Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Ashwagandha / Withania Somnifera
- August 1, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Botanical Classification of Ashwagandha:
Latin name- Withania Somnifera
Family- Solanaceae
Class- Magnoliopsida
Kingdom- Plantae
Sub-Kingdom- Viridiplantae
Infra Kingdom- Streptophyta (Land Plants)
Super Division- Embryophyta
Division- Tracheophyta (Tracheophytes or Vascular Plants)
Sub Division- Spermatophytina (spermatophytes or Seed Plants)
Super Order- Asteraceae
Order- Solanales
Names in different languages:
English name: Indian winter cherry, Poison gooseberry, Indian ginseng
Hindi name: Asgandh, Asgandha
Bengali name: Asvagandha
Tamil name: Askulang, Amukura
Gujarathi name: Ghoda aakun, Aasandha
Kannada name: Ashvagandhi
Marathi name: Doragunj, Asandh
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
Vajigandha, Turagnagandha, Ashwagandha, Hayagandha in which vaji, ashwa, and haya means horse and gandha mean smell. The smell of this plant is quite alike horse dung.
Gatrakari in which gatra means body and this herb helps to improve the body’s strength and mass.
Balya- It improves the strength
Kushtagandhi, Pivari
Vajikari, Turagi- Here the vaji means horse and it improves the sexual performance like that of a horse
Varahakarni- Varaha means pig and Karna mean ear. Its leaves are like the ear of a pig
Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng and it has been used in Ayurveda for a very long time as a crucial part of ayurvedic treatment for various health issues. In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is considered as a Rasayana (potent rejuvenative agent as it increases the vitality and longevity of an individual. It improves memory power, preserves mental functions, and increases intelligence. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, it is mainly used in all types of inflammatory disorders. The word Ashwagandha means ‘smell of a horse’. The two main reasons behind its name are- first is because of its roots that emit the smell of horse. The second reason is that by consuming Ashwagandha in any form may improve vitality, increases energy levels and strength similar to that of a horse.
Nutrients in Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. It is grown and cultivated in different regions of the country.
What are the medicinal properties of Ashwagandha?
- Aphrodisiac
- Rasayana (Rejuvenating)
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anodyne
- Anti-depressant
- Anti-stressor
- Immuno-modulator
- Adaptogenic
- Antioxidant
- Anti-arthritic
- Carminative
- Uterine tonic (beneficial in uterine disorders, endometriosis and uterine pain and provides strength to the uterus)
- Cardioprotective
- Anti-diabetic
- Anti-ulcerogenic
- Anti-cancer
- Mild antihypertensive
- Mild Anti-asthmatic
- Hematogenic
- Anti-malarial
- Nervine sedative
- Mild Hypnotic
- Anthelmintic (leaves)
- Diuretic (seeds)
- Anabolic effect
What are the Ayurvedic properties of Ashwagandha?
Rasa (Taste)- Madhura (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter), and Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Quality)- Snigadh (Unctuous or Oily) and Laghu (Light)
Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka (Resultant)- Madhura (Sweet)
Prabhava (Therapeutic Effect)- Rejuvenation & Tonic
Dosha Karma (Effect on doshas)- Pacifies Kapha and Vata dosha
Dhatu (Tissue effect)- Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, Majja and Shukra
What are the therapeutic uses of Ashwagandha?
- Ashwagandha use as Tonic:
Ashwagandha is beneficial in preventing the body from diseases by boosting up the immune system functioning. It enhances the non-specific immunity and also alleviates stress, increases physical stamina, and improves the overall health of the body.
- Heart Diseases:
Ashwagandha is considered a health tonic that is used in the treatment and management of heart-related diseases. Oxidative stress and the increase of free radicals in the body increase the pressure and burden on the heart. It maintains the proper functioning of the heart and affects its structure too. It has energy-boosting properties that provide energy and improve overall functioning.
- Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):
Ashwagandha has a greater protective effect on high blood pressure when it is given with milk as compared to when given with water. Changes are seen in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure levels. This herb reduces the high blood pressure levels by inducing a calming effect on the mind and by reducing the stress levels. Hence, it is used in balancing the BP levels as an adjunct with conventional agents or as a natural alternative.
- Muscle Weakness
Ashwagandha plays an important role in providing strength to the muscles and also increases muscle mass activity. It also increases the muscular force in the upper and lower extremities and trunk region. A reduction in the fat content in the body increases the muscle mass.
- Arthritis:
Arthritis is a painful and inflammatory condition of the joints and Ashwagandha plays an anti-arthritic role by reducing the inflammation as well as pain. It has an antioxidant property that prevents the production of reactive oxygen species. It also improves the signs and symptoms of arthritis such as redness, tenderness, swelling, and improves the overall flexibility of joints.
Most of the researchers have found that Ashwagandha roots and leaves play an important role in lowering high blood glucose levels. It is known to be the most beneficial herb for the management of diabetes mellitus type-2.
Amalaki / Emblica Officinalis
- July 31, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Botanical Classification (Taxonomy)
Latin Name- Emblica Officinalis
Family- Phyllanthaceae
English Name- Indian Gooseberry, Malacca Tree, and Emblic Myrobalan,
Hindi Name- Amla
Sanskrit Name- Amalaki, Amalika, Dhatri, Dhatriphala, Sriphalam, Vayastha, Aonla, Vrushya,
Kingdom- Plantae
Sub-Kingdom- Viridiplantae
Infra Kingdom- Streptophyta
Super Division- Embryophyta
Class- Magnoliopsida
Genus- Phyllanthus L. (Leaf Flower)
Species- Phyllanthus Emblica (Emblic)
Division- Tracheophyta/ Tracheophytes
Sub Division- Spermatophytina/Spermatophytes (Seed Plants)
Super Order- Rosanne
Order- Malpighiales
Amla is also known as “Indian gooseberry” and it is rich in nutrients. It is the richest source of vitamin C. It improves digestive power and relieves acidity. It is also good for diabetic patients as it controls blood glucose levels. It has been used in Ayurveda as a Rasayanic tonic for many ages that helps to brighten the skin, purify the blood, and improve eyesight naturally.
