Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- October 22, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Gonorrhea is an infectious sexual disease (sexually transmitted disease (STD)). Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium named Neisseria ganorrhea which grows easily and rapidly in the hot and wet areas of the reproductive tract in women and men. Its bacteria also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes and anus. Like syphilis, it is also an infectious disease, so it is the same men and women who have sexual contact with the person suffering from this disease.
In gonorrhea, as there is a wound inside the penis and it comes out, so in Hindi it is called ‘Puyameh’, the formal poemameh and ‘Parma’ and in the English language it is called gonorrhoea. In Western countries it is also known as clap.
The primary means of infection is sexual contact; during pregnancy or at birth, this disease can be transmitted from mother to child or even in the womb, due to which natural syphilis occurs. Other diseases caused by the related Treponema pallidum include yaz (subspecies pertenue), pinta (subspecies caratium) and bezels (subspecies endemicum).
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of gonorrhea depend on which of its four stages (primary, secondary, latent and tertiary).
In the primary stage, a single ulcer (a stable, painless, itchy ulcer form) is usually present, with rash extending into the secondary syphilis that often occurs in the palm and soles of the feet, much less in latent syphilis Or have no symptoms and tertiary syphilis has gumma, nervous or cardiac symptoms. However, it is also called a “great imitator” due to its continuous unusual presentation. It is usually diagnosed by a blood test; however, bacteria can also be seen under a microscope
Syphilis can occur in any one of the following four different stages: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary , and also congenital.
Primary syphilis ulcers
Primary syphilis usually occurs due to direct sexual contact with another person’s infectious lesions. A cutaneous lesion, called a ulcer occur at the point of contact, approximately 3 to 90 days (average 21 days) after the initial infection.
Specific presentation of secondary syphilis with rashes on the palm of the hands
Reddish papules and nodules due to secondary syphilis in most parts of the body
Secondary syphilis occurs approximately four to ten weeks after the primary infection. While secondary disease is known to have many different forms, it is most often manifested by symptoms that include the skin, mucous membrane, and lymph nodes.
The lesions may be painful or tender and may occur outside the genitals . The most common locations in women are the cervix, the sex in heterosexual men, and the anal and rectal more common place in homosexual men. The lymph nodes often grow in the area of infection, which occurs seven to 10 days after the creation of the ulcer
Latent syphilis is defined by serologic evidence of infection without symptoms of the disease. In the United States it is early (early) (before 1 year after secondary syphilis) or delayed (1 year after secondary syphilis). More later).The United Kingdom uses a two-year cut-off for early and late latent syphilis.In early latent syphilis. Symptoms may collapse. Late latent syphilis is asymptomatic and not as contagious as early latent syphilis.
A person suffering from tertiary (Gumatius) syphilis.
Tertiary syphilis can occur 3 to 15 years after the initial infection and can be divided into three different forms: gummatous syphilis (15%), delayed neurosyphilis (6.5%) and cardiovascular syphilis (10%). Tertiary syphilis disease develops in one-third of infected people without treatment. People suffering from tertiary syphilis are not contagious.
Gummatous syphilis or delayed benign syphilis usually occurs 1 to 46 years after the initial infection, with an average duration of 15 years. This stage is characterized by an old gumma, which is a soft, tumor-like inflated glabrous bulge with varying sizes. They usually affect the skin, bone, and liver and can occur anywhere.
Neurosyphilis is an infection that is related to the central nervous system. It may occur early and may be delayed as uncomplicated or syphilis meningitis, or as meningovascular syphilis, general paralysis, or tabes dorsalis, which relates to flaring pain and poor balance in the lower limbs. K occurs after 4 to 25 years. Meningovascular syphilis is usually indifference and seizures and paralysis of normal muscles that include dementia and tabes dorsalis. Also, there may be Agril Robertson pupils, which are bilateral small pupils that clutch when individuals focus on the nearest object. But does not hold when confronted with bright light. Cardiovascular syphilis usually occurs 10–30 years after infection. The most common complication is syphilitic aortitis that can result in aneurysm formation.
Treponema pallidum is a spiral-shaped, gram-negative, highly motile bacterium. Unlike subtype pallidum, they do not cause neurological diseases. Humans are the only known natural storehouse for subfamily pallidum.
Syphilis is primarily due to sexual contact or pregnancy with the mother during her pregnancy. Thus it can be infected by kissing near a wound, orally, vaginally, or by anal sex.The disease can develop in about 30 to 60% of people infected with primary or secondary syphilis. It can be transmitted by blood products. However, in many countries there is a blood test for this, hence the risk is low. The risk of transmission from shared needles appears limited. Syphilis may not be transmitted through toilet seats, from daily activities, hot tubs, utensils, or clothing sharing.
For the body systems to operate fully, the equilibrium of the three energies, called Doshas, which are responsible for all the body processes and for the man’s actions and health, must be preserved.
Ayurvedic medicines for Gonorrhea
1.Curcumin Capsule
Curcumin Capsule helps in pacifying all three doshas. Curcumin Capsule is beneficial for variety of skin conditions like Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis. This Capsule contains standardized extract of the herb Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric having powerful Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-microbial and Antioxidant properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily.
2.Detox Premium Powder
The sachet includes all the natural ingredients which help to detoxify the body and maintain the natural luster and glow in the skin. This herbal sachet contain various ingredients mentioned below:
- Parwal Pishti – It is an Ayurvedic medication based on Coral Calcium. Parwal pishti acts as an anti-inflammatory. It prevents from sunburn and pricking sensation in the skin after burning, etc.
- Shukta Pishti – It is prepared from the pearl oyster shell. Shukta Pishti is used in acne and skin allergy. It mainly helps to remove the patches.
- Giloy Satva – Giloy satva is ayurvedic preparation that reduces the signs of aging, dark spots, pimples, etc.
- Tal Sindoor –It purifies the blood which in turns treats the skin disorders. Tal Sindoor shows an anti – allergic properties and also used in skin irritation, itching, and improves the health of the skin.
- Gandhak Rasayana– This is a classical preparation used in itching, burning sensation, urticaria, eczema, scabies, pimples, etc.
- Kamdudha Rasa – Kamdudha Ras is an herbal-mineral ayurvedic classical medicine having SHEETA VIRYA properties. It is used in burning sensation, excessive sweating, hot flashes, heat sensation, etc.
- Sudh Yog Powder -It helps to remove patches, acne. Sudh Yog Powder helps in nourishing and moisturizing the skin. This powder promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. It helps in engender vibrant, which makes the skin healthy.
- Jahar Mohra Pishti – Jahar mohra pishti is an Ayurvedic mineral based formulation. In Ayurveda, it mainly works on pitta dosha. The main work of Jahar Mohra Pishti is to detoxify the body and maintain the luster on the face.
Recommended Dosage –Take 1 Sachet twice a day with normal water.
3.Neem capsule
CAC NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars etc. Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients. It is such a wonderful herb that is easily available and shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, Antifungal, Antiseptic properties. Neem cleanses the pores and protects the skin from various infections, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leprosy, Skin ulcers. It restores the health of damaged skin, tones skin complexion, prevents premature ageing, Wrinkles, Fine lines can protect against UV rays, and acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin.
It is bitter in taste, with cool potency, balances kapha and vata doshas, easily digestible and pacifies digestive fire.
Dosage: 1 cap twice daily after meal with plain water
4.Kapha balance tablet
CAC Kapha tablet is a healthy blend of herbs formulated to balance Kapha doshas without aggravating Pitta and Vata doshas. It can also be used to alleviate any temporary Kapha imbalance. It is very effective in Kapha season that is late winter and spring. It consists of warming and astringent herbs that help to balance the system throughout the cold season. The main use of Kapha tablets is to remove excess Kapha doshas from the system and helps in the management of weight, healthy lungs, and the immune system.
