Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Interstitial Cystitis
- November 10, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is Cystitis?
Interstitial Cystitis Ayurveda – In cystitis, there is a problem of swelling, redness and irritation in the bladder and urethra. Bladder infection is a disturbing condition. Burning problem occurs during urination. This condition is also called UTI. Bladder infection can be painful and painful. This problem also reaches the kidneys.
How common is Cystitis?
Cystitis can happen to anyone, but it is more common in women than men. Females have smaller urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. Sometimes cystitis can be chronic (a recurring condition) and it becomes difficult to treat. If you pay attention to the risk of the disease then it can be managed. Please discuss with your doctor for more information.
Symptoms of cystitis
- Pain and burning sensation while urinating
- Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen
- Smell in Urine
- Blood in urine
- Need to go constantly to urinate
- Mild fever
When should I see my doctor?
If you are showing signs of kidney infection then you should contact your doctor.
- Aching back
- Chills and fever
- Vomiting
- Restlessness after taking medicine
- Recurrent infection
Contact your doctor immediately if you have frequent urination or have pain in the lower abdomen. You may have had a UTI problem before. Symptoms may vary if there are two problems.
Risks of cystitis
Some people are more likely to have a bladder infection. Women are more susceptible to this infection. This can be seen by combining it with physical anatomy. Females have smaller urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder.
The risk of UTI is higher in women who take birth control medicines.
In women who are undergoing monopause, hormone levels change. They are more prone to this infection.
Other risks in both men and women
- Interfere with urine flow. This condition can be caused by a stone in the bladder or, in men, an enlarged prostate.
- Changes in the immune system. Sometimes a condition can occur during diabetes, HIV infection or cancer treatment. A depressed immune system can cause such a situation. Viral infection may also occur in some cases.
- Prolonged use of bladder catheters may increase bacterial infection as well as damage to bladder tissue.
How is cystitis diagnosed?
If you are seeing symptoms of cystitis, talk to your doctor soon. After seeing your signs and symptoms, the doctor will do some tests like,
Urine analysis
For a suspected bladder infection, your doctor may ask for a urine sample to determine if your urine contains bacteria, blood, or pus. If so, he may request culture of urinary bacteria.
During this test, your doctor inserts a thin tube (with light and camera attached) through the urethra with the help of a cystoscope. Symptoms of infection are seen in urinary tract. During this time, the doctor may also remove a small piece of tissue for biopsy.
Imaging testing is not usually necessary
Interstitial Cystitis Ayurveda – According to Ayurveda, interstitial cystitis is caused due to the aggravation of the Vata and Pitta dosha (two of the three doshas). Vata governs all the movements in the body and mind. Vata is cold, mobile, subtle, light and dry in nature. Apana Vata is a sub-dosha of Vata which is mainly responsible for interstitial cystitis.
This subtype of Vata dosha, i.e. Apana Vata is mainly found in the lower pelvic region and controls the elimination of the urine, stool, menstrual blood, and reproductive fluids.
Pitta dosha is also involved in its causation which symbolizes fire or heat.
Interstitial Cystitis Ayurveda
Aggravated Vata dosha manifests as pain and aggravated Pitta dosha as a burning sensation. Imbalance or aggravation of these doshas results in accumulation of the toxins in the body which leads to pain, burning sensation, and frequent urination. In Ayurveda, interstitial cystitis is known as ‘Ushna Vata’.
Chandigarh Ayurved centre provides you the best natural and herbal remedy “INTERSTITIAL CARE (IC) care kit” which cures the disease in a natural way. It mainly affects the root cause of the disease and helps in curing the disease. The continuous use of this kit shows a proven result.
Liver Care Tablet
The Liver care tablet of CAC is a herbo mineral pure ayurvedic formulation. It mainly works in balancing pitta doshas. liver care tablet consists of ingredients like Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutaki(Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhumi amla( Phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinospora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc. Its main function is to improve the circulation of blood. it works against burning sensation of urine, removes urinary infection and other inflammatory conditions.
Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily with plain water after a meal.
UTI Care Tablet
It’s a 650 mg pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation. it treats the root cause of diseases without any side effects. Along with the UTI problem and interstitial cystitis it also treats problems related to kidney, urinary bladder, urethra and ureters. it consists of ingredients like Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare) -200 mg, Kalmi Shora (Potassium nitrate) -150 mg, Nuashadar (Ammonium chloride) -150 mg, Swarna Gairik (Red ochre) -150 mg. It removes the kidney stones, renal colic, painful micturition, hypertension, and burning sensation during the passage of urine. It has antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. Also useful in dysuria, pelvic pain, urine incontinence, foul odor, etc.
Dosage: take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meal.
Trikatu Syrup
Trikatu syrup is pure ayurvedic formulation comprises of mainly three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum). The main function of trikatu syrup is it removes excess of Kapha doshas and supports the respiratory system, help to reduce body weight, reduce infection and hence detoxifies the body. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It boosts metabolism and works in dysuria, painful micturition, and reduce inflammation of the kidney occurs due to any diseases. It is free from chemicals, additives, colors and fillers.
Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily before a meal.
Detox Premium Powder
It is purely a herbal formulation that helps to reduce inflammation and burning sensation caused due to UTI infection. It has an anti-inflammatory action. It also helps to remove toxins due to its antioxidant properties. It comprises of Moti Pishti, Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Tal Sindoor, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar. It has an antibacterial action and provides cooling and calming effect to the body.
Dosage: Take one sachet twice a day with normal plain water.
Sheet dhara
It is pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation which works on doshas of the body especially pitta doshas. It mainly consists of herbs like Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that provide a cooling effect and helps to reduce burning sensation during micturition. it also controls mood swings, bloating and nausea.
Dosage: Take 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of sheet dhara twice daily empty stomach.
Diet and Lifestyle Advice for Interstitial Cystitis Patient
Food to be avoided-
- Cheese and heavy cream
- Chocolates
- Ice creams
- Fat meats
- Deep fried foods
- Packaged drinks and alcohol
- Avoid sugary drinks and juices of citrus fruits.
Food that Can Be Taken-
- Fresh fruits and green vegetables (Spinach should not be taken/ Fenugreek can be taken)
- Nuts like almonds
- Green Sprouts
- Grilled fish
- Boiled Chicken
- Egg white
Cystitis Home Remedies
- Boil few leaves of Tulsi (Basil) for 15 minutes in a cup of water. Mix some honey in it and take this mixture two times a day. This helps to relieve symptoms of interstitial symptoms.
- Mix one cup of fresh yogurt with one teaspoon of Isabgol (Psyllium husks) and take it one hour after dinner.
Brihati: Badi Kateri
- November 10, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The creeper of the Indian Night Shade or badi kateri is often wrapped by trees and walls. There are two types of vines of big Kateri, and two white in one, and purple flowers bloom in the other. Vegetables of its fruits are also prepared and eaten. Generally, people consider large katari as a useless vine or plant, but this is not true. In fact, the body gets a lot of benefits from the consumption of big kateri, and big kateri also has many medicinal properties. Do you know that Badi Kateri is also a herb, and in diseases like Kapha Dosha, Menstrual Disorder, fever, use of Badi Kateri provides benefits (uses). Not only this, in the digestive system, urinary diseases, heart diseases, flatulence problems, etc., the medicinal properties of big Kateri provide benefits.
Brihati Badi Kateri benefits and side effects
In Ayurveda, very good things have been told about the quality of Bade Kateri, which is very important for you. You can take the benefits of medicinal properties of big Kateri in headache, respiratory disease, cough etc. You can also take benefit from big katari in leprosy, weakness, swelling. Let us know here one by one how many diseases are benefited from the consumption or use of big kateri, as well as know what can be the Indian Night Shade side effects.
What is a badi kateri?
The white-colored species in North India and the purple flower in South India are considered large. Violet flower species are more beneficial.
Big Kateri is also known as Brihatidvaya. Some scholars are made up of Brihatvidya, Brihati and Kantakari, and some scholars are of the opinion that Brihatidvaya is different and Kantakari is different. Many species of large are found. One of these is found in cold and humid places called Solanum torvum Swartz or White Brihati. Its curves are 2-3 meters high and similar to large. Its branches are short, straight and hairy. Its thorns are usually only 1 or 2 downward at the middle end. Its flowers are white in color.
Apart from this, the big Kateri in Kaidevnighantu is also known as Simhi, Brihati, Kantakari, Nidgdhika, Vallibharathi, Vrittrabhriti, Whitebhurti, Alambuffalabhurti, Amalbhruhati, Jalbhurthi and Sthalabhuti. In Dhanvantari Nighantu and Rajnighantu, the big Kateri has been written under the names Sarpattanu, Khataghani, Lakshmana, Bantaki, Whitebrihati, Vrintaki, Brihati and Kantakari.
