Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Punarnava herb
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Botanical Name: Boerhavia diffusa Linn.
- Syn-Boerhavia repens
- Family: Nyctaginaceae
- English name: Hogweed
- Sanskrit-Punarnava, Shothaghni, Visakh, Svetamula, Bulletika, Kattilaka, Shashivatika, Kshudravarsbhu, Lagrapatra, Chiratika, Varshangi, Varshahi, Dhanapatra;
- Hindi-Lal Punarnava, Santh, Gadahpurna;
- Urdu-Bashkhira
- Kannada-Sanadika
- Gujarati-Rati satodi, Vasedo
- Tamil-Mukattai, Mukaratte
- Telugu-Atikamamidi (Atikamamidi)
- Bengali-Punarnoba, Sveta punarnaba
- Nepalese-Onle sag
- Punjabi-Khattan
- Marathi-Punarnava, Ghentuli
- Malayalam-Thazuthama (Tavilama).
- English-Erect boerhavia, Spiderling, Spreading hog weed, Horse purslane, Pigweed;
- Arabic-Handa Kuki (Handakuki), Sabaka;
- Persian-Devasapat.
The multi-year herb of Punarnava is produced everywhere in India during the rainy season. Its two species are found red and white. In these, blood plant flora is more commonly used as medicine. Its scandal and flower are all of the blood color. When the fruit is ripe, the pneumatic part dries up, but remains in the soil, which rises again during the rainy season. Hence its name is Punarnava. It is found all over India up to an altitude of 2400 m. Punarnava has been used in fever in the form of Svedopag in Charaka. Sushruta mentions Varshabhoomi and Punarnava in Shakavarga. Punarnava has been said to be useful for external use in the form of chemicals, diuretics, inflammatory, sweda, eye and inflammation.
The original white blood of the blood renewal is less thick than the original regenerative, but more in length, the middle rupture is thick and the bottom is thin and with many subfamilies. Breaking the root produces thick milk-like juice. The original taste is bitter and bitter.
Ayurvedic virtues, deeds and effects
Punarnava is inflammatory, cold, cardiac, cyan and diuretic. It is used in inflammation, heart disease, ascites, Pandu and urinary and renal disorders. It has specific effects on the kidneys and urethral institute. Hence it is diuretic and inflammatory. It also has a good effect on the hemostasis and heart.
It is diuretics, inflammatory, poisonous, cardiac, chemical lamp, ulcerative, ulcerative lactation, old age, hemorrhagic, anuloman, catharsis, casagna, transgenic, leprosy, javaraghna and medohar. Due to the presence of potassium nitrate, it increases the contraction capacity of the heart muscle. While other diuretics reduce the amount of potassium nitrate in the body, there is a potassium supplier along with renal urine.
Blood is regenerative, bitter, cold, cold, minor, phlegmatic, eloquent, beneficial, irritability, receptive, inflammatory, chemical, hemorrhage, ulceration, and excretory.
It is useful in edema, pandu, heart disease, caries, colic, blood pressure, rashes, tuberculosis, blood bites, diarrhea, blood disorders and abdominal diseases.
White Punarnava-Katu, Madhur, Kashay, Tikt, Trisha, Ruksh, Kafwatashamak, Ruchika, Agnidipan, Svedopag, Anuvasanopag, Kasahar, Vasthana, Heart, Head and Alkaline.
It is inflammation, hemorrhage, ulcer, Pandu, venom, abdominal disease, urticaria, Kas, colic, blood disorders, ophthalmology and cardiovascular diseases.
Medicinal Uses
- Shirorog – Early morning Punarnava is the mitigation of Shirovedana by taking the nerves of the original skin and eating halwa.
- Eye-whitening, aparajita root, white renaissance root and barley’s pulp in the eyes benefit from ophthalmic disease.
- Grinding Punarnava root in female milk and applying it to the eyes is beneficial in diseases like ophthalmic, ophthalmology etc.
- Applying Punarnava root in Kanji and oil or water is beneficial in the disease (night blindness) and cataract.
- Grinding the white Punarnava root in melted butter and honey will reduce eye diseases and bleeding.
- Applying Bhangra Swaras in Punarnava Moolam Swaras is beneficial in irriatation of the eye, and in the Gomya Swaras, mixing White Punarnava Mool and Pippali is beneficial in carnation (night blindness).
- Grind the roots of Punarnava and mix it with ghee and honey, and lighten the eyes and remove redness.
- Grinding the roots of Punarnava with bhangra juice and applying it to the eyes helps in extinguishing the eyes.
- Grind the roots of Mukhpak-Punarnava in milk and apply it on the blisters, it provides relief.
- Kas-1-2 grams of Punarnava root powder mixed with equal sugar and eating it twice a day is used to quench dry cough.
- Mixing 5 grams of turmeric in three grams of powder of Punarnava root is beneficial in asthma.
- Ur Ksht- If the blood of Ur Ksh patient is sputtered again and again, give 5-10 grams of the powder of Punarnava root and pure rice to the patient for drinking by cooking in dry grapes, milk and ghee.
- The herb of Punarnava leaves is very beneficial in heart diseases.
- It is very beneficial in cardiovascular asthma.
- Eating it with grind 3 grams of powder of Punarnava origin and eating with honey increases appetite.
- Virechanartha-Punarnava makes the stool soft powder by taking the same quantity of tea spoon twice a day.
- All types of inflammation and abdominal diseases are eradicated by giving the origin of stomach diseases with the urine.
- Drinking 1-2 grams of salt in 40-60 ml font of ascites-Punarnava is beneficial in dropsy.
- Drinking mixed with Guggulu and Gomutra in a decoction made of abdominal disease, Haritaki, dry ginger, Guduchi, Punarnava, Devdaru or Daruharidra helps to prevent tuberculosis and trophic inflammation.
- Mixing syrup in gulm-purnavamool and kalashak and taking it provides relief in gulm and tod (pain like needling).
- Taking 20-30 ml of decoction made from these medicines, punarnava, black marich, sharpunkha, dry gourd, chitrak, haritaki, karanja and bel marrow are beneficial in piles, gulm and duodenum.
- Infusion – Delivering the milk cooked from the pulp of blood and white pelvic exfoliation is a mitigation of mercantile effusion disease.
- Pandu-Punarnava is a very effective medicine for Kamala disease. Mixing 2-4 grams powder of myrabalan chebula in 10-20 ml Punarnava Panchang juice provides relief in Kamala.
- Spleen growth: Grinding 10-20 grams root of white gooseberry with tandulodak provides benefit in spleen enlargement.
- Pandu Disease – Consumption of Punarvadi Mandoor with takra causes blood loss, spleen enlargement, piles, asymmetrical fever, inflammation of the duodenum and stomach ulcers.
- Drinking 5-7 leaves of uricorrhoea-parenchyma with 2-3 pieces of black pepper is beneficial in urination and sclerosis.
- Mixing 5-10 ml Punarnava leaf juice mixed with milk and giving it benefits in the urine.
- Consuming 3 grams of Punarnava root powder with honey or lukewarm water, suppresses inflammation, and diuresis.
- Renal disorder- Drinking 10-20 ml Punarnava Panchang decoction also removes kidney disorders.
