Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In today’s time people are ignorant of their bone health which leads to bone-related issues like osteoarthritis. Yoga is one of the best and most natural methods that helps to beat joint pain, discomfort and stiffness.
It helps to strengthen joint muscles and improve body flexibility. In addition it also reduce stress in body and mind. Regular yoga asana keep the weight in check thus reducing the load on bones and joints.
It is the most common type of arthritis. It is also known as Degenerative joint disease(DJD) or “wear and tear” arthritis. It occurs when protective cartilage that acts as cushions between ends of bones wears down over period of time. Joints loses their normal shape with time, small bones spurs and deposits are formed on edges of joints.
Joints used in everyday life , such as joints of hips, hands and knees are mostly effected.
- Primary: Generally affects thumbs, spine, fingers, hips, knees and big toes. Most common type
- Secondary : Develops due to pre-existing joint abnormality like injury or trauma of joints , inflammatory arthritis like gout, rheumatoid etc.
- Age : It usually starts from late 40s onwards. So with old age risk of Osteoarthritis also increase.
- Genetics : Having family history of OA put a person at higher risk for development of Osteoarthritis. In rare cases mutation of one gene that affects Collagen protein also leads to OA.
- Gender : Women in their 50s are more likely to develop OA than men due to decreased estrogen production in body post-menopause.
- Obesity: Being overweight there is extra pressure and stress on joints especially weight-bearing joints like knees and hips. So the stress increase the risk of development of osteoarthritis in obese persons.
- Joint injury : Major operation or injury of joint may lead to development of OA in that joint later in life.
- Repeated stress on joint : Hard , repetitive activity or physically demanding job that put stress on joints increase the risk of OA.
- Bone deformities : Borne with malformed joint or defective cartilage put person on risk of development of Osteoarthritis.
- Certain metabolic disorders : Conditions like diabetes and hyperlipidemia can increase the risk of osteoarthritis
Some of the common symptoms of Osteoarthritis are :
- Stiffness : Joint stiffness most noticeable in morning after waking up or after being inactive for some time.
- Pain : Hurts during or after movement in affected joints
- Tenderness: Pain after applying light pressure to or near affected joint
- Grating Sensation :When using joint one might feel grating sensation and might hear cracking or popping sound.
- Loss of flexibility : Decrease in range of motion of the joint.
- Bone spurs : Feels like hard lump and can form around joint that is affected.
- Swelling : Soft tissue inflammation around the affected joint.
Osteoarthritis can be correlated with Sandhigata vata in Ayurveda. Sandhigate vata means localization and invasion of vitiated vata in joints thereby producing swelling, pain and disturbed movements of affected joints.
Due to Nidan sevan the vata dosha gets aggravated which cause rukshata, kharata, parushata at srotas leading to the development of Sandhigata vata.
- Rasna
- Shigru
- Amlaki
- Guduchi
- Haridra
- Vacha
- Haritaki
- Pippli
It helps to improve body flexibility and also relieves the pain in joints. It is also effective in weight management and relieves the stress in body.
- Stand straight with your feet slight apart and weight distributed equally on both feet.
- Keep shoulder relaxed with abdominal muscles contracted.
- Inhale deeply while raising arms above the head and interlock your fingers with palms facing upwards keeping your gaze ahead
- Exhale while raising shoulders towards ears and roll them back and lower spine while straightening your posture while opening your chest.
- Relax all the muscles and return to initial position.
- Chronic migraine
- Knock knees
- Spinal problems
- Low blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Scoliosis
It is great for the joints as it helps to regulate circulation of blood around affected joints thus helps to reduce pain there. It also strengthens the core of the person.
- Stand straight with both legs close to one another and slowly raise one leg slightly while putting most weight on other one .
- Now place heel of lifted foot on other leg’s thigh.
- Slowly raise both hands above the head with finger pointing upward while both palms facing each others .
- Hold the posture for some time while taking few deep breaths .
- Now slowly put the leg down on the ground
- Recent knee or leg injury
- Back injury
- Migraine
- High or low blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Sciatica
It is great for elbow, fingers, shoulder, spine , neck and hip joints . It also improve the blood circulation in ankles and knees. It enhance the production of synovial fluid which helps in lubrication of joints thus relieves joint pain and reduce friction.
- Sit down straight with legs stretched out
- Fold left knee and bring left leg under right hip
- Bend right leg over left leg while drawing it towards left hip. keep right knee on left knee.
- Without raising Bend left hand behind with the palm up.
- Raise right hand and bend it down to reach left palm and hold it.
- Hold the pose and close your eyes.
- Taking slow breaths sit in the position for some minutes
- Slowly return to initial position.
- Pain in knee, hip or shoulders
- Injury to ligaments, tendon or muscles of leg
- Spondylitis
- Piles
- Sprain in leg
- Shoulder injury
- Knee injury
It helps to strengthen the legs , arms and lower back. It also improves blood circulation of body.
- Stand with straight posture and feet 3-4 feet apart
- Slowly turn right foot out so that it at 90 degree angle and turn left foot by 15 degree
- Lift both arms sideways to shoulder height slowly with palms facing downward
- Exhale deeply while bending right knee and turn head to the right
- Stretch the arms more and hold the head high
- Hold the pose for some time while taking deep breaths
- Slowly breath in and lower the arms to release the pose
- Weak hear
- High blood pressure
- Diarrhea
- Shoulder, leg or knee injuries
- Spinal disorders
- Pregnancy
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder in which the stomach and intestines are affected. It is a common disorder of gastrointestinal tract but causes a lot of discomfort. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc. are some of the common symptoms of it. But the symptoms are different among different individuals. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder and it takes a long time to manage the symptoms. It is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon and mucous colitis. In most of the patients, the symptoms are not severe and can be managed by some dietary and lifestyle modifications and stress management. However, severe cases require counseling and medications.
