Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- February 9, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A painful skin condition in which there formation of fluid filled sac between layers of skin. The skin consist of three layers that are The epidermis, The dermis and Subcutaneous fat. The blisters typically forms under epidermis layer. Usually it can be filled with clear liquid or blood as it depends upon injury which damage the skin.
The blister formed can be itchy or painful and if it gets infected blister gets filled with white-milky pus.
Blisters can be symptom of an underlying disease . The common types of blisters includes :
- Blood Blisters : There is blood filled sac instead of clear liquid due to broken vessels and damage of the lower layers of skin. The blood gets pooled and forms the blister.
- Friction Blisters: They are caused due to the rubbing on skin which cause the buildup of clear fluid in upper layers of skin. These types of blisters usually develop because of poor-fitted shoes or not wearing socks with shoes. Individual also develop them on hands from holding things such as shovels or other tools.
- Heat blisters : Individual gets these types of blisters due to sunburns or burns . They can also develop after warming up from frostbite. Usually blistering of skin comes under second degree burns.
Some conditions has blisters on face as a symptom. These conditions includes :
- Burns : Getting burns from chemicals , heat and sunburns can form blisters on face and other parts of the skin. Blisters form due to burns in severe conditions
- Contact dermatitis : In contact dermatitis skin reacts to allergens like latex, adhesives , poison ivy or irritants like pesticides or chemicals can lead to formation of inflamed, red blisters on face and other body parts.
- Allergic eczema : It is a skin condition which tends to get worsened by allergens and can lead to formation blisters on face
- Chickenpox: It is a infection caused by Varicella-zoster virus which causes itchy rashes on face and skin with small, fluid filled blisters.
- Shingles: It is caused by Herpes zoster virus . The virus causes rashes with fluid vesicles which may rupture on the face.
- Impetigo : It is a most common and Highly contagious bacterial infection of skin which mostly affects infants and young children. It generally appears as reddish blisters or sores on f ace around mouth and nose.
- Erysipelas : It is Bacterial skin infection which mostly involves upper dermis layer. In some severe cases it forms blisters on the Face.
In Ayurved it comes under Twak Vikara. Due to intake of unwholesome food, oily , fried food, day time sleeping etc leads to the vitiation of the three doshas Vata , Pitta and Kapha. Vitiated Pitta dosha contaminate Rakta(blood) dhatu . The pitta and rakta dosha along with other doshas travels in the body and produce Visphotaka ( Blisters) under the skin on face and other body parts.
- Patol
- Amalaki
- Bala
- Sandalwood
- Shweta Gunja
- Neem
- Usira
- Swedana
- Vamana
- Virechana
- Raktmokshana with Leech therapy
- Mukha Lepam
1. Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
2. Skin care tablet:
skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
3. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu:
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is an ayurvedic preparation mainly used for skin diseases. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients such as Nimba(Azadirachta indica), Patola(Cucumis acutangulus), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa(Adhatoda vasica), etc. This tablet promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu tablet is a natural source of anti – oxidant. It promotes engender vibrant and healthy skin.
Recommended Dosage–Take 1 tablets twice a day with normal water.
4. Itch Cure Tablet:
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or plasma nourishes the skin. Itch cure tablet has cooling herbs which provide cooling effects to patients by pacifying pitta doshas. This tablet helps to purify blood as wells as cleanses and rejuvenates the body.
Recommended Dosage–Take 1 tablets twice a day with normal water.
5. Aloe Vera Gulab Gel:
Aloe Vera Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
- February 9, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The most common complaint of gastro-intestinal issue is Constipation in today’s world. Individual is said to be constipated when they have less than three bowel movements a week or they have difficulty to pass out stool. It is an uncomfortable conditions which is most consider a symptom of underlying issue than disease itself. Normally ever individual have different bowel habits than others like some may have three bowel movements in a day and some may have three bowel movement a week.
Individuals with constipation may have symptoms like :
- Stool which is painful or hard to pass
- Feeling like individual is not able to completely empty the stool.
- Dry, lumpy or hard stools
- Fewer than3 bowel movements in a week.
Individual may have following symptoms like :
- Blood in stool
- Pain in lower back
- Unexplained weight loss
- Persistent abdominal pain
- Feeling bloated
- Sudden change in bowel movement.
Some factors that can cause constipation in individual are :
- Dehydration
- Delaying the impulse to have bowel movement
- Traveling or changes in daily routine
- Pregnancy
- Low fiber diet
- Old Age -60 or over
- Less physical activities or exercise
- Certain medications like antacids, diuretics, pain medications etc.
Small changes in diet helps to improve digestion as well as helps to relieve constipation . The tips to constipation includes :
- Add Grains : Replace white rice, white bread and regular pasta with whole-grain Add multi-grain cereals , whole wheat crackers , whole oats etc that are low in fat and sugar thus helps to ease out constipation.
- Add Veggies : Most vegetables are high in insoluble fibers that adds bulk to stool thus promotes regular bowel movements.
- Pulses : Most of the lentils, beans and peas are rich in fibers and also contain nutrients like folate, potassium, vitamin-B6 etc helps to ease out the constipation in individuals.
- High fiber fruits : Fruits that have high content of fibers can ease constipation.
- Kiwi : It contain around 3g of fiber in 100g of fruit. Along with that it also contain Actinidine enzyme that helps to relieve associated symptoms of constipation like abdominal discomfort , indigestion, pain etc.
- Pears and Apples : Both fruits have high water content thus helps to prevent constipation and also ease digestion. They are more beneficial when individual consume them raw and whole with intact skin.