In these too, Lakshmana is said to be different from whitewash. Solanum torvum Swartz is used in various places in the name of Brihati. Based on extensive research and experiments, we have concluded that the species mentioned above is Solanum anguivi Lam. He is the main master.
Here the information about the advantages and disadvantages of Badi Kateri is written in very easy language so that you can get full benefits from the medicinal properties of Badi Kateri.
Name of Brihati Badi Kateri (Indian Night Shade)
Botanical name of Big Kateri Solanum anguivi Lam. (Solanum anguvi) is Syn-Solanum indicum Linn and is of the Solanaceae (Solanaceae) family. Big Kateri is also known by these names in the country and abroad, which are: –
Brihati Badi Kateri in –
- English- Banbhanta, Banbhanta, Big harvesting, Big Kateri, Barhunta
- Sanskrit-vartaki, asterism, greatness, greatness, nationalism
- English-Indian Night Shade (Poison berry)
- Uttrakhand- Banbhatta (Banbhatta)
- Urdu-Junglivringan
- Assamese- Tidbaghuri
- Kannada-Kirigula
- Gujarati-Ubhi ringani
- Tamil- Julli (Mulli), Pappar mulli
- Telugu-Tella Mulaka, Chittimullaga
- Bengali– Vyakud, Vyakur
- Punjabi-Kandyari, Kantkari
- Marathi-Dorli (Dorali), Chinchurati vangi
- Malayalam-Cheruchunda
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- katu, tikta
Guna- laghu, ruksha
Virya- ushna
Vipaka- katu
Medicinal Properties of (Indian Night Shade) Brihati Badi Kateri
The ayurvedic qualities-actions and effects of big kateri are: –
Big Kateri is very bitter, thick, sweet, warm, short, rough, kafwatshamak. It has grahi, heart, digestive, dipan, beneficial, pittaraka, clairvoyant, gourd, inflammatory, badi kateri benefits and uses. Also large cutter brines, bracing; Meningitis, uncharacteristic, leprosy, fever, breathing, colic, cough, esophagus, gout, atrophy, soreness, angina, atrophy, venereal disease, medullary abscess, heart disease, vomiting, worm, heart disease, ophthalmology, itching, diuresis and dementia.
Its fruits are bitter, thick, small and kaphawatshamak; There are itching, leprosy and anthelmintic. Its plant is vatanulomak, kafnisarak, digestive, soft-analgesic, diaphoretic, stimulant, columnar, palliative, emmenagogue, antipyretic, agnatic, purifier and diuretic. The big root is bitter, thick, hot, digestive, astringent and vermin.
Brihati Badi Kateri Benefits and Uses
The medicinal properties of big Kateri, quantity and methods of use are: –
Benefits of Indian Night Shade to Treat Baldness
Mix honey in the juice of Brihati (big Kateri) and apply it on the head. It provides benefit in baldness problem.
Mix castor oil and honey in the powder of big Kateri fruit and apply it on the head. It provides benefit in baldness problem.
Grind large katari leaves and make a paste. Applying it on the scalp cures baldness.
Indian Night Shade Benefits for Ear Infection
Light a large bowl. Put its smoke in the ear. This cures ear infection.
Benefits of big Kateri in eye diseases
Take out the seeds of ripe Brihati (big Kateri) fruits. Take Pippali and Sources with it. Grind it fine for seven days giving the feeling of bijoura lemon juice. Applying it like kajal in the eyes has benefits in the disease of the eyes (badi kateri benefits and uses).
Indian Night Shade Benefits for Sinus Treatment
Grind the root of big Kateri and apply it on the nose. It is beneficial in sinus disease.
Benefits of consuming big kateri in digestive system disorder
Boil the soft fruit of Brihati in a little water. Mixing buttermilk in it and eating it is beneficial in digestive system disorder.
Benefits of consuming big Kateri in cough
Take equal amount of Pippali, Padmakastha, Lac (Laksha). Along with this, mix equal quantity of honey in the powder of big Kateri fruit. Add half the ghee to it. Lick 1-2 grams of this daily. This cures TB cough (badi kateri benefits and uses).
Make a decoction of big kateri. Cough is cured by mixing 1-2 grams of Pippali powder in 25-50 ml decoction.
Benefits of consuming large katari in dysentery
Drinking 1-2 grams of large root paste with whey cures dysentery. For better remedy, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
Benefits of Brihati Badi Kateri for Increasing Appetite
Toast large (big cutter) fruit in ghee and put it in buttermilk. Lack of hunger ends by eating it.
Benefits of consuming big Kateri in vomiting
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice in the juice of 5 ml large leaves. Vomiting stops by taking it.
Benefits of Brihati Badi Kateri for Piles Treatment
Boil the fruits of big kateri in the alkali water of taroi. Fry it in ghee and mix jaggery. Drinking it with buttermilk is beneficial in piles.
Brihati Badi Kateri Benefits for Abdominal Bugs Treatment
Dry 1 gram of large flowers in shade. Make a powder of it. Taking one gram powder mixed with honey kills stomach worms.
The medicinal properties of big kateri in kidney stones
Take the root of Gokshur, root of Talmakhana, root of castor. With this, take equal quantity of root of small and big cutlery. Grind them with milk and make a paste. Taking 1-2 grams of paste for seven days breaks the stones and comes out.
Indian Night Shade Uses to Treat Urinary Disease
Make powder of big kateri, small kateri, patha, mulethi and kutaj seeds. Add 2-4 grams of powder to it and take honey. It is beneficial in urinary diseases.
Benefits of Indian Night Shade to Treat Itching
Grind the leaves and fruits of Brihati (big Kateri). Itching is cured by adding sugar to it.
Badi Kateri Benefits in Fighting with Fever
Take big Kateri, Patol leaves, Harada, Behera, Amla, Turmeric, Motha, Kutki. Along with this, take lemon bark and cedar. Make the decoction by taking the same amount. Taking 10-30 ml of this medicine cures fever.
Benefits of Bare Kateri (Indian Night Shade) to Treat Typhoid
If the patient of typhite starts to faint then mix 2 grams of fruit powder of big kateri with 1 gram of Pippali and 1 gram of dry ginger powder. Taking this powder by nose is beneficial in typhoid.
Benefits of big Kateri in stomach disease
Tie a thread on the fruits of Brihati (big Kateri). Fill these fruits in the bowl. Now dry the goat feces. Burn the stool and place the fruit bowl on the burning fire. Burn the fruit and make it ash. Stomach diseases are cured by applying this ash mixed with oil.
Beneficial Part of Brihati Badi Kateri (Indian Night Shade)
These parts of big kateri are used: –
- The root
- The fruit
- flower
- Leaves
- seed
How to use big cutlery?
Large quantities of Kateri should be used in:
- Powder 1-2 grams
- Brew – 10-20
Brihati Badi Kateri Side (Indian Night Shade) Effects
Here the information about the advantages and disadvantages of big kateri is written in very easy language (Indian Night Shade benefits and side effects in Hindi) so that you can get the full benefit from the medicinal properties of big kateri, but big kateri for any disease. Be sure to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before consuming or using big kateri.
- November 10, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
You have hardly heard the name of Dhatki. If you have not heard, then surely you will not know about the benefits and side effects of Dhatki. Dhatki is a very good medicine. According to Ayurveda, there are benefits of Dhatki in treating many diseases. You can take benefit from the metal in diseases like bone disease, ulcers, fever, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Many types of medicines are made from the plant of Dhatki. It is such an important plant that Dhatki flower is used in almost all Ayurvedic extracts or juices. Dhatki has been used for many years for research and other activities (dhataki ayurveda).
What is Dhatki?
The dhataki plant is of medium height. It has an average elevation of about 3.6 meters. It is rich in medicinal properties. Its root, stem bark, vine, leaf, flower, fruit etc. are all beneficial. Dhatki treats various diseases. Dhatki plants are filled with flowers every year from January to April. At the same time, its leaves fall. New leaves come in its plants between February and March. Dhatki flowers are bitter in taste, cold in effect and small in size. Dhataki flowers (dhataki pushpa) are helpful in attaching bones.
Dhatki Called in Different Languages
Dhatki is the Dhatki plant of the Lythraceae family. Its botanical (scientific) name is Woodfordia fruticosa (Linn.) Kurz. In botany it is also known as Syn-Woodfordia floribunda Salisb. In English, it is known as Fire-flame bush, Red bell bush etc.