There has not been found exact cause for the occurrence of IBS. But researchers found out to be due to the oversensitive immune system. However, there are various combination of factors which play a role in its manifestation:
- Bacterial or viral infection of the digestive tract called gastroenteritis
- Disturbed muscle contractions of the intestine, either there are strong contractions or weak contractions
- Physical trauma
- Stressful conditions in the early life
- Changes in the composition of gut microbes
- Poor coordination between the brain and intestines
- Oversensitivity of nerves in the digestive system
There are some factors which trigger the onset of irritable bowel syndrome. Following are the factors:
- Intolerance to certain types of foods – some foods like dairy products, wheat, beans, milk, carbonated drinks, etc. can lead to onset or worsen the symptoms of IBS
- Stress – it worsens the symptoms of IBS
Here are some of the factors which make a person more prone to Irritable bowel syndrome:
- Having a genetic predisposition of IBS
- Females are more prone in comparison to males
- IBS mostly occurs under the age of 50 years
- Excessive intake of antibiotics
- Suffering from depression
- Food poisoning
- Emotional stress
- Any infection of the digestive tract
Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with the following signs and symptoms:
- Cramps in lower half of abdomen
- Excessive formation of gas
- Abdominal bloating
- Abnormal bowel movements
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Presence of mucus or blood in stool
- Rectal bleeding
- Nausea or vomiting
- Rapid weight loss
- Anemia
Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with the following complications:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Bipolar disorder
- Decreased work productivity
- Poor quality of life
Yoga is an ancient practice which is done to keep one healthy – physically as well as mentally. As it involves various stretching exercises, it increases blood circulation in the concerned area and provides proper nourishment to the affected part. It is found very beneficial in treating patients of irritable bowel syndrome.
Following are the yoga asanas which are recommended in irritable bowel syndrome:
Dhanu means bow and asana means body posture. In dhanurasana, the shape of the body is made like that of a bow. The pose should be performed 4-5 hour after meals. The best time is of early morning.
How to do it:
- Lie in the stomach with the feet apart.
- Then fold the knees and take your hands backwards and hold the ankles.
- Breathe in and lift the chest up from the ground. Pull the legs upwards and more towards the back.
- Keep the body posture stable and see forward. Pay attention to the breath.
- Maintain posture for 15-20 seconds and bring the legs and chest gently to the ground.
- Neck injury
- Hernia
- Hypertension or hypotension
- Lower back pain
- Migraine
- Recent abdominal surgery
Shava means corpse and asana means body posture. Shavasana is also known as corpse pose. This asana is a rest and relaxation posture. It is usually performed at the end of a yoga session. It helps in deep healing of the body.
How to do it:
- Lie flat on the back without any cushions or props. Close your eyes.
- Keep the legs apart comfortably and let the feet and knees relax.
- The arms should be kept aside with a little distance from the body. Keep the palms open and facing upwards.
- Breathe slowly and gently and slowly relax your entire body. Surrender the whole body and let go everything. But do not fall asleep.
- After 10-20 minutes, slowly roll onto the right side and remain in that position for a minute. Then with the help of the right hand, sit up into a seated posture known as sukhasana.
Matsyasana is the fish pose asana. If this asana is carried out in water, the body will float easily like a fish.
How to do it:
- Lie on back with feet together and hands relaxed.
- Place the hands under the hips and bring the elbows close to each other.
- Lift the head and chest up while breathing in.
- When the chest is elevated, lower the head backwards and touch floor with the top of the head.
- Hold the pose as long as a person feels comfortable.
- High or low blood pressure
- Migraine
- Insomnia
Trikonasana is called triangle pose also. It leads to stretching of legs and torso. It opens up chest space and promotes effect of deep breathing.
How to do it:
- Stand with the feet wide apart. Then stretch the right foot outwards while keeping the leg closer to the torso.
- Keep the feet firmly on the ground and balance the weight equally on both the feet. Then bend the right arm and touch the ground. Meanwhile, the left arm goes up.
- The waist should be kept straight. The body should bend sideways and not forwards and backwards.
- Repeat the same procedure on the other side also.
- Neck pain
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
Pavan means air, mukta means release and asana means body posture. So pawanmuktasana is a wind-relieving asana. Both mind and stomach are connected. Pawanmuktasana helps in relieving constipation and gas.
How to do it:
- Lie on the back with joined feet and arms beside the body.
- Bring the right knee towards the chest and press the thigh with the clasped hands.
- Then bring the left knee towards the chest. Press both the knees against the stomach with the clasped hands.
- Lift the head and chest off the floor. Hold this position for a few minutes. Then relax.
- Heart problem
- Hernia
- Slip disc
- Problem in testicles
- Menstruation
- Neck problem
- Back problem
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Yoga asanas helps to stimulate pancreas by rejuvenating the pancreatic cells. It also helps to increase the capacity of pancreas through alternative abdominal contractions.
Breathing and meditation practices oxygenate the pancreas thus allow tissues to improve blood supply in entire body.
Pancreas is a part of digestive system that is located behind stomach and sitting closely to first part of small intestine. It secrets digestive juices through pancreatic duct to small intestine. It also release insulin and glucagon into the blood stream.
Inflammation of pancreas is called as Pancreatitis. It is caused when digestive enzymes start digesting pancreas itself. Inflamed pancreas may release toxins and inflammatory cells that can harm kidneys, lungs and heart. Mild cases are curable with treatment but severe cases can be life-threatening.
- Acute Pancreatitis : It has sudden onset that lasts for short time. Person feels pain in upper abdomen which sometimes spreads to your back. The discomfort can range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening. It is completely curable with right treatment.
- Chronic Pancreatitis : It develops over time and is long lasting inflammation. It does permanent damage and scaring of pancreatic tissues and cause other complications.
Some common risk factors for development of Pancreatitis are :
- Gender : Males are more prone to development of pancreatitis than females
- Ethnicity : People having African-American ethnicity are more at risk of developing
- Family History : Having family history of pancreatitis may put person at more risk of developing pancreatitis.
- Obesity
- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol abuse
Causes for Pancreatitis are :
- Infections
- Metabolic disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Gall stones
- Trauma or Surgery
- Certain medications
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Hypercalcemia
- Pancreatic cancer
- High triglyceride levels
Symptoms of Acute Pancreatitis are :
- Moderate to severe upper abdominal pain which may spread to back
- Sudden onset of pain or built over few days
- With eating Pain worsen
- Tenderness of abdomen
- Swelling of abdomen
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Higher hear rate
- Fever
Symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis are :
- Constant disabling pain that radiates toward back
- Foamy Diarrhea with foul-smell
- Unexplained weight loss
- Upset stomach
- Vomiting
- Diabetes
- Kidney failure
- Malnutrition
- Pancreatic necrosis
- Pseudocysts
- Breathing problems
It can be correlated with Agnyasaya shotha in ayurveda. In ayurveda Pancreas is known as Agnyasaya and shotha means inflammation .
