Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- November 27, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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You must have seen the karanja plant near most of the rivers or drains. It looks like a very simple tree, but the truth is that Karanja has many benefits. If you do not know, then know that Karanja plant is used as a medicine. In the disease of baldness, eyes, teeth, Karanja is beneficial.
According to Ayurveda, benefits of Karanja are found in diseases like wounds, leprosy, stomach disease and piles.
What is Karanja?
Many species of Karanja are found; But mainly three species are used for medicine, which are: –
Lata Karanja
Use of oil derived from its seeds is very beneficial for skin diseases. Here all the benefits from Karanja have been written in very easy words (karanj in hindi) so that you can get full benefits from Karanja.
Taxonomical Classification
Kingdom: Plantae – Plants
Division: Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Caesalpinia
Species: Caesalpinia crista
Name of karanja in different languages
Botanical name of Karanja Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre. (Pongamia pinnata) Syn-Pongamia glabra Vent., Derris indica (Lam.) Is Bennet. It belongs to the Fabaceae (Fabaceae) clan. Karanja is also known by other names in the country or abroad: –
karanja in –
- Hindi – करञ्ज, करञ्जवा, किरमाल, पापर, दिठोरी
- English – स्मूथ लीव्ड पोंगेमिया (Smooth leaved pongamia), इण्डियन बीच (Indian Beech), Pongam oil tree (पोंग्म ऑयल ट्री)
- Sanskrit – करञ्ज, नक्तमाल, उदकीर्य :, गुच्छपुष्पक, घृतपूर्ण:, स्निग्धपत्र
- Urdu – करञ्जवह (Karanjvah)
- Oriya – कोनीआ (Konia), कोरोन्जो (Koronjo)
- Kannada – होंगे (Honge)
- Gujarati – कणझी (Kanjhi), करञ्ज (Karanj)
- Tamil – पुंगम् (Pungam), पुंगामरम् (Pungamaram), पुंकफ (Punku)
- Telugu – कागु (Kaagu), करनुगा (Karnuga)
- Bengali – डहर करञ्जा (Dahar karanja), केरूम (Kerum)
- Nepali – कारंगी (Karangi)
- Punjabi – सुखचेन (Sukhchen), पाफ्राप् (Pafri)
- Marathi – करञ्ज (Karanj), घनेरा करञ्ज (Ghanera karanj)
- Malayalam – पोन्नम् (Ponnam), पुंगामरम् (Pungamaram), उन्नेमरम् (Unnemaram)
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa: Kashaya, Tikta
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kaphahara, Pittahara ,Vatahara
Karanja Tree Benefits and Uses
Karanja Oil Benefits in Baldness Problem
Massage the scalp with karanjali oil. It is beneficial in Indralupta (baldness problem). For best results, use with the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor.
Benefits of Karanja in baldness
Cook the paste of Karanja seed in milk and cool it. Filtering it and applying it like kajal in the eyes provides relief in eye diseases.
Uses of Karanja Tree to Treat Dental Disease
Burn the Karanja almanac and make it ash. Mixing salt in it and rubbing it on the teeth cures toothache (toothache).
Cure cough with medicinal properties of Karanja
Lick 1-3 grams of Karanja seed powder mixed with honey. It provides relief in cough.
Karanja Tree Benefits to Stop Vomiting
Make a decoction with the leaves of Karanja. Drinking Yavagu made from this prevents vomiting. For better results, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
Karanja Tree Uses in Increasing Appetite
Make a decoction of Karanja and gargle. Along with this, hunger is increased by doing toothpick (Datun) with Karanja wood. It ends anorexia towards food.
Karanja Tree Uses in Spleen Disease
Mix 65 mg Karanj Kshar, Vid Salt and 500 mg Puppali powder in 20-30 ml acidic acid. By taking it, there is benefit in Plehodar (problem of enlargement of spleen).
Karanja Oil Benefits to Cure Abdominal Disease
- Fry Karanja Falamja (1-2 grams). Add rock salt to it. Taking it relieves stomach pain.
- Peel off the seeds of Karanja and clean it. Give it the feeling of juice of euphorbia leaves. After that, dry it in the sun and take out the oil (karanj tel). By using this, stomach abscesses are cured.
- Applying grinded seeds, dry ginger and Vacha in a decoction of Karanja, cures stomach boils.
- Grind the powder of the seeds of Karanja without peel with the juice of Sehund. By applying it, the boils inside the stomach are cured.
Uses of Karanja in Wound Healing for wound healing
If insects have developed in the wound, mix juice of Karanja, Neem and Nirgundi and apply it. This kills insects.
Uses of Karanja for Sinus Disease
Wash sinus wounds with juice of Karanja, Neem, Jasmine, Bahera and Peelu. This causes the wound to heal (karanj ke fayde).
Benefits of Karanja tree in wart problem
Grind equal quantity of karanja, mustard and sesame. Applying this paste cures the wart.
Uses of Karanja to Cure Skin Disease
Take seed from the karanja plant. Skin diseases are cured by grinding seeds.
Uses of Karanja for Glowing Skin
Grind the seeds of Karanja in milk and apply it on the face, it brightens the face.
Karanja tree beneficial in the disease of blood bile
Mix honey and ghee in 1-3 gram powder of Karanja seed. Taking it provides relief in the problem of bleeding from the nose and ears.
Add curd water to the powder (1-3 gms) of rock salted karanja seeds. Drinking this for three days by lukewarm benefits in the problem of bleeding from nose and ears etc. (karanj ke fayde).
Mix 1-3 grams Karanja seed powder with sugar candy and honey. Taking it cures blood problems (problem of bleeding from nose and ears etc.).
Karanja Uses in Fighting with Fever
Grind the seeds and add water to it. Dripping it drop by drop in the navel provides relief in fever caused by Kaphaj disorder.
Benefit from Karanja tree when stinging scorpion
Grind the flowers of Karanja, Arjuna, Muchanmantak, Katabhi, Kutaj and Shirish in curd water. Applying it on scorpion bites, cures pain, burning and swelling etc.
Karanja benefits in scorpion bite
How to use Karanja?
Karanja should be used in such quantity: –
- Leaf juice – 10-20 ml
- Seed powder – 1-3 grams
Here all the benefits of Karanja have been written in very easy words (karanj in hindi) so that you can get the full benefit from Karanja, but take the advice of a doctor to use Karanja as a medicine. .
Where is Karanja found or grown?
Karanja plant is found at an altitude of up to 1200 meters all over India. It occurs on the banks of rivers and roads and in forests.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Membranous glomerulonephritis is a specific type of GN(GLOMERULONEPHRITIS) which cause problem with kidney functioning due to inflammation of kidney structures. It affects the filters (Glomeruli) of the kidney and release protein in the urine .
Membranous nephropathy is considered as an Autoimmune Disease . It is caused by build-up of immune complexes within the filters of kidney itself
Symptoms of this disease include :-
1 Swelling in Ankles and Legs
2 Fatigue and Poor Appetite
3 Weight Gain and High Cholesterol
4 Decreased protein in blood , particularly albumin
5 Increased protein in urine ( Proteinuria)
6 High Blood Pressure and may lead to Kidney Failure
It may results from Autoimmune activity , in which body immune system mistakes healthy tissues as foreign and attack it with substances called autoantibodies , these antibodies target certain protein located in kidneys filtering systems . Some other causes include :-
1 Infection with Syphilis , Hepatitis B and C
2 Blood Cancers and Tumors
3 Autoimmune disease like Lupus Erythematosus
4 Some Medications may cause the disease like Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gold salts.
5 It may occur along with other kidney disease such as diabetic nephropathy and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis .
Risk factors Include :-
1 Use Of Certain Medications :- Intake of medication has the risk of developing this disease e.g. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .
2 Certain Medical condition that can damage kidney :- There are certain disease which risk the development of this disease such as :- Autoimmune disease or Lupus .
3 Genetic Background :- Certain genetic factors which increase the risk of Membranous Nephropathy .
4 Exposure to Certain Infections :- Examples of infections that increase the risk of membranous nephropathy include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis.
1 High Blood Pressure :- Waste buildup in your blood and salt retention can cause High Blood Pressure
2 High Cholesterol :- Levels of Triglyceride and Cholesterol are often high in people with Membranous Nephropathy which increase the risk of heart disease .
