Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
ITP- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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What is thrombocytopenia?
Thrombocytes or platelets help prevent bleeding from the body due to an injury. Thrombocytopenia means a lack of platelets in the blood. This can also be due to health problems or the effect of some medicines. Treatment of thrombocytopenia is possible. Symptoms may appear when the platelets are low in this disease. In some cases, internal bleeding can also occur due to the lack of platelets.
What are the symptoms of thrombocytopenia?
*Some possible symptoms:
- Do not stop bleeding when wound
- Hives
- Bleeding from nose or gum
- Bleeding from the rectum
- Blood stool or urine
- Feeling tired
*Symptoms of internal bleeding
- Blood in urine
- Blood in the stool
- Bleeding during vomiting
What causes thrombocytopenia?
Blood relations or medical problems can cause thrombocytopenia.
The number of platelets may be reduced due to a bone marrow problem. This can also happen due to some of the following health conditions:
- Leukemia
- Anemia
- Chemotherapy drugs
- Vitamin-B12, folate or iron deficiency
- Cirrhosis
The disease has an effect on the function of the spleen, such as fighting infections, identifying harmful substances. As the spline is larger, it holds more platelets and also reduces the amount of platelets from the blood.
What causes thrombocytopenia?
The risk may increase due to the following reasons, such as:
- Some health problems such as cancer, aplastic anemia or autoimmune system
- Exposure to toxic chemicals
- Side effects of some medicines
- Viral infection
How is thrombocytopenia treated?
Treatment is given on the following reasons. If thrombocytopenia is due to some disease or medication, treatment will be done considering the condition. If the platelet count is low that can be a serious problem. In this case, you may need some medical care:
Blood or platelet transfusions can be performed due to the lack of platelets.
Drugs to lower the immune system, corticoids, may be given to block platelet antibodies.
Surgery may be required to remove the spline if necessary.
Thrombocytopenia may occur during pregnancy but may be cured after childbirth.
Immune thrombocytopenia can be caused by autoimmune system disorder.
Bacterial infections can cause thrombocytopenia.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura is a rare condition caused by an increase in the formation of small blood clots and the increase of platelets.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a rare condition that is usually caused by bacterial E.coli infection.
Some drugs sometimes affect the immune system and reduce the number of platelets, such as heparin, sulfa-containing anti-biotic.
Home remedies and lifestyle changes
The following lifestyle and home remedies can help you deal with thrombocytopenia:
Avoid getting hurt by any activity or sport.
Limit alcohol use.
Beware of over-the-counter medications to avoid harmful side effects.
Wheat grass is considered an effective way to increase platelet count. Wheat grass contains high amounts of chlorophyll. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is close to the molecule of hemoglobin present in human blood. By taking just half a cup, it shows a very beneficial effect.
Pomegranate is another excellent fruit to increase platelets that you can eat without hesitation. Pomegranate contains the necessary minerals to increase platelet count. Apart from this, iron is also found in the seeds of pomegranate, which fulfills the deficiency of iron in the body.
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
1st month diet
Dietetic regimen for first month of pregnancy
- Medicated milk/ non medicated milk
- Sweet, cold and liquid diet
- Ghee extracted from milk
- Herbal oil massage
- Fruits- any fruit of choice except papaya
- Shatavari with milk
- Freshly prepared food
Second month diet
Dietetic regimen for second month of Pregnancy
- Food rich in iron and folate like Avocado, Nuts
- Green leafy vegetables
- Sweet ,cold and liquid diet
- Sweetened milk with Kakoli
- Fruits- Pomegranates, Mausami ,Apple
Third month diet
Dietetic regimen for third month of Pregnancy
- Fruits, eggs, green leafy vegatables
- Whole grains
- Milk with honey and ghee
- Cooked shashtic rice with milk
- Sweet tasting foods, cold and liquid diet
Fourth month diet
Dietetic regimen for fourth month of Pregnancy
- Cooked rice with curd
- Butter extracted from milk
- Foods pleasant mixed with milk and butter for heart of mother
- Medicated cooked rice
- Seasonal fruits and eggs
Fifth month Diet
Dietetic regime for fifth month of Pregnancy
- Vitamin C like oranges and tomatoes
- Rice gruel or cooked sweetened rice
- Fruits and vegetables
- Protein sources like eggs
- Calcium for baby’s teeth and bones
Sixth month diet
Dietetic regime for sixth month of Pregnancy
- Wholegrains, fruits,vegetables and legums to prevent constipation
- Sweetened curd and regular consumption of milk
- Increase intake of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals
- Sweet potato, nuts, sweet corn, seeds and oats
Seventh month diet
Dietetic regime for seventh month of pregnancy
- Ghee prepared with prithkprnayadi group of herbs
- Fibre rich foods
- Iron and calcium supplements
- Protein rich foods
- Regular consumption of milk and butter
Eighth month diet
Dietetic regime for eighth month of pregnancy
- Cow ghee in food
- Avocados, broccoli and eggs
- Green vegetables
- Gruel prepared with milk and mixed with ghee
- Anuvasana basti with oil prepared with milk
Ninth month diet
Dietetic regime for ninth month of pregnancy
- Different variety of cereals
- Rice gruels
- Teaspoon of cow ghee mixed with food for easy delivery
- Meat soup with cooked rice
- Carrot, coconut water
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The Ashoka tree in Ayurveda is called Hempushp or Tamrapallava. Though various parts of ashok vriksha i.e. flower, leaf etc. are considered beneficial for women’s health problems, but due to its nutritional and healing properties, it is used as a medicine in Ayurveda for many diseases ( ashoka tree uses) is done.
Ashoka tree benefits
Ashoka’s bark, leaf (ashok ka patta), flowers and seeds are used as medicine in Ayurveda. Let us know in detail about Ashoka further.
What is an Ashoka tree?
In ancient times, Ashoka gardens and gardens were used to remove happiness and mourning and from this shelter, the names Shoknash, Vishoka, Apshok etc. have been named. Sanatani Vedic people consider this tree to be holy and revered, but even Buddhists view it with special respect; Because it is said that Lord Buddha was born under the ashok tree in Hindi. It is also related to Cupid. Ashoka Pushp has also been counted in the five fluted arrows of Pushp Dhanva (Kamadeva) and names like Smaradhivasa, Nat etc. have also been included in its synonym names.
There are mainly two species of Ashoka, which are used for medicine. Polyalthia longifolia is often identified as ashok tree, which is incorrect; the real Ashoka (Saracaasoca) or Sita is Ashoka, which has vermilion or red colored flowers and yellow-green flowers (ashok phool) in wood. The length (up to 15–20 m) of the timber tree is also greater than the actual Ashoka (up to 6–9 m).
Medicinal Properties of Ashoka
Ashoka is bitter and cold in nature, short, rough, charpara, vipak. It is pain reliever, color blonder, bone additive, fragrant, heart, defeating three doshas, thirst, burning, worm, swelling, pain, colic, expectancy or flatulence, venom, blood related Disease, uterine dysfunction, all types of leucorrhoea or licorice, fever, joint pain and indigestion or indigestion are destructive of diseases. It is used in dysmenorrhea, hepatitis (bleeding from nose and ears), ashmari or stones and urinary or urinary diseases.
Ashok chhal is beneficial in diseases like fever and thirst (thirst), blood disorders, tiredness, colic, haemorrhoids or piles etc. In addition, it is useful in stomach upset, excessive bleeding and cervical bleeding. Ashoka seeds are diuretics or urinary diseases. Ashoka’s flowers are blood poisoning (bloody diarrhea) perishable.
It is beneficial in worm disease and helps in getting rid of fever and leprosy. Its use is very beneficial in sedation, constipation and worm disease.
