Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Meditation is a practice that includes different techniques that help people focus their attention and achieve a heightened state of awareness. Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind, or focusing your mind on one thought and clearing all negative emotions. Focus on a sound, like “ooommm,” or on your breathing, counting, a mantra . It can produce a deep state of relaxation and healthy mind. Meditation is helpful in increasing imagination and creativity, lowering resting blood also helps in improving sleep quality.
What is stress:
Stress is defined as the state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It is a common feeling when we feel under pressure or unable to cope.
Types of stress:
- Acute stress: It is a short term stress goes away quickly. It helps you manage dangerous situation. This can occur due to sudden breavement or natural disaster
- Chronic stress: It is a long term stress. This can occur due to money problems, unhappy marriage or trouble at work.
What are the causes of stress?
- Lack of social supports
- Poor working conditions
- Carrier concern
- Occupational demands
- Lack of group cohesives
- Rotating work shifts
- Death of close people.
- Parental divorce
- Discrimination
- Chronic illness or traumatic experiences
- Fear
- Difficulity in sleeping
What are the signs and symptoms of stress?
- Headache
- Depression
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Jaw clenching
- Muscle aches
- Abnormal blood pressure levels
- Jaw clenching
- Tiredness
- Upset stomach
- Weight loss or gain
- Eating disorders
- Use of alcohol or drugs to relax.
- Teeth grinding
- Skin irritations
- Trouble in concentration.
Complication of stress:
- Weakened immune system
- Hypertension
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Headaches
- Cardiovascular problems
Ayurvedic approach of stress and its management:
In ayurveda it is compared with sahasa. It is the disturbance of the nervous system, which is mainly regulated by vata dosha. Sahasa causing ojah ksaya increases the susceptibility of body to various diseases. The body gets affected by diseases and later the mind gets affected or involved.
Panchkarma procedures:
- Swedan
- Abhyanga
- Shirodhara
- Shirovasti
Good food in stress:
- Eggs
- Garlic
- Brooccoli
- Almonds
- Oranges
- Dark
- Walnut
- Milk
- Avocados
- Banana
- Milk and yoghurt
- Fish
- Strawberries
Single drugs used in stress :
- Ashwagandha
- Brahmi
- Amalki
- Vacha
- Tagar
- Yashtimadhu
- Jatamamsi
- Shankhpuspi
Yoga asana for managing stress:
- Sukhasana
- Balasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Uttanasana
- Bridge pose
- Dolphin pose
- Cat-cow pose
Chandigarh Ayurved centre medication for the treatment of stress:
Rasayan Vati
Rasayan vati is herbo-mineral ayurvedic formulation, which is 100% natural. Rasayan vati contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Kesar, Musali, Shatavar, Brahmi , Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Yashad Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, Jaiphal, Vang Bhasam, Dalchini, Javitri, Gokhru, Kaunch Beej, Saunth, Mirch, Pipli, Amla, Kesar, Manjith, Anant Mool, Brahmi, Musali, Swarn Vang, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immuno-modulator properties. These tablets provide good results in General debility, Psychological disorders, and improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
Stress care tablet:
It is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also help to increase mental and physical performance. In Ayurveda when there is an imbalance of three energies i.e. Vata, pitta, and Kapha, it leads to disease. Vata has a sub dosha named prana doshas which regulates the sensory perception, brain, and mind. Tarpak Kapha subtype of kapha, governs cerebrospinal fluid, sadhak pitta subtype of pitta doshas governs emotions and their impact on the heart. So any vitiation of these doshas leads to stress. It act as Anti-depressant, relieves Insomnia, Anxiety.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
Brain Relaxant Churna:
This churna is pure Ayurvedic which helps to rejuvenate the brain cells, improves memory, give strength to the body, & increases the concentration by calming down the brain. It is prepared from herbs that show calming effect on brain and gives you relaxation. Brain relaxant churna shows antioxidant, Neuroprotective, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients present in this churna are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Suddha Gandhak, Lauha Bhasma. It helps to Maintain blood sugar level, Anti-depressant, Insomnia, Increase Haemoglobin levels, Cures indigestion, Helpful in Ulcerative colitis, and Nerve tonic. It helps in dealing with health conditions such as feeling delusion, hallucinations, disordered thinking, disabling, & impair daily functioning related to schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablespoon of this churna twice daily.
Mann Mitra tablet:
Mann Mitra tablet is herbal and purely ayurvedic medicine. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for psychiatric conditions and help to balance all the three doshas of body i.e vata, pitta, kapha. CAC Mann Mitra tablet improves intelligence and speech problems. It is helpful for making the nervous system strong and nerves as well. It contains various herbs like Bala, Vacha, Shankhpushpi, Nagkeshar etc that help you fight insomnia, anxiety, and stress. It works as a antioxidant, anti depressant, immuno booster, anti epileptic and as neuro protective drug.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a digestive disorder that prevents body from effectively absorbing nutrients from food. It can lead to indigestion or malnutrition.
- Excessive intake of alcohol
- Damage to the intestine from infection, inflammation, trauma or injury.
- Medical condition such as celiac disease, crohn’s disease, lactase deficiency, pancreatitis.
- Long use of antibiotics
- Radiation therapy
- Tetracycline, Colchicine drugs injure the lining of intestine.
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Loose stools due to carbohydrate or fatty acid malabsorption.
- Abdominal distension
- Weight loss
- Dehydration
- Dry skin and hair loss
- Anemia
- Frequent infection
- Dry hair and hair loss.
