Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Tuvarak is a evergreen deciduous tree which can grow at a height of 16 meters.
Bark is rough , brown and wood whitish but generally become brownish grey due to fungal sap stain and turns streaked .
Leaves oblong , oval , elliptic, somewhat serrate and 10 to 16 cm long .
Flowers of this herb are small , solitary fascicles and greenish white . Flowering occur from January to April
Fruits are globose , mammilate , tomentose with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm . It bears the fruit between the month of August and September .
Seeds are striate , sub ovoid , obtusely angular and 2 to 2.5 cm long .
This herb is very effective to treat the skin disease like leprosy
Kingdom :- Plantae
Order :- Malpighiales
Family :- Flacourtiaceae
Latin Name :- Hydnocarpus laurifolia
Sanskrit Name :- Tuvarake , Turveraka ,Tuvrak , Kushtavairi
Hindi Name :- Chalmogra ,Chalmoogra, Jangali badam
English Name :- Soorty Oil Tree
Bengali Name :- Choulmogara
Kannada Name :- Garuda Phala
Marathi Name :- Kadu Kaveet
Malayalam Name :- Kodi
Tamil Name :- Maravattai
Farsi Name :- Phiranjamogra
Telugu Name :- Adavi Badam
RASA :- Katu , Tikta , Kashaya (Astringent , Pungent , Bitter )
GUNA :- Snigdha , Tiksna( Unctuous ,Sharp )
VIRYA :- Ushna ( Hot )
VIPAKA :- Katu (Pungent )
PARTS USED :- Seed and Seed oil
Tubrak Oil Uses :-
1 Hydnocarpus Oil Benefits :-Eating 1 gram Chalmogra fruit kernel powder thrice a day is beneficial in sclerosis. Mix Tuvarak oil in butter and apply it on the lumps. It provides benefit in lumps occurring on the throat.
2 Hydnocarpus Oil Benefits in TB disease :- Drink 5-6 drops of tubrak oil with milk twice a day. Addition to this, massage in the chest by mixing in butter.
3 Benefits of Turvak in cholera :-Grind one gram powder of tubercus fruit in water and drink it 2-3 times, it cures cholera.
4 Turavak Benefits in Controlling Diabetes :-Taking 1-2 grams of Tuvarak seed powder with water 2-3 times a day is beneficial in diabetes
Eating one teaspoon of fruit-kernel powder thrice a day reduces sugar in urine. Stop using when the sugar in urine stops.
5 Chaulmoogra Benefits in Vagina Odor Problem :-Wash the vagina with Tuvarak decoction. This helps in correcting the problem of vaginal odor.
Make Bati of Tuvarak paste. Place it inside the vagina. This also removes the vaginal odor.
6 Benefits of Chaulmoogra in Syphilis disease :-Combine wild moong with chalmugra seeds and grind it. By giving it 3 days Bhawna of Bhangra juice and grind it on forth day . Add some sandalwood oil or coconut oil or amla oil to it. Apply it on the syphilis wound. After this, take bath after 3-4 hours.
Start taking 5-6 drops of Chalmogra oil in the disease of syphilis and chronic arthritis spread throughout the body. Later increase the intake of Tuvarak oil to 60 drops. It is beneficial in syphilis (syphilis) disease. As long as you take this medicine, then avoid chili, spices and sourness. Drink more milk, Ghee and butter.
7 Chaulmoogra Benefits in Treating Gout Disease :- Taking 1 gram of chalmugra seed powder thrice a day provides relief in arthritis.
8 Benefits of Chaulmoogra Oil in Healing Wound:-Make fine powder by grinding finely the seeds of Tuberc. Applying it on the wound stops the blood coming out of the wound. The wound heals immediately. Applying ground seeds of Tuvarak seeds cures wounds.
9 Chaulmoogra oil benefits for leprosy treatment in leprosy :-To treat leprosy, Chalmogra oil should be taken 10 drops first. Due to vomiting, all the dirt of the body comes out. After this, take 5-6 drops of Tuvarak oil in a capsule or with milk and butter and take it morning and evening after a meal. Gradually increase the amount to 60 drops. Mix this oil in neem oil and apply it on the external parts of the body. In the initial stage of leprosy, take this medicine. During this time, do not eat sour chili spices.
Long-term consumption of Tubrak seed, Bhallatak seed, Bakuchi root, Chitrakamul or Shilajit is beneficial in leprosy.
Applying Tuvarak oil has benefits in great leprosy, itching and other skin diseases .
10 Benefits of Chalmoogra’s medicinal properties in herpes-scabies (Benefits of Chaulmoogra Oil in Itching) :-Mixing lemon oil or butter in chalmugra and massaging it with ringworm cures ringworm in a month. For this, mix 10 ml oil in 50 grams Vaseline.
Add chalmugra oil to castor oil. Add sulfur, camphor and lemon juice to it. It provides relief in itching .
Grind the seeds of Tuvarak with peels and mix in castor oil. Applying it on itching cures itching disease.
Grind the seeds of Chalmogra in cow urine and apply 2-3 times a day, it provides relief in itching.
Applying ripe seed oil of Chalmogra is beneficial in skin disorders.
Grind Tuvarak seeds in cow urine and apply itching.
11 Benefit from the medicinal properties of Tuvarak in unconsciousness :-Rubbing Chalmogra seed powder on the forehead cures the problem of syncope.
12 Chaulmoogra Oil Benefits in Blood Related Disorder :-Fill 5 drops of Chalmogra oil in capsules or with butter and eat it in the morning and evening after half an hour of meal. This purifies the blood and cures blood disorders.
Applying tubrak oil mixed with neem oil or butter and applying it is beneficial in blood disorders.
13 Benefits of Tuvarak’s medicinal properties in hair diseases :-By taking Tuvarak Rasayana, man gets rid of facial wrinkles, white hair problem. Consuming Cholamagara Rasayana enhances memory.
It can damages the stomach lining , Oil should be taken after meals after mixing it in butter or filling it in capsules.
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Trivrit herb (operculina turpethum ) is a perennial aromatic creeper and exudes a milky juice.
Stems are long ,twisted , tough ,twinning and brown .
Leaves are small , many , oval in shape .