Names in different languages:
English name: Indian Gooseberry
Hindi name: Ambala, Awla, Amlika, Amla, Anwala
Punjabi name: Ambul, Ambalo, Aamlaa
Kannada name: Bettada Nelli Kayi
Telugu name: Nellikaay, Nellikkali, Perunelli
Farsi name: Amlaj
Malayalam name: Nelli
Urdu name: Amal khushk, Aamla
Bengali name: Amla, Aamla, Aamro and Aamalaki
Arabic name: Amlakhushk
Manipuri name: Heikru
Marathi name: Avalkati, Avil, Avka, and Aouli
Assamese name: Amlokhi, Amlaki, Amlok, Amla
Konkani name: Avalo
Kannada name: Nellikay Nelli
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
Sheetaphala- It has a coolant property
Vayastha, Vayasya- It has anti-aging property
Dhatri- It takes care of the patient as a mother
Divya, Shriphala- Its fruit is auspicious
Amrutaphala- As good as the nectar
Other synonyms are- Seeduphala, Shivam, Shanta, Jatiphalarasam Seedurasa, Vrishyaphala, Varshaphala, Shanta, etc.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (Taste)- Sour Taste is the dominant and other 4 tastes are present except saline taste – Madhura (Sweet), Amal (Sour), Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent), and Kasaya (Astringent)
- Guna- Guru (Heavy), Sheeta (Cool) and Ruksha (Dry)
- Virya (Potency-Sheeta (Cold)
- Vipaka (Resultant)- Madhura (Sweet)
- Therapeutic Effect – Prabhava (Rejuvenation)
- Dosha Karma (Effect on Humor)- Amla pacifies mainly Pitta, but it also alleviates the Kapha and Vata.
- Dhatu (Effect on tissues)- Rasa, Rakta, Medas and Shukra dhatu
What are the therapeutic benefits of amalaki?
- Kanthya- It is useful in throat related diseases and improves voice
- Hrudya- It is good for the heart
- Daahahara- It treats burning sensation
- Rasayana- It has rejuvenative and anti-aging property
- Vrushya- Aphrodisiac
- Javarahara- It is used in fever
- Premhaghna- It is used in diabetes mellitus and urine related issues
- Raktapittaghna- It is used in blood-related disorders
- Chakshushya- It improves vision and also good for eyes
- Vayasthapana- It has an anti-aging action
What are the therapeutic uses of Amalaki?
Here are the therapeutic uses of amalaki-
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) shows anti-hyperglycemic effects on the body. It has no side effects. In diabetes mellitus, this extract of fruit interferes with the absorption of glucose in the gut and stops the entry of glucose in the blood. It balances the blood glucose levels post-meal and delays the digestion of glucose.
It is the richest source of Vitamin C and is recognized as one of the essential nutrients for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It keeps the bones healthy and strong and also improves the absorption of the minerals and increases bone mineral density. In Ayurvedic Medicine, Amla can be used along with Ashwagandha, Arjuna, and other Ayurvedic mineral medicines to improve bone strength. It also increases bone mineral density.
Amla is an anti-anemic fruit that has iron and vitamin C present in it. It helps in the better absorption of the iron because it contains ascorbic acid that enhances the iron absorption. It also increases the hemoglobin levels in the body.
Peptic Ulcers
In Peptic Ulcers, it shows very good results by working on reducing the production of acid in the stomach. Its antioxidant action helps to protect the gastric mucosa from any damage and also prevents the ulceration. Various complications of peptic ulcers such as gastric carcinoma will also be treated with it and also the symptoms like pain in the abdomen, weight loss, poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
This fruit has a natural antacid property that provides relief from the symptoms of gastritis. It controls the acidic production in the stomach and reduces abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn, etc due to the hyperacidity.
Arjuna / Terminalia Arjuna
- July 30, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Arjuna which is also called Arjun Tree and this medicinal plant is mainly used for heart diseases due to its cardioprotective and cardio-strengthening properties. It provides strength to the cardiac muscle (heart muscle) and normalizes the heartbeat. It has various minerals present in it, which helps to prevent bone loss and improves bone mineral density. It has ulcer protection property, so it is used for ulcer treatment, specially indicated for peptic ulcers. It reduces the frequency of urination and frequent urination.
Botanical Description
It is native to India but it is also found in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and some other Asian Countries. It grows up to a height of about 20 to 27 meters.
Its botanical classification:
- Latin name: Terminalia arjuna
- Family- Combretaceae
- Kingdom- Plantae
- Sub-Kingdom- Viridiplantae
- Infra Kingdom- Streptophyta (Land Plants)
- Super Division- Embryophyta
- Division- Tracheophyta
- Sub Division- Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes or Seed Plants)
- Class- Magnoliopsida
- Super Order- Rosanne
- Order- Myrtales
- Species- Terminalia arjuna (Arjun Tree)
Names in different languages:
- English name: Arjunolic Myrobalan, Arjun Tree
- Hindi name: Arjun
- Bengali name: Arjun
- Marathi name: Sadaru
- Tamil name: Neermarudhu, Poomarudhu, Marudam Patti
- Manipuri name: Maiyokpha
- Kannada Name: Holemaththi, Neer matti, Holedaasaala
- Gujarathi name: Sadado
Its Sanskrit Synonyms:
- Indradru- It is a big tree
- Dhavala- The external layer of bark is white
- Nadisarja- It is found on the banks of the river
- Partha, Dhananjaya, Partha, Virarksha, Shvetavaaha, Shvetavaaha, Kakubha, Nadi Sarja, Partha, kireeti, Dhootra Bhuruha, etc
Its different varieties:
There are mainly two types of Arjuna:
- Arjuna- Terminalia arjuna- It is of white variety
- Kakubha- Terminalia alata- It is of the black variety
What are the medicinal properties of Arjuna?