- Weak bones due to vitamin-D deficiency
- Dizziness
- Family history
- Person who intake more amount of alcohol
- Use of drugs including laxative or mineral oil
- Malnutrition
- Anemia
- Visual impairment
- Musculoskeletal dysfunction
- Electrolyte disturbances
- Ataxia
- Stool test
- Blood test
- GI X-Ray
- Endoscopic USG
- Small intestinal biopsy
According to Ayurveda it is compared with Grahni. Grahni is a seat of Agni. It hold the food just above the umbilical region and it is supported or nourished by Agni. Grahni with the help of Agni holds the undigested food and pushes forward digested food but when Agni is weak due to vitiation of vidaghda ahara it vitiates the grahni and release food in form of ama. It is a tridoshaj vyadhi. In corrected agni (pitta involved as main dosha produces more stool rather than nourishing the dhatus. Samana vayu is vitiated because of excess production of kitta or ama, samana vayu increases digestive fire to balance situation but produces more kitta in the process. When kitta is moved to the bowels it balances apana vata and produces more undigested fecal flow.
VATA: Pain, constipation, diarrhea
PITTA: Burning sensation, Foul smell and yellowish color of stool
KAPHA: mucous, heaviness, lethargy, anorexia
- Intake of wrong food combination
- Suppression of natural urges
- Chilled or frozen items
- Food which are heavy to digest
- Fasting
- Snehan
- Niruh basti
- Shirodhara
- Virechna
- Haritaki
- Ashwagandha
- Musta
- Chitraka
- Shunthi
- Bhunimba
- Pippali
- Tomato
- Olive
- Beans
- Cinnamon
- Amla
- Ginger
- Bananas
- Cucumber
- Licorice
- Avocados
- Chamomile
- Red meat
- Processed food
- Alcohol
- Spicy food
- Cakes, sugar and candies.
- Paschimottanasana
- Balasana
- Pavanmuktasana
- Trikonasana
- Ardha matseyendrasana
- Pittashekhar Rasa
These are herbal tablets prepared from ingredients like Sootshekhar rasa, Bilva majja, Kalmegha, Shankha bhasma, Kapardika bhasma, etc. that balances pitta dosha in the body. Regular use of these tablets improves digestion, enhances appetite, carminative, reduces acidity, prevents gastric ulcers, reduces heartburn, acts as a laxative, & reduces pain in the abdomen, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
- Detox Standard Powder
These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parwal pishti, Shukta pishti, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shwet parpati that gives calming effect on the stomach. These sachets have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antacid like properties. It mainly affects in lowering the pitta dosha of the body and maintains proper digestion of the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take one sachet twice daily with normal water.
- Puran Pachak
Puran Pachak is a herbo-mineral Syrup of 200 ml and is Purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC Puran Pachak syrup helps in Digestion, Supports the Digestive system, and Maintains the doshas in our body. It also helps to remove out impurities or ama from the body. This syrup reduce the Acidity, Detoxify the blood and also Supports the body health. It shows Antacid, Digestive, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Expectorant, and Antioxidant properties. This syrup is made up of pure ayurvedic herbs such as Mulethi, Saunf, Vasakha, Ajwayan, Prpati etc. that helps to maintain the Digestive system and in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily.
- Panchsakar Churna:
This is a classical herbal churna prepared from ingredients such as Saindhavan Lavana (Rock Salt), Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia), Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa), Shunti (Zingiber officinale), Balaharitaki (Terminalia chebula). These all in combination deal with problems like loss of appetite, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, constipation, weak digestion, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take a half teaspoon of this churna twice daily with normal water.
- Kutaj Ghan Vati
Kutaj Ghan vati is purely herbal formulation. It is very useful in curing diarrhea, intestinal infection, and dysentery. These herbal tablets deal with all signs & symptoms related to diarrhea patients. Kutaj ghan vati contains ingredients like Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum) that manage the symptoms like abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, general weakness, fatigue, etc. The herbs in these tablets show antioxidant, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, etc properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take two tablets twice a day before meal with water.
- Sheet Dhara Syrup
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces
abdominal pain, & cramps.
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
- Digestion care tablet
This tablet is unique blend of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadima that maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aid digestion of all types of food. The herbs present in this control acidity, gas, flatulence, and constipation. These complex problems are the root cause of all diseases. If the digestive system is proper it leads to proper assimilation of the nutrients in the body. As per Ayurveda digestive disorders are due to the imbalance of Pitta doshas. Ama formation leads to digestive disorders.
Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Takayasu’s arteritis is a rare type of disorder in which there occurs inflammation of the blood vessels. It is also known as pulseless disease. In this, bigger arteries of body are affected such as aorta. Aorta is the biggest artery of body and it carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. There are several branches of aorta which also get inflamed. Inflammation of the arteries causes damage to the lining making them weaker and thin. It leads to aneurysm. The arteries get narrow and can get completely blocked. The arteries which supply blood to the neck, arms and brain are most commonly involved. However, arteries that provide blood supply to the legs, kidneys, intestines and heart are commonly involved. Pain in arm or chest and high blood pressure are some of the common symptoms of takayasu arteritis. In some cases, there are no symptoms and thus there is no requirement of treatment. But with medications, the symptoms can be controlled and further complications can be prevented.
The exact cause of Takayasu’s arteritis is not known but it may be an autoimmune disorder. The cells of immune system protect the body from infection due to foreign micro-organisms. But due to some abnormality, the cells of immune system start attacking body’s own cells and thus cause inflammation of the walls of arteries. It leads to narrowing of the lumen of arteries and later on blockage. There also occurs thickening and scarring of the arterial wall.