3 Infections :- Infections are the most common complication of this disease because of Proteinuria which causes lose of Immune system proteins that protect you from Infection .
3 Blood Clots :- Proteinuria which may lose proteins that help to prevent clotting from your blood into your urine . This increase the complication of having blood clots develop in deep veins or blood clots that travel to your lungs
4 Nephrotic Syndrome :- Low protein levels in blood , High protein level in urine , High blood cholesterol , swelling of eyelids , abdomen and feet occur with this syndrome .
5 Acute Kidney Failure :- In cases of severe damage to Kidneys filtering units (glomeruli) , waste product may build up in your blood which may lead to emergency Dialysis to remove waste and extra fluids from blood.
6 Chronic Kidney Disease :- Your kidney may gradually lose function over time to the point where you need dialysis or a kidney transplant .
1 Medications :- There are Certain Antibiotics to treat the Kidney infection , if infection is very serious you may require IV antibiotics .OR in infection such as pyelonephritis which cause severe pain , pain relieving medication is prescribed
In case of inflammation of kidney Corticosteroids are prescribed .
2 Supplements :- When kidneys are not working well , it can impact the balance of Electrolytes in your body , such as potassium , sodium and magnesium are responsible for creating chemical reaction in the body which need IV fluids to encourage your kidney to release the extra electrolyte or may need supplement to increase the electrolyte e.g. potassium or phosphorus pills .
3 Dialysis :- If kidney function is significantly impaired due to infection you may require dialysis , it may be a temporary necessity or if the kidneys are much damaged , you may need dialysis permanently
1 BED REST :- If your body needs time and energy to heal , then you may need bed rest for recovery .
2 Increase fluid intake :- It may also need to increase your fluid intake . This help to prevent dehydration and keep the kidneys filtering to release waste products
3 Low Potassium Diet :- If your kidney function get damaged , you need to take low potassium diet like many fruits and vegetables are high in potassium which need to be restricted .
4 Low Sodium Foods :- When you have much sodium in your blood , your kidney hold into water which increase your blood pressure
A healthy working kidney plays an important role in keeping the whole body clean, well-fueled, strong and functioning properly. Kidney failure puts the body at risk, allowing waste to accumulate and damage the kidneys from inside. It is a good idea to do a kidney cleansing and keep a check on the health of the kidneys in your middle and old age. The toxins that buildup results in nausea or feeling sick to the stomach, lack of concentration and blood pressure changes are all symptoms of kidney failure. The herbs used are very effective in treating kidney disorders and revive damaged kidney. It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and analgesic properties.
CAC KIDNEY CARE CHURNA is a herbo-mineral formulation and is 100% safe and purely Ayurvedic. CAC Kidney Care Churna shows Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Diuretic properties. It is very beneficial in reducing the Creatinine level, rejuvenation of the kidneys and promotes the filtering process of kidneys, and maintains the healthy urinary tract. This churna deal with the signs and symptoms related to kidney diseases and helps in pacifying Kapha and Pitta Dosha, and also helps in painless expulsion of stones. It naturally increases the life-span of the kidneys. This herbal churna contains ingredients like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), etc. It is beneficial for diseases like chronic kidney disease, Renal colic, Urinary tract infection, kidney stones.
CAC UTI CARE TABLET is a herbo-mineral tablet of 650 MG and is a purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC UTI Care tablets are 100% safe and natural. It helps to treat the root cause of disease naturally without having any side effects. UTI Care Tablets helps to treat Urinary tract infections along with the diseases related to kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients which are Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare), kalmi Shora (Pottasium nitrate), Naushadar (Ammonium chloride), Swarna Gairik (Red ochre), etc. UTI Care Tablets are also beneficial in kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, Renal colic, burning sensation or pain during micturition, Hypertension.
CAC DETOX PREMIUM POWDER are herbo-mineral sachets which are purely Ayurvedic formulation. These sachets mainly detox the body and eliminate toxic substances and helps in proper metabolism of all the functions. This formulation act at the level of the nervous system and facilitate proper conduction of signal impulse from the nerves to the muscles. These sachets have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-modulator. The ingredients present in it are moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kamdudha ras, Jahar Mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, sutshekhar ras, etc. These ingredients balances all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and helps in blood purification, reduces burning sensation, weakness, and hot flashes in ulcerative colitis patients. It reduces the level of high uric acid in the body. The powder is very beneficial in relieving discomfort, numbness, muscle ache, and reduces swelling of the pelvic region. This powder provides a cooling & calming effect on the mouth ulcers. It is very beneficial in reducing the swelling, redness, stiffness, and improves the movements of joints.
Gokshura capsule is pure ayurvedic medicine which is very effective in ascites as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the abdomen. It also acts as diuretic which causes increased urine secretion from the body and removal of all the toxins. These capsules contain pure extract of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris .
CAC Sheet Dhara is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It works on all the three doshas of body but mainly act on pitta dosha. It contains Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that help reduce Acidity and burning sensation in chest region with its cooling effects. It relaxes your mind also maintains Blood pressure. CAC Sheet dhara help in controlling mood swings by which many women are affected nowadays. It also controls burping ,nausea and bloating.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Nagbala (Grewia Hirsuta ) is a brown or gray colored hairy branches . The botanical name of Nagbala is Sida acuta Burma (Sida acuta), it is the plant of Tiliaceae Family
The Leaves are lance shaped with a length of 6 to 14cm and width of 2 to 3.5 cm . These leaves are black brown in color when dried . The lateral basal veins of the leaves are as long as leaf blade and the lateral vein occur 4 to 5 pairs
Stalks of this plant are 3 mm long
The Flowers are white in color and are born in cymes (3 to 4 flowers per cyme) , they grow from June to July. When Flowers of this plant are fully grown they first turn into yellow and then into brown color . The buds of these flowers are globose .
Petals are narrowly ovate .
The Fruit of the plant are small in size and yellow in color
The Roots are Brown in color in color with cylindrical shape.
According to the ayurveda this plant has Vata-Pitta shamak properties which regulates Air ( Vayu) and Agni (Pitta) of the body
RASA :-Madhura (Sweet)
GUNA:-Guru(Heavy) , Snighda (Oily), Picchila (Slimmy)
VIRYA:- Sheet (Coolant)
VIPAKA:- Madhura ( Sweet taste after digestion )
PARBHAVA :- Rasayana
Hindi: Gur-shukri, Kukurbicha, Sri-Gur-Sukri, Kukurand;
Sanskrit: Nagbala, Jhasha, Arishta, Hsvagvedhuka, Mahashakha, Gaurakshatandula, Khargandha, Chatupala, Madam, Mahapatra, Mahafala, Mahagandha, Khanda, Kharva, Vishwadevi;
Odia: Kulo, Sonaranga;
Urdu: Kakerundehrumi;
Asami: Huktapata
Kannad: Chikkudipe, Udippe
Tamil: Tavida (Tavida);
Telugu: Bidarchipura, Budda (Buddha);
Bengali: Govali, Govli;
Marathi: Govali
Arabi: Kamefetusa;
Persian: Karafasrumi
The Roots, Leaves and Panchang
1 Nagbala Benefits for Cold :-It is useful in cold when the weather changes or after consuming cold things. With the help of some home remedies mentioned in Ayurveda, you can get relief from cold. With the help of Nagbala, you can get relief from cold . For this, by putting the juice of Nagbala leaves in the nose and take its leaves.
2 Nagbala gives relief from breast pain :- Putting the leaves of Nagbala lightly on the breasts which provides relief from the pain in the breasts.
3 CURE Heart DISEASE :- Nagbala is very useful for heart disease patients by reducing symptoms of heart disease .
4 Nagbala Benefits in treatment of Diarrhea :- The powder of Nagbala fruit and root should be consumed when there is diarrhea. Its use also provides relief in dysentery.
5 Benefits of Nagbala in the treatment of hemorrhoids:- The powder of Nagbala root and leaves should be consumed with lukewarm water or drink its decoction. It provides benefit in piles and change dietary habits .
6 Nagbala prevents the spleen from growing:-Nagbala has medicinal properties that prevent the spleen from growing. Make a paste of the leaves of Nagbala and consume or keep these leaves on the spleen portion to warm it slightly. Doing so provides benefit in spleen enlargement problem.