Abnormal Heart Rhythms
- October 22, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Every human heart beats at a normal speed. If your heartbeat becomes irregular without any reason, it can prove to be dangerous for you. Usually, heartbeat increases due to overwork or if your health is not healthy, but if you are having this problem repeatedly or do not understand any reason for irregular heartbeat, then be careful. , Because it can be fatal at times. Irregular heartbeat is called ‘arrhythmia’ or ‘heart arrhythmia’.
What is arrhythmia
When anyone has problems with arrhythmias, their heartbeat sometimes increases more than normal, sometimes slower than normal. The problem of arrhythmias usually occurs when electric waves that control the heartbeat do not work properly.
Why are arrhythmias?
The problem of arrhythmias is due to increased anxiety and stress. Apart from this, consuming caffeine, nicotine and alcohol in high amounts can also cause arrhythmias. If you are complaining of breathlessness, dizziness, chest pain or fainting, then contact your doctor and get a doctor’s advice immediately.
Due to arrhythmias
- The possibility of increased heartbeat is mostly due to a severe emotional feeling. This problem is most due to stress, fear, anxiety, etc.
- Heart rate also increases due to working more than your capacity.
- If you have consumed caffeine, nicotine, alcohol then it can cause palpitations. The heartbeat may also increase due to the intake of some medicines.
- This problem can occur during hormonal changes, menstruation, pregnancy.
- If a person has problems with thyroid, low blood pressure, anemia, low blood sugar, fever and dehydration, heartbeat may increase.
- Consuming carbohydrate, fatty, and high sugar diets increases heart rate.
- Consuming high amounts of nitrate and sodium foods can also increase heartbeat.
Prevention of arrhythmias
- Stay away from excess stress and anxiety.
- Do yoga regularly, such as tai-chi and aromatherapy, etc. can help you a lot.
- Avoid things like alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
- Some cough and cold medicines and some herbal products may also have similar elements, so you should stay away from them as well.
Abnormal heartbeat is a sign of weakness of the heart. It also increases blood circulation and causes nervousness. It can be treated at home as follows-
- Take 10 grams of pomegranate leaves and boil it in 10 grams of water on a low flame. Drinking this decoction twice a day makes the heart strong and heartbeat is normal.
- Drinking 100 grams of spinach mixed with 200 grams of fresh carrot juice every morning and every day keeps the heartbeat under control, keeps the heart strong and all heart related disorders are removed.
- Buttermilk made by taking butter with a lot of butter and a glass of butter is given daily to the heart patient, the fat stored in the blood vessels of the heart decreases and heartbeat and nervousness are removed.
- Increased heart rate is also under control by eating plum and pomegranate.
Laboratory tests and procedures for diagnosis of arrhythmias
The following laboratory tests and procedures are used to detect arrhythmia:
- Electrocardiogram: to detect and record the electrical activity of the heart
- Holter monitor: to record the heart’s electrical signals for a full 24- or 48-hour period
- Event Monitor: To record the electrical activity of the heart at certain times
- Blood test: to monitor level of blood
- Chest X-ray: to see pictures of the structures in the chest
- Echocardiography: To identify areas of poor blood flow in the heart and to provide information about the size and shape of the heart
- Electrophysiology Study: To Assess Severe Arrhythmia
- Tilt table test: to find out the cause of fainting spells
- Coronary angiography: to look inside the coronary arteries
- Unconnected loop recorder: to detect abnormal heart rhythms
Arrhythmia problems if left untreated
Yes, arrhythmia causes complications if it is left untreated. The list below is of complications and problems that can arise from leaving arrhythmia untreated:
- The strokes
- Heart failure
- Sudden cardiac death
The following procedures are used to treat arrhythmias:
- Pacemakers: to treat abnormally slow heart rate
- Implantable cardio meter defibrillator: to treat ventricular fibrillation
- Cardiovarian: To treat arrhythmia with an electric shock to the heart
- Transesophageal echocardiography: to ensure that no blood clots are present in the atria
- Catheter ablation: If medicines do not work to treat some arrhythmias
- Labyrinth surgery: to prevent the spread of disordered electrical signals
- Coronary artery bypass grafting: increases blood flow to the heart muscle
Self-care for arrhythmias
The following self-care tasks or lifestyle changes may help in the treatment or management of arrhythmia:
- Avoid alcohol consumption
- Maintain a healthy weight: Reduces the risk of developing heart disease
- Eating a heart-healthy diet: To prevent heart arrhythmia, the diet is low in salty and solid fat in salt.
- Quit Smoking: Keep Your Heart As Healthy As Possible
Alternative medicine for the treatment of arrhythmias
The following alternative therapies and treatments are known to help treat or manage arrhythmia:
- Acupuncture: Reduces irregular heart rate in some arrhythmias
- Yoga and Meditation: To Reduce Stress
- Relaxation Technique: Helps Reduce Stress
- Patient Support for Treatment of Arrhythmia
- Support from friends and family: helps in managing stress
Other treatment
Take red sandalwood, white sandalwood, camphor, radish, neem leaves, mehndi leaves, madder, ocher, hari mirch, acacia flower and coral bhasma all in equal quantity.
Ayurvedic treatment from CAC
Detox Premium Powder
Detox premium powder is an ayurvedic formulation that is made up of Giloy satav, Akik pishti, Tal sindoor, Shankh bhasma, Shukta pishti, Parwal pishti, etc. This powder is very beneficial to protect the heart from various conditions. It can help in relieving the pain, discomfort, fainting, dizziness, and other associated symptoms.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa
Hrudroga Chintamani rasa is a unique formulation and is very effective in the treatment of heart diseases and related symptoms. It acts as a cardioprotective and anti-arrhythmic medicine providing strength to the heart muscles and maintains heart rate. This medicine is very useful in relieving pain and maintains blood optimum viscosity.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Nerve up tablet
Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas & kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in memory boosting, reduces stress, act as immune-modulator. It also shows effective results in disorders of heart and circulatory system.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Noni Capsules
Noni capsules are herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. Noni is a fruit found mainly in South India which contains many health benefits. Noni fruit is known for its high level of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C and various other minerals which help to Strengthen the immune system. People suffering from Respiratory problems may benefit from this. Noni Capsules promotes immunity, Arthritis relief, circulation of blood, energy and digestive health. It contains standard extract of Morinda Citrifo. Noni capsules have anti inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation of the body.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 Capsule twice daily.
- October 22, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
General Information
Botanical Name: Hollerina Anti-Dicyntrica Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Family (Apocynaceae) Apocynaceae
Parts used for medicinal purpose: bark known as kutaj and seeds known as indrive.
Plant Type: Medium-sized tree
Distribution: In mountainous areas
Local Name / Synonym
Sanskrit: Kalinga, Shakra, Vatsaka Kalinga, Shakhi, Vatsak
Bengali: Kurchi Kurchi
English: Ester tree, Conessi bark estertree, which bark
Gujrati: Kuda, Kadachhal, Kudo Garbage, bitch, garbage
Hindi: Kurchi, Kuraiya Kurchi, Quraiya
Punjabi: Kurasukk, Kura
Tamil: Kudasapalai
Conesine and related alkaloids of kinesin and other alkaloid .
Rasa (taste on tongue): hard, sore
Pharmacological Action: Small, safe
Potency: Cold
Transformed state after digestion: bitter
-Deepana (promote appetite but do not aid in digesting undigested food)
-Urinary Mutrala (promote the secretion of urine)
-Grahi (inspissants are medicines which from their stomachic, digestive and heating qualities dry the fluids of the body).
-Stambhana or constipators have drying, astringent and cooling qualities. They are easy to digest and increase the air.