Name of Ashoka tree in other languages
The botanical name of the Ashoka tree is Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De Willd (Saraca asoca) Syn-Jonesia asoca Roxb. Ashoka Caesalpiniaceae (Sejalpinaceae) belongs to the clan. Ashoka tree is called Ashoka tree (Ashoka tree) in English. In India, the Ashoka tree is called by various names. like-
Ashoka in-
- Sanskrit – Hempushp, Vanjul, Ashoka, Kakeli, Tamrapallava, Pindpushp, Gandhpush;
- Hindi- Ashoka, Sita Ashoka;
- Kannada– Ashoka, Ashuge;
- Gujrati- Ashok (Ashok), Ashopalava;
- Tamil-Asogam, Asogu;
- Telegu-asokamu (Asokamu);
- Bengali-Asok;
- Nepali-Ashau, Asoka;
- Panjabi-Asok;
- Marathi-Ashoka, Jasundi;
- Malayalam– Asokamu.
- English- Sorrow-less tree;
- Persian-Berg Ashok (Bargh-e-ashok)
- Nakli Ashoka in-
- Sanskrit-wood;
- Hindi- Fake Ashoka, Debadari;
- Odia- Asupal, Devdaru;
- Assamese- Unboi;
- Kannada– Ubbina, Hessare;
- Gujrati-Asopallav (Asopallav), Asopalo (Asopalo);
- Telegu-Nara Mamidi (Nara mamidi), Asokamu, Devdaru;
- Tamil-Nettilingu;
- Marathi-Ranakasvinda (Rankasvinda);
- English- Indian fir, Buddha tree, Indian willow.
Classical categorization
Charak samhita- Kshyaskanda, Vednasthapna
Sushurat samhita- Lodhradigana
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- kashya, tikta
Guna- laghu, ruksha
Virya- sheet
Vipaka- katu
Ashok Tree Uses and Benefits
Although Ashoka tree is basically beneficial for gynecological diseases, but apart from these, to know which diseases are beneficial for Ashokarishta, know more in detail.
Benefits of Ashoka tree for blood dysentery
Ashoka flower
If there is diarrhea due to eating more spicy food, packaged food or outside food, that the home remedy of bamboo will be very useful. Grinding 3-4 grams of Ashoka flowers (ashok phool) in water and drinking it is beneficial in blood poisoning.
Ashok ka ped Benefits in Breathing Issues
If there is any problem in breathing due to any reason, then taking Ashoka plant to get instant relief is beneficial. Keeping 65 mg ashoka seed powder in betel pan and feeding it proves beneficial in respiratory diseases.
Ashoka Vriksha toTreat Vomiting beneficial in infant vomiting
The problem of vomiting of infants is very common. To get relief from this, after grinding Ashoka flowers in water, apply them on the breasts and feed them on the breasts, the vomiting of breast-fed babies stops.
Ashok Chhal Benefcial in Bleeding piles or Haemorrhoids
When the disease of hemorrhoids goes into a serious state, then blood starts coming out from the warts. Consuming ashoka (hindi) in this way gives quick relief.
– Drinking 15-25 milliliters of ashok chhal decoction is beneficial in haemorrhoids and menstrual disorders.
-Ashok chhal benefits and take equal quantity of its flowers and soak 10 grams in a glass of water overnight. Sieve and drink water in the morning. Similarly, drink soaked in the morning and drink in the evening. It provides quick relief in blood pressure.
Ashok tree benefits in relieving stones pain
The problem of stone is the result of consumption of polluted food, packaged food and unbalanced diet. Grinding 1-2 grams of Ashoka in 1-2 grams of seeds in water and drinking two spoons of it helps in relieving the pain caused by stones in the kidney.
Ashok Chal Beneficial to Control Diabetes in beneficial in controlling diabetes
The use of Ashoka bark is helpful in controlling diabetes because according to a research, Ashoka bark has anti-diabetic properties which prevent the sugar level from rising in the blood.
Benefit of Ashok to Treat Infection
Ashoka bark plays an important role in eliminating infection. Because Ashoka has anti-bacterial properties that prevent the infection from spreading.
Ashok Beneficial to Treat Stomach Worm
If there is a problem of insects in the stomach, then the use of Ashoka can benefit you because it helps in removing the stomach worms due to the presence of vermin in Ashoka.
Ashok Beneficial to Treat Diarrhoea
Due to the anti diarrheal properties found in Ashoka, it helps in preventing diarrhea or diarrhea. Also, due to its astringent properties, it prevents the secretion of excessive jaundice occurring in the intestines, which gives relief in diarrhea.
Ashok bark to treat leukorrhea
Women often have white watery discharge from the vagina. Weakness also occurs when white water secretion is excessive. Consuming Ashoka is beneficial in getting relief from this.
Grind equal quantity of ashok bark powder and sugar candy, take 3 grams of it with cow’s milk and take it twice a day, it provides relief in white water.
-15-25 ml ashok bhal benefits: Mixing the decoction in milk and drinking it in the morning and evening provides relief in white water and blood circulation.
Grind 3 grams of Ashoka bark in rice dish and mix 1 gram of Rasaut and 1 teaspoon of honey in it, it is beneficial in regular morning and evening intake. With this experiment, the alum should be washed by mixing alum in the decoction of Ashoka bark.
Get rid of night fall, Ashok bark benefits in nightfall
Night-fall is one of the common diseases of men. Cook 20 grams of Ashoka bark in 250 ml water, with 30 ml remaining, adding 6 grams of honey in it and taking it twice a day is beneficial.
Benefits of Ashok Chal to Tight Loose Vagina in vaginathilya or loose vagina
Using Ashok bark to tighten loose vagina works quickly.
– Grind equal quantity of ashoka bark, acacia bark, sycamore bark, oak nut and alum. Prepare 100 ml decoction by boiling 50 grams of powder in 400 ml of water, filtering it, washing the vagina or wearing pichu reduces vaginal dysfunction.
Consuming -6-12 grams Ashok Ghee with lukewarm milk or water gives relief from all types of leprosy, pain, vaginal pain, anorexia, pandu or anemia, breathing, cough etc.
Taking 20-25 ml Ashokarishta after meals daily is very beneficial in diseases like blood pressure, fever, hepatitis, rashes (bloody piles), spasm or diabetes, inflammation or inflammation.
Ashok Chal Beneficial in Fracture Bones beneficial in attaching broken bone
Ashoka is beneficial in attaching broken bones and strengthening bones. Consuming 6 grams of Ashoka bark powder with milk in the morning and evening and blending it, adds broken bone and reduces pain.
Ashoka Vriksha to Treat Skin Disease beneficial in Skin Disease
In today’s pollution-prone environment, the risk of skin diseases is increasing. Everyone suffers from some skin problem. Ashok bark helps in reducing all these troubles. Grind mustard in the juice of Ashoka bark and dry it in the shade, after that when the boil is to be applied then grind mustard in its bark juice and apply it on the skin. This enhances skin color.
Get rid of pimples
Boil the decoction made from Ashoka’s bark, when it is thick, cool it and mix equal quantity of mustard oil in it. Apply it on pimples, boils and pimples. Regular use will benefit.
Relief from ulcer problems: Ashoka Heals Ulcer
Sometimes it takes too long for ulcer wounds to dry, or if another wound comes out on drying, in this case, the consumption of Ashoka bark is very beneficial.
Taking equal amount of ghee, Priyangu, Ashok Rohini’s skin, Triphala, Dhatki, Lodhra and Sarjaras, after making a fine powder, spraying on the ulcer wounds, the wound heals.