- Rasa (Taste)- Kasaya (Astringent)
- Guna (Quality)- Ruksha (Dry) and Laghu (Light)
- Virya (Potency)- Sheeta (Cold)
- Vipaka (Resultant)- Katu (Pungent)
- Prabhava (Action)- Cardiac Tonic
- Dosha Karma (Effect on Humor)- Pacifies Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha
- Dhatu (Tissue) Effect- Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, and Asthi
- Organs Affected- Heart, Blood Vessels, and Bones
- It is mainly given in Heart Diseases
Medicinal Parts
Its bark is the main medicinal part used for therapeutic purposes. It has cardioprotective action on the body.
What are the medicinal properties of Arjuna?
The medicinal properties of Arjuna are:
- Cardiac tonic
- Antiarrhythmic
- Antianginal
- Cardiac Stimulant
- Anti-atherogenic
- Inotropic (modifies the speed or force of muscle contractions)
- Anti-hyperlipidemic
- Anti-thrombotic
- Anti-hemorrhagic
- Antihypertensive
- Antioxidant
- Anti-osteoporotic
- Anti-herpes virus
- Wound healing
- Anti-arthritic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antacid
- Mucolytic
- Anti-ulcerogenic
- Urinary Astringent
- Anti-obesity
- Antihyperglycemic
- Antitoxin
- Antitumor
- Anti-ischemic
What are the Ayurvedic properties and benefits of Arjuna?
Arjuna is a very common herb for heart patients in Ayurveda. This herb contains many bioactive substances that improve the left ventricle functioning of the heart. It has cardioprotective action on the body which improves the cardiac function in people with a previous or recent history of cardiac trauma. It also increases the anaerobic cardiovascular performance of the heart. It has antioxidative characteristics that are comparable to Vitamin C. Arjuna also has anti-cancerous properties that prevent the growth of unhealthy cells.
- Cardiac Arrhythmia
Arjuna has cardio-tonic action that enhances the SR functioning and minimizes the arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) occurrence. It reduces the risk of other heart-related problems like angina which is caused due to the aggravated Kapha dosha but the pain associated with it is like the symptoms of aggravated Vata. Kapha dosha accumulation leads to the production of Ama (toxins) in the body which gets blocked in the heart channels and causes a blockage leading to an aggravated Vata dosha. Arjuna removes the blockage of heart channels and pacifies the aggravated Vata dosha.
- High and Low Blood Pressure
Arjuna herb normalizes the blood pressure and stabilizes it at normal levels. It shows wonderful results in both cases with low or high blood pressure. Arjuna maintains the healthy functioning of the heart, which is likely to work in both cases. It improves cardiovascular endurance and in high blood pressure, it induces lowering effects.
Ajwain / Trachyspermum ammi
- July 29, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Botanical description of Ajwain
- Scientific Name- Trachyspermum ammi
- Plant Family- Apiaceae
- Botanical Classification (Taxonomy)
- Class- Magnoliopsida
- Super Order- Asteranae
- Order- Apiales
- Family- Apiaceae
- Super Division- Embryophyta
- Division- Tracheophyta (Tracheophytes or Vascular Plants)
- Sub Division- Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes or Seed Plants)
- Kingdom- Plantae
- Sub-Kingdom- Viridiplantae
- Infra Kingdom- Streptophyta (Land Plants)
- Genus- Trachyspermum (Ajowan Caraway)
- Species- Trachyspermum Ammi
Ajwain is also known as carom seeds or ajowan caraway. It is an Indian spice and its ayurvedic medicines formulated with these are used in digestive ailment, mental diseases, and respiratory disorders.
It is also a common home remedy used for a variety of health conditions such as abdominal pain, cramps, intestinal gas, indigestion, vomiting, and abdominal distension, and diarrhea, loose stool, breathing trouble and heaviness in the abdomen after a meal.
Names in different languages:
- English name- Carom seeds
- Hindi name- Ajvain, Javaayin, Jabaayan, Ajavan, Ajwain, Ajovaam
- Punjabi name- Jabain
- Tamil name: Oman, Amam, Ajamo, Aman
- Kannada name: Oma, Omada kalu
- Bengali name: Yoyaan, Yamaarni, Jovaan, Yamaarni
- Farsi name: Nanakhaha
- Malayalam: Omam
- Telgu name: Omasu, Omami, Vamu, Oma
- Gujarati name: Javaain, Ajamaa, Ajamo, Yavaan
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
Teevragandha, Ajamodika, Yavanaka, Yavasahva, Bhumikadambaka, Yavagraja, Deepyaka, Brahmadarbha, Bhutika, Yavashavaya, and ugragandha (strong odor)
What are the medicinal properties of ajwain?
- Rasa (Taste)- Tika (bitter) and Katu (pungent)
- Guna (Qualities)- Teekshan (piercing and enters into deep tissues), Laghu (light to digest) and Rooksha (dryness)
- Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (hot)
- Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion)- Katu (pungent)
Its benefits:
- Gulma- Bloating and abdominal tumor
- Udara- Ascites
- Ruchya- Improves the taste
- Anaha- Abdominal bloating
- Deepani- Improves the digestive strength
- Krumi- Worm infestation
- Vishamaya- Poisoning, toxic conditions
- Shula- Abdominal colic pain
- Shukrahara- Decreases semen
- Shulahara- Treats abdominal colic pain
- Pleeha- Splenomegaly
What are the medicinal uses of ajwain?
Ajwain has the following healing properties:
- Antioxidant
- Anthelmintic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-arthritic
- Antiflatulent
- Antispasmodic
- Digestive Stimulant
- Hypo-glycemic
- Analgesic
- Carminative
- Muscle relaxant
- Galactagogue
- Emmenagogue
- Antifungal
- Antimicrobial
- Antihypertensive
- Bronchodilator
- Antifilarial
- Diuretic
- Cardiac Stimulant
Culinary uses of Ajwain are:
Ajwain has great importance in Indian cooking that provides flavor and fragrance to food recipes. It also provides a unique taste to chapatis and recipes. It also prevents indigestion, abdominal pain, and all other abdominal disorders.