Due to nidan sevan the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha in body gets vitiated. After getting vitiated they cause obstruction in Agnyasaya and cause inflammation there.
- Amla : It is potent anti-oxidant that helps to minimize the damage caused by free radicals.
- Haritki : It stimulates beta-cells in Pancreas and is also beneficial to cure pancreatitis .
- Ginger : It has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory Properties. It has antioxidant properties that reverse the damage caused by free radical.
- Mulethi : it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to reduce swelling and pain associated with pancreatitis.
- Haldi : Curcumin present in it have potent antioxidant properties that helps to prevent pancreatitis.
- VIRASAN (HERO POSE ) : It helps to regulate the flow of blood in body especially in abdominal region. It helps to stimulate the digestive juice in abdomen. It also improves one’s posture.
- Kneel on the ground with knees bend and toes should point backward as a person sit between both feet.
- Keep spine straight and place both hands on your knees.
- Put the weight on the hips not on knees
- Hold the posture for few minutes and slowly return to resting
- Ankle pain or injury
- Headache
- Heart problems
- Migraine
- Anxiety or stress
- Recent surgery of Legs or back
- Arthritis
- VAKARASANA ( SPINAL TWIST POSE ) : It helps to massage and activate the pancreas thus stimulating it to improve the production of insulin and digestive juices.
- Sit down with legs stretched out while hands rest on ground by side.
- Slightly bend left leg keeping sole of foot resting on ground keeping right leg straight.
- Slowly start twisting torso toward left and bring right hand over left leg to hold left ankle .
- Position left hand behind body for support.
- Keep neck in twisted position to keep it aligned with torso
- Hold the posture for #0 seconds.
- Slowly release the posture by releasing the hands and twist toward right returning to initial position
- Repeat the above steps on right side .
- Severe back ache
- Peptic ulcers
- Hernia
- Spinal cord injury
- Hyperthyroidism
- Heart or brain conditions
- Abdominal surgery
- HALA ASANA (PLOW POSE ) : it is beneficial for pancreas and digestive system . It also helps to stimulate thyroid gland and improve flexibility of the body.
- Lie down on your back with hands by your side and palms facing downward.
- Inhale and slowly lifting your feet off the ground using abdominal muscles raising leg to make 90 degree angle .
- Continue to take normal breaths while supporting your hips and back with your hands and lift them off the ground.
- Gently sweep your legs over the head till yours touches the ground behind your head
- Keep your back in perpendicular angle with the ground.
- Hold the pose for a minute and slowly return to initial position .
- Slipped disc
- Injured cervical muscles
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle
- Sciatic Pain
- High blood pressure.
4.DHANURASANA ( BOW POSE ) : It enhance the circulation of blood in the body. It also stimulate the adrenal gland for maintain optimum function of hormones in body.
- Lie down on your stomach and keep feet apart with arms at side of the body.
- Steadily fold your knees and take both hands backward to grab your ankles.
- Inhale deeply and lift your chest off the floor along with pulling your leg toward the back.
- Keep your gaze ahead and hold the posture for 15-20 seconds
- Exhale deeply and gradually return to resting position.
- Low or high blood pressure
- Back injury
- Hernia
- Abdominal Ulcers
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Yoga asanas are excellent way of improving blood circulation in the body which is the main cause of varicose veins. The recommended poses for varicose vein are usually leg elevation poses as they helps to drain accumulated blood and lymph into the heart. It also helps to alleviate the pain caused due to pressure.
Yoga also relaxes the body thus preventing further worsening of the condition. It improve overall condition and enhance the movement of limbs.
Twisted and swollen blood vessels appearing just under the surface of skin in lower body is known as Varicose veins. It happens when the walls of veins are weak and valves in veins are not working properly , blood to backs up in the veins.
They normally occur in the legs but they can also develop in other parts of the body. This condition is very normal in today’s world due to sedentary life style.
There are no proper causes of development of varicose veins but certain factors contributes in development of varicose veins . The factors are :
- Age : With age there is wear and tear of the valves in veins that helps to control blood flow. This wear and tear causes improper functioning of valves thus allowing back flow of blood into vein where it collects.
- Sex : Females are more at risk of developing varicose vein than males . It is due to hormonal changes in body before menstrual cycle or menopause as female hormones tend to relax walls of veins. Also hormonal treatments may increase the risk of varicose veins.
- Pregnancy : The blood volume increase during pregnancy in the body. This change helps the growth of fetus but also enlarges the leg veins.
- Obesity : Being overweight may contribute in development of varicose veins as excess weight puts pressure on the blood vessels in legs.
- Tobacco use : Use of tobacco products put the person at high risk of developing varicose veins.
- Family History : Having family history of varicose vein may increase the risk in the person.
- Overall Health : Some conditions like certain tumors or constipation tends to increase the pressure in the veins of lower limbs.
- Lifestyle : Sitting or standing for long period decreases the blood circulation. Wearing restrictive clothing like girdles or pants with tight waistband can decrease flow of blood.
Some common symptoms of varicose vein are :
- Dark purple or Blue veins
- Twisted and bulged appearance of veins like cords in legs.
- Heavy or achy feeling
- Throbbing, burning, muscle cramping and swelling in lower legs.
- Pain worsens with sitting or standing for long time.
- Itching around one or more veins
- Brown discoloration of skin around varicose veins.
- Formation of ulcers on skin near varicose veins
- Blood clots
- Occasional bleeding if veins close to skin bursts.
- Eating high-fiber and low-salt diet
- Avoid wearing tight hosiery and high heels
- Regular exercising
- Changing sitting or standing position regularly
- Elevate the legs when sitting or lying down
- Maintain healthy weight.
According to ayurveda the balanced three doshas are essential for healthy body. In Varicose vein blood vessels are involved so there is involvement of pitta dosha.