7 Nagbala provides benefits in treating arthritis:-Nagbala is very effective in treating arthritis , make a paste of the leaves of Nagbala and apply it on the joints where there is pain. It provides quick relief. Similarly, drinking decoction of these leaves is also beneficial in arthritis.
8 Nagbala is beneficial in treating TB:– Nagbala has medicinal properties that help a lot in treating TB. Every morning, eat powder of Nagbala root mixed with honey and ghee, Take equal quantity of barley, nagbalamool, ashwagandhamul, sesame, jaggery and urad powder and take it daily in the morning with milk. It provides benefit in TB and increases the strength of the body.
Take the powder of Arjun Tvak, Nagbala root and Kewancha seeds, mixed with honey, ghee and sugar candy. It is effective in treating both TB and cough.
Consume the powder made from cancerous horny, Arjun Dvakka, Ashwagandha, Nagbala, Pushkarmool, Haritaki and Guduchi.
9 Nagbala is beneficial in nose and ear bleeding problem:-This problem is cured by taking Nagbala powder with honey.
10 Nagbala improves semen quality:- If you regularly consume the powder of Nagbala with milk, then it nourishes the semen and improves its quality.
Gudmar – Gymnema Sylvestre
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Gudmar Benefits in Hindi Gymnema Sylvestre which we know as Gudmar. Gudmar has immense benefits as it is an Ayurvedic medicinal tree. Which has been used in large quantities in Ayurveda for the treatment of diabetes for centuries. This herb is found in tropical forests. Gymnasium sylvester or Gudmar is used to cure many diseases like urinary tract, obesity, metabolism, cough, breathing problem, eye problem, ulcer, stomach pain.
The leaves of the Gudmar tree are used for medicinal purposes. Chewing its fresh leaves makes you temporarily not experience sweet taste for some time. This effect is due to direct contact with the active substances present in the leaves. This herb is known as Madhunashini or Gurmara or Gudra, all these words literally mean that it destroys sugar. Apart from sugar, this herb is also used in the treatment of other diseases.
Gudmar plant
These Ayurvedic medicinal trees are very large in size and their branches are thin and coarse. Its leaves are small, flat and its stalk is 0.6 to 1.2 cm. Occur. Their leaves are oval in shape. Its flowers are yellow. Its seeds are yellow and brown in color.
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa- kashya, tikta
Guna- laghu,ruksha
Virya- ushna
Vipaka- katu
Benefits of Gudmar
Gymnema Sylvester (Gudmar) has many health benefits. Gudmar is being used as a medicine in India for many years. In particular, they are known to suppress sweet taste. Gudmar is believed to have anti-allergic, antiviral and lipid lowering properties. Gudmar also helps people suffering from diabetes. In this article you will learn how Gudmar is beneficial for us.
Gudmar is the home remedy for sugar
This ayurvedic plant has some anti-atherosclerotic actions. Which help us to get many important health benefits. Gudmar has hypoglycemic action which means that it helps in reducing the level of blood sugar in the human body. Gudmar is very useful for those people who have diabetes. Gudmar also helps in reducing the amount of lipids in your blood stream.
Gudmar is also very useful for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is usually a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose due to insulin deficiency and is often caused by lifestyle and genetic combinations. Gudmar leaves have properties that help reduce sugar intake and are effective in controlling hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes patients.
Gudmar benefits for arthritis
Gurmara is a traditional treatment for problems like arthritis. If gummar is used in the initial stage of arthritis, it stops the development of arthritis before it develops. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of arthritis. It can also help in water retention as it is a good diuretic.
Use of Gudmar to prevent aging
Gurmara helps immensely in preventing your aging. It also helps protect the osmotic lens from damage. It also has some antioxidant properties which are very beneficial for our health. In addition, Gudmar help improve the effects of colitis. When molasses is consumed as an antioxidant, it can lower the blood glucose and lipid peroxidation levels due to the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, which is usually the cause of aging.
Gudmar benefits for skin
Good amount of antibacterial properties are found in the leaves of gurmar which are used in the treatment of skin disorders and infections. It is known as a natural remedy for leucoderma in the skin. Gudmar plant is often used in skin cosmetics.
Benefits of Gurmara for liver
The liver is on the right side of the stomach which is a large meaty organ. It weighs about 3 pounds and is red or brown in color which when touched can feel like rubber. But you cannot touch it because it is between the ribs inside your body.
Benefits of gudmar powder should regularize bowel movement
Discharge of feces is the last stop of the digestive system, which passes out through the human anal organ. Your digestive system (made up of the small intestine, stomach, and colon) is absorbed from the gut by whatever you eat or drink. Nutrients and fluids are absorbed from the intestine and the leftover residues from the anal organs. With the help of Gudmar contains gymnemic acid which helps in reducing the difficulties in excreting stools that cause constipation and indigestion.
Benefits of gurmar leaves for high blood pressure
More than 20 percent of adult people in India suffer from high blood pressure or what you know as Hypertension. High blood pressure is a condition that can cause stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious diseases.
In such situations, blood pressure should be given special attention as it affects many people. Gymnasic acid in Gudmar is a protein present in the human body angiotensin ll (angiotensin II) which is responsible for increasing blood pressure, helps to inhibit its activity and helps in reducing high blood pressure.
If you are suffering from high blood pressure then consume gurmar, this will help you in controlling your blood pressure.
Use of Gudmar as a natural anti-inflammatory
Gudmar trees are found in Indian tropical forests, whose leaves are used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines. They have anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from harmful particles and help to protect our body. It is used in the treatment of asthma, eye troubles, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolemia, cardiopathy (heart diseases), constipation, microbial infection, indigestion etc.
If you feel that your weight is increasing then you can use Gudmar to control it.
Gudmar leaf benefits for diabetes type 1
Cells in diabetes type 1 disease do not produce insulin in the pancreas, thus increasing the level of glucose in the blood and urine as sugar cannot be absorbed by the body. It also affects the metabolism of fats and proteins and increases the risk of other vascular diseases.
Gudmar has antioxidant properties, which usually generate islets of Langerhans. It also increases the membrane permeability of cells perfused with insulin. Consumption of leaves of gudmar cures diseases of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. And its potential use in the treatment of type 1 helps prevent and treat it.
Medicinal Tea of Gudmar
Gudmar leaf tea can also be used, like herbal teas made by Ayurvedic herbs. It is clear that you can suppress the taste of sugar by consuming gurmar tea.
To make a cup of tea, put gurmar leaves in a tea pot and add warm water to it. You can also add other teas such as herbal tea or green tea etc. which help in reducing your weight. A cup of this tea is good to eat before meals. Especially when you eat something sweet, you should definitely consume this tea.
Gudmar benefits of reducing cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance made by the liver in the body but is also found in some foods. It plays an important role for every cells and also helps in making vitamin D, some hormones and bile for digestion. However, having too much cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of heart and circulatory diseases.
Gudmar has some antioxidant properties that protect against harmful cholesterol and the absorption of triglycerides in the intestine and reduce the level of cholesterol. Gudmar’s antiatherosclerotic potential is used to reduce blockage by cholesterol in heart arteries.
Loss of gudmar – Gudmar ke Nuksan
It is very beneficial for adults if they consume gurmar in safe quantity. But if it is consumed in more quantity than needed, then it can also have some disadvantages.
- People who are allergic to milk may have reactions due to consuming gurmar.
- It is not considered safe for pregnant or lactating women and young children. Therefore, they should avoid consuming Goodmar.
- People who are taking anti-hyperglycemic drugs or other medicines for diabetes should avoid using this herb.
- Consuming gurmar in excess can cause low blood sugar in your body.
Pre Menstrual Syndrome
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Many women have to face some physical problems during periods. Especially when he has a problem of PMS i.e. Pre Menstrual Syndrome. But treatment is possible by recognizing the symptoms of this problem. For this, some things have to be implemented.
In PMS i.e. premenstrual stress, any woman has about 4 to 5 days before the onset of periods. There is a lot of change in the behavior of a woman while suffering from this disease. A woman has a craving to eat something or becomes very angry or irritable. Many times, thoughts like suicide also start coming in the mind of women.
People between 15 and 35 years of age are the most victims of anxiety, know the symptoms, causes and prevention.