What are its names in other languages: –
English – Red bell bush Fire-flame bush (Fire-flame bush)
Sanskrit – Dhatki, Dhatupushpi, Tamrapushpi, Kunjara, Subhiksha, Bahupushpi, Vahnijwala
Oriya – Jaliko (Jaliko); Kannada-Daathakee, Bela
Gujarati – Dhavani, Dhavdi (Dhavdi)
Telugu – Seringi, Errapurvu
Tamil – Dhathari Jargi, Vellakkai
Bengali – Dhaiful
Nepali – Dahiri, Dhayaro, Dahahari
Punjabi – Dha (Dha)
Marathi – Dhayatti, Dhaavas
Malayalam – Tatiri, Tatirippu
Dhataki Benefits and Use
Benefits of Dhatki in eye diseases
Dhatki is a very effective medicine for the eyes. Make a fine powder by grinding its flowers and dark essence. Mix this powder with milk and honey and consume it. This removes weakness of the eyes. Dhatki proves beneficial in the problem of lifting the eyelid due to phlegm etc.
Benefits of Dhatki in dental disease
Make equal amount of decoction by taking equal proportion of both the leaves and flowers of the metal. It is beneficial in all types of teeth diseases by rubbing it (garra) stuck in the throat.
For Infant’s Teeth Pain
When the teeth of young children come out, children often get pain. In this case, grind Indian gooseberry, Pippali and Dhataki Pushpa, in equal quantity and grind them finely. Mix honey in 1 gram of this powder and massage it on children’s gums every morning and evening. By doing this, the pain caused by tooth eruption is removed. Teeth are easily removed.
Red Bell Bush Benefits for Abdominal Bugs)
If insects have occurred in the stomach, help of Dhatki can be taken. Drink 3 grams powder of its fruit with fresh water on an empty stomach in the morning for a few consecutive days. This causes the stomach worms to die
In the condition of diarrhea (Diarrhoea), take two spoons of honey or one cup of buttermilk in one teaspoon of powder. It is very beneficial in diarrhea and dysentery.
Those who have to go to the toilet again and again, they must take this divine medicine.
Grind dry ginger, dhatki flowers, mocharas and celery. Take 1-3 grams of this mixed powder with buttermilk. It is beneficial in both diarrhea and dysentery.
Dhatki benefits to stop dysentery
For the treatment of dysentery, boil 10 grams of Dhatki in about 400 ml of water. Stop boiling once a quarter of the water is left. Drink this decoction on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 hour before meals in the evening. Eat easily digested food while using the drug. Do not eat milk and ghee for some time. Its consumption will definitely benefit.
Take 1-3 grams powder of Dhatki flower with curd. This causes Red Bell Bush Benefits.
Grind dry ginger, dhatki flowers, mocharas and celery. 1 of this mixed powder
Benefits of Dhataki in Piles Treatment
Drinking sherbet of Dhatki flowers provides relief in piles. To stop bleeding due to bloody piles or any other reason, mix two teaspoons of honey in one teaspoon of powder of Dhatki flower. It should be consumed 2-3 times a day. Doing this stops bleeding, or gradually decreases.
Dhataki Benefits for Spleen related problems in spleen enlargement
Take 2-3 grams of powder of Dhatki flowers. Mix it with chitra root and turmeric powder. If any one of these is consumed with 50 grams of jaggery, it helps to overcome the problems associated with spleen disorders like enlargement of spleen and enlargement of spleen.
The medicinal properties of Dhatki beneficial in controlling diabetes (Mudhameha)
Diabetes is a disease that is reaching every household in general. For this, grind dhatki flowers, Pathani Lodhra and sandalwood in equal quantity. Take one spoon of this mixture with honey 3 times a day. Taking it regularly for a few weeks has benefits in diabetes or diabetes.
Dhataki Benefits for Pregnancy Related Issues
Dhatki can be helpful for women who are not getting pregnant even if other conditions are normal. Mix the powder of Dhatki flower and Neel Kamal powder in equal amounts. Take regular morning and evening with honey for 5 days from the beginning of menstruation. With this, the woman conceives. If the experiment is unsuccessful, it can be used again from the next menstrual day. The medicinal properties of Dhatki are beneficial in intestinal ulcers.
Blood comes from the intestines when there is an ulcer. Dhatki is beneficial in this disease. Use the powder of Dhatki flower with the bark of Lodhra. This gives a lot of relief in the ulcer .
Uses of Dhataki in Sinus Treatment in Sinus Wounds
When there is canker (sinus), mix the powder made with metal flour in linseed oil. Mix it with some honey and apply it to the sinus wound daily. Doing this provides quick relief.
Dhatki Uses for Burning Related Issue
Grind the flowers of Dhatki and mix it with linseed oil or honey and apply it on the burnt place. This also ends the burn scar later. Grinding its flowers in rose water and applying it on the body provides relief in burning sensation.
Red Bell Bush uses in Leprosy Treatment
Use the paste of dhatki flower as a paste and paste. It is beneficial in leprosy.
Apart from this, burn the Kateri and the flower of Bhayya and make it ash. Mixing mustard oil in it and applying it on leprosy is also beneficial.
Red Bell Bush Benefits in Fighting with Fever
Drink one spoon powder made of Dhatki flower with milk or water in the morning and evening. This cures fever caused by bile disorder. The medicinal properties of Dhatki are beneficial in bleeding (bleeding from the nose and ears).
Mix the same quantity of Dhatki flowers, fruits, sandalwood, Pathani Lodh, eternal root, Mahua, Nagarmotha and Haritaki. Crush this mixture and soak 30 grams of powder in about one liter of water. After this, soak about 5 grams of cooked soil in this water. Sieve the water after a while. Now soak the liquorice in it. Sieve the water when the liquorice becomes well soaked. Mixing sugar candy or sugar in it stops fasting rucks secretion. Make it fresh every day and consume it twice a day continuously for a few days.
Mixing one spoon juice of coach grass and one spoon powder of thyme flower also stops bleeding. Bleeding from anywhere, whether from hemorrhage or other hemorrhoids hemorrhage, using someday will be of complete benefit in stopping the bleeding. Consuming it continuously for three weeks is beneficial.
If there is bleeding from the nose, then the metal flower can help prevent it. Grind mocharas, Pathani Lodhra, mango kernels and manjith in its flower and mix it with sugar syrup. Drain and squeeze it with a cloth. Adding 1-2 drops of this juice to the nose stops the bleeding (Red Bell Bush uses).
Dhatki uses in Leucorrhea Treatment.
Dhatki is also beneficial for women suffering from leucorrhoea or leucorrhea. Take two spoons (about 3 grams) of powder made from Dhatki flower. Drink it with honey, water, yogurt or sugar candy on an empty stomach in the morning and an hour before a meal in the evening. It provides quick relief in leucorrhea or leucorrhoea.
Useful Parts of Dhatki (Red Bell Bush)
The following parts of Dhatki are used to make medicine: –
The root
The bark
The fruit
How to use Dhatki?
1-3 gram powder
Red Bell Bush (Dhatki) Side Effects
No harm is commonly known by the use of Dhatki. Keep in mind that here is a complete information about the benefits, uses and side effects of Dhatki so that you can get full benefits from Dhatki, but for any disease, taking Dhatki as a medicine Before taking any advice from an Ayurvedic doctor.
Where is Dhatki found or grown?
Dhataki plant is an easily found plant in most parts of India. However, it is found little or no in areas with water in South India and Bengal. It is easily available in all the rest of the country.
Tumbaru/ Tejohva
- November 10, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Tumbaru / is known by different names in different languages. In Ayurveda, it is called Tumbaru, Tikshafal, Mahamuni, Shulaghan, Andhak, Nepali coriander, Tejmal, Tejpal, Tejaphal, and in English it is called toothy tree. Its name in Latin is Xanthosylum ileatum or ermatum. This is a Rutaceae clan tree.
The Tumburu tree is found from the Himalayan hills, Uttaranchal to the hills of Nepal. It is also called Nepali coriander due to being found in Nepal.
Tumbaru is a small tree or thorny shrub. It is always a green tree. It has straight thorns on its branches and the leaves are trilateral. Fruits are long, round, and highly pointed. There is a seed in the fruit which looks like coriander (it has no relation with coriander).
The fruit of Tumburu is sweet, bitter and the seeds are fragrant. It is a medicinal tree and leaves, bark, seeds, and thorns are used by people as medicine. The main use of its seeds is nowadays for the care of teeth. To make dentistry, the powder of its seeds is used. The teeth are cleaned by using its soft twig like a toothbrush. Massaging the gum with the powder of its bark is beneficial in bleeding gums, pyorrhea etc.