Flowers are white in color with a length of 1 to 4 inches and has 3 to 4 branches .
Fruits are round in shape and shinny 2 inches long seeds .
Roots are thick ,slender , fleshy, much branched and black in color .
Fruit and Flowers of the plant grows in march to december .
This plant has purgative properties therefore it help to reduce toxins from the body .
Kingdom :- Plantae
Division :- Magnoliophyta
Class :- Magnolisida
Order :- Solanales
Family :- Convolvulaceae
Genus :- Operculina
Species :- O.turpethum
Latin Name :- Operculina turpethum
Sanskrit Name :- Triputa ,Trivrit ,Tribhandi ,Suvaha , Rechani , Sarala , Ardhachandra, kumuda gandhini
Hindi Name :- Nisoth , Panila , Pithori
English Name :- India jalap ,Saint Thomas Lidpod , Transparent wood rose , Turpeth Root
Telugu Name :- Tegade
Malayalam Name :- Chivaka
Marathi Name :- Nisottar , Nishottar
Bengali Name :- Tevudi
Marathi Name :- Nisottar ,Nishottar
Gujarati Name :- Nasttara
Tamil Name :- Sivadai ,Adimbu ,Kumpncan ,Paganrai
Kannada Name :- Vilitigada ,Aluthi gida ,Bangada balli ,Bilitigade , Devadanti , Nagadanti
RASA :- Tikta , Katu ( Bitter , Pungent )
GUNA :- Laghu , Rooksha , Teekshna (Light , Dry , Piercing )
VIRYA :-Ushna (Hot)
VIPAKA :- Katu( Pungent)
PARTS USED :- Roots , Bark , Leaves
1 CURE CONSTIPATION :- It has purgative properties which help in digestion and easy passage of stool and therefore cure constipation .
2 Healing Of Hemorrhoids :- It help to resolve the symptoms of hemorrhoids like swelling , itching , redness and pain .
3 Reduce Edema :- This plant has a property of excluding extra water from the body which results in reducing inflammation of tissue or body .
4 Repairing Of Liver :- It help to clean the liver by removal of toxins .
5 Help To Cure Arthritis and Osteoarthritis :- Because of its purgative and anti-inflammatory properties it can reduce the swelling of joint and cure arthritis .
6 Anti Diabetic Properties :- Because of its ant diabetic effect it help to maintain normal blood sugar level of the body . This also help to overcome the symptoms which are associated with diabetes like increased urination , fatigue , excessive weight loss , blurring of vision , excessive thirst etc
7 Anti pyretic :- It help to reduce the fever .
8 Cure Symptoms of asthma :- This help to overcome respiratory complications like dyspnea , tuberculosis , cough , bronchitis, pneumonia . It help in clearance of mucous from air channels . Also provide relief in shortening of breath , lung congestion ,nasal congestion etc
9 Cure Dermate Issues :- Because of its blood purification properties it help to cure skin issues like itching , swelling , redness , burning , oozing etc
10 Anthelmintic Properties :- It help in clearing the intestinal worms from the body hence the use of this herb is very useful in intestinal infections which are caused by viruses , bacteria , protozoa and various pathogens which lead to cholera .
11 Anti inflammatory properties :- This property of plant help to provide relief in body ache .
12 Cancer 13 Heart Disease 14 Cataract 15 Age related macular degeneration 16 AIDS 17 Alcoholism 18 Alzheimer`s
19 Depression 20 Epilepsy 21 Scurvy 22 Cell Damage
23 Heal Wounds 24 Tissue Repair 25 Red Blood Cell Production
26 Heart Attack 27 Chest Pain 28 Leg Pain due to blocked arteries
29 High Blood Pressure
Following are the side effect of Trivrit
1 Pale skin
2 Diarrhea
3 Dizziness
4 Joint pain
5 Skin redness or redness of skin
6 Stomach upset
7 Surface or lower back pain
8 Nausea or vomiting
9 Stomach cramps
10 Headache
11 Excess of creatinine in urine
12 Impaired wound healing
13 Lack of power
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic healing technique which is used to cure neurological issues , cure eye problems , certain skin problems , sleeping problems , gray hair , memory loss and some type of allergies .
In sanskrit shiras meaning head and dhara meaning flow .
During this therapy liquids such as warm oil , milk , butter milk or even water is poured over patients forehead depending on the issue of the patient .It is very useful for both spiritual and physical body
During this therapy the patient is ask to lie down on the bed ( made up of wood) in supine position .
The first step is soft full body massage for 15 mints with medicated oil and later gently wiped off the oil from the body .
Second step is to pure the liquid ( oil , milk or water ) on the forehead of the patient and cover the eyes with a sterile gauze piece . Liquid is kept in the cooper vessel with a hole of standard size at the bottom , the rate of dripping is approximate which depends on the size of hole . The temperature of shirodhara liquid should be kept at a normal level that can be comfortable to the patient . This procedure is done for 45 to 50 mints.
Third step is to clean the liquid from the forehead with a warm towel and cover the hairs .
1 Shirodhara For Relieving Stress :- Stress is body`s reaction to physical or emotional alteration which in turn results into anger , nervous and frustration . Shirodhara brings calmness , promotes tranquillity and relaxation. This therapy help your body to conserve energy , dilates blood vessels , lower the heart rate and relaxes muscles . It is very beneficial for treating Arrhythmia and Hypertension .
2 Shirodhara for Awakening Intuition :- The point between the eyebrows is third eye . By practicing shirodhara , it help to open third eye which help to uninterrupted flow of Prana or life force . And also help recall events lying deep in your past , the rundown of warm oils brings immense mental clarity , resolve pain , traumas and unfavorable emotional experiences .
3 Shirodhara to Increase Sleep :- Sleeplessness is a common problem now a days. Shirodhara is effective in reducing cortisol which is body`s primary stress hormone therefore it help to relieve stress and improve sleep .