- Grapes: They are rich in fibers and contain lot of water thus helps to add moisture to hardened stool and ease out its movement.
- Liquids : Liquids helps to add moisture to hard stool thus making it soft and ease too pass out .
- Water : The most common cause of constipation in many individuals is dehydration. So intake of plenty of water helps to ease the symptoms of constipation as well as avoid getting constipation in future.
- Soups : Warm liquids like soups helps to ease constipation by facilitating bowel movements and also improve digestion in individuals.
- Chia seeds : These seeds are rich in fibers content. They form a gel when comes in contact with water which helps to soften the stool and make it easier to pass the stool.
- Hareetaki : It acts as natural laxative because of presence of chemical compound tannin that have laxative properties. Along with that it is loaded with fiber also that helps to ease constipation. Consumption of 1tsp hareetaki powder with warm water at night relieves the symptoms of constipation .
- Draksha : It has vata pacifying and mobility properties that helps to ease constipation in individuals. Soak 5-6 raisins in water at night and consume that water along with soaked raisin empty stomach in morning.
- Castor oil : It has natural laxative properties that helps to facilitate the movements muscles in intestine thus helps to freely push out the stool. Mix 1-2 tsp of castor oil in warm milk and consume at bed time to ease the constipation.
- Danti :It has bhedna (purgative) property that helps to regularise the bowel movements and also helps to ease abdominal discomfort constipation causes.
- Aragwadha : It has natural laxative properties that makes it effective in constipation as it facilitates smooth passage of stool out of the body. It also prevents drying up of fluid in colon and also relieve abdominal distention, abdominal pain , colic etc.
- February 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
When experiencing challenges or changes the human body produce mental and physical responses that responses is called Stress. It helps the body to adapt to new situations. It may be positive and help to keep body motivated, alert and ready to avoid dangerous situations. Stress become problem when stressors tends to continue without periods of relaxation or relief.
There are two main types of stress described that are :
- Acute Stress : Body experience stress for short term which quickly fades away. Individual feels it at time of fight with your partner, ski down steep slope or slamming on the brakes. This type of stress helps to manage dangerous situations and individual also feel it while doing something exciting or new. Every individual have acute stress at one or another time.
- Chronic Stress : This type of stress lasts for a longer duration. Individuals develop chronic stress conditions due to unhappy marriage, trouble at work or money related problems. Any type of stress that last for weeks or months is chronic stress and body get used to chronic stress that individual do not realize it is a problem. If not managed in time it can lead to other health conditions.
Nervous system controls breathing, heart rate, vision changes and many more body activities. Nervous system has built in response toward stress known as fight 0r flight response which helps body to face stressful conditions.
Suffering from long-term or Chronic stress the body’s continuous activation of stress response tends to cause wear and tear of the body physically, emotionally and behaviorally.
The physical symptoms of stress are :
- Chest pain
- Pains and aches
- Troubled sleeping or Exhaustion
- Muscle tension
- Dizziness, headache or shaking
- High blood pressure
- Weakened immune system
- Digestion or stomach problems
Mental or Emotional symptoms of stress are :
- Depression
- Sadness
- Anxiety or Irritability
- Panic attacks
Sometimes individuals indulge in unhealthy behaviors to try to manage their chronic stress . The unhealthy behaviors includes :
- Gambling
- Participating compulsively in shopping , internet surfing etc
- Drug Abuse
- Indulging in alcohol drinking too often or too much
- Smoking
- Developing an eating disorder or binge eating
Some of the steps individual can take to prevent stress includes:
- Taking good care of body : Get enough sleep, consume healthy and balanced diet, Exercise regularly makes the body capable of handling stressful conditions much in much better ways.
- Positive Attitude : Practice gratitude and staying calm and positive , acknowledging the good in life helps to manage stress levels .
- Relaxation Activities : Try to indulge in relaxation activities like yoga, breathing exercises, tai chi , meditation , muscle relaxation etc helps to relieve body and minds fatigue and stress.
- Learn to say “No”: Individual should learn to say no to extra work or responsibility when they are stressed or too busy to avoid body and mind burn-out.
- Stay Connected to peoples : Always be in connection with peoples that helps to keep you calm. provide emotional support , make you feel appreciated, encourages you for better things etc . They helps to lessen stress so you do not get overwhelmed with stress.
According to Ayurved body is goverened by Three Energies Vata ,Pitta and Kapha. Most of the individuals have bi-doshic composition in body according to Ayurved. Mostly these doshas influence the overall mental well-being in individuals . Stress can be correlated with Sahasa in Ayurved .It causes Ojahksaya or loss of immunity which might increase the risk of developing other health. Due to intake of unwholesome food, suppressing natural urges, getting angry etc the three doshas get vitiated and affect the Mano-vaha srotas thus causing stress. Every dosh produce different symptoms like:
- Vata Dosha : Due to imbalance of vata it cause anxiety, fear, insomnia, isolation etc.
- Pitta Dosha :Due to imbalance of Pitta it produce symptoms like more irritation, anger, frustration etc
- Kapha Dosha : Imbalance of kapha produce symptoms in response to stress like depression, weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, lack of energy etc.