In this regard, doctors say that when women have PMS due to hormonal changes in their body, they feel body pain. Especially on the breast or stomach. At the same time, the mood of many girls suddenly changes. Along with being angry, she cries or laughs in small talk.
Symptoms of PMS
PMS is also known as Pre-Mental Tension (PMT). Symptoms of PMS include swelling in the chest, headache, backache, flatulence or increased appetite (often a desire to eat carbohydrates and chocolates). It may also show symptoms such as pimples, excitement, fatigue, insomnia, lack of energy, depression, and mood swings. Sometimes acute symptoms include aggressive treatment or even suicide. These symptoms may change every month or become more severe. Stress can make these symptoms more severe
- Physical signal
- More hungry.
- Headache
- Joint pain
- Swelling of feet and hands
- Pimples
- Weight gain
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Stomach enlargement
Do not ignore these simple signs, Ignore can cause CPOD disease, learn symptoms, causes and prevention
- Emotional signs
- Mood swings
- depression
- crying
- Not sleeping properly
- Distance people
- More angry
- Change in behavior
- Forget things
- Loss of mental focus
- Get tired
Who gets PMS
Anyone with girls and women can have PMS. But these women are at higher risk of getting this disease.
- Women above 20 years and below 40 years
- Who has children
- Is any family member in depression
- Baby blues (postpartum depression), depression
Having PMS is a common practice, but even doctors have not been able to give a precise reason for it. PMS occurs due to changes in your body during periods. Apart from this, you can also suffer from these reasons.
- Smoking
- Too much stress
- Reasons for not exercising
- Insomnia complaints
- Consumption of high alcohol, salt, sugar and red meat
- Due to depression
How to avoid PMS
There are many ways to avoid PMS. If you want to get rid of it forever, then you have to help yourself. In which this idea can be useful.
- Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
- Eat healthy foods such as fruits, grains and vegetables.
- Eat more calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, green leafy vegetables, etc.
- Keep away from salt, alcohol and caffeine
- Stay away from smoking
- Get used to sleeping regularly
- Try to work under less stress.
If you want, take some supplements like Vitamin B, G, B12, Magnesium, Calcium etc. But before consuming them, please contact the doctor.
Home remedies for the syndrome healthy diet
Include healthy things like fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts and raw seeds in your diet. It provides all the nutrients to your body which are necessary for the body to perform various metabolic processes effectively. Avoid oily foods like oily snacks, Chips and Puri. This can cause problems in your system and you will feel lazy. Good food will relieve the symptoms of PMS.
Include oatmeal in the diet. Oatmeal helps in metabolism of sugar slowly and slowly. This process reduces sugar craving during PMS. There are other foods that also act like oatmeal, including basmati rice, rye bread and some fruits. They play an important role in reducing PMS.
Serotonin rich foods
Avocado contains natural serotonin. It is a wonderful to enhance mood and relieve depression, anxiety, sadness. Apart from avocado, dates, papaya, brinjal, pineapple etc. also make the necessary sources of serotonin in the body. Take it and prevent PMS.
Bananas are rich in potassium. It provides relief of swelling, bloating, water retention and other symptoms of PMS. Some other foods rich in potassium include figs, potatoes, onions, broccoli, tomatoes and many more.
Reduce sodium food intake
Bloating occurs due to excessive intake of salt. Many foods contain a large amount of table salt. This causes inflammation, pain in the breast, water retention in the body and other symptoms of PMS. So avoid eating salad dressings, hot dogs, chips etc.
Black pepper:
Add a pinch of black pepper to 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Eat it three times a day. It helps in relieving the symptoms of PMS like stomach cramps, headaches, back pain etc. Taking a small amount of cumin along with aloe vera gels in some quantities also works wonders for treating PMS to a great extent.
Taking carbs
Carbohydrates work wonders for treating PMS. Help in reducing foods like fresh fruits, whole grains, vegetables, bread, etc., which is a major symptom of PMS. They help to enhance mood and prevent anxiety, stress, and depression.
Sesame seeds omega-6 fatty acids should be taken less during PMS. But sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are highly beneficial during the weeks before the period. These seeds are rich sources of omega-6 fatty acids, which help in effectively controlling various symptoms of periods.
Herbal tea
Taking herbal tea works wonders in treating the symptoms of PMS. Take chamomile tea or cinnamon tea before bedtime. Add a little honey to sweeten the tea. It helps you to completely relax and sleep peacefully. And doing so effectively relieves the signs and symptoms of PMS.
How is premenstrual syndrome detected?
The doctor will ask you to record your symptoms for two or three months. She can probably give you a diary or daily chart, in which you need to enter:
- Your mood
- Change your appetite
- Do you have symptoms related to stomach or breasts
- Do you have vaginal discharge or not
- PMS affect your life
This will let you and the doctor know the way the symptoms are and they will know how and when you are most affected.
What can I do to get relief from PMS?
Pay attention to how the PMS is affecting you and your family, colleagues and friends. Identify what symptoms begin when in your PMS diary. If you can predict which symptoms are going to start, you can probably control PMS to some extent.
You can make changes in your lifestyle, which will improve your health and perhaps even help in dealing with PMS. These changes include:
Eat regular, small amounts and a balanced diet every two to three hours. The diet complex should be rich in carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain flour and bread, sweet potato and other root vegetables, brown rice and Oat meal pasta.
- Do the exercise. Aim for 30 minutes of brisk exercise three to five times a week. Walking, cycling or swimming is good.
- If you smoke, stop it.
- Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.
- Make sure you get regular full sleep.
- Reduce stress Yoga, meditation, pilates and other stretching and respiratory exercises can help. Exercise is almost always effective because it improves your mood.
There are other suggestions, which may help, but there is no firm evidence about them, such as:
- If your body is inflamed, then reduce the intake of salt foods.
- Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches and fatigue.
- Calcium-rich foods such as cheese, cheese, milk or fortified soy can improve your physical and psychological symptoms.
- Foods rich in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) such as bananas, potatoes, chickpeas and chicken.
Are there any treatments for premenstrual syndrome in allopathic?
Treatment of PMS with drugs is available, but if you are trying to conceive, then some of these may not be suitable for you. One treatment of PMS, for example, is the combined oral contraceptive pill.
Your doctor may also recommend you take a vitamin B6 supplement.
Over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen help relieve pain and pain. However, keep in mind that it is better not to consume NSAIDs during pregnancy. Therefore, you may not want to consume them even during pregnancy efforts.
Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that controls your mood fluctuations and anxiety and stress. Progesterone levels begin to rise before periods begin. Hyper-sensitivity to progesterone can decrease serotonin levels.
There is also a presumption that the essential amino acid tryptophan can increase serotonin levels in your brain. Tryptophan is naturally present in many foods such as nuts, kernels and seeds, and it is easy to consume these foods as snacks.
Depending on your situation, the doctor may recommend you with talking therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps to relieve depression and anxiety and anxiety.
Is any alternative treatment for PMS effective?
There is not enough evidence that alternative or herbal remedies are useful in PMS. However some women believe that evening primrose oil, chestberry or saffron benefits.
What can be done for severe premenstrual syndrome with depression and anxiety?
Very few women have severe PMS or PMDD. Violent changes in mood, depression, and aggression can cause great difficulties. If you have severe PMS or PMDD, your doctor may recommend you take a medication called SSRI (selective serotonin re-inhibited inhibitors).
Different brands of SSRIs are available, but the doctor will suggest effective options for you given your PMS symptoms.
If you are trying to conceive, then tell the doctor about it. Because, in the beginning of pregnancy, the intake of some medicines increases the risk of developing heart disease in the baby slightly. If you are trying to conceive, your doctor will carefully explain the advantages and disadvantages of taking SRI or other treatments. If you are using SSRIs for PMS, then they will help you to close it safely. Being pregnant
Prevention and measures of PMS
- Balanced food should be consumed these days. –
- Drink lots of water. – Do not consume smoking and alcohol at all. –
- Do sure. -get plenty of sleep. – Do not maintain tension. – Take a warm bath.
- Be socially active. Keep their attention too
- Pay attention to cleanliness during periods. Do not keep the same pad in periods throughout the day, keep changing it. Change the pad even at night if bleeding is getting more.
