathy, and urinary tract infections.
Recommended Dosage: Take one capsule twice daily with normal water.
- SHEET DHARA: CAC Sheet Dhara is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It works on all the three doshas of body but mainly act on pitta dosha. It contains Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that help reduce Acidity and burning sensation in chest region with its cooling effects. It relaxes your mind also maintains Blood pressure. CAC Sheet dhara help in controlling mood swings by which many women are affected nowadays. It also controls burping ,nausea and bloating.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
- KIDNEY CARE CHURNA: The kidney care churna is prepared from herbs like Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), & Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). These herbs in combination show anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antioxidant, analgesic, etc properties. Kidney care churna keep all kidney function tests (serum creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, chlorine, & uric acid), etc in normal range. The use of this churna reduces swelling in the body, remove kidney stones, deal with urinary tract infection, general weakness, & fatigue, etc related to kidney patients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily with normal water.
- UTI CARE TABLET: UTI Care Tablets helps to treat Urinary tract infections along with the diseases related to kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients which are Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare), kalmi Shora (Pottasium nitrate), Naushadar (Ammonium chloride), Swarna Gairik (Red ochre), etc. UTI Care Tablets are also beneficial in kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, renal colic, burning sensation or pain during micturition, and Hypertension.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- DETOX PREMIUM POWDER: The powder contains all the Ayurvedic herbs which strengthen the immune system of the body and prevents the various complications by potentiating immune system. The powder includes :
Parwal Pishti – Parwal pishti is prepared from Coral calcium. It is mainly used in Pitta related disorders and helpful in bleeding disorders. This pishti relieves Ama dosha and improves the digestion power. It also improves the strength and immunity.
Shukta Pishti – It is prepared from Pearl oyster shell. Shukta pishti pacifies Pitta and Kapha dosha. It is the best ant-acid and relieves the abdominal distention. Shukta pishti reduces the rashes on the arms and legs.
Satva–Giloy satva includes water-soluble extract of Giloy/Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia). It balances the aggravated pitta and acts as a mild-antipyretic, antacid, and immuno-modulator. It also reduces burning sensation in the hands, feet, and body.
Kamdudha Ras–According to Ayurveda principles, Kamdudha Ras has Sheeta Virya thus it is beneficial in every Pitta Roga classified in Ayurveda. It is beneficial in the symptoms like burning sensation, restlessness, bleeding tendencies, excessive thirst, and hot flashes, vomiting with yellowish or sour water.
Akik Pishti – Akik bhasma contains Silicon Dioxide and some herbal extracts derived into in during processing with Aloe vera and Rose water. It is used in General debility, Restlessness. It works well in loss of appetite, weight loss, and feeling of excessive heat in the body.
Gandhak Rasayan – Gandhak Rasayan is a great antibacterial, antiviral ayurvedic medicine. It acts as an anti-pyretic, analgesic, & blood purifier.
Sutshekhar Ras–It is an important medicine used in Ayurveda, which acts on Pitta dosha and reduces the symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, sour taste of mouth, restlessness, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice a day with normal water.
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Nowadays the problem of BP has become common, whether it is high blood pressure or low blood pressure people think that high blood pressure is dangerous for people, but it is not that low blood pressure can also bother
- In this, people feel dizzy at any time and people start trembling in their hands and feet, as well as you also get nervous
- Fatigue
- Light-headedness
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Heavy sweating and clammy skin
- Loss of consciousness
- Blurry vision
- Rapid and shallow breathing
- Weak and rapid pulse
- Lemonade: it helps to control the blood pressure or lower the blood pressure . Coffee when the blood pressure is low Consumption of coffee increases the blood pressure level. Coffee consumption is very beneficial for low blood pressure patients.
- Consumption of sweet things: consume sweet things when blood pressure is suddenly low. Consuming sweet things also increases the blood pressure level.
- Consumption of salty things: salty things can also normalize blood pressure level. You can also consume salty things when the blood pressure is suddenly low.
- Benefits of doing yoga and exercise Patients with low blood pressure should exercise or practice yoga daily. By doing yoga and exercising daily, one can get rid of the problem of low blood pressure.