- Bhringaraj
- Brahmi
- Ashwagandha
- Vacha
- Jatamasi
- Amalaki
- Shatavari
- Parishek
- Shiro Dhara
- Shiro Vasti
- Patra Potli Pind Sweda
- Nasya
1. Vata Balance Tablet:
Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution, it is an excellent formula for the Vata season, which in most parts of the world is autumn and early winter.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
2. Brodley Syrup:
This syrup is prepared from the extract of various herbs that deal with the delusion, hallucination, disorganized behavior, lack of emotions, & inappropriate posture, etc. The syrup is prepared from herbs such as Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, Jatamansi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Saunf. These herbs show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, & mind relaxant properties.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
3. Stress care tablet:
It is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also help to increase mental and physical performance. In Ayurveda when there is an imbalance of three energies i.e. Vata, pitta, and Kapha, it leads to disease. Vata has a sub dosha named prana doshas which regulates the sensory perception, brain, and mind. Tarpak Kapha subtype of kapha, governs cerebrospinal fluid, sadhak pitta subtype of pitta doshas governs emotions and their impact on the heart. So any vitiation of these doshas leads to stress. It act as Anti-depressant, relieves Insomnia, Anxiety.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
4. Brain Relaxant Churna:
This churna is pure Ayurvedic which helps to rejuvenate the brain cells, improves memory, give strength to the body, & increases the concentration by calming down the brain. It is prepared from herbs that show calming effect on brain and gives you relaxation. Brain relaxant churna shows antioxidant, Neuroprotective, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients present in this churna are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Suddha Gandhak, Lauha Bhasma. It helps to Maintain blood sugar level, Anti-depressant, Insomnia, Increase Haemoglobin levels, Cures indigestion, Helpful in Ulcerative colitis, and Nerve tonic. It helps in dealing with health conditions such as feeling delusion, hallucinations, disordered thinking, disabling, & impair daily functioning related to schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage –Take 1 tablespoon of this churna twice daily.
5. Mann Mitra tablet:
Mann Mitra tablet is herbal and purely ayurvedic medicine. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for psychiatric conditions and help to balance all the three doshas of body i.e vata, pitta, kapha. CAC Mann Mitra tablet improves intelligence and speech problems. It is helpful for making the nervous system strong and nerves as well. It contains various herbs like Bala, Vacha, Shankhpushpi, Nagkeshar etc that help you fight insomnia, anxiety, and stress. It works as a antioxidant, anti depressant, immuno booster, anti epileptic and as neuro protective drug.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- February 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Cough is reflex action which helps to clear airway of any irritants and mucus. There are 2 types of cough dry cough and wet cough.
- A wet or productive cough is that where mucus or phlegm is produced.
- A dry or non-productive cough doesn’t produce mucus or phlegm
By forceful expulsion of air throat can become irritated and dry which may leads to development of sore throat. With unproductive or dry cough individual mainly cough up air and it is vigorous , lasts longer than 3 weeks will put strain on lungs or chest muscles
Many individuals feel tightness in chest with dry cough and feel like a weight is put on chest. With sudden and unexplained chest pain may be a sign of heart attack and will need immediate medical care.
Many health conditions can contribute in development of dry cough that may includes :
- Bronchitis
- GRED(Gastro esophageal reflux disease)
- Allergies, asthma , exposure to irritants and chemicals etc
- Certain medications such as medication of High B.P
- Croup
- Pneumonia
- Postnasal drip
- Whooping cough
- Smoking
- Vocal cord dysfunction
In some rare cases chronic dry cough can be a symptom of severe or life -threatening health conditions like :
- Lung cancer
- Cystic fibrosis
- Sleep apnea
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Heat failure
- Pulmonary embolism
- Tuberculosis
- Intake of spoonful of Honey : Honey have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties that helps to soothes the sore throat and provide relief from dry cough . So take spoonful of honey at least 2-3 times a day to stop coughing
- Drink plenty of Liquid : Drink hot tea, water , green tea helps to soothes the irritated airway and provide hydration to body
- Use of Humidifier : The dry air tends to aggravate the dry cough in individuals. Humidifier can be used to put moisture into air to provide relief from the dry cough and also soothes sore throat, nasal passage
- Aromatherapy with eucalyptus : The essential oil of Eucalyptus helps to ease dry cough as it work as decongestant. Inhaling steam of eucalyptus oil mixed water can provide maximum relief
- Saltwater Gargling : Doing gargles with saltwater helps to soothes sore throat and lessens the urge to cough
- Licorice Root : Licorice roots have antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Consuming tea made of licorice rot helps to soothe the throat and provide relief from dry cough.
- Turmeric: It contain curcumin which has anyi-microbial, anti-inflammatory properties. Consume warm milk with a pinch of turmeric helps to provide relief from dry cough and other respiratory diseases.
Some measures to take to lower the chances of developing Dry cough :
- Maintain good hygiene and wash hands more often to prevent respiratory illnesses
- Quite smoking and also avoid second hand smoking to lower the chances of dry cough
- Avoids allergens and irritants such as molds, chemicals and fragrances that can trigger dry cough
In Ayurved it can be coorelated to Vataja kasa is on among the five types of cough explained in ancient texts as the cough is dry in nature with absence of phlegm. Due to consumption of excessive cold, dry and predominantly astringent in taste food, starvation for longer duration , suppressing natural urges, excessive physical activities etc causes vitiation of Vata dosha . The aggravated vata casuse moves towards upper body channels and lodged into chest and throat leading to development of Disease.