Common names / Synonyms
Latin name: Zanthoxylum alatum, Zanthoxylum armatum DC., Zanthoxylum planispinum Siebold & Zucc
Sanskrit: Tumburu, Tejovati (Bark), Tejovali, Tejohva, Tejbatee
Assamese: Tejovati
Bengali: Tejovati, Nepali Dhania, Gaira
English: Tooth ache tree, Nepal Pepper
Gujarati: Tejbal
Garhwal: Tezbal, Tezmal
Hindi: Tejbal, Nepali Coriander, Timura, Darmar
Kannada: Tejapatri, Tumburu, Tejovanti
Malayalam: Thumboonal, Thumbooni
Marathi: Tejbal, Tejobalee
Oriya: Tejbal
Punjabi: Tirmira, Tundopoda
Tamil: Thejyovathi
Telugu: Tumburl
Urdu: Kabab-e-Khanda (Miswak) Kababeh
Greek: Faaghir, Kabaab-e-Khandaan
Arabic: Fagrieh Faghireh
Ayurvedic properties and functions
The fruits and seeds of Tumbaru are hot in Taseer and their internal use brings sweat. They reduce gout from the body, but increase bile. It is an antidote, appetite enhancer, anthelmintic, and stimulant.
Ras (taste on tongue): bitter, hard
Properties (Pharmacological action): Small / mild, pungent, harsh
Virya (Strength): Heated
Vipak (altered state after digestion): bitter
Karma: Sweet, Bitter, Hot, Digestive, Deepan, Recipient, Air purifier, Aps enhancer, Worm, Kapha-Vatahar, Ruchi, Deodorant
Tumburu is beneficial in tuberculosis, ear diseases, skin diseases, asthma, urinary diseases, venereal cholera, chest diseases, and blood disorders.
Medicinal uses of Tumburu
- In toothache, its seeds should be crushed and kept under the tooth.
- To make teeth strong it should be toted.
- Its seeds are used to make enamel. To make tooth enamel, keep the powder of Tumbaru seeds mixed with Triphala powder, turmeric powder and rock salt and use it to clean the teeth.
- To remove the smell of the mouth, some of its fruits should be chewed.
- To bring more perspiration, as in fever, its seeds are consumed.
- Some of its seeds should be consumed when pitta becomes low.
- Eating some of its seeds kills stomach worms.
- Taking the juice of its leaves or decoction of the bark, drinking it, the contaminants of the body are removed from the body through sweat, which cleans the blood and provides benefits in skin diseases.
- In case of fever, juice of its leaves should be drunk.
- In the swelling of throat, its fresh leaves should be grinded, heated with rice flour and tied on the affected area.
Caution in use
- Tumburu is warm by nature.
- It should not be used during pregnancy.
- It makes the bile more.
- It can irritate the stomach.
- Due to its use, the body gets increased dryness and heat.
- November 10, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Sudarshan’s plant is well known for its easy growth anywhere around you, it also has huge medicinal benefits. A large flower consisting of large leaves and clusters of small flowers once a year and that too is very fragrant, tubers and big leaves are little known about Sudarshan.
Based on the medicinal properties of Sudarshan flower, Sudarshan is used in the treatment of many painful diseases in Ayurveda. Sudarshan proves beneficial for diseases like ear pain, joint pain, hemorrhoids.
What is Sudarshan?
Sudarshan is a herbaceous plant with elliptical bulb. Its flowers are of different sizes, fragrant and white in color. Its tuber is large, 12.5–15 cm in diameter (diameter) and circular. It flourishes and flourishes between the months of May to June.
Sudarshan is sweet, bitter, pungent, heavy to digest and warm in nature. Sudarshan is helpful in reducing vata and phlegm and its tuber is beneficial in reducing joint pain.
Name of Sudarshan in other languages
Sudarshan’s botanical name : Crinum latifolium Linn. (Crinum latifolium) Syn-Crinum zeylanicum Linn .; Crinum cochinchinense is M.Roem. Sudarshan Amaryllidaceae (Amerilidaceae) is of Cool. Sudarshan is called Wild leaved crinum (wild leaved crynum) in English, but is known by different names in different provinces of India. like-
- Sanskrit-Sudarshan, Chakrangi, Sudarshana, Chakrahava, Madhuparnika;
- Hindi- Sudarshan, Sukhdarshan;
- Konkani-Kritmari, Gol kando;
- Kannada-odd (Vishamoonguli);
- Tamil-Vishamungil, Tudaivachl, Vizhamungal;
- Bengali-Sukhdursan (Sukhdursan), Gerahunara-patta (Gaerahonara-patta), Sukhdarshan;
- Marathi-Gadani Kanda (Gadanikanda), Gadnicha.
- English-Poison bulb
Benefits of Sudarshan
If there is ear pain due to toothache or due to cold feeling, then putting 1-2 drops of Sudarshan leaf juice in the ear reduces ear pain.
Sudarshan to Treat Piles
Sudarshan ka paudha is useful in relieving the pains of painful piles. Grind Sudarshan’s pulp tuber and apply it on piles or piles moles, it is beneficial. And by applying the joints, it helps in relieving the pain of rheumatism.
Sudarshan Benefits for Leucorrhoea
Many women have problems with white water, which also leads to weakness. In this case, the use of Sudarshan is very beneficial. Grinding the stem of Sudarshan in milk and consuming it just as it helps to relieve the pain caused by the release of white water.
Sudarshan for Rheumatoid Arthritis
If you are troubled by joint pain, using Sudarshan in this way gives great benefits (Sudarshan ke fayde).
- By grinding the root of Sudarshan, applying it on joints, joints reduces the pain of rheumatism and applying it on the swelling reduces swelling.
- In the case of joint pain, joint pain and pain-related diseases, applying the leaves of Sudarshan or grinding the leaves with lukewarm paste is beneficial.
Sudarshan to Treat Leprosy
Sudarshan proves very beneficial in drying leprosy. Grind the root of Sudarshan in equal quantity of Chakramard Seed and Cumin and apply it on the paste and it provides relief in Dadru (itching) and Leprosy.
Sudarshan is very effective in boil drying. Grinding roasted flakes and applying it on the boils is beneficial (sudarshan ke fayde). The properties of Sudarshan helps in fast drying of the boil.
Sudarshan Heals Abscess
If the old wound is not drying, then grind Sudarshan’s tuber and apply it on the abscess (wound).
Sudershan Benefits in Skin Disease
By applying Siddha oil with the juice of Sudarshan leaf, one gets rid of skin related diseases.
Useful Parts of Sudarshan
In Ayurveda, Sudarshan leaves and flaxseeds are used for medicine.
The method of intake and use of Sudarshan for the disease has already been described. If you are using Sudarshan plant for the treatment of a particular disease, then take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor.
In the treatment of joint pain and painful diseases, applying the leaves of Sudarshan or grinding the leaves and applying lukewarm is beneficial. Sudarshan to Treat Leprosy
According to Ayurveda, Sudarshan’s plant is beneficial in skin diseases. Applying the juice of Sudarshan leaves to the affected area quickly provides relief. Contact the Ayurvedic doctor for more information.
Sudarshan proves very beneficial in drying leprosy. Grind the root of Sudarshan in equal quantity of Chakramard Seed and Cumin and apply it on the paste and it provides relief in Dadru (itching) and Leprosy.
Sudarshan Helps in reducing fever is useful in relieving fever
Sudarshan is used as a main ingredient in many antipyretic yogas of Ayurveda. This suggests that Sudarshan helps reduce fever symptoms. Contact the nearest Ayurvedic doctor for information on dosage and intake method.
Sudarshan Heals Boil in Sudarshan is very effective in boil drying. Grinding roasted flakes and applying it on the boils is beneficial. The properties of Sudarshan helps in fast drying of the boil.
Sudarshan Heals Abscess
If the old wound is not drying, then grind Sudarshan’s tuber and apply it on the abscess (wound).
Sudarshan Benefits in Skin Disease
By applying Siddha oil with the juice of Sudarshan leaf, one gets rid of skin related diseases.
Useful Parts of Sudarshan
In Ayurveda, Sudarshan leaves and flaxseeds are used for medicine.
How to use Sudarshan
The method of intake and use of Sudarshan for the disease has already been described. If you are using Sudarshan plant for the treatment of a particular disease, then take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor.
According to the doctor’s consultation-
You can take 1-2 drops of Sudarshan leaf juice.