Some of the factors which increase the risk of a person developing Takayasu’s arteritis are:
- Females are more prone as compared to males
- People between the age group of 20 to 40 years
- Having a family history of Takayasu’s arteritis
The common signs and symptoms of Takayasu’s arteritis are:
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Feeling tired
- Fever
- Low appetite
- Pain in muscles
- Joint pain
- Headache
- Light-headedness
- High blood pressure
- Unexplained weight loss
- Difficulty in concentration
- Fainting
- Loose stools
- Presence of blood in stools
- Anemia
- Pain in abdomen due to decreased blood flow to the intestines
- Stroke
- Heart attack
Following are the complications which are associated with Takayasu’s arteritis:
- Inflammation of the heart muscles and valves
- Hardening of blood vessels
- Narrowing of lumen of blood vessels
- Hypertension
- Transient ischemic attack
- Aneurysm in aorta
The doctor will do a physical examination of the patient. He will ask patient about the symptoms. He will take his family history. He will suggest some of the tests to the patients to evaluate the disease:
- Ultrasound
- Angiography
- CT scan
- Positron emission tomography
Here are some of the medications of Chandigarh Ayurved centre which are used for the treatment of Takayasu’s arteritis:
1. Trikatu Syrup
Trikatu Syrup helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties. This syrup is made up of equal parts of three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum) that maintains the metabolism in the body. The regular use of this syrup balances the thyroxine hormone and treats hyperthyroidism naturally. It is an Appetizer and it improves digestion, supports normal gastric function, and normal circulation.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily before meals.
2. Kapha Balance Tablet
Kapha tablet is a healthy blend of herbs formulated to balance Kapha doshas without aggravating Pitta and Vata doshas. It can also be used to alleviate any temporary Kapha imbalance. It is very effective in Kapha season that is late winter and spring. It consists of warming and astringent herbs that help to balance the system throughout the cold season. The main use of Kapha tablets is to remove excess Kapha doshas from the system and helps in the management of weight, healthy lungs, and the immune system.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
3. Heart Up Tablet
Heart Up Tablet is a unique formulation and is very effective in the treatment of heart diseases and related symptoms. It acts as a cardioprotective and anti-arrhythmic medicine providing strength to the heart muscles and maintains heart rate. This medicine is very useful in relieving pain and maintains blood optimum viscosity.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4. Nerve up tablet
Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas & kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in memory boosting, reduces stress, act as immune-modulator. It also shows effective results in disorders of heart and circulatory system.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
5. Active Plus Tablet
Active plus Tablet is a pure herbo-mineral formulation prepared from best quality of herbs. This tablet is best for person mental and physical health, also helps to boost up the immunity. The herbal ingredients present in these tablets are used to maintain person’s health and refreshes the mind and body. These tablets improves digestion, eliminates constipation, stress, nourishes brain, acts as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, etc.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a symptom of pain, Discomfort or burning sensation while urinating. It is more commonly occurs in women as compared to men. It is most commonly caused by bacterial infections of urinary tract.
- Kidney stones
- Inflammation of bladder
- Gonorrhea
- Drugs that are used in cancer treatment.
- Prostatitis
- Sexually transmitted disease
- Vaginitis
- Yeast infection
- Depression
- Painful bladder syndrome
- Ovarian cyst
- Urinary catheterization
- Prostate infection
- Dehydration
- Urinary tract infection
- Cloudy color urine
- Foul smelling
- Hematuria
- Urgency of urination
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Irritability
- Vomiting and nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Burning sensation while urinating.
- Pain in flank region
- Vaginal discharge
- Loss of bladder control
- Use of vaginal lubricants, contraceptive foams, soaps, scented toilet paper that may contain chemical irritants.
- In pregnant women
- Diabetes
- Enlarged prostate
- Kidney stones
- Advanced age
- Vaginitis (Female)
- Prostatitis (Male)
- Urethritis
- Urethral structure
- Cystitis
- Urinary tract infection caused by bacterial infection
- Sexually transmitted infection
- Urinate at bedtime
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Maintain good hygiene
- When a woman has a bowel movement, she should wipe from front to back.
- Keep genital areas clean and dry.
- Changes tampons and sanitary napkins frequently
- Urine analysis and bacterial culture
In Ayurveda it is compared with Mutrakrichra. It is disease which affects the mootravaha srotas. In which vitiation of the pitta and vata dosha which reaches on basti and affects the mootravaha srota . Eight types of mutrakrichra are vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja, Shalyahighatajam, Shakrut vighaataja, Ashmari janya, Shukraja mutrkrichra.
- Abyanga( Massage )
- Swedan
- Uttravasti
- Lepa
- Excessive exercise
- Excessive intake of dry food substances
- Taking Rided on the back of animals like horse,yak.
- Excessive consumption of meat.
- Orange
- Mango
- Guava
- Papaya
- Broccoli
- Milk products such as curd, Ghee, buttermilk.
- Soup prepared from green gram.
- Avoid intake of Alcohol
- Fried food
- Spicy foods
- Preparation of black gram
- Carbonated drinks
- Tomato based products
- Food that are highly intense or irritating
- Food that are dry and cold should be avoided
- Setubandhasana
- Paschimottasana
- Mandukasana
- Gomukhasana
- Uttanapadasana
- Ela( Ellettaria cardamomum )
- Pashanbheda( Bergenia ligulata)
- Shilajit
- Daruhaldi
- Punarnava
- Yava (Hoedeum vulgare)
- Amla( Emblica officinalis)
- Haritaki (Terminalis chebula)
- Bhibhitaki( Terminalia bellirica.