-Kapha-bile sedative
1.Diarrhea, dysentery: Take 3 grams powder of kutz bark. It also causes constipation, so stop using it as soon as diarrhea stops.
2.Joint pain, arthritis: Boiling the bark in water and frying some salt in it is beneficial.
3.Diabetes: Soak the bark in water overnight and drink it in the morning.
4.Skin diseases, bleeding disorder, dermatitis, leucorrhoea: Put 2 spoons of chalk in water at night and soak it in the morning.
5.Piles, Dermatitis, Fistula: Take 2 grams of bark powder.
To make 20 grams bark decoction.
Kutjavaleha: 1-2 spoons with water twice a day in diarrhea.
Kutaj Churna: 3 grams with buttermilk twice a day, in diarrhea.
Kutjarishta: 12-24 ml, combined with an equal amount of water.
By now you have known what is Kutaj and how many names it is known. Let us know what is the medicinal properties of this tree found in the forests of India, what is the method of consumption of kolar (holarrhena) and how can you use kutaj: –
1.Use of kutaj in toothache is beneficial (Benefits of Kutaj in Dental Pain)
In the pain of toothache, making a decoction of the bark of kutj is beneficial (indrajav ke fayde).
2. Kutaj Uses to Stop Diarrhea
Take equal quantity (2-5 grams) of bark of Nagarmotha, atis, paan, kurchi and lacquer powder. Consuming it with water prevents diarrhea.
Mixing 1 teaspoon honey in juice of 5-10 mg kutaj bark and taking it thrice a day is beneficial in diarrhea (indrajav ke fayde).
Take a decoction (50 ml) of Idrajo’s bark. Mix 6 grams of atis powder (kutaj churna) and drink it thrice a day. This helps in treating diarrhea due to phlegm, gout and pity disorder.
3. Kutaj decoction benefits in dysentery (Kutaj Benefits in Fighting with Dysentery in Hindi)
Boil 40 grams of Idraja bark in 400 mg of water. When the decoction remains one-fourth, filter it and mix the same amount of pomegranate juice. Concentrate it on fire and drink six grams of buttermilk mixed with buttermilk twice a day. This results in dysentery (indrajav ke fayde).
Boil kutaj seeds in 50 mg of water. After filtering it and mixing it with honey thrice a day, there are advantages or benefits of Indrajou in the diarrhea caused by gall bladder disorder.
4.Kutaj Uses in Hemophilia
Grind 15 grams of fresh bark of kutaj with buttermilk and take it, there is benefit in indigestion (indrajav ke fayde).
5.Use of kutaj in bloody piles is beneficial (Kutaj Cures Piles)
Grind 10 grams of kutaj bark. Mix 2 spoons honey or sugar candy in it and take, it provides relief in bloody piles.
Make a decoction of kutj bark. Drink it in the morning and evening mixing 15-20 milliliters of 5 grams cow’s ghee and 1 gram dry ginger. This prevents bleeding of hemorrhoids.Take the bark of kutaj root with phanit or the paste of kutaj root and bandal root with buttermilk. It is beneficial in piles.
Add honey to the bark of kutaj, Indrayava, Rasaut and Atavisha powder (1-3 grams). Drinking this with rice wash is beneficial in bloody piles.
6.Use kutaj to get rid of stones
Grind the root bark of 5 grams kurchi in curd. Taking it twice a day breaks the stones. It is easier to remove stones by using kutj (inderjo uses).
7.Use of kutaj helps in diabetes
Make powder by taking equal parts of Kutaj, Rohini, Baheda, Kaith, Shal, Chhativan and Kabila flowers. Taking two spoons of honey mixed with 2 to 5 grams of this powder is beneficial in diabetes caused by phlegm and bile (indrajau for diabetes).
8.Kutaj Seed Helps in Fighting with Erectile dysfunction
Soak 6 grams of Idrajou (Kutj seed) in buffalo milk for four hours (about 12 hours). Grind it and wrap it on the senses and tie it. After some time, wash it with lukewarm water. By doing this regularly for a few days, the weakness of the penis ends and tension in the penis comes.
9.Use of kutj bark to get rid of leprosy
Grind 10 grams of kutj bark in water. Taking it thrice a day is beneficial in leprosy.
10.Use kutj bark to dry wounds (Kutaj Bark Helps in Healing Wound)
Make a decoction of the bark of kurchi and wash the wound, it heals the wound.
Make a paste of kutaz seeds. Applying it is beneficial for wounds, leprosy and other infectious diseases.
11.Kutaj Bark Helps in Treating Blister
Grind the bark of kutaj in rice water and apply it. It provides benefits in blisters and pimples. Use of its fresh bark (inderjo uses in hindi) is more beneficial.
12.Kutaj Cures Skin Diseases
Add a paste of 20-30 ml kurti bark to the decoction (kakodumbar), vidung, neem bark, nagarmotha, dry gourd, marich and pippali. Drinking this is beneficial in all types of skin diseases.
- October 22, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
According to the treatise Charaka Samhita of Ayurveda medicine, Gambhari has been used since ancient times to remove swelling and to suppress wind. This plant is found in India especially in South India, Konkan, Ceylon, Western Himalaya, Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand etc.
Botanical introduction – It has a huge tree, which is 50 to 60 feet in height. The branches of the tree are whitish (for some white) and hairy. Its bark is white colored, but the fresh bark is carrying a slight yellowing and greenery. Black marks and small grains are seen on the bark.
Gambhari leaves are 4 to 9 inches long and 3 to 7 inches wide. They are often flat, heart shaped and pointed at the front. There are 2 – 6 inch long letters on them and the leaves are always face to face.
Gambhari’s full 3 – 8 inch tall red and yellowish flowers are 1 to 1.5 inches long. There are brown splashes on the flowers. The fruits of Gambhari are yellow, green, shining and equal in size to the fruits of ordinary berries.
Medicinal properties of Gambhari
Ras – Tikt, Kashay, Sweet
Vipak – bitter
Juice – sweet, astringent, acid
Qualities – Smell, Guru
Vipak – sweet
Veerya – Cold (Cold)
Gambhari mainly has deepness, digestion, heartburn and constipation (constipation) properties. Its fruits are full of cereals, trees and chemicals. Proves to be a medicine capable of removing confusion, atrophy, indigestion, colic (pain), haemorrhoids, toxins, burning pains and fever. Gambhari fruits helps to treat blood disorders, urethritis, burning sensation, excessive thirst, bloodshed, Has the properties to remove damage and physical exhaustion.
Gambhari’s Synonym in Hindi
It is known by the names of Kashmari, Shriprani, Bhadraprani, Sarvatobhadra, Madhuprani etc. Its various names determine the specific qualities of Gambhari like –
- Gambhari – It carries more water.
- Kashmari – It illuminates with its pleasant qualities or reduces the fattening of the body and makes the body thin.
- Sarvatobhadra – All its parts are beneficial.
- Madhuparni – Its leaves are sweet. After consuming them, when you consume water, you feel sweetness. Their tone is also sweet.
- Shriparni – Gambhari leaves are beautiful, hence it is also known as Shriparni.
Gambhari uses
Digestion: – Due to its basic heat, Deepan – Digestion and Guru vatanuloman works due to sniggdh properties.
Medhya – The fruit of Ghamhar or Gambhari is of sweet and cold quality, it destroys Pitta and meditates by nourishing Madjavah Sources i.e. it acts to nourish and fatten the weak body.
Balya – Brihan-Rasayana: – Due to the sweetness of its fruit, it works by performing physical, mental and chemical work by enhancing the carcinogenic property . Fruits are used in general emaciation etc.