Pitta along with vata alone or vata and kapha get vitiated and disture the blood circulation and obstructs blood vessels of particular area . Due to this the blood get stagnent in vessels causing swellind and dilation there giving rise to Varicose veins.
- Ginger
- Onion
- Brahmi
- Garlic
- Guggul
- Amalaki
- VIPRITA KARANI ( LEGS UP THE WALL POSE ) : It relaxes the legs by taking off pressure from them. It also helps to improve blood circulation and relieves the pain due to varicose veins. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body.
- Sit down across the wall and lie down with arms stretched out to sides
- Gently start raising both legs up the wall with soles facing upward.
- Palms of the hands should be facing downward
- Butts should be slightly away from wall and legs should make 90 degree angle with the upper body.
- Slowly close eyes and relax taking deep breaths
- Hold position for few minutes and then slowly return to initial position.
- High blood pressure
- Cervical Problems
- Pregnancy
- Slipped disc
- Glaucoma
- Menstrual cycle
- Hamstring pain
- UTTAN ASANA ( STANDING FORWARD BEND ) : It helps to improve blood circulation in the body. It also stretches the muscles of legs especially calves and thigh muscles. Doing it regularly relieves the pain in legs.
- Stand straight with legs hip-width apart with both hands at sides.
- Inhale deeply
- Start bending forward from hips as you exhale
- Rest both hands on floor next to feet and chest should float over the feet.
- Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds while looking through legs..
- Slowly inhale and start rising to return to initial position .
- Osteoporosis
- Lower back or neck injuries
- Scoliosis
- High or low blood pressure
- Severe migraine
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle
- PAWANMUKT ASANA ( WIND RELIEVING POSE ) : It helps to move around stagnant venous blood and lymph. It helps to loosen muscles in the knee area. It also helps to relieves fatigue and cramps in the legs.
- Lie down on mat on your back and legs stretched forward .
- Slowly inhale and fold the knees and bring them towards chest while hugging them
- Lift the head and tuck your chin into chest to deepen the stretch.
- Hold the posture for a minute
- Gradually return to initial position.
- Spine or knee surgery
- Ankle , shoulder or knee injury
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle
- Piles
- Abdominal hernia
- Slipped disc
- SARVANG ASANA ( SHOULDER STAND ) : There full inversion of body thus blood circulation is enhanced and pool of blood and lymph drains into the heart. It also helps to relax the leg muscles.
- Lie down on your back and your hands by side.
- Gradually lift your legs , hips and back so that you come up high on your shoulders.
- Now place the elbows in such a position that it supports your body weight while making sure your weight is not on neck and head as it can lead to injury
- Point outer part of sole outwards and tighten muscles
- Hold the posture for 30-60 seconds and then slowly return to resting position
- Headache
- High blood pressure
- Neck injury
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
- Menstrual cycle
- Hernia
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Back pain is the most common health issue from which people suffer. It is characterized by pain in muscles of back and intervertebral joints. It occurs due to any injury, strenuous physical activity and any underlying medical condition. People of all age groups are affected by back pain. However, with increasing age, there occur degenerative changes and chances of back pain get increased. Lower back area is most commonly affected. It is related to lower back muscles, abdominal and pelvic organs, ligaments attached and intervertebral discs. Pain in upper back is concerned with tumors in chest, disorders of aorta and inflammation of spine.
Back pain is categorized into two types – acute back pain and chronic back pain. Acute back pain occurs suddenly and is temporary in nature. It usually goes away on its own. Chronic back pain is a long term problem and remains for several months. The pain is progressive and worsens with time.
There are various treatments available for back pain. But with some dietary and lifestyle modifications, it can be easily prevented and managed.
Back pain has several reasons for its occurrence. Following are the causes of backpain:
- Muscle strain
- Rupturing of discs
- Bulging of discs
- Spasm of muscle
- Straining of ligaments
- Osteoporosis
- Narrowing of the spinal canal called spinal stenosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Lifting of heavy weight
- Any fracture due to fall or injury
- Sciatica
- Abnormal curvature of the spine
- Renal stones
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Any infection of the spine
- Tumor of spine
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Infection of kidneys
- Insomnia
Some factors make a person more prone to back pain. The factors are:
- Increasing age
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Genetic predisposition
- Lack of physical exercise
- Excessive body weight
- Pregnancy
- Cigarette smoking
- Alcohol intake
- Suffering from arthritis
- Anxiety
- Depression
Back pain has the following symptoms:
- Unable to stand straight
- Dull and aching sensation in the lower back
- Pain in buttock
- Shooting pain radiating down the leg
- Decreased range of motion
- Weakness in leg
- Foot drop
- Pain in heel
- Stiffness and pain in neck
- Swelling in shoulder and knee joints
- Headache
- Numbness and tingling sensation
- Difficulty in balancing
- Low-grade fever
- Loss of appetite
- Lack of coordination
- Loss of strength in muscles
In today’s era, people are having more sedentary lifestyle and less physical exercise. This causes weakening of muscles and there occurs strain of muscles. Yoga is one of the best methods for increasing physical and mental strength. It helps in relaxing tight muscles and strengthening of weak muscles. If performed regularly, it can be very beneficial for curing back pain.
Following are the yoga asanas which are recommended for management of back pain:
Marjari means cat and asana means body posture. Marjariasana is called cat stretch. It is an excellent stretching posture.
How to do it:
- Come onto the fours- arms and legs, with back forming the top of the table.
- Arms should be perpendicular to the floor and knees are hip-width apart from each other.
- While inhaling, raise the chin and bend the head backwards. Push the navel downwards and raise tailbone.
- This is the cat pose. Hold it for 1-2 minutes and take deep breathes.
- Then exhale and release the pose gradually.
- Do the pose for 4-5 times.
- Neck injury
- Back injury
Nauka means boat and asana means posture. This yoga asana is similar to the shape of a boat, hence called naukasana.
How to do it:
- Lie on the back with arms beside the body and feet together.
- While taking deep breathe, lift the chest up and feet off the ground and stretch the arms towards the feet.
- Keep the fingers and toes in line with each other.