- Mixing 3 grams sugar candy in Pomegranate-1 gram Punarnava flower powder and taking it with milk is beneficial in the case.
- Leucorrhoea – Consuming 3 grams of Punarnava root powder with watery juice is beneficial in leucorrhoea.
- By applying vaginal-Punarnava swara to the vagina, there is a suppression of vaginitis.
- Sukhprasava-Punarnava root is swallowed in oil and put on it in the vagina.
- In the uterine disorder, it is beneficial to drink fernet root and cotton root.
- Grind dry ginger and pimples in goat’s milk and apply it on the vagina.
- After pelting the leaves of Punarnava and keeping it in the vagina, there is a suppression of vaginal pain due to labor pain.
- Vatakantak-White Punarva root cooked in oil and massaged in the feet, Vatantakant disease is cured.
- Taking one gram powder of camphor and dry ginger along with the decoction of the mango-pullenum for seven days provides relief in mango digestion.
- Taking leprosy with betel nut is beneficial in leprosy.
- Cook 5 grams of root of white pineapple in 500 ml of water and make four quarters remaining boiling water and drink 20-30 ml in the morning and evening, it cures the chronic abscess
- Grind the root of Punarnava with buttermilk and apply it in breast milk
- Insomnia- Drinking 20-40 milliliters of decoction makes the patient feel sleepy.
- The body is fortified by consuming the powdered-Punarnava root powder with milk.
- Make root of edema-Punarnava and Nagarmotha, make 10 grams of each substance in the quantity of 10 grams. Cook it in 640 ml cow’s milk as usual and drink it in the morning, it is beneficial in gout.
- Make congregate by making angiosis-Punarnava, neem bark, patol leaf, dry gourd, katuki, giloy, barberry and myrobalan, when remaining quartile, filter it and take 20 to 30 milliliters and drink it in the morning and evening. There are benefits in diseases, lateral pain, breathing and Pandu diseases.
- Swelling – Punarnava root, cedar and idol mixed with powder and giving 3 grams of honey with the required amount of honey is suppressed by pregnancy.
- The root of Punarnava, Chirayta and Shunthi, mixed in equal quantity, taking 20 grams of its quantity and cooking it in 400 ml water, making the remaining fourth decoction, drinking it is beneficial in all round edema.
- Decoction of Punarnava also provides instant relief in fever caused due to burning sensation of urine and urinary tract infection.
- Lal Punarnava, Parval leaf, Parval fruit, bitter gourd, Patha, Kakoda are beneficial in fever.
- Consuming 2 grams Punarnava root powder with cow’s milk increases strength and varna.
- Grind equal parts of Punarnava, Neem, Giloy, Dry ginger, cedar and myrabalan and grind it and take 1-2 grams of powder with lukewarm water, it cures the symptoms.
- Grind Punarnava, neem’s bark dry ginger and parwal leaves in water and apply a paste to the edema helps to get relief from edema.
- Taking equal quantity of Punarnava, haitaki, (rasna), devdaru and erand beej with cow urine and feeding it 10-20 ml is beneficial in edema.
- Grind Punarnava, daruharidra, dry ginger, mustard and sehjanwith kanji and apply it to reduce inflammation.
- Fever – Take 2 grams of white powdered root powder with milk or tambul in the morning and evening is beneficial in Chaturthic fever.
Chemical use – It is used to relieve weakness after diagnosis. It is a chemical and an enhancer tonic.
- Drinking 5 grams of Punarnava powder with milk continuously for 6 months increases the strength and nourishes the body.
- Children’s disease-Re-letter letter Swaras 100 ml, Mishri powder 200 gm and 12 grams of Pippali powder mixed with these three and cook, when the sugar syrup becomes thick, take it off and fill it in a closed bottle, children up to 4-10 drops of this syrup Licking three times provides relief in many diseases like cough, breathing, pleurisy of children.
- Sarpavish – This is the antidote of all types of serpents.
- Scorpion Bites – Grinding the leaves of Punarnava and sprigs of the handkerchief and applying it on the Scorpion stings mitigates the biting toxic effects.
- On the day of Sunday and Pushya Nakshatra, chewing the root of the uprooted Punarnava removes the poison of scorpion.
- Allerg venom-white rejuvenated root and powdered seed powder mixed with tilakalk, sesame oil, extract milk and jaggery, and the effects of schizophrenic poisoning are eliminated.
- Eating Venom-White Rejuvenated root powder with honey regularly reduces the effects of rodent poisoning.
- Detoxification – Drinking the white pulverized root tree with rice washes for one year in Pushyakshatra does not affect venom of venomous creatures like Scorpio, snake etc.
- Grind the serpent-white Punarnava root and drink it with rice washes (tandulodak) and suppress the toxic effects of snakebite.
Other Uses:
Make a mixture of ashwagandha powder by making a dense powder of its roots and make 250 mg tablets, after eating one tablet each, drinking sugar mixed with sugar, removes semen defects and removes wrinkles of the body with milk and sugar. Take it.
Pryojyānga: root, letter, Panchang.
Quantity: Seed gram 1-3 grams Swaras 5-10 ml or according to the advice of the physician.
Special: Punarva is of two types depending on white and bloodshed. Many scholars consider the rainbow to be the white Punarnava and in the market also the rainbow leaf and origin are found in the name of the White Punarnava. In fact white pelvic and rainbow are two different plants. We have concluded after extensive research and study of several shatras that white and blood regeneration is determined not on the basis of the character of the flower but on the basis of the character of the original. Blood Punarnava is of the original blood color and white Punarnava is of the original white color.
Pomegranate (Dadim)
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The harder the pomegranate peel, the more delicious and sweet the fruit inside. If any person gets any disease, people advise them to take pomegranate first. Doctors also tell the patient to eat pomegranate to relieve weakness, or to get health benefits after treatment.
Anar ke fayde
In Ayurveda, pomegranate has been described as a miraculous fruit, and it has also been told that, with its use, many diseases can be cured. Not only pomegranate fruit, but the whole tree is full of medicinal properties. When pomegranate has so many benefits, you will definitely want to know about the benefits of pomegranate. Let us know what are the benefits of pomegranate.
According to the difference in juice, there are three types of pomegranate fruits: –
- Pomegranate with sweet juice
- Pomegranate with sour juice
- Pomegranate with sweet and sour juice
Name of Pomegranate in Different Languages
The botanical name of a pomegranate is Punica granatum L., Syn-Punica nana Linn., Punica, spinosa Lam, and is of the Punicaceae family. Pomegranate is known worldwide by many names, which are: –
Anar in-
- Hindi (pomegranate in hindi)– अनार, दाड़िम
- Urdu– गुल अनार (Gul anar)
- English– ऐपल ऑफ ग्रेनाडा (Apple ofGrenada), पोमग्रेनेट ( Pomegranate)
- Sanskrit– दाडिम, करक, रक्तपुष्पक, लोहितपुष्पक, दलन
- Uttarakhand– दाड़िम (Dadim)
- Assamese– डालिम (Dalim)
- Kannada– दालिम्बे (Dalimbe), हुलिडलिम्बे (Hulidalimbe)
- Konkani– दालिम्ब (Dalimb)
- Gujarati– दाड़म (Dadam), गुलनार (Gulnar)
- Punjabi– दारूण (Darun), धारू (Dharu), जामन (Jaman)
- Malayalam– मातलम (Matalam), दाड़िमन (Dadiman)
- Marathi –दालिम्बा (Dalimba)
Benefits and Uses of Anar
If children feel thirsty again and again, then take pomegranate
If the children feel very thirsty, make powder by taking equal quantity of pomegranate, cumin, and cobra saffron. Mix sugar and honey in this powder and lick the children. It ends the thirst.
