Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Prishaniparni (Uraria Picta ) one amongst DASHAMOOLA is a little branched , erect , perennial herb approx 1 to 1.5 meters in height .
Leaves are imparipinnate with a length of 20 to 30 cm and 5 to 9 leaflets . Leaflets on upper part of the stem are linear , long ,blotched , acute, oblong with white, minutely pubescent beneath , base rounded and are 5 to 7 with 10 to 20 cm length .Leaflets are narrowly lanceolate 7 to 25 cm long and are shiny , variegated , hairless above , rough hairy below , margins entire , inflorescence a long terminal densely many flowered spike like raceme up to 55 cm long , covered in long whitish hairs .
Flowers are pink , reddish or bluish in color .
Fruits are brown or black in color turns grayish – white when become old , folded in 3 to 6 segments with a length of about 5 to 9 mm .
Kingdom :- Plantae
Phylum :- Tracheophyta
Class :- Magnoliopsida
Order :- Fabales
Family :- Fabaceae
Genus :- Uraria
Species :- Picta
RASA :- Madhura , tikta ( Bitter , Sweet)
GUNA:- Laghu (Light)
VIRYA :- Ushna ( Hot)
VIPAKA :- Madhura ( Sweet )
1 Latin Name:- Uraria Picta
2 Hindi Names :- Dabra , Pithavan
3 Sanskrit Names :- Prishniparni , Guha , Chitraparni ,Dhavani ,Kalashi , Prithakparni ,Anghriparni
4 Tamil Name :- Sittirappaladai , Kolaponna
5 Common Names :- Dabra
Uses of this herb are :-
1 Antiseptic :- This property of the herb help in treatment of various Viruses , Bacterial and Fungal infections
2 Anti-Inflammatory – Healing property of this herb is very effective .
3 Anti- Emetic
4 Analgesic :- Help to reduce the Body pain .
5 Anti- Microbial
6 Expectorant :- This herb is very effective in treatment of Respiratory complications like Cough , Common Cold , Asthma , Bronchitis . It helps to clear the mucous from lungs and nasal airways .
7 Cardiovascular Effect :- This herb support the good heart health . These help to maintain the good blood flow in body by dilatation of blood vessels . This is also quit effective to maintain the good HDL level in the body and lowers the level of LDL . This also keeps the healthy blood pressure of the body .
8 GONORRHEA TREATMENT :- This is very useful herb in treatment of Gonorrhea and manages the symptoms like :- Painful Micturation , Abdominal Pain , Pain in Pelvis and Vagina , Pus like discharge and bleeding which are associated with this disease .
9 Aphrodisiac Properties :- Help to increase Libido and Sexual Desire .
10 Anti -Arrhythmic Properties :- Help to manage problem of abnormal rhythms of the heart like Arterial fibrillation , Ventricular Tachycardia , Ventricular Fibrillations .
11 Anti-Cancers :- This herb has the property which stop the growth of cancer producing cells .
12 Anti-Cholinergic Property :- This herb help in treatment of Anxiety , Depression, Sleeping Problems etc .
1 CHARAKA SAMHITA :- Angamardhaprashamana (Reliving Myalgia ) , Shothahara(Anti-inflammatory), Sandhaneeya (For Fractures and Dislocations)
2 SUSHRUTA SAMHITA :– Vidarigandhadi , haridradi group of herb
3 Vagbhata :- Haridradi
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Neurodermatitis is a skin condition that starts with an itchy patch of skin. Scratching makes it even itchier. This itch-scratch cycle causes the affected skin to become leathery and thick . You may develop several itchy spots specially on the forearm, anal region ,neck, legs and wrists.
Neurodermatitis also known as lichen simplex chronicus . But the itching can be so intense or recurrent that it disrupts your sleep, sexual function and quality of life.
Treatment success depends on resisting the urge to rub or scratch the affected areas. After controlling the itching habit or the medication may help to solve the problem . There is a need to identify factors and eliminate them which may be aggravating the problem.
According to ayurveda Neurodermatitis is known as “Vicharchika ” . It occur because of lack of proper lifestyle and dietary habits .The Pitta dosha often get aggravated . This vitiates other Dhatus and Doshas like Mansa , Twacha and Rakta . All these lead to formation of toxins known as Ama . This goes deep inside the skin and tissues known as Dhatus .
Sign and Symptoms of this disease include :-
1 An itchy skin patch or patches
2 A raised , rough patch / patches that are red or darker than the rest of skin
3 Leathery or scaly texture on the affected areas
4 In this condition scratching involves that can be reached like neck , forearms , scrotum , vulva , neck , head , wrists , ankles and anus .
5 Hair loss if itching and scratching occurs on the scalp.
6 Open sores and bleeding, due to repeated scratching.
7 Infection, which is indicated by sores with yellow-colored crusts, fluid discharge and/or pus-filled bumps.
The cause of this disease is unknown .In some cases, neurodermatitis is associated with chronic skin conditions which include :- Dry skin, Psoriasis and eczema . Stress and anxiety can trigger itching too.
- 1 ANXIETY DISORDER :- Anxiety and stress can trigger the itching of neurodermatitis .
- 2 AGE and SEX :- Women are more likely to develop neurodermatitis than are men. The condition is most common between ages 30 and 50.
- 3 OTHER CONDITIONS INCLUDE :- People with a personal or family history of eczema ,dermatitis, psoriasis or similar skin conditions are more likely to develop neurodermatitis.
1 Persistent scratching can lead to a wound or permanent scar / change in skin color .
2 Bacterial skin infection
3 The itch of neurodermatitis can affect quality of life , sleep and sexual function .
1 ANTI -ANXIETY DRUGS :- Anti-anxiety drugs may help prevent the itching because Anxiety and Stress increase itching .
2 ANTI-ITCH Medicated Creams :- If over-the-counter corticosteroid cream isn’t helping, your doctor may prescribe a stronger corticosteroid or a nonsteroidal anti-itch product. A calcineurin inhibitor (tacrolimus) ointment may help if the vulva is involved.
3 Medicine To Ease Itching :- Antihistamines help relieve itching in many people with neurodermatitis.
4 Corticosteroid Injections :- May help skin to heal
5 Light Therapy :- Exposing the affected skin to light sometimes helpful .
6 Medicated Patches :- Topical Lidocaine 5% or Capsaicin 8% patches are applied at the part of itching .
7 Psychotherapy :- It can help to learn how behaviors and emotions can fuel or prevent scratching and itching .
1 BOTOX (OnabotulinumtoxinA) Injection :- This may reduce Itching and clear up rough skin patches .
2 An Oral Drug :- N -acetylcysteine has shown to help people with scratching and itching disorder .
CAC Immuno up sachet is pure herbal formulation. The importance of working on your immunity is now on an all-time high. If a person fall ill easily, it means their body’s immunity is low. This pacifies tridosha (Vata, pitta and Kapha), strengthen your immunity, keeps your digestive system fit and also detox your body. it also works in cold, fever and flu conditions. It consists of effective levels of antioxidants, Vitamin C and E which circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. it is a natural immune-modulator properties to prevent and ease coughing, sneezing, etc. It provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, Sore throat, body pains, and weakness.