- Wheat, rice that is harvested within 60 days
- Meat of animals and birds living in marshy regions
- Hot water
- Tender radish
- Use of sesame oil
- Milk, curd, sugarcane juice and items prepared using jaggery
- Lavanga
- Vasa
- Snuthi
- Pippli
- Karkatashrngi
- Bharangi
- Nasya
- Snigdha swedan
- Vaman
- Virechan
- Dhumapana
1. Anu Tailam
Anu tailam is herbal and ayurvedic oil used for the nasal instillation for curing the various diseases. It is administrated through the nasal passage to lubricate, protect and calm the mind. It includes – Sesame oil, Bael tree root, Solanum root, Cinnamon stem bark, Holostemma tuber, cardamom fruit, etc. It mainly balances the Kapha dosha and is beneficial in diseases of head, brain, face, nose, and eyes. Its use is generally recommended in chronic headache, problem of migraine, sinusitis, improves the voice, and vocal cords. Anu tailam gives effective results to asthma patients.
Recommended Dosage– Put 2-3 drops of Anu tailam in each nostril.
2. Broncho care syrup:
Broncho care is ayurvedic syrup containing ingredients such as Vasa patra (Adhatoda vasica), Kantkari (Solanum surattense), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), etc. It is mainly used in chronic cough, bronchitis, whooping cough, common cold, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day.
3. Cough Go Tablets:
These herbal tablets are beneficial in cough, cold, bronchitis, & other respiratory disorders. Cough Go Tablets are ayurvedic formulation containing Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), etc. All these ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, & expectorant properties.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
4. Kantha Sudharak Vati:
The ingredients used for the preparation of the Kantha sudharak vati are Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Lavang (Syzygium aromaticum), Javitri (Myristica fragrans), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi).This is prepared from soothing and expectorant herbs thus relief all throat problems. It gives very effective results in chronic laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 tablets thrice a day.
5. Swas Kas Chintamani Ras:
Swas Kas Chintamani Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form, used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. This medicine should be used under medical supervision. This medicine is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice. These tablets are pure Ayurvedic preparatipon which contains pure herbal ingredients like swarna bhasma, shuddha parad, shuddha gandhak, suwaranmakshik bhasma, loha bhasma, yashtimadhu, kantakari, etc. It is used in the treatment of cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- February 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Gastro-intestinal tract is the largest part of digestive system in human body. It is made of series of connected hollow organs that starts from mouth and end at anus.
It includes esophagus, stomach , small intestine and large intestine. The food we ingest breaks down into nutrients as it passes through the digestive tract. The nutrients are used as fuel for various biological cycles and processes. When nutrients break down in digestive tract , the micro-organisms residing inside small and large intestines start to work to put nutrients to use.
So gut health refers to entire digestive system health and health of micro-organisms living in digestive tract.
Gut microbiome is not located in the stomach but is located in small and large intestines. These microbes includes fungi, bacteria, yeast and viruses . There are trillions of microbes exist mostly in intestines. They are found in pockets of large intestine called cecum mostly.
There at least 1,000 species of bacteria in human gut and each of them plays different role in human body. Most of the bacteria are extremely important for health while other can cause disease. The altogether acts as an extra organ in human body.
Microbes play significant role human body . They begins to affect human body from the moment of birth. As individual grows the gut microbes begins to expand in numbers. Higher the microbiome diversity the better is gut health considered.
Microbes affect the body in many ways like :
- Digestion of breast milk : Bacteria present in gut of babies intestines known as Bifidobacteria helps to digest healthy sugars present in breast milk which are important for growth of new born.
- Digestion of fibers :Some bacteria helps to digest fiber by producing shirt chain of fatty acids that are important for gut health. Fibers can help to prevent diabetes, weight gain. heart disease and risk of cancer.
- Help to control immune system : Gut microbes communicates with immune cells to control the response of body cells to infection thus helps to controls how immune system works.
- Helps to control brain health : The microbes present in guts may also affect Central Nervous System that controls brain functions thus helps to control brain health .
Healthy gut is sign of healthy body. The signs of Healthy gut includes :
- Normal bowel movements
- Lack of bloating after meals
- No burping or gas that smells bad mostly in morning after waking up.
- No Diarrhea or loose stools
- Consistent energy
- Healthy reactions to stress and food.
- Normal stool color and consistency
- Mental clarity
Disturbance in equilibrium of good and bad microbes and their function is called Gut dysbiosis. This disturbance in equilibrium can be an underlying cause for many physical and mental health issues. Some common signs of Unhealthy gut includes :
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Fatigue
- Acid reflex or heart burn
- Constipation
It may be linked with other conditions like ;
- Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD)
- Obesity
- Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Diabetes
- Green Leafy Vegetables : Vegetables like spinach ,Broccoli, Kale etc are rich sources of dietary fibers along with Minerals, vitamins, iron thus helps to improve gut system and also helps it to work in better way.
- Whole Grains : Whole grain has abundance of antioxidants, fibers and other micro-nutrients and acts as pre-biotic which helps to feed good intestinal bacteria. They help to prevent constipation as they soften the stool.
- Lean Proteins : They are good for individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or sensitive gut. Lean proteins are high in protein but low in fat like chicken , white flesh fish etc.
- Drink Plenty of water : Water is essential for absorption of nutrients and also helps to eliminate toxic products and waste from body . It not only clean intestine but also whole body.
- Low sugar fruits : Fruits with high sugar content like mango, apples etc produce bloating or gaseous distention of abdomen so to maintain intestine health cut down on high sugar fruits and add low sugar fruits in diet.
- Yogurt : It is excellent source of friendly, live bacteria known as Pro-biotics thus helps to maintain equilibrium of the good and bad bacteria and maintain healthy gut
- Chia Seeds :They are rich sources of Dietary fibers and produce gel-like substance in stomach after consumption that works as Pre-biotic. It Enhance the growth of good bacteria in intestine and also helps to ease constipation.