Ashok Chal Beneficial to Boost Memory
Memory increases with age. Mixing equal quantity of Ashoka’s bark and Brahmi powder, taking one spoon each morning and evening with one cup of milk regularly for a few months intensifies the intellect.
Ashoka Vriksha Benefits in Body Pain
Taking 10-20 milliliters of Ashoka’s decoction gives relief from the pain caused in the whole body.
Relax from the pain of haemorrhoids or piles, Ashoka If there is more spicy, spicy food etc. then the chances of getting piles or hemorrhoids disease increases. In this, the home remedy of piles proves very beneficial. Grind woody leaves and apply on piles moles, it provides relief in piles.
Relieve relief from gonorrhea
Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). In this disease, there is a wound inside the penis from which pus comes out. Taking 2-3 grams of the powder of stem bark mixed with butter and applying it to the genitals is beneficial in poem or gonorrhea.
Parts used
- Ashoka bark
- Ashoka seed
- Ashoka flower
Bipolar disorder
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a type of mental illness in which the mind is either very sad or extremely happy for several weeks or months continuously. Negative in sadness and high thoughts come in the mind in mania. About one in 100 people get this disease at some time in their life. The disease often starts between 14 years-19 years. Both men and women are affected equally by this disease. This disease rarely starts after 40 years.
Forms of illness
Bipolar one: – In this type of disease, at least once in the patient, there is a period of excessive speed, excessive energy, excessive excitement and high talk. This type of phase lasts for about 3-6 months. Even if untreated, the patient can recover on its own. Another form of this type of disease can come in the form of sadness at any time. It is called depression when sadness lasts for more than two consecutive weeks.
Bipolar two: – In this type of disease, the patient has the effect of depression. Occasionally, a slight spurt may occur.
Rapid Cyclic: – In this type of disease, the patient suffers from depression or mania (fast) at least four times in a year.
Main causes of illness:
The main cause of this disease is difficult to accurately describe. Scientists understand that many times physical diseases can also increase sadness and speed in the mind. Sometimes extreme mental stress can trigger this disease.
Signs of illness
As mentioned above, there are two forms of this disease.
One form of depression: – It involves excessive sadness in the mind of the patient, anorexia at work, irritability, nervousness, self-aggression, despair about the future, lack of energy in the body, hatred of oneself, lack of sleep, sex desire. Lack, desire to cry in mind, lack of confidence remains constant. Thoughts of suicide keep coming in the mind. The patient’s ability to work is severely reduced. Sometimes the patient does not feel like going out. Does not feel like talking to anyone. When such sadness is more than two weeks, it should be considered as a disease and should be consulted.
Second form ‘mania’ or rapid calming in the mind: – In such a form, the symptoms of the patient are increased so many times that the patient’s relationship with reality is broken. The patient starts hearing noises in the ears without any reason. The patient considers himself very big. The patient keeps on running here and there due to excessive speed in the mind, sleep and appetite decreases.
Between the two forms: The patient often returns to normal after depression. Similarly, it becomes normal even after fasting (Mania). The patient may remain normal for a long time, for years and suddenly he may suffer from depression or rapid sickness.
What is the treatment for bipolar disorder?
There are different types of therapy to try and cure the treatment of bipolar disorder. It is so far the only therapy that has been successful in talking to the patient and diverting all his attention from negative thoughts, negative reactions, emotional reactions and behavior.
Mental education
Psychology is part of medical education. This type of therapy focuses on empowering the patient’s state of mind and it fills confidence in the patient. In this way his mental health increases and he begins to return to normal.
Family therapy
This therapy is a psychological practice. Attempts are made to resolve the differences by gathering the family members of the patient and the friends they want. This therapy lays new foundations between the family and the patient and enables the family to understand the issues of the patient.
It is a talk therapy that focuses specifically on the patient’s mental and behavioral disorders.
Ayurvedic view in bipolar disorder
Though there are recognizable elements of pitta in mania and of kapha in depression all mental health issues express at least some vata-aggravation.
Vata dosha manifests as movement, expansion, changeability, instability, coldness, subtlety, dryness, roughness and lightness.
Vata imbalances can manifest as insomnia, fear, changing thoughts and feelings, restlessness, weight loss, tremors, hopelessness and over-stimulation. All these symptoms are ruled by the qualities of air and ether: unstable, ungrounded with one’s head in the clouds, spaced out, and jumping out of one’s skin , high as a kite.
Doshas also rule the seasons and certain times of the day. Vata dosha happens to rule late summer and early autumn – which is happening right now! Staying grounded at this time of year is especially important to remedy vata-aggravation and to minimize like increasing like.
CAC Ayurvedic medicines for Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder care kit
1) Detox Premium Powder:
Detox premium powder is composed of herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients such as moti pishti, shukta pishti, giloy satav, parwal pishti, kamdudha ras, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, shankh bhasma, sutshekhar ras, shwet parpati, yavakshaar, & shudhyog tablet. These all ingredients in combination deal with the signs & symptoms related to Schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
2) Brodley Syrup:
This syrup is prepared from the extract of various herbs that deal with the delusion, hallucination, disorganized behavior, lack of emotions, & inappropriate posture, etc. The syrup is prepared from herbs such as Shankhpushpi, Brahmi, Jatamansi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Saunf. These herbs show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, & mind relaxant properties. These properties show good results in schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily.
3) Stress Care tablet:
It is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also help to increase mental and physical performance. In Ayurveda when there is an imbalance of three energies i.e. Vata, pitta, and Kapha, it leads to disease. Vata has a sub dosha named prana doshas which regulates the sensory perception, brain, and mind. Tarpak Kapha subtype of kapha, governs cerebrospinal fluid, sadhak pitta subtype of pitta doshas governs emotions and their impact on the heart. So any vitiation of these doshas leads to stress. It act as Anti-depressant, relieves Insomnia, Anxiety, and helps in the sign and symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
4) Brain Relaxant Churna:
This churna is pure Ayurvedic which helps to rejuvenate the brain cells, improves memory, give strength to the body, & increases the concentration by calming down the brain. It is prepared from herbs that show calming effect on brain and gives you relaxation. Brain relaxant churna shows antioxidant, Neuroprotective, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients present in this churna are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Suddha Gandhak, Lauha Bhasma. It helps to Maintain blood sugar level, Anti-depressant, Insomnia, Increase Haemoglobin levels, Cures indigestion, Helpful in Ulcerative colitis, and Nerve tonic. It helps in dealing with health conditions such as feeling delusion, hallucinations, disordered thinking, disabling, & impair daily functioning related to schizophrenia patients.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablespoon of this churna twice daily.
5) Nerve Plus tablet
These tablets shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Analgesic and immune-modulator properties. It contains herbal ingredients Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), Giloy satav (Tinospora crdifolia), shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, shudha vatsnabh, shudh singraf. It is beneficial for migraine, lower back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, stimulating nerves and appetite.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Seasonal, ayurvedic, vata-pacifying remedies, appropriate for mental health balance, include things like:
- Following a daily routine, including regular, light exercise, rest and bedtime.
- Avoid stimulants as much as possible, including but not limited to loud music, recreational drugs, caffeine and cigarettes. Stay “grounded” (bring in kapha, earthy qualities).
- Take the time to express gratitude before each meal. Sit for five minutes after every meal to integrate your experience(s).
- Avoid cold, including beverages and ice. Sip warm water.
- Avoid travel and change in general during vata-aggravation. Excitability may affect bipolar symptoms, especially at this time of year. If change cannot be avoided, practice other vata-pacifying techniques to compensate.
- Make sure not to skip meals during autumn to pacify vata dosha. Avoid fasting until the season changes to winter.