Bloodshed – The fruits of Gambhari are cold-blooded and they suppress blood bile. By being sweetly beneficial to the heart, gout benefits in heart diseases. Also, it also works to purify the blood, so its intake provides immense benefit in diseases caused by impurity of blood. Using Gambhari fruit with honey or Sitha provides benefits in Pitjwar, vomiting, burning sensation and burning sensation of chest.
Fever – The root of Gambhari is used in gout fever. Fruit can be used in the problem of irritation and burning and over thirst.
Trisha – Fruit is the destroyer of cold and bile. Therefore, Trisha (thirst is a frequent desire) is used to destroy it.
Vrishya / Pregnancy – The fruit works by performing pregnancy with sweet, Guru and sniggdh qualities. It should be used in sperm strength and uterine strength and untimely secretions from the womb. In sciatic diseases (diseases occurring in mothers after delivery), the root of Gambhari is used to remove inflammation.
Urine disorder – The fruits of Gambhari do the work of urine generation, hence, it is beneficial in stopping urination, etc. Taking out the vowel of Gambhari leaves and using it with cow’s milk and sugar candy, the urination is clear.
Benefits of Gambhari
- Taking Gambhari with Yush and using it with sugar candy is beneficial in blood circulation.
- Mulethi and Gambhari oil should be consumed in water.
- Cooling of the marrow of Gambhari fruit, mixing sugar candy and drinking it causes burning sensation, frequent thirst and fever etc.
- Using its oil as a crop is useful in diseases of the nerve.
- It is beneficial to use its fruit marrow with honey in the problem of blood pressure.
- Dry the cooked fruits of Gambhari and make the powder. Consuming this powder with milk provides relief in hives.
- If the wound of gonorrhea is washed with the tone of the leaves, then the wound gets relief and relief in swelling.
- In a headache, grinding its addresses and making pulp and applying it on the forehead provides relief in headache.
- The powder made by drying the fruits of Gambhari, mixed with sugar candy and consumed with cow’s milk, benefits in masculine weakness such as lack of semen and physical weakness.
- In medicinal use, only its address, root, bark and fruits are used more. In case of excessive thirst and excessive heat, it is beneficial to eat fruit by making juices.
- To increase the breasts of women and in the lack of milk in them, by cooking its syrup in sesame oil, massaging it with oil and making the boiling of the root to increase milk, taking milk with honey increases breast milk.
- Gambhari’s usable organs, quantity and specific totals
With its use in Ayurveda medicine, Dashmool decoction, Dashmularishta, Brihatpanchmuladi decoction and Shriparni oil are manufactured. Its fruit, root and leaves are used in medicine. The decoction made from this should be used up to 50 – 100 ml.
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Gonorrhea is an infectious sexual disease (sexually transmitted disease (STD)). Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium named Neisseria ganorrhea which grows easily and rapidly in the hot and wet areas of the reproductive tract in women and men. Its bacteria also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes and anus. Like syphilis, it is also an infectious disease, so it is the same men and women who have sexual contact with the person suffering from this disease.
In gonorrhea, as there is a wound inside the penis and it comes out, so in Hindi it is called ‘Puyameh’, the formal poemameh and ‘Parma’ and in the English language it is called gonorrhoea. In Western countries it is also known as clap.
The primary means of infection is sexual contact; during pregnancy or at birth, this disease can be transmitted from mother to child or even in the womb, due to which natural syphilis occurs. Other diseases caused by the related Treponema pallidum include yaz (subspecies pertenue), pinta (subspecies caratium) and bezels (subspecies endemicum).
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of gonorrhea depend on which of its four stages (primary, secondary, latent and tertiary).
In the primary stage, a single ulcer (a stable, painless, itchy ulcer form) is usually present, with rash extending into the secondary syphilis that often occurs in the palm and soles of the feet, much less in latent syphilis Or have no symptoms and tertiary syphilis has gumma, nervous or cardiac symptoms. However, it is also called a “great imitator” due to its continuous unusual presentation. It is usually diagnosed by a blood test; however, bacteria can also be seen under a microscope
Syphilis can occur in any one of the following four different stages: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary , and also congenital.
Primary syphilis ulcers
Primary syphilis usually occurs due to direct sexual contact with another person’s infectious lesions. A cutaneous lesion, called a ulcer occur at the point of contact, approximately 3 to 90 days (average 21 days) after the initial infection.
Specific presentation of secondary syphilis with rashes on the palm of the hands
Reddish papules and nodules due to secondary syphilis in most parts of the body
Secondary syphilis occurs approximately four to ten weeks after the primary infection. While secondary disease is known to have many different forms, it is most often manifested by symptoms that include the skin, mucous membrane, and lymph nodes.
The lesions may be painful or tender and may occur outside the genitals . The most common locations in women are the cervix, the sex in heterosexual men, and the anal and rectal more common place in homosexual men. The lymph nodes often grow in the area of infection, which occurs seven to 10 days after the creation of the ulcer
Latent syphilis is defined by serologic evidence of infection without symptoms of the disease. In the United States it is early (early) (before 1 year after secondary syphilis) or delayed (1 year after secondary syphilis). More later).The United Kingdom uses a two-year cut-off for early and late latent syphilis.In early latent syphilis. Symptoms may collapse. Late latent syphilis is asymptomatic and not as contagious as early latent syphilis.
A person suffering from tertiary (Gumatius) syphilis.
Tertiary syphilis can occur 3 to 15 years after the initial infection and can be divided into three different forms: gummatous syphilis (15%), delayed neurosyphilis (6.5%) and cardiovascular syphilis (10%). Tertiary syphilis disease develops in one-third of infected people without treatment. People suffering from tertiary syphilis are not contagious.
Gummatous syphilis or delayed benign syphilis usually occurs 1 to 46 years after the initial infection, with an average duration of 15 years. This stage is characterized by an old gumma, which is a soft, tumor-like inflated glabrous bulge with varying sizes. They usually affect the skin, bone, and liver and can occur anywhere.
Neurosyphilis is an infection that is related to the central nervous system. It may occur early and may be delayed as uncomplicated or syphilis meningitis, or as meningovascular syphilis, general paralysis, or tabes dorsalis, which relates to flaring pain and poor balance in the lower limbs. K occurs after 4 to 25 years. Meningovascular syphilis is usually indifference and seizures and paralysis of normal muscles that include dementia and tabes dorsalis. Also, there may be Agril Robertson pupils, which are bilateral small pupils that clutch when individuals focus on the nearest object. But does not hold when confronted with bright light. Cardiovascular syphilis usually occurs 10–30 years after infection. The most common complication is syphilitic aortitis that can result in aneurysm formation.
Congenital syphilis can occur during pregnancy or birth.
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
You must know about fenugreek (methika). It is also called Methika. Fenugreek is used in every household. People like the greens of fenugreek leaves. Many people like fenugreek sauce. Soaps and cosmetics are made from fenugreek seeds. Apart from this, fenugreek also has many benefits.
It is said in Ayurveda that fenugreek is also a medicine for many diseases. Its seeds are used as spices as well as medicine. Fenugreek ladoos are specially given to the pregnant woman in the villages. Fenugreek have properties to control diabetes and prevent knotting.
What is fenugreek?
Methika plant grows once a year. The plant length is about 2-3 feet long. Small flowers come to the plant. Its pod is like moong dal. Its seeds are very small. It is bitter in taste. Methi leaves are light green and flowers are white in color. Its pod contains 10 to 20 small, yellow-brown pungent seeds. These seeds (uses of methi dana) are used in many diseases. There is another species of this, which is called forest fenugreek. It is of lesser quality. It is used as animal feed.