- Maintain the pose and breathe deeply.
- While exhaling, bring back the arms and legs to the ground and relax.
- Headache
- Migraine
- Low blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Menstruation
- Asthma
- Heart patients
Dhanu means bow and asana means body posture. In dhanurasana, the shape of the body is made like that of a bow. The pose should be performed 4-5 hour after meals. The best time is of early morning.
How to do it:
- Lie in the stomach with the feet apart.
- Then fold the knees and take your hands backwards and hold the ankles.
- Breathe in and lift the chest up from the ground. Pull the legs upwards and more towards the back.
- Keep the body posture stable and see forward. Pay attention to the breath.
- Maintain posture for 15-20 seconds and bring the legs and chest gently to the ground.
- Neck injury
- Hernia
- Hypertension or hypotension
- Lower back pain
- Migraine
- Recent abdominal surgery
It is also known as bridge pose. In this asana, there occurs stretching of chest, neck, back muscles and spine. It is very helpful in relieving back pain and helps in strengthening of bones.
How to do it:
- Lie on the back on the floor
- Press onto the feet and slightly lift the hips upwards. You can slide a yoga block under them for giving support.
- During relaxing, remove the yoga block and bring the legs and hips down on the floor.
- Pregnancy
- Neck injury
- Stomach ulcers
- Hernia
Matsyasana is the fish pose asana. If this asana is carried out in water, the body will float easily like a fish.
How to do it:
- Lie on back with feet together and hands relaxed.
- Place the hands under the hips and bring the elbows close to each other.
- Lift the head and chest up while breathing in.
- When the chest is elevated, lower the head backwards and touch floor with the top of the head.
- Hold the pose as long as a person feels comfortable.
- High or low blood pressure
- Migraine
- Insomnia
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Coronary artery disease is a health condition in which there occurs blockage of the coronary arteries. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels which supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles only. It is one of the most common heart diseases. Coronary arteries are responsible for providing oxygen, nutrients and removing waste from the heart muscles. In coronary artery disease, the excessive cholesterol in blood gets deposited inside the walls of coronary arteries and forms plaques. These plaques cause inflammation and blockage of arteries.
Coronary artery disease is a chronic disorder and takes time to develop. The symptoms are not noticed in the beginning. Shortness of breath and pain in chest are some of the most common symptoms of coronary artery disease. It can further lead to heart attack.
With a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, coronary artery disease can be prevented or managed. There are various types of medicines available for it. Surgery is the last option available.
Coronary artery disease is caused due to deposition of cholesterol, fat, calcium and other substances on the inner walls of the arteries. This is known as atherosclerosis. The deposition of cholesterol is called plaque. This leads to narrowing of arteries. The arteries become harder and this condition is known as atherosclerosis. Sometimes, the plaque ruptures and blocks the arteries.
Some factors make a person at more risk of developing the coronary artery disease:
- People above the age of 45 years
- Males are more prone as compared to females
- Having a family history of coronary artery disease
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Lack of physical exercise
- Bad sleeping habits
- Cigarette smoking
- Intake of tobacco products
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Less hemoglobin
- Kidney disease
- Suffering from autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, etc
- Being overweight
- Diabetes
- Hormonal imbalance
- Endometriosis
Coronary artery disease has the following signs and symptoms:
- Difficulty in breathing
- Tightness in chest
- Pain and discomfort in chest
- Pain radiating in shoulder, arm, jaw and back
- Dizziness
- Increased heart rate
- Fatigue
- Nausea or vomiting
- Indigestion
Coronary artery disease is associated with some of the following complications:
- Angina
- Irregular heart rate
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
Coronary artery disease has become a very common disease now-a-days. Due to unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, there occur increased amount of fat in body. The cholesterol levels are high and it starts getting deposited along the walls of arteries. This leads to heart problems.
Yoga can be very helpful in maintaining weight and removing toxins from the body. It has a very good effect on heart and keeps the respiratory system well. There are some of the yoga asanas which are recommended for management of heart problems. Following are the yoga asanas are:
Trikonasana is called triangle pose also. It leads to stretching of legs and torso. It opens up chest space and promotes effect of deep breathing.
How to do it:
- Stand with the feet wide apart. Then stretch the right foot outwards while keeping the leg closer to the torso.
- Keep the feet firmly on the ground and balance the weight equally on both the feet. Then bend the right arm and touch the ground. Meanwhile, the left arm goes up.
- The waist should be kept straight. The body should bend sideways and not forwards and backwards.
- Repeat the same procedure on the other side also.
- Neck pain
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
Marjari means cat and asana means body posture. Marjariasana is called cat stretch. It is an excellent stretching posture.
How to do it:
- Come onto the fours- arms and legs, with back forming the top of the table.
- Arms should be perpendicular to the floor and knees are hip-width apart from each other.
- While inhaling, raise the chin and bend the head backwards. Push the navel downwards and raise tailbone.
- This is the cat pose. Hold it for 1-2 minutes and take deep breathes.
- Then exhale and release the pose gradually.
- Do the pose for 4-5 times.
- Neck injury
- Back injury
It is also known as bridge pose. In this asana, there occurs stretching of chest, neck, back muscles and spine. It is very helpful in relieving back pain and helps in strengthening of bones.
How to do it:
- Lie on the back on the floor
- Press onto the feet and slightly lift the hips upwards. You can slide a yoga block under them for giving support.
- During relaxing, remove the yoga block and bring the legs and hips down on the floor.
- Pregnancy
- Neck injury
- Stomach ulcers
- Hernia
Bhujanga means cobra and asana means body posture. Bhujangasana is the cobra or snake pose. It can be done easily at home while lying down on the stomach and then stretching. It gives a good stretch to the body and instantly relieves stress.
How to do it:
- Lie down in stomach with the toes flat and soles facing upwards.
- Rest the forehead on the ground, keep the legs closer with feet and heels touching each other.
- Now slowly lift the body while taking a deep breath in. The navel should be kept in ground level.
- Both the hands should have equal pressure while pulling on and off of the torso from the ground.
- Hold the pose for 4-5 breaths. Then, breathe out and bring the abdomen, chest and head gently on floor.
- Repeat it for 4-5 times.