Consumption of pomegranate helps in anemia and jaundice
- For the treatment of anemia, and jaundice, mix 750 grams sugar in 250 ml pomegranate juice and prepare sugar syrup. Take it 3-4 times a day. It is beneficial in anemia, and jaundice.
- Many people complain of tiredness and weakness. Such people take 20 grams fresh leaves of pomegranate, boil in 400 ml of water. When the water remains 100 ml, then drink warm milk mixed with it. This results in physical and mental weakness.
- People suffering from anemia and jaundice should dry 3-6 grams pomegranate leaves under shade. Drink this powder in the morning with buttermilk made from cow’s milk. Likewise, eat cheese with this buttermilk in the evening. It provides benefits in anemia, and jaundice.
Prevention of diarrhea by taking pomegranate
- To prevent diarrhea, make 2-3 grams powder of pomegranate fruit peel. Drink it with fresh water in the morning and evening. It is beneficial in diarrhea.
- Add 1 gram powder of pomegranate bark (fruit or root bark), equal amount of nutmeg powder and 250 mg saffron. Grind it and consume it with honey. The diarrhea stops.
Anar benefits to stop diarrhea in children
- For a child who has frequent diarrhea, take fresh pomegranate buds, grind it with small cardamom seeds, and rummastagi cake. Mix sugar in it and prepare it as a paste. Licking it has special benefit in children’s diarrhea, and dysentery.
Pomegranate Benefits to Treat Intestinal Worms
- The benefits of pomegranate can eliminate stomach worms. For this, take 50 grams pomegranate root bark, Palash seed 6 grams, and Vividing 10 grams. Grind and cook in 1.25 liters of water on low flame. When the water remains half, take it down and filter it. Drink it in 50 ml quantity for half an hour. By using it, stomach worms are eliminated.
- Dry the leaves of pomegranate in shade and grind it finely. Sieve it Drink 3 to 6 grams of it in the morning with buttermilk, or with fresh water. By using it, stomach worms are eliminated.
- Make a decoction by grinding 10 grams of pomegranate tree root bark, 6 grams of vividung, and 6 grams of idra barley to eliminate stomach worms. Consuming it kills stomach worms.
- People upset with stomach worms can also try this method. Boil 20 grams of sour pomegranate peels, and 20 grams of mulberry in 200 ml of water. Drinking it also kills stomach worms.
Pomegranate Juice Benefits in Baldness Treatment
- In the case of hair loss, or baldness, take juice of fresh green leaves of pomegranate. Add 100 gm pomegranate paste and half a liter mustard oil. Cook this oil and sieve it. Apply it on the hair. This stops hair fall, baldness problem is overcome.
Pomegranate Benefits in Treating Facial Scars
- Stains on the face are a common problem. Many people are upset with this. Women have more complaints than men. If you are also troubled by facial freckles, you can benefit from the use of pomegranate. Mix 100 gm pomegranate leaves paste and half liter mustard oil in the juice of fresh green leaves of pomegranate. Cook this oil and sieve it. Massaging with this oil has good facial, freckle, and dark spots
Pomegranate Fruit Benefits in Mouth Ulcers Treatment
- Use of pomegranate is beneficial in the problem of mouth blisters. Boil 25 grams of pomegranate leaves in 400 ml of water. When water is left one-fourth, rinse with it. It also cures mouth ulcers, and other diseases.
- Make powder of pomegranate bark. Mouth blisters are cured by rubbing it in the mouth, or rinse with a decoction of blast water.
- Boil 10 grams of pomegranate leaves in 400 ml of water, and when the water remains one fourth, rinse it with decoction. It cures mouth blisters.
Use of Pomegranate in swelling of the extremities
- Pomegranate can be taken if swelling in hands and feet. Grind 10-12 fresh pomegranate leaves and apply them on the soles of the palm and feet. It cures swelling of hands and feet, and problems of water in hands and feet.
Pomegranate Benefits in Treating Skin Disease
- The use of pomegranate is also very beneficial in skin diseases. Boil 250 grams fresh leaves of pomegranate in 5 liters of water and prepare a decoction for it. Bathing with this decoction cures skin diseases related to urticaria.
- Pomegranate is also used to improve skin. Boil one kg of pomegranate fruit with 4 liters of water. When the water remains 1 liter, add 250 ml mustard oil and cook it. Massage this oil. The loosening of the flesh disappears within a few days. Wrinkles of the face disappear, and the skin improves.
- You can also use almond badam instead of mustard oil.
Use of Pomegranate to make the breasts shapely
- Many women take a variety of measures to make the breasts shapely. The benefits of pomegranate are also found in it. For this, take equal amount of pomegranate leaves, peels, flowers, raw fruits, and root bark. Grind it coarsely. Soak it in double vinegar, and four times rose water. After four days, add mustard oil to it and cook on low heat. When the oil remains a little, then filter it and fill it in the bottle. Massage the breasts daily with this oil. This removes the laxity of the breasts, and makes the breasts shapely. It also cures facial wrinkles.
- Take out 1 liter juice of pomegranate leaves. Mix half a liter of sweet oil (sesame oil) and cook on low flame. If the oil remains a little, then filter it and fill it in bottles. Massaging it 2-3 times a day helps to remove pomegranate juice benefits.
Benefits of Pomegranate for Rickets Disease
- Rickets (rickets) is a serious illness in children. In many countries including India, children suffer from drought disease. The use of pomegranate is also beneficial in rickets. Add 20-25 grams pomegranate bud juice and some milk. Drinking it daily helps in treating rickets in children.
Benefits of Pomegranate in Hiccups Problem
- The benefits of pomegranate are found in the problem of hiccups. For this, mix small cardamom seeds, desalochan, dry mint, poisoned ghee in 20 ml Pomegranate juice. With this, make a fine powder by mixing 1-1 gram of agaru and 500 mg of pippali. Licking it a little bit as needed cures hiccups.
Benefits of pomegranate in the trouble of sleeplessness (insomnia)
- Those who are suffering from sleeplessness, take 20 grams of fresh pomegranate leaves, boil in 400 ml of water. When the water remains 100 ml, then add warm milk and drink it. This ends the problem of sleeplessness.
Benefits of Anar in Nail related Disorder
- The use of pomegranate is also beneficial in nail related diseases. Grind equal quantity of pomegranate flowers, dhamasa, and myrabalan chebulie. Apply it on the nail. It cures swelling within the nail, and nail pain.
Benefits of Anar in Healing Wound
- Dry the buds of pomegranate flowers, and grind them to make ash. By wounding it, the wounds heal quickly.