What are the therapeutic Indications of Ajwain?
Ajwain can be used in the following health conditions like:
- Digestive Health
- Loss of appetite
- Indigestion
- Gas or flatulence
- Bloating
- Distension of abdomen
- Loose stools or diarrhea
- Abdominal cramps
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Intestinal parasites
- Heart and Blood-related disorders like High cholesterol levels, Atherosclerosis, Bradycardia (Slow Heart Rate)
- Lungs and airways like Chronic cough, Asthma, Productive cough with foul smelly sputum, Muscle,
- Bones and Joints like muscle spasm, rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout (used with celery seeds)
- Women’s Health
- Secondary amenorrhea
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Backache during periods
Its therapeutic uses:
Ajwain Water for babies
Ajwain water is a milder remedy for infantile colic that alleviates abdominal pain in babies. It can be used in combination with fennel water for getting quick results. It works effectively in pain occurs due to excess intestinal gas and ingestion.
Intestinal Gas & Flatulence
It can be used to treat gas and flatulence as it reduces the gas formation in the abdomen and releases the already formed in the intestine. It also has carminative and antiflatulent properties on the body which gives very good results.
Heaviness in the abdomen
The most important benefits of drinking ajwain water are it helps in relieving abdominal heaviness and bloating. It generally occurs after taking a meal in most people. In this case, you should drink ajwain water immediately after a meal.
Ajwain Water for Constipation
If you have improper bowel movements and suffer from mucus discharge in the stool, then Ajwain water is the best remedy for relieving constipation. You have to drink this water once a day at night in a dosage of 120 ml before bedtime. It will improve the liver functions, increases the digestive fire and you will start getting proper bowel movements in the morning.
Agnimantha / Clerodendrum phlomidis
- July 28, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Latin Name- Premna Integrifolia
Plant Family- Verbenaceae
Genus- Premna
Its distribution is in various parts of India like Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, etc.
Botanical Synonyms of Agnimantha are Premna Serratifolia, Premna Mucronata, Premna Obtusifolia, and Premna corymbosa
Agnimantha is a medicinal plant that grows either as a large shrub or a small tree. Its height is up to 10 meters tall. Its bark, roots, and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. In Agnimantha, ‘agni’ means fire, ‘mantha’ refers to churning. In the English language, Agnimantha is referred to as a headache tree.
As per Ayurveda, agnimantha is an important ingredient of Dashmool Plants. Dashmool has two subcategories Brihat Panchamoola and Laghu Panchamoola and in these subcategories, Agnimantha is included under Brihat Panchamoola. As per Ayurveda, Agnimantha is useful in treating all types of Vata Disorders (that related to the nervous and musculoskeletal system), inflammatory disorders, neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, piles, constipation, common cold, and loss of appetite, etc.
Names in different languages:
Common Name: Agnimantha (BRIHAD AGNIMANTHA), Headache Tree
English Name: Headache tree
Hindi Name: Agathu, Tekar, Arni, Ganiyari, Agethu
Sanskrit Name: Agnimantha, Shreeparn, Vatghani
Tamil Name: Pachumullai, Taludalai
Marathi Name: Airana, Eran, Takalu, Eirani, Takalu, Chamari
Gujarathi Name: Airanamula, Arani, Aranel
Bengali Name: Ganiyari, Ganibhari, Ganira
Oriya Name: Ganiyari
Malayalam Name: Munnai, Munja
Telgu Name: Gabbunelli, Nelli, Gabbunulli
French Name: Arbe a la migraine
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
Tarkari, Arani, Arani, Sriparna, Vataghhi, Jaya, Ganakarika, and Tarkari
The sticks of this plant are used to produce fire so it is called Agnimantha.
Its leaves are very beautiful so it is called as Sreeparni
It is cultivated in the banks of the river so it is called as Nadeyi or Nadeeja
Due to its good qualities, it brings a good opinion among the people so it is called as Tarakari
Because of its smell, it is called as Patragandhi
Parts used:
- Roots
- Leaves
- Bark
Generally, Agnimantha roots and its bark is used in the treatment of Vata Disorders. Its leaves are useful in treating fevers and infections.
What are the Ayurvedic properties of Agnimantha?
Rasa (Taste)- madhura (Sweet), katu (Pungent), kasaya (Astringent), and tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Quality)- Ruksha (Dry), and Laghu (Light)
Virya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka (Resultant)- katu (Pungent)
Dosha karma (Effect on dosha)- Pacifies Vata and Kapha dosha
Therapeutic Indications of Agnimantha:
Agnimantha helps in treating the following health conditions.
- Vata related disorders (diseases related to nervous and musculoskeletal system)
- Inflammatory disorders
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Anemia
- Hemorrhoids or piles
- Common cold
- Neuralgia
- Constipation
- Loss of appetite
- Various fevers – scarlet fever (scarlatina), measles, smallpox, varioloid eruptions, and erysipelas
- Diabetes mellitus
- Dyslipidemia
- Glycosuria
- Chyluria
- Lymphadenitis
- Couth
- Breathing Difficulties and asthma
- Common cold
What are the therapeutic uses of Agnimantha?
Loss of Appetite and malabsorption
Roots of agnimantha have the property of appetizer and digestive. It boosts the appetite and aids in the proper digestion of food. It can digest foods, treats heaviness in the abdomen, drowsy, or tiredness after having a meal. It reduces all the symptoms related to digestion and promotes proper assimilation of the food.
Hemorrhoids or Piles
The decoction of agnimantha is used in a sitz bath instead of simply for relieving pain occurring in hemorrhoids.
Agnimantha leaves boost up the metabolism of the body. These have anti-obesity effects and the juice extracted from its fresh leaves is very helpful for reducing weight and improves the metabolism of the fats and prevents fat accumulation. These should be taken twice daily for at least 3 months for better results.