- Durva( Cynodon dactylon)
- Shtavari (Asparagus racemosus)
- Narikela (Cocus nucifera)
- Gokshur (Tribulus terrestaris)
- Draksha (vitis vinifera)
- Varuna (Crataeva nurvala)
- Gokshura Capsules:
Gokshuru capsules are pure ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in kidney disorders as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the abdomen. It also acts as diuretic which causes increased urine secretion from the body and removal of all the toxins. These capsules contain pure extract of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). It provides effective result in acute & chronic kidney disease, chronic renal failure, cystitis, and urethritis, nephropathy, and urinary tract infections.
Recommended Dosage: Take one capsule twice daily with normal water.
- Kidney Care Tablet:
kidney plays an important role in keeping the whole body clean, well-fueled, strong and functioning properly. Kidney failure puts the body at risk, allowing waste to accumulate and damage the kidneys from inside. It is a good idea to do a kidney cleansing and keep a check on the health of the kidneys in your middle and old age. The toxins that buildup results in nausea or feeling sick to the stomach, lack of concentration and blood pressure changes are all symptoms of kidney failure.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
- Kidney Care Churna:
The kidney care churna is prepared from herbs like Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), & Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). These herbs in combination show anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antioxidant, analgesic, etc properties. Kidney care churna keep all kidney function tests (serum creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, chlorine, & uric acid), etc in normal range. The use of this churna reduces swelling in the body, remove kidney stones, deal with urinary tract infection, general weakness, & fatigue, etc related to kidney patients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily with normal water.
- UTI Care Tablet:
UTI Care Tablets helps to treat Urinary tract infections along with the diseases related to kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients which are Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare), kalmi Shora (Pottasium nitrate), Naushadar (Ammonium chloride), Swarna Gairik (Red ochre), etc. UTI Care Tablets are also beneficial in kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, renal colic, burning sensation or pain during micturition, and Hypertension.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- Detox Premium Powder:
The powder contains all the Ayurvedic herbs which strengthen the immune system of the body and prevents the various complications by potentiating immune system. The powder includes:
Parwal Pishti – Parwal pishti is prepared from Coral calcium. It is mainly used in Pitta related disorders and helpful in bleeding disorders. This pishti relieves Ama dosha and improves the digestion power. It also improves the strength and immunity.
Shukta Pishti – It is prepared from Pearl oyster shell. Shukta pishti pacifies Pitta and Kapha dosha. It is the best ant-acid and relieves the abdominal distention. Shukta pishti reduces the rashes on the arms and legs.
Giloy Satva–Giloy satva includes water-soluble extract of Giloy/Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia). It balances the aggravated pitta and acts as a mild-antipyretic, antacid, and immuno-modulator. It also reduces burning sensation in the hands, feet, and body.
Kamdudha Ras–According to Ayurveda principles, Kamdudha Ras has Sheeta Virya thus it is beneficial in every Pitta Roga classified in Ayurveda. It is beneficial in the symptoms like burning sensation, restlessness, bleeding tendencies, excessive thirst, and hot flashes, vomiting with yellowish or sour water.
Akik Pishti – Akik bhasma contains Silicon Dioxide and some herbal extracts derived into in during processing with Aloe vera and Rose water. It is used in General debility, Restlessness. It works well in loss of appetite, weight loss, and feeling of excessive heat in the body.
Gandhak Rasayan – Gandhak Rasayan is a great antibacterial, antiviral ayurvedic medicine. It acts as an anti-pyretic, analgesic, & blood purifier.
Sutshekhar Ras–It is an important medicine used in Ayurveda, which acts on Pitta dosha and reduces the symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, sour taste of mouth, restlessness, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice a day with normal water.
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Cyst heal tablet is a pure ayurvedic medicine that contains various herbs extract that works on the any kind of abnormal growth like cyst, myoma, polyp, lipoma, lumps in breast, benign or malignant tumor. Cyst heal tablet helps in reducing any kind of abnormal growth in the body and reducing overall body weight. It treats menstrual irregularity, increases ovulation and follicular maturity, PCOS and treats female infertility as well.
- Kanchnaar Guggul –
Kanchanar Guggulu is very effective in balancing the Kapha. The pungent, bitter, and astringent taste of this medicine helps in burning belly fat and from other areas of the body, and reduce size of abnormal growths like lipoma and tumor. Furthermore, this ayurvedic medicine enhances metabolism and helps in losing weight. PCOS is very common among women over the globe these days, which is caused due to hormonal imbalance resulting in an irregular menstrual cycle. This ayurvedic formulation is very powerful in activating the hormonal balance and in maintaining the healthy menstrual cycle.
- Kaishore Guggul –
Kaishore guggul purifies your blood and makes it free from toxins introduced from the polluted environment or an unhealthy lifestyle. It helps your body balance the formation of uric acid and controls gout. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in soothing wounds and healing ulcers. It also enhances your digestive system.
- Pashanbheda
Pashanbhed is commonly used for treating kidney and urinary tract stones due to its antilithic nature. Pashanbhed might be useful in reducing fever due to its antipyretic property and provide relief from cough due to its antitussive properties. It is helpful in managing ulcers due to its antioxidant and antiulcer properties. Pashanbheda is anti-inflammatory, hence helpful in treating PCOS and healing wounds.
- Trikatu
Trikatu is composed of three herbs, sonth, Marich, and pippali which is an ayurvedic formulation useful in indigestion, dyspepsia, cough, and other jugular diseases. It has hot potency, which means its intake results in the production of heat in the body and increases digestive juices and bile salt secretions. As it is ushana (hot) in veerya, which means its consumption results in good metabolism and ‘ama pachan’ as well.