- Make 50 grams leaves of pomegranate in 1 liter of water. When the decoction is left a quarter, it has special benefit in washing wounds.
Benefits of Pomegranate in Relief from Headache
- To get relief from headache, dry half kilo leaves of pomegranate under shade. Make a fine powder by adding dry coriander to it. Add 250 grams of wheat flour to it, and fry it in cow’s ghee. When it is cold, add 1 kg of khanda to it. Drink 50 grams of this in the morning and evening with warm milk. It not only provides relief from headache, but it also cures the vertigo.
- Grinding pomegranate bark and applying it also provides relief in headache, or migraines Headache
Anar Fruit Benefits in Treating Dental Pain
- Grind pomegranate and dried rose flower in toothache. Brush with it This stops water from the gums.
- Only brush powder of pomegranate buds. This prevents bleeding from the gums, as well as benefits of pomegranate.
- If the teeth move, dry 8-10 leaves of sweet pomegranate in the shade and grind it. By brushing this powder, there is benefit in the movement of teeth.
Consumption of pomegranate benefits in blood and gum disease of gums
- Many people have problems with bleeding from the gums. They can take advantage of pomegranate. Make a decoction of pomegranate bark and rinse it.
- Dry 8-10 leaves of sweet pomegranate in the shade and grind it. By brushing this powder, blood from the gums, and pus stops. It also reduces inflammation.
Benefits of Pomegranate for Nose and Ear Pain
- If there is a wound in the nose, or ear, or if there is pain in it, make 2-2 drops decoction of pomegranate bark. Using it provides relief in nose and ear pain.
Use of Pomegranate in the problem of bleeding from the nose
- When bleeding from the nose, pour 1-2 drops juice of pomegranate flowers from the nose. This stops bleeding from the nose. This remedy is very beneficial when bleeding from the nose.
- Grind the pomegranate peel with the date date water. Take it by nose. This stops bleeding from the nose. Its paste also provides benefits in inflammation.
- Drink a decoction of pomegranate leaves (10-30 ml), or juice of leaves (10 ml). Grind it and apply it on the head, it provides relief in bleeding from the nose.
Health benefits of pomegranate to treat ear pain
- For ear pain, mix 100 ml juice of fresh pomegranate leaves, 400 ml cow urine, and 100 ml sesame oil and cook on low flame. When the oil remains little bit, filter it. Warm it a little and put a few drops in the ear morning and evening. It provides benefits in ear pain, ear resonance, and deafness .
Gandush or oil pulling
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is Oil Pulling ?
This is a 3000 year old technique of Ayurveda which has been called the only planet in the Sanskrit, Snigdha Gandusha. Oil pulping, ie, rinse of oil removes the toxic elements (Toxins) of the body, which cures many diseases and also reduces obesity.
Benefits of oil pulling
- Due to today’s lifestyle, food and pollution, many toxins are stored in our body. During blood circulation these elements get trapped in our organ where they start causing disease.
- Apart from this, these toxins cause fatigue, lethargy, sluggishness, pain in the body and create problems for health.
- Oil pulling works by pulling these dirt out of the body, which cures many diseases, as well as a feeling of freshness, agility and freshness.
- By oil pulling, many diseases of the mouth like teeth diseases, swelling of gums, bad breath are cured. Along with this, problems like headache, migraine, sinus, insomnia, skin disease, liver disease, hormone instability are overcome.
- It also reduces cholesterol level of the body, which is beneficial for heart disease and blood pressure patients. This action also helps in reducing obesity.
- Oil Pulling is coming into circulation all over the world and foreigners are also praising it.
When to do oil pulling? How to do ?
- We can take any vegetable oil like coconut oil, sesame, mustard, groundnut, sunflower, olives etc. for oil pulping.
- Well, according to Ayurveda, use of sesame oil is considered to be the best but nowadays most of the people prefer to pull oil from coconut oil because it has good taste, is easily mixed and has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties.
- After getting up in the morning, without brushing, without eating anything, first of all, put 1-2 spoons of oil in your mouth. Now, by closing the mouth, you have to wipe the oil all over the mouth, teeth and gums with the help of tongue.
- After this, you have to do the action of rinse the mixture of oil and saliva made in the mouth for 5 to 15 minutes by gently rinsing it. Keep the teeth closed and rinse comfortably.
- After 5-15 minutes you have to spit this mixture. These mixtures will look milky white and thin as water.
- Keep in mind that you do not have to swallow this mixture at all. After this, rinse 2-3 with clean water so that all the mixture of mouth gets cleaned.
- After rinse, you brush as you do every day. It is very easy to do oil pulling. For best results do it 4-5 days a week. You will feel the difference yourself.
- If you use cold pressed oil for this action, it is even better.
How is cold pressed oil made?
In Oil Pulling, you have to rinse the oil slowly, so that it does not hurt your mouth after doing it for 5 -15 minutes. Keep moving it in the mouth with the help of tongue in between.
It is not necessary to sit in one place while oil pulling. During this time, you can read newspapers, check mobiles, walk, etc.
This is a basic hygiene habit as we brush daily. So if you want to do it daily or do it for 4-5 days in a week.
Benefits of Gandusha Kriya or Kaval Graha
According to Ayurveda, when you rinse a mixture of oil and saliva in the mouth and rub it on the teeth, gums, skin inside the mouth, a toxic element called ama is released from your mouth and skin. It has been told in Ayurveda that Aama gives rise to many diseases in the body.
Along with this, due to the antibacterial, antiseptic properties present in sesame, coconut oil in goitre
Chemical mouthwashes found in the market reduce the germs of the mouth but at the same time also destroy many good bacteria beneficial to the body. This defect does not occur in the Oil Pulling technique.
Use only good quality oil in oil pulling so that you can get full benefit.
Things to note
- By the way, some people may initially experience nausea or vomiting while pulling oil. It is too late to get used to …
- Oil pulling is not an option for brushing. Have to brush.
- Many people recommend pulling immediately after brushing. But you choose it according to your time, comfort. Pulling oil is not grated. That is, to rinse it is not to drink.
It helps to eliminate bacteria that grow in the mouth when food is left in the mouth or by using more caffeine-rich substances.
Often people complain of bad breath despite brushing twice a day. Oil pulling can also get rid of it.
The way oil pulling prevents bacteria growing inside the mouth, it also directly affects the teeth. Oil pulling is also very effective in preventing tooth decay caused by over-eating.
Not only the teeth, but also the gums benefit greatly due to the elimination of bacteria in the mouth. Oil pulling makes the gums healthy and strong and protects them from decay.
Oil pulling does not only benefit the mouth from the inside but also externally. Continuous rinse with oil in the mouth for 15-20 minutes gives good exercise of facial muscles and also makes the face tone.
Usually dental care and oral health are quite expensive. You may have to spend 1500–2000 rupees comfortably on one sitting of a dentist. Keeping these things in mind, oil pulling is a very cheap and effective method.
Disadvantages of oil pulling
Although there is no proven harm or side effects of oil pulling, however, experts say that while doing this procedure, take care that the oil does not get into the stomach. In this case, there is a risk of stomach infection and diarrhea.
Also, rinse continuously for so long may cause jaw stiffness and headaches. In addition, people with migraine problems may also experience migraine pain. So if you feel a little discomfort, spit oil immediately or take a little gap and run your mouth.