Roots of agnimantha are especially used in the treatment of urticaria because it has anti-allergic, anti-urticaria action, which helps to reduce prickling pain, hives, and itching.
Loss of Appetite & Malabsorption
Agnimantha roots act as appetizer and digestive. It improves appetite and aids in proper digestion. It is the best natural ayurvedic herb for people feeling the inability to digest foods, heaviness in the abdomen, drowsiness, or tiredness after having a meal. It reduces all these symptoms and promotes proper assimilation of the food.
Agnimantha is a very useful herb in alleviating the pain, inflammation, and swelling of the lymph nodes and other symptoms associated with lymphadenitis. Being an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral action helps to inhibit the growth of microbes, fights against infections, and reduces inflammation.
Ahiphena / Papaver somniferum
- July 25, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Ahiphena is an annual herb that grows up to a height of 100 cm. It is mainly found in the Eastern Mediterranean region but also cultivated in Europe, Asia, and China.
Order- Ranunculates
Kingdom- Angiospermae
Family- Papaveraceae
Genus- Papaver
Names in different languages
English name: Khas Khas seeds, Opium poppy seed
Hindi name: Khs Khas, Postha
Bengali name: Postodheri
Kannada name: Gasagase
Telugu name: Nalla Mandu
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
Phaniphena, Ahiphenak, Nagaphena, Aphooka, Appoka, Aphenaka, Khakhasa Tila, Khasa Tila, and Tila bheda.
What are the medicinal properties of Ahiphena?
Rasa (Taste)- Kashaya (Astringent) and Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Qualities)- Roksha (dryness), Laghu (lightness), Sookshma (minuteness) and vyavayi (spreads to all body parts)
Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka- Katu (Undergoes pungent taste after digestion)
Effect on dosha- Its latex balances kapha dosha and increases vata and pitta dosha and its seeds increase kapha dosha and decrease vata dosha.
Benefits of poppy seed oil benefits:
Guru- Heavy in nature
Vrushya- Aphrodisiac
Balya- It boosts up the immunity and increases the body’s strength
It is useful in neurological related disorders like neuralgia, neuropathy, muscle ache, depression, neuropathy, muscle spasm, etc.
Its kheer (sweet liquid dish) is prepared and it is given to insomnia patients
Benefits of Opium latex:
Grahi- Useful in IBS, Diarrhea, absorbent
Atisara- Used in treating diarrhea
Shelshmaghna- Balances kapha dosha
Increases vata as well as pitta dosha
Sannupata- Used in chronic fever
What are the health benefits of Ahiphena?
This plant has various health benefits –
Digestion – Poppy seeds are very helpful in keeping the digestive system healthy.
Insomnia – Poppy Seed milk mixed with sugar is also very effective in treating insomnia and in this poppy oil can also be used.
Dry itching – Mix lime juice in poppy seeds and make a paste of it. When this paste is applied over the affected area it will provide you relief.
Dysentery – Saute one-fourth teaspoon of poppy seeds in honey and remain untouched till it becomes golden brown. Take it twice daily but not for more than three days as it has sedation property.
Burning Sensation – A paste of Poppy root can also be applied externally over the affected areas that have coolant action and will help to relieve burning sensation.
Breast Cancer – Poppy seeds contain oleic acid so it is used in breast cancer treatment.
Joints Pain – It has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic action on the body that provides relief in joint pain, gout, and arthritis.
Heart Attacks – Poppy seeds oil keeps the heart healthy and provides strength.
Energy – It has high carbohydrate content so it is useful in enhancing the energy.
Muscular and other body Pains – It treats neuralgic as well as muscular pain. It also provides relief in painful piles, and tooth pain when opium centigram is placed in the hollow of the tooth.
Pharmacological Actions
Ahiphena has various medicinal properties like:
What are its therapeutic indications?
Ahiphena is indicated in the following health conditions:
- Cholera (to reduce the frequency of loose stools)
- Abdominal Pain and cramps
- Gastroenteritis
- Severe Diarrhea or watery stools
- Dysentery
Benefits of Ahiphena:
Ahiphena is beneficial in severe diarrhea. In ayurvedic medicine, it is used as a potent antidiarrheal agent for hundreds of years.
Ahiphena decreases the frequency of bowel movements by slowing down the intestinal movements. It is indicated in severe diarrhea and also reduces abdominal pain associated with it.
In cholera, there is severe watery diarrhea which causes severe dehydration. Ahiphena reduces the number and frequency of loose stools and provides relief from severe muscle cramps.
Opium: Purified resin (30 to 125 mg)
Its seeds are used in preparing foods and used in a dose of 1 to 5 grams per day.
Agaru / Aquilaria agallocha
- July 22, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Latin Name- Aquilaria Malaccensis
Family- Malvaceae
Common Names are Agaru, Agar, Agarwood, Aloeswood, Oudh, Oud, Gaharu
Genus- Aquilaria
Distribution- It is found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore.
Agaru is an evergreen plant that is commonly known as Aloe wood or Agarwood. It has a pungent odor and is bitter. This plant works effectively in rheumatoid arthritis by reducing the pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property. According to Ayurveda, its oil massage on the joints regularly can help you to get rid of joint pain because of its Vata balancing property. It also helps to remove excess mucus from the respiratory tract and manage bronchitis due to its Ushna (hot) potency and Kapha balancing properties. Due to its antioxidant property, it protects the liver against damage caused by free radicals and also reduces inflammation in the liver due to its anti-inflammatory property. Applying its oil on the skin also manages skin conditions like eczema due to its healing action.
Types of Agaru:
Agaru herb is of four types:
Daaha Agaru: This herb is mostly cultivated in the Gujarat State of India and is also known as Tail Agaru. Its fragrance is very pleasing and stays for a long period.
Kaashth agaru: It is yellowish and treats symptoms like bad breath, vomiting, and various neurological disorders.
Krishna agaru: This type of agaru is used in diseases related to eyes, ears, and skin.