4 Shirodhara for Diminishing Anxiety :- It act has a natural stress – buster . Herbal oils massage help to clear the toxins out of brain and bring improvement in cognitive abilities such as concentration and memory . It also balances Pitta and Vata Doshas in the body . It regulates the serotonin hormone which reduces anxiety symptoms .It losses the nerve and relieves tension
5 Shirodhara for Paccifying Vata Dosha :- Shirodhara help to elements excessive accumulation of Vata within the body .
6 Stabilizes the nervous system.
7 Provides relief in migraine headaches.
8 Increases mental concentration.
9 Reduces high blood pressure.
10 Reduces hair fall and fatigue.
11 Help to cure Dandruff :- Shirodhara is very helpful to overcome Dandruff problem and to reduce hair fall.
1 It is avoidable for pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy .
2 People with rashes or sunburn on forehead .
3 It is avoidable to the patient which are Allergic to particular oil used in Shirodhara therapy
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Botanical Name: Alstonia scholaris.
Apocynaceae (Apocynaceae)
Name in English: Devil tree
Sanskrit-Saptaparna, Vishalatvakka, Shard, Suparnak, Gandhiparna, Saptachchhad, Chhatraparna, Munichchhad, Oddichada; Hindi-Satoun, Satna, Chhativan, Sativan; Urdu-Qasim (Kashim); Oriya-Chhotina, Kumbaro; Konkani-senthni-roku (Santhni-rooku), Kaduselle-roku (Kadusalle-rooku); Kannada-Haale, Bantale; Gujarati-Satavana (Saatvan); Tamil-Elilappalai, Maranallari; Telugu-Palagarud (Edakulaa pala), Edakula pala; Bengali-Chhatim, Chatwan; Nepali-Chatiwan; Marathi-Sattapan (Saatvin),
Saptaparni; Malayalam-Daivapala, Erilampala, Kumbaro.
It is found in all the dry deciduous and verdant forests of India, in the western tropical Himalayas and in Assam and is planted as an ornamental plant on the roadsides or gardens. It has been enumerated in the Tarktaskandha, Kushtaghan, Udardprashamana, Shirovirechan and Sushrutasamhita’s Argavadhagdhana, Lakshadigana and Adhibhakahara ganas of Charaksamhita. In Charakasamhita, Saptaparna is mentioned in the treatment of leprosy, erysipelas and diuretics and in the Sushruta-Samhita as the constituent substances of various kalpas used in the treatment of diseases like ulcers, leprosy, pseudo-diabetes, chronic fever and aphasma.
It is about 12-18 m tall, large, everlasting, beautiful tree. Its letters are simple, numbered 4–7, in circular order at the end of the branches. Its flowers are white or cyan white. Its pods are 2–2 together, thin, cylindrical, 30–60 cm long, about 3 mm in diameter, circular and bunched.
Ayurvedic properties and effects
Saptaparna is bitter, astringent, hot, short, smooth, expectorant, aphrodisiac, heart, sarak (dastavar), madagandhi, ulcer and leprosy.
It is an antidote for shortness of breath, sores, colic, worms, leprosy, ulcers and blood defects.
Saptaparna is an anti-hypertensive factor, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-toxemic and depressant of the central nervous system.
Its aphrodisiac is digestive, mild laxative, anthelmintic, antipyretic, purgative, laxative, appetite suppressant and tonic. And its letters and letters are anti-ulcer.
method of medicinal use
Putting Akshir (1-2 drops) of Saptaparna in the ear alleviates earache.
Dant krimi- If there is a dent between the teeth in the tooth-worm-worm tooth, then by filling jaggery or wax in it, by doing Dahan Karma, by filling Saptaparna Akshir, the toothache is alleviated.
Mukhapaka– Make decoction by mixing Sambhag Khas, Patol, Nagarmotha, Harad, Kutki, Mulethi, Amaltas and sandalwood in Mukhpak-Chhativan bark. Consumption of 10-30 ml decoction gives benefit in mouthwash.
Inhalation / cough- Mixing 1-2 parts of Satauna flower powder with Sambhag Pippali powder and consuming the flower with curd water (Mastu), inhalation with honey .
If phlegm and bile are also present in respiratory disease, then by mixing 1 gram Pippali powder and honey in 5 ml Saptaparna Patra-Swaras, drinking it gives quick benefit.
Germination – By making decoction of stem bark of Satauna and feeding it in the quantity of 15-30 ml, chronic gonorrhea is alleviated.
Liver Disorders– By making decoction of leaves of Satauna and consuming it in the quantity of 10-30 ml, there is benefit in liver disorders.
Gonorrhea: Grind the flowers of Kutaj, Kapitha, Rohitak, Vibhitak and Saptaparna and consume 1-2 grams of Kalk or the skin, leaves, roots, fruits, flowers etc. Consumption of decoction made from is beneficial in gonorrhea.
By making decoction of Sadrameh-Saptaparna and feeding it in the quantity of 15-30 ml, there is benefit in Sandrameh.
Make a decoction by mixing sambhag amaltas, ketki, cardamom, neem bark, karanj, kutki and gilloy in the bark of fossil urinary tract. Mixing honey in 10-30 ml decoction and feeding it gives benefit in stony urinary incontinence.
Breast purification is done by consuming sambhag sharangeshta (kakjangha, kakamachi or karanj), decoction made from saptaparna skin and ashwagandha (10-30 ml) or decoction made from guduchi and saptaparna.
Consumption of Mahapanchatikta Ghrit made methodically from Vatarakta-Saptaparna etc. is beneficial in Vatarakta, leprosy, leprosy, Raktarsha, Pandu, heart disease, Gulm, herpes, leprosy, goiter, measles, fever and chronic fever.
Grinding the bark of rheumatoid arthritis and applying it on the joints treats rheumatism and rheumatism.
The use of leprosy-saptaparna in bath, betel leaf, paste, powder etc. and consumption of proven oil ghee etc. from it is abundant in leprosy.
Applying the letter of Dushtavarna-Saptaparna on the affected area of leprosy, leprosy and Dushtavarna are planted.
Grinding and applying the bark of Uran-Chhativan with milk, ulcer is planted.
Applying Saptaparna Akshir gives benefit in rheumatic colic.
By making a solid decoction of hemoptysis-Chhativan (10-30 ml) and mixing 500 mg chopchini powder in it and consuming it with milk, hemorrhoids are alleviated.
Fever-chattivan bark, gilloy, vasa leaf, patol leaf, nagarmotha, bhoj leaf, khadir bark and end bark of neem are taken in equal quantity and made into decoction and fed in 15-30 ml, it gives relief in fever.