CAC Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, removes stagnant blood and dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimises the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems.
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or plasma nourishes the skin. Itch cure tablet has cooling herbs which provide cooling effects to patients by pacifying pitta doshas. This tablet helps to purify blood as wells as cleanses and rejuvenates the body.
CAC TWAK TAILAM is the herbal oil and is purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC Twak Tailam provides relief from various skin problems such as pimples, blemishes, scars, ulcers, wounds, skin rashes, dry patches, itching, skin irritation, reduces redness, etc. It is composed of natural herbs that pacifies all three doshas and provides healthy skin. This oil is made up of pure herbs such as yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia). Twak tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, delays the process of ageing, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification, blood purification without any side effects. This oil moisturises your skin, and makes your skin spotless and glowing naturallly.
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is an ayurvedic preparation mainly used for skin diseases. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients such as Nimba(Azadirachta indica), Patola(Cucumis acutangulus), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa(Adhatoda vasica), etc. This tablet promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu tablet is a natural source of anti – oxidant. It promotes engender vibrant and healthy skin.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is hyponatremia?
Blood sodium levels decrease abnormally in what is known as hyponatremia. The amount of water in the cells and surrounding cells is regulated by an electrolyte called sodium. One of the many factors is the dilution of sodium in the body with hyponatremia. When this happens, the level of water in the body increases and the cells start swelling. This can result in quite a few health problems, from moderate to almost fatal. Treatment is aimed at solving the underlying problem.
Depending on the reasons, you may have to reduce fluid intake. In other cases, you may need intravenous medications and fluids. Sodium is very important in the body. Sodium helps maintain regular blood pressure, regulates fluid balance in the body and supports the functioning of muscles and nerves. Regular sodium levels range between 135 and 145 mEq / L. When it falls below this limit, the problem occurs.
What are the symptoms of hyponatremia?
Symptoms of hyponatremia include the following:
- Head ache
- Confusion
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Energy loss
- Coma
- Muscle weakness
- Twitch
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Caesar
What are the causes of Hyponatremia?
These are the conditions and causes that cause hyponatremia:
The main reason is low sodium levels in a person’s body and the level falls below 135 mEq / L.
Heart, kidney and liver problems: Some diseases and congestive heart failure sometimes affect the kidneys and liver so badly that fluid starts accumulating in your body and lowered sodium levels due to the accumulation of this fluid it happens.
Some medicines: Some antidepressants and pain medications interfere with the normal hormonal levels of the body and also affect the kidney process which maintains the normal sodium levels in the body.
Drinking plenty of water: Drinking too much water leads to hyponatremia as it can reduce sodium levels by increasing kidney function by emitting too much water.
How to diagnose hyponatremia?
The doctor asks about the patient’s medical history and asks for some physical tests. But most of the time, it is impossible to diagnose hyponatremia symptoms with only a physical test. The doctor recommends urine and blood tests to check sodium levels in the body.
What is the treatment of hyponatremia?
If hyponatremia occurs due to taking too much water, drugs, or diet, doctors recommend reducing fluid intake levels and certain medications or drugs are prescribed to increase the level of sodium in the blood. If the level of hyponatremia becomes rapid or severe, treatment is required as soon as possible:
Medications: If there is headache, fatigue or any other signs and symptoms, then the medicines prescribed by the doctor should be taken.
Intravenous Fluid: Sodium solution is recommended to increase the level of sodium in the blood. The level of sodium is monitored in the body because very rapid corrections of sodium are also dangerous.
What are the conditions at increased risk of hyponatremia?
Age: Older people are at greater risk of hyponatremia, such as age-based changes. Older people can also take some medicines and are more likely to have chronic diseases that affect the sodium balance in the body.
Some medicines: Many drugs such as thiazide diuretics, painkillers and certain types of antidepressants may increase the risk. In addition, ecstasy has also been closely associated with excessive hyponatremia, which can lead to fatal consequences.
Conditions that reduce your body’s water emissions. Medical conditions include kidney disease, improper anti-diuretic hormone syndrome, and heart failure may increase your risk.
What are the home remedies for hyponatremia?
Drinks that contain sodium can be made at home such as ORS, fresh orange juice, or coconut water can also be drunk to maintain sodium levels in the body and blood.
What is the best diet for hyponatremia?
Foods to avoid in hyponatremia:
Many people have high blood pressure problems with increasing age. Therefore, they should start removing salt from their food. Also stop eating processed or packaged food as it contains a lot of sodium. Processed meats like ham, pork, hot dog, sausage should be avoided. The best way to avoid sodium is to eat uncooked or whole foods.
Food to eat in hyponatremia
These are foods that have low sodium levels in blood. Foods like shrimp, ham, instant pudding, cheese, vegetable juice, pizza, sandwiches, processed cheeses, pickles, sauces, biscuits should be eaten.
Ayurvedic treatment by CAC
1.Detox Premium Powder
These are herbal-mineral sachet especially designed for the ulcerative colitis patients. The various ingredients used for the formation of these sachets are prawal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kehrva pishti, Jahar Mohra pishti, sutshekhar ras, shankh bhasma, kamdudha ras, moti bhasma that in combination provide good relief on the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis patients.
- Shukta pishti: The bhasma is prepared from pearl oyster shell calcium. This pishti shows antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties that give deal with the ulcerative colitis patients.
- Prawal pishti: It is made from coral calcium that reduces bleeding associated with ulcerative colitis patients.
- Giloy satv: This herbal satv remove all toxins from the body. It reduces excessive Pitta from the body associated with ulcerative colitis.
- Jahar Mohra pishti: The antidiarrheal property of this pishti stops loose stools that are the main symptoms in ulcerative colitis patient.
- Kehrva pishti: This pishti provides good results in rectal bleeding, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and abdominal inflammation related to ulcerative colitis patients.
- Sutshekhar ras: This preparation reduces bloating & gastritis. It provides calming effect on the body.
- Akik pishti: It is a mineral-based medicine that reduces excessive heat, weakness, & general debility.
- Kamdudha ras: This ras is beneficial in burning sensation, loose stools, bleeding tendencies related to ulcerative colitis patients.
- Moti bhasma: The anti-inflammatory property of this herb reduces inflammation in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
2.Trikatu Syrup
Trikatu syrup is a purely herbal formula containing ingredients such as long pepper, black pepper, & dry ginger. This herbal syrup shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, carminative, & immuno-modulator effects. These properties provide effective results in appendicitis conditions.
Recommended dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful thrice daily before meals.
3.Sheet Dhara Syrup
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces
abdominal pain, & cramps.