- Cross legs while sittin Crossing the legs while sitting has been shown to increase blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure, this can be a problem For people with low blood pressure symptoms, crossed legs may help increase blood pressure with minimal effort.
- Tulsi leaves are the best option to treat low blood pressure at home. It contains various minerals such as potassium and magnesium that help to keep your blood pressure under control. Tulsi leaves are rich in vitamin C, and antioxidants named Eugenol may keep our blood pressure in range.
- Green tea: contains many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that make it an option to treat low blood pressure also inhibit the function of the hormone responsible for keeping arteries dilated
- Increase vitamin intake : vitamin intake could be the best option to manage blood pressure. If rarely consume foods rich in Vitamin B12 people might become anaemic, which can cause the problem of low blood pressure. So make sure that diet should be rich in all vitamins.
- Carrot Carrot and spinach juice can be beneficial to lower blood pressure. For this, drink about 200 grams of carrot juice mixed with a quarter of spinach juice.
- Buttermilk Mixing salt, roasted cumin in buttermilk it keeps blood pressure under control and helps in keeping the pressure in a normal state.
- Cinnamon taking cinnamon powder daily with hot water, for this use it in the morning and evening.
- Amla Juice If there is a complaint of dizziness due to low BP, eating gooseberry juice mixed with honey gives quick relief and also gooseberry jam can also become a better option for blood pressure patients.
- Date: Boiling dates in milk and drinking it is also beneficial in the problem of low blood pressure. You can also drink milk after eating dates.
- Ginger Make small pieces of ginger, mix lemon juice and rock salt in them and keep them. Now keep eating it in small amounts every day before meals. You can also consume it 3 to 4 times a day. By doing this, the problem of blood pressure will end in a few days.
- Tomato juice by adding a little black pepper and salt. This will benefit in low blood pressure in no time
- Beet juice Beet juice proves to be very beneficial in keeping low blood pressure normal consuming it daily in the morning and evening improves blood pressure in a week.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water and other drinks daily.
- Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
- Increase the amount of salt in the food.
- If the blood pressure decreases after eating, then eat small amounts. Instead of eating large amounts three times a day, eat small amounts six times a day. Take some rest after eating.
- Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
- not lifting heavy objects
- not standing in one place for a long time
- raising the head of their bed
- avoiding prolonged exposure to hot water
- drinking more fluids when exercising or on hot days
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which weakening of bones takes place. Bone is a connective tissue which is constantly being broken down and getting replaced with the new bone. In osteoporosis, the formation of new bone doesn’t get formed at the pace of old bone destruction. This leads to air spaces and thus, porous bones.
Osteoporosis occurs in both males and females. But females are more prone to it, especially after menopause. The bones become so weak and brittle that with a mild stress or a fall, it can cause fracture. Hip joint, wrist and spine are most commonly affected by osteoporosis related fractures.
With a proper diet and lifestyle habits, osteoporosis can be prevented or strengthened the weakened bones.
The exact cause of occurrence of osteoporosis is not known. But some of the following factors can be responsible:
- It mostly occurs after 30 years or after menopause in females
- Low level of estrogen slows the process of new bone formation
- White and Asian races are at more risk
- Increased body weight
- Females are more prone to osteoporosis than men
- Having genetic predisposition to osteoporosis
- Low calcium intake
- Thyroid issues
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Gastrointestinal surgery
- Celiac disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Kidney disorder
- Liver disease
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Tobacco use
- Cancer
Osteoporosis usually shows no symptoms in the early stages. That is why it is also called silent disease. However, when bones get weakened by it, some of the symptoms appear:
- Decrease in height over time
- Pain in lower back
- Stooped body posture
- Bones get easily fractured
- Shortness of breath
With some of the following steps, osteoporosis can be prevented:
- Avoiding alcohol intake
- Limit cigarette smoking
- Doing regular exercise such as walking, etc
- Doing yoga
- Including vitamin D and calcium in diet
- Eating green leafy vegetables
- Including milk, cheese, curd in the diet
The doctor will ask about the symptoms of the disease. He will take family history also. For seeing the bone density of the patient, he can make the patient do X-ray or DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan. From these tests, the bone mineral density can be known.