- Cinnamon
Cinnamon is obtained by cutting the stems of cinnamon trees. The inner bark is extracted from the stem portion and the wooden part is then removed. When inner bark dries, it forms strips that further curl into rolls, these are called cinnamon sticks. These rolls can be ground to form fine cinnamon powder. It is rich in Antioxidants which give protection to your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It helps your body fight infections and repair damaged tissue. It is anti-inflammatory by nature.
- Lakshmi Vilas rasa
Laxmi Vilas Ras Tablet is an ayurvedic formulation that has various health advantages. It is useful for excess phlegm and respiratory-related disorders such as cough, cold, and asthma. It has antipyretic and expectorant medicinal properties and also helps in balancing biophysical energy Vata, pitta, and Kapha in the body. It loosens the mucus accumulated in the chest region, thus making it easy to spit it out. It also cures general malaise and temperature. It enhances your immune system and prevents further infections.
- Lipomas
- Lumps in breast
- Polyps
- Warts
- Cysts
- Tumors
- Bulky Uterus
- Bone tumor
- Endometriosis
- Adenomas
- Myoma
- Uterine fibroid
- Balances vitiated doshas
Pottassium citrate +Citric acid
Citric Acid + Potassium Citrate is a combination of two medicines: Citric Acid and Potassium Citrate, which prevents kidney stones. It raises urine pH and prevents the formation, growth and aggregation of crystals in the kidneys, thereby preventing stones. Citric acid and citrate salts belong to a class of drugs known as urinary alkalinizers.
Brand name: Cytra K, Polycitra-K, VIRTRATE
- Nausea
- vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Stomach pain
- Ammonium chloride
- Antacids with aluminum
- Eplerenone
- Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
- propranolol
- Lithium
- Methenamine
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Weight loss can be intentional such as from dieting and exercise or unintentional like loss of appetite, malabsorption, Fatigue, Weakness, Bowel obstruction, dental problems and infections. CAC weight gain tablet is a pure herbal and mineral remedy that contains various natural herbs extract that works on digestive system and increases energy level, metabolism, absorption of nutrients.
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera):
It can be called as king of Ayurvedic herbs. Its root has a horsey smell.It boosts your immune system and relieves stress.It is made from the goodness of ashwagandha also known as indian ginseng.It helps you recover from anxiety and depression, boost your brain. It may also modestly enhance strength performance,Improve glucose metabolism,increase testosterone levels.It is a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic ,anti-cancer and anti-stress properties.It also reduce blood sugar levels,Reduce symptoms of depression,boost testosterone and increase fertility in men and increase muscle mass and strength.
- Shatavar(Asparagus racemosus):
According to Ayurveda,Shatavar boosts immunity due to its rasayana property and best ayurvedic herbs for weight gain due to its balya property.Toxins build up in the body,disturbs digestion and ypu remain underweight.It is the best preventive herb to improve digestion .It has antioxidants that flush toxins out of body. It prevents your body cells from free radicals.Shtavari is a perfect herb with the anti-anxiety property.shatawar root reduces stress level and keep your nervous system calm and stress free that will lead to gaining weight.
- Shuddh shilajit (Asphaltum punjabinum):
It can play a significant role in weight management. It leads to a major improvement in cellular functions,which leads to increased energy levels.One of many herbo mineral formulations used in ayurveda-a healing system that originated thousands of yerars ago in india-shilajit has been used in some traditional herbal medicine to treat wide variety of conditions, ranging from weight loss to impotence.
- Bala (Sida cordifolia):
Bala which means strength is a popular herb in Ayurveda. All parts of bala possess various medicinal properties,especially the root. It helps to manage blood glucose levels due to its hypoglycemic property.bala also protects the liver cells against cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity.Its antioxidant property also help to protect the heart cells against free radical damage and manages blood pressure by preventing constriction of blood vessels.Bala helps to reduce the symptoms of fatigue due to its balya and tridosha balancing nature.
- Kalmegh (Andrographia paniculata):
It is aplant which is also known as “Green Chiretta” and the “King of Bitters”. It is used for various medicinal purposes and is bitter in taste. According to Ayurveda, taking Kalmegh churna regularly reduces the Ama and stimulates appetite by improving the digestive fire hence, it is very good for gaining weight. Kalmegh is effective in managing digestive problems like loss of appetite, indigestion. It helps to improve the digestive fire as well as liver functions due to its Ushna (hot) nature.
Kalmegh is good for the skin to manage eczema, boils and skin infections due to its antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Kalmegh is bitter in taste so it is advisable to take it with some sweetener or in diluted form.
Brand name: Oxandrin
Oxandrin is an anabolic steroid and is indicated as adjunctive therapy to promote weight gain they have lost due to certain medical condition such as surgery, chronic infection, trauma, long use of corticosteroid medication such as hydrocortisone and prednisone. It is also used to relieve bone pain due to bone loss. It belongs to a class of drugs known as anabolic steroids. Oxandrolone structural formula is 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstan-3-one. Inactive ingredients include cornstarch, lactose, and magnesium stearate and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose.
- Allergic reaction
- Swelling of arms or legs.