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
4.Makar Rasayan tablet:
It is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC MAKAR RASAYAN tablet help in balancing all the three doshas. It helps to rejuvenate body tissues and act as an immunomodulator. It helps in proper blood circulation. It prevents the skin from dryness. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, guduchi satva, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, ras sindoor, moonga bhasma, shankh bhasma, praval pishti etc. Herbs and minerals used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, analgesic and immunomodulator properties.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Lodhra herb trees are of medium size. Its bark is thin and peeled. Its flowers are white and light yellow in color and fragrant. Lakh (Laksha) is cleaned by Lodhra, hence it is also called Lakshaprasadana.
Its two species are found which are called Lodhra and Pathanilodhra respectively. Lodhra is bitter, bitter, light in digestion, dry, kapha-bile destroyer and beneficial for eyes.
Name of Lodhra in different languages
Lodhra’s Latin name Symplocos racemosa Roxb. (Simplocos racemosa) is Syn-Symplocos intermedia Brand and belongs to the total Symplocaceae (Simplocaceae). It is also known by these other names: –
Lodhra in –
- Hindi (lodhra meaning in hindi) – लोध
- English – Californian cinchona (कैलीफोर्नियन सिनकोना) लोध बार्क (Lodh tree), स्माल बार्क ट्री (Small bark tree), लॉटर बार्क (Lotur bark)
- Arabic – मूगामा (Moogama)।
- Sanskrit – लोध्र, तिल्व, तिरीट, गालव, स्थूलवल्कल, जीर्णपत्र, बृहत्पत्र, पट्टी, लाक्षाप्रसादन, मार्जन
- Assamese –भोमरोटी (Bhomroti); कन्नड़ : पाछेट्टू (Pachettu), लोध (Lodh), लोध्र (Lodhara)
- Konkani – लोध (Lodh), लोध्र (Lodhra)
- Gujarati – लोधर (Lodar)
- Telugu (Lodhra in Telugu) – लोड्डूगा (Lodduga), लोधूगा चेट्टु (Lodhdhuga-chettu)
- Tamil (Lodhra Meaning in Tamil) – वेल्ली–लोथी (Velli-lothi), काम्बली वेत्ती (Kambali vetti)
- Bengali – लोध (Lodh), लोध्र (Lodhra)
- Marathi – मराठी – लोध (Lodh), लोध्र (Lodhra)
- Malayalam – पाछोत्ती (Pachotti)
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- kshya,tikta
Guna- laghu, ruksha
Virya- sheeta
Vipaka- katu
Medicinal Properties of Lodhra
Lodhra herb acts as a panacea for eye, ear, mouth and female diseases etc. It destroys blood related diseases, fever, dysentery, inflammation, anorexia, toxin and burning sensation etc., such as blood heat, diabetes, thalassemia. Its flowers are pungent, bitter, cold-witted, which destroys phlegm and bile. The bark of its stem reduces inflammation, cures fever, prevents blood flow, improves digestion.
Lodhra Benefits and Uses
By now you have known how many names of symplocos racemosa. Let us now know how and in which diseases Lodhra can be used medicinally: –
Lodhra is beneficial for weight loss
The medicinal properties of Lodhra are very useful in reducing weight. Consuming 15-20 ml of Lodhrasava helps in reducing obesity quickly.
Uses of Lodhra to Cure Eye Disease
In case of Venus disease in the eye, turmeric, liquorice, sariva and Pathani Lodhra decoction should be baked. Apart from this, tie Lodhra Powder into a piece of clean cloth and make a bundle. It should be dipped in lukewarm water to bake the eyes.
Make a powder by roasting white Lodhra in ghee. Soak this powder in lukewarm water, stool a lot. After cooling it with a cloth and washing the eyes, it relieves eye pain.
Grinding Lodhra and applying it around the outside of the eyes is also the cause of eye diseases.
Take equal quantity of rock salt, Triphala, Peepal, Lodhra and Kala Surma. Apply it like mascara in the eye after kneading it with lemon juice. Also, diseases of the eyes are destroyed.
Take equal quantity of green gram powder, myrobalan powder, turmeric, salt and Lodhra. Dissolving its powder in the juice of myrobalan leaves and applying it on the eye also destroys eye disorders.
Use of Lodhra in jaundice is beneficial
If the symptoms of jaundice are not relieved, then taking 15-20 ml of symplocos racemosa is likely to benefit in pandu (jaundice) disease.
Benefits of Lodhra in Ear Disease Treatment
Troubled by ear disease? Grind Lodhra in milk and sieve. Putting 1-2 drops in the ear provides relief from ear diseases.
Uses of Lodhra to Cure Dental Disease
In the event of bleeding from the roots / gums of the tooth, make a decoction of the bark of Lodhra. Gargling / gargling it stops bleeding from the teeth and provides relief in diseases of the mouth.
Lodhra Benefits in Fighting with Cough
Grind 2-3 grams of Lodhra leaves. Fry it in ghee and add sugar to it. By taking it, vomiting stops, the problem of over thirst is cured, cough is cured and amoebic dysentery is beneficial.
Lodhra uses to Cure Abdominal Worms
There is a worm in the stomach and due to this problem, sleepless nights are forbidden. For this, taking 15-20 ml Lodhrasava destroys the stomach worms either.
Lodhra Stops Dysentery
Taking Lodhra powder with curd (Patanjali lodhra powder: 1-2 grams) provides relief from dysentery.
Uses of Lodhra to Cure Leucorrhea
- Mix 20 ml decoction of banyan bark in a paste of 2-3 grams of Pathani Lodhra. Drinking this is beneficial in leucorrhea.
- Washing the vagina with the decoction of Lodhra provides relief in leucorrhea and other vaginal disorders.
- Grind equal quantity of Tumbi leaves and Lodhra bark. By applying it on the vagina, the vaginal wounds of the pregnant woman are filled.
Lodhra Helps in Miscarriage Problem
If there is a possibility of miscarriage in the eighth month, dissolving 1-2 grams of Lodhra powder, honey and one gram of Pippali powder in milk, then giving birth to the pregnant makes the womb stable and reduces the risk of miscarriage.
Lodhra Benefits in Menstrual Disorder
Grind the bark of Lodhra and apply it in the lower abdomen. It is beneficial in menstrual disorders. Grinding Lodhra and applying it on the breasts cures breast pain.
Lodhra is Beneficial in Wound Healing
- By spraying fine powder of Arjuna, sycamore, peepal, Lodhra, berries and jackfruit bark on the wound, the wound heals quickly.
- Sprinkle the powder of Lodhra, Mulethi, Priyungu etc. on the mouth of the wound. By rubbing it lightly and tying the bandage, the blood clot accumulates.
- In the emerging wound, sprinkle the powder of Priyungu, Lodhra, Cutphal, Manjistha and Dhatki flower. This wounds heal quickly.
- The use of the powder of powder and powder of Lodhra (lodhra Churna) mixed with Muktashukti Churna also heals the wound quickly.