Here are some of the medicines of Chandigarh Ayurved Center which are used for the treatment of osteoporosis:
1. Pain O kill tablet
Pain o kill tablet is ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It balances all the three doshas of your body thus maintaining proper blood circulation. It provides soothing effect to the affected area of pain. It contains various herbs like Jivanti, Musta, Usher, Bilwa, Shatavri and Kantakari. All these herbs are natural pain relievers.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
2. Asthi Shakti
This herbal tablet is prepared from ingredients such as Amalaki, Ashwagandha, etc. that provide good result to osteoarthritis patients. These tablets help in reducing stiffness, pain, swelling, & inflammation of the joints.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
3. Vata balance tablet
Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution. Vata is characterized by the properties of dry, cold, light, minute, and movement. All movement in the body is due to the properties of Vata. Pain is the characteristic feature of deranged Vata. Some of the diseases connected to unbalanced Vata are flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily after meals.
4. Panchsakar Churna
It is a pure and classical preparation known as Panchsakar churna. This churna is used since ancient time for the detoxification of the body. The churna contain five ingredients as the name suggests Haritaki, Shunthi, Krishna Pippali, Trivrit, and Sauvarchala lavana. As toxins are removed from the body knee pain will automatically subsides.
Recommended Dosage: Take one teaspoonful at bedtime with lukewarm water.
5. Rasayan vati
Rasayan vati are 100% natural and safe containing herbo-mineral extracts. These ingredients show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immuno-modulator properties.These tablets give good results in General debility, Sexual disorders, and Improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily after meals.
6. Pain o kill oil
Pain o kill oil is ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It balances all the three doshas of your body thus maintaining proper blood circulation. It provides soothing effect to the affected area of pain. It contains various herbs like Jivanti, Musta, Usher, Bilwa, Shatavri and Kantakari. All these herbs are natural pain relievers.
Recommended Dosage: Apply to the affected area twice daily.
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A blemish is often defined as a mark, spot or any type of discoloration on the skin. They are usually harmless but can have cosmetic concerns. Blemishes on face can be upsetting as some of them can be unsightly. In very rare cases, they can be the underlying cause of skin cancer.
Blemishes are of different types such as acne, papules, nodules, pustules, age spots, birth marks, melasma, etc. Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common types of blemishes.
There are several types of treatment available for blemishes. However, with regular use of some of the home remedies, they can be disappeared.
Some of the reasons which are responsible for the occurrence of blemishes are:
- Viral infections such as cold sores
- Acne
- Having a family history of blemishes
- Clogged pores
- Excessive exposure to sun
- Food allergies
- Certain type of medicines such as corticosteroids, antiepileptic drugs
- Insect bites
The following home remedies can be used for the treatment of blemishes:
- Honey is a very good absorbent and lightening agent. It is used as a beauty treatment since times immemorial.
- Take 2 tablespoons of honey and warm it. Then apply it on face and keep it for 10 minutes. Rinse it with water and pat dry.
- Lemon is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a good antioxidant and thus very good for hyperpigmentation, premature aging and other types of blemishes. It is a skin whitening agent and thus lightens the dark spots.
- Apply the lemon juice on the face and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it off. It is a very effective home remedy for lightening blemishes.
- Cucumber is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Antioxidants remove free radicals from the skin and removes dead skin.
- Take a cotton ball and soak it in cucumber juice. Apply it on skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash the face with cold water.
- Aloe vera is having tremendous skin healing properties. It acts as a moisturizer and protects the skin from UV rays.
- Take fresh aloe vera leaves and squeeze the pulp out. Massage the aloe vera gel on face.
- Tomatoes are having astringent properties that help in shrinking large pores. It helps in treating acne and reducing blemishes.
- Make pulp of tomato and apply it on face. Leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse it with cold water.
- Apple cider vinegar is alkaline in nature and it helps in lightening skin tone. It improves pH of the skin. It is having antimicrobial properties.
- Soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on face. Keep it for sometime and wash it off.
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which skin cells multiply much more rapidly than normal cells do. It is a chronic autoimmune disorder. In this, there occur scaly, itchy rashes which can be painful. The rashes most commonly occur on knees, elbows, scalp and trunk. It affects small areas in patches but in severe cases, large parts of the body are affected.
Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease. It doesn’t spread from one person to another. It usually appears in early adulthood. Psoriasis occurs in flares. It comes for a few weeks or months and then goes.
Many treatment options are available which helps in management of symptoms of psoriasis. However, dietary changes and lifestyle modifications can help in preventing it.
Some of the factors can act as triggers of psoriasis:
- Cold and dry weather conditions
- Infections such as skin infection, throat infection
- Cigarette smoking
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Skin injury
- Withdrawal of corticosteroids
The common signs and symptoms of psoriasis are:
- Reddish inflamed patches on skin
- White-silvery scales on red patches
- Dryness
- Cracks present which sometimes bleed
- Discoloration of nails
- Pitting of nails
- Pain and swelling in joints
The foods that are beneficial for the treatment of psoriasis are:
- Walnuts are a very rich in omega 3-fatty acids. These fatty acids are responsible for reducing inflammation and thus decreasing pain and swelling in the affected area. It is therefore beneficial in psoriasis patients.
- Pineapple is tangy fruit which is found to be beneficial in psoriasis patients. It contains a chemical called bromelain. Bromelian is having anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It decreases swelling, itching and pain in the concerned area.
- Pumpkin seeds are a great source of inflammation fighting agents. They are good for inflammation and heart. Pumpkin seeds butter can be made and applied on the affected part.
- Avocadoes are a good source of vitamin C, E, K and folic acid. They also contain large amount of beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids. They are therefore very helpful in curing inflammatory conditions
- Papayas are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin A,C and E. They are good for reducing pain and swelling in the affected area. It is thus very good for inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and heart problems.
- Blueberries are full of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in antioxidants and thus help in preventing inflammation. They decrease the amount of histamine and reduce inflammation. They are thus very good for psoriasis.
Here are some of the medications of Chandigarh Ayurved Center which are used for the treatment of psoriasis:
1. Detox Premium Powder
- This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
- Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
- Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
- Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
- Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
- Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
- Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
- Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water
2. Blood Purifier Syrup
It is ayurvedic syrup that consists of various natural ingredients such as Khadir Chall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Harad (Terminalia bellirica), Baheda (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis), etc. As the syrup purifies the blood by removing excess toxins it is very beneficial in maintaining proper circulation and improves the skin naturally.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily
3. Twak Tailam
Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam is composed of yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
Method of Application – Apply over the affected area of the skin
4. Skin care tablet
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily
5. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is an ayurvedic preparation mainly used for skin diseases. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients such as Nimba(Azadirachta indica), Patola(Cucumis acutangulus), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa(Adhatoda vasica), etc. This tablet promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu tablet is a natural source of anti – oxidant. It promotes engender vibrant and healthy skin.
Recommended Dosage–Take 1 tablets twice a day with normal water
6. Panchsakar Churna
Panchsakar Churna is an ayurvedic formulation that consists of five ingredients named as – Saindhav Lavana (Rock Salt), Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia), Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa), Shunti – (Zingiber officinale), Balaharitaki (Unripe fruits of Terminalia chebula). Panchsakar Churna is naturally detoxifying, thus it removes the toxins from the body. It relieves inflammation and useful in all types of skin problems.The powder has an anti – inflammatory properties due to which it can reduces the swelling.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 teaspoonful with lukewarm water at bedtime
7. Neem soap
Neem soap is natural and herbal handmade soap prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars etc. It is such a wonderful herb that is easily available and shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, Antifungal, Antiseptic properties. Neem cleanses the pores and protects the skin from various infections, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leprosy, Skin ulcers. It restores the health of damaged skin, tones skin complexion, prevents premature ageing, Wrinkles, Fine lines can protect against UV rays, and acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin.