- Pregnancy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Hernia
- Recent abdominal surgery
- Fracture of ribs or wrist joints
Dhanu means bow and asana means body posture. In dhanurasana, the shape of the body is made like that of a bow. The pose should be performed 4-5 hour after meals. The best time is of early morning.
How to do it:
- Lie in the stomach with the feet apart.
- Then fold the knees and take your hands backwards and hold the ankles.
- Breathe in and lift the chest up from the ground. Pull the legs upwards and more towards the back.
- Keep the body posture stable and see forward. Pay attention to the breath.
- Maintain posture for 15-20 seconds and bring the legs and chest gently to the ground.
- Neck injury
- Hernia
- Hypertension or hypotension
- Lower back pain
- Migraine
- Recent abdominal surgery
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Yoga provide safe and natural solution to numerous health conditions. It helps to improve flexibility, energy, balance and reduce the level of stress in the body.
Yoga asana work on improving breathing and also boost body immunity against allergies. Regular practice of asana helps to enhance the respiratory flow through nasal cavity. Focusing on breathing pattern while performing asana reduce stress and also lowers the amount of histamine in body thus helps to reduce symptoms of allergy.
It is an allergic response of immune system to exposure of certain allergens like pollens, mites etc. It is long standing conditions which often goes undetected . It is a common condition which make person feel awful but can be relieved with lifestyle changes and right treatment.
It is also called as Hay fever. It has cold like symptoms so in some case it is confused with common cold or flu.
There are mainly two types :
- Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis : It most commonly occur in summer, fall and spring due to pollens and molds in the air. Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis usually improve with the change in weather.
- Perennial Allergic Rhinitis : It occur throughout the year as the symptoms are caused by indoor allergens
It happens due to oversensitivity of immune system to certain allergens . Allergens are tiny partials that are ease to inhale through nose or mouth.
Allergens are harmless to most of the peoples. But in certain individuals due to hypersensitivity of immune system , it release a natural chemical named Histamine in the blood stream to fight of the allergen. Histamine cause inflammation of mucus membrane of nose, Throat and eyes as they work to eject allergen from the body.
Some common and perennial allergens are :
- Pollens :
- Grass pollen like blue grass
- Tree pollens like birch, maple alder
- Weed pollens
- Molds of cladosporium etc
- Insects waste and saliva like houseflies, cockroaches , bed bugs, fleas.
- Pet dander of animals like dogs, rabbits, cats atc
- Dust mites
- Ingestants like fish, eggs, nuts , milk etc.
- Family history : Having family history of allergy may increase the risk of Allergic rhinitis
- Certain conditions : Some conditions like asthma and eczema can increase the risk of allergic rhinitis
- Genetic susceptibility
- High total of Serum IgE
- Obesity
- Exposure to pollutants
- Humidity and cold weather
- Excessive inhalation of nitric oxide.
Some of the common symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis are :
- Nasal congestion or runny nose
- Itching of mouth, nose or eyes
- Frequent sneezing
- Mouth breathing
- Puffy eyelids
- Watery, red, itchy eyes
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Popping or crackling of ears
- Some loss of smell
- Poor concentration
- Fatigue
- Malaise
- Sinusitis
- Middle ear infection
- Nasal polyps
- Sleep apnea
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Upper respiratory tract infection
It can be correlated with Vata-kaphaja pratishaya. Due to nidan sevan the Kapha dosha along with vata hampers the digestive fire which leads to the formation of ama in the body. Ama affects the rasa and rakta dhatu which leads to manifestation of pratishyaya.
- Turmeric
- Ashwagandha
- Amla
- Tulsi
- Dry Ginger
- ARDHA CHANDR ASANA ( HALF MOON POSE ) : It helps to strengthen the spine and relieve backache. It helps to open up your chest and shoulders thus provide relief to some symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It also helps to relieve stress and enhance body coordination.
- Stand in tree pose with right leg forward and softly bend your knee while bringing left hand to the hip.
- Slowly place right hand on floor in front of right leg. Tent your hand so only fingertips touches the ground.
- Straight your right leg along with lifting the left foot off the floor. Keep left foot as straight as possible.
- Open your hips so that left hip point assembled on right hip point.
- Left leg will be parallel to ground and flex foot so toes point toward the left.
- Raise left arm up with opening the chest to make straight line with right leg and left hand.
- Turn the head to see the fingertip’s of left hand .
- Hold the posture for 4-5 breaths and return to standing posture
- Repeat the pose on other side.
- Leg, shoulder or hip injury
- Low blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Ligament tear of knee, wrist or ankle
- Diarrhea
- Slipped disc.
- MATSYASANA ( FISH POSE ) : It helps to stretch the neck and chest. It also relieves the tension from neck and shoulder. It encourages the deep breathing thus provide relief from respiratory disorders.
- Lie down on your back and keep your feet together.
- Now place hands on floor with palms facing downward. Slowly start moving hands beneath thighs closer to buttocks
- Keep forearms firmly on ground while slowly lifting your chest up by putting weight on your elbows.
- Lower the head back until it touches the ground and elbow bearing the whole weight not head.
- Take even breaths as your body is now an arch.
- Hold the posture for few minutes and then gradually return to resting position.
- Migraine
- High or low blood pressure
- Lower back or neck injury
- Insomnia
- Severe arthritis
- Hernia
- KAPALBHATI :It is a breathing technique that helps to clear the sinus as well as improve brain functions. It clears blockage in respiratory system and treats cold and cough.
- Sit down on floor with crossed legs keeping feet on thighs across from one another
- Place hands in mudra position
- Slowly take a deep breath
- While exhaling pull the navel back towards spine so you feel contraction of abdominal muscles
- When you relax the navel and abdomen breath will automatically flows into the lungs.
- Do this for 2 minutes and than relax with eyes closed .
- Epilepsy
- Vertigo
- History of stroke
- Heart disease
- Migraine
- Recent abdominal surgery
- Hernia
- USTRASANA (CAMEL POSE ) : It helps to removes stuffiness in nasal passage and also helps to improve eyesight and digestion.
- Kneel on mat with hands placed on hips .
- Stand on your knees while keeping thighs fully stretched.
- Slowly start leaning in backward direction making an arch with your back.