Lodhra Benefits for Controlling Diabetes in diabetes
Lodhra Face Pack help to cure Acne
- Grind Lodhra and Arhar and apply it on the mouth as a paste (Lodhradi face pack), the face is tainted and pimples are destroyed.
- Grind Lodhra, Paddy and Vacha and apply on the face, destroy pimples. Many companies also manufacture it under the name of Lodhradi Face pack.
- Grind honey, Lodhra, liquorice, white mustard and barley and apply it on the face to increase the face of the face.
Lodhra Cure Piles benefits in piles
Benefits of Lodhra in blood problems
Take equal amount of Ushiradi Churna (Khas, Kaliyak, Lodhra etc.) or Lodh Churna (1-2 grams) in the impurity of the blood. Add red sandalwood powder to them. Dissolve it in rice dish and mix it with sugar. It cures blood diseases (bleeding from nose and ears), burning sensation, bad breath disease.
Uses of Lodhra in Fighting with Fever
Mixing sugar, ghee and honey in 1-2 grams of powder of Lodhra (lodhradi), sandalwood, Pippali root and atis, drinking with milk reduces fever.
And many other benefits of lodhra are there.
Lodhra ke Nuksan
- Consuming Lodhra in general is beneficial for human health. But consuming it in large quantities can also cause damage to Lodhra.
- Consuming Lodhra in excess can have a direct effect on female hormones, which can affect their health.
- Consuming high levels of Lodhar can cause a decrease in the levels of testosterone and cholesterol in the body. It can also increase estrogen and progesterone levels.
- Men should avoid consuming Lodhra for a long time. Because it has anti-androgen effect which can reduce male sex hormones like testosterone.
- Lodhra should be avoided on an empty stomach. Because it can cause stomach heaviness, nausea and vomiting etc.
Juvenile Arthritis
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Juvenile arthritis is a disease in which synovium inflammation (inflammation) occurs in children 16 or younger. The synovium is a tissue within the joints that helps them function properly. Juvenile arthritis is an autoimmune disease. That is, the immune system present in the body that prevents the attack of external bacteria. The reason for this and the possibility of treatment also depends on the immune system present within the body.
Juvenile arthritis cases are increasing worldwide. Tragically, doctors and researchers are yet to know the reason for this. Therefore, in order to spread awareness about it, July has been declared as Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month.
So far no clear reason has been revealed. Researchers have termed it as idiopathic disease, the cause of which has not yet been explained to them. Some genetic, some infection and some environmental causes are responsible for this.
Rheumatologists identified mainly three types of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Oligoarticular
- Polyarticular
- Systemic onset
The international league of association for rheumatology (ILAR) classification for JA also includes 3 other types like enthesitis-related JIA, Juvenile psoriatic arthritis, and differentiated arthritis. The evaluation rules out other causes of arthritis including post-infectious arthritis, Lyme arthritis, Septic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and others. JA subtypes can be done with respect to clinical, demographic, and genetic features. Systemic JA is considered an autoinflammatory disease, but other types of JA are considered autoimmune diseases.
- Oligoarticular JA: Children with Oligoarticular JA are at increased risk of developing Uveitis (chronic eye inflammation), which is gradual, insidious, and often only found when especially looked for an eye examination. Sometimes, the adolescents will present with overt eye symptoms such as eye redness, pain, photophobia and change in vision. Children with a positive test for antinuclear antibody (ANA) are at highest risk of developing eye inflammation.
- Polyarticular JA:In polyarticular JA, the joint swelling is found in five or more joints especially small joints of hands along with weight-bearing joint, and disease onset should be six months of age. Polyarticular JIA has two classic age ranges: 1-6 years of age and 6-11 years of age. Polyarthritis can be rheumatoid factor-positive or negative. Rheumatoid factor-positive polyarticular, JIA directly resembles adult rheumatoid arthritis and can be a more severe disease than the RF-negative patients.
- Systemic JA: Systemic JA, there is arthritis in one or more joints that develops or is preceded by high-grade fever with high spikes of two weeks or more duration, which is classically daily for three days or more 19. Other possible presentation of systemic JIA inflammation of the heart, lungs and enlarged lymph nodes, liver or spleen.
No distinct symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis have been seen so far. Symptoms seen in it may also be symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to be very cautious. Stiffness in the joints usually in juvenile arthritis, especially in the morning. Joint pain, swelling, and tenderness; Reduction in motor skills in young children is also seen. Frequent fever, Red rash.
Investigation is necessary
There is still confusion about the symptoms and causes of juvenile arthritis. Do not get confused with the symptoms of bone disorders or diseases such as breaks, fibromyalgia, infection, Lyme disease, lupus or cancer, so it is better to get a medical examination immediately if you feel something like this.
The treatment
Treatment of juvenile arthritis usually involves both exercise and medication. Treatment plans are based on the type of juvenile arthritis. For instance, children who have polyarticular juvenile arthritis and who have positive results on the rheumatoid factor test have a greater joint damage potential and may require more aggressive treatment.
Ayurvedic view
Juvenile Arthiritis
The symptoms present in JA are more comparable with features of Aamavata Vyadhi mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. JA can be treated by Shodhana and Shaman therapy of Ayurveda which is free from any side effects.
Detox Premium Powder
Detox premium powder is a composition of herbal ingredients that detox your body by removing the toxins naturally. It contains ingredients like jahar mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, shankh bhasma, moti pishti, kamdudha ras, etc. It is the best medicine in reducing the redness, tenderness, stiffness, swelling in the case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1/2 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Trikatu Syrup:
Trikatu combines the goodness of Black pepper, Ginger and, Long pepper to create an herbal remedy for digestive ailments, sluggish metabolism, obesity, and high cholesterol. This syrup has best results in anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and expectorant. It also help to tackle the weight problems or obesity. It can modulate your body’s immune response while cutting the characteristic inflammation associated with the rheumatoid arthritis.
Recommended Dosage –Take 1 teaspoonful twice a day before meal with normal water.
Swarna Guggulu
Swarna guggulu is one of the best and effective medicine to cure Arthritis, Sciatica, Joints pain, and other physical weakness. The main key ingredients of this tablet are Ashwagandha, Kumkum, and Swarna bhasma. These ingredients reduce stiffness, pain, cure difficulty in walking, and provide strength to the joints.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1/2 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Nerve up tablets:
Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas and kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural vatahar properties and helps in curing vata disorders, speed up physical and mental processes. It act as Respiratory stimulant, helps in Joint pain, Inflammation, Stiffness, Gout, Arthritis, Bodyache, Erectile dysfunction, and Body weakness.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1/2 tablet twice daily.