Name of Fenugreek in other languages
The botanical name of fenugreek (methika) is Trigonella foenum Greekum (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. & Syn-Trigonella tibetana (Alef.) Vassilcz.). It is the plant of Fabaceae family. Its names in English and various Indian languages are as follows: –
Fenugreek in –
- Hindi – Fenugreek
- English – Fenugreek, Greek hay, Greek clover
- Sanskrit – Methika, Methini, Methi, Deepni, Bahupatrika, Bodhini, Bahubija, Jyoti, Gandhaphala, Vallari, Chandrika, Mantha, Mishrapushpa, Kairavi, Kunchika, Bahuparni, Pitbija, Munichada
- Gujarati – Methi, Methani
- Tamil – Mentulu, Vandayam
- Telugu – Mentikura); Mentulu
- Bengali – Methi, Methani
- Nepali – Methi
- Punjabi – Methi, Methini
- Marathi – Methi
- Malayalam – Ullav, Uluva
- Manipuri – Methi
- Arabic – Hilbeh, Hulbah
Fenugreek seeds nutritional value in fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds have a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Many types of vitamins are found in it, such as folic acid, thiamine, niacin, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin B6. Many minerals are also found in it, such as Zic, Selenium and Magnesium.
Fenugreek Benefits
You can include it in your diet due to the health benefits of fenugreek seeds and good flavor. The benefits of fenugreek seeds are many for health. You do not need to think much before consuming it because it will give you the most benefits. Fenugreek seeds also act like a medicine. Also, they help us live healthy lives. Ayurveda says that fenugreek grains keep us away from daily problems.
Fenugreek Health Benefits
You can eat fenugreek seeds in any form. You can use fenugreek leaves in greens, put in potato vegetable, etc. You can consume it in any form, it will definitely give you benefits.
Fenugreek seeds helps to improve digestion
The benefits of fenugreek are considered very good for the stomach. Due to the fiber in it, it helps us to fight stomach problems. People who have stomach blisters can get the benefits of fenugreek. Fenugreek leaves help to relieve stomach irritation.
Fenugreek Helps in Improving Blood Glucose Level
Fenugreek leaves contain dissolving fibers which slow down the digestive power. Due to which blood sugar level remains normal. Also keeps our insulin resistance low. Fenugreek rash must be taken for those who are undergoing diabetes 2. Consuming fenugreek in the right quantity can help people going through diabetes to a great extent.
Fenugreek Benefits for Lowering Cholesterol Level
Consuming fenugreek seeds keeps our cholesterol level under control. It is caused by easy dissolving in water. The fiber in fenugreek is found in uncooked food and does not allow cholesterol to be taken from it. To take benefits of fenugreek (methi seeds), consume it after soaking it in water. Putting fenugreek in the food gives more benefits than soaking it in water and then consuming it again.
Fenugreek Is Beneficial For Arthritis
Fenugreek seeds cannot completely cure arthritis, but can relieve pain. Benefits of fenugreek seeds are due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It gives relief from the pain caused by the tissue present in the body.
The benefits of fenugreek help in reducing weight
The benefits of fenugreek (methi ke fayde) can be of great use to those who are on the way to lose weight. Losing weight means reducing calorie intake. But when you feel hungry, you eat food without thinking due to which the weight is not reduced. When this happens, fenugreek helps you. We have already told you about the characteristic of fenugreek in water. Due to this quality, they store your food in the stomach. You do not feel hungry due to food stored in your stomach for a long time. Due to loss of appetite, you do not eat food again and again, which keeps the weight under control.
Fenugreek Benefits For Improving Our Kidney’s Functioning
Consuming fenugreek seeds keeps our kidneys safe and also works well. While eating food, we eat many things that contain chemical that can damage the kidneys. It is from these chemicals that fenugreek seeds provide protection to the kidneys. After which it can be said that the benefits of fenugreek are necessary for kidney protection.
Fenugreek Seeds Helps in Maintaining Good Heart Health
Let me tell you that the benefits of fenugreek helps in keeping a healthy heart. Heart disease is mostly due to increase in blood cholesterol and glucose level. People who consume fenugreek seeds are less likely to have heart disease. These help to maintain our cholesterol and glucose levels normal.
Fenugreek is a natural moisturizer
Eating fenugreek seeds keeps our skin healthy and natural moisturized. Also, they help in removing dead cells from our skin. After which our skin freshens and glows.
For this, you need one teaspoon of fenugreek powder and one teaspoon of water. Mix fenugreek powder in water so that it becomes a paste. Apply this paste on your skin with the help of a clean hand or cotton. Wash your skin after half an hour.
Prevents Acne
The benefits of fenugreek are also due to the anti-inflammatory properties present in it. When its paste is applied on the face, a layer is formed on the skin. Which protects our skin from the dirt outside. Fenugreek has anti-bacterial properties due to the presence of external germs in the skin.
For this, you need 4 cups of water and 4 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Soak fenugreek seeds in water for overnight. In the morning, boil fenugreek water for 15 minutes. Now filter the water and then keep it in normal temperature. Now apply this water on your face 2 times a day with a cotton cloth. If there is water left then keep it in the fridge.
Fenugreek Benefits For Healthy Hair
The paste of fenugreek seeds and curry leaves helps to keep the hair dark. After making the paste of these two, keep it in the roots of the hair for at least 30 minutes. Fenugreek seeds help in bringing the natural color of hair and also nourishes hair.
How to use
For this, you need a spoonful of fenugreek seeds and a cup of coconut oil. This process is slightly longer but also beneficial. Put fenugreek seeds and coconut oil in a bottle and keep it for 3 weeks. Keep the bottle in a cool place where there is no sunlight. Sieve the oil after 3 weeks and then you can give a light massage to the hair with this oil.
Stops Pre-Mature Graying Of Hair
There has been a lot of change in today’s food and drink, due to which our body also undergoes changes. And its effect is soon seen in hair. Fenugreek seeds and hard leaf paste should be applied to prevent premature graying of hair. This brings back the natural color of hair.
For this, you need two spoons of fenugreek seeds and 1 handful fresh curry leaves. Allow the fenugreek seeds to soak overnight. Grind fenugreek seeds in the morning with curry leaves. Use water as needed to make a paste and then apply it to the hair for half an hour and then wash it with shampoo.
Reducing Dandruff
Due to the changing weather, hair starts getting rancid and this is a common practice. Fenugreek seeds have anti-bacterial properties. By applying its paste, hairiness gets lost and essential diet is also provided. Also prevents dry hair and itching.
How to use
In this, you need 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds, one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon coconut milk. It is difficult to get coconut milk but it is not impossible. After soaking fenugreek seeds overnight, grind them in the morning and then add lemon juice and coconut milk to the paste. Apply this paste in the hair roots for 20 minutes and then gently massage the head with hands. Now wash the hair with a mild shampoo.
Uses Of Fenugreek
- Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then drink water on an empty stomach in the morning.
- Apart from this, soaking fenugreek overnight after boiling the water for 15 minutes in the morning and drinking it after cooling is also beneficial. It is beneficial for people undergoing diabetes.
- In most Indian homes, fenugreek is used as a tempering dish. This increases the taste and nutritional value of food.
- Roasted fenugreek seeds can also be eaten by adding salads, smoothies, soups etc. to a favorite dish.
- It is said by elders that taking fenugreek seeds (small quantity) with water in stomach pain can give relief in stomachache.
- People suffering from constipation are advised to take fenugreek in the morning and evening.
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Brihati is a medicinal plant. Its Sanskrit synonyms like Varthaki, Chudrabhuntaki, Mahti, Kuli, Hinguli, Rashtrika, Sinhi, Mahishtri, mischief, big kateri, Vanbhanta etc. In Hindi it is called Badi Kateri, Badi Bhatkataiya, Badi Kanteli, Bhanta in Bengali, Tikta Began, Mothi Dolari in Marathi, DabhiBhotriani in Gujarati, Cheruchunt in Tamil and Solanum Indicum in Latin.