Make decoction by mixing sabhag gilloy, neem bark and dates in kaphaj-jwar-chativan bark. Mixing honey in 15-30 ml decoction and drinking it gives relief in phlegm fever.
प्रयोज्याङ्ग : पत्र, पुष्प एवं काण्ड छाल।
मात्रा : क्वाथ 15-30 मिली। स्वरस 10 मिली या चिकित्सक के परामर्शानुसार।
Trigeminal Neuralgia
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be Avoided | |
Fruits | Apple, banana, peaches, pear, litchi, pomegranate | Orange, pineapple, strawberries |
Vegetables | Pumpkin, ginger, broccoli, bitter gourd | Tomato, peas, lemon |
Grains | Wheat, brown rice | Refined floor and its products |
Legumes | All pulses and legumes | nil |
Spices | Cumin, coriander, fennel, ginger, pepper, cinnamon | Red chillies |
Oils | Cow ghee, olive oil, mustard oil | Cream, palm oil |
Nuts | Almonds, raisins, walnuts | nil |
Dairy products | Skimmed milk, tofu, yoghurt | Cream cheese, condensed milk |
Beverages | Coconut water, herbal tea | Canned soups, alcohol, caffeinated drinks |
What is Head Massage (Shiro abhyang)?
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Massage and scalp massage have been practiced in Indian society since ancient times. Which is considered a naturopathy method. Head massage is a gentle and safe massage method that focuses on the upper part of the head, face, and shoulders. Head massage does not have any medical side effects. It is considered beneficial for people of all ages. There are many other forms of head massage, as well as this is an easy method that can be done anywhere. Indian head massage has its own traditional technique. Which helps to benefit our brain. The main purpose of Indian head massage is to remove negative energy from the body which adversely affects our health. Let’s know how the Indian head massage is done.
How to do head massage?
By the way, massaging the scalp is very easy. Scalp massage is actually the straining and pressing of the upper part of the head which can be done normally. A person gets pleasure from this as well as his tiredness can be removed. But to take full advantage of head massage, it should be done in a suitable way
- First of all, choose a peaceful and pleasant environment. In this environment, mental stress starts decreasing to some extent on its own. During this, the person doing the massage should sit in a comfortable position. For this you can use a chair.
- To massage, you move your hands from the top of the head to the bottom of the neck. During this, the massage activity should be stopped when the masseur or the asker asks any questions.
- Now apply light pressure with your fingers on the base of the head (occipital ridge). And roll the fingers all over the head. After doing this, there is a massage of hair along with your head. It promotes skin blood circulation of the upper part of the head.
- Now massage the head in the oval position with the help of fingers and thumbs of both hands. During this time, you can keep your thumbs permanent and move your fingers. Start at the top of the head and bring the fingers down to the ear. In this way you can stimulate the veins of your brain.
- Take care not to add too much friction or pressure during the head massage. Make sure that you are doing the massage with light hands.
Forehead massage is considered to be prominent in head massage. Most people understand that the forehead only covers the area between the eyes and ears. But in fact it also includes the same area as the top part of your ear. Turn your fingers lightly and massage the forehead in clockwise direction.
As you massage your scalp, your hair gets tangled in the fingers. By doing this you get a different pleasant experience. So during the head massage, just pull your hair with very light hands, it can increase the pleasure of your massage manifold.
Benefits of head massage
Massage occupies a prominent place in Indian medical practice. There are many types of benefits from scalp massage. Head massage gives you both physical and mental benefits. Let’s know what kind of benefits we get from head massage.
Today’s busy life keeps many things going in our mind. In this situation we often forget the small things which are important to us. Forgetting someone’s phone number, forgetting someone’s birthday or anniversary, etc. can make you nervous. This is mainly due to lack of concentration and overloaded thoughts. They can hinder us from working efficiently. A healthy mind is the key to success. Scalp massage increases blood flow to your nervous system and calms your mind. So that all the thoughts going on in your mind can be pacified. It also relieves you of emotional stress and also supplies oxygen to the brain. Thus it can help to increase your thinking and speed up the mind.
Benefits of head massage should stimulate the body
The lymphatic system is the part of waste in our body. Our body takes what it needs and the remaining waste excretes the lymphatic system. Head massage helps to flush out the toxic substances present in our body through the lymphatic system. Which boosts our immune power. Head massage helps in creating proper blood flow in the neck. This helps the lymphatic system to remove waste products. In this way you can get the benefits of head massage in keeping your body healthy and boosting immunity.
Treatment of insomnia with head massage
There are many shortcomings in modern lifestyle that affect our personal life. The person does not find time for himself and is always busy. Due to this busyness people often fall victim to insomnia. If this problem is ignored, it can lead to serious health problems. Massaging the scalp can get rid of this problem immediately. It helps in instilling a feeling of relaxation in your body. By which your insomnia problem can be treated. If you are suffering from insomnia problem then enjoy head massage. This can be helpful in stimulating your sleep.
Benefits of head massage for high blood pressure
Most people suffer from high blood pressure. There are no symptoms of high blood pressure so it is also called silent killer. High blood pressure can be any problem although women are more likely to do it. Scalp massage is a natural way to get rid of high blood pressure problems with very few side effects. Studies show that continuous muscle blood pressure fluctuations and stress levels are helpful in reducing hormones. Therefore, head massage can reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and kidney failures. You can also use head massage regularly to get these benefits.
Benefits of head massage relieve stress
You can get various health benefits by massaging your scalp. One of these benefits is stress management. Stress hormones can affect your sleep and even your digestive system. Your unhealthy lifestyle can be a major cause of stress. Scalp massage can help relax your body by controlling stress hormones. A head massage can make you feel happy and peaceful all day. Apart from reducing stress, body massage can also be used to relieve headaches. It can increase energy in your body and improve overall physical and mental performance.
Head massage is good for blood circulation
Poor blood circulation can lead to many types of health problems. These include fatigue, dizziness, and pain. Head massage uses pressure techniques that carry blood to the affected area. Scalp massage allows fresh blood flow to the body. Healthy blood circulation also helps in excluding the toxic substances present in the body. In this way, you can massage your scalp to make your blood circulation healthy and adopt healthy life.