- Reach the right heel with right hand and left heel with left hand to provide support keeping both arms straight.
- Hold the pose for couple of breaths and then gradually return to initial position.
- Anxiety
- Postnatal women
- Acute back pain
- Pregnancy
- Vertigo
Advanced spondylitis
- January 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Yoga asanas helps to reduce relax the body and mind thus reducing stress. Reduction in stress may helps to improve heart health and digestive health. Asanas helps to flush out waste and toxins from the body thus helps to manage the cholesterol levels in individual. It also stretches the muscles of abdomen which improve their functions and reduce bad cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a lipid that plays vital role in formation of certain hormones, cell membranes and vitamin-D. It water insoluble so it require lipoproteins for transportation in body. Lipoproteins are made from proteins and fats. There are two types of lipoprotein LDL(Low density lipoprotein) and HDL(high density lipoprotein). LDL cholesterol is carried by LDLs.
If there is increase in the level of LDL cholesterol than diagnosis is of High Cholesterol in the individual. Untreated High Cholesterol leads to many health conditions like stroke , heart attack etc.
- Smoking and Tobacco use : Smoking elevates the level of LDL ( bad cholesterol ) and lowers the levels of HDL ( good cholesterol ).
- Stress : Stress tends to trigger hormonal changes that increase the production of cholesterol in the body.
- No Physical activities : Physical exercise helps to improves the cholesterol numbers but sitting for too long or not doing physical activities lead to decrease in the production of Good cholesterol (HDL ).
- Diet : Consumption of too much saturated fats reduce the ability of liver to remove excess cholesterol leading to cholesterol built up in blood.
- Alcohol abuse : Too much alcohol intake leads to increase total cholesterol in the body.
High levels of cholesterol does not cause any symptoms in most individuals. Individual won’t start feeling any symptoms until high cholesterol causes other problems. Some common symptoms are :
- Depression
- Poor appetite
- Loose stools
- Heart pain
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Xanthelasma
With passage of time High cholesterol leads to buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. The longer high cholesterol goes untreated the bigger the plaque gets which leads to development of other medical conditions :
- Coronary artery disease (CAD) : It happens when the plaque built-up in coronary arteries due to High cholesterol. Coronary arteries carry blood to the heart. When heart does not get enough blood due to plaque built-up , it gets weaker and stops proper functioning.
- Carotid artery disease : Plaque effect the carotid arteries that supply blood to large part of brain. When brain does get enough oxygen it can lead to stroke or Transient ischemic attack.
- Peripheral artery disease(PAD) : Plaque built-up in arteries of arms and legs is called PAD. It is more common in legs but can happen in arms. Its key symptom is intermittent claudication.
- High blood Pressure : Plaque in arteries cause arteries to become narrow and hard which put strain on heart as to pump blood through them. High blood pressure is developed as a result of this.
- Limit the intake of food with trans fat and saturated fats.
- Consumption of high fiber diet like fruits, whole grain, and vegetables.
- Limited intake of less sodium
- Stop smoking and usage of tobacco products
- Increase physical activities and do exercise in most days of week.
Nidan sevan like snighda ahara, avyayami etc leads to the aggravation of kapha dosha in the body. Aggravated kapha cause vitiation of agni leading to formation of ama in the body.
Accumulated ama cause Meda dhatu vitiation which cause blockage of Srotas . This obstruction leads to stopage of other Dhatupushti and only Meda Dhatu increase which further leads to Medo vaha srotodushti vikara.
- Garlic
- Guggul
- Amla
- Arjun
- Yashtimadhu
- Trikatu
- SHALABH ASANA (LOCUST POSE ): It helps to stretch abdominal muscles and stimulates the abdominal organs. It also burns fat in hip, thighs and waist.
- Lie down on your stomach with legs stretched and soles facing upward
- Place hands close to body with palms facing down
- Stretch the chin and rest it on the floor.
- Inhale deeply and slowly start raising both legs from the ground keeping them straight to a convenient possible height
- Keep breathing normally and hold the position for as long as you feel comfortable
- Release the posture slowly exhaling and return to resting position.
- Heart ailments
- Peptic ulcers
- Hernia
- Pregnancy
- Hip, knee or Rib cage injury
- Asthma
- Menstrual history.
- CHAKRASANA (WHEEL POSE) : It massages the abdominal organs and help in digestion. It also improve function of liver and helps to flush out excess cholesterol.
- Lie down on your back with feet apart
- Slowly start to bend both knees so your feet are flat on ground and feet should be foot away from the hips.
- Place your hand on floor above your shoulders with fingers facing shoulders.
- Slowly lift upper position of body from floor by pressing your hands on ground.
- Rest the crown of head lightly on floor.
- Start to press onto your legs while slowly lifting Pelvis, legs and abdomen off the ground and make sure to place more weight on palms.
- Hang your head in stable and neutral position
- Hold the posture for 10-15 seconds and slowly return to resting position by lowering your arms and legs and placing them on floor.
- Pregnancy
- Cardiovascular problems
- Spinal problems
- Hernia
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Migraine
- ARDHO-MATSYENDR ASANA( HALF LORD OF FISH POSE) :It massages the abdominal organs and helps to stimulate liver. It also improve the digestion.
- Sit on ground with legs stretched out.
- Slowly bring right foot to outside of left hip with knee pointing forward
- Move left foot outside to right thigh and bring left hand to ground behind you.
- Wrap right arm around leg thigh
- Slowly turn upper body to right as far as comfortable
- Hold the pose for few minutes , then gently return to initial position
- Repeat the procedure to other side.
- Peptic ulcers
- Severe back or neck pain
- Slip disc
- Pregnancy
- Recent Abdominal surgery
- SARVANG-ASANA ( SHOULDER STAND ) : It helps to boost endocrine system. It also stimulate abdominal organs and helps to improve digestion.
- Lie down on your back and with hands by side.
- Lift your legs , hips and back slowly so that you come up high on your shoulders.
- Then place the elbows in such a position that it supports your body weight. But make sure your weight is not on neck and head as it can lead to injury
- Point outer part of sole outwards and tighten muscles
- Hold the posture for 30-60 seconds and then slowly return to resting position.