Sheet dhara syrup:
It works on all the three doshas of body but mainly act on pitta dosha. It contains Ajwain, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that help reduce Acidityand burning sensation in chest region with its cooling effects. It relaxes your mind also maintains Bloodpressure. CAC Sheet dhara help in controlling mood swings by which many women are affected nowadays. It also controls burping ,nausea and bloating. Acid Reflux, Burning sensation in chest region, Bloating, Nausea, Burping, Hiccups, Maintain blood pressure, Control mood swings, Stomach ulcers, Improves Appetite.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1/2 teaspoon of sheet dhara twice daily empty stomach.
Pain-O-kill Tablets
As the name suggests these tablets will kill the pain naturally. The herbs present in the formation of these tablets are Ashwagandha, Hadjod, Punarnava, Nirgundi, Methi, Garlic, etc. These herbs in combination show antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. The regular use of these tablets reduce body pain and acts on its root cause.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1/2 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Role of Shodhana Therapy in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): In Shodhana therapy mainly 4 procedures are very effective in the treatment of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) –
- Sarvanga Snehana or Abhyanga (Full body massage with medicated oil).
- Nadi Swedana (Steam bath).
- Valuka Swedana (fomentation by sand pack).
- Vaitarana Basti (a type of medicated enema).
1.Sarvanga Abhyanga (Full Body Massage with Medicated Oil): The application of oil to the skin followed by massage in specific directions and postures is called Abhyanga. The importance of Abhyanga and its benefits are clearly described in Ayurveda classics.
Material Required: Sarvanga Abhyanga (massage) of the body including limbs, is done by:
- Mahanarayana oil.
- Bala oil.
2.Nadi Swedana (Steam Bath): Sweating is induced by means of steam coming from the fluid which may contain many Vata shamak herbs.
The Swedana (sudation) karma is considered as the main treatment of Vata roga; due to its Ushna guna overcomes the sheeta guna of Vata. Swedana (sudation) karma relieved in Sheeta (cold), Shoola (pain), and Sthamba (stiffness) in JIA. Nadi Swedana with Abhyanga facilitates in removal of Aavarana and Srotorodha. Nadi Swedana is very helpful in JIA by relieves spasticity, improves joint mobility or range of motion (ROM) 34.
3.Valuka Swedana: This is typical Ruksha Swedana in which bolus of sand is used. In Valuka Swedana sand can be fried in dhanyamula along with Saindhava lavana. Valuka Swedana is very effective in relieving the signs and symptoms of Amavata. Sukshma and Tikshna properties of Saindhava lavana helps to pass the drug molecule in systemic circulation through the mucosa. Valuka Swedana helps the Vasti Dravya to reach up to the molecular level 35. Much care should be focus mainly on heat of the bolus, mainly moderate heat should be taken.
4.Vaitarana Basti (Type of Medicated Enema): Vaitarana Basti is a specific type of Basti that is manlily indicated in the treatment of Amavata. Vaitarana Basti has very dominant cleansing action 36. Vaitarana Basti done cleansing therapy which can cleanse the closed channels and renovate its normal function. It is a kind of Niruha basti and it got its name due to the specific ability to cure disease 37.
According to modern sciences, the rectum has a rich supply of blood and lymph vessels. Drugs can cross the rectal mucosa like other lipid membranes and entering in general blood circulation so effect of Basti seen on whole body.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Chest irritation is a common problem related to the digestive system. It can also be dangerous to ignore.
In medical terms, heart burn is called ‘peptic acid disease’. If you have occasional heartburn, you are not alone. There are millions of people in the world who complain of heart burn every day. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is also commonly referred to as heart burn. It is a common problem related to the digestive system.
In this disease, the acidic contents of the stomach (acidic elements) start flowing back into the food pipe (esophagus or food pipe). The inner layer of the food pipe is not made to tolerate acid. Therefore, the presence of acid in the food pipe causes wound (ulcer) in its inner layer.
This condition is called heart burn. Constant chest irritation and ignoring it can lead to many problems.
It causes chest pain and severe burning sensation. Heart burn causes pain, tightness, and discomfort in the middle of the chest. This is when the inner lining of the esophagus is destroyed. Often, acid starts forming due to empty stomach and overeating. Due to this, there is also a burning sensation in the chest.
Not being physically active, eating food, sleeping immediately after eating, spicy food, soft drinks, preservatives, junk food, consumption of acidic things and smoking also increase acidity. Do not consume them if there is burning sensation in the chest. Make a change in lifestyle. Eat papaya, curd, orange, aloe vera juice, banana, apple, fish etc.
Causes of GERD
- Excessive consumption of oily substances.
- Stress, depression, irritability
- Flax
- Go to sleep
- Drink a lot of water
- Irregular intake of food
- Not getting enough sleep at night
- Excess intake of tea and coffee
- Possession
- carbonated soft drinks
- Excess consumption of alcohol, smoking
- Consumption of high-fat and caloric foods such as chocolate, high intake of milk products
- Not eating on time, especially not having breakfast in the morning
- Pregnancy, old age in some women.
- Eating more processed junk food.
Symptoms of GERD
- Irritation and pain in the upper abdomen immediately after meals
- Vomana, ukai and indigestion and the option of not taking food, which lasts for 1-2 days.
- Stomach bloating,
- Gases, sour belts, indigestion, nausea or bleeding in stools
- There is also an anemia of long-term indigestion.
Diet to be taken in GERD
- Use old shali or rice in food.
- Also eat barley, wheat, rice etc.
- Consuming cucumber, torai, loser bananas, pumpkin, pomegranate and cow’s milk is absolutely appropriate.
- Eat a balanced diet. Gradually discard spices from food.
Diet Not To Be Taken In GERD
Sacrifice the following food:
- Oily material
- Fine flour
- Fried Old Rancid
- Eat morning, afternoon and evening meals at the same time.
- Do not consume foods that produce excess acid in the stomach
- Tea and Coffees more PN
- Do not consume sour substances like tamarind, vinegar, yogurt
- Do not consume water after eating food.
- Material made from refined flour and milk should also not be consumed.
- Do not consume excessively cold substances.
- Keep in mind the following things to avoid acidity
- Fresh vegetables, fruits should be consumed
- Cook with love while cooking
- While eating, keep full attention in it.
- Should be eaten only during the period of bile, that is, eat it between 10 am to 2 pm. By consuming food at other times, the body has to spend more energy to digest it.
- Don’t sleep late at night
- Do not sleep immediately after a meal, whether it is lunch or dinner, but take a walk for 15-20 minutes after eating.
- Do not keep feelings of anger and malice in mind.
Home Remedies For GERD
- Consuming coconut water is the best medicine. Drink coconut water 2 times a day.
- Consuming 30-40 grams of amla powder or acid is capable of soliciting bile. Take it 2 times a day with 1 glass of water.
- Make raw porridge of maize and rice and mix raw sugar and honey in it. It is necessary to take it twice a day with 100-200 ml of water. By this, a preservative layer is formed on the edema of the food pipe and the pancreatic membrane, so that they are not destroyed by acidity.
- Mix equal quantity of powders of haratki and bhringraj (useful for liver or liver disease) and mix it 4 times. Drink this mixture with lukewarm water every day and take 16 grams every day.