Head Massage for Healthy Hair Growth
Along with the health benefits, head massage also has benefits for hair. This helps to speed up the growth of your hair. Scalp massage stimulates blood flow to the hair roots. It stimulates the blood vessels of the scalp and helps in better absorption by the blood vessels. You can use Essential oils during head massage to promote hair growth. Using these oils provides additional benefits to your hair. If you are suffering or have dandruff problems, you can treat them with a head massage. Massaging regularly and properly increases your chances of hair growth.
Head Massage Oil
You can do a head massage to relieve your stress and get various health benefits. But to make it more effective you can use some special oils. These oils have many nutrients, vitamins, minerals and medicinal properties. Which can be helpful in providing additional benefits to your body. Let us know which oils you can use during scalp massage and which oil is best for scalp massage.
Massage the head with coconut oil
Perhaps one of the most prevalent oils in countries like India is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a sweet and fragrant oil. This oil is very beneficial for those who have dry hair. Coconut oil beautifies their hair and provides lubrication. It is also useful in the treatment of psoriasis. Coconut oil works very well because it has natural cooling properties.
To massage the scalp, first heat the coconut oil lightly and mix it with Bhringraj herb. You use it regularly. It helps in the growth of hair along with providing you health benefits during scalp massage.
Jasmine oil for scalp massage
Jasmine oil is the major stress relieving oil. This oil has anti-depressant and antiseptic properties. This can make your hair thicker and healthier. However pure jasmine oil can be very harmful. Therefore, it should be mixed with light oils like almond oil or olive before applying it to the scalp.
For your scalp massage, prepare a mixture of jasmine oil equal to the amount of almond or olive oil. Use this oil during scalp massage. It is beneficial for you.
Massage the head with almond oil
Almond oil is commonly used for dry hair after coconut oil. It is more intense than coconut oil. Therefore it is more effective in hair growth. Apart from this, it also helps in calming the nerves along with the pain. Almond oil helps to treat two pimples, thin and dry hair. To make this oil more effective, you can also include other herbs such as Brahmi in it.
Olive oil for head massage
Traditionally, olive oil was not used in Indian culture. Due to its medicinal properties, it has been used in recent years. But given its benefits, this oil is now being used for children. This oil is very beneficial for hair. Olive oil opens scalp pores that help new hair grow. In this way it helps to promote the growth of your hair.
Sesame oil is used for scalp massage
You can use sesame oil to give adequate nutrition to your head. It is widely used in India for head oil. In particular, this oil is very beneficial for the hair, dry and two-mouth hair. Sesame oil moisturizes the hair. Along with this, after massaging the head with this oil, it also helps in curing headaches. You can also use hibiscus in it to get additional benefits.
- December 2, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is cultivated all over India. Soya has been used as a domestic medicine and in Ayurveda since ancient times. In many countries, it is customary to increase the digestive process and milk of the maternity and feed soy after eating food for mouth-watering. Acharya Charak has calculated this in Asthanopag and Anuvasanopag Dashemani. In Charaksamhita, there is a law to wear the sachets of Siddha oil from Shatpushpadi at the time of Laparth and Apatana in the post-mortem. An independent chapter called Shatapushpa-Shatavarikalpa is described in Kashyapasamhita. Its plant is 30-90 cm tall and fragrant.
Ayurvedic virtues, deeds and effects:
Dill is bitter, thick, short, rough, sharp, hot, kafwatshamak, vedanasthan, sooth and ulceration.
Dill is beneficial, deep, digestive, vatulomass and vermin.
Its use is beneficial in colic, hypnosis, paralysis, rheumatism and inflammation.
Medicinal Uses
- Mouth-deodorant-Soya gargle by making a boil, purification of the mouth and mitigation of oral deodorant.
Soy decoction is used for the suppression of Kaphaj disorders. With its use, eradication of defects is done by vomit.
- Diarrhea: Mixing equal fenugreek seeds powder in 1 gram of soy powder and taking it with takar (buttermilk) reduces the diarrhea.
Drinking 250 mg of decamali (nadihingu) and 65 mg asafoetida with whey mixed with whey-1 gram soy powder helps in extinguishing the abdomen.
Chewing 1-2 grams of soy is a mitigation of stomach and stomach disorders like Adham and Udderul.
- In dry haemorrhoea and hard dry haemorrhoea, it should be prepared by making a warm warm packet of Vacha and Soya to be swallowed with oil and baked on haem. This reduces pain and inflammation.
- Breast deformity- Taking 1-2 grams of soy powder mixed with honey is a mitigation of mammary deformity.
Mixing 1-2 grams of soya seed powder mixed with equal sugar candy and consuming it increases the purification and growth of the breast.
- Sootika-vikaara – Making 15-30 milliliters of the seeds of soy seeds and quenching the sutika disorders.
Grind the seeds of Soya-Soya with milk and apply it on the colic portion, it is beneficial for the patient.
The application of oil, as proven by the decoction of Vatarakta-Shatpushpa, Kootha and Mulethi, respectively, reduces the suffering of Vatarakta.
- Rheumatism-Soy seeds mixed with sesame or olive oil, lukewarm and massaged are beneficial in rheumatism.
- Sandhwedna – The boating of the dill by making boiling of dill leads to mitigation of Sandhivedena and inflammation.
By grinding leaves of dill-dill and applying it on the ulcer, the ulcer fills quickly.
- Chemical – Put 4.5 kg of soy powder in a new earthen vessel, add up to 5-20 grams in the morning or mix it with potency powder and then consume milk and rice on digestion. Get children and old men also get long life with force.
- Rasayana- Mixing 10-15 grams powder of Satpushpa with honey and melted butter for one month increases strength, color and age.
- Used as a ovulation drug, that improve fertility rate and balance the hormones.
Application: Letter, seed and seed oil.
Dose: 1-2 grams of powder.
Frequently asked questions:
Q. Can Shatapushpa / Shatapushpa be used for microbial infections and flatulence?
Yes, microbial infection and flatulence are among the most common reported uses for Shatapushpa. Please do not use Shatapushpa for microbial infection and flatulence without consulting first with your doctor. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as common uses of Shatapushpa / Shatapushpa.