- Do not consume cold things like yogurt, rice, ice cream, cold drinks, this slows down the flow of blood, causing problems with the inner linings of the uterus.
- Everyone knows the benefits of eating cardamom, once you know its disadvantages – consume caffeine in small amounts as well, it causes blood vessels to become compressed, which stops bleeding and increases abdominal pain.
- Do not use vagina wash to clean your private part, instead use lukewarm water. Actually, this part has its own self-cleansing mechanism, which automatically cleans the bacteria that spread the infection.
1) Makar rasayan:
It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, guduchi satva, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, ras sindoor, moonga bhasma, shankh bhasma, praval pishti etc. These ingredients shows antioxidant, aphrodisiac, analgesic and immune modulator properties. It helps to rejuvenate body tissues and act as an immune modulator, Improves vitality, improves the overall health of an individual, Act on Central Nervous System, Help reduces stress and anxiety. These tablets deals with the general weakness, fatigue, stress, debility, provide youthful energy, & revitalize body tissue of a PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) patient.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
2) Detox Premium Powder:
Detox premium powder contain herbo-mineral ingredients like jahar mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, tal sindoor, sutshekhar ras, shwet parpati, kamdudha ras, giloy satav, etc. It helps in removing overall toxins from the body, reduces abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, anxiety, etc.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
3) Femine care tablet
CAC Femine care tablet is a pure and natural remedy that contains various herbs extract that works on the female reproductive system and make it healthy. These tablets show antioxidant properties, anti inflammatory and immuno modulator properties.
Each tablet contains-
- Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera) – 160mg
- Muramakki (Commiphora myrah) – 160mg
- Sonth (Zingiber Officinale) – 160mg
- Hara Kasis – 170mg
It works in various diseases like
Effect on Tridosha- balances Vata and Kapha.
DOSE- 1-2 tablet two times a day or as directed by physician.
4) Woman Champion syrup
CAC Woman Champion is purely herbal and ayurvedic formulation. It is a very effective tonic for women and help to maintain their health. It balances all the doshas of body and also maintain hormone levels . It contains herbs like Lodhra, Manjistha, Ashok chal, Punarnava, Shatavari, Bala, Daruharidra, Nagarmotha that help women typically with mood changes, stress, headache and pain. CAC Women champion helps in leading a life of minimum discomfort during those difficult days every month. It act as antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, uterine tonic and immunity booster.
- Uterine tonic
- Balance hormones
- Stress reliever
- Painful menses
- Mood swings
- Immuno modulator
- Vaginal discharge
DOSAGE: 2 Teaspoon twice daily after meals.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a neurodegenerative brain condition , that effect vision , swallowing , thinking ,movement , speech , balance , control of walking , mood and behavior. Important sign of disease is inability to move or aim the eye properly .PSP linked to accumulation of protein called Tau , in this condition Tau forms into clumps which damage nerve cells or nerve endings in brain stem , cerebral cortex areas and basal ganglia .
PSP stands for Progressive meaning gradually getting worse , Supranuclear meaning Above the nuclei of brain (that control movement of eye ) and Palsy meaning Paralysis .
This disease is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer`s diseases due to some of the similar symptoms of the disease . PSP lacks amyloid plaques which are deposits of waxy protein that is common sign in Alzheimer`s disease .
This is kept under the category of Frontotemporal Dementias because it not only displays motor symptoms but also causes some mental impairment .
1 Deterioration of Brain Cell:- The most common cause is gradual deterioration of brain cell . The protein deposit in form of clumps of Tau , they reach to size which can be visible through microscope are called neurofibrillary tangles .
2 Environmental Chemicals :- Certain occupational factors exposing people to different chemicals . Or the people with less education tend to live in areas closer to industrial sites , some of which may generate toxins .
3 Genetic Factor :- It is very rare that the other family member of PSP patient have the same disease .
4 Cellular Damage :- This is caused by free radicals , which are reactive molecules produced by all cells during normal metabolism . Body has built – in mechanism for clearing free radicals from the system , under certain circumstances free radicals can react with and damage other molecules .
1 Poor balance and unsteady gait or walking
2 Cramped Writing and Rigidity or Stiffness .
3 Slowed Movements and soft , slow and slurred speech .
4 Frequent falls generally backwards
5 Blurred eyesight, gaze palsy (the inability to look up or down), slow blinking, difficulty in maintaining eye contact, tunnel vision and sensitivity to light
6 Forgetfulness and Difficulty in swallowing
7 Loss of motivation , Anxiety and Depression
8 Difficulty in finding words (Aphasia ) and Slowing of thought .
9 Personality change that is -loss of interest in ordinary pleasurable activities or increased irritability; difficulty resisting impulses, inappropriate behavior
Initial diagnosis is based on the person`s medical history and physical and neurological exam . which can be on basis of :-
1) Symptoms of disequilibrium, such as difficulty in walking and falls without loss of consciousness.
2) Visual complaints, including blurred vision, difficulties in looking up or down, double vision, light sensitivity, burning eyes, or other eye trouble
3) Slurred speech
4) Various mental complaints e g changes in mood , personality changes, slowness of thought, impaired memory.
5 Diagnostic scans such as magnetic resonance imaging may show shrinkage at the top of the brain stem. Other imaging tests can look at brain activity in known areas of degeneration.
RISK FACTORS :- The only risk factor of the disease is age because it typically affect people around age of 60 .
1 Medication :- Only few medications are available to treat the disease e g :- Levodopa.
2 Therapies :- Professionals such as Occupational Therapist , Speech and Language Therapist , Physiotherapists , special nurses , social workers and Dietician can help the patient of PSP.
3 Muscle Relaxant :- Muscle relaxant and massage can help with cramps .
CAC MAKAR RASAYAN tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC MAKAR RASAYAN tablet help in balancing all the three doshas. It helps to rejuvenate body tissues and act as an immuno modulator. It helps in proper blood circulation. It prevents the skin from dryness. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchla, guduchi satva, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, ras sindoor, moonga bhasma, shankh bhasma, praval pishti etc. Herbs and minerals used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, aphrodiasic, analgesic and immuno modulator properties.
CAC Nerve up tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural vatahar properties and helps in curing vata diseases.
CAC Pain o kill tablet is ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It balances all the three doshas of your body thus maintaining proper blood circulation. It provides soothing effect to the affected area of pain. It contains various herbs like Jivanti, Musta, Usher, Bilwa, Shatavri and Kantakari. All these herbs are natural pain relievers.
CAC DETOX PREMIUM POWDER are herbo-mineral sachets which are purely Ayurvedic formulation. These sachets mainly detox the body and eliminate toxic substances and helps in proper metabolism of all the functions. This formulation act at the level of the nervous system and facilitate proper conduction of signal impulse from the nerves to the muscles. These sachets have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-modulator. The ingredients present in it are moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kamdudha ras, Jahar Mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, sutshekhar ras, etc. These ingredients balances all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and helps in blood purification, reduces burning sensation, weakness, and hot flashes in ulcerative colitis patients. It reduces the level of high uric acid in the body. The powder is very beneficial in relieving discomfort, numbness, muscle ache, and reduces swelling of the pelvic region. This powder provides a cooling & calming effect on the mouth ulcers. It is very beneficial in reducing the swelling, redness, stiffness, and improves the movements of joints.
Cac nerve plus tablet contains Ghritkumari, kalimirch, Giloy satva, Shudha shilajeet, Shudha Kuchala, Shudha Vatsnabh etc. These herbs might be beneficial in improving appetite by increasing intestinal motility as well as gastrointestinal functions and also help prevent constipation. It might be good for diabetics due to the presence
of certain constituents that help lower blood glucose levels. Kuchla also helps to manage insomnia by controlling the functions of the brain and reducing stress. It is also beneficial in managing urinary problems like burning sensation or irritation during urination due to its diuretic activity.
According to Ayurveda, the administration of Kuchla is recommended only after its purification (shodhana) in different media like cow’s urine (Gomutra), cow’s milk (Go dugdha) or cow’s ghee (Go ghrita). The final purified product is known as Sudha Kuchla. Sudha Kuchla helps to manage sexual problems like erectile dysfunction due to its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property. Kuchla oil can be applied on the joints to provide relief from inflammation and pain associated with rheumatism due to its anti- inflammatory property.