- Voice changes
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Headache
- Anisindione
- Dicumarol
- Leflunomide
- Mipomersen
- Siponimod
- Teriflunomide
- Warfarin
- Carcinoma
- Diabetes
- Liver disease
- Thyroid function test
- Suppression of clotting factors
- Hypercalcemia in breast
- March 13, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Puran Pachak is a herbo-mineral Syrup of 200 ml and is Purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC Puran Pachak syrup helps in Digestion, Supports the Digestive system, and Maintains the doshas in our body. It also helps to remove out impurities or ama from the body. This syrup reduce the Acidity, Detoxify the blood and also Supports the body health. It shows Antacid, Digestive, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Expectorant, and Antioxidant properties. This syrup is made up of pure ayurvedic herbs such as Mulethi, Saunf, Vasakha, Ajwayan, Prpati etc. that helps to maintain the Digestive system and in the body. The regular use of this syrup balances the digestive hormone and heals peptic ulcers naturally. It is a good Appetizer and help to Improves digestion, Supports normal gastric function, and Normal circulation of the blood.
- Mulethi :
The presence of glycyrrhizin and its compound, carbenoxolone, makes mulethi a good remedy for constipation, acidity, heartburn, stomach discomfort, inflammation of digestive system and gastro esophageal acid reflux. Mulethi also works as a mild laxative, and helps bowel movements.
- Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) :
The goodness of fennel seed essential oils stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes that improves your digestion. Fennel seeds contain anethole, fenchone and estragole that act as antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. They work wonderfully for constipation, indigestion and bloating.
- Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica) :
Vasaka is a powerful digestive stimulant. The carminative and appetite-stimulant properties of the herb help in breaking down food particles in the stomach and intestine, promote the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increase the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines.
- Ajwain (Trachyspernum ammi):
Active enzymes in ajwain improve the flow of stomach acids, which can help to relieve indigestion, bloating, and gas. The plant can also help to treat peptic ulcers as well as sores in the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
- Pudina (Mentha spicata) :
Pudina may also help clean up toxins from the gut (these are the end products of gastric digestion) and strengthens the stomach. It may also be effective in dyspepsia (indigestion) symptoms such as appetite, bloating, belching (burping), and nausea.
- Parpati (Fumaria indica):
It helps in proper secretion of digestive juices for improving digestion, enhances absorption of nutrients and minerals and therefore; provides Bala (invigorate) and reduces malnutrition.
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) :
The powdered fruit also has a mild laxative effect on the body and hence treats constipation by decreasing flatulence, cleansing the intestines and removing waste products from the body
- Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica):
Bibhitaki is known for its antibacterial qualities. Thus, it will make your digestive system stronger and will keep it free from some of the most common bacterial and viral infections
- Amla (Emblica officinalis):
High amount of fiber in amla help to regulate bowel movements and relieve digestive ailments like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea, etc. Besides, amla stimulates gastric juices responsible for accelerating digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food and thus prevents acidity.
- Mukta sukti:
Mukta shukti bhasma gives quick and effective relief from acidity.
- Patol:
It has a high fiber content which contributes to healthy digestive system. It is quite lower in immersed fats as well as calories. It contains high amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, thiamine, iron, and magnesium.
- It neutralizes the acid in the stomach by inhibiting the pepsin (proleolytic enzyme)
- Dyspepsia
- Detoxification
- Postprandial fullness
- Abdominal bloating
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal distension
- Indigestion
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesic
- Antioxidant
- Hyperacidity
- Flatulence
- Expectorant
- Boosts metabolism
- Boost Immunity
- Weight management
- Supports Digestive functions
- Belching
BRAND NAME: Digistom
COMPOSITION: Fungal diastase and papain
This syrup contains Papain and Fungal Diastase as main ingredients. Diastase is a potent, powerful hydrolyzing enzyme complex obtained from controlled fermentation of fungi. It is a digestive enzyme that helps in breakdown of carbohydrates and transforms into sugar. Papain is also known as papaya proteinase I and it is extracted from raw papaya. It is a cysteine protease enzyme present in papaya, has proteolytic activity and helps in breakdown of proteins into smaller fragments called peptides and amino acids. This syrup is used as digestant to easy digestion, prevents pancreatitis and promotes the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and helps in absorb the essential nutrients in intestine.
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Stomach upset
- Pain while urinating
- Acarbose
- Miglitol
- March 11, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A disease that weakens the bones and increase the risk for sudden and unexpected bone fractures is known as Osteoporosis. The word osteoporosis means porous bones. There is less bone mass and strength. This disease usually develops with no symptoms or pain and is generally discovered after the painful facture is caused. The common fractures due to this condition are hip, wrist and spine fractures.
Exact cause is not known but some of the factors contributing in this condition includes :
- Increased body weight
- Low estrogen levels
- Low calcium intake
- Celiac disease
- Liver disease
- Genetic predisposition
- Thyroid issues
- Gastro-intestinal surgery
- Kidney disorders
- Tobacco use
- Cancer
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hyper-parathyroidism
- Inflammatory bowel disease
Common symptoms to watch out for includes :
- Change in posture
- Loss of height
- Pain in lower back
- Shortness of breath
- Bone fractures
- Regular Exercise : Regular physical activity for at least 20 to 30 minutes helps to improve the core strength of the body and also helps to improve bone density.
- Vitamin D Supplements : Vitamin D is important for health bones and teeth because the absorption of the calcium in body is aided by Vitamin D. Foods rich in Vitamin D are :
- red meat
- fish like sardines, herring , salmon etc
- egg yolk
- liver
- Calcium Rich Diet : Calcium is important for maintains of bone health and low calcium levels in body lead to weak bones. So to prevent osteoporosis incorporate calcium rich foods in diet. Some calcium rich foods includes :
- dried fruits
- tofu
- dairy products like cheese, milk and yoghurt
- green leafy vegetables
- Get Some Sunshine : Sun is the natural source of the Vitamin D which helps to enhance the absorption of the calcium in the body. Spending short time in the sun especially in early morning is recommended
- Limiting Intake of Alcohol : Alcohol tends to hamper the process of calcium absorption and increase the risk of osteoporosis. So limit the intake of alcohol to prevent development of osteoporosis as well as other alcohol abuse related disorders
- Quit smoking : Smoking affects the bone forming cells and also slow down the healing of fracture. So quit smoking helps to prevent the development of osteoporosis.