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Abhyanga ( Massage ) is a therapy of punchkarama which can be done over whole body from scalp to the toe . Abhyanga is done with medicated oil depending on the type of disease .
PROCEDURE :- Abhyanga is done with minimal clothing or body is wraped with a towel .
1 Warm the oil for abhyanga by putting the bowel or bottle in warm water .
2 Apply oil thoroughly over the body including head till toes .
3 Start massage with your scalp , forehead, cheeks , ear and jaws in a circular pattern .
4 Then start massage of chest and abdomen in clockwise direction , on the trunk massage is done inward out along the direction of ribs.
5 Massage feet along with toes and soles .
6 Relax your body for 15 to 20 mints and then take a bath with warm water
7 Dry body with a soft clean towel .
1 Help To Reduce Stress :- By doing Abhyanga stress level and heart rate of the patient could be decreased . Stress negatively changes the autonomic nervous system, by doing rhythmical massage it stimulate relaxation .
2 Help To Manage Blood Pressure :- Massage effect the circulatory system of the body which ultimately reduces the high blood pressure . During the massage therapy blood vessel expands which speeds blood flow and reduces resistance in the arteries which improves the blood pressure .
3 Cure Most of The Dermat Issues :- During Abhayanga therapy oil is used on the skin for nourishment which improve its overall appearance. Which help to
Increase skin blood flow
Decrease Hyperpigmentation
Improve Skin Smoothness and Softness
Reduce Wrinkles , Scars And Cellulites
4 Reduce Muscle Stiffness :- By Abhyanga Stiffness of the muscle is decreased and also increase the mobility by loosening shortened and tight muscles such as ankle joint massage.
5 Promotes Lymphatic Drainage :- Lymphatic system works to removes body`s waste out . During some condition such as after surgery .It can improve lymphedema by encouraging lymphatic drainage .
6 Improves Vision
7 Increase Energy and Alertness
8 Delay Age Related Changes
9 Increase Physical Strength
1 Make sure the oil is warm but not too hot .
2 Use an old used towel to catch the oil stains
3 Give proper time to abhyanga for each part of the body .
4 Make a watch during walking after massage of soles with oil which may lead to fall .
5 Don’t take bath with too hot or too cold water .
6 Pressure during the abhyanga must not be too high or too low.
The oil type during abhyanga depends on the type of Doshas and also on the body type ( type of skin )
1 Vata Dosha ( Dry Skin ) :- Patient with vata dosha has dry skin on which heavy oil should be applied like :- Almond , Sesame , Avocado oil .
2 Pitta Dosha ( Sensitive Skin ) :- Patient with pitta dosha has sensitive skin which can`t tolerate many things , in this case use neutral oil like ghee or sunflower oil .
3 Kapha Dosha ( Oily Skin ) :- Patient with kapha dosha has oily skin therefore light oil must be used like Sweet almond , safflower , Flaxseed oil etc . Kapha Dosha patient need less oil .
1 Abhyanga not to be done on infected , cut or burn skin .
2 Areas where swelling and pain is present .
3 When you are suffering from fever , flu , chills .
4 When you have digestion problem or directly after taking emetic medition
5 During pregnancy
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Papaya is a fruit …. The scientific name of papaya is Carica papaya. Its family is Caricaceae. Papaya has medicinal uses. Papaya has medicinal uses. Papaya is not only tasty, it is also beneficial for health. It is easily readable. This is the fruit that keeps the spleen, liver disease free and diseases like jaundice. It is green in raw condition and turns yellow when cooked. Both its raw and ripe fruits are used. Raw fruit vegetable is made. For these reasons, it is a very good fruit to plant near the house.
Milk is also extracted from its raw fruits, from which papain is prepared. Digestive medicines are made from it . Papaya increases digestive power. Therefore, the consumption of its ripe fruit is beneficial in the stomach. Papaya is found in all regions with a temperate climate. To control high blood pressure, papaya leaf vegetables are used. Papaya contains A, B, D vitamins and elements like calcium, iron, protein, etc. There is a lot of evidence. The papaya increases semen. Skin diseases are cured. The wound is cured. The urethral disease is cured. Bladder disease is cured. If blood is coming with cough, it stops. Obesity is overcome. Eating raw papaya vegetables increases memory. Papaya and Cucumber are suitable for our health center. The inclusion of kakadi and papaya in every day food improves digestion and also plays an important role in increasing beauty.
Papaya leaf vegetables are used for high blood pressure control bananas.
Papaya arrived in India about 300 years ago. Initially, Indians probably did not like it much due to the quintessence in fruits, but now the fruits of good and new varieties do not have the same.
Papaya is the best fruit among the fast-growing fruits. After planting the tree, it starts giving fruits within a year. Its trees can be grown easily and in a small area more trees are planted than other trees of the fruit.
Its trees are soft and die of frost. It should not be used in places where frost during winter. It grows well in fertile, loamy soil. In places where water fills, papaya does not grow. If the water fills near the trunk of the tree, its trunk starts to melt. The drainage of water in papaya fields should be good. Its seeds should be sown from March to June. Often, sow the seeds in April-May and plant trees in July-August. If irrigation is well managed, then planting it in February March is very good. For planting trees, first one or two or two feet deep round pits should be dug from the distance of eight or ten feet. Trees should be planted in the center of the pit. To irrigate trees, they should be fed with water by making a ring-shaped basin.
Papaya trees have separate male and female trees. Male trees have only tall flowers. They do not bear fruit. When trees start to flourish, all the male trees should be uprooted except for only 10 percent male trees.
Papaya trees grow only for three or four years. If necessary, if new trees start growing between two papaya trees in the third year, then in the fourth fifth year, new fruiting trees are ready. Old trees should be uprooted when new trees are ready. Its main varieties are Honeydew (Madhuvindu), Ceylon, Ranchi etc. There are many benefits of eating papaya. These are very good fruits
Papaya milk is digestive, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory. Due to this, the worms are destroyed. Digestion occurs well. In addition, taking sugar in papaya milk does not cause indigestion. Raw papaya vegetable or Koshimbir is a boon for those who suffer from indigestion. It is beneficial to consume papaya on the treatment of malaise, weakness of the patient, and stomach and heart disease. Aruchi is overcome by papaya juice. Atomic food is destroyed. Headache (indigestion) is relieved. Sour bursts stop. Applying papaya rash on ringworm, itching and gajakarna is beneficial. Papaya enhances white muscle. Women should not eat papaya during pregnancy. Pregnant women are troubled by the consumption of papaya as it has garam taseer.
Papaya Uses and Benefits
Papaya contains nutritious elements like vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, energy. Due to which papaya leaves, seeds, roots and fruits are used in Ayurveda as a treatment for all diseases
Papaya Benefits for Mouth Ulcer
Many times, mouth blisters or sores occur due to allergy to a medicine, due to side effects of a disease or due to lack of any vitamin in the body. Using papaya in order to get relief from this problem will provide relief. Applying papaya milk or Akshir on the tongue quickly heals wounds on the tongue.