Complications of PSP result primarily from slow and difficult muscle movements which may include:-
1 Falling, which could lead to head injuries, fractures and other injuries
2 Difficulty looking at bright lights
3 Difficulty focusing your eyes, which also can lead to injuries.
4 Problems swallowing, which can lead to choking or inhaling food or liquid into your airway (aspiration)
5 Difficulty in sleeping
6 Pneumonia, which can be caused by aspiration and is the most common cause of death in people with progressive supranuclear palsy.
7 Impulsive behavior that is standing up without waiting for assistance which can lead to falls
Myopia Defects: Chronic acute condition (Myopia)
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The ever increasing trend of gadgets, limited life in the walls of home and office, lack of physical activity and increasing trend of junk foods are affecting not only our physical and mental health but also the health of our eyes. According to the World Health Organization, cases of myopia are increasing rapidly around the world, today one billion four billion people worldwide have myopia, by 2050 this figure will increase to five billion. About ten percent of these people will have myopia so severe that their risk of blindness will be greatly increased.
What is myopia?
Myopia in medical language is called myopia, it makes it difficult to see distant things clearly. In myopia, as the pupil (eye ball) increases in size, the reflection is made slightly further than it is on the retina. This causes distant objects to appear blurred and unclear, but there is no problem in seeing nearby objects. It is estimated that 20–30 percent of India’s population suffers from myopia.
Myopia occurs when the pupil of the eye becomes too long or the curvature of the cornea (the outermost protective layer of the eye) increases greatly. This causes the light that enters the eyes to not focus properly, causing the reflection to focus slightly ahead of the retina. This causes the eyes to blur. When the problem of myopia increases greatly, the risk of getting cataract and glaucoma increases.
Myopia may develop slowly or rapidly. This problem increases rapidly in children as their body and eyes are developing. Increasing the size of the eyes can cause a sharp stretch in the cornea and retina. However, children who have myopia become stable until they reach the age of eighteen.
According to a study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi-based, 17 percent of children aged 5–15 in India suffer from myopia.
Due to myopia
- Myopia is the leading cause of vision loss worldwide. Genetic causes, environmental conditions and lifestyle play an important role in this.
- It runs in the family. If either of your parents has this problem, then there is an increased risk for you. If both parents have myopia, the risk increases.
- Spend more time in front of the screen (TV, computer, mobile).
- Not having the necessary distance from books or screens increases the risk of myopia.
- Some studies have shown that spending less time in natural light increases the risk of myopia.
Identify with these symptoms
The most prominent symptom of myopia is the lack of clear vision, in addition to the following symptoms;
- Blink eyes repeatedly.
- Eye strain and fatigue when viewing distant things.
- Having trouble with driving, especially at night.
- Headache.
- Shrinking eyelids.
- Watery eyes.
In children, the following symptoms may also appear;
- Black board or white board not appearing properly in the classroom.
- Constantly rubbing eyes.
- Not being able to focus on studies.
The aim of treatment is to improve vision. For this, both surgical and non-surgical treatments are available.
- Non-surgical
- Non-surgical treatment of myopia requires negative number glasses or contact lenses. The higher the number, the more serious your myopia is.
- The glasses
- It is a common and safe way to clear and sharpen vision. The eye glass lenses used in these are of many types such as single vision, bi-focal, tri-focal and progressive multi-focal.
- Contact lenses
- These lenses are applied directly to the eyes. They are made from a wide variety of materials and have varying designs, including soft and rigid, toric and multi-focal designs.
- Refractive surgery
- Myopia is called refractive eraser, so surgery to remove it is called refractive surgery. Refractive surgery reduces dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses. The surgeon uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea. This improves myopia. Many people do not need glasses or contact lenses after surgery, while many people may need them. Refractive surgery is not recommended until your lens number has stabilized.
- Lesic and photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK) are the most common refractive surgeries. In both, the cornea is resized so that light can be better focused on the retina.
It is not possible to stop myopia, but there are several measures by which you can slow its development. You can take the following steps to protect your eyes and vision.
- Get your eyes checked at regular intervals.
- If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, then get your treatment done, because they can affect your vision.
- To protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun’s violet rays, go for a goggle whenever you get out of the house.
- Include colorful fruits and vegetables and fish in your diet chart.
- To read and work on the computer
Home Remedies, Diet and Diet
Diet to eat
- Fresh green vegetables.
- Lean Meat and Liver.
- Citrus fruits – Vitamin C is required for absorption of Vitamin A. Lack of this makes it more difficult to recover swollen or injured eyes.
- Zinc is essential for good eyesight, as it helps in the absorption of other substances necessary for the eyes such as vitamin A. Milk, cheese, curd, red meat etc. contain rich amounts of these minerals.
Avoid them
- High amounts of carbohydrates and sugars (these catalyze the generation of insulin-like growth factors that cause excessive growth of the eyeball as it develops).
- Home remedies
- Get your eyes tested regularly (no matter how well you see them).
- Protect your eyes from sunlight.
- Eat healthy foods.
- Use of appropriate glass and proper lighting for glasses.
1) Triphala Capsule:
- Triphala capsules are pure ayurvedic formulation composed of three herbs Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki that help in treating myopia. It helps to increase the eyesight & deal with blur vision. The herbs used for the formulation of capsules show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, etc properties. These properties deal with the signs & symptoms related to myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily with normal water.
2) Detox premium powder:
Detox premium powder is a herbo-mineral preparation containing moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, giloy satav, gandhak rasayan, shankh bhasam, sutshekhar ras, shwet parpati, yavakshaar, etc. The antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, etc properties of this powder provide effective & good results to myopia patients. It naturally deals with blurred vision when seeing distant objects, headache due to strain in eyes, difficulty in seeing while driving at night time, excessive blinking of eyes, etc.
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
3) Jivantiyadi Ghrita:
Jivantiyadi Ghrita is herbal ghee containing ingredients such as pippali, lodhra, kakoli, jivanti, saindhavalavana, draksha, sita, daruharidra, triphala, etc. This medicated ghee is used in all types of eye diseases. The regular use of this ghee balances the three doshas (vata, pitta, & kapha) in the eyes.
- Recommended dosage: Take quarter to a half teaspoon of this ghee before meal with water once or twice daily.
4) Roshni Eye Drops:
- Roshni eye drops contain ingredients like Haridra, Neem, Tulsipatra, Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Pudina, Madhu, Alum, Gulab jal, etc. This herbal eye drops deal with the watering of eyes, decreased vision, dryness in eyes, blurred vision, burning sensation of eyes, eye strains, etc. associated with myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Put two drops in your eyes twice or thrice daily.
5) Triphala Churna:
- Triphala churna is a classical herbal churna prepared from three herbs Amla (Emblica officinalis), Baheda (Terminalia bellirica), Harad (Terminalia chebula). These ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. The use of this churna gives effective results in all signs & symptoms related to myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily with normal water.
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be Avoided | |
Fruits | Grapes, banana, orange, papaya ,apples, dates, watermelon | All canned and packaged fruits |
Vegetables | Carrot, pumpkin, spinach, mushroom, cucumber, potato | Broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato |
Grains | Barley, oatmeal, corn, brown rice | White bread, white rice, rye |
Legumes | All pulses and legumes | Dried and frozen pulses |
Spices | Fennel, turmeric, cumin, black pepper, fenugreek | Red chilli powder |
Oils | Cow ghee, mustard oil, olive oil | Butter, palm oil, unsaturated fats |
Nuts | Flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds | Cashew nuts, walnuts, peanuts |
Dairy products | Low fat milk, butter milk, low fat yoghurt | Whole milk and cream, condensed milk |
Beverages | Milk, aloe vera juice, amla juice, home made soup | Canned fruit juice, tea, coffee, alcohol, soya milk |
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Introduction of Patha
Patha Plant is a plant that you have often seen in the bushes on the side of roads or fields, but never pay attention to it due to lack of knowledge. Patha is a medicine that is used to cure diseases
Where Patha is Patha Plant Found or Grown?
There is a lot of mention of cyclea peltata in Ayurvedic texts. It is also called the herd of midwives because it is very beneficial in many types of female diseases. People in rural areas know about Patha and use it in some diseases, but hardly anyone knows it in urban areas.