Q. Is it safe to drive or operate heavy machinery while using this product?
If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Shatapushpa medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. You should not drive if you feel sleepy, dizzy, or if your blood pressure drops drastically after eating the medicine. Pharmacists recommend not to drink alcohol with drugs as alcohol intensifies the side effects of sleep. Please keep these effects in mind when using Shatapushpa. Always consult your doctor for suggestions according to your body and health conditions.
Q. Is this drug or product addictive or habit forming?
Addiction to most drugs is unlikely. Typically, the government classifies drugs as controlled substances that may be addictive. Examples include Schedule H or X in India and Schedule II-V in the US. Please refer to the product package to ensure that your medicine does not belong to such a particular category of drugs. Lastly, do not take medicines on your own without doctor’s advice and do not increase your body’s dependence for medicines.
Q. Can I stop using this product immediately or do I have to reduce usage gradually?
Some medications need to be gradually reduced because of counterintuitive effects or cannot be stopped immediately. Please consult your doctor to get suggestions according to your body, health and other medicines you use.
- December 1, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Oregano is a shrubby plant that is used as a spice and medicine. It is cultivated on a small scale. Oregano has many medicinal properties. In some diseases, oregano acts like a panacea. Oregon is used in many ways according to diseases. Oregano is also used as a spice, powder, decoction and extract.
Oregano botanical name is Origanum vulgare. It is an herb whose plant looks like a basil and its leaves resemble mint leaves. The height of oregano is about one to three feet. Its leaves are also used in food items like pizza, soup and pasta. Consuming oregano leaves is beneficial for our body to get rid of many physical problems.
Types of oregano
It is considered a very beneficial plant. There are about 60 species of oregano worldwide. But here three major oregano species are named.
- European Oregon
- Greek oregon
- Mexican oregano
Oregon’s nutritional elements – Oregano Nutritional Value in many types of nutrients, minerals and vitamins are found in Oregon. The following nutrients are found in its 100 grams of dry leaves.
- 9 grams of protein
- 68.92 g carbohydrate
- 4.09 grams sugar
- 1597 mg calcium
- 1260 mg potassium
- 36.8 mg iron
- 270 mg magnesium
- 148 mg phosphorus
- 2.3 mg Vitamin C
- 0.177 mg thiamine
- 4.64 mg Niacin
- 1.044 mg Vitamin-B6
- 1.551 g fatty acid total saturated
Benefits of Oregon
The benefits of oregano or oregano have been used for years to maintain good human health. The green plant of oregano has a lot of medicinal properties that keep our body fit and healthy. The following element is present in Oregon.
- Fiber
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Vitamins A, C, E and K
- Omega fatty acids
Oregano Benefits For Joints Pain
Oregano provides relief from joint pain and muscle soreness. For this, put oregano leaves in a coffee filter, mesh bag or cotton cloth bag and add hot water from above. Let it settle in the tub and relax with this lukewarm and aromatic water.
Benefits of Oregano in stomach pain And helps to overcome digestive problems. Oregon improves the flow of bile juice in digestive organs.
For this, put 2 or 3 drops of Oregano Oil in a glass of milk or juice or hot water and consume it.
Benefits of Oregano For Cardiac Problems, rich in natural properties, Oregon oil helps in relieving heart problems. Oregano herb is a good source of potassium. Oregon is a good element for body parts and cells. Oregon controls heart beat and also relieves a serious problem like blood pressure. It is helpful in keeping heart disease away.
Oregano Benefits For Hair – Medicinal oregano oil can also help to overcome the problem of dandruff. For this, mix three drops of oregano oil in your shampoo and apply it well in your hair. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes and then clean your hair with lukewarm water. If there is a lot of itching in your scalp, then oregano oil can be a solution to this problem because many anti-bacterial properties are found in oregano. For this, add three drops of oil to any normal oil and apply it in your scalp. After keeping it for 45 minutes, wash the hair with a medicated shampoo.
Benefits of oregano (oregano) in skin problems – According to Ayurveda, oregano leaves also have the ability to remove acne problems. Its anti fungal, anti septic and anti oxidant properties help in removing problems from the skin by removing impurities. For your information, it is used as an important medicine in many medicated skin care products such as foot cream, skin toner and face wash.
Oregano benefits for cancer Oregon, which is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, also keeps away the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Benefits of oregano in reducing menstrual pain – Oregano Benefits For Periods Pain in Hindi The dried leaves of oregano act as a health tonic. Because many elements are found in oregano which provide strength to the body and provide relief in the problem of cold, fever, cold, indigestion, bad stomach and painful periods.
Some Other Benefits Of Oregano In Hindi, in weight loss and cold.
- Oregano also serves to transport calcium from the blood vessels to the bones. This helps in blood circulation and bone growth.
- Oregon is quite effective for curing irregular menstrual cycle and reducing the effects of menopause.
- Oregano vitamins and minerals are found which are essential for health and skin.
- Oregano (oregano) helps in relaxing blood coagulation. For this, add 3 drops of Oregano Oil in 1 glass of warm water. And kept consuming it daily for 4 to 5 days.
- The ingredients of oregano also help in immediate relief in fever, influenza and lower abdominal pain.
- Grinding oregano leaves and applying its paste provides relief from arthritis, swelling, and itching.
- Use of oregano oil is very beneficial in case of allergy.
- Oregon manganese contains a good amount of antioxidants and iron, which helps to overcome the problem of anemia.
Uses of Oregano (oregano) – Along with the benefits of Oregano Usage, we also take oregano in domestic use. Oregano tastes good with any dish made of tomatoes. Also, oregano is mostly used with spicy vegetables such as chili, spaghetti sauce, pizza, zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower. Oregano is used in meat, sausages, salads, decorations, stews and soups. In oregano food products, oregano oil and oily are used in food and beverages. Oregano oil has carminative, gastric, diuretic, diuretic properties. Other spices that combine with dried oregano are garlic, onion, thyme, basil, parsley and olive oil.
- Roast the leaves of oregano in a pan and add it to your favorite chili or taco dish.
- Pour oregano over a piece of feta cheese and pour olive oil and serve seven olives.
- Using too much of a mildly flavored food can make Oregon’s taste strong and bitter. Therefore, at least mix it.