- Avoid Stress : Stress also put extra pressure on the mental and physical health of the body and can cause development of osteoporosis. So take care of your mental health by meditation, tai chi, tracking etc to reduce stress levels.
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Asthi-kshaya. Due to vitiation of the vata there is disturbance in the digestive fire that leads to formation of the ama dosha. The ama along with vata cause vitiation of the asthi dhatu leading to Asthikshaya.
- Arjuna
- Harjor
- Manjistha
- Amla
- Gokhru
- Guggul
- Ashwagandha
- Punarnava
- Patra potli pind swdan
- Abhayanga
- Lepam
- Vaman
- Virechan
- Vasti
- Milk and milk products
- Sesame seeds
- Ghee
- Meat soup
- Sleep in day time
- Avoid staying up till late night
- Include fruits like mango, grapes and pomegranate
- Perform asana like Adho mukha svanasana, vriksasana etc
Immuno Booster Tablet
It is a pure herbal combination that helps to build up immunity. It consists of effective levels of antioxidants. vitamin C and E circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. It has natural immunity-boosting properties to prevent and ease cough, cold, headache, and infections. it provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, itching throat, body ache, and weakness.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Asthi Shakti
This herbal tablet is prepared from ingredients such as Amalaki, Ashwagandha, etc. that provide good result to osteoarthritis patients. These tablets help in reducing stiffness, pain, swelling, & inflammation of the joints.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Vata balance tablet
Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution. Vata is characterized by the properties of dry, cold, light, minute, and movement. All movement in the body is due to the properties of Vata. Pain is the characteristic feature of deranged Vata. Some of the diseases connected to unbalanced Vata are flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily after meals.
Panchasakar Churna
It is a pure and classical preparation known as Panchsakar churna. This churna is used since ancient time for the detoxification of the body. The churna contain five ingredients as the name suggests Haritaki, Shunthi, Krishna Pippali, Trivrit, and Sauvarchala lavana. As toxins are removed from the body knee pain will automatically subsides.
Recommended Dosage: Take one teaspoonful at bedtime with lukewarm water.
Rasayan vati
Rasayan vati are 100% natural and safe containing herbo-mineral extracts. These ingredients show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immuno-modulator properties.These tablets give good results in General debility, Sexual disorders, and Improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily after meals.
- March 11, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a disease that develops when the body attacks its own hair follicles which cause loss of hair in the body.
- Family history: It is the most common reason for balding that occurs with maturing. It is called androgenic alopecia.
- Hormonal changes and medical condition: Changes in hormones during pregnancy, labor, menopause and thyroid problems it will lead to alopecia areata.
- Drugs and medication: Hair loss can be a result of certain medication such as Adramycin, docetaxel, etoposide, Fluorouracil and dactinomycin etc.
- Use of hair chemicals such as gels or hair dyes it will cause hair loss.
- Mental stress and anxiety.
- Acute onset of hair loss may manifest in number of patterns.
- Patchy alopecia Areata is the most common pattern producing
- Hair loss
- Round or oval patches on the skin.
- Scalp is mostly affected but it also affects the Beard, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
Less common pattern include
- Alopecia totalis: In alopecia totalis complete loss of scalp hair.
- Alopecia Universalis : Complete loss of body hair
- Ophiasis: Bandlike hair loss on the occipital and temporal scalp margins.
- Diffuse alopecia areata : Rapid and widespread hair loss
- Sudden greying of hair: loss of pigmentation of hairs.
- Chromosomal disorders such as Down Syndrome
- Family history
- Autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo and thyroid disease.
- Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 1.
- Age
- Stress
- Improper nourishment
In Ayurveda it is compared with khalitya or Inderlupta. It is caused by vitiation of the vata and pitta dosha in rom kupa(hair follicles) . Kapha dosha along with Rakta dhatu forms a covering in hair follicles.and prevention of formation of new hairs. In Khalitya Bhrajaka pitta localize in skin and opening of hair follicle gets vitiated and enter in skin through hair follicles with vitiated vata dosha due to which hair fall occurs, after that vitiated rakta and kapha dosha blocks the hair follicle than stoppage of new hair growth.
- Raktamokshan
- Shirodhara
- Shiroabhyanga
- Shiropichu
- Shirobasti
- Nasya
- Moringa
- Patola
- Haritaki
- Bhringaraja oil
- Draksha
- Amra
- Pomegranate
- Positive and stress free mind.
- Green gram
- Maintain social and personal hygiene
- Stress and mental tension
- Referigerated food
- Ecessive intake of cold, salt, spicy food.
- Day sleep
- More intake of amla rasa (Sour food).
- Padmasana
- Sukhasana
- Sarvangasana
- Supta baddha konasana
- Marichyasana
- Suryanamaskar
- Nimba (Azadirachta indica )
- Patola (Trichosanthes dioica)
- Amla (Emblica officinalis)
- Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)
- Haridra(Curcuma longa)
- Kushta (Saussurea lappa)
- Pippali (Piper longum)
- Chitraka(Plumbago Zeylanica)
Hair Live Herbal Shampoo
It is used in various kinds of hair related issues like Baldness, Graying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health. It is used in Hairball, graying of hair, dandruff, dry scalp, thinning of hairs, baldness, alopecia and loss of lusterless.