What is Patha?
Patha is a plant from the Ascending Latha caste. It climbs with the help of trees or spreads on the ground. It keeps creeping on the vine and its vine is full of leaves. Its vines are linear, thin and hairy. Its leaves are like Giloy leaves and fragrant. Its leaves are light and round, flowers are small and white and fruits are small like makoy. Fruit color is red.
The Cyclea peltata is bitter and pungent in taste. It is digested quickly but is hot for the stomach. It contains a lot of fiber. It calms Kapha and Vata.
There are two types of Patha –
Small and big.
The properties are similar to both. Apart from this, there are two other species of Patha which are used in Ayurveda, which are: –
- Stephania glabra (Roxb.)
- Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson
Patha Called in Different Languages in many languages
In Sanskrit, it is said that there is no herb that cannot be used as a medicine. Similarly, Patha is also a very good medicine. The botanical meaning of the text is the Latin name Cisampelos pareira Linn. And Syn-Cissampelos argentea Kunth. is. Its botanical name in South India is Cyclia peltata , Cyclea Peltata. It is the plant of Menispermaceae clan. Its names in English and various Indian languages are as follows: –
Patha in –
- Hindi – Patha, Patha, Padha, Pathi, Padhi, Purine Padhi, Akanadi
- English – Velvet leaf (Ice vine), Ice wine (Pareira), False pareira brava
- Sanskrit – Pilufala, Ambasthaki, Patha, Viddhakarni, Sthasti, Shreyasi, Papicheli, Prachina, Ashmusuta, Rasa, Papahelika, Tiktapushpa, Shishira, Vriki, Circumcision, Vatika, Susthira, Pratapini, Malati, Trisira, Veera
- Garhwali – Pahari
- Oriya – Kanbindh, Patha
- Kannada – Padvali, Pahadvel
- Gujarati – Venivel, Karodhiyu
- Telugu – Pata, Visaboddi
- Tamil – Appatta, Vata tiruppi
- Bengali – Akanadi, Nimuka
- Nepali – Patha
- Punjabi – Patha
- Marathi – Paharvel, Paharvel
- Malayalam – Katuvalli, Padha
What is Patha (Cyclia peltata) used for?
Cyclia peltata can be digested easily, although it is warm for the stomach. Therefore, it should be avoided to consume it in excess. It contains a lot of fiber. It can prove to be more beneficial in the treatment of Kapha and Vata. Apart from this, Patha can be used in the following health conditions.
- To eliminate the effect of the venom of an insect sting
- To heal wounds
- To connect broken bones
- To increase blood in the body
- To increase the amount of milk in the new mother’s breasts during breastfeeding
- To cure fever
- For the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting
- For the treatment of problems related to urination
- To reduce the risk of diabetes
- To correct liver disturbances
- For the treatment of jaundice
- To relieve stomach gas
- To overcome the problem of reduced appetite
- To relieve joint pain
- For the treatment of cough
- To remove kidney inflammation due to stones
- To overcome the problem of repeated miscarriages
Because of its various medicinal properties, it can be used to treat the health conditions mentioned above, as a result of which you can use the leaves, roots, branches, fruits, and roots of Cyclia peltata. However, for the treatment of any kind of health condition or its use in any form, you may need to get proper advice from your doctor.
How does Patha (Cyclia peltata) work?
According to recent research studies, Cyclia peltata has antiviral properties that can prove to be very helpful in eradicating the dengue virus from the body. Additionally, anti-inflammatory properties are also found in Patha, which can overcome the problem of inflammation in the body. In addition, its antiseptic properties can help heal wounds quickly.
The following medicinal properties can be found in Patha, including:
Berberine is found predominantly in its alkaloids compound which can act as a hypotension, antifungal and anti-microbial.
Medicinal Properties of Chota Patha
- Hayatin
- Hayatinin
- Menismine
- Methalonic acid
- Cissamine
- Cycleanine
- Bebeerine
- Hayatidin
- Quercitol
- Medicinal Properties of Bada Patha
- Propylamine
- Cyclea Mine
- Chondocurine
- Magnoflorine Uses
How safe is it to use Patha (Cyclia peltata)?
Using leaves, fruits, roots or its powder can be considered beneficial in a medicinal form. However, you should always consume it only on your doctor’s instructions. Its effect is hot, so you should avoid its overdose. Take only the dose as directed by your doctor.
Side effects
According to most studies, it may be completely safe to take Pada as a medicine. By the way, there are no cases of serious side effects from this, even if found, there are very few. However, excessive intake can cause stomach or chest irritation.
If you notice any symptoms of side effects from its intake, immediately stop taking it and contact your doctor.
What is the correct dose to take Patha (Cyclia peltata)?
You can use Patha in various forms. Its amount can be determined by your doctor based on your health condition, age and gender. Please contact your doctor for more information about this.
The maximum dosage of daily intake can be:
- Powder of Patha – 1 to 3 grams
- Patha’s decoction – 10 to 20 ml
In what forms is it available?
You can use the following forms of Cyclea Peltata:
- Patha oil
- Powder
- Patha leaves, which can also be used as vegetable, chutney and decoction, as well as powder of its leaves can also be used.
- Root of patha
- Patha pills
- November 26, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Hardly anyone is unfamiliar with the Neem tree. Neem is known for its bitterness. Everyone will know that neem is very beneficial for health even after being bitter, but you will not have full knowledge of what are the benefits of neem or in which diseases can neem be used. . Due to the properties of neem, it is also called the kalpa tree of the earth. People usually use neem to take advantage of wounds, skin diseases, but the truth is neem uses found in many other diseases. Neem leaf decoction is also used with carbolic soap to wash wounds. Is more useful. Neem is also very beneficial on leprosy and other skin diseases. Its fibers are full of blood-cleansing properties. Neem oil has been found to have properties destroying the three species of bacteria causing TB or tuberculosis. Thick coating of neem leaves reduces the ability of cancer cells to grow.
What is Neem?
Neem is a complete autumn tree of Indian origin that can reach a height of 15–20 m (about 50–65 ft). Sometimes even up to 35–40 m (115–131 ft) can be elevated. Its branches, i.e. the branches are very wide. The stem is straight and short and can reach 1.2 m in diameter.
Its bark is hard and cracked and its color may be white-gray or red, brown. Leaves are 20–40 cm (8 to 16 in) long, with 20 to 31 dark green leaves . Its flowers are white and fragrant. Its fruit is smooth and oval and is called Niboli. The skin of the fruit is thin and pulp and fibrous, white yellow and bitter-sweet in taste. Its kernels are white and hard with one or sometimes two to three seeds.
Name of Neem in Different Languages
The botanical name of neem is Azadirachta indica (Azadirachta indica (L.) A. Juss.) And Syn-Melia indica (A. Juss.) Brantis. It is a plant of the total Meliaceae.
Neem in –
- Hindi – Neem
- English – Margosa tree, Neem
- Sanskrit – Nimba, Pichumard, Pichumand, Tiktak, Arishta, Hinguniriyas, Sarvatobhadra, Malak, Arkapadap, Chhardan, Hiju, Kakul, Nimbak, Prabhadra, Pookamalak, Pitasarak, Gajabhadraka, Sumna, Subhadra, Shukapriya, Topparna, Shitman, Shitman
- Garhwali – Betain, Nim
- Oriya – Nimo, Nimba
- Urdu – Neem
- Kannada – Nimba, Bevu
- Gujarati – Limba, Kohumba
- Telugu – Vemu, Vepa
- Tamil – Bemmu, Veppu
- Bengali – Nim (Nim), Nimgachh
- Nepali – Neem
- Punjabi – Nimb, Nip, Bakam
- Marathi – Balantnimba
- Malayalam – Veppu, Nimbam
- Arabic – Azadirakht, Margosa, Nim
- Persian – Neeb, Nib, Azad dakhtul hind Neem benefits and uses (Neem ke Fayde aur Upyog)
Neem is also called Nimba. In many texts, special praise has been made for the consumption of neem leaves during springtime (especially Chaitra month means 15 March to 15 May). This clears the blood and fever, chicken pox etc. do not occur throughout the year. The method of using neem in various diseases is given below:
Use of Neem is beneficial in hair problems
Benefits of Neem is very beneficial for hair. It can be used in hair problems ranging from hair loss to untimely ripening of hair.