- Oregano goes well with almost any tomato dish. Also, Oregano is highly flavored with high-flavored vegetables like chili, spaghetti sauce, pizza and cauliflower.
- When using dried oregano, crush it with your palm before mixing it with food. This enhances the essential oils and flavors of oregano.
- Dried oregano has a great flavor and a strong aroma, and oregano combines well with coriander and cumin.
- Oregon is also known as ‘Pizza Herb’ as it is used to enhance the taste of pizza.
Above you learned about the benefits and health benefits and uses of Oregon. Therefore, oregano is not inferior to any allopathic medicines, it is also used as food along with medicine. Now we know about the loss of oregano.
Side effects of oregano
- Consumption of oregano in small amounts is considered completely safe. But in some situations, it should be avoided.
- Women should not consume oregano during pregnancy, as excessive intake of it may lead to miscarriage.
- Breastfeeding women should avoid taking Oregon.
- Those who have a problem of not having a blood clot should avoid the consumption of oregano, as it can aggravate the problem.
- Excess of oregano intake can make your stomach upset.
- If you consume too much of oregano then the blood sugar level may decrease.
- If you use oregano oil on your skin, it can cause irritation on your skin. However, it can be used by mixing coconut or olive oil.
- People who are allergic to basil, peppermint and lavender etc. may also be allergic to oregano.
- December 1, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Botanical Name: Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng. (Katuneregum spinosa)
- Syn-Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay; Randia dumetorum (Retz.) Lam., Gardenia spinosa Thunb.
- Family : Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae)
- English name: Emetic Nut
- Sanskrit-madan, chhardan, pind, nut, karahat, desert, surgical, venomous, respiratory, pichuk, kantki, karahataka, surgical, gorge, settling, breathing;
- Hindi-Manphal, Madanphal;
- Oriya-Potua;
- Urdu-Mainphal (Mainphal);
- Uttarakhand-Karhar,
- Mainphal; Assamese-Gurol;
- Konkani-Gaddi (Gaddi);
- Kannada-Mangrikkei (Mangrikkei)
- Gujarati-Mindhol, Mindhal;
- Tailugu-Basant Kadimi Chettu, Mandchettu, Mangchettu (Mangchettu);
- Tamil-Marukkalam, Pungarei;
- Bengali-Meinphal, Mayana kantar gach;
- Nepali-Meidal, Meinphal; Punjabi-Arara (Arara);
- Marathi-Geil, Gefal (Geilphala); Malayalam-Kara (Kara).
- English-Bushi Gardenia, Common emetic nut;
- Arabic-jouzul kosul, jauzulaki;
- Persian-zhuj-ul-kuch (Juz-ul-kuch).
Its plants are found all over India especially in the Himalayas up to an altitude of about 1200 meters. Its plants are up to 9m tall and have strong thorns. Its fruits are round, raw in color and green in yellow color and are smooth. The marrow also dries when the fruit dries, but the seeds stick to it, it is called Madanphal Pippali
The use of Madanphal in Bhallatak alkali in the duodenum and Madanpushpu has been calculated as the cyanoclure The description of Madanphal Kalpa is found specifically for vomiting in the Kalp place of Charaksamhita.
Madanphala destroys sweet, tikt, warm, short, emollient, disinfectant, ruksh, catarrhal perishable, ulcers, leprosy, phlegm, afflictions, inflammation and gum and ulcers.
Madanphala is the best among the left-wing drugs in indigenous medical science. Vomiting occurs due to consumption of its fruits without any disturbance. (But for vomiting it should be used under the care of a doctor.)
Its fruits are anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, phlegmatic, abortifacient, insectivorous and anticoagulant.
Its seeds are appetizers.
Its skin is anti-diarrheal, sprains, vulva and hypnotic.
Medicinal Uses
- Semi-differentiator – Taking equal amount of Madanphala and sugar candy, grinding it with cow’s milk a little, and putting 1-2 drops in the nose before sunrise, the quenching of the shir shul starting with sun rise.
- Shirogh-4 Pippali, 1 Madanphala and 250 mg of opium powder, roasted in a copper plate, putting 1-2 drops of very fine powder in the nose and mitigating the neurological disorders.
- Kapha-Pittaja disorder- Take 2-3 good Madanphala, remove the top peel and soak it coarsely and soak it in 60 ml of water at night and drink it well in the morning and after drinking it, it helps to reduce cough.
- Take equal quantity of asthma, madanphala l, arkamul skin and liquorice three, and use 2-5 grams of this powder, it is an excellent medicine for asthma and cold.
- Grind the lateral root of madanphala in kanji and apply it on the navel to reduce the pain of ribs.
- Giving 6 grams of madanphala seeds powder, 6 grams of rock salt and 1y gram of Peepal powder with lukewarm water causes vomiting and brings out phlegm.
- Grind 50 grams liquorice and cook it in 2 liters of water, crush and sieve with 1 liter water remaining. Consumption of 6 grams of madanphala seeds powder mixed with honey and rock salt mixed with 30 ml liquorice decoction removes impurities.
- Soaking 3-6 grams of seed powder in 25 ml of water for one hour, kneading it in stone skillet, mixing honey and rock salt and giving it on an empty stomach makes vomiting. (It is used in cough, fever, pain, pain, etc.) (Separate the seeds and pulp of the madanphala and dry the seeds, and separate the peels, by grinding only the fine powder of the seed kernel and filling it in the vial. Keep it. (Use quantity 2 to 4 grams.)
- Grind both colocasia and madanphala and Kutki in equal quantity and apply it in the navel after grinding it.
- Grind 2-4 grams powder of madanphala seed powder in kanji or buttermilk, and heat it and apply it around the navel, to alleviate colic.
- Grind madanphala in vinegar and apply it around the navel, it provides relief in colic.
- Burning dry fruits of obstetric- madanphala and vaginal incense can lead to early delivery.
- Taking 1 gram dried seed powder of infertility- madanphala with milk, sugar and saffron and making light of 1 gram powder of seeds in vaginum and wearing it in vaginum removes all disorders of vaginitis and uterus. The problems of menstruation, pain, irregularity etc. are removed. By purification of the uterus, three can conceive.
- Grind the letters and bark of rheumatoid colony and apply it on the rheumatism.