Vratti is used a lot in Ayurveda. It is one of the ten roots used in Dashmool Dashmula. This miniature panch is in the original LaghuPancha Mula which has four other roots, Shalaparni, Pashniparni, Chhoti Kateri and Gokharu. Dashmool is a very good medicine used in the treatment of inflammation and gout in the body. It has fever / fever and inflammation reducing properties. Dashmool is also very useful in cough, gas, loss of appetite, tiredness, poor digestion, recurring headache, parkinson’s, back pain, sciatica, dry cough, etc.
Brihati is an important medicinal plant and extensively used in Ayurveda. Some other common names of this plant include Bhantaki, Bari kateri, Kateli, Kshudra bhantaaki, Mahati, Mahotika, Vartaki, Vrihati, Kataai Kalaan, Mullamkatti, Papparamulli and Barahantaa. It is one of the ten roots (comes under Laghu panchamula) of famous Dashmula (group of ten roots), an excellent formulation for inflammatory conditions.
Vernacular names / Synonyms
- Scientific name: Solanum indicum
- Sanskrit: Akranta, Asprasi, Bahupatri, Bhantaki, Brahati, Brihatika, Dovadi, Dusparsa, Hinguli, Kshudrabhanta, Kshudrabhantaki, Kshudravartaki, Kuli, Mahati, Mahatikranta, Mahotika, Sinhi, Sinhika, Tprani, Vanavrintaki, Vartaki, Vyaghri
- Assamese: Tilabhakuri
- Bengali: Byakud, Byakura, Brihati Begun, Baikur, Byakur, Gurkamai, Phutki, Phutki Begoon, Tit Begun
- English: Indian Night Shade, Poison Berry, Solanum
Putting bitter juice on the tongue causes nervousness in the tongue, pricking in the tongue, irritating eye secretions from the mouth, nose such as dry ginger, black pepper, pippali, red chilli etc. Tikta rasa, is one that is hard to put on the tongue, does not feel good, tastes bitter, does not know the taste of other substances, such as neem, kutki. It is itself distasteful, but removes the anorexia caused by fever etc. It destroys pitta-kaphaz diseases including worms, cravings, poisons, leprosy, faintness, fever, utklesh / ji michlana, jalaan. Excess intake of this juice leads to metallicity and gout.
Action / Karma
- Deepana: Promote appetite but do not aid in digesting undigested food
- Grahi: Inspissants; stomachic, digestive and heating qualities dry the fluids of the body
- Kanthya: Expectorant, good for throat
- Kandughna: Gives relief in itching
- Krimighna: Destroys worms
- Kaphahara: Pacifies Kapha Dosha
- Mutral: Diuretics, increase the flow of urine
- Pachan: Assist in digesting undigested food, but do not increase the appetite
- Shothhar: reduces inflammation
- Shulaghna: Gives relief in pain
Medicinal uses :
Brihati is mainly a medicine for respiratory diseases, phlegm, vata, anorexia, inflammation and pancreatic diseases. It is beneficial for the heart, warm, digestive, bitter and relaxing in pain. Its use clears blood and increases the amount of urine.
It is a good medicine for throat and removes hiccups.
It is Kaphagn, Jawaraghna, Leprosy, and Kapha-Vata sedative.
Making a decoction of its root gives good results in difficult labor, as a tonic after delivery, urinary diseases such as pain in urination, intermittent urination, phlegm and respiratory diseases.
To make the decoction, buy dry thick powder of its root from grocer here. Boil 5-6 grams of this powder in a glass of water until the water becomes half a cup and then filter it.
It does not have a detrimental effect like taking a certain amount of medicine.
- Anti–asthmatic: Treat or prevent asthma attacks.
- Antitussive: Prevent or relieve a cough.
- Anti–inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
- Astringents: Constrict tissues; styptic.
- Analgesic: Relieve pain.
- Antipyretic/antifebrile/febrifuge: Effective against fever.
- Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
- Antirheumatic: Alleviating or preventing rheumatism.
- Antispasmodic: Used to relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.
- Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic, expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
- Anticatarrhal: Remove excess mucous from the body.
- Aphrodisiac: stimulates sexual desire.
- Carminative: Preventing the formation or causing the expulsion of flatulence.
- Diuretic: Promoting excretion of urine/agent that increases the amount of urine excreted. Useful for dropsy, coughs and catarrhal,
- Depurative: Purifying agent.
- Expectorant: Promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs.
Genital Herpes
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Genital Herpes is an infection caused by herpes HSV (herpes simplex virus). Genital herpes (genital herpes) is also a type of infection. This infection can occur in different parts of the body, especially in places where there is prolonged humidity. Herpes is a long-term condition. However, some people do not show symptoms even if they are suffering from this type of problem. Symptoms include blisters, ulcers, pain while urinating, etc. Let’s find out what is genital herpes, causes, symptoms and treatment.
What is genitals herpes?
It is a type of disease spread by sexual infection. This causes STD herpetic lesions, which are painful abscesses that are filled with fluid. They release viscous liquid. Genital herpes can occur from the age of 14 but the age of 49 years. If it is not treated on time, it can have serious consequences
Causes of genital herpes
This sexual infection is caused by two types of herpes simplex virus. The first is HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus-1) which is usually related to ringworm around the mouth or lips and the second is HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus-2) which usually causes genital herpes.
The layers of your mucous membranes are thin, which is why these viruses get into your body through the mucous membrane. Which can be found in small lesions or injuries of your body, your nose, mouth and genitals. Once this virus enters your body, it hides itself in the cells of your body and adapts to its surrounding environment. Which makes it difficult to find them. These two types of viruses can include the following body fluids of people suffering from:
- Saliva
- Semen
- Vaginal secretions
Symptoms of genital herpes
Symptoms of genital herpes are identified based on the presence of blisters. In the event of genital herpes, you see such symptoms between 2 days to 30 days.
- Common symptoms for men include blisters around penis, scrotum or rectal area.
- Common symptoms for women include blisters around the vagina, anus and area.
Common symptoms for men and women include:
- These types of blisters can come in your mouth, lips, face and anywhere in the infected area.
- Itching and fluid secretion occur from blisters in the infected area.
- Blisters can be ulcerated and filled with fluid.
- In this type of problem, after one week the layer may appear in the infected area after one week.
- There may be swelling in your lymph glands which fights the infection coming into your body.
- You may also have headaches, body pain and fever due to this type of virus infection.
Common symptoms of herpes in a child born to an expectant mother who has symptoms of herpes may include ulcers on the face, body, and genitals. In some cases, severe symptoms of this infection are also seen such as: Blindness, Brain damage, the death.
It is very important that such women tell their doctor about herpes infection, so that your child can be protected from virus infection during delivery.
Genital herpes during pregnancy
Women who have problems with herpes, require special caution if they are pregnant. If they have any type of sexual infection then it can be fatal for the child. If you want to have a normal delivery, the infection can spread to your child as well. So in such a situation you should contact your doctor.
Diagnosis of genital herpes
Your doctor can usually diagnose it by looking at the wounds caused by herpes virus infection. But your doctor can also do some tests for this. Before confirming this infection, he can perform a blood test to confirm and diagnose herpes simplex virus. If you feel that you have been exposed to genital herpes, you should contact your doctor even if you have not had any symptoms of it.
Ayurvedic medicines for Genital Herpes
1) Detox Premium Powder:
It is purely a herbal formulation that helps to remove toxins due to its antioxidant properties. It comprises of Moti Pishti, Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Tal Sindoor, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar. It has an antibacterial action and provides a cooling and calming effect to the body. It also
has anti-inflammatory properties. This powder helps to detoxify the body physically and mentally.