- Take equal quantity of Chichinda leaves, Guduchi, Neem fruit and Triphala. And make tea. Drink 20-30 ml of this tea twice a day. Only after making tea, add sugar as per taste, not before.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Thyroid is a common problem of the present day, which is seen in most people.
According to Down to Earth’s report, 40 million people in India suffer from the disease, with 1 in 10 people suffering from hypothyroidism.
These figures are enough to describe the dreaded condition of thyroid.
In the human body, the thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped, a position on the front of the throat, which produces, stores and removes hormones in the blood so that those hormones can reach the body’s cells.
But when this gland is unable to do its work properly, then that condition is called thyroid disease.
Despite this it is unfortunate that most people are not fully aware of this. This is why they easily fall prey to it. So, let us try to get information about this throat problem through this article, so that people can be alert to it and treat it properly.
What is hypothyroidism?
Thyroid refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amounts of hormones. Due to this, the physical capacity of the person decreases considerably and it also becomes the cause of other health problems.
What is the type of thyroid?
There are mainly 4 types of thyroid, which are as follows-
1.Hypothyroidism Thyroid- This is the major cause of thyroid, which is caused by the lack of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland.
Hypothyroidism thyroid is mainly seen in young children, which is possible through medication.
2.Hyperthyroidism thyroid- This is the other thyroid, which is caused by the formation of extra tissue in the thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is an excess of hormones in the thyroid.
3.Goiter thyroid- This is commonly known as goitre disease, which is mainly due to iodine deficiency in the body.
Iodine medicine is given by the doctor to the person suffering from goiter, due to which the amount of iodine is normalized.
4.Thyroid cancer – This is the most serious and final type of thyroid, which is only possible through surgery. Thyroid cancer is the condition when the thyroid gland becomes a lump.
What are the symptoms of thyroid?
Some people may not remember when they had thyroid, but if they had noticed its symptoms, they might have been able to start treatment in time.
Therefore, if a person sees these symptoms, then it should be alert because it can be a sign of throat problem-
1.Weight gain or loss – This is the main symptom of thyroid, in which there is a sudden change in a person’s word.
Some people gain weight in this throat disease, while some people lose weight.
2.Sore Throat- Often, it has been seen that some people have a swollen throat when they have thyroid.
This may be mainly a symptom of goitre disease and the condition requires medical help.
3.Changes in heart rate- If a person has a change in heart rate and starts moving faster than normal, then he should check it.
A change in heart rate can be a sign of a thyroid.
4.Mood swing- Another symptom of thyroid is mood swing.
It has been seen that people suffering from this sometimes become happy or sometimes sad.
5.Hair loss- This is mainly because of the thyroid, the hair of women starts falling fast.
However, they can be treated by hair transplants.
What are the causes of thyroid ?
Have you ever thought about what causes this throat disease? No, perhaps this is why people are not able to protect themselves from it.
There are many such elements in our routine, which can cause thyroid, some of them are as follows-
1.Lack of iodine in the body- The problem of thyroid is mainly due to iodine deficiency in the body.
Therefore, all people should take such salt in their food, which is full of iodine.
2.Giving birth – Many times it has been seen that thyroid also occurs in women who have recently given birth.
However, this problem resolves on its own after some time, but if the thyroid is formed for a long time, then in that case the woman should be treated properly.
3.Excessive stress – Thyroid is more likely to occur in people who take extreme stress.
This is why all people should try to manage stress.
4.High blood pressure- If a person has high blood pressure or high blood pressure, then he is more likely to have thyroid.
Such a person should get his blood pressure treated properly so that he does not have any other health problems.
5.Diabetes – Often, thyroid is also caused by diabetes.
Therefore, a person suffering from this should try to control his diabetes.
How to treat thyroid?
This question matters to every person who suffers from this throat disease.
Since, he has to face a lot of problems due to this disease, that is why he tries to get rid of it all the time.
If a person is suffering from this throat disease then he can get thyroid treatment in these 5 ways-
Taking medicine- The easiest way to treat thyroid is to take medicine.
These medicines are helpful in controlling thyroid or eliminating it from root.
Therefore, a person suffering from thyroid can also get it treated through medication.
Throat Examination- Since thyroid is a throat disease, doctors examine a person’s throat to treat it.
They try to find out to what level the thyroid has increased in the body.
Blood test- Many times, this throat disease is also treated by blood test.
Through this test, an attempt is made to reduce the thyroid speed.
Ayurvedic treatment- At present, Ayurvedic is seen as a better option to treat any disease. This thing also applies to this throat disease.
Therefore, a person suffering from thyroid can adopt Ayurvedic treatment.
Undergoing surgery- When this throat disease does not get rest in any other way, then the doctors resort to surgery. In this case the thyroid is treated through thyroidectomy surgery.
In this surgery, the thyroid gland is surgically removed.
How to prevent thyroid?
You will be happy to know that thyroid can be prevented if certain things are taken care of.
You may not believe it because most people do not pay attention to how they can avoid the thyroid.
1.Adopting a healthy diet – Some people may also have a thyroid due to eating poorly.
Therefore, all people should take special care of their food and should adopt healthy dyed.
2.Avoiding canned food- Although, in today’s era, canned food is very much in circulation and most people also consume such food, but canned food has a bad effect on health.
That is why every person should try to stay away from such food as much as possible.
3.Taking anti-biotic medicines – as explained above is also caused by thyroid infection.
Therefore, all people should try to avoid infection and for this they can take anti-biotic medicines.
4.Exercising- Exercising can prove beneficial for any person.
This can prove useful in keeping her healthy and enhancing her immunity.
5.Thyroid check- It is most important for all people to have a thorough examination of their health, so that they can know that they are healthy.
If thyroid is confirmed in a person after examining his health, then he should start treatment immediately.
Hypothyroidism Care Kit
Premature ejaculation (PE)
- November 24, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
When a man loses his semen by losing his control before having sex, it is called premature ejaculation. Because of this, the excitement of sex ceases and the result is that both sex people are not satisfied. If this process goes on for a long time then it has a negative effect on the mental level of the male and that pressure, stress and Becomes a victim of anxiety
What is the main cause of early ejaculation?
It is not a disease, so there is no permanent cure for it. It is a psychological problem and can be solved by either a psychology doctor or a sexologist. This problem is linked to the mental level. Any kind of mental stress can give male inferiority feeling, anxiety and depression. It can be caused by something else, such as problems with hormones, injury or side effects of some medications.
Due to premature ejaculation
The exact cause of premature ejaculation has not yet been ascertained. Where earlier it was considered a psychological problem, now it is considered to be a combined effect of psychological and biological factors.
Premature ejaculation (PE) can occur for these reasons:
- Not having sex
- Having sex with a new partner can lead to PE
- PE can occur even if you have sex in certain positions
- Premature ejaculation can occur if you have sex after a long time.