Mangalya Agaru: This type of agaru is useful for various therapeutic purposes. It is mostly obtained from the Himalayan region around Kedarnath (Uttarakhand).
Names in different languages:
English Name: Agilawood, Agarwood
Hindi Name: Agar
Bengali Name: Agaru
Gujarati Name: Agar
Tamil Name: Agalichandanam, Aggalichandanam
Telugu Name: Agaru
Malayalam Name: Akil
Its synonyms in Sanskrit:
Pravara, Anaryaka, Vamshika, Vishvaroopakam, Rajarha, Shreshta Vruksha, Krumija, Jongakam, and Krumija
Loha- It is black and is heavy similar to iron.
What are the Ayurvedic properties of Agaru?
Rasa (Taste)- Tikta (Bitter) and katu (Pungent)
Guna (Quality)- Ruksha (Dry), Tikshna (Sharp) and Laghu (Light),
Virya (Potency)- Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka (Resultant)- Katu (undergoes pungent after digestion)
Dosha karma (Effect on doshas)- It mainly pacifies Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha
Part used: Aromatic resinous wood oil is also called as Agarwood oil, Aloeswood oil
Dosage: Powder- 3 to 5 grams
Oil- 1 to 5 drops
What are the medicinal uses of Agaru?
Its application on the skin is best in removing coldness
Krumihara- It is useful in worm infection and infection wounds
Anilahara- Balances the Vata dosha in the body
Kushtahara- It is useful in skin-related issues
Kaphahara- Useful in cold, cough and asthma, and relieves sputum
Dushta Vranashodhana- Helpful in cleaning wounds
Its Therapeutic indications:
Agaru is indicated these health conditions like:
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Wounds
- Loss of appetite
- Intestinal worms
- Bad breath (halitosis)
- Intestinal gas
- Rheumatism
- Bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat)
- Cardiac weakness
- Persistent hiccups
- Chyluria (chylous urine)
- Fever with chills
- Loss of libido in men
- Leucorrhoea
- Gout
- Enuresis
- High blood pressure
- Spasms
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Body odor
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
What are the therapeutic uses of Agaru?
2 grams of agaru powder is advised to take with 5 ml Cow’s Ghee for the treatment of Urticaria. It has an anti-allergic and anti-pruritic action on the skin that helps to treat urticaria. It also treats raised itchy bumps and itching associated with urticaria. Its powder used in a combination with coconut oil is also applied to the skin to reduce itching and burning sensation.
Numbness and tingling sensation
Tingling sensations can occur in any part of the body which indicates disturbances in Vata dosha balance in the body, as per the Ayurveda point of view. As the Vata dosha gets balanced, it reduces the tingling sensation and numbness.
Enuresis (Bedwetting)
Agaru acts as a nervine tonic that provides strength to the nerves and urinary bladder. It also provides strength to the urinary bladder to hold the urine produced during the night. It also treats the reactiveness of the bladder, which is a common cause of the enuresis. It is useful in treating bedwetting.
Intestinal Gas, Bloating & Abdominal Distension
Agaru helps in treating the intestinal gas and has been used in Ayurveda with Cumin Seeds (Jeera) and Carom Seeds (Ajwain) for many ages to treat bloating and abdominal distension. In the digestive system, its main function is to reduce abdominal spasm and pains that occur due to the presence of excessive gas in the gut.
Loss of Appetite
Agaru boosts up the appetite by acting upon the stomach and liver. It improves the functioning of the liver and stimulates its metabolism. It also improves gastric secretions that increase the digestive power.
Adrak / Zingiber officinale / Ginger
- July 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Ginger is in two forms dry and fresh ginger and its actions are quite similar except the dry one which is preferred to fresh on during summers. It treats asthma, Indigestion, nausea, and more.
Latin name: Zingiber officinale
Family: Scitamineae
Division: Angiospermae
Sub-kingdom: Phanerogamia
Genus: Zingiber
Species: Officinale
Class: Monocotyledanae
Subclass: Petaloidanae
Names in different languages:
Hindi Name: Aadi, Adarakh (fresh)
Punjabi Name: Adrak, Adarak, Ada
Marathi Name: Aale
Tamil Name: Inji
Kannada Name: Shunti, Hasi Shunti
Telugu Name: Allamu, Alla
Farsi Name: Anjeebeele Tara
Bengali Name: Ada
Tamil Name: Inji
Malayalam Name: Inchi
Arabian Name: Janjabeele Ratab
Its Sanskrit synonyms:
(Wet Ginger)
Ardra Shaka, Moolaja, Ardraka, Gulma moola (Knotty rhizomes) and Anupaja (grow in moist places)
(Dry Ginger)
Ushana (Hot in nature)
Katubhadra (has pungent taste)
Nagara- Found in Nagar Pradesh and it is best among katurasa
Shunti- Useful in Kapha, vataja vikaras
Ardhraka- Causes salivation
Katuviddi- Have katu rasa
Katugranthi- Having nodes and internodes
What are the chemical constituents of ginger?
Ginger chemical constituents are d-Borneal, B- D- Curcumene, D- Camphene, B- Bourbornene, A- Curumene, Zingerone, Zingiberol, Geraniol, Citronellol, Zingiberenes, Gingerol, Gingerone, Paradol, Gingerdiol, Gingerone B and C, etc.
What are the medicinal properties of ginger?
Rasa (taste)- katu (Pungent)
Guna (qualities)- Guru (heavy), Teekshna (strong, piercing), and rooksha (dryness)
Veerya (Potency)- Ushna (hot)
Vipaka- Madhura (undergoes sweet taste after digestion)
Effect on three doshas- Balances kapha dosha
Part used:
Fresh juice- 5-10ml
Powder- 1-2gm
Syrup- 2 to 5 ml
Ayurvedic benefits of ginger:
It used as spices that have a pungent taste and are anaphrodisiac in nature. As per Ayurveda, it helps in increasing Vata dosha. It improves the digestive strength and acts as a appetizer. It also treats constipation. These are the Ayurvedic benefits of ginger.