- Heat 140 grams of fresh butter, mix 11.5 grams of wax in it, when the wax melts, mix 11.5 grams of madanphala powder and equal rock salt in it. By applying it continuously for 1 week, there is suppression of handmade dah and the cracked feet become soft and soft.
- Applying the mustard oil cooked with powder of Kandu-Sindoor, Tutha, Madanphal, Sauviranjan and Guggulu provides relief in itching.
- Foliar-segmented madanphala seeds and guggul by grinding it with water and applying it to a varti are used for both new and old canker sores and planting of fistulas.
- Applying a paste made from the plant is the planting of the ulcer.
- Grind equal quantity of almond- madanphala seed powder and small madanphala powder in water and drink it in water to get relief in epilepsy.
- If there are excess of faults in fever, one should drink lukewarm water or honey syrup or water containing sugar syrup or salt water in order to get madanphala powder consumed with Pippali powder or Indrajou or liquorice powder, just to get vomiting. (This should be done under the supervision of a physician.)
- It is beneficial to use the milk cooked from madanphal pippali in the blood-borne blood congestion and heartburn, or the use of alkaline yavagu made from that milk.
- Application: fruit, skin, root, seed.
- Dosage: 3-6 grams of powder (for vomiting), 1-2 grams of powder (for general use).
Prevention of side effects: Spongy and cold substances.
- Due to Vamak, its use is prohibited in pregnancy, diarrhea and children.
- Madanphala is Vamak, so it should be used according to medical advice.
- It should be used with caution in persons of warm nature.
- December 1, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Vatsnabh (Aconitum Ferox ) is a perennial , tuberous rooted and herbaceous herb with a height of 3 feet .
Leaves of this plant are lobed or cleft , simple and alternate and oval in shape . On the top leaves are smaller in size and towards the bottom leaves are longer in size.
Tuberous root of this plant are dark brown from outside but yellowish from inside.
Fruits are tube like capsules or just like helmet that opens at the top .
This plant is very catchy because it bears very beautiful yellow , pink and blue zygomorphic flowers with numerous stamens . Flowers and Fruits appear in the month of July to November.
1 Roots of the plant are tied in cotton cloth . These tied roots are dipped in cow`s urine for three days and are exposed to sunlight daily . After exposed to sunlight cow`s urine is replaced with water . After three days roots are dried and preserved for medicinal use.
2 Dip roots of the plant to cow`s milk or goat`s milk and heat it for 3 hours to make roots purified .Milk is considered to be the best medium to remove the poison of blue aconite .
Kingdom :-Plantae
Subkingdom :- Viridiplantae (green plants)
Infrakingdom:- Streptophyta (land plants)
Super Division :- Embryophyta
Division :- Tracheophyta (vascular plants)
Subdivision :- Spermatophytina (seed plants)
Class :- Magnoliopsida
Super Order :- Ranunculanae
Order :- Ranunculales
Family :- Ranunculaceae (buttercups)
Genus :- Aconitum L. (monkshood or aconite)
Species :- Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser. (Indian aconite)
Sanskrit Name :- Vatsanabha , Visham, Garalam
Hindi Name :- Mithazahar
English Name :- Monk`s hood ,Indian Aconite
Malayalam Name :- Vatsanabhi
Kannada Name :- Vatsanabhi
Marathi Name :- Vachnag
Rasa (Taste):- | MADHURA (Sweet). |
Guna (Main :-Quality) | RUKSHA (Dry), TIKSHNA (Sharp), LAGHU (Light), VYAVAYI, VIKASI |
Virya (Potency) :- | USHNA (Hot) |
Vipaka :- (Resultant) | MADHURA (Sweet) |
Prabhava :-(Action) | Diaphoretic |
Dhatu (Tissue):- Effect | Rasa (body fluids), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscular tissue), Meda (adipose tissue) |
Organs Effect :- | Stomach, Liver, Skin, Heart |
Excretion :- | Urine, Saliva, Gastric Juice, Sweat, Bile |
1 To Cure pain of all body parts :-Vatsanabha oil can eliminate all types of pain. Additionally, applying this paste on arthritis and swelling of small joints is beneficial.
It is beneficial by giving very small amount of it in sciatica, arthritis (knee pain), archery (growing body).
2 To Cure Frequent urination :- Any person who does not stop urinating or has trouble while discarding it, should take Vatsanabha equal to half of rice.
3 Helpful in fever :- To cure recurrent fever, giving equal quantity of Vatsnabha half rice, along with sulfur, sohaga, cinnamon and other peppery fragrances, the fever is cured.
By giving small amount of Vatsanabha in fever due to cold, one gets relief.
In wounds, swelling and fever, take pure asafoetida, pure icing, pure vasanabha, juice of Nirgundi, Nagadanti in equal quantity and grind it well and make a tablet. Taking 1-1 of these pills daily in the morning and evening gives relief.
4 For asthma :-Grind 20 grams of black myrobalan, 10 grams of peepal, 20 grams of chitrak and 5 grams of pure vatsanabh and mix it with cow’s ghee and make a mixture.
Giving 2 to 3 grams of this to honey gives benefit in diseases like asthma.
5 Useful in diabetes, leprosy:- Mix 10 grams pure Bachnag in 70 grams walnuts and then give up to one fourth part of it to the patient for 3 days.It gives relief from diseases like leprosy, horrors (diarrhea due to fear), paralysis (paralysis) and diabetes.
In addition, it also helps to remove scorpion venom, inflammation, tonsils, cough.
6 Work As Rasayana :- Vatsanabha is regarded as one of the rasayana drugs and is an important ingredient in various rasayanas.
7 Help In Digestion :- Purified Root Powder of Vatsnabh taken after meal is helpful in digestion .
8 As Carminative ( Deepana) :- Vatsnabh root powder taken before meal is act as carminative .
It is considered to be the most poisonous herb that contain most toxic alkaloid called pseudacotinine. It may cause some serious symptoms like :-
1 Severe Vomiting
2 Body Fatigue
3 Paralysis of upper and lower limb
4 Drastic fall in Blood Pressure
5 Nervous Damage that may lead to coma
6 Blindness
7 Cardiac and Renal Failure
8 Finally Cause Death