- Tension to satisfy female partner
- Stress or anxiety, it can also be related to sex or any other problem.
- depression
- Side effects of a medicine
- The skin of the penis is hyper sensitive (numbing creams are helpful in such cases)
- Hasteful sex may cause PE even later, for fear of getting caught in boyhood
- Having a guilt feeling about sex in the mind that it is a dirty thing
- Worrying that the penis will not be able to stand for long during sex, the herd can create a pattern of ejaculate
- Relationship problem: If you did not have PE while having sex with someone else, then it is possible that there is a problem in your relationships with the current partner, which is causing this problem.
- Hormonal problem
- Abnormal level of brain chemicals
- Abnormal reflex activity of ejaculatory system
- Some thyroid problems
- Inflammation or infection in the prostate or urethra
- Genetic cause
- Nerve damage due to surgery or trau
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Prostate disease
- Multiple sclerosis
Home and Ayurvedic treatment of premature ejaculation
i)Take 5 grams ashwagandha powder and mix equal quantity of sugar candy in it and take it in the morning with lukewarm milk. Taking it continuously for some time will benefit.
ii) Taking 4-4 grams musli powder with milk after eating in the morning and evening thickens the semen, which provides relief in premature ejaculation.
iii) Powder of jamun kernels is very beneficial in premature ejaculation by taking 3-3 grams of it continuously for a few days.
iv) Shilajit is consumed mostly in winter. For this, as much as Shilajit dipped from the matchless side of the matchstick, mix it with milk in the morning and evening and consume it in small quantity in summer.
v) Many medicines of Ayurveda are used in premature ejaculation like Makardhwaja, Kamini Vibharana Ras, Ashwagandha Churna, Jati Phaladi Churna, Chandanadi Churna, Chandanasava. It should be taken under the supervision of all Ayurvedic experts.
2) Counseling
Many times there are many confusions and misconceptions in the mind of premature ejaculation, they can be removed only by counseling and the fear and anxiety prevailing in the mind of the patient can be removed through counseling.
3) Behavioral therapy
Behavioral therapy proves to be very beneficial in many patients:
i) Masturbation: It is recommended to masturbate for 2 hours before having sex, which prevents early discharge while having sex, but in many cases it reduces sexual desire and excitement.
ii) Exercise
For premature ejaculation, doctors prescribe special exercises which can prove to be very effective.
a) Start and Stop technology
Under this method, the partner performs masturbation as soon as the man is about to discharge, he gestures to his partner. The partner stops masturbation at the same time. As soon as the excitement decreases, again the same processors do it again, gradually it increases the power to stop semen ejaculation.
b) Squeeze Technique
In this technique, the partner starts masturbating as soon as ejaculation occurs, the partner presses the part of betel nut vigorously, which stops the flow of this semen. Slow practice increases the discharge time.
c) Kegal Exercise or Pelvic floor exercises
Treatment of premature ejaculation: Weakness of pelvic floor muscles can reduce your ability to discharge late. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) can help you strengthen these muscles.
Find the right muscles: For this, you should stop urinating in the middle, to do this, the muscles that have to be tight are the pelvic muscles.
Once you find out, you can exercise in any position, although it will be easy to do lying-down exercises in the beginning.
Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, and maintain pressure for 3 seconds (no hands will be used) and then let loose. In this way, you do it at least 3 times. Later you can do this kegel exercise while sitting, standing, or walking. You can repeat this exercise 10 times a day. Of course, for this you do not need to spend time separately, you can do these exercises in office, while traveling, or anytime.
To get better results, you should try your best to focus on pelvic floor muscles. Take care that your thigh or stomach muscles should be relaxed while doing so. During this time, your breath should also move in a normal way.
Men can use Climax Control condom to decrease the sensitivity of penis. They have numbing agents, such as benzocaine or lidocaine, and have a higher thickness, which helps in delaying ejaculation.
4) Yoga Pranayama
Yoga Pranayama is beneficial for the whole body anyway, but it gives special benefit in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Such as – Vajrasana, Mandukasana, Shikhasana etc.
5) Modern Medicine
If the above measures are not resolved then modern medicine can be taken in which you have to meet the doctor and take the right medicines. However, officially no medicine has been prescribed for premature ejaculation but some antidepressants have been found to be effective in it.
In England, Australia, and many other countries, dapoxetine (brand name Priligy) has been licensed to treat premature ejaculation.
This medicine may have some side-effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and headaches.
Apart from this, some local anesthetic creams such as lignocaine and prilocaine are also available, which helps in the problem of early discharge by applying to the penis before sex. But using them for a long time can stop penis erections.
Premature ejaculation is a common problem that can be completely treated!
How is early ejaculation treated in modern?
Early Ejaculation Treatment:
Topical anesthetic: These are creams that numb the penis and are sometimes used to correct this problem. Sometimes there are side effects of this creame and there may be a decrease in sex pleasure.
Analgesic: Tramadol is used to treat any type of pain whose side effects usually delay premature ejaculation. Tramadol is prescribed most of the time in conjunction with SSRIs.
Counseling: In this, doctors talk to men about their problem. Doctors also talk to men about performance pressure and also suggest ways to deal with stress.
There are many medicines used in the treatment of premature ejaculation which bring about a considerable change in the treatment. In which drugs such as clomipramine such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, or sertraline and tricyclic antidepressants are also given. Click here for Best Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation.
Ayurvedic treatment by CAC
1. Nerve up tablet:
Nerve up tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is the purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Nerve up tablets helps in balancing the Vata doshas. It reduces Kapha dosha, and acts as a nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contain natural vatahar properties and helps in curing Vata diseases.
It acts as CNS stimulant: speed up physical and mental processes. Works in Erectile dysfunction, Body weakness, and Insomnia
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
2. Stress care tablet:
Stress care tablet is an amazing combination of natural herbs like Sarpgandha, Brahmi, jatamansi. It helps to relieve stress conditions. They help to pacify the nervous system and also helps to increase mental and physical performance. Maintain stress level, Provide strength to the nervous system, Works in anxiety, loneliness, insomnia, sleep, Negative emotions, Enhance concentration in studies and other work, Memory loss.
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
3. Trikatu Syrup:
It is purely Ayurvedic formulation made up of three herbs. CAC Trikatu Syrup helps to eliminate excess Kapha or mucous from the body, supports the respiratory system, manages weight, helps to take out impurities or ama from the body, supports healthy detoxification, reduces swelling. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antioxidant properties. This syrup is made up of equal parts of three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum) that maintains the metabolism in the body. The regular use of this syrup balances the thyroxine hormone and treats hyperthyroidism naturally. It is an Appetizer and it improves digestion, supports normal gastric function, and normal circulation.
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
4. Men Power Plus tablet:
Mostly at one age men may suffer from low self-esteem and become negative. This also occurs because they are facing problems in their sexual life. There might be early ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. A feeling of inferiority also occurs and they feel hesitate to visit a doctor or discuss this problem. It also affects their relationship and leads to fighting, divorce, loss of self-confidence, the stress in their personal life.