Method of Application: Neem Soap can be regularly used on face and body, as a bath soap
8. Trikatu Tablet
Trikatu Tablet helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties. This tablet is made up of equal parts of three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum) that maintains the metabolism in the body.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water
- July 11, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Leucorrhea is a condition in which there occurs whitish and yellowish discharge from the uterine cavity. There is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the female genital tract. Leucorrhea is caused either due to unhygienic conditions or due to some underlying pathological reason. The color and consistency of the discharge varies from time to time. However, it does not cause any pain, itching, irritation, etc. There is foul smell depending on the type of micro-organism causing infection. Body weakness, anemia, sleeping late night, constipation, etc. leads to leucorrhea.
Here we mention some of the useful diets for leucorrhea which leads to decrease in the severity of their symptoms by balancing their doshas and thus make them get rid of this condition by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg oats + 1 small cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (mango) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapatti + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup ridge gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup green tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup green moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg dalia + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 glass of cranberry juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup chickpea curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of lady finger sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan cheela + green chutney + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (black plums) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo carrot sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 missi roti + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | Walnuts + water soaked almonds |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + 1 cup spinach curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | A glass of green coconut water |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 4 idli + 1 cup sambhar |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + 1 cup bitter gourd sabji + 1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of pomegranate juice |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup carrots sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg vermicelli + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 bowl of homemade soup |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup round gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup sprouts |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (oranges) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup aloo methi sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 3 wheat rusk + 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
- July 11, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease in which there occurs intense pain in either one side of face or both sides of face. The pain is so intense that it disrupts the normal daily activities of people. Simple chewing, talking, smiling, shaving or brushing the teeth can start the pains. However, these episodes of pain are short-lived. But they can occur at any time.
Trigeminal neuralgia mostly occurs on one side of the pain but it can occur on both sides of the face. It occurs because of the over-sensitization of the trigeminal nerve. It carries sensation from face to brain.
Here we mention a weekly diet plan for trigeminal neuralgia which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the 3doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich + 1 small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup herbal tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup bitter gourd sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup oats + 1 cup black tea |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 glass of coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup broccoli sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup herbal tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of chickpea curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan cheela with green chutney |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (banana) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup pumpkin sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of coconut water |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowl wheat porridge + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup low fat milk + walnuts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + 1 cup bottle gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass fresh fruit juice |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo beans sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 plain parantha + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup black chana curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup cow’s milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup ridge gourd sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Veg sandwich + 1 cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup spinach curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 soaked almonds + 2-3 walnuts |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (litchi) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup round gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
- July 11, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Food poisoning is the infection which is caused by eating contaminated food. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are the most common causes of food poisoning. They produce toxins which cause contamination of food.
The symptoms of food poisoning appear within a few hours of eating spoiled food. They are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, feeling of fullness, fever, etc. It is one of the main causes of gastroenteritis. Most of the cases of food poisoning are resolved on its own. But in severe cases, the patient needs to get hospitalized.
Here we mention some of the useful diets for food poisoning which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg dalia |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 bowl banana with curd |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of buttermilk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 plain parantha + 1 cup low fat curd |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup aloo carrot sabzi + 1 cup raita |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of masoor dal+ salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Mix veg poha + 1 small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup ridge gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of lassi |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup spinach curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowl upma + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup sprouts |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti +1 cup bitter gourd sabji +1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of lemon water |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis +1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 veg sandwich |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup herbal tea |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + 1 cup round gourd sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of lassi |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1cup aloo sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup wheat porridge |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of coconut water |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup bitter gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup of low fat milk + 2 wheat rusk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup cabbage sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 bowl of banana with curd |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup round gourd sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of lassi |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
- July 11, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Celiac disease is also called by other names such as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. It is an auto-immune disease in which gluten initiates the immune response. Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye. It gives elasticity to the dough and is responsible for chewy texture. When gluten enters the body, it triggers the immune response in the small intestine. There occurs inflammatory reaction in the small intestine and gradually the intestinal lining gets damaged. This leads to non-absorption of nutrients and thus causes malnutrition. Diarrhea, anemia, weight loss, bloating and fatigue are some of the common symptoms of the disease.