Papaya Health Benefit for Toothache
If you are troubled by toothache, then papaya benefits are given in this way. Wrapping the milk obtained from papaya is wrapped in cotton and toothache.
Benefits of Papaya for Sore Throat
Many times there is a sore throat or swelling due to cold, but using a home remedy made with papita gives quick relief (papaya benefits). Mixing Akshiras or milk obtained with papaya in water and gargling it is beneficial in throat diseases.
Papaya fruit Beneficial in Body Weakness
If weakness is felt due to prolonged illness or due to lack of nutrition then consuming papaya in this way gives papaya benefits. Taking raw fruits of papaya after making greens provides benefits in Dyspepsia and weakness. This is to say that the benefits of eating papaya helps in removing weakness.
Papaya to Fight Diarrhea
If there is diarrhea due to eating more spicy food, packaged food or eating outside food that the name of stoppage is not taken, then the home remedy of papaya is very useful.
Consuming ripe seeds with rice is beneficial in diarrhea or diarrhea. Apart from this, consuming greens of raw fruit has papaya benefits.
Papaya Fruit Benefits for Piles
Due to the unbalanced food habits nowadays, the problem of piles is increasing. Papaya proves to be very beneficial in getting relief from its pain. Applying akshar or milk obtained from the raw fruits of papaya on piles moles has papaya benefits. It should be used according to medical advice.
Papaya Fruit Benefits for Liver and Spleen Disorder
If someone is troubled by liver and spleen related diseases, then consuming papaya can prove to be beneficial.
Benefits of Papaya seeds in Paralysis
Papita works to relieve the troubles caused by paralysis. By making oil from papaya seeds, filtering and massaging, there is benefit in paralysis and ardit (paralysis of the mouth).
Papaya tree benefits for skin diseases
Now-a-days, the risk of skin diseases in the world of new cosmetics products is also increasing day by day. Home remedies made by papaya help in getting rid of skin or skin diseases.
Applying akshar originating from the plant is beneficial for siddha, bunches, tumors, knots and skin diseases.
Papaya Health Benefits for Ringworm
In present day pollution-prone environment, the risk of herpes and itching disease is increasing. Everyone suffers from some skin problem. Papaya helps in reducing all these troubles.
Grind papaya seeds and mix glycerin in it and apply on ringworm. It provides relief in ringworm and itching. Apart from this, applying the powder obtained from its fruits reduces the discomfort of ringworm and itching.
Papaya Benefits in Inflammation
If you are troubled by swelling due to any injury or due to illness, then home treatment done by papita is very beneficial. Applying papaya fruit to the marrow reduces swelling.
Papaya Beneficial to Control Cholesterol
Papaya intake can help you reduce cholesterol because according to research, papaya has antioxidant properties that help in lowering cholesterol.
Benefit of Papaya to Boost Immunity Power
Papaya consumption can be a good tool for you to increase immunity because according to research, papaya is found to have immunity enhancing properties.
Papaya Beneficial to Boost Eye Sight
It is also beneficial for the eyes due to vitamin A and C found in papaya.
Benefit of Papaya to Activate Digestive System
Due to the lightness and digestive properties of papaya, it helps to keep the digestive system healthy, as well as papaya contains laxative properties, which also helps in relieving constipation.
Benefit of Papaya to Get Relief from Menstrual Cramp
The pain during periods is due to the increase in Vata dosha. It gives relief in papaya due to its Vata sedative properties.
Papaya Beneficial in Weight Loss
Papaya helps in weight loss due to its light, digestive and catharsis properties. This makes the digestion healthy and all the toxic substances of the body come out.
Papaya Beneficial to Get Relief from the Symptoms of Diabetes
Papaya seed extract can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of diabetes as according to research it has anti-diabetic properties.
Papaya Beneficial to Treat Stress
If you are suffering from any type of depression, then the consumption of papaya can be beneficial for you because according to a research, papaya has anti-depressant properties.
Papaya Beneficial to Get Relief from Gout
Arthritis is caused due to increase in vata dosha. Vata sedative properties found in papaya also help in reducing the symptoms of this disease.
Papaya for Scorpion Bite
Papita helps in reducing the effect of a scorpion bite. Applying akshar or milk obtained from the raw fruit of papaya to the stinging place reduces the toxic effects of scorpion or scorpion sting.
Useful parts of Papaya Tree
Papaya fruit, leaves, seeds, roots and opium are used for medicine.
Where is papaya found and grown?
Papita is originally from South America. It was brought to India 400 years ago by the Portuguese people. It seems that earlier it came in Kerala country of South India. Residents of Kerala call it Kappakay. Kappakaay’s word is a ship-derived fruit, so it is inferred that it is not an Indian fruit. It was probably the first ship to land on the shores of Kerala. That is why it still has special significance in the country of Kerala. Its original place of origin is South America, but now it is found in more evidence in homes and gardens all over India. Papayas of Mumbai, Poona, Bangalore, Chennai and Ranchi are considered to be famous and exquisite.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is Vasant Kusumakar Ras?
The name of this medicine suggests that this plant is the spring blooming plant (safflower), so the body gets new strength by taking this medicine. Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a well-known Ayurvedic medicine used in diabetes as it normalizes and stabilizes blood sugar levels. It is also used as an anti-hyperglycemic, aphrodisiac and cardioprotective agent. It is available in tablet or powder form. This medicine is also used to treat urinary, nervous and geriatric diseases. This Ayurvedic medicine should be used only under medical supervision.
Benefits of Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Cures diabetes
Its anti-diabetic and anti-hyperglycemic properties make it a suitable treatment for type 1 and 2 diabetes. The best helpers for this are turmeric and amla. It also helps in treating diabetic neuropathy and diabetic carbune as it accelerates recovery, reduces inflammation and redness and prevents infections. But it can only be used for 4 weeks.
Increases weight and physical strength
Vasant Kusumakar Ras (vasant kusumakar ras) is used when weight is lost due to diabetes. It gives strength to muscles. The best helper in this case is cow’s milk. Ashwagandha, asparagus and mulethi powder are used in cases of vata and pitta.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras is commonly used for others
- Erectile dysfunction
- Memory loss (in diabetes)
- Nocturia (waking up to urinate once or more at night)
- Insomnia
- Geriatric disorders such as difficulty in breathing, fatigue, heart diseases (complications for older people).
- Hemophilia (abnormal bleeding disorder)
- Rejuvenation and anti-aging medicine
Uses of Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Anti-hyperglycemic effect
Vasant kusumakar ras lowers blood sugar levels without causing hypoglycemia. This Ayurvedic medicine is a rich source of herbs like Chandi Bhasma and helps in curing diabetic neuropathy.
Loses weight
Vasant Kusumakar Ras gives strength to body and muscles. But it does not increase obesity in the body because it reduces fat by treating diabetes.
How to use Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Vasant Kusumakar Ras contains Chandi Bhasma which is beneficial for curing diabetic neuropathy. This drug is also helpful in diabetic carbuncles and is used to treat weakness and to control high levels of blood sugar.
Can it be taken before or after food?
You get about 125 to 250 mg. Vasant Kusumakar juice can be taken once in the morning, before or after meals or according to a qualified doctor. One can consume Vasant Kusumakar juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras is usually taken with milk and sugar, milk cream or butter.