- Provide strength to the whole body and help to relieve erectile dysfunction naturally.
- All herbs are aphrodisiac, helps to increase stamina.
- The best source of male hormone precursors.
- Can be used by bodybuilders
- Relieve impotency
- Self-confidence and increase sperm count and sperm quality
- These herbs are antioxidant properties, the best supplement that works in anti-aging and provides strength.
- Reduce serum glucose levels
- Helps to relieve hypertension
Recommended Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily.
5. Ashwagandha tablet
CAC Ashwagandha tablet is an herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. Ashwagandha has been called the kings of Ayurvedic herbs. Its root has a horsey smell. It boosts your immune system and relieves stress. It is made from the goodness of Ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng. It helps you recover from anxiety and depression, boost your brain. It may also modestly enhance strength performance, improve glucose metabolism, increase testosterone levels It is a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-stress properties.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – 650 mg
Uses of Ashwagandha churna:
- Stress buster
- Stress
- Reduce symptoms of depression
- Boost testosterone and increase fertility in men
- Increase muscle mass and strength
- Help calm the brain
Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily with water after a meal
- November 24, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Guarana is also known as paullinia cupana
It is a climbing plant with family sapindaceae
Fruit of this plant resembles human eye , with a red shell encasing a black seed covered by a white aril . It is about the size of coffee berry .
It has yellow panicles flowers
Leaves of this plant are divided compound
Fruits are three sided pear shaped with three celled capsules with thin partitions
Seeds are like small horse chestnut half enclosed in an aril , flesh colored and easily separated when dried .
After the seeds are shelled and washed they are roasted for six hours
Steams are pentagonal , puberulent with stem cross section exhibiting a single vascular cylinder
The leaflet blades are elliptic or oblong elliptic , the base is cuneate or attenuate , acute and obtuse to sub rounded on lateral leaflet .
Flowers of this plant are unisexual , zygomorphic , has 5 green sepals , possessing minute glandular hair along the margin .
Kingdom :- Plantae – plants
Subkingdom :- Tracheobionta – vascular plants
Superdivision :- Spermatophyta – seed plants
Class :- Magnoliopsida – dicotyledons
Subclass :- Rosidae
Division :- Magnoliophyta – flowering plants
Genus :- Paullinia
Species :- Cupana
Synonyms :- Paullinia sorbilis
Common Names :- Quarana , Quaranastruik , Guarana , Guarana Kletterstrauch , Brazillian cocoa , Uabano, Cupana , Brazilian cocoa , Uaranzeiro .
1 Malaria 2 Diarrhea 3 Fever 4 Headache 5 Heart problems
6 Improvement of exercise endurance 7 Chronic fatique syndrome
8 Joint pain 8 fluid retention 9 Improvement of short term
10 High intensity perfomance and power 11 Increase urine flow
12 Increasing blood pressure 13 Weight loss 14 Dysentery
15 In food manufacturing , it is used as a flavoring ingredient in beverage and candy.
16 Stimulation Of Central Nervous System :- Due to presence of caffeine it increase the activity of brain and cause mental alertness and wakefulness .
Guarana seeds are collected and roasted to remove the seed coat . Separated from the shell , broken and made into a paste with water and dried for further use.
It can be used in form of powder , sticks , powder , capsules and extracts .
1 English :- Brazilian cocoa , Guarana
2 Brazil :- Guarana sipo , Guarana , Guarana uva
3 Dutch :- Guarana
4 German :- Guarana
5 Peru :- Cupana
6 Venezuela :- Cupana
- November 24, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Lavang is also known as Syzygium aromaticum or Clove . It is a spice that is mainly used for flavorings different foods. It is one of the most powerful and effective health supplement.
It is a medium sized bushy , crown , evergreen tree growing up to 8 to 20 meters in height .
Leaves and Bark of this tree is aromatic but this is most famous for flower buds .
Leaves are glossy , simple and light green in color . Elliptical leaves with petioles can grow up to 13 cm and lower surface of leaves are covered in aromatic oil glands .
Flowers are in small clusters and buds in the starting are pale with fleshy , glossy appearance , turning green and become bright red when mature.
The fruits are 6 mm with minute capsules with unctuous many angled seeds inside.
Clove can be used in many applications . In the modern times, Lavang is used in the form of a useful healing compound that has the capability of offering great relief for many problems. The dietary herbal use of this spice can help in relieving a number of ailments both external and internal. In the form of a supplement, this spice can be used in its ground form or whole form and even be reduces into an essential oil.
Laung are dark, blackish-brown in color and shaped like a nail.
1 Kingdom :- Plantae
2 Clade :- Tracheophytes
3 Order :- Myrtales
4 Family :- Myrtaceae
5 Genus :- Syzygium
6 Species :- S. aromaticum
7 Binomial Name :- Syzygium Aromaticum
SYNONYMES :– Caryophyllus aromaticus , Eugenia Aromatica , Eugenia Caryophyllus
1 Hindi and Punjabi :- Laung
2 Gujrati :- Lavinga
3 Marathi :- Lavang
4 Tamil :- Lavankapattai
5 Sanskrit Name :- Devakusuma , Shri Prasuna , Bhringanga , Varija , Chandanapushaka , shekhara
6 Telugu Name :- Lavangamu , Karavaillu
PART USED :- Flower Bud
1 Rasa :- Tikta , katu (Bitter , Pungent )
2 Guna :- Laghu , Snigdha ( Light , Oily)
3 Virya :- Sheeta ( Cold )
4 Vipaka:- Katu (Pungent )
1 In Digestion :- It helps in soothing and relaxing the inner lining of the intestines and therefore help in digestion . This spice can even be effective in relieving an upset stomach.
2 Cure Cough :- It can also be used for helping the esophagus produce phlegm and serve in the form of an expectorant which makes cough less severe.
3 Anti- Analgesic :- It also has analgesic properties that help in relieving tooth pain by applying with a cotton bud or chewing a single clove .
4 Skin Issues:- It can also help in sunburn by applying externally .
5 Anti- microbial effect :- It kill bacteria and parasites that live in the digestive tract.
6 Gaseous Issues:- It can also be of good use in relieving excessive bloating and gas if taken in right dose.
7 Anti – Histamines Property:-It help in keeping the sinus passageways open and clear by its anti histamines property .
8 Reliving Cholera:- It is very useful in relieving cholera .
9 Asthma :- It serves as a best remedy for all those patients who suffer from asthma.
10 Mouth Freshener:– Lavang in India is used as a mouth freshener
11Making Cigarette:- In some of other country like Indonesia , it is used for making a type of cigarette
12 Anti -Fungal:- Oil of Lavang can also be used as a repellent to ants and mosquitoes and also has anti- fungal effect so can be used for warts and acne. It is a important component in toothpastes .