Method of usage– Apply it on wet hair, massage into a rich lather for 2-3 minutes and rinse properly with water.
Hair Live Tablet
Hair Live Tablet is formulated with ingredients like Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Dhatry Loha (Purified iron), & Shud Gandhak (Purified sulphur). This herbal kit is formulated to take care of all the hair problems. It is an amazing combination of various natural herbs which can be beneficial for both male and female hair problems. It provides nourishment to the hair from the root level, repairs broken, splinted and damaged hair. This kit gives a natural strength and smooth texture.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
Hair Live Oil
It is used in various kinds of hair related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.Til oil (Sesamum indicum) Almond oil (Prunus dulcis) Jotishmati oil (Celastrus paniculatus) Amla (Embelia officinale) Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), etc
Method of usage – Gently massage your hair once or as per requirement
Amla Juice
Amla Premium Juice will strengthen the heart muscles, provide relief from constipation, stimulate bowel movements, prevent the signs of aging, control diabetes problem, reduce cholesterol levels, flush toxins out of the body and improve your hair texture and solve the problem of hair fall. Two spoonful of Amla Premium Juice everyday will help in making your hair smooth and shinier.
Dosage: Take 20 ml twice daily.
- March 11, 2023
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The lung are lined by the tissues called as Pleura. When that lining around the lungs gets inflamed and cause sharp chest pain is called as Pleurisy. The chest pain tends to get worst with breathing and coughing. The space between pleura is filled with fluid which allows smooth sliding when individual breath but due to inflammation they rub against each other instead.
Some of the common causes of pleurisy are :
- Viral, bacterial or other infection in lungs
- Lung or pleural disease like mesothelioma, tuberculosis, lung cancer or asbestosis.
- Blood clot in lung
- Chest surgery or any trauma
- Autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Familial Mediterranean fever
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Certain medications like isoniazid, hypdralazine and procainamide
- Sickle cell disease
Some of the common symptoms experienced by individual are :
- Stabbing, sharp or knife like pain in chest
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Extreme fatigue
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Poor appetite
- Rapid shallow breaths
- Dizziness
- Itching in sites on back
- Fast heart rate
Some of the complications are :
- Hair loss
- Constipation
- Peri-carditis
- Pus in pleural cavity
- Shortness of breath
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Parshva Shool. Due to excessive exposure to etiological factors like unwholesome food etc leads to aggravation of Kapha. The aggravated kapha dosha moves towards the sides of body and gets lodged there causing obstruction of the vata pathway. The obstructed vata along with vitiated Kapha leads to development of the condition in the chest region.
- Curcumin
- Giloy
- Tulsi
- Amalaki
- Kutaja
- Vasa
- Bhringraj
- Lepam
- Vaman
- patra ppotali pind swedan
- parisheka
- Meat soup of partidge, quail,, grey francolin prepared with ghee and add lemon juice
- food prepared with barley, wheat or rice to serve with soup of horse gram or radish.
- Intake of water processed with laghu panchamoola group .
- Vegetables like bitter gourd, drumsticks, pointed gourd should be consumed
- Fruits like grapes or pomegranates to be consumed
- Avoid consumption of chickpeas
- sesame, junk foods etc should be avoided
- do not supress the natural urges like empting the bowels and urination
- Avoid physical activities , day time sleep and eating frequently.
Kapha Powder
This is a combination of pure and natural herbs which mainly acts on the upper respiratory tract. The mixture contains – Sitopladi churna, Talisaadi churna, Yashtimadhu churna, Laxmi vilas ras, Godanti bhasma, etc. It is used mainly in chronic cough, Whooping cough, congestion of chest, chronic fever. The powder has best results in the problem of thirst and temperature associated problems. Some of the ingredients are coolant in nature, thus it relieves burning sensation and controls body temperature.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 Sachet twice daily with normal water.
Cough Go Tablets:
These herbal tablets are beneficial in cough, cold, bronchitis, & other respiratory disorders. Cough Go Tablets are ayurvedic formulation containing Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), etc. All these ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, & expectorant properties. This is very beneficial in fever due to phlegm and treats the chronic cough. It helps in reducing cough, headache, rhinitis, etc.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Gokshura Capsule:
Gokshura capsule is pure ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in ascites as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the abdomen. It also acts as diuretic which causes increased urine secretion from the body and removal of all the toxins. These capsules contain pure extract of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).
Recommended Dosage: Take one capsule twice daily with normal water.
Rasayan Vati
Rasayan vati is herbo-mineral ayurvedic formulation, which is 100% natural. Rasayan vati contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Kesar, Musali, Shatavar, Brahmi , Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Yashad Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, Jaiphal, Vang Bhasam, Dalchini, Javitri, Gokhru, Kaunch Beej, Saunth, Mirch, Pipli, Amla, Kesar, Manjith, Anant Mool, Brahmi, Musali, Swarn Vang, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immuno-modulator properties. These tablets provide good results in General debility, Psychological disorders, and improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
KasShwas Chintamani Rasa
Kas Shwas chintamani rasa is an excellent medicine for entire Pranavaha srotas. It acts as a vata-kaphaghna. These tablets contain ingredients like– Shwas kasa chintamani rasa, Laxmivilas nardiya rasa, Sutashekhar rasa, Talisadi churna processed in Bhawana Vasa Kwath. The tablet has best result in recurrent cough, cold, asthma, and sinusitis. It is effective in recurrence of Pranavaha Srotas related vikar developed due to low immunity & give effective results to asthma patients.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.