Sleep apnea
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The big hand behind the energy and freshness of the day is a good night’s sleep. It is common to remain tired and restless the next day due to lack of sleep. There may be many reasons behind the lack of sleep, such as anxiety, stress, lack of mind and any other illness. One such cause can be sleep apnea. Sleep apnea makes it difficult to breathe in sleep, causing frequent sleeplessness at night.
What is sleep apnea ?
Sleep apnea is called shortness of breath occurring in sleep. Actually, apnea means ‘without breath’. In this problem, there is frequent obstruction in the upper airways of the person’s airways, due to which the air flow is not properly. This blockage lasts for about 10 seconds and can open sleep for a few seconds with a deep breath, but the person suffering from sleep apnea does not realize it.
Types of sleep apnea
There are two types of sleep apnea, which are as follows:
Obstructive sleep apnea: This is the most common type of sleep apnea. It obstructs the airways and causes difficulty in breathing. According to one report, 90–96 percent of cases of sleep apnea occur in obstructive sleep apnea.
Central Sleep Apnea: This is a rare type of sleep apnea. In this, the brain stops sending signals to the muscles that control the breath for some time. Due to this, it becomes difficult to breathe.
Note: In some rare situations a person may have both types of sleep apnea simultaneously. Such a condition is called obese hypoventilation syndrome .
Causes of sleep apnea
- Obesity can be caused due to sleep apnea
- Oversized tonsils
- Thyroid
- Increased level of growth hormone
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (hormone disorder)
- Neuromuscular disease
- Kidney problem
- Abnormalities of birth (cleft lips, Down syndrome)
- Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
- premature birth
- Brain infection
- Stroke
- Spine problem
- Certain types of medicines like narcotic
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
- More sleep during the day
- Fatigue
- Loss of focus, alertness and concentration
- Problem memorizing words and recognizing previously seen things
- Dry mouth and headache on waking
- Low interest in sex
- Waking up often at night to urinate
In addition to the cause of sleep apnea, there may be some risk factors, which are mentioned.
Risk factors of sleep apnea –
- Older age: The risk of sleep apnea also increases with age.
- Men: Men are more prone to sleep apnea than women.
- Unhealthy lifestyle: Smoking, alcohol, unbalanced diet and non-exercise etc. can also contribute to the cause of sleep apnea.
- Genetic
- More than 30 body mass index
- Menopause i.e. after menopause
- Sleeping pills
After the causes and risk factors of sleep apnea, let us now tell you about the treatment of sleep apnea.
Home remedies for sleep apnea
As you have known, sleep apnea is a serious problem. If you are looking for home remedies for sleep apnea treatment for sleep apnea treatment, this is not possible. This is because it is difficult to correct this problem with the help of home remedies. In such a situation, it would be better to seek medical advice without delay, so that a proper step can be taken in the direction of sleep apnea treatment.
After knowing about the types, symptoms and treatment of sleep apnea, we are now telling what kind of diet should be taken in this problem.
What to avoid during sleep apnea
People suffering from sleep apnea are advised to remove the following foods from their diet
- Fried foods
- High fat foods
- High fat meat
- Eat more sweet
- Bakery products like cakes etc.
What to eat during sleep apnea ?
- Whole grains
- Green vegetables
- The nuts
- Olive oil
- Curd
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Fish
Along with treating sleep apnea, it is also important to know how to avoid it.
Prevention Tips for Sleep Apnea
Avoiding the cause of sleep apnea is one of the most important ways to avoid it. In addition, you can avoid sleep apnea by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as:
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Do not smoke and consume alcohol.
- Keep your weight under control.
- Sleeping on time and waking up on time.
- Do regular exercise.
If someone in your family or acquaintance complains of sleep apnea or you have experienced symptoms of sleep apnea yourself, you may also be suffering from sleep apnea. In such a situation, see your doctor immediately for sleep apnea treatment.
Yoga and exercise
- Throat exercises reduce the severity of sleep apnea by strengthening the muscles in the airways, and reducing their chances of collapse.
- Place your tongue flat against the roof (palate) of your mouth and brush it in the upper back and sides. Repeat the brushing action five times, do this three times a day.
- Stick your tongue with the palate once a day for three minutes and apply pressure on the palate with the tongue.
- Keep one finger inside the mouth. Keep the finger opposite the cheek and pull the muscles of the cheek in at the same time. Repeat 10 times, take a pause, and then on the other cheek. Do this entire process three times.
- Close your lips in a kissing state. Keep your lips firmly together and first move right up and 10 times, then move up and down 10 times. Do this process three times.
- Place your lips on the balloon. Breathe deeply through your nose and inflate the balloon as much as you can while expelling air from the mouth. Repeat the balloon five times without removing it from the mouth.
- Aerobic activities (walking, swimming, biking), strength training (weight lifting), and exercises that increase flexibility (stretching) are helpful in maintaining proper weight.
Stress care tablet
It is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Tagar, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also helps to increase the mental and physical performance. Maintain stress level,Provide strength to the nervous system, Good in neurological problems, Works in anxiety, loneliness, insomnia, sleep, Memory loss, and Palpitations. In Ayurveda when there is an imbalance of three energies i.e. vata, pitta and Kapha, it leads to disease. Vata has a sub dosha named prana doshas which regulates the sensory perception, brain, and mind. Tarpak Kapha subtype of kapha, governs cerebrospinal fluid, sadhak pitta subtype of pitta doshas governs emotions and their impact on the heart. So any vitiation of these doshas leads to stress.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Brodley Syrup
Brodley syrup is considered as 100% natural, pure, organic and has no coloring, artificial flavors, and preservatives. It is an excellent source for inducing sleep in a natural way. The syrup contains herbs like – Yashti madhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Dhania (Coriandrum sativum), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), etc. It is rich in anti-oxidants and good for the functioning of your brain and improves the nerve functioning.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day with normal water.
Detox Standard Powder
It is a mixture of natural herbs especially made for relaxation of mind and enhances the quality of sleep. The powder consists of ingredients like– Giloy satva, Jahar mohra, Gandhak rasayan, Shukta pishti, etc. This remedy helps to reduce fatigue and an excellent health promoter. Detox standard powder is mainly used in conditions such as restlessness, headache, weakness of heart muscles, depression, high blood pressure, etc. Regular use of the medicine subsides all the above mentioned conditions and improves the sleep.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice a day with normal water.
Mann Mitra tablet
It is herbal and purely Ayurvedic medicine. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for psychiatric conditions and help to balance all the three doshas of body i.e vata, pitta, kapha. CAC Mann Mitra tablet improves intelligence and speech problems. It is helpful for making the nervous system strong and nerves as well. It contains various herbs like Bala, Vacha, Shankhpushpi, Nagkeshar etc that help you fight insomnia, anxiety, and stress. It works as a antioxidant, anti depressant, immuno booster, anti epileptic and as neuro protective drug. The main ingredients are Ashwagandha, Vacha, Jeevak, Bala, Swaran bhasma. It shows effective results in Insomnia, Sleep disturbances, Anxiety, Stress booster, Immuno modulator, Schizophrenia and Panic attack.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Anu Tailam
Anu tailam is herbal and ayurvedic oil used for the nasal instillation for curing the various diseases. It is administrated through the nasal passage to lubricate, protect and calm the mind. It includes – Sesame oil, Bael tree root, Solanum root, Cinnamon stem bark, Holostemma tuber, cardamom fruit, etc. It mainly balances the Kapha dosha and is beneficial in diseases of head, brain, face, nose, and eyes. Its use is generally recommended in chronic headache, problem of migraine, sinusitis, improves the voice, and vocal cords. Anu tailam gives effective results to asthma patients.
Recommended Dosage – Put 2-3 drops of Anu tailam in each nostril.
Shigru or Sahajan
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Introduction of Sahjan
You must have known about the vegetable of Sahajan. It is a seasonal vegetable. People usually use drumstick only for its vegetable, because people know that consumption of drumstick is better for health. Do you know that drumstick is also used as a medicine?
Yes, you read it right. Drumstick is also used as a medicine. Not only the fruit of moringa in hindi, but also the leaves of the drumstick, bark etc. are also used to cure diseases. Coating of drumstick bark and leaves is an irritant, inflammatory destroyer and destroy boils. Drumstick seed oil is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.
What is drumstick?
This proverb is famous for drumstick – “Drumstick is very bloated, and there is no loss of droop.” Drumstick pods are green and thick as a finger. Wild tree beans and planted tree beans are used as a vegetable. It is also a healthy diet and is also used as a medicine.