- Olive oil : This contain Fatty acids and poly-phenols which helps in reducing inflammation in gut and keeping Gut flora healthy.
- Eating According to your doshas or Body type: In Ayurved ever individual have three energetic forces or doshas Vata , Pitta and Kapha .When in balanced form they healthy body but out of equilibrium they tends to wreak havoc on health and wellness. So to maintain their balance Consume food according to the doshas for healthy gut and body.
- Eating According to Seasons : In Ayurved the seasons are said to affect the doshas causing them to get imbalanced and develop disease. So eat accordingto seasons like eat heavier root vegetables, honey etc in winter season to balance out the doshas .It is most important for Vata body type as body gets unsettled easily during Cold and windy season.
- Eat Local and Fresh Food : Food which is older is said to have Tamasic nature which produce dullness and letharginess when consumed .To maintain activness of body and Gut flora healthy consume fresh and local as they have Sattvic qualities.
- Vaman
- Virechan
- Vasti
- Leech Therapy
- February 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Plant protein is the protein that found only in plants not in animals. It can include variety of foods , mainly plant protein are found in nuts , legumes, seeds and beans . Potatoes and other vegetables also contain protein including broccoli , mushrooms etc. It is adaptable to almost every person .
- Beans
- Nuts
- Legumes
- Soyabean products such as tofu.
- Wheat
- Rice
- Chia seeds
- Pumpkin seeds
- Broccoli
- Peas
- Avocados
- Mushrooms
- Guava
- Spinach
- Sweet corns
- Cauliflower
Protein are made up of amino acids and they are 20 in number . 11 amino acids body produces itself and 9 other amino acids are coming from diet this is known as essential amino acids . it provides plenty of nutrients , fiber and antioxidants that can improve health .
1.Ease of digestion:
It contains nutrient like fiber and plant enzymes that regulates digestion .The protein acts in combination with amino acids it helps in digestion and make body function properly . Some Individual have condition like lactose intolerance , animal based protein casein can cause digestive issue .The presented nutrient in plants are easier to assimilate or absorb .
- 2. Makes you feel fuller :
Consuming natural foods that are rich in protein or supplementing meals with protein powder can make you feel fuller and suppress appetite. It also controls the release of hunger hormones such as ghrekin and YY peptides which signals the brain to stop craving junk food and unhealthy sugars. It is beneficial for weight loss and boosting body metabolic rate. It helps in elimination of toxins waste from the body and prevents constipation.
- Fulfils nutritional requirements :
Plant protein has a higher count of essential nutrients such as magnesium , potassium and dietary fibres . It fulfills all the nutriental requirements which is required for body .
- Maintain muscle health :
Mix of proteins and amino acids facilitate the functioning of muscles. It is beneficial for athletes person because if some injury or tear occur in muscle so the protein and amino acids help to reconstruct them.
- Maintain Cognitive functioning:
It plays a important role in cognitive functioning of body . Plant protein contain essential nutrient such as phosphorus and magnese . they help in boosting the concentration of oxygen level and ensure smooth transmission of body fluids and improves blood circulation .
- Reduced content of harmful bacteria:
Intake of plant proteins help in reduced content of bacteria such as salmonella and it helps in to stay healthy and free of infections.
- Gut health:
Plant protein contain higher fibre content and nutritive value and help in detox your body and keep gut healthy.
- Healthier and younger look:
Plant protein can boost anti oxidant levels that can help you fight off with free radicals that causes aging ..
- Plant protein have less content of essemtial amino acids as compare to animal protein .
- Lack of Vitamin B12 deficiency causes complication such as anaemia, paralysis, neurological disorder .
- February 4, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A runny nose is the thin, clear mucus discharge from the nose. It is known as rhinorrhea in medical terminology. It is caused by flu, common cold, colder temperatures or some kind of allergies. It can be very annoying or uncomfortable. When any of the viruses, bacteria or allergens such as dust, pollen grains enter the body, it starts irritation of the nasal mucosa and causes inflammation of the mucosa. This leads to increased production of mucus which helps in trapping of bacteria, virus or allergens and helps in flushing them out of the nose and nasal sinuses. The color of mucus changes after two to three days. It becomes white, yellow or greenish. However, it is perfectly normal and doesn’t represent any infection.
The treatment includes intake of plenty of water and rest. Saline nasal spray and steam can be used for getting relief from nasal spray.
There are several causes of runny nose which lead to inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Following are the different reasons of runny nose:
- Common cold
- Certain allergies
- Acute and chronic sinusitis
- Deviated nasal septum
- Cold and dry air
- Influenza
- Weakened immune system
- Hormonal imbalance
- Overuse of nasal spray
- Nasal polyps
- Chronic nasal congestion
- Asthma
- Pregnancy
- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol intake
- Leakage of spinal fluid
- Certain medicines such as medications of hypertension, depression, erectile dysfunctioning, etc
The common signs and symptoms of runny nose are:
- Shortness of breath
- Nasal congestion
- Sneezing
- Cough
- Difficulty in breathing
- Headache
- Fever or chills
- Feeling tired
- Sore throat
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loose stools
- Pain in muscles
- Loss of taste or smell
- Infection of the middle ear
In Ayurveda, runny nose comes under category of pratishyaya. It is mostly caused by the vitiation of vata and kapha doshas. The imbalance of these doshas occurs because of the ama formation and viruddha aahar-vihar. Ama formation occurs due to disturbed body metabolism and indigestion. This leads to dushti of rasa and rakta dhatu. This leads to manifestation of pratishyaya.