- Food pacifies vata and diet should emphasize whole grains, cooked vegetables, mung beans, meats, fresh dairy, nuts and oils in order to ground ones energy. Generally, sweet, sour and salty tastes should be emphasized, as well as the qualities of warm, moist and heavy foods, like stews, soups and Crock pot meals. Use sesame oil or ghee liberally.
- Color therapies and aromatherapies may affect mental states throughout the year. These remedies are subtle but influential. Yellow, green, white, brown, purple and gold are the new black! Rose, frankincense and basil essential oils are balancing for every dosha.
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain and fatigue throughout the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, 5 million youth, mostly women, suffer from fibromyalgia. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are difficult to identify because they resemble other diseases. Its treatment is also difficult. Some diets are useful to prevent fibromyalgia, which prevents it from growing. Read the slideshow to know more about this.
According to some research, vegetarian diet affects fibromyalgia. Researches have found that vegetarian food in plenty
Join antioxidants and consume them, this gives relief to the patient. According to a research by BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, people who eat raw vegetarian food, they get less pain. Although this type of diet is limited, not everyone can eat this way.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue. People with fibromyalgia have “tender points” on the body. Tender points are specific locations on the neck, shoulders, back, waist, arms, and legs. These points hurt when pressure is put on them.
People with fibromyalgia may have other such symptoms:
- Sleeping problem
- Morning stiffness
- Headache
- Painful menstruation
- Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
- Problems with thinking and memory (sometimes called “fibro fog”)
Nobody knows what causes fibromyalgia. Anyone can have it, but it is most common in middle-aged women. People with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases are particularly likely to develop fibromyalgia. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but medication can help you manage your symptoms. Getting enough sleep, exercise and eating well may also help.
What are the Causes of Fibromyalgia ?
If told in true terms, the doctors have not yet found any solid reason for getting this disease and in the field of medicine, the cause of this disease is still being discovered. But still after some research, the causes of this disease have been known.
- Body infection–If you already have any kind of infection in your body, then you are at risk of getting this disease. Or it may further exacerbate the symptoms.
- Heredity-Fibromyalgia is often genetic. If someone in your family has fibromyalgia, other family members are also at increased risk of contracting the disease. Some genetic changes, which have not yet been identified, may be due to a wide range of reasons.
- Tension–Being in a state of constant stress can damage your body for a long time, apart from this, stress can cause hormones in your body and it also causes fibromyalgia.
- The strokes–If someone feels any kind of trauma, whether it is physical trauma or mental trauma, such people can also get fibromyalgia disease. This reason has been postulated to be related to post-traumatic stress disorder. Females are generally more prone to stress, which is why women have more fibromyalgia than men.
- Rheumatic disease–If someone already has rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, they are at increased risk of fibromyalgia.
Prevention From Fibromyalgia
If someone has fibromyalgia disease then this disease cannot be stopped but its severity can be reduced by taking some measures and by making some changes in lifestyle everyday. You can take some of the following measures to prevent this disease from occurring.
- Adopt a balanced diet style – To prevent this disease from occurring, you should adopt a balanced diet style, include grains, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet.
- Get enough sleep- To avoid this disease, enough sleep should be taken.
- Exercise regularly – Anyway, we should exercise to keep our body healthy and to prevent this disease from happening, we should include regular exercise in the routine.
- Stay away from stress- Keep yourself away from all types of stress, whether it is emotional stress or mental stress, and if it is already there, try to reduce it.
What is the treatment of fibromyalgia?
Although there is no cure available for fibromyalgia, a variety of medications help control its symptoms. Exercise, relaxation and stress reduction measures can also help.
The goal of treating fibromyalgia is to manage pain and reduce symptoms. This is done by mixing medicine and medicines.There are no direct medications available for the treatment of fibromyalgia, but the following medicines are helpful to reduce its symptoms –
- Painkiller
Pain relievers that are available to your doctor and chemist, such as naproxen, combiflam, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, may prove to be suitable in Tylenol fibromyalgia. Also, Ultrom can be taken in case of serious problems. Can.
- Antidepressants
Antidepressants are used in treating anxiety or depression associated with fibromyalgia. These drugs can also help improve sleep quality.In addition to medicines, awakening and adopting the right lifestyle can help you cope with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Lifestyle changes and alternative treatments for fibromyalgia make you feel better while reducing pain. Many of these alternative treatments focus on reducing stress and reducing pain.
*Following are the different types of treatments for fibromyalgia – Following are the different types of treatments for fibromyalgia:
- Therapy.
- Acupuncture.
- Meditation
- Yoga.
- Regular exercise.
- Getting enough sleep at night.
- Massage therapy.
- Eating a balanced diet.
As we have learned, there is no direct cure for this disorder. This disorder can happen to anyone, at any age. But keeping in mind health medicine, we can definitely reduce its cost potential with a balanced lifestyle.
*Following is the diet suggested for the patients suffering form Fibromyalgia and CFS
- Coconut water and Coconut milk
- Juice of carrot, Cucumber, Beetroot
- Cooked vegetables
- Spices like cumin, coriander, ginger asafetida.
- Green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt
- Khichadi
Ayurvedic herbs for fibromyalgia:
- Decoction of the roots of ten herbs ‘Dashamula quath’ or ‘Dashamularishta’is useful
- Daily use of the Ayurvedic compound ‘Triphala choorna’ is recommended to cleanse the colon.
- Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps to reduce pain and inflammation in Fibromyalgia.
- Garlic is useful for detoxification and to enhance immune system function.
- Guggul is a very helpful herb for relief of pain.
- Licorice root supports the glandular system and acts in the body like cortisone. Use with caution.
- Ginger Tea. Ginger is a good alternative to aspirin to relieve minor aches and pains.
Generic preparations available in market such as -Dashamulaquath, Triphala guggul, Rasna saptak quath , Vata Vidhwans Rasa etc. can be taken under the guidance of a ayurvedic physician
Sickle cell anemia
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In India, sickle cell is mainly found in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Karnataka and some northeastern states. Preliminary investigation of sickle cell gene in Chhattisgarh has revealed that it is spread in about 10 percent of Sickle Cell1 population of Chhattisgarh. However, in some cases it is seen as high as 30 percent. Despite this excessive proliferation of sickle cell genes, most people are unfamiliar with the scientific basis of this genetic disease acquired from parents. This situation generates serious social, mental and economic hardship along with medical burden for sickle cell patients and their families. The social stigma associated with the disease further exacerbates their suffering.
Sickle cell disease pathophysiology
Sickle cell disease / anemia Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder arising from abnormal genes acquired from parents. Normal red blood cells (RBCs) are bifacial disc-shaped and flow easily into the blood vessels, but in sickle cell disease the red blood cells become crescent / sickle (sickle). These abnormal red blood cells (RBCs) are rigid and viscous and block blood flow to various organs. Blocked blood flow causes severe pain and damages various organs. Scientific research has found that the sickle cell gene provides partial protection against malaria and is commonly found in malarial regions. During biological development the sickle cell gene originated in African ancestors and also spread rapidly to other malarial regions due to its malaria resistant property. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea, Middle East and India apart from Africa. The disease has also been found in Europe, America and the Caribbean region. In India, it was found in Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala.
Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and have an average lifespan of 120 days. Sickle cell red blood cells have a lifespan of only 10–20 days and bone marrow cannot rapidly replace them in sufficient quantities. As a result, the normal number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the body decreases. Changes in the size of red blood cells result from mutations in a nucleotide of the hemoglobin gene. This results in the synthesis of abnormal hemoglobin. Sickle cell trait is derived from a parent with a common gene, and an abnormal gene from another parent. They typically have no symptoms, but they provide the sickle hemoglobin gene to their offspring.