The difference between the color of the flowers, the scholars have made two distinctions of white and red of Moringa. White race is bitter and red caste is sweet. Bitter drumstick is found everywhere but sweet drumstick is rarely found. There are small or medium sized trees of drumstick. The bark and stem are digestible. When trees are laden with legumes, the branches often break.
Drumstick Benefits
The Latin name of drumstick is Moringa oleifera Lam., Syn-Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. And is of the Moringaceae (Moringaceae) family. Drumstick is also known by other names, which are: –
Sahijan / Drumstick in –
- Hindi (drumstick in hindi) – drunken, drunken, spontaneous, saison, cock
- English – Drum stick tree, Indian horse radish, Horse radish tree
- Sanskrit – Shobhanjan, Shigru, Teekshbandh, Akshiv, Mochak, Sobhanjan
- Oriya – Muniya, Sajina
- Konkani – Maissing, Moring
- Kannada – Nugge, Nuggi
- Gujarati – Segato, Saragavo
- Telugu – Munaga
- Tamil – Murungai, Murunkai
- Bengali – Sajina
- Nepali – Sajyon (Sajyon)
- Punjabi – Sohanjana, Sanjan
- Marathi – Shevgi, Shegata
- Malayalam – Sahijano, Sarhijano
- Persian – Sarvkohi
Drumstick Benefits and Uses
By now you have known how many names of drumstick. Now let us know how medicinal use of drumstick can be done and in which diseases: –
Use of drumstick in headache is beneficial
Mix equal quantity of jaggery in the juice of the root of drumstick. After filtering it, adding 1-1 drops in the nose provides relief in Headache.
Grind black pepper in the juice of drumstick leaves. Applying it on the forehead cures cephalic pain.
Grind the drumstick leaves with water. Applying this paste ends headache caused by cold.
Drumstick is beneficial in typhoid
Grind the bark of drumstick in water. Putting a couple drops of this in the nose and taking it is beneficial in meningitis i.e. meningitis or typhoid.
20 grams of fresh roots of drumstick is 100 ml. Boil in water. Filtering and drinking it destroys the typhoid.
Drumstick uses to Cure Eye Disease
In the problem of running water from the eyes due to phlegm, grinding the drumstick leaves and making a tablet and tying it on the eyes has benefits.
50 ml of drumstick leaves Mix 2 teaspoons of honey in the juice. Applying it like mascara in the eyes is beneficial in all types of eye problems like eye blurring.
Add honey in equal quantity in the juice of drumstick leaves. Putting 2-2 drops in the eye reduces eye pain and benefits.
Use of drumstick in ear related diseases
20 ml A spoonful of honey and 50 ml of milk in the root juice of drumstick. Add the oil. By heating, filtering, dripping 2-2 drops in the ear, ear pain is reduced.
Heat the gum of the drumstick in sesame oil and filter it. Dripping 2-2 drops in the ear has drumstick benefits.
Grind the bark of drumstick and rye and apply it. This causes swelling problem in ear root.
Drumstick in Sore Throat Problem
By making a decoction of the root of drumstick, rinse is beneficial in the problem hoarseness of the voice
Drumstick Benefits in Cure Dental Disease
Dissolving gum of the drumstick in water and gargling it ends dental problems.
Benefits of Drumstick in Asthma
Mix equal amounts of drumstick and ginger juice. It is given by 10-15 ml Drinking daily quantity of morning and evening is beneficial in respiratory diseases
Drumstick uses in Abdominal Disease Treatment
Take equal quantity of fresh root of drumstick, mustard and ginger. Grind it to make 1-1 gram tablet. Taking this tablet 2-2 in the morning and evening makes gastritis active, so that heartburn is removed.
10-20 ml of drumstick Putting 2 grams dry ginger in the decoction twice a day increases digestive power.
In the condition of stomach gas or stomachache, mix 5 grams asafetida and 20 grams dry ginger in 100 grams bark of drumstick root. Grind it with water and make tablets of 1-1 gram. Eating 1-1 of these tablets 2-3 times a day has the benefit of drumstick benefits.
Grind its leaves with water and heat them lukewarm. Applying it on the stomach also cures stomachache.
By eating drumstick vegetable made of drumstick beans, the intestinal worms of the stomach are destroyed.
50 gram root of drumstick is 200 ml Mix in water. Make a sauce and drink it in small amounts, it provides benefit in ascites (problem of water filling in the stomach).
Take equal amount of drumstick root and cedar root. Grind it with kanji and lukewarm it. It corrects the problem of indigestion.
Consumption of drumstick in kidney disorder
Eating 5 grams gum of drumstick with curd everyday for 7 days is beneficial in urination problem.
20 ml of bark of drumstick root Kidney stone is cured by giving the decoction 3 times a day.
It also has benefits in epilepsy.
Drumstick Cure Body Weakness and Increase Stamina
8-10 flowers of drumstick are 250 ml Boil in milk. Drinking this in the morning and evening removes physical weakness and increases the strength of Stamina.
Uses of Sahajan to Cure Arthritis
- Gum disease is cured by applying drumstick gum.
- Finely grind the Moringa leaves with oil. Applying it lukewarm ends chronic pain in the knees.
- Take equal quantity of fresh root of drumstick, mustard and ginger. Grind it to make 1-1 gram tablet. Taking 2-2 tablets in the morning and evening also provides relief in arthritis.
- Massaging the oil of drumstick seeds is beneficial in joint pain and arthritis.
- Grind the bark of drumstick and Varuna root with cereal and apply it. It eliminates the pain caused by blood pressure.
- Grinding the leaves of shajan with oil and applying it and sitting in the sun cures the pain of injury and sprain.
Sahajan Benefits in Filariasis
Grind the root of drumstick and apply it on warmth, it is beneficial in Filarial or Hathipaon disease.
Sahajan Uses in Fighting with Skin Disease
Grind the bark of drumstick root in water. Applying with this causes Ring Worm.
Itching is beneficial by crushing the root of drumstick and applying it in mustard oil.
Use of drumstick to reduce inflammation
Grind the bark of drumstick in water and take 10 grams it. This reduces inflammation.
Uses of Sahajan to Cure Fester
Boils are cured by grinding ground bark of the drumstick and applying it. This causes the abscess to burst and the pus flows.
Grind the juice of drumstick leaves and sergeras and apply it on the body, it kills pimples.
Mix equal amounts of Moringa leaves and sesame seeds. Grind it. Mixing some ghee in it and applying it heals the wound quickly.
Sahajan Benefits in Treatment of Leprosy
Applying oil of leprosy and mango kernels to the leprosy patient is beneficial.
By applying lukewarm paste of drumstick bark, the glands benefit.
Sahajan uses in paralysis
Add honey to the ripened juice of the drumstick (5-10 ml) and eat it. It is beneficial in paralysis, menstruation etc.
Drumstick is Beneficial in Cancer
For liver cancer disease, make a decoction of 20 grams bark of drumstick. Drink it with Arogyavardhini Vati (2 tablets) thrice a day. It provides benefit in problems like liver cancer.
Use of drumstick on dog bite
Grind equal quantity of Moringa leaves, garlic, turmeric, salt and pepper together. Applying this on the dog’s bite reduces swelling and cures fever.
Taking 10-15 grams quantity of this paste in the morning and evening is also beneficial.
Other Benefits of Drumstick
Make a decoction of the root bark of the extract of Kutki, Cedar, Vacha, Drumstick and decoction of Dashmool. It is 10-20 milliliters All types of diseases are destroyed by drinking in quantity.
Applying drumstick bark to pneumonia, rib pain, stomach pain etc. is beneficial.
In liver problem, spleen disease, problem of blood vessels, nervous weakness, numbness of an organ, pusic pimples and leprosy, consuming vegetable of drumstick beans is very beneficial.
Treatment of gastric ulcers with drumstick
How to Use Drumstick
To get more benefits as a medicine (drumstick benefits), use shajan in consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor.
How Much to Consume Drumstick
- Decoction- 50-100 ml
- Powder – 1-3 grams
Where is drumstick found or grown
Drumstick trees are found in the wild in the foothills of the Himalayas. In addition, drumstick is also cultivated. Drumstick trees are also seen around houses or in gardens.
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Botanical Name: Desmodium gangeticum (Linn.) DC. (Desmodium gangeticum) Syn-Hedysarum gangeticum Linn.