There is no permanent cure of celiac disease but by following gluten free diet management of symptoms can be done.
Here we mention some of the useful diets for celiac disease which leads to decrease in the frequency and severity of symptoms by balancing the 3 doshas and thus get rid of them by some dietary modifications:
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan roti + 1 small cup low fat milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup green tea |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup mix vegetable + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass of coconut water |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 Chapattis (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup masoor dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg quinoa + 1 cup green tea |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (kiwi) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis (besan, jowar) + 1 cup ladyfinger sabzi + 1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | Walnuts + water soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup green gram curry + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan cheela with chutney + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of fresh fruit juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis (rice, jowar) + 1 cup capsicum sabji + ½ cup rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup sprouts |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis (rice, jowar) + 1 cup bottle gourd sabji + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 rice pancake + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (muskmelon) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup cauliflower sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup low fat milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis(jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup ridge gourd sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup buckwheat |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass lemonade |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup palak paneer curry + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup yogurt |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup moong dal + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 besan cheela + 1 cup herbal tea |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of beetroot juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti(jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup carrot sabzi + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 glass buttermilk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg quinoa + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion fruit (apple) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti (jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup beans sabji + 1 cup raita + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 4-5 water soaked almonds |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapattis(jowar, besan, rice) + 1 cup round gourd sabzi + salad |
- July 5, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.
EARLY MORNING | 1 glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Veg oats + 1 cup tea + 4 soaked almonds |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | Coconut water (1 glass) fresh |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 Chapattis + ½ cup khichadi + 1 cup cauliflower sabzi+ salad + curd |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 bowel of sprouts + 1cup of green tea |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of bottle gourd sabzi + salad |
EARLY MORNING | 1 glass of aloe vera juice |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Oatmeal + 1cup of black tea |
MIDMEAL 11-11.30 am | 1 glass of carrot juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 chapattis + 1 cup moong dal + salad + beetroot raita |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup vegetable soup |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup of mix veg sabzi + salad |
EARLY MORNING | I cup of herbal tea |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowel of oatmeal |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 portion of mixed fruit ( apple, banana, muskmelon ) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup broccoli sabzi + salad+ mint chutney |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + ½ cup masoor dal + ½ cup rice + salad |
EARLY MORNING | 1 cup of black tea |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | Veg dalia + 1 cup skimmed milk |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | Soy milk + soaked almonds (4-5) |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 -3 chapatti + ½ cup yellow lentil daal +1/2 cup brown rice + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 bowel of vegetable soup |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 2 chapattis + 1 cup Spinach sbzi + salad |
EARLY MORNING | 1 glass of amla juice |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup veg poha with veggies |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 cup of brown rice flakes |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 3 roti + ½ cup brown rice + ½ cup mushrooms sbji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup milk with a pinch of turmeric |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 1 bowel of vegetable daliya |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 1 cup wheat porridge |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of fresh fruit juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2 roti + 1 cup veg pulao + ½ cup spinach curry |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup of black coffee |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 pm | 1 bowel of vegetable soup |
EARLY MORNING | 1 glass of aloe vera juice |
BREAKFAST 8.00-8.30 am | 2 chapati + 1bowel of bitter guard sbji |
MIDMEAL 11.00-11.30 am | 1 glass of fresh juice |
LUNCH 2.00-2.30 pm | 2-3 roti + 1 cup Beans sabji + salad |
EVENING 4.00-4.30 pm | 1 cup skimmed milk |
DINNER 8.00-8.30 am | 1 bowel of Fruits or mixed vegetable salads |
- Consume well balanced diet
- Avoid heavy dinner
- Maintain atleast 2 hrs gap between dinner and sleep
- Never skip meals
- Avoid eating bakery products
- Have a glass of water before any meal this aids in boosting metabolism
- Take proper sleep
- Regular exercise
- Quit smoking and alcohol consumption
- Drink 9 to 10 glass of water daily
- Avoid stress