There is no cure for sickle cell anemia. However, treatment of anemia can reduce the symptoms and complications of the patients. A limited number of people can be treated by blood marrow and stem cell transplantation. Sickle cell anemia varies from person to person. Some people have long-term pain or fatigue. However, improving the quality of health, proper care and treatment can improve the lives of patients. There are also many patients with sickle cell anemia who are living at the age of forty-fifth / fifties or more due to proper treatment and care.
Gene mutation causes the replacement of glutamic acid, the sixth amino acid of the β chain of the hemoglobin protein, by valine. Due to which the structure and functions of hemoglobin are changed and sickle cell disease develops. Because of this mutation, sickle hemoglobin has no apparent effect on secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure in the event of normal levels of oxygen. But due to low availability of oxygen, sickle hemoglobin polymerizes and forms a long and rope-like structure. Because of this RBC (R.B.C.) resizes to be laughable. This perverted RBC Blocking the small blood vessels and damaging the structure of blood vessels and various organs, as well as causing pain and other symptoms of sickle cell disease.
Hemolysis and vaso-occlusive crisis occur mainly in sickle cell disease.
Then the probability of inheriting both normal genes in each child is 25%, one normal and one mutated 50% and both mutants.
Patient identification
- Inhibition in physical development, weight and height less than normal
- Weak body with complaints of general weakness
- Severe anemia and severe anemia
- Pale skin, colorless nails
- Yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)
- Flat bone
- Persistent mild fever and chronic fever
- Shortness of breath
- More tired than usual
- Frequent urination, thickening of urine
- Bones and ribs pain
- Irritability in hands and feet
- Infertility
- Recurrent viral and bacterial infections
Diet Management
- Eat plenty of fiber and radish diet.
- Eat a high protein diet.
- Choose a diet that contains anti-oxidants.
- Avoid oily and fatty, spicy foods.
- Drink lots of water.
What to do
- Drink plenty of water.
- Make amendments in daily dietary habits.
- Keep calm and relax.
- Avoid extreme temperatures.
- Avoid infection.
- Play the game regularly.
What is the treatment?
- Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell or RBC disorder. This results in an abnormal hemoglobin term sickle hemoglobin or hemoglobin S present in its RBC. The disease occurs from birth, but it may take more than 4 months for infants to show any signs of becoming ill.
Treatment of sickle cell anemia
- The aim of treatment in this type of disease is to provide pain relief to the patient, seeing that infection is prevented with damage to organs and stroke. They also try to treat anemia and check for any complications.
Pain relief
- If the pain experienced by the patient occurs on a mild heating pad and over the counter, prescription medication is used. When the pain becomes severe, he may have to be admitted to a medical hospital. Fluid and pain relievers are used as measures to combat acute pain in the short term.
Pain prevention
- Severe cases of sickle cell anemia are treated with medication called hydroxyurea, which reduces painful crises. It helps prevent such pain attacks, but when such an attack occurs, it cannot get rid of it.
- Infection prevention
- Sickle cell anemia is usually found to be complicated by bacterial infection. But thankfully they can be stopped and treated. This should be urgently needed when dealing with such complications.
Prevention of complications
- Sickle cell anemia can cause many complications. These can include acute chest syndrome, gallstones, stroke, pulmonary hypertension, damage to the eyes and foot ulcers that refuse to heal. Even eye damage can occur.
- Blood transfusion is used when the anemia worsens or the complication becomes severe. Most patients with sickle cell anemia have to undergo blood transfusions on a periodic basis. If complications such as chronic chest syndrome or stroke are severe, it may require blood transfusions at intervals of one month to prevent any ongoing damage.
- Children’s head IEG examination should be done regularly to assess the eyes and assess the risk of stroke.
- New drug: New drugs are being researched for victims of sickle cell anemia. Some of these work by interfering with hemoglobin diseases. Other cells try to prevent them from sticking to the walls of blood vessels while other embryos increase hemoglobin levels.
Ayurvedic treatment by CAC
1. Detox Premium Powder
These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parvalpishti, Shukta, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shvetparpati that gives calming effect on the stomach.
- Shankh bhasma: This ayurvedic bhasma is prepared from conch shell. The bhasma shows antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antacid, digestive stimulant properties. The problems like indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, etc are easily treated with it.
- Sutshekhar ras: It is an ayurvedic preparation that maintains pitta dosha in the body. This ras provides effective results in abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, fever, headache, epigastric tenderness, etc.
- Parval pishti: This pishti is prepared from coral calcium processed in rose water. It provides effective results in acidity, burning sensation, headache, etc.
- Shukta pishti: This pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body and removes all toxins from the body.
- Giloy satv: Giloy satv possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, immunomodulator, etc properties. It eliminates the ama from body hence provide good results in acidity problem.
- Kamdudha ras: This ras reduces heat, burning sensation, epigastrium tenderness, irritability, heartburn, and acidity.
- Shwet parpati: It is also effective in acidity.
- Recommended Dosage: Take one sachet twice daily.
2. Platfer Tablet:
Platfer Tablet Boosts platelet count and reverse the thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) associated with dengue. It decreases the peripheral platelet destruction and strengthens the host immune system. Platfer tablets also helps reduce fever (antipyretic property) and protect the liver (hepatoprotective property). This herbal combination is prepared from herbs like Papaya (Carica papaya) and Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) which increases the platelet counts naturally. It provides good and effective results for patients. It increases the physical and mental strength of a person and builds up immunity.
- Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
3. Blood Purifier:
Blood Purifier Syrup is 100% natural & safe prepared from various extracts of herbs. The herbs used for formulation of this syrup shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and immuno-modulator properties. It is best known for purifying the blood. It helps in eliminating the toxins from blood that cause acne and blemishes. It’s a perfect herbal remedy for skin diseases like acne vulgaris, boils, skin rashes, blemishes, urticaria, and nose bleeding.
- Recommended Dosage: Take 2 Teaspoon twice daily.
4. Noni capsules
These are herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. Noni is a fruit found mainly in South India which contains many health benefits. Noni fruit is known for its high level of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C and various other minerals which help to Strengthen the immune system. People suffering from Respiratory problems may benefit from this. Noni Capsules promotes immunity, Arthritis relief, circulation of blood, energy and digestive health. It contains standard extract of Morinda Citrifo. Noni capsules have anti inflamatory properties that help reduce inflammation of the body.
- Recommended Dosage: Take one capsule twice daily.
5. Makar Rasayan
It is pure herbal formulation of CAC. Makar Rasayan tablet help in balancing all the three doshas. It helps to rejuvenate body tissues and act as an immuno modulator. It helps in proper blood circulation. It prevents the skin from dryness. It contains natural ingredients like Shudha kuchla, Guduchi satva,
Shudha shilajeet, Abhrak bhasma, Ras sindoor, Moonga bhasma, Shankh bhasma, Praval pishti etc. Herbs and minerals used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, analgesicand immuno modulator properties.
Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Sickle Cell Anemia
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Saffron in Hindi has been described as very important in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, consuming saffron is very beneficial for young children to adults. The use of saffron not only brings many benefits to your body, but it also prevents many diseases from occurring. It also helps in curing the disease.
You may have heard and read the name of saffron (kesar) many times, but perhaps you will not be fully aware of the advantages inside saffron. In such a situation, you will not be able to take full advantage of saffron. So let us tell you how beneficial it can be to use saffron.
What is Kesar or Saffron?
Saffron plant is small in size. Saffron is used in various medicines, and food items. The saffron plant survives for many years. Under its root, there is a nodulus bulbous like onion. Its leaves are as tall as grass, and thin. Saffron flowers are blue, purple, red-orange in color. The stigma of the dried pistil of the flower is called saffron. Three types of saffron have been described in Ayurveda. The qualities of all are different which are: –
1.Kashmirj Saffron
Kashmiri saffron is red in color. This saffron is made up of fine fibers. It has a lotus-like smell. It is considered to be the best in all the three categories of saffron.