Family: Fabaceae
Name in English: Salparni
- Sanskrit-Soumya, Piwari, Guha, Shalparni, Sthira, Devi, Vidariganandha, Gallenga, Longitra, Anshumati; Hindi-Sarivan, Salvan, Gauri;
- Urdu-Shalwan, Shalwan;
- Oriya-Sharpani, Seloporno, Saloporni;
- Kannada-Neviyelabune, Kulakunaaru, Kolapurona, Marul honne;
- Gujarati-Salvan, Salwa;
- Tamil-Pulladi;
- Telugu-sappa kapava (Sappa kapava), Gita soft (Gitanaram);
- Bengali-Shalpan, Salpani;
- Nepali-Shaliparni
- Punjabi-Shalpurhi, Shalparni, Sarivan;
- Marathi-Salparni, Salwan, Ranbhal;
- Malayalam-Urila, Pullati.
- English-shal leaved desmodium.
It is known as Shalparni due to having similar letters (addresses) to Shal. In the Ayurvedic book Charaka Samhita, the description of Shalparni is found in Rajayakshma, Kshatakshana, Rasayana. According to Acharya Charaka, this substance has been said to be useful in Angamard (pain of limbs), swelling, gout and diseases. This Tridosha is a herb with sedative properties, which is used in the problem of backache, cold, craving, diarrhea and vomiting. Shalparni is used in the herbs of Laghupanchamul present in the Dashmool ie it is counted among the Laghupanchamul drugs.
Botanical introduction – It is found in all parts of India throughout the year. Shalparni is 2 to 4 feet high. Its branches are inclined towards the bottom and are widely spread. The carp of the ax is slightly angled. Addresses are spear-shaped, rectangular and oblong from the front. The length of the addresses is 3 to 6 inches.
Pink or purple flowers are placed on the plant in 6 to 12 inch long, thin floors. Shallaparni pods are half to a quarter of an inch long. It is flattened and crooked on the front which has 6 to 8 joints. The pod sticks quickly to the clothes due to being roasted.
Its juice is sweet and solid and in qualities it is Guru (heavy) and balsamic. After digestion, it is a sweet drug and hot semen in the effect. Due to its medicinal properties, it is considered as Tridosha sedative, Brihan, Rasayana and Karmighan. In Ayurveda medicine, it is used in inflammation, fever, gout, vomiting, breathing, diarrhea, toxins and tuberculosis (TB) etc.
Its almanac and root powder are used in Ayurveda. Consumption of 1 to 2 grams of powder should be used in consultation with the doctor.
Uses and benefits of amalgam
Rheumatic inflammation (swelling) – It is beneficial in all types of gout due to its putative properties.
Fever – Shalparni mitigates pitta due to being sweet and cold. Tikta juice works to digest the defects and sweeten the metal. Therefore, it is a useful substance in the universe. This is particularly useful for the analysis and defect of defects in typhoid fever.
Diarrhea – Deep-digestive deeds from Tiktaras and hot semen, followed by auspicious with Guru and balsamic properties are useful in leprosy vata Warm semen is beneficial in diarrhea.
Kas and breathing – Being melodious and balsamic, it becomes useful in breathing and breathing due to disinterested actions. Brihankarma and urinary damage are caused by the growth of metal with sweet juice. In diseases like TB, it is used for destroying phlegm for the strength and growth of meat.
Poisonous – The mitigation of gout with sweet juice and digestion of faults with liquid juice leads to poisoning.
Sutika disease – Tridosha is the substance. It is beneficial in those who are sick due to its aphrodisiac properties.
Its root (root) is used in diarrhea and food.
Using Trikatu Kshirpak with root of Shalparni is beneficial in diarrhea.
If there is a fear of slaughtering in a pregnant, then applying its root on the navel, habitation and bhagya pradesh of the pregnant provides benefits.
Sciatica Pain
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Sciatica pain is seen in many people nowadays.
Since, we have to sit and work all day, due to which our health is adversely affected and we are also prone to diseases like sciatica.
In such a situation, people need to know about such a disease so that they can treat it properly.
Now this question will definitely come in your mind, what are the other symptoms of this disease, then you can read this article to get answers to similar questions.
What is sciatica pain?
Sciatica refers to pain that radiates to feet and lower part of body.
This pain occurs mainly due to compression of the cytoplasmic vein of the body, which extends to the foot and ax.
Symptoms of sciatica pain
- If a person sees these 6 symptoms in his body, then he should immediately see a doctor to check his health as he can make him a patient of sciatica-
- Lower back pain- The main symptom of sciatica is lower back pain.
- Although people may mistake it as a normal back pain, they should not come to any conclusion without the advice of a doctor as it can be a sign of sciatica.
- Increase of leg pain while sitting- If a person aggravates leg pain while sitting, then he should meet with a doctor and check his health as it may be a symptom of sciatica.
- Hip pain- Another symptom of pain in the hip. In such a situation people should not ignore it as it can be a sign of sciatica.
- Burning or twisting of the foot- This disease can also happen to those who feel burning or twitching under the foot.
- Such people should take special care of their health and should contact the doctor in case of any health related problem as they may develop cytoplasm.
- Numbness of the feet- If a person’s feet become numb, then he may need medical help.
- Since numbness of the feet can be a symptom of sciatica,it becomes very important to correct it in time.
- Trouble walking- Another symptom of difficulty walking.
- Ignoring this person can prove to be harmful.
Causes of Sciatica pain
There is no single reason for the pain of sciatica., but this problem can be caused by many reasons.
So far, studies on sciatica.have shown that the disease can be mainly due to the following reasons:
- Sciatica Vein Suppression- The predominant cause of sciatic vein pain is cystic vein compression.
- This is mainly from herniated discs, for which a doctor is assisted.
- Excess of weight- Sciatica can also occur in people who are overweight.
- Such people should try to lose weight so that they do not have problems like sciatica. pain.
- Sitting for long at one place – If a person sits at one place for a long time, he may get pain from the site.
- In such a situation, they should get up from their place in a short time so that they do not have sciatica pain.
- Poor sitting posture- Often, sciatica pains can also result in incorrect sitting posture.
- Suffering from Diabetes- Cystic pain can also occur to people who are suffering from diabetes.
- Such people should be treated for diabetes so that they do not have any other disease or problem.
Diagnosis of sciatica pain
However, people suffering from sciatica pain have to face a lot of difficulties.
This is mainly due to timely detection and cure of the disease.
Therefore, identification of sciatica. should be done at the right time so that it does not take serious form.
Thus, sciatica.can be identified in 4 ways-
- X-ray – X-ray is the easiest way to identify sciatica pain.
- An x-ray takes an inside picture of the lower part of the human body, so that this pain can be detected.
- Getting MRI done- Often, doctors also detect sciatica pain through MRI.
- In MRI, pain conditions are detected by taking photographs of bones and herniated discs.
- CT Scan – In CT Scan, the waist is scanned and it is found in which part of the waist the pain is occurring.
- EMG Cure- Symptomatic pain is also confirmed by EMG.
- In this, the pressure on the waist of the cytica is detected and pain is detected.
How can the pain of sciatica be treated?
As much as it is necessary to identify sciatica pain in time, equally important is to start treatment in time.
By doing this people are more likely to recover, so it can be treated in the following way-
- Exercise – The easiest way to reduce the pain in sciatica is to exercise.
- This excise sciatica helps to deliver blood flow to the vein and reduce this pain.
- Taking therapy- often, treatment of sciatica pain physical therapy
- Taking therapy- Often, sciatica pain is also treated with physical therapy.
- Therapy does an excellent job of opening the sciatica vein, which gives relief to the person suffering from this pain.
- Taking medicines- Many times, doctors also give medicines to people suffering from psoriasis pain.
- These medicines are mainly pain relievers, which are helpful in reducing the pain of sciatica.
- Ice fomentation- Treatment of sciatic pain is also possible through the fomentation of ice.
- In this situation, the fomentation of ice reduces the pain and provides relief to the people suffering from it.
- Surgery – When pain is not relaxed in any way, then surgery remains the only option.
- The doctors remove the defective part of the herniated disc in surgery and replace it with an artificial part.
What can be the side-effects of sciatica pain?
Often, you have seen people suffering from sciatica pain.
It also becomes difficult for them to do normal work like walking, sitting etc.
This is mainly due to untreated sciatica pain, due to which people have to face these 5 side-effects-
- Increase of pain- The major side-effects of sciatica pain are aggravation of pain.
- In such a situation, people suffering from this may need to take pain-relieving medicines or seek medical help.
- Leg numbness- Other side-effects of sciatica are numbness of the leg.
- This problem can take a serious form over time, the effect of which can spread to other parts of the body as well.
- Feeling weakness in the feet- Often, people suffering from psoriasis complain of feeling weakness in the feet.
- In such a situation they may have to seek the help of a doctor.
- Bladder does not work properly – Sciatica pain can affect the performance of other parts of the body after some time.