How to get Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Its dosage is taken according to the doctor’s instructions. It should be taken by mouth. It is usually taken with honey, ghee or sugar.
Vasant Kusumakar juice can be taken with milk and unrefined sugar, milk cream or butter. 125 to 250 mg before or after meals. Can be taken It is taken once or twice a day according to your doctor. Height, weight and age are considered before taking it. It is suggested that it should only be used for 4 weeks.
Age dose time
Adult 125 – 250 mg. Before or after meals, once or twice a day
Side effects of Vasant Kusumakar Ras’ s
- It is strictly forbidden to take this medicine by itself.
- Pregnant or lactating mothers should not take it.
- It should only be used for a limited time.
- It contains lead and mercury which can become toxic over time.
- It should not be given to children.
Precautions & Warnings of Vasant Kusumakar Ras
The effect of Vasant Kusumakar Ras is different on different people. If one experiences insomnia, dizziness, low blood pressure or headache as side effects after a single dose of this medicine then it is not safe to drive.
You should stick to the dosage recommended by your doctor and do not take more vasant kusumakar ras. This drug contains lead and mercury which can be poisonous if taken in excess.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras includes the following items–
- Swarna Bhasma – 20g
- Chandra – Official Language Bhasma – 20 g.
- Vanga Bhasma – Tin Calx – 30g
- Naga Bhasma – Lead Calx – 30g
- Loh Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from iron – 30 g.
- Asbestos ash – pure and processed mica – 40 g.
- Coral ash – Coral ash (calx) – 40 g
- Mukta Bhasma – Bhasma (Calx) of Pearl – 40 g.
- Gokshuru- 5 mg
- Twak, maricha, methi- each 5 mg
- shuddha shilajit – 25 mg
- Guduchi satva- 10 mg
- Gurmar- 10 mg
- Jamun- 6 mg
Vasant Kusumakar Rasa is a nutritious, semen enhancer, aphrodisiac for the testicles, heart, brain, digestive, genitals and lungs, and destroys Cures Diabetes.
Chronic (Diabetic) and its nuisance forms Heartburn, Breathing, Respiration, Indurations and Carbuncle, Postmenopausal weakness, Spermatorrhoea as soon as thoughts come, Impotency, Impotence of Kidneys, Memory of memory Depression, confusion, sleepiness, chronic long-term haemoptysis, cardiac weakness, dry cough (dry cough), shortness of exertion, exhaled breath, asthma, cough (cough), heart or liver. Deformity, chronic inflammatory edema (chronic full body swelling), women’s leucorrhoea, chronic white discharge, Vasant Kusumakar juice is useful in quenching everyone.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras is very beneficial in diabetes. Excessive exercise (Sex = feminine) and chronic diabetes due to oozing weakness, mental acuity, day-to-day word-touch, etc., the client’s sensory impairment, loud voice and no more light, bear anger, talk, uncertain nature, thoughts If the power to do is reduced, the senses of sensation etc. appear to be symptoms, then Vasant Kusumakar Rasa is very beneficial.
Vasant Kusumakar Rasa is very beneficial in the development of psychotic, sensory, and physical weakness due to excessive sex, and distortion, loss of body due to voice, in which the genitals become completely relaxed.
The body becomes sleepy during puberty due to excessive sexual intercourse or masturbation, mental debility, sensory dysfunction, lack of erectile power, mere ejaculation due to memory, mental deformity very often shows signs of insanity, the patient becomes timid. And continues to worry a lot in simple things, instability of thoughts; All these symptoms are from the patient of semen. Consuming this spring Kusumakar juice with milk cream or butter or isabgol husk and milk makes the patient enthusiastic, bright and semen day by day.
Vasant Kusumakar Rasa is useful on all types of heartburn, dry traumatic rash, breathing, slight exertion due to excessive exercise, arterial disorder, proper urinary tract disorder.
How many women felt that bleeding started, then it would not stop soon. The menstrual secretion does not stop. Not only this, if there is a needle at any time, if there is too much bleeding, then that too does not stop soon. Vasant Kusumakar Ras works best on this type of natural blood.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras should not give increased sexual arousal due to being extremely aphrodisiac, otherwise it will tend to increase its sperm count due to very bad effect on its mind.
Amount: 125 mg Milk-sugar, cream or butter-sugar, morning and evening.
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Plantago Lanceolata belongs to the family Plantaginaceae which is a species of flowering plant. It is low growing plant which is small and glabrous with several rosetters .
Roots of the plant are coarse fibrous and it has shallow crown root system .
Seeds of this plant are oblongoid that is it split into two equal half’s .
Synonames of this herb are Ribwort Plantain , Narrowleaf Plantain , English Plantain , Ribleaf , Lamb`s Tongue and Buckhorn
This is a perennial herb with leafless silky hairy flower steam .
KINGDOM:- Plantae
PHYLUM:- Spermytophyta
FAMILY:- Plantaginaceae
GENUS:- Plantago
SPECIES:- Plantago lanceolata
COMMON NAME :-Ribwort Plantain
RASA :- Madhur ( Sweet )
GUNA :- Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (moist )
VIRYA :- Cold (Sheet )
VIPAKA :- Undergo sweet taste after digestion
EFFECT ON TRIDOSHA :- Help to overcome increased Vata and Pitta Dosha
PART TO BE USED ARE :- Leaves and Seeds
1 Laxative Properties :- Seeds of this plant have polysaccharides which has laxative property , it help to release water which help in stimulate peristalsis and facilitate bowel movement . It is also useful in treatment of parasitic warm.
2 The leaves of this plant are useful to kill intestinal or ulcer worms , leaves are used in powdered form .
3 Cure Piles and Diarrhea
4 Cure Inflammation of Eye :- Juice of this herb mixed with water poured into the eyes reduces the swelling .
5 Cure skin issues :- This plant is very useful in skin problems like itching , swelling , rashes etc.
6 It help in stopping the bleeding and repair of the tissue , ointment or lotion is used.
7 To Cure Respiratory Disorders :- The leaves of the plant are used to treat respiratory disorder like asthma .
8 AntiCancer AND Cytotoxic Properties
9 Cure Urinary tract Infections :- This plant has diuretic properties which help to solve the body`s renal issues .
10 Hepatic and Splenic Effect :- The extract of the plant is applied locally which help to improve liver functioning and also cure the obstruction in hepatic and spleen paths .
11 Neurological Effect :- This plant is useful in reducing neurological pain by locally applying oil or massage .Also help to treat epilepsy .
Arogyavardhini vati
- December 5, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda, Vati Kalpana is used for the mitigation of diseases. Arogyavardhini Vati means one who enhances healing. It is also called Arogyavardhini Ras.
It is full of digestive, appetizer, heart, Medohar and remove waste and toxins from body. That is why it is used in all types of fever. Regardless of any type of fever such as Vata fever, Pitta fever, Kaphaj fever and Sanipataj fever, Ayurvedic doctors recommend its use.
In liver related diseases like liver cirrhosis, jaundice, etc. Arogyavardhini Vati is beneficial. Also, Ayurvedic doctors use it in chronic fever, infections, skin disorders, intestinal diseases, ascites and leprosy.