2.Liquid Saffron
It is saffron of the country of Balakh-Bukhara. It is finely fibrous, and frosted. Its smell is like honey. This saffron is considered to be inferior to Kashmiri saffron.
3.Parsikas-Paras Saffron
It is saffron of Iran. It is grossly fibrous, light yellow in color, and has a honey-like odor. This saffron is also said to be of lesser quality than Kashmiri saffron.
Name of Kesar in Different Languages
The botanical name of saffron is Crocus sativus Linn., Syn-Crocus officinalis (Linn.) Honck. Saffron is also known by many names throughout the world. Its different names are:
Kesar (saffron) in-
- Hindi – Saffron, Saffron, Zafran
- Urdu-Japran
- English – Crocus, Saffron crocus, Saffron
- Sanskrit-kunkum, saffron, penetrated, blood, kashmirj, bahliq
- Kannada-Kunkumakesari
- Kashmir-Kong (Kong)
- Gujarati-keshar
- Tamil – kungumapu
- Telugu-Kunkumapuvu (Kunkumapuvu)
- Bengali-Japran
- Punjabi-keshal
- Marathi-Kesar
- Malayalam-Kesaram
- Nepali-Keshar (Keshar)
- Arabic-Jafran, Zahafaran, Kurkum
- Persian-Karkimasa, Larkimasa, Jafraan
Nutritious elements of saffron per 100 grams calories 310, total fat 6 grams, 9% saturated fat 1.6 grams 8% polyunsaturated fat 2.1 grams monounsaturated fat 0.4 grams cholesterol 0 mg 0% sodium 148 mg 6% potassium 1,724 mg 49% total carbohydrate 65 grams 21% dietary fiber 3.9 grams 15% protein 11 grams 22% vitamin A 10% vitamin C 134% calcium 11% iron 61% vitamin D 0% vitamin B6 50% magnesium 66% saffron intake Only 1 to 3 grams should be consumed. Consuming more than this increases the risk of many serious diseases.
- Consuming limited amount of saffron gives relief to women in period pain and leukemia.
- If you have any problem of sleeplessness at night, that is insomnia, then take a limited amount of saffron.
- Mixing saffron in a face mask or face pack and applying it on the face enhances the skin color. In addition, by consuming saffron milk of a pregnant woman during pregnancy, the color of the baby is also clear.
- Saffron serves as a panacea for young children. For this, mix baby saffron in milk and give saffron. Also, light saffron rubbing on the chest provides relief.
- Crocetin found in saffron increases oxygenation in the brain making it much easier to treat arthritis, a special variety of saffron provides relief in arthritis or gout.
- According to research on saffron, the risk of cancer from saffron can also be prevented. An element called crocin is found in saffron. Which prevents the colorectal cell responsible for cancer from growing. Not only this, the element Crocin reduces the risk of skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and leukemia.
- Saffron has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. Which makes our body’s digestive system strong by removing peptic ulcer and ulcerative colitis. Which gives benefit in digestive diseases.
- Saffron acts as a lifesaving for pregnant women. Its limited intake helps in reducing spasm, gas and swelling of the extremities. Also relieves depression and anxiety.
- It is common to have eye problems today. In this case, consuming limited amount of saffron increases the eyesight. Along with this, one gets relief in serious illness like cataract.
- Anti-oxidant elements are found in abundance in saffron, which is gradually reduced by increasing the age of aging as a face mask or face cream. Applying a pinch of saffron mixed with raw papaya makes the skin of the face clean and soft.
Disadvantages of Saffron
Consumption or consumption of saffron daily increases the risk of jaundice and food poisoning. Because the saffron effect is hot. Excess intake leads to rapid increase in body temperature. Due to which the digestive system gets damaged. In addition, excessive use of saffron can be fatal for elderly patients and pregnant women struggling with liver, kidney and bone marrow disease.
Benefits of Kesar for Heart Disease
Heart disease is considered a very serious disease. Thousands of people worldwide suffer from heart disorders, and they are also prone to risk their lives. Saffron can also be beneficial for these people. Mix saffron with other medicines that make the heart healthy. It is beneficial in heart disease.
For liver health
Liver metastasis is a cancerous tumor. It starts from any place in the body and spreads to the liver. It is also called secondary liver cancer. In addition, another research found that saffron may reduce the risk of hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity) by various actions. These include actions such as controlling antioxidant enzymes and improving liver damage.
Benefits of Saffron for immunity and energy
The carotenoids present in saffron can positively improve the immune system. One study has found that saffron is enriched with carotenoids and may affect carotenoid immunity. 100 mg of saffron daily may be helpful for temporary immunomodulatory activity without any harmful effects. At the same time, it can also be consumed for energy in the body, because it contains good amount of calories.
Properties of Saffron for Wound Healing
Saffron can also be used to heal wounds. it has been found that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidants present in saffron may be helpful in rapidly healing burns.
Benefits of eating saffron as an aphrodisiac
Saffron can improve the sex life of humans. According to a scientific research, saffron can help improve sexual health of men. Research has suggested that saffron extracts and croquetin present in it may be effective as aphrodisiacs.
In addition, the antioxidant properties found in saffron may positively impact sperm quality and motility in men. At the same time, croquetin present in saffron can reverse the damage to the male reproductive system using nicotine.
Useful Parts of Kesar
Saffron is mainly used in two ways, which are: –
- Stamen
- Stigma
How to consume saffron?
You can consume saffron in this quantity: –
Quantity – 0.5 – 1 gram
You can take full advantage of saffron, so please consult a doctor before using saffron.
Atopic Dermatitis
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Atopic dermatitis (Eczema) is a skin allergy in which the immune system becomes extremely sensitive. The skin gets allergic to even the smallest thing in it. Skin irritation, stretchiness and red marks appear. This infection is also more likely to occur on the face, inside the elbow and behind the knee. Atopic dermatitis can occur at any age.
Atopic dermatitis is one among chronic diseases that affects the skin. The word “dermatitis” means inflammation of the dermis. “Atopic “refers to Diseases that are hereditary, tend to run in families, and often occur together. Atopic dermatitis and hereditary eczema are interchangeable Terms for an inflammatory condition of the skin Characterized by erythema, pruritus, scaling, and papule-vesicles. Atopic dermatitis is a distinct condition in persons who are genetically predisposed to developing immunoglobulin-E (IgE) mediated hypersensitivity reactions. It is characterized by severe itching, followed by scratching and the subsequent creation of a rash. The classic triad of atopic includes eczema, asthma, and allergies. A wide range of environmental factors, such as contact allergens, stress, food, skin flora, and humidity, play roles in the development and severity of atopic dermatitis.
How common is atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis is a very common disease and can occur in people of any age, but it is most likely to occur in children. By understanding its causes, you can prevent this disease by controlling it. See your nearest doctor for more information.
It may cause the following symptoms. Like-
- There will be more itching or burning at the affected area at night.
- Brown and red colored spots on feet, hands, wrists, throat, chest and face.
- You may have pimples on your face, which, when teased, will cause pus.
- Thick, rough and hard skin can also be seen.
- You will feel uncomfortable on itching, which will make the skin more sensitive and increase the chance of infection.
When to see your doctor?
- Feeling of discomfort (e.g. sleepiness and lack of mind in their daily activities.)
- Feeling pain in parts of the skin.
- Skin infection (skin eruptions or yellowing, if it is understood in normal language, the skin becomes lifeless)
- If home remedies and common medicines are not reducing your problem, then see a health expert as soon as possible.