- Soak neem seeds in the shade by soaking them in the decoction of bhangra juice and bark of Asan tree. Do this several times. After that, take out their oil and put 2-2 drops in the nose as per the rules. This causes untimely white hair to become black. Only milk and rice, cooked rice should be eaten during this experiment.
- By putting 2-2 drops of neem seed oil in the nose, white hair turns black. During this time only cow’s milk is to be taken as food.
- Grind one part of Neem leaves and 1 part of Plum Leaf. Apply this paste on the head and wash it after 1-2 hours. Also, the hair is black, long and thick.
- Boil the neem leaves in water and let them cool down. By washing the head with this water, hair becomes strong, hair fall or fall stops. Apart from this, there are benefits in many diseases of the head.
- Use of neem gives better results if there are small pimples between the hairs in the scalp, if pus comes out of them or itches only. In such anorexia and petty diseases, washing the head and hair with a decoction of neem and applying neem oil daily (Neem ka Tel) is beneficial immediately.
- By grinding neem seeds or washing the head with a decoction of neem leaves, hair lice and nicks die.
Benefits of Neem to relieve headache
Mix equal quantity of dried neem leaves, black pepper and rice and make a fine powder. Before the sunrise, on the same side of the head, put this powder in the nose on the same side for a pinch of nose. Due to this, pain in migraines (migraines) ie migraine is quick (neem ka upyog).
Applying neem oil on the frontal ends headaches.
Uses of Neem is useful in bleeding from the nose
Grind equal quantity of Neem leaves and parsley. Applying this paste on the temples stops bleeding from the nose, that is, hemorrhage.
Uses of Neem Leaves and Oil in Ear Problems Treatment
Ear diseases can also be cured with the benefits of neem.
- Mix equal amount of honey in neem leaf juice. Putting 2-2 drops in the ear twice a day is beneficial. Clean the ear properly before inserting it.
- If pus comes out from the ear, mix honey in neem oil. Soaking cotton wool in this ear is beneficial.
- Heat 40 ml of neem oil and 5 grams of wax on fire. After wax is melted, mix 750 mg powder of the alum which is puffed in it and keep it in the vial. By putting 3-4 drops of this mixture twice a day, the ears stop flowing
- Cook 40 ml juice of neem leaves in 40 ml sesame oil. When oil is left, filter and put 3-4 drops in the ear. Ears will stop flowing.
Benefits of Neem to Cure Eye Problems
Use of neem is also very beneficial in all diseases like eyes pain, itching, redness.
- In the ear of the eye, on the other side of the ear, drip the juice of soft neem leaves 2 to 2 drops. If there is pain in both eyes, then drip in both ears. The pain will end.
- Tie equal quantity of neem leaves and Lodhra powder to the bundle and put the bundle in water. By putting 2-3 drops of this water in the eyes, swelling and pain of the eyes are cured.
- If there is pain along with swelling on the eyes and itching inside, then grind neem leaves and dry ginger and mix some rock salt. Heat it slightly. Place it on a cloth strip and tie it over the eyes. This disease of the eyes disappears in 2-3 days. At this time, eyes should be protected from cold water and cold air. It would be better to use it at night.
- Put half a kilogram of neem leaves between two earthen pots and put them in a condo fire. When it cools down, dry the inner ashes by mixing it with 100 ml lemon juice. Fill it in an airtight (non-air) bottle. Applying this ash in the eyes like mascara provides relief in itching and burning of eyes.
- Grind fine 50 grams of neem addresses with water and cook it in mustard oil. When it burns to black then mix it in the same oil and mix tenth camphor and tenth part Kalmi Shora. Stuff it hard and fill it in a glass bottle. Apply it in the eyes like mascara at night and in the morning wash the eyes with Triphala water. It removes itching, burning, redness etc. of the eyes and increases the light of the eyes (neem ka upyog).
- Mix 20 grams of neem, 20 grams of zinc ash, 6 pieces of cloves, 6 grams of cardamom and 20 grams of sugar. Make a mascara by filtering it very finely. By applying it in the eyes twice a day, all types of diseases of the eyes are removed and the eyes light up.
- Spread ten grams of clean cotton. Spread 20 grams of neem leaves on it, sprinkle one gram powder of camphor and make a light by wrapping cotton. Soak this light in 10 grams of cow’s ghee and burn it. Make mascara from it. Applying this mascara to the eyes at night eliminates water fall, redness etc. It is even more beneficial for children.
- Eyelid eyelids become thick, itchy, eyelash falls and the edges of the eyelids turn red in Vamani or Salak disease. In this disease, the juice of neem leaves should be cooked and thickened. Keeping it cool and applying it as kajal is beneficial.
- Applying neem seed powder regularly (1 or 2 straws) to the eyes like kajal is beneficial in cataract.
- After drying the neem flowers in the shade, mix equal parts Kalmi Chopra and grind it fine and filter it with a cloth. Applying it like mascara in the eyes is beneficial in diseases like cataract, haze, mesh, etc.
- In the night blindness, apply milk of neem fruit like mascara in the eyes. There will be definite benefit.
Benefit of Neem to Treat Asthma
- The use of neem is helpful in reducing the symptoms of asthma, as neem has every phlegm which helps in reducing the symptoms of asthma.
Benefits of Neem against Cancer
- Research has found that consumption of neem is helpful in preventing the spread of cancer, as it has anti-carcinogenic properties due to which it prevents the cancer from spreading in the body.
Neem benefits in blood purification
- If you are troubled by skin disorders due to impurities in your blood, then neem intake is a panacea treatment for you, because neem has the properties of blood purifier.
Neem benefits in the treatment of joint pain
- If you are suffering from joint pain then you can use Neem, because Neem has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve inflammation of joints and relieve pain.
Benefit of Neem to Control Cholesterol
- Neem leaf extract can help control your cholesterol because according to research, neem leaf does not allow cholesterol to increase by increasing metabolism.
Benefit of Neem to Get Relief from Mouth Ulcer
- If you are troubled by ulcers, then chewing neem leaves can be beneficial for you as well, because neem leaves have healing properties which helps in quick healing of the ulcers.
- Other special uses of neem
- The teeth and gums become healthy and strong by waking up with neem and rinse with a decoction of flowers as soon as they wake up in the morning.
- Resting in its cool shade in the afternoon keeps the body healthy.
- In the evening mosquitoes escape from the smoke of its dry leaves.
- Hajma is fine by chewing its soft spikes.
- Keeping dry leaves in the grain does not cause insects.
- Taking a bath after boiling neem leaves in water helps to get rid of many diseases. Hair lice are killed by head bath.
- By grinding neem root in water, the nail and pimples disappear and the face becomes beautiful.
- Putting the prepared bundle in the vagina by immersing it in neem oil does not prevent pregnancy. Therefore it is a good means of family planning.
- The juice of neem leaves cleans blood and also increases blood. It should be taken in the quantity of 5 to 10 ml daily.
- Grind 21 leaves of neem daily with soaked moong dal. Without adding spices, frying dumplings in ghee and eating it for 21 days and eating only buttermilk and whey in case of hunger are beneficial in piles. During this time, do not eat salt at all (a little rock salt can be taken)
Beneficial Parts of Neem Tree
- These parts of neem can be used as medicine: –
- Neem stem
- Root bark
- Wood
- Neem leaves
- Flower
- The fruit
- Seed
- Neem oil
Uses & Doses of Neem
- Powder – 1-3 grams
- Brew – 50-100 ml
Side Effects & Precautions of Neem
- Neem reduces the work force. Therefore, those who have such problem should not use neem.
- Those who drink alcohol (drinking alcohol) early in the morning should also not consume it.
- If there is any problem with eating neem, then rock salt, ghee and cow’s milk remove its side effects.
Where is neem found or grown?
- Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of neem tree in India. After this, it is found in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, West Bengal, Rajasthan etc. respectively. It is grown naturally on the plains, roadsides, on the ridges of fields, around villages and on vacant land. Now it is being grown all over India.
- Neem is basically a tree of India i.e. present India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Due to its versatile properties, it is also grown in Caribbean countries including South-East Asia, Australia, Africa, Central America states, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand etc.