Liver disorders such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver failure, etc. are beneficial in deformity of the intestines as well. Its use provides relief in constipation, digestion, worms, blood disorders, fever, heart disorders, skin disorders, leprosy and obesity.
It is made by mixing other sulfur with pure sulfur and pure mercury. Its description is found in Rasratnasamuchya Granth.
Advantages and Uses of Arogyavardhini Vati
Support liver function
- This chemical is good digestion, appetizer and purifying body sources. The heart gets strength by its use. Reduces obesity. Ayurvedic medicine is beneficial in liver and spleen diseases.
Normalize body fat ratio
- Heart disorders such as weakness, heart and blood vessel blockage, with punanavaadi kawath the Arogyavardhini Vati, strengthens the heart and removes obstruction of the blood vessels.
Treat sign and symptoms of stomach problem
- This medicine is also used for the treatment of small and large bowel disorders. Toxic blood pathology is also removed in the intestines.
- Arogyavardhini Vati has deepan and digestive properties. Due to the weakness of digestive bile in the body, the food eaten does not digest properly. There is a complaint of indigestion, in this way the use of this medicine improves digestion and the disease does not recur.
- Apart from this, due to increase in phlegm in the body, heartburn occurs due to which the appetite becomes less, complains of vomiting, stomach becomes heavy, cough and phlegm problem persists in it, using Arogyavardhini Vati provides relieves from the symptoms and balances kapha dosha.
Benefits of Arogyavardhini Vati
- It is a tonic for vital organs of the body, such as liver, kidney, heart, intestines, etc.
- It balances Vata and Kapha Dosha.
- It provides quick relief in vataj-kaphaj skin diseases.
- It reduces the formation of free radicals in the body.
- It can be used in infection on the body too. Use of it provides relief in infection.
- Protects the body from common diseases
- Immunity increases.
- Aids in light and digestion.
- Effective in reducing obesity.
- Keeps the liver function right.
- It is a very good chemical for liver.
- It corrects liver function.
- It reduces fatty liver and excess fat throughout the body.
- It lowers the lipid levels in the body (serum total cholesterol, triglycerides).
- It lowers the LDL level while increasing the HDL.
- It increases immunity.
- It gives strength to the intestines and relieves constipation.
- It nourishes every metal of the body and increases oz.
- Its intake helps in digestion, absorption and excretion.
- It is useful in weight loss and fatty liver problems.
- When the endocrine glands do not function properly, when the hormones are not formed properly in the body, the sexual organs in men / women will not develop properly. In such a situation, taking this medicine for a long time gives benefits.
- Consumption of it enhances health.
Intake quantity
- Take 250 to 500 mg twice a day, morning and evening.
- It can be taken for 7-8 months as per requirement.
- Take it with water / water / milk of Punarnawadi Kwath / Punarnava Kwath / Dashmool Kwath / Triphala.
- Take this medicine with disease-related proportions.
- Or take as directed by a doctor.
- Do not take it during pregnancy, body irritation, excess bile, confusion etc.
- This medicine can be purchased online or from Ayurvedic stores.
Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:
It is a powdered amalgamation of 3 potent myrobalans in equal quantity namely amlaki, haritaki and bibhitaki. The powders when added in any formulation acts as a potent remedy against a host of diseases like constipation, obesity, indigestion, flatulence, jaundice, anaemia, asthma, throat infection, hair problems and pyorrhea.
When organic matter gets trapped under layers of rocks over hundreds of years and are subjected to extreme pressure and temperature conditions, a thick sticky exudate is obtained which is highly rich in minerals like triterpenes, fulvic and humic acid. This rejuvenative remedy is highly essential for kidney stones, dysuria, and phthisis, breathing problems, anaemia, epilepsy, piles, oedema, mental inabilities and skin infections.
This is a gum resin obtained from the bark extract of the mukul tree. The extract is then purified with triphala decoction to use it in various ayurvedic formulations. It holds high significance in the treatment of cardiovascular problems, hypertension, obesity, arthritis, and atherosclerosis.
Chitramool is obtained from the sun-dried root of the Chitrak plant. The root extract is extremely essential in promoting digestion, stimulating appetite and treating a multitude of diseases like abdominal pain, anorexia, haemorrhoids, rhinitis, cough, sprue, liver problems, menstrual problem and infertility.
This powerful ayurvedic herb is highly effective in normalising the tridoshas and has a katu rasa (i.e. bitter-pungent taste), hence the name. The bitter herb is good for treating liver problems, digestive issues, respiratory disorders, skin infections and also eliminates toxins from the body.
The fresh neem leaf extract used in this formulation increases the therapeutic efficacy of the product. A powerful antioxidant, neem extract eliminates free radical from the body thereby actively participating in treating intestinal worm infestation, vision problems, indigestion, ulcer, heart ailments, blood disorder, liver problem, teeth and gum infection.
Purified Metallic Ashes:
The metallic ashes used in this formulation are completely purified through a series of steps called sodhana (purification), mardana (grinding) and swedana (vaporising). These ashes are used for making the kajjali i.e. an alloy of parad which is effective in normalising the tridoshas in the body. Among these various ashes, loha bhasma is highly effective for treating liver disorders, spleen disorder, anaemia, hernia and impotency whereas abhrak bhasma is used for treating severe headache, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, vertigo etc. Additionally, tamra bhasma is potentially useful for indigestion, gall stones, liver and spleen enlargement.
This is used in a minimal quantity as a binding agent to hold the powdered particles together when formulated into vatis or tablets.
- December 3, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be Avoided | |
Fruits | Banana, dates, watermelon, apples, figs, dates | Orange, lemons, lime, kiwi |
Vegetables | Broccoli, cucumber, potato, turnip, pumpkin | Tomato, brinjal, garlic, onion |
Grains | Brown rice, white rice, wheat, oats, finger millet | Rye |
Legumes | Green lentils, red lentils, split chick pea | Kidney beans, black grams, Bengal gram |
Spices | Turmeric, oregano, cumin, cardamom, fennel | Nutmeg, clove, carom seeds |
Oils | Olive oil, almond oil, mustard | Palm oil, coconut oil |
Nuts | Almonds, raisins, walnut, flax seeds | Ground nut, pistachio, peanuts |
Dairy products | Cow ghee | Palm oil, butter, milk, yoghurt |
Beverages | Coconut water, sugarcane juice, herbal tea | Canned soups, carbonated drinks |
- December 3, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be Avoided | |
Fruits | Apple, banana, watermelon, peaches, pear | Orange, pineapple, strawberry, banana |
Vegetables | Pumpkin, raddish, carrot, spinach | Tomato, lemon, brinjal |
Grains | Wheat, white rice, brown rice, millets, sorghum | Refined floor and its products |
Legumes | All pulses and legumes | Nil |
Spices | Cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, fennel | Red chillies |
Oils | Cow ghee, olive oil, mustard oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil | Cream, palm oil |
Nuts | Almonds, raisins, peanuts, chia seeds, sesame seeds | nil |
Dairy products | Tofu, soymilk | Whole milk, cream, cheese |
Beverages | Coconut water, home made soups, carbonated drinks | Whole milk products, canned juices, tea, coffee |