- If there is any kind of disorder in the eyesight due to the condition of the skin or if there is difficulty in seeing, please inform the doctor as soon as possible.
The real cause of atopic dermatitis has not yet been ascertained, the possibility of eczema may be more due to these symptoms:
- Skin irritation due to which the skin will not be able to do protection work and the chances of infection will increase.
- Changes in genes can also result in atopic dermatitis.
- Atopic dermatitis can also occur due to disturbances in the immune system.
- Staphylococcus Bacteria can also cause atopic dermatitis.
- Atopic dermatitis can also occur due to temperature or any other natural condition.
What are the risks of atopic dermatitis?
The following physical problems may occur if there is atopic dermatitis. Like-
- If someone in your family is having eczema then you may have eczema.
- If you work in treatment related to dermatitis, then there may be a possibility of infection.
- Even if you live in the city, you can get this disease.
- Even if you send a child to child care, this disease can happen because your child may be more sensitive than necessary.
- If you have Hyperactivity disorder / ADHD.
- Children are at risk of high fever due to atopic dermatitis.
- Sometimes, children may have asthma due to eczema.
- There may be excessive itching on the skin, due to which there is a possibility of bleeding from the skin.
- In some children, the risk of infection is greatly increased due to atopic dermatitis.
- Sleeplessness can also be a problem due to itching on the skin.
How can atopic dermatitis be investigated?
No lab test is required for this testing. Depth of the condition and disease can be detected only by looking at your skin and medical history. Sometimes, doctors can also get a patch test done so that diseases with eczema can be detected.
Criteria that enable a doctor to diagnose it include the typical appearance and distribution of the rash in a patient with a personal or family history of asthma and/or hay fever.
Ayurvedic view in Atopic dermatitis
Vicharchika (Eczema) is a type of kshudrakustha often encountered by Ayurvedic Dermatologists characterized with symptoms, namely, kandu (itching), srava (discharge), Pidaka (vesicles), and Shyava varna (discoloration). Vicharchika is often correlated to eczema based on the clinical presentations. No satisfactory treatment is available in contemporary medical practice except antihistamines and topical steroids. Main line of treatment for vicharchika in Ayurveda is Shodhana and shaman aushadhis. A patient approached to outpatient department with chief complaints of discharge, edema, and erythematous skin lesions with intense itching at the ankles and dorsum of both foot, dorsal aspect of the hands, and on cheeks was treated with Virechana and few Agada preparations.
Eczema care kit
Detox Premium Powder:
The eczema sachet consists of various herbo-mineral preparations in it.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti is prepared from natural coral calcium processed with rose water. It reduces the inflammation in the eczema patients.
Shukta Pishti: It contains pearl oyster shell calcium processed in different ways. This Pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The antioxidant nature of this herb removes all toxins out from the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: The main ingredient in this is purified sulphur that acts as a blood purifier. This rasayana deal with all signs and symptoms related to eczema.
Tal Sindoor: It is an herbal medicine that contains ingredients like Shuddha parade, Gandhak, Shuddha haratal, and Aloe vera that treat various skin diseases.
Sudhyog Tab: These are herbal tablets that provide very effective result in eczema patients.
Moti Pishti: This is an ayurvedic preparation that shows anti-inflammatory properties. As it reduces inflammation in eczema patients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
Blood Purifier Syrup:
The herbal syrup is prepared from herbs like Khadir Chall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Harad (Terminalia bellirica), Baheda (Terminalia chebula), & Amla (Emblica officinalis) that acts as a natural blood purifier. This herbal syrup reduces redness, itchiness, swelling on the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
Panchtikat Ghrit Guggul:
This herbal preparation contain ingredients like Neem (Azadirachta indica), Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Patha (Cissampelos pariera), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), etc that relieves all skin diseases. It balances Pitta & Kapha dosha in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
Twak churna:
Twak Churna balances all the three doshas of your body. It help reduce symptoms of various skin diseases like ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, cure FRECKLES, and other skin allergies. It help reduce Pigmentation of skin, MELASMA over face and Acne along with Urticaria, Cellulites and all kinds of Dermatitis. It contain ingredients like Yashtimadhu and Manjishtha that possess antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with normal water.
Neembadi tablet:
Neem tablet is pure Ayurvedic formulation. It is prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars, etc. Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients. It is such a wonderful herb that is easily available and shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, Antifungal, Antiseptic properties. Neem cleanses the pores and protects the skin from various infections, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leprosy, Skin ulcers.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In India, it is found in the tropical Himalayas at an altitude of 2100-3600 m in Kashmir and 2700-4200 m in Sikkim. It is a small, medium sized, deciduous tree up to 12-15 m tall. Its stem is white in color and the end skin is pink in color, thin like paper, which is easily separated from the stem. Its leaves are yellow in color and sticky in the new state. Its flowers are attached to the petals. The bark of this tree is called Bhojpatra. It is similar to paper or dried banana leaves. In ancient times when paper was not available, it was used for writing in place of paper. The manuscripts written on it are preserved for years.
Ayurvedic properties and effects
Bhojpatra is bitter, astringent, hot, short, tridoshasamak, balakarak, diet, ear disease, leprosy, leprosy, poison, colic, hemoptysis, leprosy, meh, pandu, white, worm and ulcer killer.
Its stem is fragrant, astringent, antibacterial, antiseptic, expectorant, antiseptic, antipyretic and hemostatic.
The stem skin font exhibits aerating properties.
Botanical name: Betula utilis D.Don (Betula utilis) Syn-Betula bhojpattra Wall.
Family : Betulaceae
English name: Himalayan silver birch
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- kashya
Guna- laghu
Virya- ushna
Vipaka- katu
Effect of Dosha
It will balance all the three dosha
Names in other languages
Sanskrit-Bhurjapatra, Bhurja, Chami, Mridutvach, Bahuvalkal, Sucharma, Chhadapatra, Valkadrum, Bhurjapatrak, Chitratvak, Bindupatra, Rakshapatra, Vichitrak, Bhootaghna, Mridupatra, Mriducharmi Polyhedral, soft;
Hindi-Bhojpatra, Bhujpatra, Bhojpatra;
Uttarakhand-Bhojpattar, Bhuj;
Telugu-Bhojpatramu, Bhujpatri;
Punjabi-Bhuj, Burj;
English-Indian paper birch, Jacquemen tree.
Medicinal Uses
- Burning of the ear by making the decoction of the bony leaf scandal, eradication of ear bruising and coarctation.
- Make a decoction of the bark of Afra-Bhojpatra by drinking 10-15 ml of it, there is benefit in Aadhaman, Kamala and Pitta-pathogenic fever.
- Leprosy-bark tree tree knot, garlic, shirishtvak, Vacha, Guggulu and horseradish powder mixed with mustard oil and apply on leprosy.
- Grind liquor like manshila, bhurjagranthi, kutaj etc. and apply in leprosy.
- Grinding gland eryspar-Balamool, Nagbala, Haritaki, Bhojpatra tree knot, Bahera, genealogy and Agnimantha and applying it on gland erysipa is beneficial.
- Grinding the knot, kasis, threesomes and guggulu of the bhojapatra tree and applying it on the wound heals quickly.
- Incense of barley, melted butter, balsam, madanphal, gandhviroja and cedar are beneficial in secretion and pain related gout.
- Washing the wound with ulceration scars quickly heals the wound quickly.
- Consuming a font (10-20 ml) made from Yoshapasmar scandal is beneficial in Yoshapasmaar.
- Balgraha – Yellow mustard, Neem Patra, Arkamool, Vacha and Bhojpatra mixed with melted butter and give incense, all types of Balagraha are peaceful.