Some of the home remedies for management of runny nose:
- Peppermint is used in balms, beverages, toothpastes. It has a mint fragrance and flavor. It has various health and beauty benefits. It contains several types of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial compounds. It reduces inflammation and opens up the nasal passage. Use the peppermint oil in the steaming process.
- Honey has good absorbent properties. It is used in the kitchen, as a medicine and as a beauty care agent. It reduces the release of histamine in the blood, thus helps in curing allergic rhinitis. Its regular consumption is very good for keeping allergies at bay.
- Ginger is a very effective herb. It is used in food items as well as in medicines also. It is a good antiviral agent and also a natural antihistamine. It helps in alleviating nasal congestion and headache. Drink a cup of ginger tea regularly for increasing immunity of body.
- It is a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and astringent. It reduces inflammation and swelling of the nasal tract, thus helpful in treating allergic rhinitis.
Here are some of the medicines of Chandigarh Ayurved center which are used for the treatment of runny nose:
1. Kapha Sachet
The powder contains a mixture of herbal ingredients which are mainly made for the treatment of asthma. Their properties generally balance the vata and kapha dosha. The sachet contains ingredients like – Sitopladi churna, Laxmi vilas ras, etc. It is used mainly in chronic cough, whooping cough and trouble breathing. It also relieves congestion of chest, sore throat. The ingredients loosen the mucus accumulated in the chest thus making it easy to cough it out. Its main therapeutic effects appear on lungs, pleura, and airways.
Recommended Dosage– Take1 Sachet twice a day with normal water.
2. Kas Shwas Hari Rasa
Kas Shwas hari rasa is an excellent medicine for entire Pranavaha srotas. It acts as a vata-kaphaghna. These tablets contain ingredients like– Shwas kasa chintamani rasa, Laxmivilas nardiya rasa, Sutashekhar rasa, Talisadi churna processed in Bhawana Vasa Kwath. The tablet has best result in recurrent cough, cold, asthma, and sinusitis. It is effective in recurrence of Pranavaha Srotas related vikar developed due to low immunity & give effective results to asthma patients.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
3. Anu Tailam
Anu tailam is herbal and ayurvedic oil used for the nasal instillation for curing the various diseases. It is administrated through the nasal passage to lubricate, protect and calm the mind. It includes – Sesame oil, Bael tree root, Solanum root, Cinnamon stem bark, Holostemma tuber, cardamom fruit, etc. It mainly balances the Kapha dosha and is beneficial in diseases of head, brain, face, nose, and eyes. Its use is generally recommended in chronic headache, problem of migraine, sinusitis, improves the voice, and vocal cords. Anu tailam gives effective results to asthma patients.
Recommended Dosage– Put 2-3 drops of Anu tailam in each nostril.
4. Broncho care syrup
Broncho care is ayurvedic syrup containing ingredients such as Vasa patra (Adhatoda vasica), Kantkari (Solanum surattense), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), etc. It is mainly used in chronic cough, bronchitis, whooping cough, common cold, etc.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day.
5. Cough Go Tablets
These herbal tablets are beneficial in cough, cold, bronchitis, & other respiratory disorders. Cough Go Tablets are ayurvedic formulation containing Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), etc. All these ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, & expectorant properties.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
6. Kantha Sudharak Vati
The ingredients used for the preparation of the Kantha sudharak vati are Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Lavang (Syzygium aromaticum), Javitri (Myristica fragrans), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi).This is prepared from soothing and expectorant herbs thus relief all throat problems. It gives very effective results in chronic laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 tablets thrice a day.
7. Shwaskas Chintamani rasa
These tablets are pure Ayurvedic preparatipon which contains pure herbal ingredients like shuddha parad, shuddha gandhak, yashtimadhu, kantakari, etc. It is used in the treatment of cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis.
Recommended Dosage–Take one tablet twice daily.
- February 1, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Fever is defined as elevated body temperature in response to disease or illness. It is also called pyrexia, febrile , hyperthermia.
- viral and bacterial infections such as respiratory tract infections, skin infections, urinary tract infections , malaria
- Inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis , lupus.
- Cancerous tumor
- Immunization such as diphtheria, tetanus, COVID vaccine.
- Surgical trauma or crush injuries
- Extreme sun burn .
- Chills
- Sweating
- Sensitivity to light .
- Pain in joints
- Weakness
- Decreased appetite
- Yawning
- Headache
- Excessive thirst
- Dizziness
- Sleepiness
- Tachycardia
- Hot skin
- Eye pain or watering from eyes.
- With high temperature confusion , convulsion, hallucination .
- Inability to concentrate .
- INTERMITTENT FEVER: In this condition temperature is elevated but falls to normal each day.
- REMITTENT FEVER : fever nay come and go and the temperature fluctuates but never back to normal .
- CONTINUOUS FEVER : it is condition in which the body temperature remain above normal level throughout the day but does not fluctuate more than 1 degree.
- SUDDEN HIGH FEVER : sudden increase in the body temperature . It can cause tiredness , fatigue , bodyache, headache
- RHEUMATIC FEVER : It is the inflammatory disease that can develop when strep throat or scarlet fever is not properly treated .
Based on duration :
1 ACUTE: Less than 7 days
2. SUBACUTE: upto 14 days
3. CHRONIC : more than 14 days .
Based on elevation of temperature :
- Mild/ low grade fever : temperature varies from 100- 102 degree Fahrenheit.