Difference between dry and fresh ginger-
Wet ginger is rooksha (dry) and ushna (hot) in nature and dry ginger is snigdha (oily, unctuous) and ushna (hot) in nature.
Wet ginger causes diarrhea but is more useful in constipation where as dry ginger has bowel binding property and is useful in IBS.
Wet ginger is used for a shorter period of time because of its dry nature whereas dry ginger is snigdha (unctuous) and hence tolerable for a longer period ie., it can be used for a long time.
The effects of wet ginger are seen more in stomach and intestines whereas effects of dry ginger is seen in both stomach and intestines.
What are the Ayurvedic uses of ginger?
Its application removes the excessive oil from the skin and manages various skin infections. It also shows good results in controlling hair loss as well as promoting hair growth. The application of Ginger juice on the skin helps to control acne formation.
Ginger is a beneficial herb in stopping nausea. If you are going for long traveling, take fresh cloves of ginger that will help in travelling bad effects like nausea and headaches. Chew a ginger clove also treats morning sickness.
Cold and Cough
In winters, ginger increases the immune system of the body. It is a natural antiviral that protects the body from the illness by increasing non-specific immunity. It has an anti-inflammatory property which reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract. It is also a good cough suppressant that helps to clean the respiratory system.
Menstrual Cramps
During menstruation, women experience heavy menstrual cramps. In these days, a woman should take ginger tea, so as to get relief from the pain. It provides warmness in the stomach and maintains the normal flow of the blood. It also provides relaxation to the muscles and alleviates the pain.
Weight Loss
Ginger has a property of burning fat that promotes weight loss. Its thermogenic property activates the body’s metabolism. Due to its antioxidants properties, it eliminates the wastes from the body and detoxifies the body. Regular intake of ginger tea will help a lot.
Improves Blood Circulation
The ginger contains gingerol alkaloid which is present in the ginger tea helps in lowering the blood pressure. When the pressure in the blood vessels reduces, it allows easier blood flow. It has blood-thinning properties, which prevents heart attacks. Ginger tea helps in improving the blood circulation in the body.
Stress and anxiety
Ginger shows a calming and soothing effect on the mind and the body. It relieves stress and tension by keeping the brain calm. One cup of ginger tea improves your mood and gives a feeling of freshness. It also reduces the cortisone levels in the body which helps to keep you relax.
Damage Precancerous Cells
Many researches had stated that ginger tea contains strong antioxidant properties that prevent the body from infections. It can prevent the production of pre-cancerous cells from growing. Drinking ginger tea kills free radicals formation and decreases the risk of having cancer.
Aak (Calotropis gigantea)
- July 18, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Aak is a plant that is mostly found in Africa, Asia, and China and is known for its various medicinal properties. In India, it is called a sacred plant and is used in sun-worshipping ceremonies. It has two varieties in which one blooms white flowers and the other blooms pinkish-white flowers. Its juice is highly poisonous but has been in Ayurveda for many ages for treating various chronic diseases. But its formulation needs great care and experience. Its roots, leaves, flowers, milky fluid, and wood are very useful. Know about aak plant benefits, aak plant milk benefits for skin, aak leaves benefits, calotropis milk uses, white aak plant benefits, calotropis leaf benefits, aak leaves, akanda leaf benefits, calotropis gigantea benefits.
Name in different languages:
English Name: Crown flower, Gaint Milkweed crown, Madar
Hindi Name: Akavan, Madara, Aak
Marathi Name: Akamadar/Rui
Gujarati Name: Akado, Akad
Punjabi Name: Ak
Telugu Name: Mandaram, Jilledu
Parsi Name: Kharak
Arab name: Ushar
Tamil Name: Erukku, Pellerukku
Sanskrit name:
Arka- It means the sun rays and is strong, hot, and pungent in nature.
Vikirana- Its pollination is by air
Toolaphala- Its fruit has ridges
Asphota- The fruit gets burst and open
Ksheeraparna- Leaves yield milk as a latex
Talaphala, Arkaparna, Asphota, Vikirana, Mandara, Alarka, and Saapuspa.
Categories according to Acharyas:
Charak: Svedopaga, Bedaniya, and Vamonopaga
Sushruta: Adhobhagahara and Arkadi
Vagbhata: Arkadi
Medicinal Properties:
Rasa (taste): Tikta (bitter) and Katu (pungent)
Guna (Qualities): Ruksha (dry), Teekshana and Laghu (light)
Veerya (Potency): Ushna
Vipaka: Katu (undergoes pungent taste after digestion)
Effect on Tridosha: It mainly balances Vata and Kapha dosha
What are its medicinal uses?
Its latex is useful in Vamana (vomiting therapy) and virechana (purgation therapy) to include vomit ad purgation.
Gulmahara- Used in abdominal bloating and tumors
Kushtahara- Treats skin-related issues
Udarahara- It is useful in ascites
Krimihara- Treats intestinal worm infestation
Deepana- Increases appetite
Sara- Proper bowel movements
Kanduhara- Treats itching
Pleehahara- Useful in sleep-related issues
Shophahara- Acts as an anti-inflammatory
This herb is used as a laxative (in constipation) and also useful in cough and cold
Other uses:
Gastritis: A medicine called Arka Lavana which is prepared from the leaves of arak that are processed with Saindhava Lavana (salt). This formulation is widely used in treating gastritis and apply its latex is used in relieving toothache.
Snakebite: It has been used since ancient times in snake bite. Its latex was applied over the wound and its leaves were chewed.
Benefits of aak plant:
Every part of the plant is medicine and every part is useful.
Benefits of aak leaves for inflammation:
Since ancient times, leaves of Aak have been used to remove inflammation of the body. Apply oil on the smooth surface of the leaves (ventral side), heat them, and apply to the swelling affected part of the body. If this treatment is used regularly for 5 to 6 days it definitely helps reduce inflammation.