- Application: bark, bhurjagranthi (tree knot).
Quantity: decoction of 10-15 ml or as per doctor’s consultation.
- November 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Introduction to Taleespatra
Very few people have heard the name of Talisapatradi. By the way, the description of the Talispatra is found in many ancient Ayurvedic codes and nigantas. Charaka Samhita mentions the use of Talisadi powder and Vati for the treatment of tuberculosis. The Talispatra is also mentioned in the Sushruta-Samhita. Therefore, it has been used as a medicine in Ayurveda for a long time based on the virtues of the Talispatra. But it should not be taken without consulting the doctor, because excessive consumption can cause dizziness or vomiting. So let’s take correct and detailed information about the advantages and disadvantages of Talispatra.
What is a tally sheet? (What is Taleespatra?)
The talisheet is sweet, warm, and spicy. Talisheet not only helps in reducing phlegm and gout, but also increases interest in food. It is also useful in helping in the treatment of cough, hiccups, respiratory problems, vomiting, blood defects, in addition to increase the desire to have vaginalization or sex.
In fact there is a lot of difference in the subject of the Talishad. The following three plants are described in the name of Tali Patra –
Abies webbiana – It is used in Bengal. It is also commonly found in the market in the name of Talispatra.
Taxus baccata – It is used in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Rhododendron anthopogon – In Punjab its leaf is used as Talispatra.
It is 50-60 m tall, ornate and hard or strong tree. The circumference of its stem is about 4 m. Its apex is cylindrical, branches-flattened and spreading. The bark is white or gray in color. Its leaves are divided into two parts, about 2.5 to 5 cm in length, of different length, living for 8-10 years, flattened, about 2 mm in diameter or diameter, pointed, dark green and shiny. When the leaves dry, a special smell comes in them.
Its fruits are cone-shaped, pointed, straight, elliptical, blue in new state, and turn brown when they become old. The seeds are 1.25–2.5 cm long, broad, elliptical or oblong, angular. The talishadra flourishes in the months of November to June.
The following species are used in medicine in addition to the talisheet mentioned so far. This species has lesser qualities than Taleesh.
Abies densa Griff. (Waterproof talisheet) – It is a tall tree which looks like talisha. Its leaves are bright, green and the front part is like a talisman. This plant is of lesser qualities than Taleesh Patra, its letters are adulterated in Taleesh Patra.
Name of Taleesh Patra in other languages (Name of Taleespatra in Different Languages)
Botanical name of Talish Patra Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Mirb. (Abyss spectabilis) Syn-Abies webbiana (Wall. Ex D.Don) is Lindl. The talisman letter is of Pinaceae (Pinesae) clan. The Talish Patra is called East Himalayan Silver Fir (East Himalayan Silver Panther) in English. But the Talish Patra is called by other names in various provinces of India, such as-
Taleespatra in-
Sanskrit-patradhya, dhatripatra, shukodar, talishpatra, talish, talishpatra;
Hindi- Telegraph; Telegraph; Uttarakhand-Ragha, Raisalla;
Kannada– Talispatri;
Gujrati-Talispatra (Talispatra);
Tamil-Talispatri (Talispatri);
Nepali-Gobaresalla (Gobresalla);
Telegu-talispatri (Talispatri);
Malayalam– Talispatram (Talispatram);
English- Himalayan fir;
Arbi-Talispanar (Talisfar);
Taleespatra Benefits and Uses
Thaleesapathradi choornam is considered to be beneficial in terms of medicinal use. The talisheet also helps in treating common illnesses such as colds and coughs, as well as in the treatment of complex illnesses such as epilepsy, hepatitis (bleeding from organs like the nose and ears). Let us know in which diseases the talisheet is used.
Talispatra Benefits in Headache in Hindi Nowadays, headaches due to work pressure or due to stress have become a lot like nature. If you are troubled by a headache, then grind the Taleesh Patra and apply it on the forehead, it reduces headaches.
Talisapatradi Churna Relieve from Cough
The weather does not change, cold, cough, fever starts. If you have the same problem, then you can use Talaishpatra in this way-
Taking 3-5 grams of talisapatradi churnam increases appetite and benefits in diseases like cough, flatulence, loss of appetite, heart diseases etc.
Taking 2-4 grams of talisadi churna in Hindi is beneficial in cough, shortness of breath, fever, vomiting, diarrhea or diarrhea, flatulence, Irritable bowel syndrome etc. This powder is both beneficial and digestive.
– Talisadi churna powder is also beneficial in relieving cough (talisapatradi churna benefits). Mixing honey or ginger-juice in 2-4 grams of Talish Patra Churna cures cough and provides relief in indigestion problems.
Taking 2-4 grams talisadi powder with lukewarm water is beneficial in whooping cough.
– Grind thaleesapathradi choornam and apply it on the chest, it also cures phlegm disease.
Benefits of Talisapatradi in Tuberculosis
Talisheet powder is very beneficial in relieving the symptoms of tuberculosis or TB (talisapatradi churna benefits).
– Mixing 10 ml juice of Malabar leaf in 2-4 gram talishadi churnam is beneficial in tuberculosis.
Talisapatradi to relieves flatulance in adhaman (flatulence)
The gift of the unbalanced lifestyle of today is also a disease. Disease of flatulence means if the stomach does not digest well, it causes gas. Due to which the patient belches, there is stomach discomfort etc. Consumption of talisheet helps in relieving flatulence.
– Eating 2 grams of celery powder in thaleesadi churnam is beneficial in aphorism.
Benefits of Talisapatradi Churna in Stomachalgia
If there is irregular lifestyle, then it directly affects the stomach. Often, stomach pain starts due to not digesting food properly. This problem is also with the Talisheet.
-2-4 grams of black salt mixed in talisadi churna in hindi, eating talisapatradi churna benefits.
Read more: Benefits of August in colic
Talisapatradi Churna Benefits for Diarrhoea
Often, eating spicy food or eating untimely or due to side effects of some disease causes diarrhea problem.
Eating 2 grams of Indrave in 2-4 grams of talisapatradi churnam has benefits in diarrhea or diarrhea (talisapatradi churna benefits).
Mix 2-4 grams of Talishpatra powder with syrup and drink, it provides relief in diarrhea or diarrhea.
Talisapatradi Churna for Epilepsy in beneficial epilepsy or epilepsy
Epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric disorder due to which the patient has frequent seizures. The talisapatradi churna benefits come in reducing the pain of epilepsy.
Mixing equal quantity of Vachch powder in Talaish Patra Churna (2-4 grams) and taking it with honey is beneficial in epilepsy or epilepsy.
Talisapatradi Churna to Fight Anorexia
Often, the desire to eat dies due to being ill for many days. The treatment of such problems is also with the Talisheet.
To increase interest in eating, make 500 mg tablets by mixing 2 grams of camphor, 20 grams of sugar and 4 grams of talisapatradi churna benefits. Sucking 1 tablet in the mouth in the morning and evening reduces the anorexia by sucking it.
Uses of Talisapatradi Churna to Treat Hemorrhage in beneficial blood loss (ear-nose bleeding disease)
Consuming talishadar churna or talishadi (2-3 grams) powder with vasa-juice and honey reduces the symptoms of phlegm and bile, cough, thrush, sore throat and pain in the blood.
Benefits of talispatra in the treatment of bronchitis (Taleespatra Benefits in Treatment of Bronchitis)
The phlegm has the ability to remove phlegm, so its use is beneficial in bronchitis. Symptoms of bronchitis are reduced within a few days after the consumption of Talisheet powder with honey.
Uses of Taleespatra in Treatment of Asthma
If you have asthma or respiratory problems, you can send a letter