- Moderate grade fever : temperature varies from 102 -104 degree Fahrenheit.
- High grade fever : temperature varies from 104- 106 degree Fahrenheit
- Hyperpyrexia : more than 106 degree Fahrenheit .
- Age
- Exercise
- Hormonal level
- Stress
- Circadian rhythm
- Temperature more than 103 degree fahrenheit .
- Shortness of breathe .
- Headache .
- Fever not subside in 48 hours.
- Widal test
- Chest x-ray .
- Urine analysis and Urine culture .
In Ayurveda fever is compared with jwara . the site of origin of fever is stomach and it affects the agni which leads to production of ama and vitiated dosha . the channels that carry ama to the site of disease is rasa dhatu. Fever can be classified as vataja ,pittaja , kaphaja , agantuja , krodhaj ,kamaja, shokaja .
- Vamana
- Virechana
- Nasya
- Basti
- Giloy
- Tulsi
- Amalaki
- Vasa
- Adraka
- Bhumiamalaki
- Pippali
- Mustaka
- Add Old rice, barley, Porridge in diet
- Fruits and vegetables like shigru, paravala , pomegranate etc.
- Light meals.
- Massage and rest cam help in improving the condition.
- Staying in well ventilated room
- Do not include junk foods in diet .
- Do not drink contaminated water
- Do not suppress natural urges.
- Avoid bathing and sleeping in day time
- Proper gap between meals and avoid overeating.
- The foods which are heavy , unctuous, sweet and astringent are avoided .
- Exposure to cpld environment .
1. Giloy Capsules
These herbal capsules are prepared from the extract of herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) that improves the immunity & prevent infections in the body. The antipyretic property of this herb reduces fever naturally. Giloy capsule shows antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, immunomodulator, etc properties that relieve dengue fever signs and symptoms. These herbal tablets reduce Kapha dosha, detoxifies pitta dosha, & pacifies Vata dosha. This vati prevents all types of fever, deal with recurrent infection, cold, weakness, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily with normal water.
2. Amrit Tulsi Ras
CAC Amrit tulsi ras is Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) or tulsi is a powerful herb that has been used in Ayurveda and other traditional medical treatments in India for thousands of years. The small holy basil shrub with tiny flowers is considered a sacred plant in India. It was believed that the holy basil leaves had potent powers to flush out toxins from the body. People have tulsi water (water which has tulsi leaves soaked overnight) or chew on a tulsi leaf to improve overall health. Several health products are available with tulsi extracts to help treat cold, cough, and the flu.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2-3 drops twice daily with normal water.
3. Immuno Booster Tablet
It is a pure herbal combination that helps to build up immunity. it consists of effective levels of antioxidants. vitamin C and E circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. it has natural immunity-boosting properties to prevent and ease cough, cold, headache, and infections. it provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, itching throat, body ache, and weakness. It consists of Giloy, Ashwagandha, Bala – 100 mg, Mulethi, Kali mirch, Lavang, Harar, Tulsi, etc
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4. Detox Premium Powder
CAC DETOX PREMIUM POWDER is herbs-mineral sachets which are purely Ayurvedic formulation. These sachets mainly detox the body and eliminate toxic substances and help in proper metabolism of all the functions. This formulation acts at the level of the nervous system and facilitate proper conduction of signal impulse from the nerves to the muscles. These sachets have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-modulator. The ingredients present in it are moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kamdudha ras, Jahar Mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, sutshekhar ras, etc. These ingredients balance all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and help in blood purification, reduces burning sensation, weakness, and hot flashes in patients. It reduces the level of high uric acid in the body. The powder is very beneficial in relieving discomfort, numbness, muscle ache, and reduces swelling of the pelvic region.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
5. Liver care tablet
CAC Liver Care Tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet of size 650 MG and is a purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Liver Care tablets help in balancing Pitta dosha. These tablets stimulate the growth of new liver cells, promote functions of liver, and improve blood flow from the liver. It helps in the treatment of fatty liver, Liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Typhoid, hepatomegaly, and obstructive Jaundice. CAC Liver Care Tablets contains Ingredients like Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutaki(Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhumi amla( phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinopora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
6. Platfer Tablet:
Platfer Tablet Boosts platelet count and reverse the thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) associated with dengue. It decreases the peripheral platelet destruction and strengthens the host immune system. Platfer tablets also helps reduce fever (antipyretic property) and protect the liver (hepatoprotective property). This herbal combination is prepared from herbs like Papaya (Carica papaya) and Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) which increases the platelet counts naturally. It provides good and effective results for patients. It increases the physical and mental strength of a person and builds up immunity.
Recommended Dosage : Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- February 1, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Vegan diet is a plant based diet that exclude animal products . Vegans do not eat this type of food that comes from animals including dairy products and eggs. Four types of vegans are Religious vegans, health vegans ,environmental vegans ,ethical vegans .
- Eat five types of fruits and vegetables daily .
- Starchy carbohydrates include potatoes , bread, rice etc.
- Fortified dairy items such as soya drinks and yoghurts.
- For maintaining proteins eat pulses and beans.
- Eat nuts and seeds daily that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids .
- Drink plenty of fluids.
1. RAW FOOD VEGAN DIET : It is defined as unprocessed plant based foods that are completely raw or heated at very low temperature under 48 degree Celcius . it consist of fruits , vegetables , nuts, seeds, sprouted grains and legumes.