Dosage: Take one sachet twice a day with normal plain water.
2) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu:
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
3) Skin Care tablet:
Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimba churna, Panchatikta guggulu, Patol patra, Ajmoda, Khadir chhal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Manjistha, Chopchini, Gandhak, etc. Skin care tablet is a blood purifying. It cools and detoxifies the blood, dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimises the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablet also act as a skin moistuirizer, Improves blood circulation, Remove blemishes, Reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples, Relieves leucoderma.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
4) Aloe Vera Gulab Gel:
Aloe Vera Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
5) Trikatu Tablet:
Trikatu tablets are mixture of three herbs which are Saunth (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum). These tablets improve digestion, boost your metabolism, helps in eliminating fat tissues and kapha dosha, support respiratory functions, and remove impurities and ama from the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily with normal water.
6) Blood Purifier Syrup :
It is ayurvedic syrup that consists of various natural ingredients such as Khadir Chall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Harad (Terminalia bellirica), Baheda (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis), etc. As the syrup purifies the blood by removing excess toxins it is very beneficial in maintaining proper circulation and improves the skin naturally.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Agoraphobia which should not be considered agoraphobia, is a condition where the victim becomes distraught in an environment that is unfamiliar to him or where the victim feels that he or she does not have control in their hands. Activating this anxiety can include wide open spaces, crowds (social anxiety), or travel (even short distances). Agoraphobia is often associated with fear of a social problem, but not always, as agoraphobic fear begins with panic attacks and distress in the public. It is also sometimes called ‘social agoraphobia’ which can be a type of social anxiety disorder sometimes called ‘social phobia’.
However, not all agoraphobia is social. Some people with agoraphobia have fear of open spaces. Agoraphobia is defined as “a phobia, sometimes a terrible phobia, by those who have suffered one or more panic attacks.” In such cases, the victim is afraid of a particular place, as he had experienced a panic attack at the same place last time. To avoid having to face another panic attack, the victim becomes frightened or refrains from going to that place.
This type of victim is now considered to have agoraphobia. Sometimes victims may try in every way to avoid the place where the first panic attack was encountered. Agoraphobia, as described in this manner, is actually a professional symptom check at the time of diagnosis of panic disorder. Symptoms such as extreme affective compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder can also be due to agoraphobia, basically any unfounded fear that prevents a person from going out can cause symptoms.
The first level agoraphobia involves an imaginary fear or a real panic attack as a result of a journey beyond the normal perimeter of an area where it lives, such as a large city or country.
Second level agoraphobia involves an imaginary fear or a real panic attack as a result of a journey beyond the normal perimeter of a neighborhood or residential district where it lives.
Third level agoraphobia involves an imaginary fear or a real panic attack as a result of going outside the boundaries or premises of one’s residence. Most of the victims of this category are able to walk outside the verandah, balcony, terrace, courtyard or courtyard, but the third level minority victims are afraid to go out of it.
It is also not uncommon for a person with second-level and third-level agoraphobia to suffer from Temporal Separation Anxiety Disorder especially when other members of that household move temporarily, such as parents or spouses. Or a person suffering from agoraphobia is alone at home. Such temporary situations may result in increased anxiety or panic attacks.
Another public association disorder of agoraphobia is the fear of death – the fear of death. So the thought of dying often increases the anxiety level of a person suffering from agoraphobia, which they consciously or unknowingly eventually associate with mortal emotional reassurance and safety zones and thoughts of final separation from loved ones, even for them. Who otherwise believe in some form of post-life existence spiritually.
Fear is a small word that is small but it means big. This feeling of ours has been shown in books and films, how many different forms have been shown. It is natural for anyone to be scared to watch a horror film, but when a person is so afraid of the social environment that he always likes loneliness, it can be a symptom of agoraphobia.
It is a kind of social phobia, which is associated with stress and anxiety. According to a survey, only 1M i.e. one billion cases are encountered every year in India, out of which most of the cases are of girls and women, this problem can happen to anyone, but people and women in the age group of 20 to 40 years Symptoms are more frequent.
How is it identified
- The person suffering from this problem may get nervous about facing any social situation related to their surroundings. Such people usually get nervous going to places like crowded places like shopping malls, party, cinema hall or railway station.
- Such people are also very afraid to travel short distances. In such situations it is natural for the common people to get a little nervous, but the person suffering from this problem always avoids visiting such places. Dryness of the throat, heartbeat and increased speed of breath, excessive sweating and cold hands and feet are the main symptoms in crowded places.
- Even people suffering from this problem faint in crowded places due to nervousness. This problem is also related to the separation anxiety to some extent. That is, there is no magic rate as the children feel that they will be separated from their parents.
- In this, the person makes close people or the surrounding environment his security shield and is not ready to get out of it under any circumstances.
As a result, individuals suffering from agoraphobia avoid public and or unfamiliar places, especially in large, open, empty spaces, such as shopping malls or airports, where there are few places to hide. In many cases, the victim may be confined to his or her home, where he or she experiences difficulty moving elsewhere from this safe place. In most cases there is a fear of public places. What is the exact cause of agoraphobia due to this disease is not yet known, although some physicians offer valid theories that have treated or attempted to treat agoraphobia. This condition has been linked to the presence of other anxiety disorders, a stressful environment, or intoxication. Prolonged use of sleeping pills has been linked to causes of agoraphobia.
What are the solutions?
Most people who go to mental health specialists develop agoraphobia after the onset of fear disorder (American Psychiatric Organization, 1998). Agoraphobia can be better understood as an adverse behavioral outcome of a scary attack each time, and the subsequent anxiety and preoccupation with these attacks tends to avoid situations where a horrific attack is likely to occur. There is more public panic in women, almost the level of agoraphobia that occurs in men is almost double in women. Although no proper explanation of this difference has been found so far in research and research results, it is still believed that women are more mentally in need of help from a partner, so they have more signs of the disease.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Exposure treatment can provide permanent relief to most patients with agoraphobia and panic attacks. The extinction of residual and subclinical agoraphobic segregation, rather than just panic attacks, should be the goal of exposure therapy. Similarly, systematic desensitization can also be used.
Cognitive restructuring has also proved useful for treating agoraphobia. This treatment involves coaching the participant through a dynotic discussion, aiming to replace unfounded and obstructive beliefs with more factual and beneficial beliefs.
Relaxation techniques are often useful in people with agoraphobia, as they can be used to prevent or eliminate symptoms of anxiety and attack.
Psychiatric treatment
The most commonly used anti-depressant medications for the treatment of anxiety disorders are mainly in the category of SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and include sertaline, paroxetine, and fluoxetine. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers, MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants are also commonly prescribed for the treatment of agoraphobia. [Citation needed]
Alternative treatment
Eye movement desensitization and programming (EMDR) have been studied for possible treatment of a agoraphobia, but the results were not satisfactory. However, EMDR is recommended in cases where cognitive behavioral approaches prove ineffective or Cases where subsequent trauma develops in agoraphobia.
Sharing self-help tools along with exchanging problems and achievements with each other are common activities of these groups. In addition to stress management techniques and various types of meditation practice, psychodynamic techniques can help calm patients with anxiety disorders and increase the effectiveness of therapy. In the same way, one can be alienated from self-pity by acts of philanthropy which are seen with anxiety problems. Also, primary evidence has also been found that aerobic exercise can also have a calming effect. Since caffeine, some illegal drugs and some over-the-counter medicines can increase the symptoms of anxiety disorder, they should be avoided.