- Neck injury
- Headache
- Menstrual cycle
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
- December 31, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
These tablets are pure herbal combination. Skin is the first line of defense against toxins and microbes present in environment. Itching is related with various skin conditions like dermatitis , infected cuts or irritation from certain jewelry. Chronic skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and due to internal conditions like lungs, liver and blood.
According to ayurveda toxins in skin mainly arises due to ama formation in body . Ama formed in body diminishes Pachakagni thus causing vitiation of rakta and rasa dhatu leading to development of skin problems.
Itch Care tablets contain ingredients with cooling effect that pacifies Pitta dosha . These tablets also helps in purification of blood Providing relieve from symptoms and also rejuvenates the body.
- Chopchini (Smilax china) : It is a is known for its blood purifying properties in ayurveda. It is a potent drug with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It also exhibit anti- allergic and anti- histamine properties which help to manage skin inflammation and allergic reactions. It maintain molecular life of cells and rejuvenates skin cells.
- Gandhak : It contain essential Amino acids that plays vital role in formation of cell’s protein , antibodies and tissues. It also has Keratolytic that break down outer skin layer and decrease the thickness of psoriatic plaques.
- Swet chandan (Santalum album) : It is a potent Astringent, anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-aging. It also helps to boost the immune system. It contain active compound alpha-santalol which helps to battle skin cancer
- Babchi (Psoralea corylifolia):It is rich in antoxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties thus helps to treat skin conditions like acne, vitiligo, psoriasis etc. It provides protection to skin from damage caused by oxidative stress.
- Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) : It is a potent herb used in purification of blood by removing toxins present in it. It have anti-proliferative properties that is beneficial in management of psoriasis. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for skin conditions.
- Allergic rashes
- Itching
- Burning sensation
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Urticaria or angioedema and hives
- Leprosy
- Scabies
- Dermatitis
- Improves the digestion
Compared to Itch Care tablets the allopathic counterpart is Alclometasone Dipropionate :
It is a type of Corticosteroid that is used in the treatment of skin problems like dermatitis, allergies, eczema and rashes as it helps to relieve itching, swelling and redness.
It is low to medium strength corticosteroid. It is available in market in cream or ointment form.
It act by induction of proteins called Lipocortins which inhibits phospholipase A2 enzyme responsible for arachidonic acid. Without arachidonic acid eicosanoids can’t be produced
It also inhibits the release of leukocytes.
- Skin dryness
- Acne
- Skin rashes
- Folliculitis
- Irritation
- Blisters
- Stretch marks
- Mood Changes
- Weight gain
- Muscle weakness
- Insomnia
- Blurred vision
- Skin thinning
- Skin discoloration
- Headache
- Increased thirst
- Cushing syndrome
- Pregnancy
- Breast feeding
- Diabetes mellitus
- Corticosteroid Hypersensitivity
- Immune system problems
- December 31, 2022
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
These tablets are amazing combination of natural herbs like Tagar, Jatamansi, Brahmi, Sarpgandha that helps to relieve stress from brain. They helps in pacifying the nervous system thus helps to enhance the physical and mental performance of the person.
In ayurveda imbalance of three doshas vata, pitta and kapha leads to development of diseases in body.
- Prana vayu the subtype of vata dosha helps to regulate sensory perception ,mind and brain
- Tarpak kapha subtype of kapha dosha helps to regulate cerebro-spinal fluids
- Sadhak pitta the subtype of pitta dosha helps to govern emotions and their impact on heart.
Vitiation of anyone of these doshas lead to stress and anxiety. Stress care plus tablets helps in that.
- Jatamansi(Nardostachys jatamansi) : It has potent neuro-protective and anti-oxidant properties that helps the body against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It is a potent nerve tonic that helps to relieve mental exhaustion and stress. It also have a calming effect on mind and body thus treats insomnia.
- Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri) : It has cognitive abilities that helps to booste memory thus useful in Alzheimer’s disease. It decrease the production of stress hormone cortisol and increase production of serotonin thus improves anxiety. it is a potent antioxidant.
- Tagar Ganth (Valeriana wallichi) :It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on brain and enhance sustenance of brain. It’s extract has anti-convulsant and sedative effects. It provides temporary relief to nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.
- Sarpgandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) : It is rich in alkaloids which positively influence an agitated brain as it have strong sedative traits. It lowers the mental stress and soothes the mind thus inducing sound sleep.
- Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) : It is a known adaptogen which helps to regulate production of cortisol and manages stress. It is an excellent ayurvedic herd used for centuries to strengthen mental faculties and improve sleep. It has anti-depressant properties that helps reduce irritability and improve stamina.
- Praval pishti : It is a natural source of calcium. as calcium is fundamental in the control of synaptic activities and memory formation thus helps to improve overall brain health.
- Rudraksh (Elaeocarpus ganitus) :It is used to relieve the stress from mind and body as it has calming effects on mind and body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Khurasani Ajwain (Hyoscyamus niger) : It has sedative and narcotic properties that helps to calm body and mind thus induce sleep. It also has excellent ant-inflammatory
- Maintain stress level
- Good in neurological problems
- Provide strength to the nervous system
- Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Negative emotions
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Amnesia
- Headaches
- Enhance concentration in studies and other work
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Palpitations
- Hypertension
- Asthma
- Obesity
- Diabetes
Compared to Stress Care Plus tablets the allopathic counterpart is Desvenlafaxine
Desvenlafaxine is an anti-depressant drug . It is in class of Selective Seratonin and Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) . It is used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, Neuropathic pain and stress urinary incontinence. It helps to restore balance of seratonin and norepinephrine in brain.
It inhibits the neurotrasmitter re-uptake in norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine transporters . Affinity of inhibition of serotonin transporter is 10 time that of norepinephrine.
It is available in market under brand name of :
- Prestiq
- Nexvenla
- Desveren
- Zyven
- Denlafax
- Unidex
- Hypoatremia
- Cardiac DIseases
- Hepatice diseases
- Renal failure
- Dry mouth
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Reduced Appetite
- Insomnia
- Constipation
- Sleepiness
- Flushing
- Agitation
- Seizures
- Loss of coordination
- Fast heartbeat