Benefits of aak flower to cure asthma:
Grind dried flowers of aak and make powder then mix a little bit of rock salt in it. You can eat this mixture like this or else you can drink this mixture with warm water as well. You can get relief from Asthma, cough, cold, etc. by using Aak flowers.
Benefits of aak milk for skin:
Its milk is very beneficial in skin-related disorders. Using this milk you can overcome various types of skin problems for sure. Apply this milk on the affected areas of skin and useful in ringworm, boils or sores. The antioxidants present in it are helpful in healing skin problems.
Benefits of aak Cure digestion:
If you have stomach related problems then it is a very beneficial plant as it treats abdominal tumors, abdominal bloating, acidity, and constipation.
Aak leaves to relieve deafness:
Administered a few drops of its leaves juice into the ear which treats deafness of the ear. But consult your doctor before doing this as ears come in sensitive organs.
Benefits of aak Cure Diabetes:
Keep its leaves under the feet every morning and wear socks. Remove these leaves before sleeping at night that are useful to control sugar.
Along with its useful medicinal properties, it also has a poisonous tendency. If you are using this plant or its formulation for a particular disease then you should contact your doctor before using it. Its high intake results in vomiting, diarrhea, slow heart rate, convulsions, and even death. So use it with caution because it is a very poisonous plant. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should avoid it.
Part used:
Flowers, latex, leaf, seeds and root bark
- Root bark powder: 0.5 to 1 gm
- Flower powder: 1 to 2 gm
- Fatal dose: More than 500 mg
What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)?
- July 17, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin and it is one of the eight essential water-soluble vitamins. It plays an important role in maintaining the healthy functioning of the eyes, ear, skin, and red blood cells. It is found in plant and dairy products and you can consume it regularly as being a water-soluble nutrient, the body does not store much of it. Vitamin B2 plays a main role in the development and bodily functions including the brain, blood cells, skin, and lining of the digestive tract. Vitamin B2 is named riboflavin because of its natural color as the term, ‘flavin’ which comes from ‘flavus’, the Latin word for yellow.
Food Sources that contain Vitamin B2
Riboflavin is very essential as it has amazing health benefits. Being a water-soluble vitamin, it is carried through the bloodstream and gets easily eliminated from the body via urine. Vitamin B2 mostly comes from milk and other dairy products and these days the markets are also flooded with other dietary items rich in this vitamin. The most prominent sources of vitamin B2 are cheese, milk, and other dairy products. Many vegetables like mushrooms, avocados, dried peas, beans, broccoli, soybeans, sea vegetables, sweet potato, green peas, brussels sprouts, bell peppers, etc. Green leafy vegetables also contain this vitamin-like asparagus, collard greens, turnip green, mustard green, celery, romaine lettuce, and spinach. Fresh fruits include grapes and seeds and grains include millet, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, wild rice, whole grains, wild rice, etc also rich in vitamin B2. Fortified foods include bread, baby foods, breakfast cereals, pasta, and whole-grain products. Various animal sources include fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and meat and poultry, such as chicken, turkey, kidneys, and liver.
Deficiencies due to vitamin B2
This vitamin provides energy to the body for carrying various activities but its deficiency can decrease the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates which leads to underlying deficiency syndromes. Its deficiency can also cause high sensitivity to light, a burning sensation in the eyes or itchy, bloodshot eyes, watery eyes, dry or oily hair, dandruff, split nails, indigestion, dizziness, insomnia, etc.
The lack of riboflavin causes malfunctioning of the adrenal glands which leads to conditions like cataract, anemia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. This can also cause scaly skin rashes on the male and female genitals and on the medial cleft of the upper lip or the smile lines connecting the nose and chin.
In a pregnant woman, its deficiency can also cause birth defects, congenital cardiac defects and abnormal limbs, and various deformities in the fetus. In adults, it may lead to pellagra or malaria.
What are the health benefits of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)?
Here are some of the amazing health benefits of riboflavin like:
- Protects Against Heart Failure
Research has stated that people with heart diseases are often riboflavin deficient. An elevation of homocysteine in the blood is the main cause of heart diseases. This vitamin promotes the breakdown of homocysteine and hence lowers down the circulating levels of homocysteine in the body. Include riboflavin in your daily diet can prevent riboflavin deficiency as well as the onset of various heart diseases.
- Prevents Anemia
Lack of riboflavin in the body increases the risk of anemia. Proper quantity of riboflavin in the body enhances the absorption of iron whereas deficiency of riboflavin reduces the mobilization of iron thus increases the rate of iron loss. Besides this, it also increases the production of red blood cells because low red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood is associated with the onset of anemia. Thus it plays an important role in the prevention of anemia.
- Fights Migraine Headaches
Riboflavin shows good results in the treatment of migraine. Adding diet rich in riboflavin reduce the duration, frequency, and intensity of migraine. This vitamin promotes the conversion of nutrients from the food consumed into energy which is required for the body. This generation of energy in the brain cells prevents migraine attacks.
- Enhances the growth and development
Adequate intake of riboflavin boosts the absorption of iron and zinc. Deficiency of riboflavin in the body associated with poor absorption of iron and zinc which are the two important minerals that are required for proper growth and development in children. It also helps in cell multiplication and growth of tissues and muscles.
- Protect the Nervous System
Riboflavin protects the nervous system from its damaging and provides energy to the brain cells and also treats various nerve-related disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.
The deficiency of riboflavin increased the free radical damage to the brain cells. Its proper intake increases the enzymatic activity that boosts up the action of natural antioxidants present in the body. It also promotes the elimination of free radicals and protects brain cells against damage.
- Boosts Immunity
Riboflavin plays a major key role in enhancing the immunity that prevents the body from infections. It also reduces inflammation, swelling, and pain. This vitamin has the potency to produce antibodies that fight against infections and illnesses. It provides strength to the body and promotes growth and development.
Recommended dosage:
Upto 18 years: For females-1 mg and for males-1.3 mg
Pregnant women: 1.4 mg
Breast feeding mothers: 1.6 mg