Vata Balance Tablet:
Vata balance tablet is a rejuvenating blend of herbs is specially formulated to balance Vata doshas without aggravating Pitta or Kapha doshas. It may be used to support overall health and well-being by Vata constitutions with or without food. For those with a dual constitution that includes Vata or a tridoshic constitution, it is an excellent formula for the Vata season, which in most parts of the world is autumn and early winter.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Stress care tablet:
It is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also help to increase mental and physical performance. In Ayurveda when there is an imbalance of three energies i.e. Vata, pitta, and Kapha, it leads to disease. Vata has a sub dosha named prana doshas which regulates the sensory perception, brain, and mind. Tarpak Kapha subtype of kapha, governs cerebrospinal fluid, sadhak pitta subtype of pitta doshas governs emotions and their impact on the heart. So any vitiation of these doshas leads to stress. It act as Anti-depressant, relieves Insomnia, Anxiety.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
Brain Relaxant Churna:
This churna is pure Ayurvedic which helps to rejuvenate the brain cells, improves memory, give strength to the body, & increases the concentration by calming down the brain. It is prepared from herbs that show calming effect on brain and gives you relaxation. Brain relaxant churna shows antioxidant, Neuroprotective, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients present in this churna are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Suddha Gandhak, Lauha Bhasma. It helps to Maintain blood sugar level, Anti-depressant, Insomnia, Increase Hemoglobin levels, Cures indigestion, Helpful in Ulcerative colitis, and Nerve tonic. It helps in dealing with health conditions such as feeling delusion, hallucinations, disordered thinking, disabling, & impair daily functioning related to schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablespoon of this churna twice daily.
Nerve up tablet:
It is a herbo-mineral tablet and is the purely ayurvedic formulation. Nerve up tablets helps in balancing the Vata doshas. It reduces Kapha dosha and acts as a nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. It acts as a convulsant that is producing sudden and involuntary muscle contractions. It can be used to reduce the stress, mental fatigue, increases the memory, boosts mental capabilities and intelligence, alleviates stress and produces calmness in the mind, to boost the retention power and improves the quality of sleep.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
- October 20, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Found in the Himalayas, Jatamansi is the root of a flowering plant belonging to the valerian family known as spikenard (biological name: Narostostachia jatamansi). A well-known Ayurvedic herb known for curing neuro-psychological disorders and skin diseases, the oil from this herb is used as a perfume and medicine. It also has references in Ayurveda of Jatamansi since the time of Sushruta and Charaka, two major contributors of Ayurvedic science.
Among the many medicinal properties found on the earth, the benefits of spikenard are also important. The name of Jatamansi is different at different places; Such as Jatamansi or Balchhad in Gujarati, Jatamanshi in Telugu, Bhootkesh in mountainous areas, etc. are popular. The stem and root of spikenard root containing the hairy stems and sharp smells resembling the pots of a monk are used as medicine. Its benefits are many but if not used properly then its disadvantages are also many. Therefore, let us understand the advantages and limitations of using spikenard.
LATIN NAME- Nordostachys Jatamansi
HINDI NAME- Balchad, jatamansi
FAMILY- Valerianaceae
This is the Ram Baan medicine for diseases of brain and pulse, it works slowly but effectively.
Insanity, hysteria, epilepsy, slow movement of pulse, restless mind, loss of memory. This is the perfect medicine for all these diseases.
It also calms Tridosha and ends the symptoms of typhus.
Hair becomes black and long by its use.
Drinking its decoction daily increases the eyesight.
Its application is also beneficial in skin diseases, psoriasis.
If you have a toothache, brush with fine powder of spikenard.
At the time of monopause of women, it acts like a true companion.
Its syrup makes the heart strong, and removes the frozen phlegm anywhere in the body.
The decoction of spikenard kills the pain caused by menstruation.
Grinding it in water and applying it will end the pain, especially the head and heart.
By eating or drinking it, diseases of the urethra, diseases of the digestive tract, diseases of the trachea, diseases of the throat, diseases of the eye, diseases of the brain, cholera, toxins present in the body are destroyed.
If the stomach is bloated, grind spikenard in vinegar and apply it with salt, then the stomach becomes flat by reducing swelling.
Benefits and Uses of Jatamansi
Benefits of Jatamansi for Baldness are beneficial for baldness and white hair.
Nowadays such hair problems have become common. Pollution, unbalanced diet planning, use of different types of cosmetics have a direct effect on the hair and then the problem of white hair or baldness. For this, as a home remedy, grinding equal quantity of spikenard, bala, lotus, and hut and applying it on the head reduces the fall of hair and also reduces the whiteness of untimely hair.
Benefits of Jatamansi for Headache
If you are suffering from headache due to work stress and run-of-the-mill life, then bamboo jamansi remedy will prove to be very beneficial. Grinding spikenard or applying its powder (jatamansi powder patanjali) on the forehead reduces headaches.
Jatamansi for Hair loss
If you are having excessive hair loss problem, then using jatamansi gives such benefits (jatamansi ke labh).Grind equal quantity of spikenard, curd, black sesame, sariva and neelkamal with milk and honey and apply it on the head to make hair grow and shine.
Benefits of Jatamansi for Eye diseases
A lot comes in eye related diseases, such as common eye pain, night blindness, eye redness etc. Home remedies made of spikenard are very useful in all these problems.Grind the Padmakath, Mulethi, Jatamansi and Kaliyak in cold water and filter it and wash the eyes or eyes with it, there is benefit in the eye disease caused by bile (jatamansi ke fayde).
Jatamasi benefits for bad breath
Jatamansi powder removes bad smell from teeth. Apart from this, gargling with the decoction of spikenard can also reduce odor from the mouth.
Benefits of Jatamansi in the treatment of hiccups (Benefits of Jatamansi for Hiccups)
If you are troubled by repeated hiccups, then using jatamansi gives relief. Grind turmeric, bay leaf, castor root, raw lacquer, mana stone, cedar, hartal and spikenard and soak it in ghee by making a varti or light and smoking it helps to thin out the phlegm stuck in the trachea and when it comes out And get breath.
Jatamansi benefits to get relief from cough
The weather has not changed whether everyone, from children to old and old, complains of cough. Consuming lukewarm milk with jaggery after smoking with mind stone, hartal, mulethi, nagarmotha, jatamansi and ingudi provides relief from cough. Apart from this, drinking syrup of jatamansi provides relief from phlegm related diseases.
Benefits of Jatamansi in the treatment of vomiting (Jatamansi Plant Benefits for Vomiting)
If there is vomiting due to eating spicy food or due to side effects of some disease, consuming spikenard in this way is beneficial. Vomiting stops by taking sandal, chavya, jatamansi, dry grapes, sugandhabala and golden garic paste (1-2 grams) in equal parts.
Nardostachys Jatamansi Benefits to Increase Sperm Count
Today’s lifestyle and diet are having a bad effect on sex life, due to which problems related to sex have started. Jatamansi 10 parts, Cinnamon and Cardamom 8-8 parts, Kutta, Pokhermool, Cloves, Kunjan, White Chillies, Nagarmotha, Dry ginger 6–6 parts, Balsam 5 parts Saffron 4 parts and Chiraitya 10 parts by mixing all these in 10 to 8 Drinking the quantity of one gets relief from semen or sperm problems.
Jatamansi Powder Beneficial in Gout
If there is redness, pain, and burning sensation in the affected area of gout (arthritis), first by taking out the contaminated blood, applying equal parts of liquorice, peepal bark, spikenard, kshirakkoli, sycamore bark and green coach grass, relieve pain and burning sensation. is. Apart from this, making powder of Jatamansi, Resin, Lodhra, Mulethi, Nirgundi seeds, Moorthy, Neelkamal, Padmakh and Shirish Pushp, these 9 substances mixed with 100 grams of ghee and coated with it are beneficial in gout (arthritis).