- In such a situation the bladder may also deteriorate, which may need to be replaced.
- Vein deterioration- If sciatica pain is not cured for a long time, it can cause sciatica vein to worsen.
How to prevent sciatica?
However, sciatica pain becomes a headache for some people, which makes their life painful.
Despite this, it is a matter of relief that, like any other disease, it is possible to prevent sciatic pain.
Thus, if a person follows the following things, then he can prevent the pain of sciatica –
Exercise Everyday – The easiest way to prevent pain in sciatica is to perform daily exercise.
By doing this, the flow of blood reaches all the parts of the body, which opens the veins properly.
Sitting in the right way- As it has been explained above that sciatica pains are caused by not sitting properly, so people should sit properly to prevent this.
Non-Smoking- Smoking can prove harmful for any person.
Because of this, he may have a lot of serious illnesses, so no person should consume smoking so that he does not have problems like sciatica pain.
Do not sit in one place for too long- Since, the relation of cystic pain is the result of sitting on one for too long.
For this reason, to prevent this, all of us should not sit in one place for a long time, but should get up and walk from there in a while so that blood flow can reach all the parts of the body.
Drinking plenty of water – Most of the diseases are due to lack of water in the body.
For this reason, all of us should drink plenty of water so that we do not have any disease.
In today’s working period, the risk of diseases has increased significantly.
These include sciatica pain, which can trouble any person.
Although, we all adopt all kinds of methods to reduce this, but sometimes these methods do not prove beneficial for us, then we also need to seek medical help.
Apart from this, if we are fully aware of diseases like sciatica pain then we can get rid of it easily.
Ayurvedic medicine from cac
Makar Rasayan tablet:
Makar Rasayan is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC MAKAR RASAYAN tablet help in balancing all the three doshas. It helps to rejuvenate body tissues and act as an immuno modulator. It helps in proper blood circulation. It prevents the skin from dryness. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, guduchi satva, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, ras sindoor, moonga bhasma, shankh bhasma, praval pishti etc. Herbs and minerals used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, aphrodiasic, analgesic and immuno modulator properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
Detox Premium Powder:
These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parvalpishti, Shukta, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shvetparpati that gives calming effect on the stomach.
- Shankh bhasma: This ayurvedic bhasma is prepared from conch shell. The bhasma shows antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antacid, digestive stimulant properties. The problems like indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, etc are easily treated with it.
- Sutshekhar ras: It is an ayurvedic preparation that maintains pitta dosha in the body. This ras provides effective results in abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, fever, headache, epigastric tenderness, etc.
- Parval pishti: This pishti is prepared from coral calcium processed in rose water. It provides effective results in acidity, burning sensation, headache, etc.
- Shukta pishti: This pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body and removes all toxins from the body.
- Giloy satv: Giloy satv possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, immunomodulator, etc properties. It eliminates the ama from body hence provide good results in acidity problem.
- Kamdudha ras: This ras reduces heat, burning sensation, epigastrium tenderness, irritability, heartburn, and acidity.
- Shwet parpati: It is also effective in acidity.
Recommended Dosage: Take one sachet twice daily.
Nerve up tablet:
These tablets are pure ayurvedic formulation. Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas and kapha dosha. It acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in Backache, kneepain, headache, bronchitis, depression.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Pain-O-kill Tablets:
As the name suggests these tablets will kill the pain naturally. The herbs present in the formation of these tablets are Ashwagandha, Hadjod, Punarnava, Nirgundi, Methi, Garlic, etc. These herbs in combination show antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. The regular use of these tablets reduce body pain and acts on its root cause.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Trikatu Syrup
Trikatu combines the goodness of Black pepper, Ginger and, Long pepper to create an herbal remedy for digestive ailments, sluggish metabolism, obesity, and high cholesterol. This syrup has best results in anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and expectorant. It also help to tackle the weight problems or obesity. It can modulate your body’s immune response while cutting the characteristic inflammation associated with the back pain.
Recommended Dosage –Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day before meal with normal water.
- November 4, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It (bhringraj) is a very useful medicinal plant which is used to treat many types of diseases occurring inside or outside the body. Ayurveda doctors often advise the patient to take Bhringraj for many stomach ailments including hair fall, hair growth, liver, kidney.
In India, Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) is recognized by many names like Bhangra, Thistles, Maka, Falls Daisy, Markav, Angarak, Bangra, Kesuti, Babri, Ajajara, Ballari, Mockhand, Trailing Eclipta, Eclipta, Prostrata etc.
In Ayurveda, Bhringraj (bhringraj in Hindi) is also known as Kesaraja. It has been used for years to prevent hair fall, hair darkening and skin disease treatment. In fact, Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) is an herb, whose job is to keep the body healthy. Ayurvedic physician Dr. Deepak Kumar is explaining about the advantages, disadvantages and uses of Soni Bhringraj.
Medicinal properties of bhringraj
There are many types of anti-oxidants inside it, such as flavanoids and alkaloids, which work to remove harmful substances that harm the body.
It works to protect the liver from various types of harmful substances and keeps the liver healthy. The anti-microbial property of bhringraj uses also protects the liver from viral infections such as hepatitis C.
Not only this, it is effective in preventing inflammation in the body. The nutrients present in the growth of hair inside it, along with increasing the quality of hair, enhances hair.
Bhringraj Powder Properties
- Anti-microbial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesic
- Anti-oxidant
- Protective
- Anti-aging
- Anti-virus
- Anti-hemorrhage
- Blood pressure
How to take Bhringraj
Bhringraj can be used in three ways. According to the advice of a doctor, you can make a paste by using its leaves and adding oil to it.
You can also use bhringraj oil in its powder or you can get relief from problems by eating capsules of bhringraj uses available in the market, but before taking the advice, consult a doctor.
Bhringraj is a useful herb that strengthens the immune power of the body and protects the body from various infections. According to Ayurveda, if Bhringraj is consumed continuously for 3 to 4 months, then the immunity power of the body is strengthened. You can take 2 to 3 grams of Bhringraj powder with honey after taking light food, twice a day.
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- katu, tikta
Guna-laghu, ruksha
Benefits of Bhringraj
There are many benefits of consuming Bhringraj. Effective in skin cuts, peeling and wounds etc.: Due to the medicinal properties, Bhringraj is very effective in skin disorders such as skin cuts, peeling, wounds or injuries.
Help to increase immunity capacity (use of bhringraj for immunity power):
It helps in the production of cells (white blood cells) that strengthen the immunity power of the body. It works by increasing the white blood cells (WBCs) that protect our body from infection.
Useful of bhringraj in cough and vata disorder
There is a nutrient inside Bhringraj which works to reduce phlegm and gout disorder.
Use of bhringraj in liver and kidney disease: Bhringraj ke fayde is also called false daisy. It is beneficial for liver as well as kidney. Its root is used to flush out the substances that harm the body and keep the physical functioning dynamic.
Use of bhringraj in fatty liver and jaundice:
It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Which benefits in diseases like fatty liver, jaundice etc.
Consumption method: You can take bhringraj benefits twice a day. You can take Bhringraj powder with water after eating light food. For best results, consume it for at least 1-2 months.
Use of bhringraj in skin infection:
Bhringraj is an herb that contains anti-inflammatory. It protects the skin from infection.
Consumption method: In the event of other disorders including skin biting, peeling, bruising, apply a paste of bhringraj paste or apply this paste mixed with some oil and place it on the wound or injury.
Useful in indigestion, constipation and other stomach problems:
The anti-inflammatory element inside it works by keeping the liver healthy, facilitating the functioning of the stomach, which makes the intestine smooth. Works and relieves indigestion, constipation and other stomach troubles. It is also beneficial in preventing inflammation in the body.
Lack of appetite, effective in acidity According to Ayurveda Bhringraj is also useful in treating problems like digestion, constipation and loss of appetite.
Intake method: For this, you should take 15-20 ml Bhringrajasav (with bhringraj uses in Hindi) and with the same amount of water, in the afternoon and after dinner.
Side effects of Bhringraj (bhringraj ke nuksan):
Excessive intake can cause stomach problems. Similarly, during pregnancy and breastfeeding stage, do not take bhringraj ke nuksan only after consulting a doctor.
If you are suffering from diabetes and your sugar level is increased then the consumption of Bhringrajasava should be avoided. If you have any kind of problem (bhringraj ke nuksan) during the consumption of Bhringraj, contact the doctor immediately.
According to the research, so far no authentic facts have been found about the side effects of bhringraj. Therefore, you can take Bhringraj in these diseases, but for this, consult a doctor.