- WHOLE FOOD VEGAN DIET : It is defined as the diet contains whole plant foods , including fruits , vegetables , grains, legumes, nuts, seeds.
- 80/10/10 DIET : This diet comprises with 80 percent of calories comes from carbohydrates , 10 percent from protein and 10 percent from fat.
- HIGH CARB OR LOW FAT DIET: Eat carbohydrates in the form of fruit , grains, and consume low fats such as nuts, avocados etc.
High intake of plant based foods and exclude the animal diet are associated with a lower risk of heart disease .
Plant based diet are rich in natural fiber . the nutrient found in plant based diet are vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber have been reduce the risk of several cancer.
Eat plant foods will increase the intake of dietary fibre . it supports to healthy function of digestive tract.
Plant based foods are high in nutrients but low in calories.
Vegan diet are rich in antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients are to be protected against depression and its symptoms.
Inflammatory food include meat , salt ,sugar can worse the pain and eating vegan diet reduce the inflammation .
Plant based diet reduce the risk of food poisoning because it can easily digest.
Vitamin B12 is found in green vegetables . it helps in regulating sleep cycles because it stimulates the serotonin .
Plant based foods promote weight loss ,especially visceral fat , which improves insulin sensitivity .
FRUITS : berries, citrus fruits, melons ,pears, kiwis.
VEGETABLES: Dark leafy vegetables , tomatoes, sweet potatoes , peas , mushroom
PROTEINS: Beans, Tofu Lentils.
WHOLE GRAINS : Oats, brown rice, sorghum.
NUTS AND SEEDS :Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds
HEALTHY FATS : Olive oil, Avocados .
HERBS AND SPICES: Garlic , Turmeric , mint ,cinnamon, cumin
- All meat and poultary
- Seafood.
- Milk
- Cheese
- Fish
- Honey
- Butter
- Yoghurt .
- February 1, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Cortisol is a gluco-corticoid hormone synthesized and released by Adrenal glands. Gluco-corticoids are steroid type hormones that affects many aspects of the body but mainly regulates response of the body to stress.
Adrenal glands also called as Suprarenal glands as they are situated on top of two kidneys. They are small triangle-shaped glands and are part of endocrine system.
As almost ever tissue in body have receptors for gluco-corticoids so due to that it affects nearly every organ system in body .Cortisol effect body more correctly in following manner :
- Regulating Metabolism : Controls the use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for energy by the body.
- Regulates Body’s Stress Response : At the time of stressful conditions body release cortisol after the release of “flight or fight” hormones like adrenaline. Additionally cortisol triggers release of glucose from liver for fast energy during stressful times.
- Suppressing inflammation : Cortisol boost immunity by limiting the inflammation in short spill. But if body have consistent high levels of cortisol body get used to having high level of cortisol in blood, and can lead to inflammation thus weakens the immune system.
- Regulation and Increase of Blood Sugar : If present in normal level it counter balances insulin effect to regulate blood sugar . Chronically high cortisol levels may lead to constant high blood sugar that can leads to development of Type-2 Diabetes.
- Regulates Blood Pressure: High level of cortisol leads to high blood pressure and less than normal levels of cortisol can develop low blood pressure in individual.
- Controls sleep-wake cycle: Normally body have low cortisol levels as you go to sleep and it peak at morning times before you wake. Cortisol plays significant role in initiation of wakefulness.
Having high level of cortisol hormone for a long period is considered as Cushing’s syndrome. Some causes for high levels of Cortisol are :
- Stress
- Hyperpituitarism
- Cancerous pituitary tumors
- Benign pituitary tumors
- Sleep Deprivation
- Adrenal Gland tumors
- Certain medications like prednisone, cortisone, dexamethasone etc.
Individual with High Levels of Cortisol may experience symptoms like :
- Weight gain mostly in abdomen and face
- Purple, wide stretch marks on abdomen
- High blood sugar that may turn into Type-2 diabetes
- Fatty deposition in between shoulder blades.
- Excessive hair growth in females
- Weakness of muscles in upper arms and thighs
- High Blood pressure
- Depression
- Osteoporosis and fractures
- Slow healing
- Irritability
- Regular Exercise : Regular Physical activities for at least 20-30 minutes helps to reduce stress and also improves sleep quality that helps to lower high levels of cortisol with time.
- Quality sleep : Chronic sleep issues are associated with high levels of cortisols . Limiting screen time before bed time, taking warm water bath before bed time, intake of chamomile tea at night etc helps in getting quality sleep thus aiding in maintaining levels of cortisol.
- Practice Deep Breathing Exercises: Stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system by controlled breathing exercise helps to lower the levels of cortisol.
- Limit stress : Be aware of triggers of the stress and the patterns like thinking pattern, heart rate, breathing and other signs to help recognize stress when it begins thus helps to limit it from becoming worse.
- Nature : Spending time in nature like hiking , forest bathing etc helps to lower high levels cortisol and also lowers stress.
- Ashwagandha : It has chemical compound named withanolides which helps to regulate the levels of cortisol thus manages stress ,depression, anxiety and also provide sound sleep.
- Tulsi : It helps to regulate the cortisol levels and naturally balance the hormone level.
- Mulethi : It has anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic properties that helps to fight depression and anxiety .
- Brahmi : It has potent properties that helps to reduce anxiety and stress by regulating the levels of the cortisol hormone.
- Turmeric: It has anti-oxidant and adatogenic properties that helps to relieve stress, depression, anxiety etc.
- Vasti
- Udwarthana
- Shiro dhara
- Nasya